
Your Rendezvous with Pax Neo-Tech
13,000 Comments 13,000 Comments

Pure Beauty Rising
C'est Si Bon

Neo-Tech Letter Testimonials!

Feedback Comments From Jan 1997-May 2003

Below, 500 Random Testimonials From 1997-2003
Continue refreshing to see countless more Neo-Tech Testimonials... over 20,000 testimonials!

"I NEED to learn how to protect myself and I shall keep looking
until I manage to control my own destiny. ...DO TELL ME MORE AND
E.G.,, 2/24/97, Australia

"Your web page which is incredible."
E.A.,, 5/25/97, Canada

Kevin O'Keane,, 10/7/00
How could it be otherwise Neo-tech spread
throughout the world
or how else are we to survive? The neo-cheater enslaver will
destruct the world. It amazes me that I was duped for so
but what else could I do. The neo-cheating is so strong and
I even knew what neo-cheating meant what else could I do? I
my life with WSA & IH to demonstrate though invisibly the
of fair play, of value production for the benefit of my
and society that this will teach others to be responsible;
be leaders in their own worlds.

Jessica S.,, 1/11/99
Neo-tech is one of the greatest things that I
have ever read. It has drastically
changed my life; and it has definitely been for the better.

D.C., nv.ux, 3/14/97
This truth is needed!!!!!

I believe that the truth should be told, and that all mystical beliefs
should finally be put to rest, so the world can prosper and grow into the civilization
of the universe. I understand most are afraid of the truth because the thought
of being in charge of your own life, and decision making, opposed to being a
puppet for the real life value destroyers is a lot to take in, but who cares
how the truth comes as long as it comes, right? Finally, I know neo-tech should
remain on the net, because without it how can we possibly thrive as a true civilization
when what we have now only reinforces anti-civilization. meaning that the blind
will continue to lead the blind further into this anti-civilization, until that
mystical matrix is stripped away, and the truth can be seen by whole world!

I am now on my way to being fully integrated. Iam unleashing my
extremely productive and inventive mind. Goodbye fear, guilt, dishonesties, and
irrationalities. I will be purchasing more material from I&O publishing soon.
I am the happiest I've ever been. I am displaying my productivity and not working
for those that do not agree to my terms to gain from my actions and mind. Thank
you Neo-Tech, stay here forever, for I plan to be here. I do not know where I
would be right now otherwise. Eternal life for F reedom, Prosperity, Wealth,
Productivity, and Love. Eternal life for everything moral and EARNED.

E.S.,, 5/3/01, Germany
Y E S Of course I want this site to remain on
the Internet.
It's one of the few really important pages out there!

S.B.,, 1/23/98
I am 52 years old have always strived to lead a honest productive
life, I've been ripped off and cheated many many times. I have been amazed by
the site, since
then I find myself getting right in the face of neocheaters and
exposing them for there dastardly deeds I love it and want to
know more, keep going neo-tech and thank you.

P.Williams,, 3/14/99, United Kingdom
Thank you for this groundbreaking information.

The bottom line is 'without Neo-Tech there is no hope' We need the
valuable information that Neo-Tech provides us. There is not much information
that can be trusted from the media as they only tell one side of the story and
are very good in starting pa nic. They never tell us about how the politicians
are ruining our lives by faking progress while ruining the economy. The only
hope for us is Neo-Tech which will destroy 'Mysticism'.

C.D.,, 11/9/01
I have had the pleasure and fortune of enlightenment through Neo-Tech. Thanks to Neo-Tech, I see crystal clear through the mystic fog that has been
shrouding us for centuries. Not only would I like to see this sight expand, but it must expand to continue to spread the word of a better, brighter and
mystic free world. Knowledge is power. I only hope that it is not to late to save ourselves at this crucial juncture in time. It is the best thing that has
happened to me, and dfinitely the best thing for the human race. The computer is the beginning of a universal community (a very powerful tool) that will
eventually make the Neo-Tech way of life known to the masses. Therefore this site must never come down, but continue to grow as it continues to
reach and pull the people out of the mystic fog that has stifled us for far to long.

J.W.,, 12/17/96, Australia
What little I have seen so far is very interesting.
I have limited opportunities to surf, but will be back to see more.

N.U.,, 9/29/97, Singapore
I never came across anything (information) like this before.
I would like to see this site expanded.

J.C.,, 10/10/97
"The information displayed on this site is shocking. I became interested
right away, since I've also been doing my own studies on ways to acquire a
better life. Neo-Tech should definitely remain on the Internet"

M.R.,, 10/8/97
The information has made quite an impact on me. I have always
thought there was a lot of corruption, but now
I can see the big picture. My wife and I are still
having trouble breaking away from this anti-civilization. Everywhere we go it
seems no one is aware, or they just don't care. I appreciate the commitment and
effort you all put forth in collapsing mysticism. Thank you in advance for
saving the world.

,, 6/6/00
Thank you so much for making The Story
available on the Internet. I did have good teachers, but
none like Miss Annabelle. Since I'm now 78 years old,
Neo-Tech wasn't even thought of at that time. I purchased
Neo-Tech in the past, perhaps it's the indoctrination of my
past that has made it difficult for me to ratchet up my
thinking and dispel the niggling bit of uneasiness at some
of the concepts. Still, I've questioned the validity of
Christianity for some time. The Story is what I needed to
at last resonate fully with Neo-Tech. Again, thank you.

"Your site is great! I just love it."
A.F.,, 4/20/97, Canada

Sherri I.,, 2/4/98
I think it is fascinating information and extremely beneficial.
It allows you to think for yourself and think in a very positive

R.R.,, 1/3/99
The Discovery is great and many people will be
saved from the agony of mysticism.

"This is an outstanding addition to the WWW."
D.C.,, 2/28/97

"I was astounded. The information was so valuable that I just
want to thank you for making it available. My New Year's
resolution is to study ALL of these pages and to USE them!"
D.H., sircham, 1/31/97

P.B.,, 3/22/97
I used to preach and teach the Bible in the Church of Christ, I find
the values of Neo-Tech worth much more.

F.E.,, 6/25/00
Its the best thing that has happened to me.

A.K.,, 5/6/97, Japan
I am really very desperate to know about Neo-Tech.

J.D.,, 6/9/97, Australia
Knowledge of the caliber that you disseminate should be spread by all
possible means. Although not everyone is ready for its vast implications,
everyone needs it desperately. Stay on the net at all costs.

G.B.,, 8/6/00, United Kingdom
Great site.

G.G.,, 2/8/98
I think Neo-Tech will definitely help change the world for
the better and you should definitely continue. I think publishing all the
negative comments about
Neo-Tech is a great idea I read them for a good laugh. Many of my own idea's
become much clearer as I read.

S.J.,, 1/19/97

"I believe that you are doing important work on this web site and
I applaud your efforts. Finally someone has something rational to
say and a real solution to so many problems in this country and
P.W.,, 6/3/97


J.S.,, 1/9/99
Dear Neo-Tech, thank you for the most powerful thinking tools
that I ever laid my eyes on in my entire life! I have benefited
tremendously from the Neo-Tech discovery.

P.J.,, 3/18/00, United Kingdom
BRILLIANT, an education with principles one
can apply to their everyday lives.
It makes you feel as if a door has been opened.

The most powerful discovery in history.

L.W.,, 1/2/96
I am profoundly glad to have access to the most important information
ever available to the human race.

"Unbelievable, where have I been! Power is with the informed."
B.J.,, 2/3/97

Brendan,, 6/11/02
Good site, interesting and thought provoking

D.K.,, 2/21/98
Neo-Tech verified what I was afraid to question. I thank
you for that.

"Neo Tech has completely changed my life and thinking process."
J.N.,, 2/24/97, Costa Rica

J.B.,, 10/7/97
Excellent service to document the IRS abuses.

"Someone has to keep telling the truth until the world wakes up
to what is and has been going on for so long. Thank you for this
J.L.,, 2/20/97

Kitty E.,
This site is giving people a new insight
on life. It gives you an answer to questions no one else would.

T.G.,, 8/20/01
Neo Tech is one of the most forward thinking
organizations the world has ever seen.

John D H Eatwell,, 7/22/02
Simply Realistic. I Now Spy With My Little Eye All The Cheats. Love To Talk To Anyone In Christchurch New Zealand. Frank Wallace & Mark Hamilton You Are
Truly Genius Thank You Forever John

T.B.,, 6/15/00

Mr. C.P.,, 4/30/00
This is one of the Greatest Books I have ever
read its hard to put it down.

S.S.,, 5/11/98

"Neo-Tech is needed by all...."
D.E.,, 4/1/97, England

Y.S.,, 2/2/97, Malaysia
This web site is great. Great for me to learn valuable knowledge.

M.,, 6/4/00
I just finished reading the story, and I realized
one thing - there will be no limit for the advancements of
supersociety, life will be a never ending story that gets
better and better. My point is, people should continue the
story, or write their own versions of how they think
humanity will leap into the
CofU. And while doing this, let's try and use Neothink.
Instead of producing fiction, use your own
mind, your greatest asset, to create and predict the future.
No matter if you do this for yourself, or
publish it, as a result I will believe you will become
tremendously motivated, much like the NTP
authors, since you use your own Neothink mind to create a
value. And the more you will find out
about our civilizations ever-improving far future, by
continuing the story, you will become more and
more motivated to eliminate the current problems of our
anti-civilization, and eventually find some
important breakthrough solutions yourself. There's a very
interesting point in the story when Jake
reflects about anticivilization and about what was the
biggest problem that prevented people from
discovering Nature's Quintessential Secret, and finds out
that the change of mentality started with an
emotional change, which then triggered the peoples
motivation. It simply comes down to that.. a
matter of having the positive emotions to start ones
motivational drive in order to make a start in
creating values.. after that one critical starting point,
one will never stop integrating and creating

D.C.,, 6/16/96, Canada
The site is good. Very important to human kind.

C.S.,, 4/9/00
Your web site looks better every time I visit it.

Maverick thinking.

S.B,, 2/4/97

Ari-B.V.,, 5/8/01
When I first began reading Neo-Tech I felt as
though I'd just awoke from a deep sleep that lasted my whole
life up to that point. To say that the information was an eye-opener
is an understatement. As I began reading the first pages of
my Neo-Tech manuscript, I had no idea that I was embarking on a
journey in which there was no return. I'm not the same
person I was the day before reading Neo-Tech. Thanks for opening my

m.m.,, 7/23/01
This is the best sites on the internet.

"Thank you for waking me up and causing me to think. How can
anyone handle their problems when they don't even know what they
P.H.,, 4/27/97, United Kingdom

J.D.,, 6/9/97, Australia
Knowledge of the caliber that you disseminate should be spread by all
possible means. Although not everyone is ready for its vast implications,
everyone needs it desperately. Stay on the net at all costs.

M.M.,, 9/25/99
Remain on the web, people ought to know the truth.

"Very interesting, definitely a topic I want to know more about.
I hope I can use this to improve my lifestyle."
B.J.,, 1/29/97

R.D.,, 1/14/98
I am extremely interested in these topics and have been for
years. This will be a regular stop for me from now on. I
am indeed on a serious quest for knowledge and always have been.

"This is refreshing! It allows me to seriously study the
possibilities cyberspace has to offer."
S.B.,, 12/19/96

"I found the information here extremely informative and I plan to
put it to good use. This is a must-see web site for anyone
interested in winning."
P.G.,, 12/25/96

"I am a newcomer to Neo-Tech but from what little I have read I
like the way you think. It is about time we get ahead in life."
A.E.,, 4/15/97

J.D.,, 7/5/00, Australia
I have read The Book a number of times, the
concepts have had a deep affect
on me.

C.M.,, 1/4/99, United Kingdom
Neo-Tech is the greatest thing on the planet.
Go Neo-Tech!

G.P.,, 6/22/97
It is my hope that the whole world eventually gets a chance to read
the wisdom contained within these documents. Transformation of the entire
consciousness structure would result and the world would irrevocably be

"Just got the Money, Power, Romantic-Love info and I came to your
web site. I like your web site. I am looking forward to learning
a new way of thinking. That is my problem...'my stinking
thinking' ."
S.V.,, 4/14/97

N.T.,, 6/27/97
I have prospered by integrating and using this knowledge. I have seen
the predictions of a neothink mind unfold and see the coming of the new age
rapidly approaching.

K.R.,, 9/15/00
My teacher mentioned the fact that he believes
you guys are
evil. Since I never buy any thing teachers say, I decided
to check
you out and I discovered that I really like what you are
saying and would
love to hear more!

Neo-Tech has helped me comprehend the world.

S.A.,, 6/7/01, Australia
G'day, I think neo-tech is the most profound
literature I have
ever come across. I cant express enough how much the first
I read affected me, after reading The Neo-Tech Discovery
I felt like crying because it taut me things about myself
I knew were there but didn't know how to deal with, like
thoughts that I had, now I am free from that stupid disease,

"Interesting? Need to see more."
T.S.,, 2/2/97

D.D.,, 6/28/97
I am an avid reader, and I must say that the Neo-Tech/Zon
information is the most integrated, realistic, powerful collection of
literature and philosophy that I have ever encountered, or been exposed to. It
totally shatters the misconceptions and outright, deliberate lies and B.S. that
are, in many cases, purposely propagated by the `powers that be.' It gives the
average person a way to truly understand what is really taking place on planet
Earth. The world seems to be in a deep freeze, and most people are fast
asleep, having no idea of what is happening, and how the world is changing so
rapidly. This web site is a great way to introduce people to the NT/Zon
concepts. Most people will not ever hear about NT/Zon, but will still be
affected by it. I think that eventually, a critical mass of people will start a
cascade of rationality and production that will not be able to be ignored by
the backwards anti-civilization inhabitants, and then, the anticivilization
will be left behind forever. I would like to thank everyone at the NT/Zon
center for their work and dedication to the eradication of mysticism and

G.P.,, 9/14/01, Canada
Anyone against Neo-Tech obviously hasn't experienced it or even given it the time of day, since it challenges their deep rooted beliefs about life and God.
Lets take the irrationality out of life and make it rational, leaving nothing unanswered, living lives full of meaning and fulfillment. We are entitled to
peace and harmony within our lives, everything we need and desire is contained within Neo-Tech's teachings, lets make a lifetime of happiness amongst our
fellow man and believe paradise on Earth does exist. We are the creators of the universe, masters of time and space, lets believe it again for the 'first'

Frank, , 8/22/02, Puerto Rico
This site allows someone to empower themselves and break free from the manipulation and (needless) control imposed by those in our society that can only feel
powerful and accomplished by trampling all over most of us 'innocents' in society. I will no longer allow anyone else to control and victimize me or those that I love just to make themselves feel important at my expense. I reject the idea that my
happiness is dependent on anyone other than myself. Think about it.

J.H.,, 11/26/99
This is the greatest information I have ever seen!

N.T.,, 1/27/00
My father gave me Neo-Tech when I was about 15, and it
changed my life. I was on my own at 19, I had rejected
religion, and today I consider myself a well-adjusted humanist with views
still in line with your literature.
Thanks for having the courage to face the neo-cheaters.

C.M,, 8/5/97
"Exciting and very plausible."

"Very Interesting and loads of material."
J.W.,, 4/19/97

V.N.,, //
I have been reading THE BOOK for the last
couple of weeks and everything that I read is what I already new somewhere deep
down. Thank you for bringing it to the surface of my thoughts. I
can now hopefully be the person I am meant to be.

D.B.,, 8/11/98, Australia
Wow!!! ...and congratulations! ...I am in awe!

V.J.,, 7/21/97
"HEY!!! a picture of Frank Wallace I assume. Boy was I thrilled
when I saw that picture. Now thats a man!!!! Thats what I want to
look like. That definitely is an inspiration, that gives NT
another boost for me."

So far I have found this so interesting, I can't seem to read
enough about it. Totally fantastic work.


C.H.,, 2/13/01, England
Neo-Tech and the Long Wave are the greatest
discoveries in our
long history... it would be a sin against our God-man
to take Neo-Tech of the net. Frank Wallace, Eric Savage,
Hamilton and all value producers I salute you!

G.G.,, 2/2/98
Someday I would like to meet the 3 geniuses
at Neo-Tech; I have been a regular customer, and have been very
delighted with their work. keep it going.

r.f.,, 2/19/03
Very enlightening, I feel more enlivened and renewed after the first reading.

"After reading this Web site, I have become very interested in
the ideas of Zonpower."
A.B.,, 12/19/96, Canada

D.M.,, 6/12/01, Scotland
I am from the UK and am reading the amazingly
brilliant book
called 'The Book', I have to say it is truly outstanding, it

D.L.,, 7/19/00
I like the philosophy. It seems to 'flesh out'
Rand's work
Nicely without disagreeing with Objectivism.

"Wow!! What an eye opener!! Thanks a million."
T.R., trose, 4/4/97

J.S.,, 2/9/98
This is one of the most important discoveries, it will help
human beings become better.

B.P.,, 1/18/03
This is the most life enhancing material I've ever read. Neo-Tech rescued me from a life of HELL. I will be forever grateful. This website offers such
valuable information, I feel it would be suicide not to expand. Keep up the good work. Spread the word so that we can win the war against stupidity.

L.H., ., 9/4/02
My husband turned me on to Neo-Tech, and it's being really helpful opening my eyes, to be aware of the Neo-cheaters in business and in politics. It enables
me to recognize these Neo-cheaters, and allows me to strategize on how to deal or not deal with the
m at all, thus allowing me to succeed and be happy in the business world. It as also helped me in my relationship, but I still need a lot of work in that
area, because of all the past Neo-cheating bullshit I have been brainwashed with since I was born. Thanks for assisting my growth and success as a person in

B.W.,, 1/8/00, United Kingdom
The bulletin board is particularly useful as
it allows like minded Neo-Tech people to interact.

M.G.,, 2/13/01
Neo-Tech is great.

L.T.,, Canada
After knowing about and studying neo-tech for over 10 years, I am
certainly convinced of the great benefit received in all areas of my life. the
little manual on ridding oneself of alcohol, drugs and coffee is worth its weight
in gold. of course, stay on the web. millions of people are hearing about your
life saving, life changing and enlightening material. it is so far above the
stupidity taught in schools and religious halls.

"Interesting and provocative!"
J.P.,, 1/9/97

B.C.,, 12/15/98
Neo tech is the best. It is the only honest way of living life
to the fullest. Neo Tech has made my life better, the more I
use it the more successful I become. Thank you Dr. Wallace,
Mr. Hamilton and all the rest of the people at Neo Tech. When I
need a laugh I read the negative comments from the narrow minded
people who don't understand that Neo Tech is the future. I feel
sorry for them but I can only take responsibility for my self.
Long live Neo Tech!!!

"This site is the most valuable on the web. I want it to expand
forever! This is the best and only way to let the humans around
the world see how the world functions. This is the only site who
tells you this in an honest way."
N.G.,, 2/9/97, Sweden

P.C.,, 1/3/97
Neo-Tech is the answer, I am glad that it is on the web. the site is
a good one keep up the good work.

P.L.,, 12/13/96, New Zealand
I have read about a quarter of the book
called 'Zonpower-The new world song, etc, etc' --
and have found it rather mind boggling.

"I am an owner of Neo-Tech and find it the most fascinating
document I have read to date. I wish I could get copies of this
document to all my friends."
E.E.,, 12/26/96, Germany

J.S.,, 2/16/98
I know for sure
that your literature has been beneficial to me. I realize that the
competitiveness is what counts. Also, I can really see
how one needs this type of information in order to even get by.

J.C.,, 3/8/99
You have made an incredible difference in my
and my son's life!... Thank you so much.

V.H.,, 3/7/98, ARUBA
Putting Neo-Tech on the INTERNET is the ONLY way to
massively share the knowledge and insights of this 'might' with MILLIONS
so that we all can usher the world into the NEO-TECH ERA.

"Interesting and worth study/contemplation."
J.F.,, 1/31/97

I write to you about my neo-tech experience. 7 months ago I ordered your 'Book'
and I've read it cover to cover. What do you say, when simple security guard
becomes a millionaire? You say: read the 'Book'. Yes, it took me only seven months
to gain wealth, and only credit to this is to 'The Book'.

"I have found the answer. Thank you. Let us together uphold
profound honesty and vanish mysticism now and forever."
Z.Z.,, 4/25/97

Claude W. V.O.,,
If the rest of the world knew the truth that is in these writings
there would be no wars or terrorist activities. All of mankind would flourish
to its maximum capabilities and the space program would be eons down the
road. For the truth stands more powerf ul than anything that neo-cheaters
can muster in their cheating thoughts to develop more power over as many
as they can. The truth leaves them powerless! I've had the book, God-Man,
for over three years and still read it to absorb the knowledge and put it
into use everyday.

I.G.,, 10/30/00, England
Thank you for bringing your amazing discovery
out into the open.

"The one thing that interests me most about the philosophy of
Neo-Tech is the fight to cure the disease of death!"
P.S.,, 3/28/97

I love reading 'The Book'. And I love the way that my new
found excitement is changing my life. Live the life your were meant to
live. I think that when everyone is using web tv in their homes, neo-tech
will really take off. All people need is to have the right information
given to them, and they all will make the right choices for their lives.

H.B.,, 3/20/00
More people should know and become aware of
Neo-Tech. I find great peace and fulfillment by spending
hours reading it.

S.G.,, 10/27/97
"I think Neo-Tech is very useful. It can make any
person's life."

G.B.,, 2/27/97
Your web site is fabulous and filled with life saving concepts. I
have read the articles `SILENCE the Ultimate Protector of Individual Rights'
and `Businessmen versus Neocheaters' by Carl Watner. Please keep up the good
work. Honesty and Justice will prevail.

Generation X,, 6/11/00
Did you like the New Civilization as described
in The Story?
Did you like that New Life?
Would you like for The Story to become real in this life?
Would you like to experience happiness as described in The
Would you like to have more friends that understand The
Story the way you do?
Introduce more and more people you know to Neo-Tech.
BUT...first introduce them to The Story.
DO NOT start out with the whole NT concepts at first.
'Get them' with The Story first...
Do it slowly.
Do it carefully.
Results will come with time...
The Story is better understood by people who are uncommon
with NT.
Introduce The Story first...It will work out better this way
for you and them... Trust me...I know...
~~~Generation X~~~

It's an absolute, Neo-Tech will be on the Internet indefinitely,
gong into the future. Neo tech is pregnant and will keep bearing new fruit
and growth, for years to come, in spite of the other world! Neo-tech will just
get bigger and bigger. I love it! Ch eers! R

J.S.,, 2/9/98
This is one of the most important discoveries, it will help
human beings become better.

S.W.,, 5/24/98
I think your site is really great. Your articles have
changed me a lot.

N.L.,, 10/12/00, Brazil
It's provocative, makes you think. I'm 100%
for absolute dedication to work, including weekends and
Friday nights, as soon as Love is your motor. Love! Light!

J.P.,, Franklin
Such great wisdom.

I really hope that someday soon a Neo-Tech school(s) will be available
for my 2 young children. Why not start up some home schooling on the internet?
Teaching the parent to breakthrough to the children at a young age the limitless
possibilities in life. A lso to teach young parents how to see through the many
illusions we all face on a daily basis. I cannot wait until the day when enough
people are informed about the government & religion so they can once and
for all be abolished forever! Allowing mankind to flourish forever into eternity!!
Happiness at last!!! I come to this website to gain new knowledge every chance
I get.

A.K.,, 12/11/96
I recently read an article on your web site which
speaks of how the self evident truths of the world
and existence itself are distorted in an effort to
control the masses. I have always believed this
myself, and would like to hear more about it.

M.F.,, 10/12/02, Almeria, Spain
I fully appreciate your efforts and work, please keep it up. I believe in what you're saying and urge others to read the same, even though some people seem
to be to entrenched with the present mystical society. I will continue to spread the word where I can, mystics have learned that controlling information
available to the masses controls or rather clouds the thought process.

J.D.,, 10/27/97
"I am very impressed with your web site and all its

G.S.,, Spain
Neo-tech is giving me something I lost long ago: passion for

W.S.,, 1/17/00
Thank you Mr. Hamilton for the life rendering artwork called
'The story'. It has moved and touched my heartstrings of life.

"Wonderful insight and science. We need it."
M.A.,, 3/18/97

M.M.,, 2/13/03, ENGLAND

G.R.,, 2/29/00
"The Story" literally blew me away. It is your best work to
date. It is going to take something like this to elect a
Neo-Tech president. You are going to need a Neo-Tech
oriented media chain and talk show hosts to
counter the liberal media. "The Story" reminds me of "The
Harrad Experiment" that novel advocated a small group to
reform society. Unfortunately it called for the use of
government to achieve desired results. Keep up the great
work. Together we can free this country from the politicians
and other neocheaters. Neo-Tech publishing has helped me to
see the fraudulent nature of most forms of media, talk show
hosts like Rush Limbaugh, Dr. Laura, etc..
Your website gets better every week. It is a shame the
author of “No More Lies' is no longer with us. Nowhere have
I read such a clear explanation of Enlightenment. Your books
are getting better every year. Give my deepest regards to
Dr. Wallace. His Neo-Tech discovery book should be
recommended reading for everyone. Just watching the news on
tv, reading newspapers really reveals how much of a topsy
turvy world we live in. I really enjoy reading the positive
and negative comments on your website. The contrast between
them is simply amazing. You can really tell who should be
reading Neo-Tech and are losing out by not doing so.

J.S,, 10/19/97
"What your site does is to awaken a sleepy mind to start thinking."

"Wouldn't it be great if there were a MILLION more sites like
this one?????"
H.G.,, 5/11/97

A joke is not understood, until you hear the punch line and sometimes
you don't get it! Neo-Tech is not understood, until you read, experience,
see, hear, feel and try every word from all the Neo-Tech writers and
all the comments, from all over the world and then use your own educated
integrated mind to find 100% HONESTY!!! Look back on your life only!
You were given no free choice! You were told everything by some one,
What to do! When to do it! Where to go to school! What to learn by teachers
that were told what to teach you! Neo-Tech will never, never, never go
away!!! BUT Dishonesty from all walks of life, will fade away, sooner
than you think!!! You can help by spreading NEO-TECH or you can set by
and procrastinate. You must Read and take action to l ive and prosper
as you were meant to.

R.C.,, 12/18/96
Insightful and very well done.
There seems to be a lot of truth to these writings and they make sense.

JS,, 5/10/03
Hello, When I first found Neo-Tech fifteen years ago, I discarded it as
rubbish. These past fifteen years have been a challenge in many ways. Since
being re-introduced to it a year ago, my
life is now changing for the better since discovering the truth. Thank you
and keep up the good work. J

glean a tremendous amount of insight and peace of mind from
your work. Thank

L.H.,, 1/15/99
It is refreshing to review your life expanding information. I have been
searching for many years for the answers to a better life with total happiness.
I am grateful for the opportunity to learn more about our world.
Please continue distributing this important life plan.

Anon.,, 10/9/98
I wish everyone felt the same way about life as you guys do.

J.R.,, 12/23/00
The book is so powerful I know my life is
changing. I have
affirmed that I shall live a life of total honesty with
complete responsibility for self with integrity. It surely would be
great if a movie was made of “The Story'.

J.D.,, 7/5/00, Australia
I have read The Book a number of times, the
concepts have had a deep affect
on me.

M.S.,, 5/11/98
I believe that the government is so corrupt that I would
like to see them busted.

Anon.,, 1/27/98
I hope you can help a lot of people and I
believe you have already done so. I believe you will have
continuous success.

Neo-Tech is awesome!

D. J.,, 5/30/02
I love this site. It has changed my life! My entire perspective has changed. Now I look inside my own mind for the answers to the questions in my life. And I
know that I have to take action instead of wishing and praying for God to help me. :) Thank you s
o much.

R.N.,, 2/1/01
It's really deep stuff and
I can't get enough of it.

G.F.,, 4/26/98
I read through a few pages of this sight... there is a
great amount of interesting information. It is just too interesting
to stop reading. Reading this information definitely will inspire me
to learn more about the world around me.

G.L.,, 2/2/99
Neo-Tech it is probably the most important web
site on the net.

Maribel G.
I am a mother of two, my children ages
9 and 12 are great children. I am have been teaching them about Neo-Tech
and most of all to be honest individuals. I opened a business in New York
called Neo-Buyer and I plan to make it a success, there is no stopping me.
Something negative happened and I thought it was going to make me fall. But
by being an honest individual, and with all the knowledge that I have learned
from Neo-Tech, I found I am becoming stronger and unstoppable. Dr. Wallace
you cannot imagine how grateful I am that I read your books. The good thing
about being a Neo-Tech woman is that I have control of myself and surroundings.
I respect myself and other people, but I do not interfere with other people’s
choices. Thanks once again Neo-Tech will never perish.

I am very grateful that so much valuable
information is
available through your web site. I have benefited much from
your literature.

K.W.,, 12/23/96, Malaysia
If there is a heaven, then I guess it's here at Zonpower.

Michelle R.,, 6/29/98

'So, back to what I said earlier, do not get confused by
what you might hear about how love should be. The mixed-up
world around you will take away your nature as man and
woman. For instance, do not listen to that women lib talk.
That talk is the first to balk at the idea of a woman giving
herself to a man in an intimate relationship. Women's lib
causes millions of women to deny their nature, which takes
away the deepest happiness in a woman's life of being in
love with a man she can look up to and admire, a man she can
surrender to. Of course, girls, remember you can go as far
as any man in any career, but your husband must be someone
special -- that productive man you can look up to.'
Something inside me had reached a cord! (For I've always
known this to be true)
I look forward to reading the other material further!

R.K.,, 2/4/97
This is beyond my wildest dreams. An absolute wealth of information.
I truly wish I never had to sleep so I could spend many more hours on your Web

L.A.,, 5/13/98
What I've seen at this Web site makes me hungry for more

"A definite must for the entire planet. No person should do
without this information."
P.L.,, 3/4/97, Australia

Tom R.,,
I've recently received my first of two Neo-Tech books and I can't put them
down! They are very informative and make perfect sense. Everything in my life,
which is already good, is getting even better and more productive. Thank you
very much for this infor mation.

H.H.,, 1/30/98
Greetings and salutations NEO THINKERS. I have just returned
from the movie 'Titanic'. And you could almost swear the script
was written by Mark Hamilton. The script was an uncanny resemblance
to a story written by Mark Hamilton in his 1989 Zonpower. When we
reach around 80 to 85 we look back on our lives as if it was
yesterday. How 50 years of our lives is but a dot in the ocean
of time. The 'Titanic script writers must have utilized Mark's
summary from his book, by having Rose as an 85 year old thinking
back to her time as a young lady and reminiscing on her time
on that tragic voyage. See the movie and read the article in Mark Hamilton's
Pincer 2. you will see the similarity.
Neo-Tech is on the big screen already.

S.D.,, 9/25/97, Canada
"This inf. is amazing --I just 'ate' up the text. This site is vital to keep
those of us alive who die a little every day at our mundane jobs...."

Best damn self-help literature ever produced. Pure genius. The discoverer
is a god himself.

K.F.,, 8/16/97, U.S
"It is vital to get this type of information out in the marketplace of
ideas. Go for it!"

A.K.,,5/24/00, Canada
It's absolutely fascinating! I can't put it

P.W.,, 11/25/98, United Kingdom
Your literature has helped me survive in hostile
environments and certainly been an aid to being happy.
I have seen, the past 10 years, that all you say about
power thieves is absolutely and honestly correct.
The majority of people go along and are pacified with this
and get rude or bored if you mention the facts. I
ask people what is the definition of a slave and how much will
it take before they realize that Orwell's 1984 has arrived. And
the torture description in Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged is upon us.

J. Y. Givens-Simmons,,
I have heard a great deal about neo-tech from a couple of friends that own and
read The Book. I am woman, single parent of a teenage son, and I have been looking
for information that might help my son to see that there is so much more to life
than a party. In the course of my looking and learning, I have found myself,
that there is so much more to life than I ever realized. Basically, I have known
innately that my life should be different and I was the master of how to make
it happen however, I always felt so overwhelmed by the changes that I tried to
make that I just couldn't maintain it or make any long term changes. I want so
much to feel more fulfilled by my life and to demonstrate to my son as well as
others that through finding yourself, you can find all there is in the world
in terms of happiness, love, joy, and success. I am so excited.

L.T.,, 5/16/97
I find this web-site highly informative and of great insight into the
human condition. I would recommend it to anyone interested in advancing their

ANON,, 4/8/97
I am proud to say that Neo-Tech works.

Joan B.,, 4/2/99
Thank you Neo-Tech for teaching me everything I never learned
in school and everything my mother never taught me.

D.T.,, 1/9/00, Australia
Neo-Tech provides hope for people to one day be
free of restrictions and limitations and to find happiness
in this world.

a.a.,, uk
The Story' on the internet is mind blowing!!

web......UNDOUBTEDLY!!! Only when the fog has lifted, can you see the horizon. As I see it, Neo-tech has become the Sun that started burning off the fog.

Mike,, 7/27/02
Please keep neo-tech on the web. Without the stance that neo-tech gives the everyday person, and the geniuses of this world, our world will fall into the
hands of the parasitical elites who work so hard to protect their lazy and dishonest lives.

B.R.,, 12/10/98
I think this is a wonderful site that should do anything in
it's power to continue to grow and make itself more noticeable
to the average web-surfer. To get the average person, jumping
head first into complete reality is likely to be scary.
None-the-less, they still deserve to receive this
information as it would be beneficial to cure their
mysticism's and begin the fight against the neo-cheaters,
especially those who pose the largest threat to most people:
the government's of the world. I am ready to take on full
responsibility for myself and live freely in every aspect of
my life. The practice of neo-tech concepts seems to be the
only thing that will save the human race from the concepts
of the anticivilization that will surely kill us all if it
is not stopped. Long live Neo-Tech!!!

"I did a search for integrity + honesty + value + commitment +
persistence and found this site. It has to be a good thing!"
L.R.,, 3/25/97

"Your site has to be the most informational packed site I have
ever ran across over the web. The wealth of eye opening reading
kept me for hours, I forgot about what I was researching and read
from one section to another. I appreciate your great works and
continue with what you have started."
J.C.,, 5/1/97

G.W.,, 3/21/97, United Kingdom
I look forward to the day when all human beings know Neothink
(natural thinking for conscious beings). There is no compromise with Neo-Tech.
Contradictions are easily identified and eradicated. The overwhelming beauty of
recognizing the objective `meaning of life' triggers an irreversible change in

M.P.,, 11/19/98
I think Neo-Tech's presence on the web serves a valuable
Public service. Irrationality has to be challenged. If it
isn't, it becomes the standard.

S.G.,, 10/20/97
"Neo-Tech will drastically change my life."

S.P.,, 8/27/97
In the year in which I have been surfing the web, I have never,
and I mean never come across anything like this before. I must say that I am
blown away by the presentation and huge content of this site.

N.L.,, 9/17/97
Dear Neo-Tech,
I think it is very important for this site to stay on the web. It is a great
source of information for all. Within days of first reading Neo-Tech, I was able
to eliminate many unnecessary things from my life. And I effortlessly began
making an estimated $1000 a week. I think all anyone has to do is read this
and open their minds and the possibilities are endless. I owe a lot to Neo-Tech.
I would like to thank Neo-Tech for making my life so much better and allowing me
to do what I only before dreamed of. I am now live a life of total happiness and
am able to get anything I want in life. Thanks again


"Yes, I believe this site causes people to think for themselves
and not allow others to think for them."
K.S.,, 3/3/97

I have gone to Baptist Churches since I was a child and still go
every Sunday. I want to say Neo-Tech is the wisest information I have ever encountered.
I read my first Neo-Tech publication in 1990 and for the first time could see
the human parasites in my life: individuals who used guilt or fear, or non-sequitors,
or who created problems where none existed. Once I recognize them I am still
amazed how easy it is to expose them to everyone. To be hard working and honest;
to think clearly and accurately... that is the life for me!

M.B.,, 10/24/98
What is the name of the book that this man
read to come up With this system?

"Mind-opening reading experience. Anyone who believes in freedom
and individual responsibility will enjoy such insight and wisdom
shared freely via the web."
S.C.,, 5/28/97

T.C.,, 7/15/98
I think this is some of the most valuable information I have
ever had the privilege to read. This site should remain on the
web so it can reach the masses and hopefully expose the lie we
have all been conditioned since birth to believe.

J.S.,, 10/1/97
Neo-Tech must remain on the web. For without Neo-Tech, disarming
professional neo-cheaters, value-destroyers could not be possible by the year
2000 A.D. Neo-Tech is the future.
I am pleased with the recent IRS exposure. While still in the very early stage
of media attention, the IRS and their force-backed agendas will soon be expunged
with Neo-Tech's forthcoming triumph over them.

j.b.,, 7/19/00
This stuff is really powerful! The more we
evolve because of
Neo-Tech, the more we can see the faults in society and the
causes. I wish I would have known about NT sooner.

M.S.,, 8/11/97
"Great ideas!"

W.N.,, 8/18/01
This is wonderful information for anybody who
is ready to jump into consciousness and become aware what is happening around
them. For anyone who is ready for a change
they should read “The Book' for it will change you and the
way you think forever. You will think the way we were meant,
without mysticism and external authorities telling us how to think.
Neo-Tech is not the Devil's work but it undoes the Devil's work and
awakens the most powerful value on earth, Human-Consciousness.

E.G.,, 3/13/00, Australia
Neo-Tech is the most important philosophy written.

"I think this site is really informative and a great source of
knowledge for new neothinkers like myself."
J.G.,, 5/26/97

Neo-Tech helped me to see this world
from a completely different perspective. I’d hate to see where I'd
be today if I did not found Neo-Tech information....

"I am really fascinated in all the areas that you have listed in
your table of contents."
H.M.,, 1/10/97

S.S.,, 8/11/99, United Kingdom
More, more, beautiful, wonderful.

N.M.,, 11/19/01, Australia
The truth, nothing but the truth! Please publish everything you can. This site is the E-embrio of a revolution.

"Very informative and enlightening! a different way to look at
the world today and to help alleviate boredom and stagnation
which are epidemic."
S.S.,, 5/18/97

R.B.,, 4/10/98
Excellent information.

Alan,, 6/7/00
Neo-Tech is very interesting and very valuable.

A life changing experience, I know its
not enough, but thank you very
much neo-tech . I’m proud to be a neo-tech customer.

K.B.,, 3/26/00
Superb site with superb information and
concepts. Neo-Tech
IS THE PHILOSOPHY of the future and of all surviving
All those who decry it as 'Satanic', 'Evil', etc., need to
down and proceed through Neo-Tech material step-by-step. If
you can restrain your self
for the span of time needed to internalize this
information, your old, bizarre, world of superstition filled
Spooks, Spirits, Devils, Demons, Gods, Angels, and what have

G.A.,, 6/8/97
I was looking for a great page like this one for long time.

J.K.,, 5/27/02, U.S.
Neo-tech is an extraordinary book series, magnificent, brilliant. One dose not to be an intellectual to understand the simplistic life changing concepts in
this very well written book Zonpower. It gave me a whole new set of eyes to view the world with an
d I have only read it once. I cannot wait to pick it up again to read anew great work. P.S. please send information on immortality research I am very
intrigued and desperately want to follow the field

Hello, When I first found Neo-Tech fifteen
years ago, I discarded it as rubbish. These past fifteen years have been
a challenge in many ways. Since being re-introduced to it a year ago, my
life is now changing for the better
since discovering the truth. Thank you and keep up the good work. J

S.K,, 8/2/97, India
I found Neo-Tech most progressive, scientific and

Neo-Tech provokes the mind and generates new thoughts.

E.C.P., , 4/16/01, Sri Lanka
It would serve many thousands of Surfers well
who find their way to this WEB SITE

I must say that this book hit me right where I needed it.

b.j.,, 4/3/02
I absolutely love neo-tech! It is right it is just and it has me growing again as we all must. The thought of growing infinitely into eternity puts me into state of elation, the reality of that thought would be as great as creation.

V.M.,, 10/13/00, United Kingdom
I have noticed
a marked increase in my personal confidence as a direct
of reading these publications.

Pat,, 12/22/00
Finally I can use my full potential.

"As long as individuals such as the brilliant writers who
document reality are allowed to publish their information free of
force, threat of force, and censorship, the prosperity revolution
will proceed peacefully; almost without notice... THE FUTURE OF
D.F.,, 4/17/97

M.S.,, 11/9/98, Canada
To survive in this world of ours is sometimes almost impossible
without the proper guidance and help from sources that you
can trust. I received my first copy of NEO-TECH in 1985 and it
was an eye opener. I totally trust NEO-TECH.

M.T.,, 2/6/97
This site is very inspirational. I use it in my personal

I cant wait for the Neo-Tech bullets! Neo-Tech has helped me and continues
to do so. I now live a life free of mysticism, and life just gets better
as I develop honest, valuable relationships both on a personal level
and in business.

E.R., ., 3/2/02
I am glad to see such progress has been made. It feels as though the light has come back to all.

"Thank you for sending a message via the Internet to a person who
thought for a brief time that he lived on an island of
rationality in a sea of mysticism. But now I see other islands
and I am helping to create other islands in my community and
personal life."
S.R.,, 1/26/97

W.D.,, 12/17/96
I enjoy visiting your site, especially now that
it is updated frequently. I own many of your materials and
find your 'time management' program works,
unlike all of the other commercially available packages.
It makes sense, it works.

G.N.,, 8/15/02
It is refreshing to hear the truth.

"What I have viewed so far makes me want to learn more about
Neo-Tech and Zonpower."
S.H.,, 2/1/97

"Very nice."
K.K., co.dn, 1/20/97, Denmark

L.O.,, 2/17/00, Australia
With NEO-TECH, the ball is in your court all
the time. There is no authority to look upon except

Anon.,, 5/21/99
Thought provoking; unique ideas.

K.S.,, 5/5/98
This site is a great way to stay up to date with evolving

Albert D Sanchez,, 7/1/02
I think Its full of great info. and it really opens your mind to what's going in today's crap.

S.A.,, 6/14/98
Neo-Tech has
helped me in many things as I proceed to enhance my life and
the lives of those around me. I have enjoyed the ability to help
those that I love and those who would have tried to destroy what
I wish to accomplish. Neo-Tech has ended a long need for answers
I was unable to fulfill before. My Genuine thanks to Frank Wallace
and the entire Neo-Tech Staff for their unending struggle to free the

"Your site is very informative and helpful. I greatly appreciate
the information."
H.A.,, 4/23/97

R.A.,, 11/26/97
I enjoyed reading the content of the present site and found
it a breath of fresh air in the face of present dishonesties.

"I have been a purchaser and student of Neo-Tech for the past 3-4
years. I am very impressed with your quickly improving web-site.
I do my best to calm down and be patient for the end of big
government and the return of rational thought especially when
augmented with Neo-Tech Objectivism."
M.H.,, 2/3/97

K.W.,, 2/11/97
Keep this site going and growing! I return to it often and have given
out the url to countless people in high recommendation for what you are

Andy,, 2/6/02
The Story is Absolutely brilliant, when can we expect to see the film.

so we can begin to bring about all of these fantastic

J.S.,, 2/9/98
This is one of the most important discoveries, it will help
human beings become better.

L. W.,,5/28/00
My head is about to explode. You have
verbalized what I have
always known but tried to deny so I could fit into what
around me expected. Thank you for your sight, I will return

A.T.,, 4/7/02, England
Neo-Tech must remain on the web. Without access to it's reference we can easily forget the conscious effort required to continue integrating honesty thus returning to sad, mystical lives.

M.L.,, 9/16/97, Australia
"I see the changes that are occurring in this world. Neo-Tech has changed my
life so much for the better. You are making a difference for the better for
this world."

s. converse,, 6/2/01
Excellent stuff. I want more.

,, 1/22/02
Just an FYI, on 1/22/2001 the below was sent to the editors of Card Player Magazine: The Advanced Concepts of Poker by Dr. Frank R. Wallace is arguably the
best book on poker ever written, bar non. It is ignored by your publication and the rest of the Poker industry. The book, now freely available on the internet and published for the first time in 1968, having sold over 2 million copies, exposes poker for
what it is. The new sections on cheating are especially noteworthy to thinking poker players worldw
ide. Perhaps this book threatens the poker industry? I challenge you review this timely and classic in your publication.

R.G.,, 2/5/97
The best site on the entire information highway. Let there be

R.A.,, 10/15/99

L.P.,, 10/6/00, U.S.
At first Neo-Tech is hard to accept, being
raised very
Christian and in Christian schools. But, when you truly
think logically
and rationally you see it is the plain truth. For years
and government have oppressed our society by scaring and
us. The only promise that religion has is something you
after your dead. I challenge all people to read and try to
the Neo-Tech philosophies, read it with no bias or prejudice
then make a logical decision on its teachings. The only
comments on this website are that of religious mystics who
truly tried to understand the material. The Bible is a book
written by man, translated many times to fit the needs of a
religion. See it for what it is and wake up.

"It is good to see this information on the Web. I would like to
put into practice the GOLDEN-HELMET and help restore America back
to the strong, moral and just nation it once was."
K.G.,, 4/11/97

D.M.,, 7/30/99
I love the information and I am looking forward
to more! Thank you for sharing your vision.

H.H.,, 1/17/03
I have just completed God-Man (Our Final Evolution),and Neo-Tech Discovery. It has a life changing effect and opened my eyes to what has held me down for
years.(mysticism).Look forward to many more readings.

R.M.,, 12/27/99, Australia
It is important to continually publish Neo-Tech
information for civilization
to progress and for laziness to disappear

"Brilliant. Well written. You guys have helped me solve some of
my personal problems and I thank you dearly for it. I offer any
assistance that you may ever need."
J.G.,, 5/6/97

V.T.,, 2/14/97, Kuwait

M.D.,, 1/1/98
I am now currently reading the Neo-Tech Discovery book by Frank
R. Wallace. It is certainly one of the most fascinating, potent,
and important books that I've read so far and one of the best
ever written. Neo-Tech definitely needs to keep this web site
because it is so fundamentally important. I hope you continue
to develop more and even better sites in the future.

,, 1/11/03
I cannot believe the negative comments from those poor people who lack understanding of Neo-Tech, they are the ones who need it most. Once the Replacement
Program sets in, they'll have no choice except to live on the Civilization Of The Universe or commit
suicide. The world will truly be a better place to live. You negative people must understand that we are the ones who will help change the world for the
better, for you, your children and grand children. We all will be at our happiest, we'll all be rich,
with superior minds (geniuses) near perfect health lovers of our dreams and so-on. So come people wake up! the world is up-side-down, and some time during
this century it will rotate back on it's axis. HAPPY DAYS ARE COMMING!!!

"I agree this is the best site on the world wide web."
T.T.,, 3/29/97

V.M.,, 7/6/98
Neo-Tech has made me more aware of the LIES and I
feel as though I have a mental advantage over most people.

The information contained in Neo-Tech is life changing.

S.P.,, 8/27/97
In the year in which I have been surfing the web, I have never,
and I mean never come across anything like this before. I must say that I am
blown away by the presentation and huge content of this site.

K.S.,, United Kingdom
Having read many of your works and vetted each line with a real cynical
and critical zeal I am utterly convinced of the enormous value available
to anyone willing to expend the effort to read and understanding the
work. I often read negative comments abou t your work printed in your
literature. The lunatic responses often raise a smile, but I shudder
to think how dark and perverse the world would be if they achieved their
aims and reversed the progress you have made. In very few words they
reveal their tru e nature and give a clear warning to real men and women
as to the type of world these neocheats would take us. I know though,
that without Neotech knowledge a lot of people soaked in mysticism, would
be blind to the ominous threats and dangers lurking in their 'righteous'
comments. Your works shine a brilliant spotlight on their dark world,
revealing the creeping, diseased creatures festering in the darkness,
slowly sucking the life out of the good. Thank you for washing their
slime off me and helping me to see the wonder of reality again.

D.K.,, 3/27/99
YES!!!!!!!! Keep this web site going. Even though it is pushing
me way beyond my comfort zone. It is the answer. My wife and
I are communicating at a level we never have before. We also
now understand that we never truly had romantic love. We are
extremely good friends who both want more out of a marriage.
We are exploring all possibilities. Scary because I am not all
the way there but exciting as well. Trying to imagine going
to that next level of romantic love just blows my mind. I
want it now!!!

R.J.,, 8/14/97
"Neo-Tech is every thing you said it would be. I am very very very happy
now. I am in love with Neo-Tech, cannot get enough. I am forever Grateful."

L.J.,, 7/9/98, South Africa
I like it and I think that the contents contained therein
is really great, keep up the good work.

S.M.,, 4/28/02, United Kingdom
Neo-Tech is essential to all those who want to live in a guiltless world, fee from idiots who use god, as a weapon to hurt people.

This site should definitely remain on the web.

D.D.,, 7/8/97
Neo-Tech is the only chance we have.......

"This sight is a must. Should NT leave the web? That would be a
dark day in cyberspace! These concepts have propelled me into a
new world of happiness and competence."
J.M.,, 2/14/97

A.J.,, 2/5/97
This site is providing a valuable community service by allowing
people to consider alternatives to the system that is being thrust down our
throats by megalomaniac governments of this world. Stay on the net and don't
bow to the pressures that must be being exerted upon you.

K.J.,, 12/17/96
This information is overwhelming.
I feel my consciousness swelling with excitement and realization.
I want more and intend on ordering the publications.

A.R.,, 1/19/97, Singapore
It's a gold mine. The truth of all truths for those who desire the
wealth, prosperity, love and power.

"Great site."
Y.C.,, 5/23/97

G.C.,, 6/22/00
What can be said about the power that Neo-Tech
Wow! It is about time that we are offered a chance to
our own destiny.'

Anon,, 5/3/02
The information is sound and when applied will work. It is rational and well thought out.

I believe that Neo-Tech have some very revolutionary and honest
ideas and thank goodness that not all of us are pawns and mindless followers
of the main-stream authority. Long live Freedom!

"NT is the seed of the 21st Century and of all time for the
civilization of the universe as it springs up here on earth. It
is the essence of life for all of us."
V.G.,, 4/16/97

K.H.,, 5/14/99

K.A.,, 6/4/97
If the gov't is trying to censor this literature, then it must be

J.H.,, 11/28/02
I think this site is one of a kind, a real gold-mine.

T.A.,, 6/3/97
I must thank you for the knowledge I have received on this web site
and I shall spread the word to others about this wonderful web site.

W.S.,, 5/3/02
I've been reading Neo-tech so long, I can't remember where I originally found it! But I have to say, it is the most profound lifestyle and life philosophy
I've ever come across. I became agnostic at age 15 while reading about the tremendous toll religion
had taken on the path of science and technology. Finally, about 12 years ago, I became completely atheist after realizing I was only holding on because of
the 'insurance' potential of being wrong! You've heard the old saw 'If you're right, you've lost not
hing, but if you're wrong there's hell to pay' What a load! I'm very happy and well adjusted being atheist! I will always read your stuff, and always
recommend it to people who are trying to find something meaningful to life. Good luck and stay FOREVER!

"The values delivered into my life via this web sight and related
I&O publications are immeasurable. Prosperity and happiness seem
to come to me almost effortlessly! Thanks to Neo-Tech I no longer
have to search blindly and wonder 'why'.I simply cause things to
happen, and due to the power of totally integrated honesty, I do
with a confidence never before know to me!"
J.M.,, 3/5/97

R.D.,, 1/1/99, Canada
On October 9,1990, at age 22 I crawled out of my bedroom
window, into my packed small car and drove with tears
flowing down my face to my first home 35 miles away,
near my good job. Even though I
lost hundreds of fake friends, family, girlfriend; My
'escape from Alcatraz' was one of the best decisions I ever made.
Of course my buying the Neo-Tech Discovery on Dec.,1989 was THE best
decision. By integrating Neo-Tech, intense FEELINGS/EMOTIONS of
wellbeing, euphoria, romantic
love, happiness, and deep sexual desire rise up in my life
daily now! I never
smoke, drink, consume caffeine, alcohol, and SUGAR! Lazy
people where I work go out of their way to avoid me! I outflank and
outproduce them all, even my boss! Neo-Tech actions are like an
invisible, invincible power. Neo-Tech is for you! Ladies and gentlemen,
boys and girls, your problems have found their solution.

": I find the testimonials at this site to be an added source of
enthusiasm and inspiration."
L.M.,, 1/28/97

"This is powerful stuff, the stuff dreams are made of. Imagine the
opportunities for those who embrace change and not fear it. This
really is the new frontier for those with the vision to see it."
Lynn A.,, 6/12/97, Canada

This is definitely the way to live. To see life as a child, no bull, just creating
good values for everyone and being happy.

c.r., WLDC.COM
I find your site one of the most useful on the net.

"Enlightening and real. Will return soon."
M.H.,, 4/27/97

M.S.,, 5/11/98
I believe that the government is so corrupt that I would
like to see them busted.

is truly worth living. Prosperity, health and wealth is here to stay.

W.J., , 5/7/01, uk
Dear Neo-Tech Your works are a necessity in
any persons life
to progress and have a fuller and happier life with eyes
wide open. You MUST stay on the web. I am a better person because
of the things I have learned from The Book.

,, 2/6/03
Any philosophy that gets so called Christians saying that they would like to see you and your loved ones dead, beaten, raped etc., has got to be on the right
path! I guess they are not so loving if they do not agree with you. Keep it up.

R.R.,, 4/23/99
I think Neo-Tech is by far the most thought out
way of not only learning about the neocheaters, but how to
gain the upper-hand in dealing with them.

"Strikes a satisfying balance between providing useable
information and whetting ones appetite to find out more."
C.B.,, 1/29/97

"Have not finished checking it out yet, cool and weird!"
B.F.,, 1/9/97, Canada

D.S.,, 6/18/97
I think this is very powerful material that should be learned in

"I think that Neo-Tech should expand and it will."
K.B.,, 2/6/97, Australia

"I've just begun reading and studying this material and find it
very interesting."
N.H.,, 3/13/97

C.O.,, 12/10/98
Excellent site.

This is the most life enhancing material I've ever read. Neo-Tech
rescued me from a life of HELL. I will be forever grateful. This website
offers such valuable information, I feel it would be suicide not to expand.
Keep up the good work. Spread the word s o that we can win the war against

"Great website! I own the Neo-Tech discovery and it is A number
1!!!!!! Long Live Neo-Tech forever!!!!!!!!!!!!"
C.L.,, 12/31/96

"I am most impressed by the written material and the topics
discussed. I would not like to see the site disappear as I believe
all of us will benefit by conscious logical thinking as expressed
through Zonpower."
A.W.,, 6/7/97, Australia

M.S.,, 8/11/97
"Great ideas!"

J.S.,, 3/5/00
The site is informative.

r.k.,, 3/29/01
Thank you for opening a new frontier for me.

S.A.,, 10/7/00
I hope that all
of the honest individuals on this planet would get a copy of
the Neo-Tech Discovery and God-Man

I have found what I have been looking for a very long time.

J.Y.,, 6/11/97, Philippines
Neo-Tech helps people in their daily struggle for survival. More
power and long live Neo-Tech!

M.P., ., 9/31/00
A very PRODUCTIVE site! Keep up the hard work
of providing
great values to all of us working our way out of mysticism.

R.R.,, 9/22/98
I have not finished
reading the Neo-Tech discovery yet, but I am half way through
it. So far it has blown me away. I can't wait to get to the end
so I can integrate everything I have learned. I have finally
realized that I am capable of so much more than I ever dreamed.
And Neo-Tech has made it all possible.

G.H.,, 12/15/01
Neo-tech is absolutely essential information that completely changed my life and outlook. Thank you !

M.L.,, 11/25/02
After reading the negative and positive comments about your web site, I was struck by the use of profanity and emotional attacks in the negative comments

James Stauffer,, 2/9/01
As a long time owner
of neo-tech's values and belief structure it holds true ....
there is no other system out there that holds true... period
the work they have done is fundementaly proven to work

"This will change the world."
J.R.,, 3/31/97

M.M.,, 12/1/02, Germany
I think that Neo Tech is the single most important work of literature to be available to the public, ever. I truly know, in the very core of my being that

R.W.,, 3/23/98
Been reading Neo-Tech. Love it! Apply it to my life
everyday. People around me are scared because of it. They are
always wondering what I=D5m up to because their mystical minds
can only understand status-quo bullshit and cannot begin to stay
ahead of a Neo-Tech/Neo-Think mind. This is how AND why we will
soon win the battle AND the war of the minds!!!

H.B.,, 8/31/97
"You have uplifted dark into LIGHT!!"

P.B.,, 7/6/97, Australia
I find it both enjoyable and interesting. I think that this
site should be left open and tell all the neocheaters to make one more
decision to get out in the real world, where the real power is!!

E.R.,, 10/26/99, Venezuela
I became a better person since I became a neo-tech man.

J.D. Brackett,, 5/15/02, American
I have known about Neo-tech over ten years, it is the greatest discovery that I've witnessed in my lift time,I am with you all the way.

KH. TAN,, 6/22/01, MALAYSIA
It is just Explosive !!!!Setting almost anyone
FREE !!!

M.A.,, 5/21/98
Neo-Tech has been the most powerful,
positive influence in my life.

S.M.,, 8/24/98
This is the most marvelous web-site, I have ever visited.

j.u.,, 12/9/00
This is great stuff.

F.R.,, 7/19/00, Mexico
Congratulations, you make me understand how I
can be just as
happy and rich as I want.

V.A.,, 12/12/98
This is by far the best site I have visited all year.

r.s.,, canada
The more people that know about Neo-Tech, makes the world a
better place to live!

"Fantastic! I have been convinced to order The Neo-Tech
J.N.,, 1/13/97

J.G.,, 6/9/00, United Kingdom

S.D.,, 4/11/02, ENGLAND
At 23, I hadn't read a fictional book in over 7 years. I recently read 'The Story', and I don't think I'll ever read another story again. Why? Because I don't think I'll ever find anything so powerful, so emotionally moving, so earth shatteringly life changing ever again. Nothing else could come close. I'm introducing everyone I know to Neo-Tech, to spread the message. We must all find better ways to spread the message before the Neo-Tech machine is stopped by the envious, threatened authorities whose messages are very convincing to the 'non-(Neo-Tech)educated'. I foresee a global revolution. I already see signs of Neo-Tech and Neothink in the 'non-educated' and believe that a natural changeover is imminent. Thank you for awakening me to this new world.

S.S.,, 3/10/97, Australia
Well well well, someone has finally got it right!!!! Neo-Tech is
definitely the way of the future, this site should be available to everyone. I
am going to make a link to it on my home page!!! Thank you.

Rosanna I.,, 12/29/98
All my life I have been catholic. I have been told
pray and god will hear you. I have done it. I
have prayed for years, and cried for years and nothing worked. I
have tried everything. I always thought I didn't have enough faith
or didn't believe enough, so I would try harder and pray night
and day. the more I prayed, the worse things got. until this year
something happened, my mom got a letter in the mail one time to send for
this Neo-Tech book and my mom was curious so she sent for it. she
read it, and told me what it was about. then I read it, and I started
doing what the book said. I now notice that the people who believe
in god or the higher power, are the worst hypocrites, these
people are rude, they put people down, talk about themselves only, and
you would think that they never heard of the word : sharing!!!
and about honesty, they are the worst liars! not only that, but
they are racist too. In the neo-tech book, it says to do
the opposite, be -- be honest, share, and not shut people out. It
seems most religious people are only helpful or kind because
they want to get something out of you. All I am saying is
that since I have been using Neo-Tech, I have all these
friends who come to me which never happened before, and
since I have been using neo-tech I have no reason for
religion. This is because in religion it says if you want
something, pray for it. In Neo-Tech, if you want something
you have to go get it for yourself. That is the reality of
it. so if you have doubts about Neo-Tech I'm living proof
that it works.

C.P.,, 2/24/02
I am new to the Neo Tech concepts and am applying what I have learned to my life. I am happier and enjoy life better and better each day!

Anon.,, 4/5/98, Croatia
WOW, amazing page!

"A wonderful piece of work. Keep up the great writing."
T.M.,, 2/18/97

A.B.,, 6/16/98, Australia
Thank you sooooooooo much NEO-TECH.

Amy-Jane B.,, 1/23/99, Canada
I am angry that religion has such a blood sucking grip on us people.
Thanks to Zon I am much more aware of their sneaky ways.
Following the recommended diet, I now look and feel healthy.
Next stop: make money for myself, then find a man to marry and
share my life with. Thanks so much.

you 110%! Thank you for everything!

"It's great."
A.R.,, 2/3/97

C.H.,, 10/15/98
Neo- Tech. com is the best place for update on the new life
for the year 2000, sorry that I didn't know of it years ago.
My whole life has turned around and I'm the happiest I have
ever been.

B.B.,, 3/5/00
Believe it or not, a patent search did come up
with Patent#4666425 and it's title is:
'Device for perfusing an animal head'
which can be tied to a book called 'If we can keep a severed
head alive...' about lopping off a head and
keeping it mechanically alive. It's from the late 80's.

S.M.,, 4/28/02, United Kingdom
Neo-Tech is essential to all those who want to live in a guiltless world, fee from idiots who use god, as a weapon to hurt people.

"This is by far the best page on the net; I spend more time on
this page than all others combined!!!"
N.Q.,, 1/27/97

ANON,, 2/6/97
One thing I love about this web site is that it is not an
evangelistic web site asking people to follow. Rather, it focuses on everyone's
self-effort. Thanks for doing an excellent job. I sincerely hope that you will
achieve the goal of eradicating mysticism. What a beautiful world that would
be! Excellent work!

P.P., , Western Australia
highly recommended all my friends to visit your web site.

"This is a great web-site!"
Breanne R.,, 5/21/97

R.H.,, 7/2/01, N.Ireland BT40 1BA.
Thank you Dr Wallace, family and friends. You
and your work is
the most powerful and admirable I have ever known.

L.L.,, 2/29/00
I just read The Story. I am amazed. I conceived of New
Utopia to begin anew with what I thought to be the only
escape from the villainy of so called democracies. I don't
know that your "Story" has changed my perception. I suppose
that I still think that a new environment, with all the
virtues, will set an example and others will follow. That
somewhere a politician will see the light and do as Jonathan
Ward did in your story. Unfortunately those who have tried
to make even smaller changes have been struck down by the
established system.

j.k.,, 5/8/01
I'm a 44 year old man with a B.A. in
economics, yet I feel I've
learned more from your web site, than in 16 years of public
schooling. I feel as though I am
taking a graduate course in life studies. Please continue!

C.N.,, 1/5/97
Who wouldn't want such answers to many of Life's most central
questions? Spreading such a word is both compassionate and generous.

D.K.,, 3/27/99
YES!!!!!!!! Keep this web site going. Even though it is pushing
me way beyond my comfort zone. It is the answer. My wife and
I are communicating at a level we never have before. We also
now understand that we never truly had romantic love. We are
extremely good friends who both want more out of a marriage.
We are exploring all possibilities. Scary because I am not all
the way there but exciting as well. Trying to imagine going
to that next level of romantic love just blows my mind. I
want it now!!!

"This site is very informative and opens a new way of thought."
B.C.,, 1/25/97

"I am new to this site but feel it could have some opportunity in
exploring the powers of the mind. I do like it so far!"
G.G.,, 12/20/96, Canada

Ray C. d.I.,, 8/28/01
N-T makes excellent sense to an
independent-minded person; it is really
the 'way, truth, and life' for anyone! Keep up the great

Cameron,, 12/29/00, New Zealand
I love the sheer diversity of new information
that I find to stimulate my brain, and your site certainly
given me some food for thought.

E.M.,, 9/24/02
Now, after reading The Story, Neo-Tech has become a lot clearer and it has blown away the boundaries. Please keep the site on the web, it's fantastically

W.B.,, 2/4/98
The information
is so mind expanding that it is almost unbelievable. Since becoming
a owner of Neo-Tech literature life has not been the same. Life

R.m.,, 5/28/01
l have enjoyed the mind opening effects, I was
a Methodist preacher
for 23ys, these readings have opened up so much that was
to me during those years.

R. L. Howard,, 8/18/97
"Great web site."

Cheryl S.,, 12/26/99
When man learns
to reach these goals as you describe, man will reach a much higher
form of life upon this earth.

K.F.,, 5/13/98, New Zealand
It wont be an easy task de-brain washing the masses,
however, it must be done for the good of all.

I find what is written very profound and backed by a consistent

I also realize through Neo-Tech, that the only way to truly change the world for the better is to

E.V.,, 12/14/96, Malta
Best & most useful Web site I've ever seen on the web.
Great job, keep it up and thanks for all this stuff.

E.L.,, 1/21/00
As I keep visiting the Neo-Tech web site and reading, I see more
and more integrated honesty snapping more pieces together.
Its truly amazing. Thank you so
much for sharing this knowledge to the world.

L.T.,, 5/1/01, Canada
After knowing about and studying neo-tech for
over10 years, I am certainly convinced of the great benefit
received in all areas of my life. the little manual on ridding
oneself of alcohol, drugs and coffee is worth its weight in gold. of
course, stay on the web. millions of people are hearing about your
life saving, life changing and enlightening material. it is so
far above the stupidity taught in schools and religious halls.

N.B.,, Australia
Neo tech has helped me to get in touch with the child in me again by giving
the confidence to me to ask the question why.

Stated simply, Neo-Tech is what I've been looking for since my 13 + years of

"This is an intensely interesting site."
C.W.,, 6/30/97

S.P.,, 2/26/98
Loving Neo-Tech, and I am seeing more and more truth
(honest truth) in its pages every day.

It has captured me with awe. The thinking is very profound in it's ideas
and concepts and moves the individual in the direction and at the speed
we all should have been moving at all along. I read a piece of literature
once that said 'quote from God', 'and joyous will be the day when you realize
that you need no God. On that day you will rejoice. Looking at this I have
come to the conclusion that we are God and God is us, we are 'The God-Man'.
Thank You for this wonderful piece of work. I look forward to continuing
the process and journey.

B.W.,, 1/18/97
I think it is great that Dr. Wallace is making available this
important information for free.

C.B.,, 9/25/97
When I read idiotic messages like 'Neo-Tech will destroy our
nation' I feel like I'm being held back, like someone else is trying to
control me, keep me in line. I hope that Neo-Tech moves forward with their
philosophy and makes further attempts to broaden the conceptual abilities
of all mankind.

"Amazing site. Why go away."
M.L.,, 3/30/97

"I have always agreed in full with the principles of Objectivism,
but have been skeptical of its dictatorial leaders and their
cult-like following. Neo-Tech is OBJECTIVISM APPLIED CONSISTENTLY
to all areas. Thank you."
M.W.,, 1/3/97

A.L.,, 5/13/00, Singapore
Neo-Tech MUST remain on the web because it is
able to
transcend all national boundaries and bring all the NT
people together
to exchange our ideas instantaneously.

M.P., , 9/28/02
A great web site that provides a stimulating shock to the lazy brain!


"Good, clear headed progressive thinking."
R.P.,, 2/3/97

R.W.,, 1/30/98
I knew it, I knew it, I knew it I could not put it together.
Thank you Mr. Wallace and all the NEO-TECH GROUP FOR THE REAL

Julia R.,, 3/17/00
I love your story. I love Neo-Tech. You should
see what I've done @ the fortune 500 company I work for.
I am an Admin Assist. I go to school for Computer Technical
Support and I have the President of one of the biggest
companies in the world imitating me.
I post little quotations all over my desk. Yesterday, at a
company meeting while he was giving his kudos to the upper
management, he included a quote in his presentation. I, and
everyone knew who he was imitating. Now, everyone is
curious to speak to me. I, on the other hand, have nothing
in common with them.
I have never had anything in common with most people. I
always knew the reality of the world. No one would believe
me. I have always been labeled as super intelligent yet
I come from a long line of intelligent people. I am not
native to the US. Where I come from my grandmother was
governor once, my aunt an Olympic medallist. My father is
also very intelligent.
When I was in the 4th grade, I figure I was about 9 years
old, I asked my teacher this question, ' do we know
what words are?' She said we have definitions to explain
them. I said, 'How do we know
the words describing those words are words?' She asked what
I meant. I said, 'Well, how do we know what words like, the,
and, to, from mean?' She stood there in amazement. She had
nothing to say to me. All she said is, 'Well...I guess we
know because we actually see what the words mean.'
I always knew reality was the key.
Thanks for your great story. You may contact me anytime you

R.J.,, 12/31/96
I think that it has invaluable information.

H.M.,, 11/5/99
I've been a Neo-Tech reader since 1980. I still
have my first book 'Psychuous Sex' wow what a book. I
thought it was going to be all (sex) and nothing
else.........(just kidding).......But what a book. Frank R.
Wallace is quite a man...a great man. I have had a few
'Heroes' in my life, but FRW ranks #1 on my list. Just like
they said in the 1950's “rock n roll is here to stay'. I am
saying (right here and right now) that Neo-Tech is here to
stay ....(FOREVER)!!!

M.K.,, 2/22/01
What is there to say? Neo-Tech freely provides
positive input and stimulation on this site; the products
they market
are unquestionably of high value. In 1987 I bought
the Neo-Tech Discovery. It was astonishing to read. I kept
as new Neo-Tech products became available. I have a college
in math and sciences; this is unnecessary for a person to
the common-sense yet hard-science validity of Dr. Wallace's
I will continue to be a Neo-Tech customer. Thank you.

Julie L.,, 10/3/98
Fascinating, entrenched in examining the text.

Ann S.,, 2/10/00
Three years ago, I lived in psychuous love and I experienced
the change my husband made from bicameral into a superman.
My husband was killed in a fatal car crash. Now after three years, I am
ready for another superman, and I know they are out there, since I
have already had one!

G.S.,, 5/28/98

N.T.,, 12/2/02, Canada
words wont express my gratitude to all involved, but thanks just the same. This backwards-assed human race we call 'civilization' desperately needs Neo-Tech.

H.M.,, 9/8/00
As there is a great need to learn more about
our evolution your website is quite valuable for many people.

A.M.,, 9/17/97
"There were times when I was reading that I felt like I had finally found
what was missing in my life. Very enlightening."

"I am very interested in learning more."
T.S.,, 5/8/97

M.F.,, Ausralia
I have always questioned my life and purpose, now looking for
answers has finally paid off. Its only now that my journey begins. This web-site
is vital to humanity reaching its maximum potential, free of mysticism. Bring

R.K.,, 2/5/97
Your efforts are reaching individuals all over the world. The
momentum is building. The writing on this site is needed to help turn this
world right side up and it's starting to work. Keep going!

J.S.,, 10/10/99
The more I read Neo-Tech literature, the more
power I find within my self.

J.C.,, 9/16/00
neo-tech has put my life on the right track.

Linda H.,, 10/19/98
This is more of a question than a comment. My father is facing
imminent foreclosure on his home after years of struggle with
the IRS. He has asked his children (all grown, non-dependents)
for help in paying off his IRS liability before his home is taken.
If we help out financially, can the IRS come after each of us
for any further monies that they say my father owes? I would
be grateful for any advice. Thank you.

D.W.,, 11/16/97
Neo-Tech will fulfill everything the bill of rights promised
but couldn't deliver. VIVA LA NEO-TECH!!!!!!!!!!!!

F.K.,, 1/21/97, Taiwan
Very interesting! Excited!! Magic!!! Powerful!!! One of Best
Web-Sites I have even seen!

Mogabe of Zimbabwe, or war mongering G.W. Bush, with the aid of his lap dog Tony Blair, who wants to distract the American public from the impending global
depression , Alan Greenspan or the so called 'free press' etc., everyone of them seem to have hidden agendas. In business we spend the whole day trying to
solve problems, but one gets the impression that those of causing problems get further in life. Your website gives me the courage to carry on fighting and
shows me that there are other people in the
world who also do not get fooled by all that is dished up in copious helpings every day. Keep the presses going, please!!!

B.G.,, 9/6/00
Everyone should have access to this material. The negative statements about NT are made by just the people who would benefit from it the most.

"I think that this is a very educational site for anyone that
wants to learn how to avoid being cheated."
E.C.,, 2/22/97

D.W.,, 8/29/99
Awesome, objective info. on life and business.

D.S.,, 6/21/98
Expansion of your web site will benefit all humans.

"I'm so happy to see this site still standing. It is the most
thought provoking piece of literature I have seen in a long
J.J.,, 2/21/97

L.K.,, 9/24/97
I love any and all work that has been done on Neo-Tech/Zonpower.
I've tried the techniques and they work wonders. Keep up the great work you're
doing for humanity.

"I would like to see this site expand."
A.W.,, 4/23/97, United Kingdom

"Very interesting thoughts and ideas."
J.W.,, 6/6/97

c.e.,, 6/24/02
All humanity is on the line, knowledge is the key to salvation. Keep on telling it like it is, for all our sakes.

M.T.,, 2/6/97
This site is very inspirational. I use it in my personal

K.J.,, 6/6/97
Thanks again for your awesome information and exalted quest.

"Ever since I stumbled upon this site, I've noticed life bending
itself to fit my will."
R.M.,, 4/8/97

"I am a newcomer to Neo-Tech but from what little I have read I
like the way you think. It is about time we get ahead in life."
A.E.,, 4/15/97

J.L.,, 6/28/98
At the beginning I thought Neo-Tech was just a bunch of bull***
but I have slowly come to realize that the only bull that I once
believe was the idea of god and that man wasn't in god's category. I
now know there is no god and we've been fools for quite a long
time. through business dynamics like Neo-Tech has mentioned every
person on this planet can be involved in advancing knowledge
as well as living completely happy in a state of mind that no
religion, doctrine, or defected logical thinking can bring us.

c.r., WLDC.COM
I find your site one of the most useful on the net.

J.S.,, 3/31/02, South Africa
'The Book', Neo-Tech/God-man, should be in every home in the world. After reading this, I am now able to integrate my thoughts and bring diverse facts
together to form new and unique ideas. I feel free for the first time in my 70 years! The World really n
eeds this knowledge.

J.H.,, 5/31/97
Your site is very exciting and well put together.

"Very unique and informative. An alternative that is not at all
alternative. "
P.V.,, 1/4/97

All my life I'd been forced to go to
church. Even though I didn't want to believe, I couldn't reject the idea
of God, and Jesus Christ. It was brain-washed into me. Even when I told people
I didn't believe, I prayed every night. I prayed because I was afraid of
what would happen if I didn't. I feared God. I spent most of my life afraid,
even after I left home, and no longer had to go to church. But as the years
have gone by I've found it easier to think for myself. Instead of asking
God to fix my problems. I needed to face them head on, and fix them myself.
As soon as I started thinking this way, my problems seemed to go away. I
started going to sleep at night without a prayer. I started to be happy.
I began to have a vague idea of how to look at life. Neo-tech is helping
me focus what I already felt.

D.D.,, 10/11/00
Neo-Tech is a great source of information.

The neo-tech discovery was one of the most fascinating books I have
ever read.

at the end of the rainbow that most people only dream about.

C.M.,, 5/8/01
Still using Neo-Tech and still laughing at all
of the pathetic
competition from those who aren't. However, I greatly await
day when we can end Neo-Tech Dynamics and Start Zon Dynamics
worldwide. Then I won't have to laugh at all the ridiculous
competition because everyone will be an asset to everyone
instead of a cut-throat competitor. Spread Neo-Tech!

"This Web Site has tremendously changed my previously polluted
view of existence."
C.D.,, 3/31/97

"I would like to congratulate NTP on this web site. The
information is invaluable to all the individuals of this world.
Please keep diversifying the message in as many ways as you can.
Not everyone marches to the beat of the same drummer. It is
obvious that you understand this. Without the very concepts that
embody Neo-Tech, I would have lost all vision of the future of
mankind as any other than a relentless repetition that would
eventually lead to our destruction. So, keep climbing to the
tree-tops and spreading the word"
J.H.,, 12/24/96

J.S.,, 7/5/00, CANADA
Hi there, I am just writing to let you know
that I am
quiet excited by what I have read on site. Your web site
contains very useful information.

"This is a definite source of self-empowerment."
R.M.,, 3/19/97

C.A.,, 8/14/98, Netherlands
You are doing the best job I ever heard of. Keep on
doing the good thing.

D.B.,, 5/19/99
Neo-Tech has really helped me in my business
relationships. It has given me the confidence that I can
develop a strong interpersonal relationship with anyone. I
recommend your literature to anyone that feels they are
stuck in a rut and want to advance further.

Klara H.,, 7/18/98
Dear God...thanks, but no thanks! I'll look for something,
that makes more sense, like Neo-tech.

D.S.,, 3/24/97
I find the information interesting and insightful. Isn't truth what
you are telling?

E.G.,, 1/14/00
I have found Neo-Tech to be extremely eye opening. I no
Longer look at the world with blinders on, hoping something
will change my life for me. I now realize I am the power! Your
insights have forever changed me for the better. Thank you,

S.N.,, 12/20/96
By far the best site on the web.
I have been a customer since 1990. Can't express in words
the tremendous values obtained.

S.W.,, 1/2/03

Thank goodness I found you. Just when
I thought I had exhausted all possible avenues for sanity, understanding,
reason, meaning and happiness. Thank you for the optimistically positive,
exciting truthful challenges of your inspirational philosophical and forward
thinking essential rational truths.

S.S.,, 9/15/01, UK
Groundbreaking ideas. The best therapy anyone can receive.

C.P.,, 5/8/02, England

Thank you NEO-TECH -- I will forever hold my heart to the beat
of 'NEO-TECH!' We will smash the NEO-CHEATERS out of existence and once-and-for-all
end the 2000-year-old white collar hoax.

This site is the best!!!

B.H.,, 3/13/97
There's nothing else like it! Have enjoyed tremendous gains since I
first experienced Zonpower. It continues to build exponentially! Harm no others
AND Produce values! Stop the Neo-Cheaters in their Tracks!

a.j.,, 10/16/01
The neo-tech discovery was one of the most fascinating books I have ever read.

"Extremely interesting reading. I want to know more about
E.B.,, 1/30/97

Maranda J.,, 12/27/98
I read several chapters of your literature, and find it very
enlightening. Here I am (3) hours later still on your web site,
I can't believe how great this literature is.
I have never read anything like this. What a gold-mine of
knowledge you have here!!

David,, 6/20/00, Australia
I personal think that in the next few years
every one will own a copy of your book.

M.Y.,, 1/12/97
This web site has it all. Innovative ideas to global marketing.

This has to be the most interesting web site I've ever seen.

V.A.,, 10/15/97
"I think that you are trying to offer all of us a chance to be better than
what we already are and I believe that to be a good thing for us all."

"I think this is very powerful material that should be learned in
D.S.,, 6/18/97

S.J.,, 9/12/97
Most informative and honest site I have ever visited on the Web.

M.A.,, 9/3/00
Please keep up the great work. Neo-Tech has changed my life forever!

It is the only web site that tells the truth about happiness, love,
and evil authority. It should be known by as many people as possible.

J.H.,, 9/14/97
"I can't get enough, I love reading all this stuff."

"I find your site, infinitely inspiring. Your web site makes my
day easier."
F.A.,, 3/20/97, Canada

J.D.,, 1/24/00
The Story is one of your most powerful
creations yet. I've Never read anything like it. I couldn't
stop reading it. I was moved by the characters and their
thoughts. This story made me think about so many things, my
childhood, my family, my future. I would
give almost anything to have had a teacher like Miss
Annabelle. It would have helped me understand why I resisted authority
as a child. I could have avoided so much pain if I had known
then what I know now. Its like learning to speak a new language,
its so much easier to pick up as a child than it is as an adult.
But it can be done. The same holds true for neo-think. I want
to thank you for sharing this great value. I feel I owe you
something for it. I think this could be the tool I need to open the
door of neo-tech to my friends and loved ones.

B.A.,, 6/23/98
The Neo-Tech philosophy seems quite interesting and
intrigues me.

R.B.,, 9/14/01, Mauritius
I wish President Bush would get his solution from the Neo-Tech web.

The bottom line is 'without Neo-Tech there is no hope' We need the
valuable information that Neo-Tech provides us. There is not much information
that can be trusted from the media as they only tell one side of the story and
are very good in starting pa nic. They never tell us about how the politicians
are ruining our lives by faking progress while ruining the economy. The only
hope for us is Neo-Tech which will destroy 'Mysticism'.

T.B.,, 8/25/99
Since I discovered Neo-Tech about 3 months ago, I now realize
how the world works today and how it should be. I never knew
how blind the world was before. I've read many books and nothing
compares to The Neo-Tech Discovery. I really feel that there
is hope for mankind if we only wake up out of the dream world
that the government and other neocheaters have pulled over
our eyes.

K.M.,, 5/11/97, Barbados
This is nothing short of FANTASTIC. I feel as if I have found a

K.B.,, 3/8/00, Canada
Fascinating material.

K.K.,, 3/22/02, America
Using what I have learned from Neo-Tech Cosmic Business Control I have opened my own business in Houston Texas. I love what I feel becoming a value producer
again. The mini day concept is wonderful an during this learning process, happening daily, Neo-Tech is there! The website is visited daily. My next great achievement is to find a Neo-Tech lady. Thank you for sharing your knowledge.

K.J.,, 4/14/97
Your site is very mind-stimulating.

Neo-Tech must stay on the web and I am sure it will, because it
is needed by so many wonderful people. Read the Story you will love it!

M.O.,, 7/27/98, Canada
Very interesting concept.

R.J.,, 10/19/97
"All this scares me, but I truly like what I have been reading and I need
more!!! How can any of this be harmful to man when it is for the good of

J.M.,, 8/10/99
I saw a common door-to-door salesman producing unheard of sums
of money. I myself am in sales so I asked him if he had studied
any books to help perfect his technique. He rattled off a few
titles and also offhandedly mentioned Neo-Tech. He didn't put
much emphasis on it but it piqued my curiosity. Having read the
excerpt on Neo-Cheating I must say that I am quite interested
in the information you display.

"I find the information interesting and insightful. Isn't truth
what you are telling?"
D.S.,, 3/24/97

MH,, 3/13/03
This web-site is a wealth of information. The simple, but not so obvious
advantages gained on this site are
priceless. It's hard for me to stop reading once I start learning about more
subtle forms of mysticism. Also, the much bigger picture seen
once the mysticism is removed with the new information gained. I
enjoy applying neo-tech, life has plenty of challenges and no matter
how hard it my get the results of always being honest are
invigorating and the only way to accomplish goals.

J.B.,, 12/11/96, New Zealand
Excellent web site. Ain't computers neat? Keep up the
good work folks. Yahoo!

"I think your site is a great asset to the Internet."
Z.D.,, 6/16/97, England

R.S.,, 5/26/98
To remove your site from the web is tantamount to
destroying the printing press.

J.C., ., 11/23/00
I am so thankful for neo-tech.

R.J.,, 10/3/97
Neo-Tech takes the place of the Lone Ranger.
Everything comes out good and honest. You can
bet on Neo-Tech, a real winner delivering health-wealth happiness,
honesty and new light to the individual. Good bye IRS, FDA, deceit,
deception and all other value destroyers. I can not find the
words to thank Dr. Wallace and Mr. Savage and all others connected
to Neo-Tech enough. Reading other positive comments I say ditto,
ditto, ditto to all of them. Nothing short of scraping the IRS
will be accepted and a consumption tax put in place with no other

C.M.,, 11/6/02
I truly enjoy reading The Book and have read it several times since I received some months ago. I was raised in the Baptist faith and my mother was devoted
daily to her church until the day she died. I thought all thru my years of growing up, going to church, attending revivals and reading the bible why are all
these people so sad, why are they crying all the time, and why do the seem so miserable in their daily lives. Thanks to your book I now realize why.

M.M.,, 3/14/03
Neo-tech brings the very brilliant, wonderful paradigm in this millennium

J.V.,, 2/23/03
When I first read Neo-Tech I couldn't believe the changes in
the way I looked at EVERYTHING around me. I became far more prosperous
in a very short period of time.

B.C.,, 12/30/96
I have always been fascinated with the mind but could never figure
out how to tap into its real power. This web site is so exciting it's scary.
It's scary to imagine a world where everyone is in touch with true reality.

HZ,, 5/7/03, South Africa
Good ,true and powerful needs to be known by the whole world.

B.Z.,, 1/15/98
I'm only a 21 year old Psych student but see the future as
described by Neo-Tech.

Hello. I just felt the strong need to write to you and tell you what
an absolutely WONDERFUL experience I am having reading "The Story"!
I must say it is some of the best reading that I have had the privilege
to experience in a very long time. I am not even half way through
it, but I became so excited that I HAD to write! I was sent this
story from a man whom I love and respect deeply and very much, and
he will never know how grateful I am that he was gracious enough
to share this with me. He said that it moved him to tears several
times (Thats when you KNOW it is good stuff :) I have to say that
for me it is wonderful and frustrating at the same time and I am
sure I am going to experience a lot more of these feelings as I continue
to read on. I ju st wanted to say Thank you, in advance, for such
an absolutely fascinating and awesome story! Its the Best! Sincerely,

"This site is very well laid out. It is quite fast and the neo
ideas of the future are very interesting."
M.R.,, 1/17/97, Australia

J.A.,, 7/28/02
I have discovered honesty on this site.

"Incredible site, with a rational basis. Quite an antidote to the
mystic disempowering drivel on the Net."
R.D.,, 2/15/97, Canada

D.A.,, 3/16/02
The information is mind-blowingly practical, rational, and suited to the ever-evolving human! You're doing a valuable service.

T.S.,, 7/14/98
Many years ago I purchased the original Neo-Tech manuals. I read
about 1/3 of them then burned them because I was offended by
the constant battering of God. Since I agreed with everything
else in the manuals I decided to consider the possibility that
I was wrong. Over the course of several years I developed alternate
explanations for everything that I 'assumed' to be true about
God. Now I see how Christians leading lives a dangerous envelope of
limitations and dangers that will ultimately kill them. It took me a
very long time to see this.

L.J.,, 1/14/97

J.L.,, 7/18/98

"What an abundance of truly helpful information! I have only
scratched the surface so far, there is so much! I'm sure I will
be visiting this site often."
M.B.,, 4/19/97

M.A.,, 10/8/97, Australia
I would definitely like the Neo-Tech site to remain on the
Internet as it is invaluable. Neo-Tech has done wonders for both myself and my partner
and I will continue reading whatever information you make available to the world
over the Internet.

It has captured me with awe. The thinking is very profound in it's ideas
and concepts and moves the individual in the direction and at the speed
we all should have been moving at all along. I read a piece of literature
once that said 'quote from God', 'and joyous will be the day when you realize
that you need no God. On that day you will rejoice. Looking at this I have
come to the conclusion that we are God and God is us, we are 'The God-Man'.
Thank You for this wonderful piece of work. I look forward to continuing
the process and journey.

K.S.,, 3/20/01
Neo-Tech literature that I've so far read on
the internet has
been a spectacular mind-opener. In fact, there are lots of
out there thinking the Neo-Tech way, wondering why, in spite
their inherent integrity of thought, they are only doomed to
be outcasts in the rotten societies the world over. The
literature is an invaluable source of strength to help
the rationally thinking individuals that all the devious
of 'anticivilization' are bound to collapse. Neothink is a
to light up the way to a profound personal growth and

"I have found this web site to be too good. There's so much to
discover and to know about reality. Zonpower has so much to
offer, only that not many people are made known about it. I hope
in the near future I will be able to cover all that the Zonpower
has to offer to us on the Internet. Keep up the good work!!!!!"
F.H.,, 1/3/97, West Malaysia

K.D.,, 1/20/00
Thank you for this very insightful new way of thinking.

Neo-tech to me is a way of life the world should now implement.
I give the utmost respects to its founders. I thank you and your staff for everything.
Neo-tech has opened my mind and the minds of others

J.S.,, U.S.
I am an owner of the Neo-Tech Manuscript since 1990. It has Literally
changed my life and perspective on all of human existence. Please

G.C.,, 9/24/98
Your web site and content is MOST impressive --
'state of the art' thinking.

S.N.,, 7/22/98
The body of your work will help to evolve
and empower the individual, which will ultimately benefit humanity.

Pheonixcoms,, 5/9/02, Australia
Thanks for taking the time to build such a great website. Truly inspirational. Keep up the great work. In a world of followers(sheep) its great to see the
promotion of concepts so simple yet advanced, designed to teach people to lead in their own lives no

Neo-Tech should stay on the net so everyone can learn and think for themselves

C.G.,, 12/28/00
I love what you have done for me. Although I
am not rich yet,
I have gone from being unemployed to working 40 hrs a week.
I will continue to better and improve myself. I have removed
my terrible mystical irrationalities. I was raised as one of
Jehovah's Witness, but I can honestly tell you that I was a witness to
nothing. Neo-Tech on the the other hand has opened my eyes
so I can truly witness what is going on around me and make
rational decisions.

P.M.,, 4/22/98, Philippines
This site should remain on the web to enlighten everyone
about reality, honesty, human nature, prosperity, happiness, psychuous
pleasure, and other new concepts, ideas, and philosophies that
must be adhered to by conscious human beings. Please, give my
regards and extend my thanks and gratitude to Frank Wallace for the
precious knowledge he imparted to me through his valuable books which
I will treasure for the rest of my life. My countrymen, the Pilipinos,
have suffered so much under the claws of mystics, neocheaters,
and other value destroyers for a long, long time already. I intend to
provide copies of your books to my friends and relatives.


"This site is amazing and needs to remain available to anyone who
feels the confines of social and religious correctness. I will
point this site out to those I care most about. My vote is a
resounding KEEP THIS SITE OPEN!!!!!"
R.L.,, 4/22/97

R.B.,, 5/30/97
Neo-Tech is the highest truth anywhere on this planet or any other
planet in Space. Thank you, Thank you and Thank You.

As a former Objectivist, I struggled with the Neo-Tech concepts. It took
several readings of 'The Neo-Tech Discovery' for me to fully absorb its
NT's impact on my consciousness, but I kept coming back to it again and
again. Now, having read deeper into th e Neo-Tech/Zonpower literature
(including 'Escape from Crash Hell'), I cannot escape the conclusion
that NT represents a quantum-leap beyond Objectivism; it is the most
incredible wisdom I have ever come across and is simply ingenious in
the way it presen ts fully integrated honesty, consequently boosting
one's self-esteem and productivity. I am convinced that NT constitutes
the blueprint for the next step in Man's evolution, and I am eagerly
looking forward to the further insights and integrations to be r elated
in the forthcoming NT/Zon publications announced in 'Escape from Crash
Hell.' No words of mine can begin to express my personal appreciation
for your brilliant achievements on behalf of all who seek to realize
the highest life-affirming values. All I can say is that you have my
deepest admiration and gratitude. I wish you continued supreme success
in all your future ventures!

P.M.,, 6/10/02
Neo-Tech is a way of life that should be available to all who wish to learn and move forward.

,, 12/17/02
neo-tech ought remain as a obelisk for the ages to wonder.

S.C.,, 5/13/99, New Zealand
Just a great all round site. Very interesting
reading. Please expand this site.

R.R.,, 8/8/99
Neo-Tech has helped me see that there is no replacement for
Hard work, not now, not in the future. Since Neo-Tech I
have doubled my income in 6 months and am well on my way to
producing greater values for everyone. Now that I can
filter out the nonsense of neo-cheaters I can go about
obtaining my goals with honesty. Thank you.

d.w., ., 5/15/00
Thank you very very much!!!

"This is an excellent web site. I find it easy to read. GOOD
R.C.,, 3/7/97

I believe that Neo-Tech have some very revolutionary and honest
ideas and thank goodness that not all of us are pawns and mindless followers
of the main-stream authority. Long live Freedom!

S.H.,, 12/18/97
I have gained so much from Neo-Tech I cannot thank you enough.

P.P.,, 9/8/97, United Kingdom
"I found the 'Neo-Tech pleasures' pages very thought provoking and

M.S.,, 4/22/99, India

J.M.,, 7/14/98
Neo-Tech presents much truth.

T.L.,, Canada

S.B.,, 8/13/97
"Very interesting."

G.A.,, United Kingdom
Graphing the hit counter would show the anticipated exponential
growth which will precipitate the End/Beginning.

F.V.,, 12/20/96
Extremely informative and enlightening!!
A must read for people that need some incentive to become
value producers for themselves and society. Worth the research!!!

G.F.,, 1/21/97
The search for knowledge, understanding, and a better way are
obviously at the core of the web site.

"All my life I have been a mystic. Reading Tarot cards since I
was 13, born-again christian at 19, sensitive new age guy at 21,
ritual candle magic at 25, and so on. After reading this powerful
material, my emotions range from anger to fear to sadness to
determination. Is there a Neo-Tech support group?
(Mystics-anonymous anyone?) I feel so stupid for letting the
mystic neo-cheaters sap my life away. If anybody has similar
trouble trying de-mystify themselves lets talk."
R.R.,, 3/24/97

D.F.,, 3/14/00
It took me getting your book to really answer
all, and I mean ALL my questions about life, love, personal wealth,
and everything for that matter. Thank you for giving me direction
in life, and hopefully all those negative people see the error
of there ways!!!

J.K.,, 7/28/02
Thank you for showing me the way, to the Civilization of the Universe.

E.P.,, 1/14/01, U.S.A
NEO-TECH should remain on the web. I write the
neo-tech web
site all over the place I think it should be translated to
other languages and put on foreign search engines. I despise
parasitical elites, neo-cheaters, pseudo intellectuals and
followers. I try to enlighten the public and open their eyes

Until I found this web page I never understood why the world was designed
to be so hard to live in, now I see that it is really all just a ploy
to keep us from continually evolving and the true un-need for controlling
each other.

N.M.,, Australia
The truth, nothing but the truth! Please publish everything you can. This site
is the E-embrio of a revolution.

"Thought provoking Web-site, that provides the mind with ideas,
that will change the essence of current world ideology.!!"
M.G.,, 6/28/97, United Kingdom

R.S.,, 10/20/98
I have read the Zonpower/Neo-Tech manual. Before I read it, I
had years earlier made a discovery that things weren't as I had
been lead to believe. This, of course, as with all other periods
of enlightenment does not make one comfortable. Just so I was
not comfortable with my 'enlightenment' as you might suspect. After
reading the Zonpower/Neo-Tech manual, I read the section on freeing
the bicameral mind which is what this did for me. I can easily
see why governments do not like this type of thinking, or this
type of literature. Keep up the good work. I can no longer be
controlled with guilt as I used to be. I no longer have feelings
of guilt and wonder if I am doing the right thing or if I should
consult my 'higher power' as I learned to call it in A.A. Nor
do I worry over insignificant things.

T.D.,, 10/5/97
"As we grow up, we come to our realizations about Santa, the tooth fairy,
ect. It floors me that so many people still base their entire lives on a
3000 year old fairy tale!!! The N\T Discovery should be shouted from the
highest global rooftops! After one year of studying and applying N/T, I
realize that the 'Jesus freaks' have no idea what it means to be born again.
The only 'Supreme Beings' I know of are Dr. Wallace and Associates. I can
never thank you enough............................ "

B.L.,, 4/10/00
These teachings take away all 'excuses' for failure. I for one applaud the fore thinking and visionary works of the contributors to these concepts. ON TO A NEW WORLD.

,, 1/14/01
I am a 20 year military veteran, age 59. It
seems most of what
I grew up defending and believing in is crumbling before my
During the 'cold war' we were told about the evils of
and how these 'evil' governments abused their citizens. I
scoffed at the idea that it could happen in our own country.

Cheryl S.,, 12/26/99
When man learns
to reach these goals as you describe, man will reach a much higher
form of life upon this earth.

Barbara W.,, 7/25/98
At first I thought it was a crime to think of the word rich.
Now, I know I will be able to say 'I'm wealthy'.
I can't wait for it to come. Keep Neo-Tech on the internet because
this world needs to become a wealthy society.

k.b.,, england
These great values that neo-tech teaches & explains should be in
every media format available.

"I still don't know what to think about Neo-Tech. I have been a
born again Christian most of my life and now seem to be a little
distraught about my views. I have been reading everything on the
internet that I can about Neo-Tech and find myself drawn to it."
J.H.,, 1/23/97

Dawn K.,, 2/4/98, South Africa
From the little information I received from a friend, I know
that I need this information in order to change my life and make
it meaningful. The benefits she has derived from Neo-Tech are
unbelievable. I have always been the type of person who wants
more out of my life, and I have tried almost every self help,
motivation, positive thinking books on the market and none seem
to work. I need Neo-Tech
so that I can start living!!

W.D.,, 9/24/98
I think your site is simply fascinating.

W.S.,, 6/29/99
Humanity needs you to lead our world into
the future. May the spirit of humanity guide you and protect
you with love.

J.V.,, 6/13/97
Thank you for Neo-Tech, my life has changed drastically.

P.C.,, Australia
Neo Tech has been an incredible resource in my life.

I like it, I keep up with every new step and continuously reading
old material. It's fascinating. As you probably know, Argentina (where
I live) is going through very rough times, politicians are treated
as thieves (what they really are) but I feel there is not enough
people like me willing to do something. This could be the place and
time to begin with a NT government as outlined in your literature.

I would like to see 'The Story' made into a
movie or even a mini series followed
by a weekly TV show.

"I'm absorbing everything I can from your web pages.Thank You."
T.Z.,, 5/6/97

V.S.,, 6/25/98
I plan on immersing myself in the literature and coming out
a new man...

G.M.,, 8/30/98, Republic of San Marino
Very good indeed.

S.P.,, 10/13/02, Australia
I've never written or sent in a Neo-Tech Comments, after 9 years of reading and learning from Neo-Tech. I still can't think of anything better to
say.......than this? 'I would give my one and only life to spare YOURS Dr Frank R. Wallace' So you could live and continue ON with your goal.' But! I know
'you'll' live forever my dear un-met friend. You truly deserve the gift of eternal life and happiness forever without judgment!

N.Q.,, 1/27/97
This is by far the best page on the net!!!

S.T.,, 1/21/97, Australia
Neo-Tech could make a great difference to my
life. I am excited that things will be brighter for me when I use Neo-Tech.

Yolanda D.,, 10/1/99
I feel that Neo-Tech is the 'Teacher'
that now I am ready to have. I feel much gratitude
for this magnificent truth. I thought that I was just
a lost and dreaming soul that believed in total honesty in
every aspect of our lives. Thank you for being there!

"By finding this site, I have found a new insight to a lot of
different subjects."
Carlie.G.,, 6/6/97

"Very interesting point of view."
J.B.,, 1/27/97

D.C.,, 9/11/97
A genuinely sincere thank you to all involved with Neo-Tech and
its goal of vanishing irrationality and mysticism worldwide.

N.J.,, 4/8/97, South Africa
We have been taught to believe that a relationship is
all about compromise, but that is only if you want to be happy for the moment
and sad for the rest of the time. I think your DTC technique makes a lot of

"The insights and the clarity in which they are presented are
magnificent. No one should be denied to evolve..."
N.A.,, 5/9/97

"I am a Neo-Tech owner and the thoughts behind this system are
very useful. Anyone looking to make changes in their life, this
is a great way to start."
V.V.,, 2/11/97

"This is the one of the most valuable web-site on the Net. I hope
that the master-crooks, Clinton&Gore, are successful in putting
the Net in everybody's hand. It will be their undoing because
honesty and objective rational thought will be unleashed to the
demise of liberalism and socialism."
M.H.,, 2/14/97

"I am 3/4 the way finished with the Neo-Tech business manuscript.
If I had to replace my 59 other books on success, personal
development, management, and business planning, I would only keep
the Neo-tech manual. I have increased my productivity by 3 times
in less than 30 days. This manual should be used in every high
school in the world... I can't praise the teachings of this book
enough. Thank you for making such a difference in my life. I have
moved from existence to essence from lost to laser focused...
C.F.,, 1/21/97

Shirley F.,, 10/18/98
I've only had the book, God- Man the final evolution, for a few
weeks and it has already made an incredible difference in my
life. I can't put it down. I feel like most of what I've read, I've
always felt - or maybe always knew in the back of my mind, it's
so hard to explain. I feel such a feeling of freedom since I've received

H. G.,, 6/12/00, Germany
An intelligent system without Christian
lies. A great basis for creative discussion and cross
linking of thoughts in
new ways. As a chemist I need pragmatic and logic
information without the
pain of psalms an churches... keep up your good work.

John,, UK
Neo-Tech is great stuff.

J.B.,, 1/20/98
This web site is, and will continue to be, the conduit through
which all honest people may come to experience an existence proper
for human beings. The most CRUCIAL aspect of which is 'THE COMPLETE,
FOREVER! AMEN.' Let Honesty and the Law of Justice take center
stage in uniting Man. Thanks to all at Neo-Tech.

j.s.,, 12/3/00
It has given me something to look forward to.


Neo-Tech is an intelligent and peaceful form of reason, learning, justice,
love, and business ethics. The beauty of Neo-Tech is to encourage the
human mind to expand and progress to achieve the ultimate goal of peace,
love, harmony and self growth, succes s in business and ultimately the
growth of mankind, a race of people able to make this world what it should
be, a strong, intelligent business oriented world. Not a world that runs
to pray every time there is a problem and expect a 'God to deliver us
from evil' without the vaguest idea of who it is that they are praying

T.S.,, 1/22/02
Since I've been reading your literature it has given me a real up lift in my life. Thank You

A.M.,, 3/2/97, Sweden
I think this site is very professionally designed.

M.T.,, 6/6/02
What a fool I have been. I've read the Neo Tech Books and studied the web site. For some reason I chose to dismiss Neo Tech. Here I am back, with tail
between legs, after being sucked dry by the anti-civilization.

P.J.,, 5/18/97
I think your ideas are revolutionary. Very insightful.

b.l.,, 9/15/01
Out of all the books I have read neo-tech sure blows the lid off everything!! neo-tech tells it the way it is and it's easy to see why the mystics and
neo-cheaters want it off the net. they are afraid of full integrated honesty, it would destroy them.

"This site is great. It provides the valuable infromation I have
been searching for all this time. Keep up the good work. :)"
Y.S.,, 3/24/97, Malaysia

K.S.,, 4/17/97
This is the first time I've seen anything that attempted to `expand'
upon Objectivism.

D.U.,, 6/29/00
The Web site is very informative!

GG,, 4/22/03
It as given me a new sense of hope.

J.D.,, 9/20/00
The most valuable information on the
information superhighway.
You can take a major step forward in life.

B.W.,, 3/15/99
I have thoroughly enjoyed everything I have read on the
web-site and find the informaton to be very informative and
plan to apply everything I have read. The simplicity
of Neo-Tech's approach is indeed crucial to its effectiveness.
Everybody who is interested in improving every aspect of their
life should be introduced to the Neo-Tech discovery. Thank
you so much for this vast array of valuable information.

D.C.,, 12/1/98, Japan
I own Neo Tech and really love the
information. It has helped me tremendously! I hope more people
are awakened by your information, so keep up the great work.

"Neo-Tech looks excellent to me."
R.B.,, 4/12/97

L.B.,, 3/20/02
Before Neo-tech I thought life could be rather unfulfilling. Since I received my first book I haven't been able to put them down. I've read 6 books since
Oct.2001. I even was compelled to go to the summit in Nov., which I attended. I've been searching for
something that would bring more meaning to my life and now I've found it. I can't wait for the next day to begin. I'm brimming with excitement every time I
talk to someone about Neo-tech. I tell people to look at the web site and they can understand what
I'm talking about. I can't wait to get my hands on The First Immortals and the other new book that's coming out.

S.M.,, 6/19/01
I now live my life without guilt. It takes
a lot of the pressure off. I still find it hard to believe
in these times so many people still look to 'Gods' to solve
in their lives. Take control of your life, it will make you

G.B.,, 11/28/97
We desperately need your message. I hope every person on earth
gets the chance to hear it.

"I find Neo-Tech amazing and interesting."
J.R.,, 6/9/97, Mexico

"Your site promotes 'life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.'
The Neo-Tech literature literally saved me from suicide at age
48. Through Neo-Tech I am learning how to EARN self-esteem,
protect myself from dishonesty, define my own mission, produce
and market my own products and services, do my own accounting in
non-traditional ways that guarantee success. The happiness I long
ago dreamed was possible is dawning again in me. I see how I can
make a difference, starting by applying the right information
(Neo-Tech) to transform myself and this world into the glorious
Civilization that I know is possible for all."
M.M.,, 2/9/97, Canada

J.M.,, 1/24/00
I have just been reading 'The Story' which is a
very powerful revelation into life

"Neo-Tech allows the 'average' person to succeed, where before
they might fail. It releases a lot of garbage from the mind."
C.G.,, 5/13/97


"Keep up the great work!!"
S.F.,, 5/21/97

R.W.,, 1/30/98
I knew it, I knew it, I knew it I could not put it together.
Thank you Mr. Wallace and all the NEO-TECH GROUP FOR THE REAL

L.H.,, 1/11/99, United Kingdom
Amazing, thought provoking. Down with big government.
Better days are coming. Viva Biological Immortality.

J.B.,, 5/1/00
A very solid story about happiness and true dreams
not those dreams that are cookie cutter capitalist crap.

J.T.,, 2/28/00
Neo-Tech is great. Very helpfull in releasing
personal problems/Bad habits.

Maribel G.
I am a mother of two, my children ages
9 and 12 are great children. I am have been teaching them about Neo-Tech
and most of all to be honest individuals. I opened a business in New York
called Neo-Buyer and I plan to make it a success, there is no stopping me.
Something negative happened and I thought it was going to make me fall. But
by being an honest individual, and with all the knowledge that I have learned
from Neo-Tech, I found I am becoming stronger and unstoppable. Dr. Wallace
you cannot imagine how grateful I am that I read your books. The good thing
about being a Neo-Tech woman is that I have control of myself and surroundings.
I respect myself and other people, but I do not interfere with other people’s
choices. Thanks once again Neo-Tech will never perish.

Beth R.,, 4/2/98
I was first introduced to Neo-Tech in 1993 by a very
bright, yet still, very mystical young man. Together,
we read and re-read the literature, ordered new literature,
and slowly we grew into a fully integrated, honest Neo-Tech
couple, with our only commitment being towards mutual growth
and total honesty. Our continuous value reflection has benefited
our lives greatly. Our genuine love for one another is reflected
so clearly that it touches every life we touch. Associates and
peers are often amazed at our honesty and compassion for one
another, not to mention envious. By integrating the facts presented
by Neo-Tech and consistently sticking to THE point, rather than
being distracted by A point, we have become the gods of our own
universes. The flow of the good is beginning to come to us. We
could not have done these magnificent feats without the help
and wisdom of Frank Wallace, Mark Hamilton, and Eric Savage.
Your endurance to the continuous struggles in the anti-civilization
serve as a beacon for all honest value-producers in the world.
My eternal gratitude goes out to all of you and your staff at
Neo-Tech Publishing for all your hard years of effort. Thank
you for making my life a pleasure to live and for giving me a
future I can look forward to.

J.K.,, 5/28/98
As one who has no religious influence in my life and no
influence of mystical realities I found the existence of a philosophy
demonstrating that lifestyle quite refreshing as now others can
share in its assertion of a personal and well-productive lifestyle.

That is the most interesting and down to earth information on Love
and Romance -- the do's and don'ts in a love affair. Thanks Shirley

S.A.,, 11/12/02
Neo-Tech provided great insights regarding the stratagems of religious and political 'external authorities'. The poker metaphor has not only been of use in
personal situations, but illuminated me to the workings of many Neo-Cheaters in the world.

R.H.,, 7/22/02
I love and adore your site.' You say things in powerful way.

N.M.,, 2/29/00, Australia
These ideas are good and certainly many people
may gain wealth from the Story!

longer available.

B.S.,, 1/3/00
This book should simply be titled THE TRUTH! Awesome

Cry,, 9/15/01, UK
Neo-tech the only way to the future world.

G.W.,, 3/21/97, United Kingdom
I look forward to the day when all human beings know Neothink
(natural thinking for conscious beings). There is no compromise with Neo-Tech.
Contradictions are easily identified and eradicated. The overwhelming beauty of
recognizing the objective `meaning of life' triggers an irreversible change in

"This site opens up an entirely new approach to thinking."
V.S.,, 1/18/97, India

H.A.,, 9/1/98
Dr. Wallace's writings and theories are
a breath of fresh air in a world gone mad.

D.U.,, 4/3/00, Canada
Absolutely the most valuable and beneficial
information a conscious individual can attain. Parents, don't send your
kids to college... send them into a life of value producing happiness, success,
and romantic love by making the best family investment
available on earth today--Neo-tech literature. Read the Discovery, the
The Book, then The Story, and then just keep reading. The
concepts and their integrations will bring out the best in
you--guaranteed. At first they may be hard to accept (believe me I know).
Some Neo-Tech concepts were torture on my previously held irrational mystical
beliefs. But, upon some hard logical thinking (the beginnings of
integrated thinking), I resolved them all and have now integrated them
into the Neo-tech matrix. I feel more powerful and more able to
control my own destiny everyday. I am truly happy knowing that I am improving myself everyday of my life. Thank you
Dr. Wallace, Mark Hamilton, Eric Savage, Tracey Alexander, and all the other Neo-tech writers for
producing/creating the greatest values on earth. Biological Immortality Now!!!

R.B.,, 10/20/98, United Kingdom
Love to have it, cannot afford it. (Yet) I've downloaded all
the 'advantages' and what I've read so far coincides with much
of my reasoning/thinking. I have a slight problem with Neo-Tech's
mysticism, or, rather, its denial of mysticism. I accept nothing
which offends my reason. To deny all areas which fall under Neo-Tech's
'mysticism' umbrella to me appears unreasonable. What I am saying
is that (for example)I find it perfectly sensible, that is, reasonable,
that the phrase 'I am not my body' holds some truth. I may be
wrong, but at this time I do not believe I am. I have modified
my opinions & beliefs continually over the years and I recognize
that I will continue to do so. However, at the moment, the body
and the spirit (for want of a better name - let's just say the
essence that is me) are, in the final analysis separate entities.
Whilst I aim to live for as long as possible (I'm aiming for
125+) I have no fear of death. I look forward to it as then I
will discover the truth. Or not. As the case may be.

"Ran through a number of your pages, liked a lot of what I saw."
J.B.,, 6/3/97

"Everyone with an ounce of sense should turn to it. A clear,
powerful mind is the prerequisite to anyone's journey through
life and this site provides the starting point. It is a technical
masterpiece as well."
E.R.,, 1/2/96

continue to study this information and integrate it into my life.

"To me, this web page is a beacon of light for all those who hope
to see the birth of a society (or of a new world) in which the
populous represents a body of individual men who live their lives
by the use of their independent minds. Your literature outlines
the principles which are the foundation of rational conduct in
life; I support your efforts and hope for your continued success.
My comment about your web page is more of a 'thank you' than of
an evaluation of the page itself."
L.P.,, 2/2/97

A.P.,, 3/3/97, United Kingdom
The value of Neo-Tech to me will very soon be countable in pounds.
Until then -- I just feel it and act on it -- rationally.

M.B.,, 4/13/97
This is by far the greatest site ever and Dr. Wallace definitely
deserves the Nobel.

E.H.,, 8/26/98
Neo Tech IS the TRUTH.
I am now prepared for Y2K and the C.U. Every human
being needs Neo Tech NOW! This Web Site is the most
important Web Site available. Thank you Neo Tech and Frank R. Wallace
for sharing your ideas and your DTC in achieving your
Neo Tech and C.U. objectives! Thanks for destroying the Neocheaters
of this world and opening up the true C.U. (Civilization of the
Universe)! Using the Neo Tech ideas, I have beaten many Neocheaters
and created wealth through business dynamics
found in the Neo Tech literature.


P.L.,, 7/31/97, Canada
"-Congratulations to all who have made this possible -Keep up the good work
and Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You
Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank
You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank

D.B.,, 11/10/00, Canada
The Story is emotionally powerful and has
helped me to regain
my confidence. I feel empowered with the possibilities ahead
of me.

Chris,, Canada
I've been dangerously close for a while now to falling into
a mystically-based self-contained world of hallucinations and delusions.
Thank you for opening my eyes, clearing my head, and letting me face the
reality in front of me that I always knew was the re.

G.V.,, 10/23/98
I think that pleasure, happiness and joy are pale reflections
of being itself. Pleasure always takes a direct object: for
instance, ice cream or sex or money. Happiness is the order that one
places these things in so for instance if one accounts money a
greater good thing than say recreational time, in the pursuit of
money one will find happiness. Obviously, happiness doesn't have
any lasting significance though its duration is related to ones
will or need rather than how full your belly or sex drive is.
When the dark side of being human becomes apparent through death,
meaninglessness or despair, pleasure and happiness fade into
oblivion. What can take its rightful place at that time is
joy. Joy is the transcendent portion of being human- of human
awareness where the infinite becomes incarnate. It is poetry. It is
indifferent to pleasure and happiness so seek well the direction of your

L.V.,, 5/12/97, Australia
This information is too powerful to remain on the Web!!!!

"This web site is very informative and provokes new directions in
R.M.,, 1/30/97

M.F.,, 10/21/97
Great site, The world needs more information like this, not less!

A.S.,, 4/22/97

M.J.,, 2/14/97
The Neo-Tech/Zonpower Discovery helped open my eyes as to who the
REAL cheaters and criminals in the world are. I also am aware of many more
`control mechanisms' politicians have ingrained in our minds and can reject
their government as big brother, father and mother.

C.B.,, 10/3/97

"I can only believe that sites such as yours will pave the way
for the development of a new world that is not so filled with
ignorance and hidden agenda."
C.B.,, 6/1/97

Anon.,, 7/13/98
A LOT of useful information!
I hope to learn the secrets of Neo-Tech!

J.B.,, 7/10/97, England
"I have found this most useful reading."

Donna M.,, 9/9/99
This info is too important to keep from the public.

T.C., OH.US, 7/17/00
Neo-Tech is wonderful!

L.H.,, 6/7/97
Very readable and understandable, I have learned a lot from it.

J.P.,, 1/23/01
I find all this extremely fascinating as it
opens up many
doors, and brings about new questions.

"I think it is great that Dr. Wallace is making available this
important information."
B.W.,, 1/18/97

W.S.,, 1/29/97
I can use what I learned to help in all areas of life.

R.D.,, 1/1/99, Canada
On October 9,1990, at age 22 I crawled out of my bedroom
window, into my packed small car and drove with tears
flowing down my face to my first home 35 miles away,
near my good job. Even though I
lost hundreds of fake friends, family, girlfriend; My
'escape from Alcatraz' was one of the best decisions I ever made.
Of course my buying the Neo-Tech Discovery on Dec.,1989 was THE best
decision. By integrating Neo-Tech, intense FEELINGS/EMOTIONS of
wellbeing, euphoria, romantic
love, happiness, and deep sexual desire rise up in my life
daily now! I never
smoke, drink, consume caffeine, alcohol, and SUGAR! Lazy
people where I work go out of their way to avoid me! I outflank and
outproduce them all, even my boss! Neo-Tech actions are like an
invisible, invincible power. Neo-Tech is for you! Ladies and gentlemen,
boys and girls, your problems have found their solution.

I'm riveted, very insightful.

D.K.,, 8/10/99
This information has no limits to its values.
I can still feel something very powerful pulling
me upwards. I am putting together my
own privately run business and feel extremely optimistic for
the first time in a very long time. Without the information contained
in Neo-Tech I would probably still be living in silent torture
wondering what ever happened to the ambition and drive I once
had. Thank You is all I can say. The day the world wakes up and
dismisses Politicians and Religion in favor of the Civilization
of the Universe will truly be the greatest day in the history
of mankind.

"Neo-Tech must be available to as many people as possible. It
gives us a new way of seeing the world and our relationship to
it. I find what you have to say exciting and I want to understand
it more. The real issue is about encouraging more people to take
control of their own lives."
I.M.,, 4/17/97, United Kingdom

A.P.,, 4/6/00
I can't thank you enough. My life gets betterevery day! Your site is the only fully honest place on the
web. The Book is simply the greatest book ever written,justifying the title.

"I think this site is fantastic, and yet simple enough to
understand. If these ideas are put into practice success is
guaranteed. I urge everyone to read this with an open mind."
J.K.,, 6/3/97

P.C.,, 6/2/99
The information is very mind opening and important.

C.K.,, 2/22/00
Neo-Tech is essential for the growth of the human race. Those
who oppose Neo-Tech and its insights need to realize that
Neo-Tech is simply bringing the human race closer to what 'God'
intended. God does not want humans to be stupid, bi-cameral beings,
rather he wants us to be more like him - after all, he created us
in his own image...

R.S.,, 12/21/96
I spent the last 15 minutes reading about
'The Origin of Consciousness' It is the most incredible
information. I've ever read. Incidentally, I ordered my first
materials from Neo-Tech about 8 years ago. Everything I
'thought' my whole life but could never fully grasp, was right
there in black and white. Thank you immensely for having the drive,
passion, commitment, self faith, initiative, etc. to put
this information to the masses.

J.T.,, 4/23/97
The most mind-blowing information I've ever read.

j.a.,, 8/23/01
Neo-Tech has opened my eyes to a broader view
of life, it has made me feel much
better about myself now.

"I spent the last 15 minutes reading about 'The Origin of
Consciousness' It is the most incredible information. I've ever
read. Incidentally, I ordered my first materials from Neo-Tech
about 8 years ago. Everything I 'thought' my whole life but could
never fully grasp, was right there in black and white. Thank you
immensely for having the drive, passion, commitment, self faith,
initiative, etc. to put this information to the masses."
R.S.,, 12/21/96

G.W.,, 5/7/98
When I first started reading
the Neo-Tech/Zonpower literature, it really blew my mind and
made me start thinking. I love what you have
been doing. Love you all.

Wanda M.,, 4/27/99
Neo-Tech is pretty amazing stuff. It has me very intrigued and
wanting to learn more about how to develop these Neo-Tech skills.

H.H.,, 1/30/98
Greetings and salutations NEO THINKERS. I have just returned
from the movie 'Titanic'. And you could almost swear the script
was written by Mark Hamilton. The script was an uncanny resemblance
to a story written by Mark Hamilton in his 1989 Zonpower. When we
reach around 80 to 85 we look back on our lives as if it was
yesterday. How 50 years of our lives is but a dot in the ocean
of time. The 'Titanic script writers must have utilized Mark's
summary from his book, by having Rose as an 85 year old thinking
back to her time as a young lady and reminiscing on her time
on that tragic voyage. See the movie and read the article in Mark Hamilton's
Pincer 2. you will see the similarity.
Neo-Tech is on the big screen already.

"Looks like I will be spending a lot of time reading all of this.
J.W.,, 1/29/97

W.M.,, 6/11/99
I have read and re-read a lot of the Neo Tech
writings and cannot find a single flaw
anywhere...It is so obvious how we have been duped
by all of these political, religious, academic, NeoCheaters.
They deal out death and destruction.

W.G.,, 4/14/98, Philippines
I think Neo-Tech people have more advantages. I will make Neo-Tech a way life.

M.H.,, 12/15/97
I think this website provides a valuable service. Keep up the
excellent work.

Neo-Tech has given me so much too look forward too. I
am so very tired of having my monies stolen from me and so much of
my life spent in this upside down world. I am so excited about my new
found knowledge.

L.B.,, 10/17/00
I'm truly excited about my purchasing The Book
already its making my journey more exciting and achievable.

W.C.,, 10/4/02, Australia
The information is amazing it has removed the confusion that has been in my head for 41 years. Now I know what to look out for in my life. My life is making
sense for the fist time. I am able to see the life that I should be living, and the man I should be. To all at Neo-Tech a very deep felt 'Thank you' I can
see the light at the end of the tunnel as I did when I was a child.

R. S.,, 3/15/03
The depth of Wallace's scholarship is amazing and impressive.

"If Leonard Peikoff's Objectivism: The Philosophy of Ayn Rand is
'Reality Unfolded', Neo-Tech is the ultimate 'set of guidelines'
for living without/dispensing with the need for guides."
G.F.,, 5/23/97, United Kingdom

J.R.,, 3/31/97
This will change the world.