
Your Rendezvous with Pax Neo-Tech
13,000 Comments 13,000 Comments

Pure Beauty Rising
C'est Si Bon

Neo-Tech Letter Testimonials!

Feedback Comments From Jan 1997-May 2003

Below, 500 Random Testimonials From 1997-2003
Continue refreshing to see countless more Neo-Tech Testimonials... over 20,000 testimonials!

"This is a great web site."
A.B.,, 4/26/97

I am very new to this, however my earnings have doubled in
3 months directly due to neo-tech

J.D.,, 6/9/97, Australia
Knowledge of the caliber that you disseminate should be spread by all
possible means. Although not everyone is ready for its vast implications,
everyone needs it desperately. Stay on the net at all costs.

The information provided by Dr. Wallace and associates is
priceless, and profitable if acted upon. The web site is one of the most
important sites ever developed and is the sole source of information available
that identifies the tyranny society unwittingly accepts.

R.W.,, 9/11/98
Neo-Tech is opening all Doors, Windows and
Turning on all the lights. Take ONE step forward, look where you are
going, READ NEO-TECH, and get rich.

Stated simply, Neo-Tech is what I've been looking for since my 13 + years of

R.J.,, 10/4/98
I find this information inspiring. It could be the best
thing to happen to me in a long time.

M.M.,, 8/12/97
"Amazing. Yet I know this is gonna be juicy enough to inspire me further
than the inspiration I just had!"

"I like this a lot.. and agree with you."
S.S.,, 2/2/97

D.W.,, 11/23/97
I have just tried to finish reading the Abuse Reports, again..
Your cautionary words at the beginning are very appropriate.
I have not been able to read all of them yet. Are you certain
we live in the United States ???? I am a management consultant,
whose one area of business is working for clients that are being
'attacked' by the IRS. When it comes to the IRS, ALL legal, ethical and humane
laws and rules are done away with. The IRS does not listen to
the courts, our legal systems or the Constitution. And, worse
yet, the government of this country allows them to do this to
the United States citizens. Again, I ask, Are you certain we
live in the United States ??

"This site is very well laid out. It is quite fast and the neo
ideas of the future are very interesting."
M.R.,, 1/17/97, Australia

"Very useful site. Thank you."
T.B.,, 1/21/97, Thailand

M.M.,, 9/25/99
Remain on the web, people ought to know the truth.

Neo-Tech provided great insights regarding the stratagems of
religious and political 'external authorities'. The poker metaphor has not
only been of use in personal situations, but illuminated me to the workings
of many Neo-Cheaters in the world.

K.L.,, 2/1/00
I have just recently started reading The Book and I am
inspired to go for my dreams, improve my quality of life and
help others to work through their personal problems and achieve their
true uninhibited potential. There is nothing bad and everything
right with a book that promotes; truth, good values, love, good
health, and most of all taking responsibility for one's own actions.

C.W.,, 6/23/97, Monaco
I am very enthusiastic about what you guys are trying to achieve.
I would like to complement you on an excellent Web Site and
your efforts to bring about the Prosperity Revolution.

E.P.,, 1/14/01, U.S.A
NEO-TECH should remain on the web. I write the
neo-tech web
site all over the place I think it should be translated to
other languages and put on foreign search engines. I despise
parasitical elites, neo-cheaters, pseudo intellectuals and
followers. I try to enlighten the public and open their eyes

R.S.,, 3/27/98
Neo-Tech is liberating, true education, frees the mind of
guilt, and helps establish one in the truth.

D.D.,, 5/31/01
Just cant wait for all of those blind peoples
out there too
wake up and smell the roses

R.W.,, 12/25/97
I am happier now than any time in my adult life. I find more
people being honest today than ever before. The God concept and
politicians have to go and be forgotten. WE

V.H.,, Canada

S.R.,, 4/17/99
I think that what you have written here on
neocheating is nothing but pure genius. It is a simple way
to learn the various methods of the art of cardsharping and
defending against it. What you have written is invaluable to
the intermediate gamblers who don't know everything there is
to know about cheating. The knowledge in this book is so
powerful that I think it should be saved for the loyal
gamblers out there, the ones whose lives are greatly
affected by gambling, and not for the open public. This book
is for every gambler who has always searched for that
certain “edge'. I will rigorously study it's contents and
practice them until I become a neo master. I just started
reading it today and already have begun to master its
secrets. I thank you for this incredible knowledge but I
must say that with a growing number of people learning this
it's power will diminish. The fewer that know of it, the
better. I hope that one day I will fully master this art.
Thank you again for this incredible knowledge.

LM,, 4/14/03
ROLES was excellent and insightful.

C.,, 4/26/00
I often find myself thinking, how would so and
so of the initial group of 12 handle this or that particular
situation I am experiencing at work, at home with the kids
or with my spouse. I guess the biggest challenge is to
transpose “The Story' into our daily lives...

c.r., WLDC.COM
I find your site one of the most useful on the net.

"I must say that I really enjoy this Randian capitalist spritzer
with a twist of sarcasm and light sprinkle of earthy-crunchy
clean living."
J.H.,, 4/6/97

T.B.,, 9/17/97
I have long awaited this information to be available to the common
person. After reading Neo-Tech, I realize that this IS the future of our world.
There ultimately will be no stopping this, it has already begun. Thank you.

Steven C. D.R.,,
The past year and 8 months of studying Neo-Tech. has been interesting and
a constant battle within myself. I've gone from blindness to reality in a
relatively short time.

j.b.,, 1/26/03
The information contained in Neo-Tech is life changing.

E. Wilborn,,
It is clear that Neo-Tech is shaking the very foundations of this "diseased
mystical-oriented" world of ours.

m.s., ,
It has transformed my life.

D.B.,, 5/14/98, Canada
This site is probably the most informative web site available
and uses the web for its original purpose: 'to disseminate information
in the most efficient and timely method available. Thanks so
very much!

"The world needs Neo-Tech. I am looking forward to the next world
conference and the ask Zon feature that you're adding to this
S.A.,, 4/14/97

posure the most.


"READ, IMPLEMENT, AND SPREAD we are almost there. Even though the
fall of communism and the Berlin wall seemed to happen overnight,
those events will seem glacier-like compared to the hyper-speed
pace we are about to enter into with the final world-wide
acceptance of the Neo-Tech philosophy. THANK YOU MR. FRANK
T.W.,, 2/13/97

J.D.,, 6/10/99, England
This stuff is so cool, keep it up.

L.R.,, 4/20/00
I bought the Neo-Tech Manual when I was 14yrs
old, 4mths later I lost it. The tools in the manual blew me
away. At that time I wasn't completely ready to comprehend what I
purchased. But what I read then I now see as having opened many doors.
Thanks to this web site, I have once again found the tools
that will make me a producer. Looking forward to a new life

Susan T.,, 5/25/99
This site makes Neo-Tech available to everyone.
Which in the long run will help make this a better world.

W.S.,, 10/20/97
"The Zon constant is the same as courage in a metaphorical sense, once we
all find are own courage is the day we will ALL rise from are knees. Thank
You all, for being honest, I now only hope to find, my courage."

t.p.,, 7/18/01, Australia
Neo-Tech is the best thing that has ever
happened in my life!!
Without it I would still be a major loser.

A.R.,, 1/12/97, Mexico
I think It is like a gate to the limitless abundance of the

"Please keep this site on the web. I have become quite accustomed
to reading Neo-Tech during lunch at work. It re-energizes me and
is very beneficial in this setting as I can immediately apply the
concepts I have just read to actual situations at work."
W.M.,, 2/5/97

ted,, 5/18/01
This site offers truths that the Christian
churches have
professed as evil. I commend you on your noble actions to
uncover thousands
of years of proselytizing.

Nothing has ever inspired me like this writing.

Thank you NEO-TECH -- I will forever hold my heart to the beat
of 'NEO-TECH!' We will smash the NEO-CHEATERS out of existence and once-and-for-all
end the 2000-year-old white collar hoax.

"Good stuff! About time someone put the world to rights."
K.G.,, 5/23/97, United Kingdom

S.E.,, 1/2/99, Australia
This is a priceless service.

EARL,, 2/6/02
Hello Mr. mark Hamilton, I wish I had , had a teacher like miss Annabel, when I was in the 3rd. grade .I think this article or story about miss Annabel ,
should be required reading in the schools .. , religious , and secular .. my own life has been a dreary one , influenced by the 'church' and 'prudish'
adults .. at 68 years , looking back over my life , I find that I never really knew what true love meant .. many of my generation , equated the physical
'act' as being 'in love' restroom 'graffiti' in the lower grades, were often our guide to sexual pleasure .. being from a very dysfunctional home , where
our parents never showed any 'open affection' before us, hugs , kisses, praise etc. was not a way to encourage us as grown men , to know 'what to do' in ways
of pleasing our wives .. I am just a 'layman' no degrees etc. but I hope with all of my being, that society will keep on 'evolving' so that there will be
'happiness in the male , female relationships ' thanks for opening my mind to other views about life !!!! and where mankind is headed.


M.T.,, 8/31/97
Finally!!! It is refreshing to find a group of people who believe
in Rationality, Individual Rights, and Capitalism!!!

"The information on the site has helped integrate my thinking. I
had a flash , saw the new color mode, and now can manipulate the
essence to brighten and control everything that moves."
M.M.,, 4/24/97


S.M.,, 2/27/00
Very valuable.

"There is a wealth of information in this Web site! Timeless
principles, when put into action, that really work. Plus, all of
the information validates what many people truly believe in -
honesty, integrity, character and courage."
J.B.,, 1/30/97

C.W.,, 1/11/97
Absolutely Refreshing......there is a great sense of freedom and
discipline in non-mystical thought. Thank you for helping me realize who I
really am. I no longer feel out of place in an otherwise mystical society.


A.S.,, 8/2/97
Neo-Tech should definitely stay on the web. I am a
completely different and extremely more productive person for it. This
(new) knowledge I've gained is priceless.

Thank you Mark Hamilton. The most wonderful
story I have ever read. Inspirational, almost overwhelming.
This story of what Neo-Tech will do for the human race must
reach everyone. I can feel the genuine love that you have
for each member of this human race. I know a mind could not
produce such a beautiful and powerful story of what we can
be, of where we can go, of where we are going, of what we
will become. No words can explain my appreciation, only my
actions. Every time I read Neo-Tech literature, which is
almost daily now, I become armed with it's power, I thirst
for more, I become more. The value of my life and all human
life increases, to the point that nothing else is more
important than preserving and improving all human life. What
a simple concept, yet impossible task in this upside down
anticivilization. Until now. Thank you Frank Wallace and
Mark Hamilton for starting the Neo-Tech revolution that says
no to death and yes to life. What a simple but wonderful
concept. Citizens of the C of U are out here, and I return
the love and passion for life that you so consistently give.

Carey Y,, 2/6/02
Your Story is the most incredible, powerful thing I've ever read. It truly puts into real perspective the Neo-Tech principles, disciplines, etc. I'm sharing
it with my 12-year old and am seeing with a visual and mental clarity how I need to be HIS Miss An
nabelle...and to my other two children as they begin their education beyond infancy.
Words of thanks are hardly enough for what you have brought out for mankind. I simply cannot articulate the explosion of hope in so many areas of my life
going on inside of me now. I have a whole new outlook on life and I know where I belong. But I do have one question: How do I help change the world to bring
Neo-Tech to everyone? Heartfelt thanks and gratitude.

C.D.,, 3/2/98
A hard hitting series of ideas that opens the mind to a
different view and way of examining the world and our place in it.

L.K.,, 10/22/02
I think you are the greatest thing ever....I received your mailer about 15 yrs. ago.....I thought the ad was too...outlandish...I never saw....anything lie

C.F.,, 11/1/99
It is becoming increasingly more obvious that the truth cannot
be found in newsprint nor on television. The cautious yet
open-minded observer must use the many resources on the
internet to sort out the truth for him or herself.
That is why neo-tech must remain on the web.

"Congratulations on your discoveries--I am excited about learning
more about your concepts and look forward to becoming an
efficient value-producer as opposed to a pawn in the destructive
collective consciousness which permeates our individual psyches."
J.S.,, 4/28/97

D. F.,, 6/9/00
I believe that it is time that people learn
the truth: know
the truth and the truth shall set you free. Keep this site

A.A.,, 5/20/98
Kudos to you--for allowing both 'Positive' and 'Negative' comments
to be accessed from your (top) HomePage. I see this as an 'up-front'
display of confidence of what you represent and believe.

"I was overjoyed to see you in Cyberspace! All your publications
are well written but this Web site surpasses you. You have
continued to be courageous, honest and informative. I look
forward to reviving my study of Neo-Tech. The Web site will help
me a great deal in this. Best wishes."
D.K.,, 1/7/97, United Kingdom

M.M.,, 6/24/98
Is it not inevitable that Neo-Tech will soon envelop the planet? I am
sure you will soon move beyond the primitive web site and broadcast
ZOM right into the human cerebral cortex. Not IF, but WHEN! Yes!
It cannot be stopped! Halleluija!

C.V.,, 3/26/02
In concert with the idea of Neo-Tech becoming a world wide way of living, the Web page is invaluable.

Tina G.,, 4/6/99
I have read some of your literature and I am
convinced that Neo-Tech can help me change my life.

I am amazed, overwhelmed, ecstatic, about Neo-Tech as a result of
reading 'The Book'. I want wealth, health, & true love.

C.P.,, 1/16/00
One cannot read this without taking a hard look
at ones' own values.

A.P.,, 4/24/97, Philippines
I find many interesting details of earning money and becoming rich.

R.B.,,8/27/00, UK
Neo-Tech has to stay on the web because everyone has a right to know this stuff,
Thanks for the good work.

E.D.,, 4/7/99, Ghana
I am excited about this web site, its getting
better each time

"I am most interested in becoming a master of these arts I think
the power of this literature will benefit me in my business
J.C.,, 3/17/97

K.L.,, 6/29/98
My father had introduced me to the concepts of Neo-Tech,
And ever since I have gained valuable information,
on becoming a value producer,
I am on the right path to be successful. Thank you..

G.P.,, 6/22/97
It is my hope that the whole world eventually gets a chance to read
the wisdom contained within these documents. Transformation of the entire
consciousness structure would result and the world would irrevocably be

J.S.,, 3/5/00
The site is informative.

,, 10/22/01
Please, please, please keep a corner of the web constantly lit by the bright light of reason and hope – the hope that such a light will eventually illuminate
the entire internet.

.. Nothing like reaching out and touching
someone...I am extremely grateful.

C.C.,, 8/16/98
I cannot tell you the benefits I've received from Neo-tech.
I owe my life to Frank Wallace, and all the staff at Neo-tech
Publishing Company.

The Story was eye-opener!

R.G., rsmmmjc, 1/10/97

W.w.,, 7/28/02
Congratulations! The intelligent guiding hand. I admire your website. Good self-liberating material. Every man and woman has sole claim to his or her life
and every person has sole claim to his or her labor and the fruits of his or her labor.

The subject matter is quite interesting and refreshing as it cuts through dogma,
mysticism, and superstition. I was entrapped in the text for hours. I will
return to the site for more study.

,, 1/11/03
I cannot believe the negative comments from those poor people who lack understanding of Neo-Tech, they are the ones who need it most. Once the Replacement
Program sets in, they'll have no choice except to live on the Civilization Of The Universe or commit
suicide. The world will truly be a better place to live. You negative people must understand that we are the ones who will help change the world for the
better, for you, your children and grand children. We all will be at our happiest, we'll all be rich,
with superior minds (geniuses) near perfect health lovers of our dreams and so-on. So come people wake up! the world is up-side-down, and some time during
this century it will rotate back on it's axis. HAPPY DAYS ARE COMMING!!!

J.M.,, 6/8/99
The books are wonderful. I want to know more. Neo-Tech sure
stopped all the phony things I was told all my life.

"I own the neo-tech Discovery and was happy to see the 'advantage
of the day', I would like to be able to print up the advantages
so I can take them with we to read for support. I find I cannot
always carry around the book and I care to much about it to
possibly ruin it. I really like the web page and hope everyone
would read it."
C.B.,, 12/21/96

F.M.,, 10/14/97
"I enjoyed reading your site, it is full of much valuable information,"

L.M.,, 4/3/97, Brueni
I found this web site an eye opener. I have surely learned a great

R.B.,, 12/27/00
Having just looked at the negative comments
about your web site
and observing the unbelievable venom expressed by so many
midgets I can see you guys are doing a great job. Long live

W.L.,, 6/2/97
This college student loves Neo-Tech. My college classmates want

C.K.,, 8/23/98
Neo-Tech is great.

mystics and neo-cheaters.

C.C.,, 11/26/98
neo-tech is absolutely incredible! I can't think of a
perfect enough word to describe it.
I'm thirsty for any and all knowledge neo-tech
can provide me with! I can't get enough!

"I find Neo-Tech very useful in seeing through the ways of
mystics and parasitical eletes. It gives much added depth to
A.A.,, 4/2/97

M.T.,, 11/18/99, Australia
Simply amazing, I can see the world and my
life in a new way.

D.G.,, 7/6/98
As an Objectivist, I am pleased to see more ideas on free thought
and honest living. Mankind has lost site of these basic ideas,
they need to be taught them once again.

S.A.,, 2/26/99
Please continue to spread this message! I have
captured many advantages and rewards by applying the
concepts and techniques of Neo-Tech.

K.V.,, 8/9/98
I am astounded by the breadth of the Neo Tech vision. We have for
far too long been enslaved by a controlling autocracy that trains
us to limit our dreams and thoughts. For the fortunate few that
have still the courage to think and dream freely, your site is
a gift.

P.C.,, 9/8/02
The History of Love and Sex was a great read and very informative.

gabriel,, 10/3/02
I knew all along that there had to be an explanation to why so many bad things happen to so many good hearted people on this planet,, now I have a goal for
this life.. To let as many people as I can know the truth..

J.F.,, 8/23/97
"To see the fear religions impose on people, just read the negative
comments. These religions say don't judge, but you couldn't tell that from
talking to these people. These people would love to see Neo-Tech removed
here, as well as removing every right from everyone else that they don't
agree with."

"Breathtaking in its profound significance."
A.F.,, 1/29/97

"Please please please KEEP this site! If it is taken off, it
would be caving into the Neocheater's."
B.H.,, 2/5/97

H.G.,, 8/16/98
Stay the Course!

S.L.,, 7/11/98
I have read a lot of books and been to a lot of web sites,
nothing is more of a valuable piece of literature than the Neo-Tech
manuals and web sites. NEO-TECH I LOVE YOU!

R.H.,, N.Ireland BT40 1BA.
Thank you Dr Wallace, family and friends. You and your work is the
most powerful and admirable I have ever known.

Lynn A.,, 6/12/97, Canada
This is powerful stuff, the stuff dreams are made of. Imagine the
opportunities for those who embrace change and not fear it. This really is the
new frontier for those with the vision to see it.

E.C.,, 2/22/97
I think that this is a very educational site for anyone that wants to
learn how to avoid being cheated.

"Great information, gives another complete perspective for a win
win situation."
J.S.,, 5/15/97, Australia

J.J.,, 4/14/99, Croatia
Great! Very optimistic! We need a better world for man.
Really great!

R.W.,, 6/22/98
Putting Neo-Tech on the Internet was a great move. It potentially
enables millions of people to learn about Neo-Tech and the disease
of mysticism. I can't thank you enough for putting the greatest books(s)
ever written on the Internet.

L.H.,, 3/3/00, United Kingdom
I am enjoying reading the story immensely I
have felt myself brought almost to tears in parts (e.g.. the
part where the innocent children were asked to tell how much
they enjoyed time with Miss Annabelle, which they thought
would help her, only to have their innocent comments used
out of context to incriminate her) I think ' The Story '
will switch a lot of brains on !! The reason I am writing
this is that my son is 21 months old and I would love to see
him become a great value producer, and I was excited about
the idea of telling him bed-time stories about great value
producers and if there is any one out there who could write
a few and post them up on the net that would be great. I
would also like to get a book of 5 minute lectures like the
ones the children are exposed to I could give my son. Any
one out there have any good thoughts on this. All the best
Keep integrating.....keep yourself honest.......look through
to the essence of things.....always ask yourself who is the
value producer…who is the value destroyer ? more
protein and less carbohydrates.......go after your
dreams........keep track of the numbers.......keep yourself
aerobically fit.......find romantic love........outcompete
others.....use the mini day/power thinking tool
everyday........don't stagnate/drive projects

T.L.,, 2/5/00
Profound knowledge to unleash the true god-man
potential to transform human existence.

R.D.,,5/21/00, Australia
The information that i have read has given me
the motivation
to start dreaming again and setting myself some realistic
for the future.

B.H.,, 8/8/97
"Neo-Tech is definitely real! Neo-Tech makes you think and realize that we
do live in a world full of liars, cheaters, hypocrites, thieves, and
ignorance! Neo-Tech tells the logical and precise advantages to successfully
taking control of your life without the headaches and heartbreaks of the
neo-cheaters! We can all learn something better to improve one's future!
Keep Neo-Tech alive and we will all live happier!"

M.B.,, 7/1/97, United Kingdom
"It has changed my life. Keep up the excellent work!"

"Very eye opening. I have always realized there was a great
injustice going on around me. However, I only realized it
subconsciously. I have now been able to pin point some of the
neocheaters and their methods. I will soon be on my way to
unlimited prosperity and happiness. Neo-Tech will rule in the
21st Century and beyond."
S.H.,, 2/26/97

P.G.,, 12/25/96
I found the information here extremely informative and I plan to put
it to good use. This is a must-see web site for anyone interested in winning.

'I've never known a man worth his salt who in the long run,
deep down in his heart, didn't appreciate the grind, the discipline...I firmly
believe that any man's finest hour - this greatest fulfillment to all he
holds dear - is that moment when he has wor ked his heart out in a good cause
and lies exhausted on the field of battle, victorious.' Vince Lombardi Keep
up the good work - someone has to do it!

"Looks great. I read your site with great interest."
R.B.,, 5/29/97, Canada

W.W.,, 1/14/03
Neo-Tech gives all of us who are looking for answers about life and religion a study point. Neo-tech not being a religion but a way of life clears up a lot
of misconceptions people have about their place in the universe. Those of us who have been bombarded with religion our entire lives now have a healthy alternative to gaining enlightenment about the body and soul with out all the fire and brimstone. Thank
you Neo-tech for opening my eyes a little further.

I found your site to be helpful about topics in romantic-love.

g.a.,, 4/19/00, queens
Neo-Tech is the fountain of knowledge, lucky
are the persons who find this information but, blessed are
those who practice its teachings.

F.C.,, 6/8/00
I really got caught up in
'The Story' and at times forgot that it was fiction.
that will be fact in just a few years. Thank you for opening
my eyes to a new beginning for me an for the entire world.

"This is a great site. I love all your articles. Could you please
expand more on why the gov't is against neo-tech and what we can
do to protect ourselves from gov't intrusion."
C.M.,, 3/1/97

W.S.,, 9/30/00
Neo-Tech changed my life forever.

"Neo-Tech has been, the primary source of new knowledge, for me
as I'm sure it is has been for most that have ever read and
understood a Neo-Tech book. My mysticism, is what lead me to
Neo-Tech, and anyone who is mystical will eventually turn to
Neo-Tech. Why? Because mysticism is a 'drug' and in time, you'll
need more of it to make you 'FEEL' better about your life, money,
health, love, and self-esteem problems. When one starts to have
questions about their 'Higher Authorities', power to make their
dreams or desires come true, one starts to look for a more potent
mystical doctrine. I went from being a practicing catholic to
Kahuna, to hypnosis and others, to finally arrive at Neo-Tech.
This is real, it's not automatic, it works from your efforts to
achieve what you desire and not, what some 'God' says is good for
you, or 'God' has his reason for things being this way. Neo-Tech
has been a very positive addition to my life, and will forever
continue be a part of my life. Neo-Tech should always stay in
Cyberspace, because as Neo-tech expands, conscience life does
J.M.,, 2/6/97

J.H.,, 5/31/97
Your site is very exciting and well put together.


B.M.,, 1/5/02
I really hope that someday soon a Neo-Tech school(s) will be available for my 2 young children. Why not start up some home schooling on the internet?
Teaching the parent to breakthrough to the children at a young age the limitless possibilities in life. Also to teach young parents how to see through the many illusions we all face on a daily basis. I cannot wait until the day when enough people are informed
about the government & religion so they can once and for all be abolished forever! Allowing mankind to flourish forever into eternity!! Happiness at last!!! I come to this website to gain new knowledge every chance I get.

"I'm very excited about your web page and an very interested in
obtaining more inf. concerning Zonpower/Neo-Tech."
R.G.,, 1/14/97

A.A.,, 12/5/97
The subject matter is absolutely profound.

B.G.,, 6/23/01
I am still assimilating the truths found in
the Book. I am not
yet God, but am on my way to the universe.

S.P.,,5/21/00, Canada
The Book is very knowledgeable and I hope this
will come true
where people will really be honest in every aspect of their

": I have just visited this sight for the first time and I was
greeted with a wave of relief that the knowledge is finally being
let out."
J.M.,, 3/8/97

R.E.,, 11/9/98, Canada
This is medicine for the mind. I obtained my copy in May of
98, and lost many nights of sleep, because I could not put
it down. It has changed my life. Even in the eyes of others.

T. Hix,,
Being the mother of an 11 year old high functioning autistic child,
I am on a constant search to understand how his brain works. Chapter 28 contains
insight from Dr. Jayne's book on consciousness and bicameral mind thinking that
opened my eyes to why my son is on autopilot so much of the time. I know how
to proceed with his therapy now!

J.L.,, 7/18/98

A.C.,, 3/13/00
The below was absolutely my favorite part. I
now have a handsome one year old baby boy and a very lovely
girlfriend. The joy and love I feel through constant DTC,
FIH, and WSA is virtually indescribable. It must be the next
level of emotions.
'That sound, Jake thought, that amazing sound! He stopped
and looked at Little Jakey. His brown eyes were wide,
brilliant and his chubby cheeks were rosy red. The corners
of his mouth were curved up high, a smile so full of glee
that it was crooked and out of coordination. He looked back
at his father and cocked his head, looking almost as if he
knew something and was wondering if his father was figuring
it out. Little Jakey laughed again.'

This is great, keep going

L.M.,, 4/11/98
Neo-Tech is helping uncover what has been so cleverly hidden for so long.

"Very interesting. The information was very motivating! Would
encourage anyone to start a business."
F.M.,, 1/4/97, Canada

s.s.,, 7/27/00, uk
Neo-Tech is the standard to which all humans
will live one day

R.J.,, 10/19/97
"All this scares me, but I truly like what I have been reading and I need
more!!! How can any of this be harmful to man when it is for the good of

C.B.,, 6/24/02
I think Neo-Tech is a very positive and powerful source. It should help the world!

F.T.,, 12/8/98

N.P.,, 9/15/01
This site is a warm light in cold surroundings.

H.G.,, 8/16/98
Stay the Course!

A.D.,, 9/22/98, United Kingdom
Everything that is ever said from Neo-Tech cannot be argued
against, unless “they' are scared and trying to hold onto a false
value-destroying pseudo-life. I love pointing out
mysticisms to other people, then slowly watching the clarity wash
over their guilt drawn faces movingt them towards a guiltlessly
uplifted, happy face. ...The best face-lift you could ask for!!!

R.K.,, 3/28/99, Malaysia
Very life lifting.

R.S.,, 8/21/01
The Book did what you promised. I can finally
think for myself. I have also read everything Ayn Rand has
ever written because of neo-tech. Frankly, I cannot
understand why objectivists hate neo-tech so much. I was raised
Catholic and now I am an atheist. When I was a kid I loved Star Wars.
Now Star Wars seems metaphysically retarded to me. I used to
love punk rock, and now punk seems like collectivism! I now
have my first 'real job' in a Fortune 500 company and I owe it
all to Aristotle, Aquinas, Rand and neo-tech!

D.S.,, 3/7/99
I'm eighteen years old and in a few short months New-Tech has
changed my life! I wish my parents would have given me
Neo-Tech for my eighth birthday instead of the bible. I hate
political elections but I'm glad I'm legal so I can vote
for Frank Wallace!

S.E.,, 6/16/98
Interesting stuff.

D.P.,, 4/26/97
Neo-Tech should be a common study for all mankind.

The Story was eye-opener!

K.T.,, West Malaysia

R.O.,, 3/11/99
I've noticed that the more intelligent people become the less
they have to believe in some fantasy (Christian) world
where as long as you are miserable and feel pain and guilt
all the time, you will get to heaven. I love Neo-tech. It
promotes self-reliance. Of course reactionary right-wing Christians
will immediately say SATAN. That is what those people want you to
believe. That you don't have any power. Religion,
along with politics and education, are just institutions where
good little boys and girls are taught to bend to authority at
every turn. I leave you all with something that philosopher
Tim Leary said. He had an acronym for how people
should live their life. T.F.Y.Q.A. It means: Think
For Yourself, Question Authority.

K.J., 7/2/97
"Reading the negative comments is an amazing reinforcement of NT
ideas. The irrational arguments are blazing examples of the
mystical fog that people live in. Thanks again for your benevolent

B.L.,, 5/1/97, Canada
It's important that people who are looking to
make positive changes in their lives, are able to
access this information and become de-mystified.

Tami K.,, 3/6/00
I really enjoyed the comments about honesty in
all relationships and how without it a true romantic
connection can not be has made me look at my own
marriage in a different light..

B.R.,, 10/1/97
This is information that everyone needs to
understand. Keep up the good work.

k.m.,, austraila

You tell people about the hidden threat that is about to start,
the world is in a very dangerous position!

J.H.,, 6/12/99
Thank U, Thank U, Thank U. I understand:
Eliminate all negatives to integrate
positives. And that there are objective negatives.
Even though I've just started, I can see that nothing can
possibly stop me now. Thanx can never possibly be enough.

D.N.,, 12/19/99, Australia
The knowledge and the information that I have received from
you has been priceless. My life is certainly better for it.

Lisa B.,, 6/4/97

T.C.,, 1/13/99
If you have rattled the cages of so many religious
conservatives, as indicated in your feedback page, you must
be on to something absolutely spectacular.
Therefore, I have decided to pursue your path.

S.W.,, 1/21/98
Only an idiot would want to take this site off the Web. Had
I been in possession of this information 15 to 20 yrs ago I'm
sure my success in life would be much more advanced. I originally
purchased the Neo-Tech manual in 1990. I was in a destructive
marriage and going nowhere fast. Initially I studied the concepts
and the related information and began to benefit. Then as time
went by my life slowly started eroding as I had stopped using
the material. This last year I started using the computer and found this site.
I started reading again and low and behold, I understood more of the advantages,

Anita F.,, 12/27/99
Neo-Tech has changed the way I think and the way
I live. There has never been a more honest look at life and reality
as we live it. We are responsible for our selves and our actions.

"Neo-Tech is on the cusp of a revolution. I now know something is
tragically wrong in the universe."
D.B.,, 4/12/97

G.L.,, 5/14/00
I think Neo-Tech is great

R.M.,, 6/9/98, Canada
your objective approach to life is refreshing and honest.
I read through the entire site, it left me hungry for more.

I only wish I could read faster through the material so I may finally be able
to do what I want with my life!

C.B.,, 10/9/97
Neo-Tech is the greatest mind-expanding tool for fighting evil
on the planet earth.

C.M.,, 12/22/00
I'm grateful to have been exposed to Neo-Tech.

A.B., , 11/18/02
I've been a Zonpower book owner for over 7 years, and never threw it away, even though, my emotions wanted me to. I rejected the God-Myth, from my mystic
point of view, as many others initially. But I kept it, and only time, and experience separated me from putting aside my personal prejudices, and dedicating
myself to read it all before I judge you, prematurely. I'm very proud of myself for doing so and want to congratulate you on your accomplishments in this
world, and for society at large. I now look forward to every new day with enthusiasm and purpose as never before, at least since childhood innocence.

W.M.,, 1/12/99
After reading Conversations With God,
I find the ideas of Neo-Tech even more refreshing and
enlightening. I see a lot of similarities in these two works.
Both Jesus and Walsh gives us the glorious FREEDOM of being God-Man.
Neo-Tech takes a giant leap forward into realization and
practicality. Thank you for this GREAT WORK!

"I find this to be a most interesting and well prepared web site.
It keeps me reading and exploring with interest. There is a lot
of truth and value in what is being written here."
D.S.,, 1/18/97, Canada

Neo-Tech is an honest search for TRUTH and this web site should
remain active to provide a locus for those truth-seekers who use this remarkable
medium of the internet in their quest.

"I'm surprised by the quantity and quality of information in the
N.M.,, 3/14/97

Carla C.,, 1/24/99
I just read some of the negative comments, and I'd say to all
of them they should be in my shoes!! I've been raped twice because
I got into situations where I was so desperate for money, and
freedom ,that I went to the wrong persons for help, and they demanded
sex in return, and when I turned them down, they went ahead and
took what they wanted and left me devastated. Let them spend
a couple days in my shoes and feel the raw terror that comes when you have
others controlling your life in the name of religion, or whatever,
as happened to me, and see what that does to them.
Then see if they wouldn't run to get this Neo-Tech information
like a beacon in the dark. Let them know what it is like
to be ripped off continuously, to have qualifications and be
unable to use them and can't get a job and people
who offer help either want sex or the deed and title to your
life!!! Let them live like this for eighteen years, and see if
they barely hang on to their sanity, if they are able to at all,
and then see if they are given Neo-Tech if they don't improve

C.K.,, 12/22/97
I like the way Neo-Tech shows me what is really happening in
the world and in everyday living. After reading Neo-Tech, I can
usually tell if a person I am talking to is being honest or not.
I feel I am much more in touch with reality than I was before
I read Neo-Tech.

Sometime ago I received The Neo-Tech Discovery, a very large
book that discussed the evolution of ordinary people becoming Millionaires/Entrepreneurs
and the Bi-Cameral Mind. I was devastated! But, the readings of this Manuscript
filled my mind and change d my thinking of very important subjects--God,
Man, Business, Children... Wow! Neo-Tech is definitely what I needed to understand
my existence--I could not understand why everyone in my surroundings were
succeeding and I was constantly falling backwards o r barely moving! I now
fully understand.

"Excellent concept -- mind blowing."
J.F.,, 1/23/97

Brendan,, 6/11/02
Good site, interesting and thought provoking

M.E.,, México
Neo-tech is a great achievement.

D.B.,, 3/7/99
Since reading these great pieces of literature as well as
participating in discussion groups, my whole outlook of life
has changed dramatically!! My wife and children have also
benefited from these readings. Dr. Frank Wallace for president
is the greatest thing that could possibly happen to our
existence. Keep on researching.

W.D.,, 4/20/01
I am very happy that Neo Tech exists, without
people having open minds, and using logic, the human race is doomed to an
ultimate demise. Religion has long divided the family of man, and the
other professional Neo-Cheaters have been living off of our backs.
It's time to take back what is ours, and dump the System of Parasites.
It's not working, hasn't worked and never will work. Oppression
is never a solution to life, only personal accountability
and hard work can improve things.

J.H.,, 2/15/00, United Kingdom
Very refreshing, helped me put a lot of things in context and
chuck out a lot of the crap that had been holding me back.

BJ,, 5/5/03
Interesting stuff, it helps people to initiate the process of flushing the
disease of mysticism from their ability to think critically.

"This is without a doubt the most important web site on the
Internet. The information and knowledge I receive from this site
and the other NEO-TECH books I have read has changed my life. I
now foresee a very bright future. Thank You."
C.C.,, 12/23/96


J.J.,, 12/4/99
I want to vote for Neo-Tech, it can save the
world from war, death, and boredom.

J. C.,, 5/31/02
It might take a while to understand, but only the real seekers will get the answers their looking for. So try to unlock the secrets. J. Campos 6/1/02

J.H.,, 3/5/99
Your publication is the most revolutionary,
hopeful piece of work I have ever read. It is the only valid
way our world can move forward. Your organization is the
only one I have seen that seems proactive enough to make
real progress. How can I help?

D.P.,, 11/18/99, Canada
Amazing stuff.

K.S.,, 3/20/01
Neo-Tech literature that I've so far read on
the internet has
been a spectacular mind-opener. In fact, there are lots of
out there thinking the Neo-Tech way, wondering why, in spite
their inherent integrity of thought, they are only doomed to
be outcasts in the rotten societies the world over. The
literature is an invaluable source of strength to help
the rationally thinking individuals that all the devious
of 'anticivilization' are bound to collapse. Neothink is a
to light up the way to a profound personal growth and

re-written it shall be. Honor is not in this mans' vocabulary. With 'The Book' I have been able to hold h

L.M.,, 4/11/98
Neo-Tech is helping uncover what has been so cleverly hidden for so long.

W.E.,, 2/14/98

M.P.,, 8/30/01, uk
I think this is the way of future and already
has started now.

R.P.,, 8/20/97
"Very interesting. One always enjoys expansion."

Neo-Tech has made a radical positive change in my life. I went from devout
Catholic to converted atheist because of the knowledge that I learned from
Neo-Tech. Thanks to Neo-Tech my thinking is clear and I'm not easily fooled
anymore. Please keep up the good work.

Neo-Tech is an eye opener, for years I blamed myself for my short comings never
seeing life as I do now. I feel my power growing inside me everyday, some people
don't believe that they can achieve anything in this world if only they would
take the time to wake up to see what's going on

S.D.,, 9/25/97, Canada
This inf. is amazing --I just 'ate' up the text.
This site is vital to keep those of us alive who die a little every day at
our mundane jobs....

V.P.,, 12/18/96
Neo-Tech literature reflect the foundation of future.

M.W.,, 2/5/97
This web site should continue to expand until all mysticism has been
uprooted and rejected. When the anti-civilization collapses and we all are Zon,
then this site will no longer be needed. Until that time, this site must
continue to grow.

B.M., ., 12/24/02
Incredible. I was raised a Mormon and therefore am very comfortable with the idea that ordinary humans can rise to become Gods. Yet to have this idea laid
out in such a scientific fashion, in simple stories and explanations without all the 'thou shalt' mentality clouding the experience is something so new, so fresh and so concrete that I hardly can explain it. I've read and read again a lot of Neo Tech
literature. This is the best.

John,, 7/30/00
I just wanted to say that "The Story" was perhaps
the cleanest, purest breath of fresh air I have ever had. I
was inspired by your book. I have tried to soak up as much
knowledge as I possibly can. Since reading your book I have
become more positive, better rested, and my relationship
with my wonderful girlfriend has improved. I am still
striving for the ultimate happiness and riches, but give me
time and I think I will make it. Sincerely, John

M.P.,, 3/8/97
Nice Work, and Thank You for helping me become a Neo-Tech man.

K.K.,, 4/21/00, England
There is so much truth in Neo-Tech, it's unbelievable.

I am convinced of Neo-Tech to be absolutely


"It is good to have a resource such as yours being presented to
the world. I am forwarding your site to several of my friends.
There are pockets of people just waiting to bring forth a new set
of physics that is not based on decay, but on continued renewal
of matter. What is explained in Zon Power is a reality today. I
am glad a voice is standing out. It is imperative you stay on the
R.A.,, 2/27/97

"This is my favorite web site. Tons of interesting and insightful
D.S.,, 5/21/97

,, 2/3/02
The most wonderful story I have ever read. Inspirational, almost overwhelming. This story of what Neo-Tech will do for the human race must reach everyone. I
can feel the genuine love that you have for each member of this human race. I know a mind could not produce such a beautiful and powerful story of what we
can be, of where we can go, of where we are going, of what we will become. No words can explain my appreciation, only my actions. Every time I read Neo-Tech
literature, which is almost daily now, I
become armed with it's power, I thirst for more, I become more. The value of my life and all human life increases, to the point that nothing else is more
important than preserving and improving all human life. What a simple concept, yet impossible task in this upside down anticivilization. Until now. Thank you
Frank Wallace and Mark Hamilton for starting the Neo-Tech revolution that says no to death and yes to life. What a simple but wonderful concept. Citizens of
the C of U are out here, and I return the love and passion for life that you so consistently give.

S.W.,, 10/12/98
The story about as about ann rand and St.Agustine is great.

I think Neo-Tech is a very positive and powerful source. It should help
the world!

J.L.,, 12/12/99
Neo-Tech is the greatest weapon against irrational thought, the
chess pieces simply fall in place. I am totally amazed at
the depth of mysticism.
The madness in mysticism is INCREDIBLE!!? Read the material
and you will succeed in whatever you desire in life. SIMPLE!

D.R.,, 5/17/99
I love Neo-tech. The more I read the
more sense it makes. I was reading the negative comments and
I'll tell you those born
agains sure do know how to curse and swear. I never thought Christians
had that kind of resentment and hate in them but I guess their
god teaches hate instead of love.

P.F.,, 8/19/97
This is an exciting new way of thinking that could unlock
anyone's potential.

J.Q.,, 6/24/97, United Kingdom
It is an eye opener and the most valuable data I have ever seen.

S.Z.,, 3/18/00
Perhaps some additional points are worth
noting. I think it could be the most profitable due to
several reason. But let me start by saying that, to the best
of my knowledge, profit is secondary. ...A distant second at
this point and time, and will become more distant as the
jump progresses. Mass marketing will accrue huge profits.
For which the retail cost would be fair market value. I
equate that to low cost, not to dismiss the fact that—for
reasons forthcoming -- people would willingly pay several
times the fair market value.
Yes the tremendous value/benefit to the reader/owner would
warrant paying well over $100 for The Story. Which I think
is the second book in The Book. Yet, even as a stand alone
book it certainly holds its own value well over the $100
demarcation point. That brings us to the first priority
which is mass marketing. Regardless of the extremely
powerful advertising that can be created to sell the book,
when the cost of ownership hits the $100 mark, sales reduce.
For example, a printed information product will sell nearly
twice as many at $97 versus $100. Interestingly, I have
found that $117 out-sells $100. But still far less than $97,
and the $97 still returns more front-end profit. Not to
mention increased profit on the backend. [Teddy describes
his frontend-backend plan in The Story.]
The primary goal is mass readership. Perhaps the most
effective mass marketing and advertising program will go
something like this: A person can read They Story for free
at the NT Web site, but if they want to buy it they will
have to buy The Book—NTP's customer list is sent a direct
mail package offering them first dibs on The Book at a
special discounted price—they create a control direct mail
package and test it on several of their best pulling rented
mailing lists—it is learned that because of the general
readership nature of The Story that it can be profitably
sold to a wider universe of mailing lists—NTP receives
offers and extends deals with other publishers to sell The
Book to their list with the list owner's endorsement (even
though readers' comments are the mitigating factor that
causes most people to buy) -- The book makes it onto one of
the many “Best Seller' lists—people increasingly buy the
book and give it more word of mouth advertising than any
previous book they've spoken highly of—The Book continues
showing up on more and more best seller lists—word-of-mouth
advertising has people scurrying from bookstore to bookstore
to the Internet in order to buy The Book which is repeatedly
selling out faster than any previous book— with offers
coming in from several talk shows, a NTP representative,
perhaps the author himself, Mark Hamilton, appears on a
special showing of Oprah Winfrey to discuss what has made
The Book, what is now considered almost a phenomenon, such a
huge success.. doing a segment where Mark (or the rep)
fields questions from the audience - it is on Oprah's show
that Mark (or the rep) announces a specific piece of news
that divulging it propels this already near phenomenon
upward-outward spiral to harmonious-epidemic proportions.
At that point in time people would be willing to pay $1,000
for The Book. But since mass readership is the primary goal,
the cost of buying the book is less than production cost.
With profits accrued on the backend.
I don't know what backend products NTP is working on, has
waiting in the wings or is joint venturing with. But as
outlined in The Story, they will most likely be neothink
puzzles that integrate with the Super Puzzle. As described
in Book 1, think about a flood of people using neothink to
build their Friday night essence puzzles. Some of them may
become integral parts to the Super Puzzle fulfilling it's
goal. NTP will sublime to the Super Puzzle creating the C of
U on Earth.
When I think of the ramifications of The Book and The Story
they are exponential. To grasp what I've been trying to
convey, but from additional perspectives, here's two
insights that deal with exponential. The first is the
numbers used to express how destructive the IRS is when they
attack Miss Annabelle. Invert the premise and those numbers
(63 billion dollars, not counting indirect loss that would
dwarf that) reflect the profitability/value of The Book.
The second example of the exponential ramification is more
direct. It's called 'viral marketing'. A brief explanation
“In 1996, Sabeer Bhatia and Jack Smith pioneered a great new
product category—free web-based email. But many great ideas
and great products have withered on the vine. The special
catalyst for Hotmail's torrid growth is what we at Draper
Fisher Jurvetson have come to call “Viral Marketing' -- not
because any traditional viruses are involved, but because of
the pattern of rapid adoption through word-of-mouth
networks. Viral Marketing powerfully compounds the benefits
of a first-mover advantage. And it's something we eagerly
look for when evaluating any Internet startup company. As a
founding investor in Hotmail and a member of their board of
directors, we think Hotmail is a great case study on the
impact of the Viral Marketing strategy over its full life
cycle.'— Steve Jurvetson and Tim Draper
Yes, people would be willing to pay a dollar a page for The
Book, but they'll never have to. And if isn't The Book or
The Story that is the front end product that is center stage
of the phenomenon, well, then imagine a more powerful book
that will fill the bill... Then write it and inject it into
the market.

"Just in the few minutes that I have been at this site, I have
been in awe of the concepts."
J.C.,, 1/14/97

M.C.,, 3/2/00
O.K. Hamilton, Mike here again.... I've
already submitted my comments on “The Story' a few days ago.
I was on chapter 6 then, and now I'm on chapter 30. At this
point I feel compelled to say that I think that it is the
most brilliant thing I have ever read. As a long time NT
associate of sorts, I didn't think there was anything you
guys could do that would shock me, but I was wrong. This
thing will shake the guts out of anyone who thought of
themselves as NT people as well as all the good hardworking
people who haven't been exposed to NT before. It was
incredible how you have seamlessly integrated every
important NT concept and advantage as well as the
experiences of Nov.3rd into a highly enjoyable and readable
narrative... (I didn't realize that this had happened until
about chapter 21.) Don't expect this to be the last you
hear of me about this incredible work, for the more I read
the more I feel like shouting out how great it is!

J.F.,, 7/23/02
I have often wondered what motivates anyone to want to be employed by the IRS. Is life so tough and their talents so meager they must resort to harassing
fellow Americans just to make a living?

F.T.,, 7/10/98

"Mysticism is truly useless. Let us all pursue its extinction
immediately! Neo-tech flows through my mind unblocked by
mysticism! I am Zonpower. My children will be Zonpower. My
business is Zonpower. My new international business hyperstructure
will deliver Zonpower into the hands of 100 million individuals.
The end of the irrational/mystical is here! End of Line."
M.C.,, 6/26/97

K.C,, 8/7/97
"Today I've decided to redirect my life, and thanks to you, Neo-Tech will be
right there to guide me. Please keep expanding!"

j.R.,, uk
The Neo-Tech world is a very bright place to be!

Reading NT is like taking a shower after losing a bitter, hard-fought
athletic contest. It is the antidote for weariness and depression, for the aches
and pains of fighting toward success in life against a tide of cheaters and mystics.

M.E.,, 5/10/00
Fascinating reading. I wish I had this
40 years ago when I was a teen. It would have saved me from
a lot of dumb mistakes.

A.L.,, 3/31/02, Australia
Neotech has shown me the way to attain true happiness and prosperity in my life. I have completely turned my life around by integrating this knowledge, and
now I really want to share it with as many people as I can. Please send me your catalogue, I want more!

D.B,, 7/30/97
If honesty and effort are wrong, we live in a strange
world. Expand!!

Michelle L.,, 1/20/98
I really enjoyed reading your was fun....most
sites are boring and have no interesting facts.

H.D.,, 9/3/97
Neo-Tech is a time bomb

GR,, 4/10/03
Neo-Tech has changed my outlook on life but I'm still having trouble applying
it consistently. THE STORY is really helping me destroy integration blockers.

The more I read and weigh comments and attacks
against Neo-Tech the more FIH means to me. Thanks!! It's great to see past
what appears to be to what is.

"Neo-Tech is a new state of thinking that strips and shreds
mystical stupidity."
P.M.,, 5/12/97, Australia

Hi Emma, Don't ever get rid of your website. Cyberspace is where
it's at. Information is at your finger tips. I have tons of Neo-Tech books/tapes
at home. I've had a lot of fun with Neo-Tech over the last 20 years. I've really
'rocked some foundations'! T he 'negatives' people write about Neo-Tech and some
of those people really scare me. I live in the same country they do, what the
heck are they thinking!

"Chapter 7 excited me enough to demand more."
B.K.,, 1/23/97

I have purchased the Neo-Tech Discovery and it has challenged
me to consider the level of mysticism I have existed under for my entire

J.C.,, 7/5/00
This is the best thing since sliced
bread. I'll be glad to see you expand in the coming years. Thank you
very much.

K.C.,, 5/6/00
I purchased the manuscript nearly five years
ago, when I tried to read it, it didn't make any sense to
me. It ran counter
clockwise to all I held to be true. Then about three weeks
I happened to pick it up again and begin skimming it and I
actually shocked to find that I understood every word and
though the book was huge, I couldn't read enough, that's why
I came looking for it on the web. Thank you for dispelling
controlling myths that have been programmed into my mind
birth. I've only just finished my first reading and I
it will take some time to assimilate
all of the knowledge, but I already see the world from an
new perspective.

At 23, I hadn't read a fictional book in over 7 years. I recently
read 'The Story', and I don't think I'll ever read another story again. Why?
Because I don't think I'll ever find anything so powerful, so emotionally
moving, so earth shatteringly life cha nging ever again. Nothing else could
come close. I'm introducing everyone I know to Neo-Tech, to spread the message.
We must all find better ways to spread the message before the Neo-Tech machine
is stopped by the envious, threatened authorities whose mes sages are very
convincing to the 'non-(Neo-Tech)educated'. I foresee a global revolution.
I already see signs of Neo-Tech and Neothink in the 'non-educated' and believe
that a natural changeover is imminent. Thank you for awakening me to this
new world.

Thomas E . T.J.,
Neo-tech changed my life 10 years ago . No, it saved my life
10 years ago. Thank you for bringing me out of the darkness. My life , health
,finances and future look great . Dr. Wallace should receive the Nobel Peace
Prize .Thank you

Very informative web site and the book was great! This is such
a fresh look at our existence, a welcome look. I would like to get involved
in the political part of the Neo-Tech movement?

A.T.,, England
Neo-Tech must remain on the web. Without access to it's reference
we can easily forget the conscious effort required to continue integrating
honesty thus returning to sad, mystical lives.

Now with your help I'm finally learning how to regain my sanity.
For so long I've living my life as if I were blind and letting things happen
to me. I kept remembering that I was more successful as a child than an adult.
I believe that as an adult people get scared over what people are thinking
of them and sometimes even using them. I hope Neo-Tech manifests to a point
where anyone can realize their potential.

B.A.,, Canada
I have been studying neo-tech for quite some time now. Neo-Tech
has opened my eyes to a whole new world full of endless opportunities. I
can honestly say that I don't ever get bored anymore. I now run my own business.
I love having no BOSS! I have never f elt so free in my whole entire life.
Although I am only 26 years evolved. I do not want to get older I only want
to get wiser. Thanks to the neo-tech crew who made this all possible for
me. Especially Dr. Frank Wallace and Mark Hamilton Thank-you for shar ing
your wisdom and knowledge to me (an average person).

S.o.,, America
I think that this site should remain on the web to stimulate
thinking among those who still think.

R.B.,, Mauritius
Even here in this small island those life-crushing taxes are
dreadful. We should not waste time for the job ahead. I, too will go beyond
my physical limits to help Neo-Tech win.

We love Neo-Tech, it has truly changed our lives. We are free
now. Please stay on the Web, you are changing the world. Thank You!!

I absolutely love neo-tech! It is right it is just and it has
me growing again as we all must. The thought of growing infinitely into eternity
puts me into state of elation, the reality of that thought would be as great
as creation.

I feel that the info provided can really leave one to question,
'what the hell am I doing wasting my life when I could be doing what i was
meant to do in life?' So much time wasted, just reading the info has inspired
me beyond belief.

The information on this web site and in the literature is very
helpful in battling my depression. Recovering with ideas grounded in truth
is proving to be invaluable.

H.C., lvcm.comU.S.A
I love your site.

I am at that point where I can truly see the truth of it, but
also able to feel how this threatens the old hierarchy of thought.

C.A.,, 10/23/99
We all must read this knowledge and learn from it,
and remember the things we were taught to forget since birth.

"I am a 23 year old college student and new to your site.
Neo-Tech totally changed the direction my life was headed. I am
now ready and exited to begin a new life of discovery and
adventure. I will be forever grateful for your information. Thank
L.F.,, 3/29/97

E. S.,, 8/8/00
After reading twice, I believe neo-tech must
remain on the web. I now know how to handle liars, accusers,
gossipers and envyers.

G.Z.,, 9/10/01
Neo-tech leads the way in clearing out mysticism and in building a future we choose instead of one we only inherit.

A.H.,, 11/6/00
Neo-Tech has forever, positively, changed my
life. Neo-Tech
is not a way but the only way for human kind to truly
lasting prosperity and happiness. I have been awakened from
kind of spell I never knew I was in until neo-tech. Simply
This painful state we all live in is all brought upon
We need to all raise our children with neo-tech and forever
mysticism...thank you

I think your web site is incredible it is packed with
information. I
have spent hours, if not days, reading your writings and have
not paid one cent for this magnificent value.

F.L.,, 3/5/00, United Kingdom
Right now I am in Chapter 23 of The Story,
still being amazed by the story about Miss Annabelle and Mr.
Melbourne. I'm reading about the two of them in prison and
how they are coping with life. So far this book is simply
amazing how it is written and how it makes one think how
false life is. It makes you believe more in the way
philosophers think vs the way life is. How false our lives
really are but that all one has to do is free oneself to
trust in oneself because we are all Gods. But how corrupted
man can be just to be in control over another. Ego can be a
bad thing and life can be forever, but the way society tries
to influence one into believing that they are right and man
has no other way to think. Thank you so much for writing
this book.

D.P.,, 11/18/99, Canada
Amazing stuff.

E.S.,, U.S.A
I love the Book it open my eyes 100 %.

V.M.,, pre-12/8/96
The only bad thing I can say about it
is that it has caused me insomnia...because I have
a hard time putting it down so I can sleep! If there is any way I can get involved
in spreading the word, please let me know.

S.M.,, 10/5/02, UK
An excellently presented site that delivers much food for thought.

T.T.,, 3/29/97
I agree this is the best site on the world wide web.

X.W.,, 12/27/00
It is most important information I have
received in my life. Great

It's the manual for living.

By far, the greatest literature ever written. changed my whole world.

"I found this web site very informative. I recently received a
letter discussing Neo-Tech and wanted to learn more about the
concept. This Web site made that possible and answered many
D.B.,, 1/28/97

M.C.,, 5/13/97
It is my feeling that there is no other truly
honest, logical distillation of life applicable
philosophy being espoused.

jason,, 5/30/00
Very informative and it explains a lot. I feel
saddened to watch my mom being a victim of Christianity.

T.K.,, 2/22/97, Egypt
A very cool site.

A.W.,, 6/13/99

Dawn B.,, 1/4/99
I have found a rare kind of directness on this
web site. I love it!!

I am very new to this, however my earnings have doubled in
3 months directly due to neo-tech

A.H.,, 9/29/00
I have just finish reading The Book and have
found it very
enlightening and am anxious to learn more.
When will you be ready to put someone on the election ballot

J.G.,, 4/19/98
I have been with you since 1986 and I have been living a
Neo-Tech life ever since . Neo-Tech makes it worth living again.
Thanks to you. I love every day of it.

J.W,, 8/2/97
You guys rock! Helped me a lot. Stay online!

W.N.,, 8/18/01
This is wonderful information for anybody who
is ready to jump into consciousness and become aware what is happening around
them. For anyone who is ready for a change
they should read “The Book' for it will change you and the
way you think forever. You will think the way we were meant,
without mysticism and external authorities telling us how to think.
Neo-Tech is not the Devil's work but it undoes the Devil's work and
awakens the most powerful value on earth, Human-Consciousness.

I think Neo Tech is the best. I am a firm believer in it and
will always be.

K. G. Snow, SGI.COM, 3/21/01
I was raised in a very religious family and for
most of my life
I obeyed my parents, did my schoolwork because I was told to

D.D.,,5/17/00, America
I think that this is an excellent work! I am
a Neo-Tech owner, and even though I have intellectually
embraced the essence of the works, I am still struggling
with turning open the spigot of riches and neothink. I have
always been a rebel all my life, and understand the vast
deceptions that masquerade as truth in today's society.
I never used to understand fully the concept of the “inner
child' that you spoke of in the Neo-Tech Weapon(the small
book), but with this story, it's easier to understand what
you're talking about. I, myself, still embrace my inner
child, which may be one of the reasons that I get along so
well with children. I have a special love for children,
because of the energy, enthusiasm, and willingness they have
to think without boundaries, until their minds are truncated
by the “edjamkational' system that the bureaucrats have
implemented, which is designed to tell them WHAT to think
instead of HOW to think!
I really have found a great value in this book, and it makes
it a little easier for me, and I'm sure many others, to
conceptualize what is happening, and to be able to relate to
these truths that you disseminate better. The story really
hits home, and brings to life all of the things that you
were talking about in the previous NT/Zon materials. I
really have to thank you very much for affecting my thinking
for the rest of my life. I'm working on becoming a great
value producer myself, and am building a business of my own
at present. Throughout all the years, I have always had a
special desire to be a big empire-building business titan.
I think that the indoctrination and conditioning I have had
for years, I am still recovering from, but finding out and
admitting a problem is present is over 50% of fixing it! I
am continuing to strive for excellence, freedom, and the
spreading of the truth about our anticivilization. I
believe the web is going to make it very hard for the
“establishment' to hide the truth for much longer!

Neo-Tech indeed make me feel peace and
confident. And I have made 3 times more money than I did before.

J.H.,, 8/18/97
Fascinating. Herein lies the key information to vast resources of
knowledge and power.

C.L.,, 10/19/02
I think Neo-Tech is the most beautiful and informative information for this blind world that we live in. Please keep it on the Internet, it is a must. I had

Brend A.,, 10/19/98
I am just starting to read the Neo-Tech information and am
Finding it to be very interesting and informative. It looks
like something I have been searching my whole life for.
I hope this does not leave the web, but if so, how would
one go about getting a copy of this in book form?

Annette, ., 9/11/00, Canada
Neo-Tech is one of the most advanced bodies of
knowledge in the world

J.D.,, 7/16/98
PLEASE remain on the web-I need access to this information.

Gayle G.,, 4/28/98
This site must never, ever, be taken off the web. Unlike
so many deleterious influences in the world--media, television,
family, peers/associates, tricksters, clergy, politicians,
advertisements, and literature, every integrated word is truth. Nothing else
in the world is like that, and I can not explain to you the affect
this has on my entire being except that upon reading it something
in me cries in joy and relief. The majority of our society is urgently
in need of being de-programmed. Unfortunately, most are sadly resistant
to changing a self-destructive
way of thinking that is deeply embedded in their minds and souls
from childhood, and that almost everyone has in common. So the
more neo-tech people there are, the easier it will be for the
rest to change. Neo-tech has given me the wings with which to fly out of
the muck.

A.L.,, 5/13/00, Singapore
Neo-Tech MUST remain on the web because it is
able to
transcend all national boundaries and bring all the NT
people together
to exchange our ideas instantaneously.

A.R.,, 1/5/00
Neo-Tech is beginning to change my life. I
now strive to be a value-producer in all that I do.

A.R.,, 1/17/97
I find your Web Site intriguing. It caused me to question the source
of my own potential-limiting modality. Neo-Tech, no doubt, has the answer(s).


M.C.,, 8/2/97
"Excellent info."

W.M.,, 4/13/00
Extremely informative and powerful. Blows your
mind away. Helped me to organize my mind.

D.C.,, 6/1/97
Neo-Tech is needed for the maintenance of a free world for everyone.

Of course Neo-Tech should stay on the net and be expanding!
I received information about The Book and thought I would buy a copy. When
I received it I could not put it down. It took a lot of going over and concentration
to understand it but I have found t hat I see my perception of the world
in a totally new light. The more I read about Neo-Tech the better I feel
and the more I understand about Myself and others.

It is by far the greatest book I have ever came across. How
could reality have slipped us by? I can't believe the clarity! I'm teaching
my parents (Christians) the right way to live, no one knows how to just be
without the guilt, fear and shame of being man anymore, they look around
them and see someone else's creation, someone else's "plan" while they march
to whomever's beat. Is this why they brought me into this world, to defeat
my purpose and suppress my will? Well this book has put it all into perspective
for me, I'm very grateful to be alive and breathing! I owe a lot of my success
to the book in every aspect of my life the book has really shaped me into
being who I was destined to be and not falling victim to my environment.

E.M.,, 8/4/98
I think Neo-Tech is great. I just can't put in word's how
NT transformed my life, I see things in a whole different perspective

Anon,, 5/3/02
The information is sound and when applied will work. It is rational and well thought out.

I am overjoyed by this feeling of euphoria. I am consumed
with overwhelming feelings of goodness because I now see
life as it was suppose to be seen. I am now able to sit down
with middle age men and women and discuss about life on the
same level at age 18! I speak of truth now and offer help
other people. I sit around and knowledge engulfs my mind. It
is almost as if there is a constant flow of information
going straight through my brain. Day by day I grow more
intelligent and people see this progress. Good luck my
fellow kinship and don't be scared of the truth
(metaphorically speaking)

D.S.,, 2/28/00
I absolutely love the 'The Story' truer words have never been
spoken. I have challenged the school systems myself because of
insecurities and power and control issues, of principles, teachers
and yes guidance counselors. I have always known that the most
valuable way was the encouragement of children and to expand
the minds of these little people who without the blockers and
binders on can make leaps and bounds in our future society.
Thank you! You made my heart and soul soar like
I was on the wings of an eagle!!!!

W.N.,, 1/4/98
Overall I am Captivated by the all the reading
material and find it hard to stop reading.

M.B.,, 4/19/97
What an abundance of truly helpful

G.G.,, 12/27/02
I want a list of book titles available for purchase. Excellent web site!

S.F., , 11/17/02, Israel
Neo-Tech Rocks. It is the best idea system I've encountered, and so insightful, integrated and logical that I am kept amazed by it all the time. I have
learned about Neo-Tech from the book 'The Neo-Tech Cosmic Power' (pincer #1) my father bought as part of his never-ending quest for Business guide-books. I
inspected it a bit in the 9th grade, and fully read and integrated it when I was 18. I found myself more and more agreeing with its propositions. It has made
much more guilt-less, much more straight-thinking, much more insightful, and much more happier. I can never thank Dr. Wallace and the other great Neo-Tech
people enough for the tremendous effort they put into Neo-Tech. Neo-Tech has become an 'Internet source of Wisdom' - one of the sites that you can browse for
hours and keep discovering something new.

N.B.,, 3/11/00
Finally, I'm done reading “The Story'. What a
wonderful book of science-fiction. I must admit it's better
than “The Matrix'. Reading “The Story' allow me to see the
big picture of the Neo-World.
At first, it wasn't easy for me to 'swallow' the story
because I was trying to read it with my left brain(the same
way I would read “The Neo-Tech Discovery' or “Think and Grow
Rich'). After a few weeks of break, I realized I had to
approach this book with the same state of mind I would use
to read “Star Wars' or “The Apocalypse'.
This book is made for the movies (I wouldn't mind writing
the script, Mark). My conclusion: This is the most positive
prediction of the future I've ever read.

SNUBBY,, 9/28/00
I have been put through hell in the last 6
years. People
say pray to god for strength. I must pray wrong because I
get the shaft. THE BOOK is the only thing that makes any
sense. Live your life for yourself, wife, children, and
money. And tell all the idiots to go to hell.

R.m.,, 5/28/01
l have enjoyed the mind opening effects, I was
a Methodist preacher
for 23ys, these readings have opened up so much that was
to me during those years.

"I completely love this site! I've been a Neo-Tech reader and
user for about 5 years, and I find that I'm learning so much more
on the site. Keep it up!!"
R.R.,, 2/11/97

B.V.,, 7/8/02
I really am thrilled with this info, I have searched my entire life for the truth and Neo-tech is the first rational explanation that I have been able to
except freely and whole heartily and cannot get enough of what there is to read or hear about it.

T.H.,, 4/12/98
Neo-Tech is a great value for man.

"If Clinton/Dole/Billy Grahmn types wish to remain in power, they
must IMMEDIATELY squash this radical, 'we don't need you'
message. What would they do without followers? What would
followers do without leaders? Web sites like Neo-Tech must be
nipped in the bud if the status quo is to survive. Stop this
horror, NOW, before people use its power! If individuals are
allowed to use Neo-Tech, then why would we need god or
government? Neo-Tech will upset everything. Stop it NOW!"
J.L.,, 2/5/97

J.K.,, 6/3/97
If these ideas are put into
practice, success is guaranteed. I urge everyone to
read this with an open mind.

J.H.,, 8/18/97
Fascinating. Herein lies the key information to vast resources of
knowledge and power.

J.A.,, 6/4/97
I found this web site very interesting and informative. I have
already told my friends to read this web site.

Barbara R.,, 9/29/99, Canada
Since I have been introduced to the precepts
and concepts of Neo Tech, I see things with more clarity than
ever before. I know that as I progress in my character development,
as I automatically use DTC in all that I say and all that I do,
as I continue to grow with totally integrated honesty I will
better my life and, by extension, those who share in my life.
Since I have been introduced to N/T, I have also discovered what
I consider to be the big 'payoff'; I have found a psychuous,
loving relationship. Imagine my wonder when this turned out to
be my best friend. Imagine my delight to find a Neo-Tech Husband
in a world populated by mystical neocheaters. Thank you to all
who dedicated the time and effort that it took to bring this
concept to the rest of us. Please send me the most recent
literature on love and relationships;
I would like to be a better N/T wife for my new husband, and
I know that the only way to do this is with the help that
Neo-Tech can provide.

"I stumbled on this site and I am pleasantly surprised at what I
have found; I feel that Neo-Tech have cut through all the
cyberspace hype to present a real look at the future new world
C.S.,, 12/28/96, England

E.C.,, 2/22/97
I think that this is a very educational site for anyone that wants to
learn how to avoid being cheated.

L.B.,, 3/15/97
This is the most intellectually challenging site I found to date.
Thanks for making it available.

E.S.,, 3/21/02
Powerful and honest information. Will always strive to live and think this way!

K.E.,, 9/22/97
A brilliant, zealously optimistic portrayal of humanity's
potential. An infectious masterpiece.

R.E.,, 6/16/97
You offer the self to anyone who will listen and use their mind.

F.L.,, 2/29/00
Right now I am in Chapter 23 of The Story, still being amazed by the story
about Miss Annabelle and Mr. Melbourne. I'm reading about the
two of them in prison and how they are coping with life. So far
this book is simply amazing how it is written and how it makes
one think how false life is. It makes you believe more in the
way philosophers think vs the way life is. How false our lives
really are but that all one has to do is free oneself to trust in
oneself because we are all Gods. But how corrupted man can be
just to be in control over another. Ego can be a bad thing
and life can be forever, but the way society tries to influence
one into believing that they are right and man has no other
way to think. Thank you so much for writing this book.

L.D.,, 3/18/97

R.B.,, 4/12/01
I glean a tremendous amount of insight and peace of mind from your work. Thank

"I feel like I have started a new learning process for the
J.B.,, 4/21/97

"I think that neo-cheating is revolutionary and that a membership
fee should be charged for entering the web site."
R.V., callmedili, 3/3/97

M.L.,, 12/18/97, Australia
With Neo-Tech I have changed so much for the better. My thinking
is clearer,
my opinion stronger, and I try to help Neo-Tech bring in a new and better
world. We are all in it for the betterment
of our lives and this world. I am very grateful for the enormous
gift that Frank Wallace has given me.

k.m.,, 9/12/02, austraila
You tell people about the hidden threat that is about to start, the world is in a very dangerous position!

A. P.,, 7/26/00
After reading just a few pages
of the content presented on this site, I find myself
with the Neo-Tech concepts. I look forward to learning this
new technology for the greater
good of myself and family.

S.M.,, 9/1/00, australia
Thank-you most gratefully.

D.E.,, 10/20/98, Philippines
I heard some impression from your books in one of my friend
that from abroad. please send me some literature so that
small people like me can grow.

I am so excited about “The Story', I am in a rush to
gain as much information as quickly as possible, and can't do it quick
enough. The thinking is so profound at such a deep level that I am shaken
to the very core of my being. All my life I have been on a journey to discover,
no indeed to create Who I Am and Who I Want To Be and to do it with integrity,
honesty and with value to mankind. Though I am still in the early stages
of reading I am beginning to notice a change in my thinking and the way
in which I view the world. I have this profound feeling that this work
will provide the shift that I have so long been searching for. It is with
profound gratitude that this work has found it's way into my hands. Thank
You Dr. Wallace, and Thank You Mark Hamilton.

Elizabeth B.,, 11/9/99
I am one of many who are just discovering you
-- to leave the web would be to lower the world's already
abominably low level of consciousness.

C.C.,, 9/28/98
I like very much the information that I have read. It is such
a relief to see so many people coming to an understanding of
self. Many people read this information with shock and disbelief
because they have been misled for so long by those external 'authorities'.

H.H.,, 10/14/97, New Zealand
"Disappointed to read in our national newspaper on the decision to ban the
work on human cloning by the 40 member non value producing parasites on the
European Council over the weekend. It is fortunate that rational N.T.
Philosophy will have these cretins ostracized to allow progress to prosper."

P.L.,, 2/16/98, United Kingdom
Thank you for the Web site, it is an extremely valuable
tool. I am caught in
what you call the 'White-Collar Hoax', unable to spend the time
I need to fully digest and incorporate your material into my
life. Visiting the Web site frustrates me, because it shows how
much I still need to learn and don't have the time for; but it
gives me a 'buzz', a feeling of excitement to know that there
really is intelligent and brutally honest life on this planet.
Being able to visit the site now and then gives me a little extra
energy to read just a bit more than I otherwise would. In other
words, your Web site acts as moral support.

P.L.,, 12/13/96, New Zealand
I have read about a quarter of the book
called 'Zonpower-The new world song, etc, etc' --
and have found it rather mind boggling.

W.L.,, 7/27/99
Dear Friends at Neo-Tech, I strongly agree with all of the
concepts. They have helped us to better cope with our
everyday problems.

E.H.,, 9/16/00
This site has me thinking .

The world needs to see this, it can revolutionize the world.

I know Neo-Tech is spreading like wild fire. I support will
Neo-Tech as long as I LIVE! and you should To!

R.T.,, 10/17/99
Great insights with awesome transforming power!
My life has turned into a series of excitingly new
challenges and opportunities.
Let us all become Zons!

A.C.,, 2/10/97, Mexico
I appreciate all the effort that you are doing to expose neocheating
and mysticism, especially from the government. This site is very important to
the advance and development of Neo-Tech all around the world. I live in Mexico,
that is an unhappy country infected by the cheating and mysticism of the
government and religious leaders. This web site is very important for the
initial exposure of Neo-Tech to Mexicans. This site can help improve the
unhappy way of life for the people in this country. I think that sooner or
later, Neo-Tech will win here in Mexico and all around the world.

A.V.,, 12/27/99
Liberation. Thank you.

"Neo-Tech is the New Way."
D.W.,, 5/6/97

B. H., ,
Your section on jealousy is excellent. I'm involved (as a
victim) in a jealous relationship and have read extensively on the subject
but have never seen the insight provided by your site. Although I do not
agree with everything on your site, I think there are some very deep insights
that all can learn from your information.

M.H.,, 2/3/97
I do my best to calm down and be patient for the end of
big government and the return of
rational thought especially when augmented with Neo-Tech Objectivism.

D.L.,, 10/23/98
I believe Zonpower and its rational intensive information is
a must for today's society. but I think that the information
given is still in too much detail or maybe its so general that
people might not get the point to be intrigued to read more.
yes I understand about neocheaters but ultimately Zonpower must
appeal to a larger population for it to take a stronger hold
on society as a whole. I have two books on the manual, actually
they are the same; Zonpower/Neo-Tech and god??/Neo-Tech, sorry
I forgot the name and I'm not home. nevertheless, I really want
more in-depth interpretation. I read most of the book, but what
I want to know is how do I apply this in my life. I think already
I live mostly as an Objectivist but I still feel something is
missing. any comments? please write me or send to my e-mail: or write to: Denise LeCompte 1420
Drive Potomac, MD. 20854 thanks so much.....D

G.Y.,, 3/13/00, Australia
Neo-Tech can and will automatically open your mind to think
outside the square. The more you read of Neo-Tech literature
the more power and intelligence you inherit!

M.O.,, 9/12/00, Germany
I love reading everything about neo-tech.

B. S., 3/15/03

E.T.,, 12/31/02
The best book I have ever read.

"I look forward to the day when all human beings know Neothink
(natural thinking for conscious beings). There is no compromise
with Neo-Tech. Contradictions are easily identified and
eradicated. The overwhelming beauty of recognizing the objective
'meaning of life' triggers an irreversible change in
G.W.,, 3/21/97, United Kingdom

M.S.,, England
Neo-tech reflects the underlying plans of the Universe. Did
god play dice with the Universe? No, Zon Neo-thought it! The Civilization
of the Universe, here we come...

M.F.,, 7/17/97, Canada
What you're publishing is very powerful. Disseminate your info
discreetly via the Internet, but don't make yourselves become visible
public targets for politicians. Cyberspace is blowing away all forms of
government interference with the world, and I feel that it is only
logical that you use it as a tool and an ally to promote your interests,
and those of mankind as a whole.

T.W.,, 1/26/97
An absolute must read for those of us who have been made to feel
inadequate and unworthy by religion. I am only through a small portion of the
web site, but already I have a better realization of who I am, and more
importantly, who controls my future -- ME.

S.B.,, 2/5/97
This is an extremely valuable site. I fervently hope that it remains
on the Web ...the world desperately needs this information.

D.T.,, 10/2/97, Australia
I am deeply indebted to Dr. Wallace
for all his work. I received Neo-Tech at 17 and I am now poised
to conquer the world (in an honest business-like way). The medium
of the WWW seems made for this information. Accessible
to anyone, anywhere, at any time.

D.W.,, 10/20/01, Cook
I brought Neo-Tech in 1995, I didn't believe it. After several miserable years, I woke up one day and remembered your e-mail address and have been down
loading since January 2001. Me the Disabled Veteran, Ex-Mailman, and Non-active Master-Mason, have finally found the answer. Finally I have the answer to
really make me happy as an adult. Society will end without Neo-Tech, please continue.

This is the only book I've ever read that has
told me the truth
as to how the world will be, I used to be a church goer and
that did was confuse me more. Thank you NEO-TECH for
me in the right direction!!!

C.M.,, 2/6/98
It finally pinpoints the causes
of this mess, which, up until now I had merely been looking at the symptoms.

F.H.,, 2/24/97
Neo-Tech/Zon helps people feel their true magnificent value in the
universe. Through this, people can realize their power to fulfill their deepest
desires in life -- wealth, personal power, control and romantic love.

P.D.,, 6/2/98
I am very impressed with all literature I have read.
Please keep up the great work so we
can snuff out the Parasitical Elites. Thank You !

"I believe that ZONPOWER is the key to health, wealth, and
happiness. Also, the fact that this web page has opened my mind
as well as many others is great. This web page really does have
all the answers. I looked into the matrix and almost fell over at
the LIMITLESS amounts of information on everything."
H.R.,, 4/3/97, Canada

d.k.,, 6/27/01
This site is a true masterpiece, it is the
last stop for a
Truth seeker.

"Very interesting. The information was very motivating! Would
encourage anyone to start a business."
F.M.,, 1/4/97, Canada

C.M.,, 8/23/99
This information is changing my life, finally a
workable plan for mankind and for life.

The bottom line is Neo-Tech stands on its own merit as the great value that it is.

M.C.,, 3/30/00
Your work is the best reading I've ever

"This is the one of the most valuable web-site on the Net. I hope
that the master-crooks, Clinton&Gore, are successful in putting
the Net in everybody's hand. It will be their undoing because
honesty and objective rational thought will be unleashed to the
demise of liberalism and socialism."
M.H.,, 2/14/97

B.A.,, 10/22/00, Canada
I cannot wait until there are actual Neo-Tech
available for my daughter and myself and most importantly
for our future
generations. I must thank you all at I&O publishing for
creating a new kind
of hope for mankind. I can see what it will be like to live
the civilization of the universe. Striving at being an
value producer could only benefit conscious beings. My home
now a lot different than the way I was brought up much more
and happiness everyday. I know from experience that it is
hard to change
old habits but it is all worth it in the long run.

C.M.,, 2/6/98
It finally pinpoints the causes
of this mess, which, up until now I had merely been looking at the symptoms.

G.M.,, 12/26/00, Australia
You have helped me to understand myself and

B.S.,, 4/5/97

mw,, 9/30/00
Still trying to digest everything, I've
always known politicians, lawyers, and religious leaders
nothing but phonies

"Very interesting. I hope you get it out to a lot of people. The
more I read the more I think, and the more I think, the more I
realize how wrong I might be about a lot of things."
Milly C.,, 6/2/97

R.S.,, 12/31/97

M.D.,, 10/25/02
Neo-tech is absolutely supreme. Super integrated useful knowledge bombs you out of deadliest world. And while you read on, neo-tech softly leads you to the
beautiful riches of the world. Neo-tech will rise the hidden power of able people to the extreme, and will be the key to unlock the door, which opens towards
the meaning of life. Your happiness, wealth, love, and intelligence will be at your control. For the first time you will feel like a king.

R.O.,, 5/2/97
Your information is a great value to many people, it is a great

G.O.,, 11/8/01
The bottom line is 'without Neo-Tech there is no hope' We need the valuable information that Neo-Tech provides us. There is not much information that can
be trusted from the media as they only tell one side of the story and are very good in starting panic. They never tell us about how the politicians are
ruining our lives by faking progress while ruining the economy. The only hope for us is Neo-Tech which will destroy 'Mysticism'.

"Interesting and fun for all!"
J.H.,, 1/28/97, Canada

Julie D.,, 3/5/99
'God-Man' is a very interesting book, the
world can transform into something beautiful and positive...
the most wonderful, beautiful expansion of the highest of
the creator....BLISS!!!! in the flesh!

Neotech has shown me the way to attain true happiness and prosperity
in my life. I have completely turned my life around by integrating this
knowledge, and now I really want to share it with as many people as I
can. Please send me your catalogue, I want m ore!

Debbie M.,, 11/23/98
I was recently heartbroken by my boyfriend of 2 years that I
trusted very much. I recognized in myself that I was afraid to
care about anyone. I was searching for fear in relationships
and found your site. I now realize I was blaming my boyfriend
for making me afraid of relationships. With the help of articles
from your site I feel I can now move past this experience and
get on with my life. Perhaps this is not the type of feedback
you expected but nonetheless, positive feedback about your site.

D.D.,, UK
The more people that find out about
the real truth about the governments,
the sooner they will be forced to provide real benefits for
the public. Most people know that politicians are dishonest cheats
and liars, but when put on the spot, will still defend them.

F.L.,, 2/29/00
Right now I am in Chapter 23 of The Story, still being amazed by the story
about Miss Annabelle and Mr. Melbourne. I'm reading about the
two of them in prison and how they are coping with life. So far
this book is simply amazing how it is written and how it makes
one think how false life is. It makes you believe more in the
way philosophers think vs the way life is. How false our lives
really are but that all one has to do is free oneself to trust in
oneself because we are all Gods. But how corrupted man can be
just to be in control over another. Ego can be a bad thing
and life can be forever, but the way society tries to influence
one into believing that they are right and man has no other
way to think. Thank you so much for writing this book.

S.S.,, 5/20/98
Neo-Tech/Zonpower helped me experience the best times of my life
thus far. By all means it should be available to any and all
who are interested. I just want to say 'Thank You'.

D.S.,, 6/21/98
Expansion of your web site will benefit all humans.

E. Wilborn,, 8/11/01
It is clear that Neo-Tech is shaking the very
foundations of this "diseased mystical-oriented"
world of ours.

"Neo-Tech is a fantastic concept and I fully support it. I can't
stop reading it. "
Marilyn O.,, 6/4/97, Australia

D.T.,, 1/11/98, Canada
The site must remain on the web. The people of this planet have
been cheated and lied to all throughout history. It is time
that the real story is told! It is time for honesty!

P.J.,, 3/18/00, United Kingdom
BRILLIANT, an education with principles one
can apply to their everyday lives.
It makes you feel as if a door has been opened.

think for themselves. Should I never read another piece of Neo-tech literature for the rest of my
life, I have already gained unmeasurable advantages that I will continue to pass on to future generations as long as I live. Should Neo-tech remain on the

B. S., 3/15/03

L.K.,, 8/28/97
This is the true purpose of the Internet or world wide web,
to finally provide a means by which tyranny can be broken. This is what
the world has been waiting for.

It has enabled me to differentiate between the people who are the true
assets to humanity and those who are the burden. Neo-Tech opened my eyes
to many things I was not aware of. Everything is articulated very coherently,
especially the discussions on God , politics, and human nature. Even
though I have not fully evolved in to the God-Man, I can sense that the
age when fully integrated honesty finally reigns supreme is at hand.
The humanoids who perpetuate the anticivilization are responsible for
intolerab le levels of injustice. It is high time that they are stopped.

C.W.,, 9/25/99
The Neo-Tech/Neothink System has put me on the
path of life, prosperity, and happiness, thank you.

J.M.,, 5/9/00
I believe this site should stay and expand for
good of man kind, or else the anticivilization might destroy

D.L.,, 4/19/98
I love Neo-Tech!

D.P.,, 12/21/96, Canada
I enjoyed viewing the information on poker strategies.
I can see how the approaches could be applied to everyday life,
which is somewhat like a poker game.

"I think the format for your site is very good. This page is like
a big index. You can get what you want fast."
A.H.,, 4/20/97, Canada

M.R.,, 4/29/97

P.S.,, 6/30/99
A fantastic forum with which to exchange ideas and gain more
information about Neo-Tech philosophies.

"I am grateful this information is made available period, but at
no cost to the viewer, that's nothing short of amazing!"
E.S.,, 2/7/97

A.D.,, 6/7/97, Australia
It really made me think.
I have taken some remarkable steps and made a lot of mistakes, but I learned a
lot. Now, I travel the world, expand my awareness, and make a good living.

Sheila W.,, 11/16/98
Wonderful site...this is just what I have been
looking for.....

I believe this is the best thing that I have ever came across except life
itself and just wish everyone would take the chance to understand it. I believe
that with it being on the web more people have the chance to see what it's
all about.

"I am very enthusiastic about what you guys are trying to achieve.
I would like to complement you on an excellent Web Site and would
like to see more regular updates on your site. Please do not
hesitate to contact me if I can be of any assistance in Europe in
your efforts to bring about the Prosperity Revolution."
C.W.,, 6/23/97, Monaco

P.J.,, 12/9/96, Finland
Very Good!

"Thank you for Neo-Tech, my life has changed drastically."
J.V.,, 6/13/97

"Breathtaking in its profound significance."
A.F.,, 1/29/97

M.L.,, 11/8/02, Philippines
The concept are highly recommended to those who are searching for answers about philosophical beliefs, religion, the quest for knowledge, biological
existence, or searching for unending happiness. It should be regularly studied to digest fully its message. The contents are really fruitful to the human

Very interesting reading. You'd only be offended if you don't open your mind.
Mature reading, not to be taken lightly.

M.K.,, 7/7/97
"The Neo-Tech web site provides a fast and easy way for me to
share the information with others. I have turned on many people to
the web site who have found the information to be extremely
helpful in their lives. As time goes on, they will have the
opportunity to learn more and more via the web site. They, in
turn, have shared the information with others, as they suddenly
wake-up to the fact that they are surrounded by mysticism and
people who's lives are to a greater or lesser degree based on
dishonesty, denial, and lack of self-responsibility."

D.D.,, 10/11/00
Neo-Tech is a great source of information.

Carey Y,, 2/6/02
Your Story is the most incredible, powerful thing I've ever read. It truly puts into real perspective the Neo-Tech principles, disciplines, etc. I'm sharing
it with my 12-year old and am seeing with a visual and mental clarity how I need to be HIS Miss An
nabelle...and to my other two children as they begin their education beyond infancy.
Words of thanks are hardly enough for what you have brought out for mankind. I simply cannot articulate the explosion of hope in so many areas of my life
going on inside of me now. I have a whole new outlook on life and I know where I belong. But I do have one question: How do I help change the world to bring
Neo-Tech to everyone? Heartfelt thanks and gratitude.


C.M.,, 10/23/02
Everyone should read this book it AMAZING!!! Some of the stuff in this book blows you away but its all true. To everyone at neo-tech THANK YOU SO MUCH you've
really change my life.

R.S.,, 3/13/03
A life changing experience, I know its not enough, but thank
you very much neo-tech . I’m proud to be a neo-tech customer.

B.R., baudy1, 1/11/97

G.G.,, 12/27/02
I want a list of book titles available for purchase. Excellent web site!

C.A.,, 3/22/00
I have purchased the book and since then my life has definitely
taken a change for the best. the more I reread the book the
more I progress in my life and my bank account. I always
recommend the advise to others and am quickly on my way to becoming a
millionaire. my friends are always asking what I'm doing, I just tell
them I'm living life to it's fullest and leave it at
that...hahaha thanks for showing me true life.

"This site is very well put together."
B.N.,, 2/3/97

"I am a Neo-Tech owner and the thoughts behind this system are
very useful. Anyone looking to make changes in their life, this
is a great way to start."
V.V.,, 2/11/97

J.W.,, 12/17/98
The first time I read through the Neo-Tech discovery
book; I was in such disbelief and denial that I barely read it.
After several months, I read it with a more open mind. This
time I would not let my mystic beliefs get in the way.
And, sure enough I made the integrations
and found the 'real' answers I was looking for. While I have
become God-man in thought; I am still being held back by deep-rooted
habits, behaviors, and just a lack of self-discipline.

W.P.,, 4/24/98
The information provided on this web site has
significantly enhanced my understanding of self and others.

T.S.,, 3/23/98
I will devour all inf. on this site. New thinking does not
scare me. Bring it on!

S.W.,, 10/29/98, Australia.

I actually Consider Neo Tech a medical breakthrough. Probably the greatest since
the smallpox vaccine. I look forward to seeing a Nobel prize come from this.

I have gone to Baptist Churches since I was a child and still go
every Sunday. I want to say Neo-Tech is the wisest information I have ever encountered.
I read my first Neo-Tech publication in 1990 and for the first time could see
the human parasites in my life: individuals who used guilt or fear, or non-sequitors,
or who created problems where none existed. Once I recognize them I am still
amazed how easy it is to expose them to everyone. To be hard working and honest;
to think clearly and accurately... that is the life for me!

S.S.,, 8/1/98
At first reading of Neo-tech, this opened my eyes and
changed my point of view. Thanks

Z.S.,, 6/25/99
I think that Neo-Tech is the best thing that happened to me in all
my life. Neo-Tech is amazing. I would like to thank Dr. Wallace.
I look forward to the Neo-Tech world, so that everybody can
have abiding happiness, prosperity, health, a wonderful life
and live the life that every person on this earth was supposed
to live. I look forward to seeing our Neo-Tech world after 2001..

I have found my Friday night essence and it is
the beginning
of something wonderful! I have real purpose in life now and
I know no thing or no one can stop me. I am a 67 y/o man,
I have hope for the future for all, because I will be giving

N K M,, Canada
It's the missing puzzle piece I've been looking for toward a
developing a more comprehensive view of my place within the universe. I`ll
definitely pass this information onto family and friends. The time has come
for the truth.

R.W.,, 4/2/97
I am thoroughly thrilled with Neo-Tech.
Neo-Tech continually improves
my abilities to achieve happiness and prosperity in life. Go NT!

I think Neo-Tech is power in its' purest form. The power of
Neo-Tech is so simple yet powerful most people will shun from it. I have
experienced this when friends would ask about my personal views on life.
When I say that Neo-Tech is power, I mean real va lue-producing, life-enhancing
power not a power that fades in and out from day to day, month to month,
or year to year.

I already feel empowered by the rational
information provided.

"I have read your literature and understand it completely. It has
definitely helped me incredibly!"
J.S.,, 3/4/97

T McNally,, 7/24/01, england
Neo tech seems to have a fully comprehensive
model for living.

"On my quest for knowledge I stumbled into this site. I think
that it's a great website. After visiting it I went to other
Neo-Tech web sites. Now I am a convinced about profound honesty.
I am also very excited about the O.V.M. I would like to become
part of the Cyberspace Revolution."
J.L.,, 12/18/96

S.M.,, 8/24/01
The info in Neo-Tech has helped me profoundly.

M.K.,, 12/20/98, Brazil
I am very interested in reading more about your approach. At
first it looked to me like a rip-off of Ayn Rand's ideas. But
on a slightly closer examination, it seems that your
approach makes her philosophy practical (that is, applicable
to everyday living) instead of being a theoretical framework
for the endless and useless discussions that are common on
'Objectivist' newsgroups or the grounds for a personality cult.
I think you are doing a terrific job at putting forth an organized
exposition of a rational oriented lifestyle and philosophy. Why
would anyone want to take you off the web? I have to conclude that your
organized approach is scaring the holy bejeezus out of some people.

,, 1/22/02
Just an FYI, on 1/22/2001 the below was sent to the editors of Card Player Magazine: The Advanced Concepts of Poker by Dr. Frank R. Wallace is arguably the
best book on poker ever written, bar non. It is ignored by your publication and the rest of the Poker industry. The book, now freely available on the internet and published for the first time in 1968, having sold over 2 million copies, exposes poker for
what it is. The new sections on cheating are especially noteworthy to thinking poker players worldw
ide. Perhaps this book threatens the poker industry? I challenge you review this timely and classic in your publication.

being peddled and dismiss it without a second thought.

G.C., , 3/28/02, ENGLAND
I cant wait for the Neo-Tech bullets! Neo-Tech has helped me and continues to do so. I now live a life free of mysticism, and life just gets better as I
develop honest, valuable relationships both on a personal level and in business.

H.C.,, 6/4/02, U S A
Fully integrated honesty and effort is the only way to live Fearless and grateful to DR Wallace I will forever be.

V.A.,, 10/15/97
"I think that you are trying to offer all of us a chance to be better than
what we already are and I believe that to be a good thing for us all."

C.P.,, 2/24/02
I am new to the Neo Tech concepts and am applying what I have learned to my life. I am happier and enjoy life better and better each day!

I cannot believe the negative comments from those poor people
who lack understanding of Neo-Tech, they are the ones who need it most. Once
the Replacement Program sets in, they'll have no choice except to live on
the Civilization Of The Universe or commit suicide. The world will truly
be a better place to live. You negative people must understand that we are
the ones who will help change the world for the better, for you, your children
and grand children. We all will be at our happiest, we'll all be rich, with
superior minds (geniuses) near perfect health lovers of our dreams and so-on.
So come people wake up! the world is up-side-down, and some time during this
century it will rotate back on it's axis. HAPPY DAYS ARE COMMING!!!

It has taught me a new way of life. If everyone in this world
read these books, it would be a better place to live.

D.D.,, 2/7/97
This is very important information that everyone needs. It will help

D.Y,, 8/7/97
"I liked reading the information on Neo-Tech very much."

T.H.,, 9/8/98
Thank you for addressing the worlds most pressing problems.
Thank you for teaching people, including myself, how to think
for themselves instead of following like sheep, those slick sound-good
self-appointed gurus of rhetoric.

J.R.,, 2/25/97
Your new ideas are brilliant.

A.S.,, 2/23/99
This is vary valuable Information it really
opened up my way
of thinking to how life can be. Thank you!

Good luck against all the totalitarians and mystics in the world -- they
must really feel threatened!

"I found you site to be very informative, and in a very here
grand now way, quite easy to follow."
E.M.,, 5/15/97

K.D.,, 9/20/00
I am very impressed with this great web-site.
I wish there
were more sites like it.

M.A.,, 9/28/00
Neo-Tech is the greatest. It saved my life and
the well being of my family.
My family is staunchly religious and gives me a hard time
it sometimes. But when they have an important decision to
or need professional/legal assistance, guess who they turn
Funny as I'm only 22 years old. Neo-Tech is all the
things it claims to be. I just started a new job in an entry

R.M.,, 6/6/98
Neo-Tech is what the majority of the world fears.....the truth.
This technology will release the human race and will push 'man'
forward in the universe.

P.N.,, 4/15/00
Neo-Tech must remain on the web to help cure irrationality and the dishonesty disease. This site has been a tremendous
help in my battle against self mysticism

L.V.,, 8/15/97
"Using Neo-Thinking very successfully."

"This is the most dynamic site on the web because It GIVES you
the life changing information right on the Web. I have learned so
much in a short period of time! The concepts are invaluable to
all people that desire wealth, happiness and success in their
D.A.,, 2/21/97, Canada

C.C.,, 7/12/98
Yes! Yes! Yes!

B.H.,, 12/26/00, Australia
Your material has opened
up a lot of possibilities to me that I want to explore.

T.W.,, 7/8/02
I have known of this web site ever sense it was put up. It presents a great point of view and has helped me throughout the years. It is time for America and

J.N., OH.US, 7/17/00
Neo-Tech has opened my mind to an extremely
new and refreshing
way of viewing all things. It has brought a new confidence
my outlook on the universe. It is a very difficult thing to
break the bonds
of mysticism. I know, I was deep into them. But once a
has gained Neo-Tech enlightenment, it is even more difficult
to return
to or consider the old mystic ways.

R.P.,, 11/28/98
Amazing stuff-- I'm thrilled with your explanation of the Illuminati.

p.w.,, 10/3/02
neo-tech is the only approach to life. Without it one is lost and in a rut. But with neo-tech and applying it's concepts each day one builds self esteem,
wealth, and power.

F.H.,, 9/7/00
Keep up the good work and bring all
clear-thinking people to
the realization of the true reality.

I refer people to this site all the time.

"I have read a few portions of this material and find it
intriguing. I especially loved the section on politics and the
next president."
L.B.,, 6/7/97

Neo-Tech provokes the mind and generates new thoughts.

R.O.,, 6/9/97
Neo-Tech will be my `guide' back to the singleness of purpose I once
had. Only now, I know I am not alone, a `voice in the wilderness'.

J.t.,, 12/18/00
Neo-tech has been one of the most powerful
tools for my growth.

m.s.,, india
Certainly, the facts about the neo-tech I have learnt are the best ones I
have ever learned in life.

t.e.,, 2/23/02
Neo-Tech is powerful, this is what I've searched for, neo-cheaters watch out!

HZ,, 5/7/03, South Africa
Good ,true and powerful needs to be known by the whole world.

R.K.,, 3/28/99, Malaysia
Very life lifting.

M.T.,, 10/5/97
"I think Neo-Tech is great! I am confident that these ideas will prevail in
the future. I find that battling mysticism and self defeating behavior in
myself more challenging and the ultimate battle is against myself more than
neocheaters. One thing is for sure: Now I can spot a neocheater and refuse
to give any value to these shitbags "

"Very good page"
M.J.,, 6/14/97

"Excellent site, if only every person with access to a computer
could be able to explore it. So much truth is portrayed here. I
will endeavor to steer as many people as possible to this site."
Lindy H.,, 6/5/97, Canada

"Most definitely Neo-Tech can only be good for humanity."
P.S.,, 4/11/97, United Kingdom

Neo-Tech/FIH is the only literature that I've found that allows
me to identify the exact source of all problems be they self created through
personal dishonesty/mysticism or created through the efforts of others.

inds up to the infinite possibilities, we can make great strides and positive changes in our world. With the current condition of our society as it is, I

S.H.,, 2/26/97
Very eye opening. I have always realized there was a great injustice
going on around me. However, I only realized it subconsciously. I have now been
able to pin point some of the neocheaters and their methods. I will soon be on
my way to unlimited prosperity and happiness. Neo-Tech will rule in the 21st
Century and beyond.

"What are this fools afraid of? Zonpower taught me to think in a
way I never thought before."
A.B.,, 4/14/97, Australia

"Neo-Tech is a great site and I've enjoyed reading the pages I've
read thus far. I'll explore the Neo-Tech site often."
J.G.,, 2/20/97

I ordered 'the book' in December & started reading it, but I was not committed
to it. so I put it down for some time, yet, very exited about it & scared.
because I have a Christian. at some point I had become disenchanted about religion
as well as a slave to it & feeling like a battered wife, getting verbally
beat up that I am a sinner & not worthy etc. the explanation's of neo tech
provided some more hope, that I am & can become very powerful by tapping
into things within me. I did however pick up the bo ok for the second time, ready
to commit. I'd like to find out how that turns out. also, if there is god-man,
is there not goddess-woman? Thanks

R.C.,, pre-12/8/96
I've been searching all my life it seems for a solution,
before I knew what problem it was that needed an answer.
I browsed the Web one day and Zonpower popped up on my screen,
that was three days ago. Since then, I feel relieved. I feel as if all of my
scattered thoughts concerning my existence has finally blended and
has left me with less doubts.

J.C.,, 12/6/01
Neo-tech is the best thing to happen to this ailing world. I will welcome the changes with open arms.

I am thoroughly intrigued by the site and the information.
I recently ordered the books and am impatiently awaiting their arrival.
I was a bit reluctant to order after reading a few of the negative
comments but have since learned that we were given free will by GOD
and therefore are entitled to the abundance HE has promised.

J.C.,, 1/13/97
This web site is one of the few on the entire Internet that has
Actual Useful Information. By far, one of the best sites I have visited. I
consider myself lucky to have found this place.

T.L.,, 12/17/96, England
This is such a comprehensive website.
I hadn't expected it to be so detailed.
In fact, I literally stumbled across it.

T.C.,, 4/1/00, United Stated of America
Neo-Tech offers a challenge to learn new ideas and to be able to meet andcompete in the brave new world. Keep up the good work

S.B.,, 1/18/98
The web-site and the literature are wonderful
-- keep up the good work. I embrace Neo-Tech and find it to be
the way to the future. I daily fight with the lawyer-like dishonesties
of the government/anticivilization here in Ohio. I am waging
an ongoing battle, and I am winning -- through knowledge and confidence
I gained from Neo-Tech, combined with my own ability to think
and separate right from wrong. Every move the government quislings
make, they step further into the trap of the Neo-Tech matrix.

D.M.,, united kingdom
Since purchasing the Neo-Tech Discovery and other products, I have
evolved from an over weight death spiral human into a happy productive 40 year
old who feels great. Neo-Tech was the catalyst that made this happen.

S.V.,, 5/24/98
Neo-Tech has given me more power than I ever thought imaginable!

Anon,, 6/13/02
Very interesting...I came across this site quite by accident. '...a compatibility of humor is one of the most enjoyable aspects of friendships and
romantic-love relationships.' How very true.

M.G.,, 1/17/99
Thanks so much, life really does begin at 40.
I love you guys. The Protocols blew me away.
Now, I quit rationalizing and apply Neo-Tech objectively
in my life for riches and romance.

"Thanks again for your awesome information and exalted quest."
K.J.,, 6/6/97

J.B.,, sultanate of Oman
This site should remain to educate people not to be snared by 'false
prophets', men and women posing as servants of god.

D.K.,, 2/27/99, Canada
I have never come across something so immensely
truthful as the Neo-Tech web site. This site has opened my
eyes to a whole new world and dimension I never thought was

J.C.,, 5/24/97
Neo-Tech is the best. This is the moment of truth for our planet.
Thank you.

The information provided by Dr. Wallace and associates is
priceless, and profitable if acted upon. The web site is one of the most
important sites ever developed and is the sole source of information available
that identifies the tyranny society unwittingly accepts.

Simon,, 6/23/01, Australia
Neo-Tech opens the pathway to more enriched
thinking, exactly what the
human race could do with at present !

"This Web Site has tremendously changed my previously polluted
view of existence."
C.D.,, 3/31/97

Crites,, 10/27/02
I am pleased that this information is on the web because it helps others begin to put the puzzle-pictures together to uncover a truer picture of reality.
This, in turn, will help not only the individual, but also all of society as we gradually--or perhaps
suddenly--awaken to a new realization of our surroundings. This awakening will ultimately lead to a more prosperous existence for the human race.

V.G.,, 4/16/97
NT is the seed of the 21st Century and of all time for the
Civilization of the Universe as it springs up here on earth. It is the essence
of life for all of us.

I think this web site is a valuable tool for the honest minded person..
It is a great tool for people seeking to learn more about reality.

Neo-Tech is a great tool for anyone seeking to do great things with his or
her life. Thanks to rational thinking, I have avoided the path often taken
by most who have allowed themselves to let someone do the thinking for them.
This web site inspires me to continue on the same path. Thank you.

"I enjoy visiting this place because of the cause. Individuality.
I have been practicing Fully-Integrated Honesty for a while and
found it to be great at first I used it in a mystical way and
ended up losing some of myself but over time I am earning it back
and I thank you, and hope that in the future all parasites will
come to an end. Thank You"
M.G.,, 1/3/97

J.B.,, 8/26/97
It puts reason in an era without reason.

man's finest hour - this greatest fulfillment to all he holds dear - is that moment when he has worked his heart out in a good cause and lies exhausted on

Currently I am locked in a struggle for control of my business
with my partner who is also an attorney. His operating theory is if it can
be broke or re-written it shall be. Honor is not in this mans' vocabulary.
With 'The Book' I have been able to hold h im off and anticipate his next
move with unbelievable accuracy. I am currently 40 years old with no college
at all. I am convinced beyond any reasonable persons comprehensions, you,
MY FRIENDS, are dead on with Neo-Tech!!! Should you keep the web site? Wi
th your dying breath, keep your fingers clutching the corner of this blanket
that soon the whole world will know as Freedom!!!

L.P.,, 9/25/97,
"This is most unusual, yet I have gained much more than enjoyment from your

"The Neo-Tech Web Site is by far the most valuable site on the
Internet. Keep up the good work."
C.I.,, 3/8/97, United Kingdom

R.R.,, 8/8/99
Neo-Tech has helped me see that there is no replacement for
Hard work, not now, not in the future. Since Neo-Tech I
have doubled my income in 6 months and am well on my way to
producing greater values for everyone. Now that I can
filter out the nonsense of neo-cheaters I can go about
obtaining my goals with honesty. Thank you.

Currently I am locked in a struggle for control of my business
with my partner who is also an attorney. His operating theory is if it can
be broke or re-written it shall be. Honor is not in this mans' vocabulary.
With 'The Book' I have been able to hold h im off and anticipate his next
move with unbelievable accuracy. I am currently 40 years old with no college
at all. I am convinced beyond any reasonable persons comprehensions, you,
MY FRIENDS, are dead on with Neo-Tech!!! Should you keep the web site? Wi
th your dying breath, keep your fingers clutching the corner of this blanket
that soon the whole world will know as Freedom!!!

E.S.,, 1/30/97
Everything I've read so far has caused me to look at life and
wish I only knew about The Neo-Tech Discovery sooner.

E.A.,, 5/25/97, Canada
This web site is needed to help all people
receive a chance at changing their lives. Without
Neo-Tech we are all just empty beings. But with
it, we can bring down all neocheaters and are
masters of our own lives for a change. This
web page has to stay because it will continue to
grow and teach people the truth. It has to stay
for the sake of all human beings who want
something more out of life!

T.S.,, 9/13/99, England
Excellent site

Sally K.,, 5/29/98
great page!

R.K.,, 2/4/97
Of course this site should least until the dishonesty
disease/epidemic is cured worldwide.

"It was odd, but cool to know."
S.G.,, 1/21/97

S.B.,, 2/15/00, Australia
Neo-Tech: the ultimate in knowledge. Its value
ranks up there with the preciousness of human life.

Anon.,, 1/10/00
We (the rational few) definitively need to have
all the help we can get to combat our adversaries -- the
forces of darkness!!! Thank you, onward to the C of U!!!!!!!!!!

S.F.,, 1/31/98
The Neo-Tech Literature is most intellectually stimulating.
I like the ideas about benevolence toward individual
rights. Long live Neo-Tech!!!!!!!

"I found this information very astounding."
L.S.,, 1/7/97

Mr. Anderson,, 3/31/00

"Don't you dare pull this site off the web. It's great. Keep up
the good work and don't allow the statists and envy peddlers to
intimidate you."
P.C.,, 6/23/97

D.B,, 7/30/97
"If honesty and effort arw wrong, we live in a strange world. Expand!!"

G. B.,, 7/26/00
Dear Mr. Wallace, you put forward very
interesting and valuable
concepts for people to use as guidance for a useful and
life. Indeed, promoting rationality, honesty and Objectivism

"Your web site is absolutely necessary, many people need to see
this. To sum it up, CATALYST."
J.W.,, 2/10/97

B.K.,, 1/31/01
THE major hope for humanity.

J.M.,, 4/23/97
I think what you are doing is admirable, let's
put the power back where it belongs.

"Site is informative and resourceful and has peeked my interest
in many ways."
S.N.,, 1/13/97, Canada

one place. Thank you!

R.J.,, 1/9/98
I really enjoy Neo-Tech. It has opened my eyes to things I never
took the time to think about.

S.P.,, 9/9/98, Malaysia
Hi from Malaysia, I think your web site is fantastic,
fabulous. Keep it alive and kicking.

T.G.,, 4/7/00
It's fantastic. So many answers to so many problems of life. Good work!

R.R.,, 1/31/02
A Huge thank you to all at I&O Publishing you are the real hero's of life. And to Dr. Wallace & John Flint you have brought me life were only death could
have occurred.

You have predicted that the dictators will be falling
down. We are seeing that in PERU.

"Thanks for what I estimate to be the world's most intelligent web
site. There's could be no more important and valuable site on the
web. Thanks for assisting me in changing the world...NT forever."
J.C.,, 6/24/97

J.C., , 4/10/01, Venezuela
ery surprising place, for better and for worse. Many things
look incredible, I do not know if I love it or hate it.

"I will undoubtedly come back to this and browse through the text
as it seems to contain some great material."
T.M.,, 12/30/96, Australia

"Thought provoking Web-site, that provides the mind with ideas,
that will change the essence of current world ideology.!!"
M.G.,, 6/28/97, United Kingdom

D.F.,, 9/6/99
I'm finally beginning to become conscious.
Thanks for your role in this process.

T. MOORE,, 10/31/00

"All of the information on this site has had, and will continue to
have a profound impact on my life, and the lives of those people
in society that I come in contact with."
G.U.,, 6/8/97

A.P.,, 4/23/97, Canada
The most interesting Web site I've read.

"Interesting and fun for all!"
J.H.,, 1/28/97, Canada

R.J.,, 1/13/98
I have spent the last six months reading/rereading the
Neo-Tech/Zonpower site. At first it was very frightening to
me since I have been very religious for a number of years. Now,
I truly believe in Dr. Wallace and I have done away with all
religious beliefs. This site has answered a lot of questions
for me, questions that have troubled me for years. Thank you Dr. Wallace!!

S.P.,, 9/11/01, uk
Neo-Tech is an outstanding contribution to understanding the universe that we live in. May it continue to grow and turn our world the right way up, at last.

J.S.,, U.S.
I am an owner of the Neo-Tech Manuscript since 1990. It has Literally
changed my life and perspective on all of human existence. Please

B.S.,, 2/29/00
I'm sitting here with tears on my face trying to type. I
have just finished reading Chapter 36. It only took me 8
hours, I could not stop reading...I ignored my housework and
most everything around me except my child.
I believe that Chapter 36 pulled it together neatly. I was
pulled emotionally so many times by the story. The
neo-cheaters, the liars, the manipulators...scary
stuff...reminds me of today's world. Slowly it is changing
but it will take some time and some mindsets will not be
able to handle the changes but they have a choice…become
value creators and integrators or die. How wonderful it
would be to live in a world where the values created are not
torn down or ridiculed.
Every chapter I read had something else of value to add my
life. It was like turning on the light switches.
Thank you for your story...but one it a story
or perhaps a vision of what will be?? I sense some
characters are stronger than others. I feel that they are
actual persons today or have been influences in your life.

L.M.,, Mexico
It's the most valuable information I've ever received.

Stated simply, Neo-Tech is what I've been looking for since my 13 + years of

D.C.,, 8/24/99, United Kingdom
Neo-Tech has opened my eyes to the real truth around me.

DN,, 4/7/03
All my life I'd been forced to go to church. Even though I didn't want to
believe, I couldn't reject the idea of God, and Jesus Christ. It was
brain-washed into me. Even when I told people I didn't believe, I prayed every
night. I prayed because I was afraid of what would happen if I didn't. I feared
God. I spent most of my life afraid, even after I left home, and no longer had
to go to church. But as the years have gone by I've found it easier to think for
myself. Instead of asking God to fix my problems. I needed to face them head on,
and fix them myself. As soon as I started thinking this way, my problems seemed
to go away. I started going to sleep at night without a prayer. I started to be
happy. I began to have a vague idea of how to look at life. Neo-tech is helping
me focus what I already felt.

"I never thought of our society as an anticivilization until
tonight. To be honest, of all the Web sites I have visited, yours
has been the most interesting an informative."
A.R.,, 5/18/97

"Don't stop!"
I.H.,, 3/4/97

T.S.,, 2/19/00, England
A work of pure mind-blowing genius. Eloquently
adapted and universally functional.11 out off ten.

J.C.,, 12/9/96
So much to learn, I can't belive how much information
is here. Please don't stop adding pages.

"Skeptical at first but after I started reading some of the
articles, I said to myself how can you argue with something that
just makes sense. Very refreshing readings. I'll be back."
B.K.,, 2/28/97, Canada

R.B.,, 4/23/02, Mauritius
Many, many thanks again and again. I would not be alive today without you. No doubt, neo-tech holds clout over this entire planet. The on-going presidential election in France are signs of underlying birth of the civilization of universe in that region too.

"I like it."
A.H.,, 2/15/97

D.C.,, 5/30/98
Since receiving the original hand numbered manuscript of
the Neo-tech Bible and the works I've purchased henceforth, my life has
for the better. Occasionally, I drift down the river of mysticism
by turning my mind off and letting it go to altruism but then
my dedication to my most cherished values of pride, through the
giving values to others deserving, honor, through keeping my
word whatever the 'cost', and self worth, through sharing your
concepts and helping guide open-minded people I interact with
to give them back the childlike wonderment life offered before
mysticism drowned their motivation.

AND TRUTH!!!!! I am a neophyte to Neo-tech, however I am a staunch objectivist.
I have studied the works of Ayn Rand and the Objectivist ethics presented
in her writings. As an entrepreneur and a human being I have suffered the
horrifically evil, shame and guilt from the warped, altruistic, pragmatists
and religious doctrines infesting our world. Through them a person is robbed
of self-esteem, creativity, growth, and their value, until they are fully
immolated to the status of moocher, looter, and or parasite; a fate worse
than death. Thank GOD (in the sense of the universe's intelligence, metaphorically
speaking) for AYN RAND and NEO-TECH!!!

D.D.,, 3/29/97
Excellent, Just plain excellent.

I am completely blown away by how easily you have debunked the religious myths
that I have had to live with all my life. I was raised as a Roman Catholic and
I have known that something was wrong with religion since I was 13 years old
when I stopped going to Mass and did not suffer any adverse consequences that
all my religious leaders said I would. Thank you for making thing so clear.

G.O.,, 6/29/00
The only way the world can have valid
knowledge is thru Neo-Tech, there is no other way. Without Neo-Tech there is
nothing. Presently we live in an upside down world and the only way
to straighten it is thru Neo-Tech. Bottom line: the only tool
of survival is Neo-Tech.

T.F.,, 3/30/99
I think this is a great site and what you're
doing is a good thing. I especially like how Mr. Wallace is
going to run for presidency. Finally, a president that isn't
out for himself!

A.R.,, 8/4/99, Canada
Should be required reading in our schools.

F.M., ., GHANA
I really would like the site to remain because it represents the only
avenue through which enlightenment and freedom may come to the downtrodden
and the disadvantaged.

S.N.,, 3/15/97
This is the most valuable information I can think of. It would be
great if tomorrow, everyone would wake up with this knowledge.

whatever happens, don't go away, WE ALL NEED YOU.

L.K.,, 1/13/99
I love Neo-Tech and God Man, truly the most uplifting and sooth saying
work I've ever read. I try to work on the principles in my
life daily. Thank you very very very very much!!!!!

J.C.,, 7/9/98
I believe only through the ability to utilize free speech in
avenues such as the Abuse reports and web sites such as this
will the truth be told. It will not be hidden behind a veil of
mock disbelief by politicians or federal agency employees. The
truth will be told. It will not and cannot be denied. Too many
have been abused for too long. If we are to stop the insanity,
we must take control
of our lives and hold the responsible parties accountable for
their actions. Only by reading the articles from those abused,
scrolling through the numerous, seemingly never-endingIRS abuse stories
can one realize the magnitude of the problem. We must come together
before its too late.

CO,, 1/30/03
Thank you Neo-Tech for remaining on the web and providing me with the valuable life crucial knowledge that I need to improve myself and my life. Thank you so
very much for providing this wonderfully insightful information source that I may access whenever
I need to. I am so very grateful for your incredible teachings. Frank Wallace, thank you so very much. I owe you a huge debt of gratitude to say the very
least. You are so helpful to humanity, and deserve so many wonderful things for providing so many values. You teach us to only believe what is actual fact. You don't tell us what to do, you simply show honest proven facts about life that we may use to
benefit from. Facts that give us the power to know reality. Facts that give us the power to gain happiness in life by creating it in our own lives as well as other peoples lives. Thanks to you, more people will benefit themselves and our world now in more
positive and productive ways. Thanks to you, we are more primed to move out of these dark ages and into a society where people enjoy life, liberation, and prosperity unlike anything any imagined god or satan has ever given or even offered for that matter.
There is no greater bliss than finding yourself and defining what you want to be by personal choice rather than by someone else's force. Your identity. Your life. There is no greater happiness than just striving towards being a better human being that
benefits themselves and other people. Shame on the government most of all, for destroying values in society. For hindering the progress of the human race. Shame on them and religious leaders for doing very little and getting paid so very much for it. Shame on
them for constantly attempting to make us all feel like we are at their mercy. Most of the REAL evi
l that I have seen in this world comes from government and religion. For hindering the thinking process of a race of beings that have the potential to
accomplish the ultimate value of being alive. A sad reality it is that a few greedy people want to live
off the rest of the innocent ones. A sad reality indeed.

W.N.,, 8/18/01
This is wonderful information for anybody who
is ready to jump into consciousness and become aware what is happening around
them. For anyone who is ready for a change
they should read “The Book' for it will change you and the
way you think forever. You will think the way we were meant,
without mysticism and external authorities telling us how to think.
Neo-Tech is not the Devil's work but it undoes the Devil's work and
awakens the most powerful value on earth, Human-Consciousness.

"Your ideas are extremely valuable and liberating. Please continue
with your campaign to vanish the parasites and scum who leech off
the honesty and effort of business-oriented people."
P.R.,, 6/28/97, United Kingdom

"Very eye opening. I have always realized there was a great
injustice going on around me. However, I only realized it
subconsciously. I have now been able to pin point some of the
neocheaters and their methods. I will soon be on my way to
unlimited prosperity and happiness. Neo-Tech will rule in the
21st Century and beyond."
S.H.,, 2/26/97

J.M.,, 3/7/00
I think that you have hit on a good idea with 'The Story.'
I am through Chapter 12, I hope that you are planning
on publishing this. I would like to be able to savor this
as well as read it with my 16 year old son.
It is a great read that embodies your philosophy
in a manner that can be understand by many more than those
of us who already grasp your philosophy.
Please publish this and I will be sure to order.


C.D.,, 6/23/99
Hi, I'm 68 years old, I keep coming back to
this site, I'm a glutton for eliminating the crap in my
mind. I see the changes going on in this world, please keep
up good work.

M.Z.,, 2/4/97, Bolivia
Cutting edge !! at last !!

"From the time I read my first Neo-Tech literature a few years
ago, I knew it was meant for the web. Neo-Tech is invaluable."
J.T.,, 6/23/97, Venezuela

D.S.,, 3/12/98
A good means of tearing down old paradigms, let me know more.

D.B.,, 11/12/99
It is quite clear that a great deal of though
and research has been applied to this work

"Reality is not easy for me but I am now grasping it by the
E.M.,, 2/13/97

G.C.,, 7/6/97
Most fascinating site I have ever read.

J.R.,, 3/30/97
I feel the excitement of the `answer is here!'

F.Q.,, 12/24/96
This is a wonderful web site. I gain a lot of knowledge about your

David,, 9/15/02
I understand and actually feel compassion toward the individuals that leave such painful 'negative comments' about Neo-Tech. Their lives have been seriously
hurt by others promoting the life destroying philosophies that are behind every parasitical livelihood. The horrible destructions on 9/11/01 would not have
occurred in a mystic free civilization (which these 'negatives' promote). The contrast between the positive comments and the negatives reflect the true
difference between moral and immoral people.
Thank you NT people. . . you are a breath of fresh air in a real 'anti-civilization'.

P.C.,, 6/27/97, Germany
It's really fascinating to me.

R.R.,, 3/10/01
The Neo-Tech/Zon thinking mode has helped me
integrate my
thinking with reality. This neo-think reality is a cutting
edge life style
('philosophy') that strikes me as the 'true & honest' way to
conduct one's life. I want to progress even further and am
about what the future holds.
The first book ('The Neo-Tech Discovery (Zonpower)
Manuscript') gets credit
for opening my mind. I feel I was truly 'saved' after
this. Now I understand what the Baptists' mean and possibly
when they say they have been 'saved'!!!... So, when I have a
discussion with people of various religions, I usually tell
how I was saved with my new thinking about life. Of course,
am labeled a 'heathen' at times, and conveniently called an
but it's OK with me.

L.W.,, 4/4/97
The growth of a person's potential is greatly increased when one's
knowledge is expanded with Neo-Tech.

M. Avgoloupi,, 2/22/01
Neo Tech is an essential part of learning.
Taking it off the
net is like taking the alphabet out of education.

B.M.,, 8/10/97, Ireland
"I am interested a great deal in your material. It seems both radical and
practical - a quality difficult to find."

J.M.,, 11/22/97, United Kingdom
I can say honestly that my life is changing.
Your frankness and honesty in the information
you provide is appreciated.

L.S.,, Guatemala

N.A.,, 5/8/97
Amazingly accurate and informative.

"Certainly worth finding out more about neo-tech. If this can
help an average person develop the skills to be economic
self-sufficient it will be a great resource."
D.M.,, 1/23/97

R.W.,, 12/25/97
I am happier now than any time in my adult life. I find more
people being honest today than ever before. The God concept and
politicians have to go and be forgotten. WE

F.M.,, 10/14/97
"I enjoyed reading your site, it is full of much valuable information,"

M.E.,, 12/16/96
Fascinating. Looks like this information
may hold the key to my success.

"Thank-you for your very important site."
R.M.,, 2/18/97

H.B.,, 8/31/97
"You have uplifted dark into LIGHT!!"

CK,, 3/13/01
Awesome, I always knew this deep down in my
soul. PRAISE be yours for bringing this lost knowledge to
the light of day!!!

A.T.,, 3/11/99
Great information. Woke me right up. It makes a lot of sense.

D.Y,, 8/7/97
"I liked reading the information on Neo-Tech very much."

A.B.,, 12/31/97
I feel grateful for having
found this information and to apply it in my life. I only wish
I could have came across it sooner. I hope that you will continue
to keep your web site up, more people need to seriously sit down
and read your material and to expand their thinking.

"It is necessary to develop a train of apolitical philosophy by
which the political system(s) of the world can be rendered open
to rational, positive process. As an owner/user of the Zon
principles I am currently investigating methods by which these
principles can be brought to fruition in the (Australian)
political climate."
O.R.,, 2/25/97, Australia

MAP,, transient
This site offers invaluable tools to remove a defect in the brain
called 'mental-blindness' this site should definitely stay as the mind constantly
evolves, sometimes in wrong directions! (mysticism, false beliefs) N-T corrects
the deficiencies by offering a different window or snapshot into reality the
way it really is. Once the materials are read a new energy fuses in the brain
that has the capability of 'defying' normal laws of logic! The beauty of it is
you continue to see reality as you perceived originally you don't lose anything,
but one gains the second language of N-T; originality fires in all directions
this is the new 'invisible' energy! Basically put, N-T gives one new logic and
it is within that package that one can see and understand reality from other
angles. Upon this discovery one may be temporarily 'shocked' from such a rude
awakening but i promise you, life will be extremely interesting after the readings
of this literature.

D.H,, 8/3/97
"Suddenly everything is very clear."


J.L.,, 4/28/99
Neo-Tech is just starting to become a way of
life for me and I love it. Let the ignorant who wish to ban
it suffer there own fate for they will eventually force
themselves to extinction.

J.P.,, 1/23/01
I find all this extremely fascinating as it
opens up many
doors, and brings about new questions.

The time for enrichment is here. I hank you for this opportunity
to study something revolutionary of thought and growth. I

T.W.,, 3/29/00
Mr. Hamilton, I am amazed
by your work. It has opened my eyes and changed my life in
many ways. I am 17 years old and you have given me
something to live for when before there was nothing. Thank
you for your inspiration.

,, 9/12/01
Hello, I, just like all genuine human spirits, have a hole gouged in my heart because of the World Trade Center attack. The only refuge I could find was my
knowledge of Neo-Tech and how I am going to stay focused on the true meaning of life. Neo-Tech is the most powerful, no BS information I have ever
experienced. I hope everyone can sooner than later learn the power and benefits that the Neo-Tech concepts can give to all conscious human life. So simple,
so powerful. I can't describe the feeling with words...

C.S.,, 4/9/00
Your web site looks better every time I visit it.

Have been searching for over 30 years for this type of confirmation
to my intuitive self. Thank you for your efforts and may we all grow.

J.J.,, Jordan
Thank you for your campaign to enlighten the humans and breaking
their mystical bubbles .

"Cool site!! Lots of good stuff!! Keep it comin!!"
G.P., 3/17/97

M.R.,, 10/8/97
The information has made quite an impact on me. I have always
thought there was a lot of corruption, but now
I can see the big picture. My wife and I are still
having trouble breaking away from this anti-civilization. Everywhere we go it
seems no one is aware, or they just don't care. I appreciate the commitment and
effort you all put forth in collapsing mysticism. Thank you in advance for
saving the world.

L.S.,, 11/30/97
You present a different perspective and stimulate intelligent
thought, e.g., the article on Princess Diana & Mother
Teresa. The Media had us weeping over the 'tragic' loss of Di. Any other woman
in a similar situation would have been
considered a drunken slut out gallivanting around who reaped her
just dessert.

"There is certainly a great deal of good information conveyed
here, information that can do good for the individual. I intend
not only to read, but also to work with the material on the
D.C.,, 2/4/97

G.M.,, 4/10/98
I have already learned much and am putting that information in my daily life. I have learned to spot neo-cheaters all around me and I yearn for more knowledge.

M.M.,, 9/29/01, Canada
Finally, The truth has be laid out for all to see. In exchange for a few minutes of reading, this article gives everyone the knowledge so sadly missing in
the education systems of the western world. How is it possible that people could be so misled and repressed from free thinking? What a freeing experience
to allow oneself to be selfish. A Hero. thanks to all involved for sharing the truth.

H.A.,, 4/23/97
Your site is very informative and helpful. I greatly appreciate the

"This is a great site."
R.K.,, 2/22/97

A.P.,, 4/24/97, Philippines
I find many interesting details of earning money and becoming rich.

Lawrence,, 8/2/01
Thanks for going through the chaos to bring
peace to us.

Ari-B.V.,, 5/8/01
When I first began reading Neo-Tech I felt as
though I'd just awoke from a deep sleep that lasted my whole
life up to that point. To say that the information was an eye-opener
is an understatement. As I began reading the first pages of
my Neo-Tech manuscript, I had no idea that I was embarking on a
journey in which there was no return. I'm not the same
person I was the day before reading Neo-Tech. Thanks for opening my

T.H.,, 12/13/99
Once people start to realize the mysticism, and impurities
being feed to them by neo-cheaters, they will eventually
turn the way of NEO-TECH/GOD-MAN.

C.F.,, 12/16/01
I would like more people to use Neo-Tech. Acting in the ways of Neo-Tech. The true Neo-Tech people will succeed

Z.D.,, 6/16/97, England
I think your site is a great asset to the Internet.

"This web site is great. Great for me to learn valuable
Y.S.,, 2/2/97, Malaysia

C.T.,, 4/30/97
I think there is truth to be found here.

S.D.,, 10/18/01, England
An excellent manual for life, bringing happiness and fulfillment.

D.S.,, 6/18/97
I think this is very powerful material that should be learned in

Magnificent site!

R.A.,, 12/7/97
The profound effects of Neo-Tech are indeed visible in the general
society and will be long into the future. As a 'cyber-citizen'
I feel this is one of the best sites on the web and integral to
the advance of our universal civilization.
So many people need to wake up to what has been done to them
and it is exciting to me that these ideas are now so succinctly
put forth through these pages. Onward...!

R.W.,, 3/23/98
Neo-Tech is the best web site. I can see Neo-Tech
working throughout the WORLD and would like to do more to help
bring peace and Harmony to the world sooner.

C N Gower,, 12/8/00, AUSTRALIA
This site is definitely the most stimulating
and compelling thing on the web.

All knowledge is good...and this is some of the best we can get to help us
all grow in our development as humans.

Before finding this web site, I had to pay a fortune for such a valuable
information! Pleeeeese expand!

M.C.,, 6/26/97
Mysticism is truly useless. Let us all pursue its extinction
immediately! Neo-Tech flows through my mind unblocked by mysticism! I am
Zonpower. My children will be Zonpower. My business is Zonpower. My new
international business hyperstructure will deliver Zonpower into the hands of
100 million individuals. The end of the irrational/mystical is here!

R.S.,, 1/21/01
The most enlightening info. I have come across
in a long time.

Cleared up my conceptions of the destructiveness of mysticism. Very valuable
and eye-opening.


R.R.,, 4/26/00
Neo-Tech has changed my life for the better.
My eyes have been opened to the world of mysticism, neo-cheaters and
non-sequiters. One only has to look at what's happening to great companies
such as Microsoft and the persecution of value producers like
Bill Gates to see how these Black Hat Neo-Cheaters want to
destroy or steal other peoples hard work.

C.K.,, 5/10/98
I think Neo-Tech is great!

"I must say that I really enjoy this Randian capitalist spritzer
with a twist of sarcasm and light sprinkle of earthy-crunchy
clean living."
J.H.,, 4/6/97

"This sight is very informative in helping to share knowledge
that is vital to the future of mankind. I hope that you continue
to use this site to enlighten many unaware human beings of the
parasitical elite. Keep up the good work."
T.B.,, 2/5/97

"Your site is beautifully interesting and contains power-packed
P.L.,, 6/20/97, Japan

R.C.,, 3/10/98
The most positive, enlightening, and uplifting material
I've read.

C.W.,, 10/21/98
Technology has reached a point where we can see a brave new
World Weather it is a new Plato or a new nightmare will depend upon
US! information becomes free, speech becomes free, information
becomes free, the Universe opens up to us. I am Magical (beliefs)
yet every friend has a different religion. We all seek the same,
a creator. Someone who knows what is the real deal. Either everyone
has the communication ability or the corrupt control. Like the
people who use recreational drugs, used like the Nazies used the
Jews. Something to focus the attention on while the corrupt take control.

M.A.,, 10/8/97, Australia
I would definitely like the Neo-Tech site to remain on the
Internet as it is invaluable. Neo-Tech has done wonders for both myself and my partner
and I will continue reading whatever information you make available to the world
over the Internet.


"What I have heard of this site is absolutely astounding. Let's
put it to good use by all and all will flourish."
K.M.,, 4/30/97

"Excellent and interesting information that can change ones life
S.M.,, 5/27/97, South Africa

W.K.,, 8/13/97, Africa
"Please, I and my people would like to see a Swahili publication in order
for the masses of people who don't speak other foreign languages to become
knowledgeable of this valuable information. After all, the more net value
producers in this world means less net value destroyers there would be."

L.S.,, 11/1/98
I received Neo-Tech a little over three days
ago already I am starting to see where I went wrong
all those years ago I practiced mysticism for a very
long time to no great ends). Neo-Tech is helping me
understand how to become a 'value producer' and I have
since denounced all of my ties to the 'mystic lie'.

M.B.,, 12/30/01
The subject matter is quite interesting and refreshing as it cuts through dogma, mysticism, and superstition. I was entrapped in the text for hours. I will
return to the site for more study.

Sylvester "Quicksilver" Mukabi,, Kenya

D.R.,, 1/18/97, Croatia
Before the war in my country, I read the first book about Neo-Tech.
Now, it's time to learn more.

A.W.,, 5/9/97
Information is of huge value. None should be lost, destroyed, or
otherwise censored.

R.B.,, 4/4/02, Mauritius
Even here in this small island those life-crushing taxes are dreadful. We should not waste time for the job ahead. I, too will go beyond my physical limits to help Neo-Tech win.

M.S.,, 7/13/98
Neo-Tech opens your mind into a NEW WORLD.

D.H.,, 5/27/98
This web-site is well done; organization through-out is
I didn't expect anything less from a Neo-Tech web-site, though.

John,, 2/28/03, UK
Neo-Tech is great stuff.

J.O.,, 2/8/03, puerto rico or united states territory
I am about ready to start my business and I couldn't have gone this far without the use of neo-tech cosmic business control. But my biggest thanks goes for
the writing of the most beautiful piece of literature I have ever read in my life-the neo-tech disc
overy. I am now a proud neo-tech atheist, and I am ready for eternal life through scientific breakthroughs. God the son ZON=GOD,ZON=MAN

O.I.,, 9/6/98
It's the most interesting site I have ever seen, sincerely! I will
invite all my friends to visit it. I'm anxious to see you again
and your new materials!