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D.M.,, 7/30/99
I love the information and I am looking forward to more! Thank you for sharing your vision.

M.H.,, 7/30/99
Your work is the most valuable of ideas and information in the history of civilization. I look forward everyday with great anticipation to what you will publish next. Thanks for your life-enhancing products.

G.S.,, 7/29/99
I am half-way through 'THE BOOK' and I feel more powerful than I ever have.

M.B.,, 7/29/99, Brazil
Dear Emma, do not let the site vanish, it is fantastic.

C.P.,, 7/28/99
I have found new life, energy, and hope through this web site.

S.C.,, 7/27/99
I believe Neo-Tech may be our last hope. At age 5 I found out there was no Santa Claus, Easter bunny, and tooth fairy. Then around age 14 became I became skeptical about 'ghost' stories. At age 19 lost my belief in God and always thought 'real life' was boring with nothing to believe in, and then came Neo-Tech. I can't thank you enough

W.L.,, 7/27/99
Dear Friends at Neo-Tech, I strongly agree with all of the concepts. They have helped us to better cope with our everyday problems.

D.V.,, 7/26/99
Neo-Tech is full of truth, goodness and honesty and looks at things differently than the norm. You guys have good things to say and you inform people on the wrongs of today (like the IRS). Keep it up!

J.M.,, 7/26/99, South Africa
Great Stuff.

E.P.,, 7/26/99
Never before has something so powerful and sensible been within reach. I feel there is much accuracy -- if not vision in this hypothesis. It is definitely worth reading for the curious and those searching for answers to explain an age-old problem. A great piece of work! Thanks.

J.P.,, 7/26/99
THE NEO-DISCOVERY and GOD-MAN instills power for the individual because it makes one less ignorant about the world. I have greatly benefited from the NEO-TECH literature. Thank you all for putting this information out there for the wise to explore.

J.S.,, 7/26/99
Anyone who desires success in their life should make a study of Neo-Tech... The knowledge gained is empowering and instantly centers one's thinking.

R.A.,, 7/22/99
Great reality oriented philosophy. This site is a great arms dealer to freedom in the war between freedom and enslavement of man's mind. I am 18 and believe that with the growing dissemination of NT and rate of human progress biological immortality is within reach for this generation.

B.E.,, 7/20/99
Neo-Tech makes the anticivilization appear as though it were an ant on the sidewalk. When integrated honesty is entered into the equation, things really are as a true Neo-Tech person views them. Enjoy the fight against the anticivilization it is still quite massive -- but not 4 long though -- it is one big rock and Neo-Tech is the jackhammer.

J.G.,, 7/20/99
I found myself ashamed for years at not being able to adhere to a religion, a political party or a job that was not right for me and now Neo-Tech has not only given me hope but the tools I need to become what I am destined to be: God-Man. I now possess the answers to all my questions and the shocking part is that I had them all along and I am now responsible for my own actions. This is the truest freedom!

P.E.,, 7/19/99, Australia
Keep it up some one must bring back sanity.

G.B.,, 7/18/99
Neo-Tech delivers great information.

Rebecca R.,, 7/17/99
This is one of the most interesting and mentally stimulating web pages I have encountered.

A.A.,, 7/17/99, United Kingdom
Great site, keep up the good work. Poker strategy made me $800 in the last month!!!

G.W.,, 7/17/99
I feel I've been re-born after I read the first volume! I (like so many others), was very, very skeptical about the contents of 'The Book' upon first receiving it. But now I'm a new person inside and out! It's just what I needed to get me out of the rut I was in. I was depressed with just about everything you could imagine: my business was stagnated and I had no idea how to get it off the ground, my father passed away, the 'law' wouldn't leave me alone, my 'regular' job sucked so bad that I could barely keep my head above water when it came to paying bills. I have a completely new outlook on life. I want to send my love, thanks, and best wishes to my entire Neo-Tech brothers and sisters and I'll see you in the much anticipated Neo-Tech World!!

J.S.,, 7/17/99
Neo-Tech is he only hope for the world. The literature has continually helped me evolve into the person I want to be.

D.Z.,, 7/16/99, Canada
Love every page of your site. The Church of Life is cool. FRW gets my nonpolitical vote.

F.N.,, 7/14/99, Australia
You could not be closer to the truth of our existence unless you had already achieved what you call 'God-Man' state. It would be an absolute crime to remove these pages from the WWW. The information should and MUST be available to every person on this planet.

Anon.,, 7/14/99
Keep it up. The C of U is coming.

A.R.,, 7/14/99, United Kingdom
Throughout the whole of cyberspace this has to be the most valuable site. This accessibility needs to be protected from those who may seek its removal.

Peggy M.,, 7/14/99
I've always known there had to be a better way to live life, free of guilt and fear. I kept looking, finally I have found it. I am learning to think for myself and making my own decisions. I know I have a long way to go, but now at least I will have the needed help to get me there quicker.

A.J.,, 7/14/99
I believe this is the door to great prosperity and mind power. Phenomenal materials here on this Internet site.

J.R.,, 7/12/99
Zonpower has opened my eyes.... It will be an instrumental force in the future of mankind.

D.S.,, 7/12/99
Neo-Tech and its associated literature is without doubt the most important material I have ever read. The arrival of the Neo-Tech Discovery in 1985 took Ayn Rand to the next level for me. I was especially gratified when I saw the high regard that Dr. Wallace held Ms. Rand and her works, which made me feel I was on the right track with N-T. Later came Zon and the works of Wallace's son, Mark Hamilton. In these works I grasped the power of the Internet -- far beyond any other analysis at that time or since -- and how it would truly 'change the world'. As we head into the new Millennium, N-T's presence on the web is absolutely vital to aid in its quest of worldwide penetration and to end all mysticism. Thank you so much for the services you render to the world.

T.W.,, 7/12/99
I don't see how anyone can possible believe that Neo-Tech is or could be assocaited with evil. I personally believe from the publications I have read, it is the most good and sound idea for the future that I have ever know of.

O.V.,, 7/11/99
Thinking that breaks one from the herd mentality.

D.M.,, 7/11/99
This is the most fascinating knowledge I have ever experienced. It truly makes you become 'aware' of your capabilities in the mind. Once this 'thinking' has been applied to every area of your life, you respond and become a 'super-person'!!!

K.S.,, 7/10/99
Almost 45 years it took me to escape the torture of lies, cheating and every other dishonesty known to humankind. Thanks to Neo-Tech and their timely knowledge my moment has arrived. That moment is now and forevermore not only to announce my God-hood but to develop my God-hood in all directions at once from this moment forward.

J.P.,, 7/10/99
If planet earth didn't have this knowledge to learn from, and direct us to freedom and a pure mind, planet earth would be a paralyzing dominant world system. You're a living god.

W.S.,, 7/10/99
I am 36 years old, and run a small mortgage business. All of my life I have been in sales jobs and have read many books and studied many courses. Almost all of them are quite frankly full of garbage, because they rely on promoting 'false notions' and beliefs, that coincidentally only the author has the unique answers to solve. (yeah right!) I kept reading book after book, doing course after course, wondering when I would ever discover the 'real truth'. Most people we look to for guidance in life, (teachers, councilors, church leaders, authors etc), do nothing but create imaginary 'problems' for you. Once achieved, they offer BOGUS solutions and pretend to be your friend. Then they can easily manipulate you like a blood sucking leach, while all the time pretending to be your savior. WHAT A LOAD OF CRAP!!! At last I HAVE found the truth. Watch out Neo-cheaters (deadbeat, blood-sucking loser's) I AM ON TO YOU!.

J.H.,, 7/10/99
I want to express my thanks for turning around a new respect and admiration that I hold for my Father. In this anti-civilization, without Neo-Tech, I might have criticized him for not teaching me how to play sports as a kid and cluttering my mind with other anti-civilization activities. And I might have resented him for arguing with me all the time on philosophical issues...even if he agreed with me. Now I respect my father for raising me in a modest, reason based house hold. It's funny, almost mystical in a way but I remember saying to myself, before I got Neo-Tech...'Why does everything look so fuzzy!, It wasn't this fuzzy when I was a kid! Why can't I perceive REALITY!'...I knew something was wrong and Neo-Tech gave me the tools to figure out what it was. Everything started getting fuzzy when I started buying these get-rich quick things and started praying to 'God' for help with personal relationship problems. I remember saying to myself after ordering Neo-Tech...'Watch this stuff say 'It's all up to you nut-shell, it said...'It's all up to you!' However, actually realizing this and keeping this in mind vs. simply saying it, is two different stories. And now, thanks to your 'Spooky Money Dynamics'...I'm on the brink of discovering what I guess you could call a 'Business Play-Ground', lo1.

B.T.,, 7/10/99, United Kingdom
Neo-Tech has enabled me to think with crystal clarity. Now I can see things as they really are. I find living in the Anti-civilization frustrating and look forward to a time when people dump their irrationalities for objective truths. Business now for me is the way forward, I have plans to create a global multi-disciplinary design company. Thanks to the Neo-Tech business dynamics this is possible. So many people in so many ways are going to benefit.

D.M.,, 7/10/99
I found Neo-Tech to be a very powerful, life changing experience.

D.S.,, 7/8/99
Extremely valuable information. I applaud the courage of the people working within this organization.

F.C.,, 7/6/99
I decided to read some of the negative comments first. I am absolutely floored by the comments of these supposedly Christian people out there. Did you notice how they were not even able to speak their own minds? So much Christian vernacular repeated over and over like brain washed dummies. In my experience 'born again' Christians can be some of the biggest hypocrites alive. Sitting and judging and criticizing, and then justifying their actions by quoting the bible. I'm going to read your entire site just to see what all their 'Christian' hollar'n is all about.

M.S.,, 7/5/99
Refreshingly alternative to the usual self-empowerment stuff around.

J.K.,, 7/4/99, America
Dear Neo-Tech Geniuses, first I would like to tell the staff there how grateful and energized “The Book' has made me feel. Grateful is an understatement this product is the most revolutionary step towards the essence of human life evolution. Remembering back in my teenage years I recalled clear thoughts on all the mysticism that has influenced me. However, someone taught me one value that I should keep in mind: 'Anyone can take a life, but to give life is the ultimate gift the Universe ever conceived.' Thank you for giving me life!!!! “The Book' changed my cognition of everything revolving around my existence. I now have a clear understanding of the purpose of life. I realized if even one person read, understood, and implemented this information, it would mean incredibly more values available to benefit society. Wow! The power of “The Book' was clear to me. I haven't evolved into God-Man yet, but I see how wonderful it can feel helping society. I feel great at this moment for even thinking about that one person who might create magnificent values for mankind, this thought alone gives me a natural high. The feeling of me trying to create those values gives me a God-Like feeling.

P.G.,, 7/4/99, United Kingdom
You must continue to make your profound views known to those prepared to listen, and therefore improve their lives beyond any doubt.

S.J.,, 7/4/99, United Kingdom
Mr. Hamilton has indeed produced a remarkable piece of work. This work hit me like a hammer square between the eyes and gripped me like a vice around my being. I felt very annoyed at what we have lost in terms of our happiness and even more for what my parents lives were deprived of. I now feel hurt even angry that every day I am not feeling the ultimate joy of being here and achieving ' YES I DID THAT, I MADE THAT, I INVENTED THAT FOR ME AND EVERYONE ELSE, I AM SOMEBODY ' Your book has made me realize that I am me, that's all, nothing complicated just me, nothing before me and no more me when I'm gone, but while I'm here I owe it only to me to use this moment of existence to more than simply exist.

C.W.,, 7/4/99
Fascinating, I wish it could have been available to me in the 70's so I could have eliminated a lot of business and theological mistakes that have held me back from true wealth. But, it's now off to a new beginning!

J.B.,, 7/4/99
Every single day we are faced with the choice of being honest or dishonest, no subject sits clear of the honesty path which is weaved through every point of life and death. The world that waits for those who are honest is beautiful beyond words. To be honest is not easy, but the alternative is hell, even here on Earth. Nobody until now has been an expert on the purpose of our life or how we should live. Only those who have thought long and hard have any answeres. I have seen this in the works of AYN RAND and NEO-TECH, and almost nowhere else. I have started to build that world within myself. Once you understand what Neo-tech and honestly living are, you will be amazed!

H.A.,, 7/3/99, Israel
The site is interesting and I'd define it 'food for the mind and soul'. There is plenty to learn and comprehend. The information needs to be processed and exercised by the mind and body in everyday life.

M.K.,, 7/2/99
I just read the negative comments about your site... I noticed that people who say negative things about your site are Christians, and they are filled with hate! They want you to go to hell and they call you devil worshippers, even though you don't believe in a 'devil'... Simply put, Neo-Tech is fully integrated honesty and doesn't believe in God, the devil, psychic powers, or anything weird or way out... Neo-Tech simply just makes sense... What has meaning in the life of such people? Is it going to church every Sunday and praising this 'God' who has brought nothing but death and destruction? By the way, God, if you are listening, I want to know why you allowed that incident at Columbine High School a few months ago, I also want to know why you allowed some gang members to come to my OWN high school and start shooting... WHY? WHY? WHY? I refuse to praise and glorify you...the funny thing is, that all the gang members I have seen wear crosses around their neck, as do Mafia members, and some gang members have tattoos of Jesus... and supposedly these are the ones that are going to heaven, while a wealthy, hard-working and productive businessman who has never harmed anyone, and is an atheist, will go to hell and burn forever... that's just so stupid, and I'm so tired of Christianity attacking things that they consider 'evil'. Since reading Neo-Tech, I realize how silly all these people are...I can't help but laugh at the negative comments, especially when the Christians talk about how people who follow Neo-Tech are going to burn in hell, and this thing about 'Judgement Day', whatever that is... I want biological immortality... I NEED biological immortality! Who needs heaven??? There can be a 'heaven' right here on earth with NEO-TECH! HURRAY FOR MYSELF AND HURRAY FOR NEO-TECH

Sarah D.,, 7/1/99, Australia
I am glad to say that the psychology behind Neo-Tech is unbelievable! Upon reading Neo-Tech for a while my parameters of stupidity and unintelligence have disappeared, so that's what mysticism was! Thanks.

J.H.,, 7/1/99
I thank you for your anti-civilization discovery. After thinking about the anti-civilization for quite a while now, I realize that this is NO imaginary place. This place is a real place that consist of friends and co-workers not just a bunch of characters in a book in some far off world. I thank you for the idea of fully integrated honesty and wide scope accounting. Now, I can be free! Thank You

June 1999

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