
Your Rendezvous with Pax Neo-Tech
13,000 Comments 13,000 Comments

Pure Beauty Rising
C'est Si Bon

Neo-Tech Letter Testimonials!

Feedback Comments From Jan 1997-May 2003

Below, 500 Random Testimonials From 1997-2003
Continue refreshing to see countless more Neo-Tech Testimonials... over 20,000 testimonials!

"Greatest eye opener, mind expanding knowledge I ever received.
Only wish I had it sooner."
P.K.,, 2/13/97

R.B.,, 9/14/01, Mauritius
I wish President Bush would get his solution from the Neo-Tech web.

B.R.,, 4/28/98
With Neo-Tech, your values can't be used against you--only
for you, me, everyone.

G.B.,, 2/28/99, Australia
This is really great stuff. I am looking
forward to the future with hope.

S.B.,, 7/16/98
Very intriguing.

G.a.,, 5/2/02
Knowledge is power, I firmly believe Neo-Tech will prevail in the end.

M.W.,, 7/15/97, England
Please forward more information on how to raise children
and young adults in this soon to be changed world. I want to thank Dr.
Wallace because without his knowledge, I would be suffering trapped in a
world without a way out. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You

J.D.,, 6/10/99, England
This stuff is so cool, keep it up.

should work under any circumstances. I believe that your
website can help achieve a higher
level of 'illumination' in the general populace.

M.F.,, 5/13/97, Australia
I think this site is mind boggling! Keep it up Please!

L.N.,, 11/25/02

S.P.,, 1/14/00
I think Mark is a man of true, honest vision
and an accomplished writer. His expertly crafted style holds
and projects the true essence of honest love. 'God-Man'
inspires hope in the reader while showing our next
evolution. For the first time in my life I feel that I am
not alone, I am elated. It is of great encouragement and
inspiration to find such a man who is helping bring our next
evolution into fruition!

"This world needs Neo-Tech thinking if it is to prosper. Please
keep promoting freedom oriented solutions to world problems and
keep the web going."
D.S.,, 4/24/97

T.B.,, 4/16/98

"This is beyond my wildest dreams. An absolute wealth of
information. I truly wish I never had to sleep so I could spend
many more hours on your Web Site."
R.K.,, 2/4/97

This was an amazing article!! I cannot thank the author enough or
express how deep I feel. Thank you and may life bless you!

"The information on the site has helped integrate my thinking. I
had a flash , saw the new color mode, and now can manipulate the
essence to brighten and control everything that moves."
M.M.,, 4/24/97

"I thought it was excellent. It taught me things about using the
mind that I never thought possible. I am eager to learn more."
D.Y.,, 1/11/97, Canada

K.H.,, 7/5/97, New Zealand
"Thanks for changing my life its priceless."

S.H.,, 8/13/97
"The information is much needed."

R.L.,, 1/2/98
Your site is fantastic.

L.S.,, 3/6/00
Extremely interesting and worth reading.

L.L.,, 1/25/00
Totally changed how I run my life and business affairs.

P.D.,, 1/17/97, Chile
Well organized, interesting, and entertaining.

G.D.,, 3/1/00

J.N.,, 1/31/00
Quite an interesting site. I intend to visit the site often.

B.B.,, australia

ANON,, 3/18/97
Neo-Tech Objectivism rules!

M.B.,, 1/16/01
Thinking becomes real! You are getting people
to think.
Be leaders not followers.

S.P.,, 6/17/02
Neo-Tech, has the potential to be the source of a revolution for improvement of the human condition!

A.B.,, 4/21/97, United Kingdom
Who could disagree with the need for this kind
of information being made available
to everyone? More power to you, keep up the good work.

T.B.,, 1/21/97, Thailand
Very useful site. Thank you.

G.C.,, 7/6/97
Most fascinating site I have ever read.

P.S.,, 3/25/01
Hi. I'm a 17-year-old high school student. I've
been studying
Neo-Tech and objectivism for a while now, and I've learned
more about life and the reality of the world, things I'll
for real life, than I could ever learn in the public school
(of course). Recently, I've really been noticing just how
the anti-civilization is prevalent in the school system. I
out against it in class and look forward to doing so
my life. Also, thanks to my objective views about love, I've
been in a wonderful relationship with a girl I introduced to
Neo-Tech for the past year. I couldn't even imagine thinking
any way besides logically and objectively now. It feels like
suddenly having blinders taken off and being able to see the
real world as it actually is.

L.W.,, 6/29/01
The information gained from this site and the
I possess are worth more than I can think to repay. Thanks.

S. Grimm,, 12/4/01
Since the time I have had The Book I have drastically improved my life. I have a much nicer place to live, in a much better neighborhood. I have the car I
have wanted since high school, and I have now the beautiful daughter I can't imagine living without

J.S.,, 5/4/97

Mr. F.M.,, 4/3/00
It is mind expanding information

M.M.,, 8/12/97
"Amazing. Yet I know this is gonna be juicy enough to inspire me further
than the inspiration I just had!"

B.P.,, 4/2/00
'The Story' is a brilliant way of introducing Neo-Tech to new readers. It has made the Neo-Tech material much more clear to me.

"I believe that ZONPOWER is the key to health, wealth, and
happiness. Also, the fact that this web page has opened my mind
as well as many others is great. This web page really does have
all the answers. I looked into the matrix and almost fell over at
the LIMITLESS amounts of information on everything."
H.R.,, 4/3/97, Canada

"This site is the best. I am glad I found it and shall return
often. I do agree that mystics are a great source of evil, and I
think sites like this are needed to combat religious thinking.
Neo-Tech needs to grow, it needs massive distribution, it needs
to make a bible of it's own. If enough people hear of this, it
might snuff out mystics permanently, so that we can usher in a
new era. Science and futuristic idea's need to grow. I am a
college student studying genetic engineering, and I have made it
my life goal to pursue biological immortality through human
cloning and genetic manipulation. I would really like to thank
the creator of Neo-Tech, and I hope it's values will soon be
embraced by everyone."
S.N.,, 3/19/97, Canada

C.P.,, 4/11/99
This is a great site! I like the new get
involved programs. Keep up the good work.

I love the information contained in this material. It has helped
me understand some events that have occurred in my life and has provided
many options to consider as to the new direction my life will take. I feel
that in time this new feeling of self-empo werment, that realizing my dreams
of the future will have a solid and powerful impact on my success as an individual,
husband, father, and future business owner.

never read information more interesting and eye opening than Neo-Tech. Neo-Tech is the pot of gold

C.M.,, 10/23/02
Everyone should read this book it AMAZING!!! Some of the stuff in this book blows you away but its all true. To everyone at neo-tech THANK YOU SO MUCH you've
really change my life.

The History of Love and Sex was a great read and very informative.

j.R.,, 9/13/01, uk
The Neo-Tech world is a very bright place to be!

C.C.,, 10/1/97
I find this information extremely valuable. The 114 advantages were
inspiring and educational.

W.N.,, 8/18/01
This is wonderful information for anybody who
is ready to jump into consciousness and become aware what is happening around
them. For anyone who is ready for a change
they should read “The Book' for it will change you and the
way you think forever. You will think the way we were meant,
without mysticism and external authorities telling us how to think.
Neo-Tech is not the Devil's work but it undoes the Devil's work and
awakens the most powerful value on earth, Human-Consciousness.


S.M.,, 8/24/01
The info in Neo-Tech has helped me profoundly.

C.R.,, 2/17/97
I think that it is great that you are putting Ayn Rand
and the Objectivist movement into perspective.
It needs it. Keep up the great work. Thanks.

G.W.,, 2/3/99
I would like to see the web site continue to grow so
that we can spread the truth. This is the best information I
have ever seen that truly explains life and its formulation.

"We will make it happen!"
T.E.,, 6/8/97, United Kingdom

"This site makes it easier for more and more people to learn
about this incredibly valuable technology."
R.W.,, 2/10/97

F.C.,, 9/16/01, Ireland
It's hard to believe that once a person has read Neo-Tech books/manuscripts that they can bury their head in the sand and pretend that it does not exist.

S.S.,, 3/22/00
As a result of reading Neo-Tech I am more aware
of the mysticism and neocheating going on in the world and
around me in everyday life. Neo-Tech is valuable information
that every individual should read!!!!!!!!!!!!!

T.N.,, 4/4/97
I like the Plato-Aristotle comparisons. Very interesting. This is my
first visit, I'll be back.

R.R.,, 1/20/97
I think this web site is immensely valuable to all who are interested
in improving themselves and ultimately the human condition.

"Wonderful insight and science. We need it."
M.A.,, 3/18/97

The information and ideology gained through these books are a priceless treasure.

The best information available to help every person on
this earth

C.L.,, 10/19/02
I think Neo-Tech is the most beautiful and informative information for this blind world that we live in. Please keep it on the Internet, it is a must. I had

"This is my first time on this web sight. I will visit more
C.M.,, 2/12/97

D.H.,, 12/25/98
Frank Wallace's ideas are extremely bold and
ambitious. What a wonderful vision!

R.E.,, 1/16/99
I admire your courage and persistence.

D.C.,, 12/6/02
I have been fortunate to have had neotech material for about 3 years, these books have opened my eyes to the deceptions that are perpetrated on us
continually by neocheaters. There is no other information source that I know of to learn the real truth abou

J.R.,, 5/6/99, Australia
I bought Neo-Tech in July 86 and throughout the years have
found the answers to most of my problems in the information
packages. Now being able to access NT through the internet
has opened up a new wave of excitement for me. Zonpower and
the civilization of the Universe is the ultimate goal.
Best of all is to know that I'm not alone.
The Web is a link in this grand chain of our evolution.

Tibor,, 3/12/01
This will be high school stuff for people of
the future. It will be basic learning for everyone who

"I heard about this website from my family. I must say it is very
interesting and it gives a very refreshing view from another
perspective. I use the power search a lot, to find out zonpower's
opinion. Thanks!"
D.L.,, 1/9/97, Belgium

Dawn K.,, 2/4/98, South Africa
From the little information I received from a friend, I know
that I need this information in order to change my life and make
it meaningful. The benefits she has derived from Neo-Tech are
unbelievable. I have always been the type of person who wants
more out of my life, and I have tried almost every self help,
motivation, positive thinking books on the market and none seem
to work. I need Neo-Tech
so that I can start living!!

W.S.,, 3/5/00
Thank you Mr. Hamilton for the life rendering
artwork called 'The story'. It has moved and touched my
heartstrings of life.

"Very enlightening. Quite possibly the most innovative school of
thought in history."
R.B.,, 4/22/97

P.N.,, 5/21/97
I've begun removing my own personal mysticism with the intent of
becoming a competitive, honest, happy, value-producing Citizen of the Universe.
I wish to thank everyone at Neo-Tech for their courage, perseverance, integrity
and effort to break the chains of professional Neocheaters and Mysticism

"I stumbled across your 'Global Wealth Power' and simply couldn't
stop reading it while online."
A.T.,, 2/16/97

E.I.,, 2/24/97, Singapore
This site is very good. This is a well organized page, keep it up.

N.R.,, 3/21/00, Canada
I know the thought process neo-tech has taught
me will greatly benefit me later in my life.
there is no doubt to me about the value of neo tech to humankind.
it is a great discovery, and I feel privileged to have gained
this in-valuable knowledge. I am 9 years old and have not
yet graduated high school.

D.C.,, 2/16/98
I really liked the positive comment where someone said
that you should read Neo-Tech and then Cosmic Business Control. And
that if you don't apply the concepts, you will feel miserable.
If you do apply them, however, you will be RICHLY rewarded in
all facets of YOUR LIFE. It's just nice to see an obvious integration
put into words on a screen. It makes it that much more 'real'.
Another thing, that comment from the honest neo-cheater. I really
understand how he is coming from such a desperate place and that
he is really just scared or plain weak. I have met people from
large foreign countries to small island, as of late. It is all
thanks to FW and his associates. It is so easy to make money
once you actually try and 'get rolling'. Experience, good or
bad, gives you new knowledge and inf. to act on and become even
more happy and productive. In fact, one of my friends in Asia
noticed a simple thing like how I react to things like the Iraq
situation. I directed him toward this site and he thanked me
for it. I kind of got off subject here, but I just wanted to
say that it always feels great to get positive reactions from
individuals in regards to personal matters or work. Even if
you know you are appreciated through your growing sales, fan
base, whatever it may be, it is always such a happiness high
to hear praises from individual friends and strangers alike.
I don't know why I am writing this letter, especially since it
is a little unorganized, but I wanted to just let you guys know
that I hope you win and that I, though indirectly, will do everything
I can all the time to help me, you, and everyone prosper into infinity.

C.T.,, 5/5/99
One of the most eye opening sites I had ever
read. Thank you for enlightening me.

Hi. I'm a 17-year-old high school student. I've been studying Neo-Tech
and objectivism for a while now, and I've learned far more about life and
the reality of the world, things I'll need for real life, than I could
ever learn in the public school environment (of course). Recently, I've
really been noticing just how much the anti-civilization is prevalent in
the school system. I speak out against it in class and look forward to
doing so throughout my life. Also, thanks to my objective views about love,
I've been in a wonderful relationship with a girl I introduced to Neo-Tech
for the past year. I couldn't even imagine thinking any way besides logically
and objectively now. It feels like suddenly having blinders taken off and
being able to see the real world as it actually is.

RP,, 5/23/03
this site is an amazing resource for gaining control and power over your own

P.P.,, 1/22/00, Australia
Neo-Tech is more than just the next step from
'light bulb to fluorescent light' it is the water and fire of the 'GODS'.
One read and a new life begins with the never ending factor
called optimism and truth. The liquid of life can now
optimistically be drunk from a glass that never ends, for it is Biological
Immortality which is my 'daily water', and a glass that will never
empty! Thanks to NEO-TECH and Frank Wallace.

Curtis,, 9/13/01
I am so thankful I have found the truth. My life has changed in every way. I look back and I can not fathom how I ever lived in that mind set. I am filled
with more warmth and joy now than I have ever been in my entire life. Thank you

T.M.,, 2/18/97
A wonderful piece of work. Keep up the great writing.

J.W.,, 1/16/02
Neo-Tech is the most empowering and self assuring way of thinking and living I have ever come across. Never before have I felt such a high regard for myself
and others around me. After following 'God' and church leaders all my life I am now free from unanswered prayers and the guilt that was brought upon me by them from what would otherwise make me happy. I now live a happy life, free from guilt and mystics.
Discovering Neo-Tech was like being reborn. Its scary at first, you are set free from the 'comforts' of everyday life(laziness, the expectation of things to come to you without effort)and your eyes are reopened into a world where You are in control of
yourself. You make it happen, or You fail. Nobody else is responsible. After all is said and done, it
s an amazing experience.

"Brilliant. Well written. You guys have helped me solve some of
my personal problems and I thank you dearly for it. I offer any
assistance that you may ever need."
J.G.,, 5/6/97

F.N.,, 3/29/01
Good luck against all the totalitarians and
mystics in the world -- they must really feel threatened!

S.Y.,, 3/13/97, Malaysia
The world of tomorrow is here. I will be
backing this web site with all the efforts I can get. This is indeed the most
valuable web site in WWW. The dawn of a new era is what I have been looking
forward to an era of profound honesty and competitive business. Down with
Mysticism and Rise with Neo-Tech. `Great days are coming'

J.M.,, 7/26/98
You are the only one who knows what honesty means and lives by it.

J.M.,, 3/8/00
I just had to send you another compliment on this
publication. This story is awesome. This is really something
new, different, and exciting. It really gets down to
practical application of the NT philosophy. I have noticed
from my participation on lists with other NTers that many of
the newbies are constantly asking for examples of practical
application. Well, I believe that you have really done that
with this story.
I have been speed reading with a vengeance for the past
three evenings and I am totally into this story! You have
presented so many of your concepts in a way that should be
receptive to a vast majority of people out there. That is
absolutely essential in order to spread the word to the
majority of people. I definitely think that you are on the
right track here. This is great work in progress.
I would also like to repeat my request from last night.
Please publish this gem. I want to own a bound volume of
this publication. I can not wait to sit down with my son and
read this with him. It is Neo-Tech in a very digestible
Now, back to my reading!!

D.B.,, 10/22/97
This is mind boggling stuff!!! I WANT TO BE A NEO-TECH MAN!

Neo-Tech is an honest search for TRUTH and this web site should
remain active to provide a locus for those truth-seekers who use this remarkable
medium of the internet in their quest.

J.S.,, 2/20/97
I appreciate what you are doing for mankind.

"This is the best web sit I have EVER seen. It has practical
applications of Objectivism that anyone can apply to improve
their life!"
Z.G.,, 5/8/97

D.H.,, 2/6/02
I can feel the positive effects already. Neo-Tech is the proper way to the future.

G.A.,, 2/7/00
I have been reading Neo-Tech material for about two years now.
It has changed my life. I like depending on myself, my rational
thinking. I have started but have a long way to go in my development.

"I am very happy to see good self-improvement info. on the Net. I
am looking forward to reading all you have to offer."
O.S.,, 6/27/97, Essex

D.M.,, 1/7/00
The Neo-Tech is the way of the future. It
has changed my way of thinking and doing things.

Leon K,, 2/6/02
I think his intent is to bring out the HUMAN in all of us. To see, feel, and act on the real in us. I believe The Story's objective is to set up an
understanding for the masses, who get mired in over analyzing and lazily shrugging off the obvious reality.
As so bluntly put 'to be or not to be' :0)
Overall the work instills a hard driving determination towards a better, happier place for all.

"Thanks for the enlightenment."
J.J.,, 1/22/97

A.R.,, 2/8/97
Neo-Tech has penetrated the knowledge boundaries of human existence.
Subjects that benefit the human race. For the benefit of the whole world, this
web site should remain intact for us humans to continue our knowledge growth
and understanding of ourselves, and to stop once and for all the human

J.S.,, 10/1/97
Neo-Tech must remain on the web. For without Neo-Tech, disarming
professional neo-cheaters, value-destroyers could not be possible by the year
2000 A.D. Neo-Tech is the future.
I am pleased with the recent IRS exposure. While still in the very early stage
of media attention, the IRS and their force-backed agendas will soon be expunged
with Neo-Tech's forthcoming triumph over them.

M.R.,, 12/3/97
Any attempt to remove Neo-Tech from the web would be purely a
criminal act. Honesty speaks for itself. I was just reading about
the Honesty Oath being Law of the Land. Excellent success! It
is good to see NT working in the courts. The IRS is indeed crumbling
-- keep up the great work.

S.R.,, 9/18/97
"This is very interesting information. It sparks debate amongst many people,
and therefor is useful information."

F.C.,, 2/19/97
Excellent piece of information. The information and ideas expressed
in this technology are completely riveting. I completely understand and firmly

S.M.,, 10/14/00, Japan
I am not so good in English, but I think this
website is wonderful.

F.W.,, 3/19/99
I am very thankful for the refreshing honesty that I have
found in all of Neo-Tech literature.

T.B.,, 8/25/99
Since I discovered Neo-Tech about 3 months ago, I now realize
how the world works today and how it should be. I never knew
how blind the world was before. I've read many books and nothing
compares to The Neo-Tech Discovery. I really feel that there
is hope for mankind if we only wake up out of the dream world
that the government and other neocheaters have pulled over
our eyes.

M.K.,, 8/26/01
The world needs this information or we are doomed.

,, 5/9/00
The NT needs to stay on the web. Just read the
comments section and see the fear that grips people when
they are
confronted with the prospect of being responsible for their
lives. It shouldn't be that way. Cage an animal for too long
and it doesn't want to be free. Freedom however is a
thing, you just have to learn how to deal with it. The more
learn, the better the world will be.

N.C.,, 8/23/98, Australia
Thank You for allowing the alarm clock to keep ringing.
Lets hope the world wakes up in time.

G.A.,, 4/12/02, United Kingdom
Graphing the hit counter would show the anticipated exponential growth which will precipitate the End/Beginning.

R.M.,, //
It opens eyes.

"If you can't find what your are looking for here, you can't find
it anywhere."
D.M.,, 5/1/97

Neo-tech to me is a way of life the world should now implement.
I give the utmost respects to its founders. I thank you and your staff for everything.
Neo-tech has opened my mind and the minds of others

L.R.,, 4/20/00
I bought the Neo-Tech Manual when I was 14yrs
old, 4mths later I lost it. The tools in the manual blew me
away. At that time I wasn't completely ready to comprehend what I
purchased. But what I read then I now see as having opened many doors.
Thanks to this web site, I have once again found the tools
that will make me a producer. Looking forward to a new life

J.M.,, 12/26/02
I love having the information of my Neo Tech Manual available at my finger tips while I work. I am able to absorb the information a lot better having access
to it at both home and office. Thank you for keeping the site live.

M.M.,, england
Neo-tech is the elixir that mankind has secretly been waiting for,
for life. Everyone who has common sense about them will take on neo-tech.

"This is a great site."
R.K.,, 2/22/97

M.D.,, 4/18/99
I'm very impressed. I've always thought of the idea of self sacrifice
to the point of unhappiness was very absurd, and I firmly believe
in individual freedom and liberty. I've been interested in the mastery
of life for some time now, empowering people with practical
application techniques and theories is very important, I hail your effort.

S.P.,,5/21/00, Canada
The Book is very knowledgeable and I hope this
will come true
where people will really be honest in every aspect of their

"Keep it, keep it, keep it, expand it."
J.K.,, 4/22/97

helped me, and can help many others.

M.L.,, 1/28/01
I believe the web is the key to
not only inform and teach people to think for themselves but

That is the most interesting and down to earth information on Love
and Romance -- the do's and don'ts in a love affair. Thanks Shirley

I have found my Friday night essence and it is
the beginning
of something wonderful! I have real purpose in life now and
I know no thing or no one can stop me. I am a 67 y/o man,
I have hope for the future for all, because I will be giving

D.B.,, 3/27/01, Canada

D.T.,, 6/9/98
I found your comments well informed and presented in a thoughtful
way that allowed me to take in and evaluate the information.
I was pleased to see a presentation that was relatively free
of bias...and totally free of the kind of preachy, screaming bias.

M.W.,, 2/5/97
This web site should continue to expand until all mysticism has been
uprooted and rejected. When the anti-civilization collapses and we all are Zon,
then this site will no longer be needed. Until that time, this site must
continue to grow.

"Its nice."
A.M.,, 5/15/97, Egypt

R.F.,, 4/7/98
This Neo-Tech is the greatest thing I have ever heard. I
hope it remains for a very long time.

M.B.,, 6/23/98
I have studied Objectivism, read most of Ayn Rand's works,
and I am in complete agreement with the most basic tenets of Objectivist
philosophy. I applaud your efforts and the great amount of work that
has obviously gone into producing a very high quality web site.

J.C.,, 12/6/01
Neo-tech is the best thing to happen to this ailing world. I will welcome the changes with open arms.

B.W.,, 9/8/97
For it matters not if Neo-Tech remains on the web. The seeds have
been planted, germination taken root, and blossoming for all the universe to

R.H.,, 9/15/97
I am so excited about the future and what it holds for our civilization. I'm
looking forward the next World Conference and the new book from Dr. Wallace.
In closing, with Bill Gates buying Webtv and wanting to put a computer with
Internet access into 95 million homes, and with Webtv expanding into the
international market, this partnership will further the goals of Neo-Tech and
bring the world to the Civilization of the Universe.
To Dr. Wallace and all the people who have worked so hard to get this vital
information out, THANK YOU!

T.T.,, 8/18/00
Neo-Tech is one of the single greatest things
I've ever
seen. Thank you.

C D,, 7/9/00

M.L.,, 5/14/98, Australia
I believe we all have investments
in this world and we all have to come to grips with the fact
that we all have to exchange the bad for the
good. Neo Tech and cyberspace will help those to maintain momentum in
growth. Keep up the good work
Frank Wallace and all at Neo Tech.

B.L.,, 5/1/97, Canada
It's important that people who are looking to
make positive changes in their lives, are able to
access this information and become de-mystified.

Reality and integrated honesty are the most powerful answers to any questions
anyone can come up with. Thanks a million.


THE major hope for humanity.


Hi! My name is Crystal, I have read “The Story' and I think you
truly have a gift for bringing about an awareness through narrative means.
I'm a Canadian, 22-year-old studying Psychology and Biotechnology at
the University of Saskatchewan. For years I have been confused about
religion and why there are so many different perspectives. I felt lost,
after reading your story along with reading Neo-Tech Discovery (I'm not
finished yet) I have begun to grasp the concept of the irrational forces
at work in the world. However, I sometimes now feel impatient and anxious
for other people to understand what I do. I want to uncloud others like
you have, but I don't know how.

T.K.,, US of A
I received a copy of 'The Book' after receiving a rather I am very much
in tune with what you are presenting. I have been afloat in the anticiv,
alone mostly from the start, an old soul, if you will. I am in early
middle age, and concerned with mortality. I am tired of shaking my fist
at 'God'. I am tired of ignorance and stupidity. And I am appalled at
the very idea of death. I have often said that if I could live far beyond
our expected lifetime, I would do so in the blink of an eye, dancing
on a star! Death sucks.


j.q.,, n/a

What a powerful book! I am 28 and my brother is 22 and we both feel that
our lives will be MUCH different than those of our peers. I could not
put this book down, the first time I read it, it was like seeing for
the first time! I didn't sleep much that first night, but I also awoke
feeling completely rested and energized!!! thank you so much!

If what you are saying is true, there is hope for the world.

I believe the web is the key to not only inform and teach people to think
for themselves but it's also a way to reinforce and give hope to the
scattered folks who have come to question authority on their own. Only
recently in the history of the world could people share their thoughts
and doubts about the nonsense we are taught and literally brainwashed
with. One could be killed or at the very least ostracized for mentioning
his or her doubts about gov't or religion. It's very important for sites
like yours to be available for free-thinkers to get truthful and constructive

A.K.,, Germany
This will be the guideline to my future life. Thank you Mr. Wallace for
this awesome literature.

Thank you (Neo-Tech) for your efforts to solve the human dilemma. Throughout
my adult life (I am now 43 years old), I have wondered why our world
is so messed up. Through the Neo-Tech literature, I am slowly gaining
a clearer, deeper understanding of the real problem. I feel excited and
enthused that there is a real solution already being implemented and
gaining momentum. I feel real hope that the current world (described
as 'anticivilization' in Neo-Tech literature) will finally be replaced.

This is truly a wonderful thing. In a world that is filled with such
dishonesty and mysticism, this site is a must for all. I am truly a hater
of dishonesty and lies. If everyone could just know the truth, the world
would be a better place to live and work in. Frank Wallace is a good
man and a man who intends to help bring a stop to this unnecessary neo-cheating
and deception. I would be still lost if it wasn't for that letter I received
and this web site. I appreciate everything I have learned and will learn.
Neo-Tech is the only way.

I find a consistent irony in the 'Negative comments toward Neo-Tech'
section. If these individuals have such a strong relationship with God,
then why is there such hatred in their comments. I may be mistaken, but
doesn't God teach us to have love and compassion for everyone of his
creations? I find these comments hypocritical of their own beliefs. It
is amazing how people can have such a strong opinion of another persons

First of all I have to say I have really enjoyed The Story. I've found
myself not wanting to put it down or rushing to get back to it. I haven't
quite finished it yet though. I do have a question for you... I would
like to know if there is anything available like the recorded lectures
of Miss Annabelle or the bed time stories book she wrote. My 11 year
old son has also started reading The Story, but I would like to introduce
the whole idea to my 4 year old and 14 year old (who doesn't like to
read unless he has to). Do you know where I might be able to find something
like that?


A.M.,, 3/2/97, Sweden
I think this site is very professionally designed.

R E Lory,, 10/12/00
I've finished The Book three
days ago -- my first reading, that is -- and find the NT
to be an excellent refresher and expander of The Book's
Stay the course!

"I was looking for a great page like this one for long time."
G.A.,, 6/8/97

After 5-6 years reading and paying lip-service to Neo-Tech/Neothink,
I FINALLY started my mini-day program. All I can say is that I've accomplished
more in 7 hours than I usually get done in 1-2 weeks. It really does take
great DTC and beating down the in ner-wimp, but once you get going it's like
that high you get after a good workout! Bravo and thanks so much for the
fabulous information....Neo-tech in action: Priceless!

T.F.,, 3/9/98
I feel that you are providing essential information to
millions of people.

S.M.,, 5/27/97, South Africa
Excellent and interesting information that can change ones life

D.D.,, 5/31/01
Just cant wait for all of those blind peoples
out there too
wake up and smell the roses

"The concepts I have found in your WEB pages have shocked me."
J.V.,, 2/3/97, Australia

Thinking becomes real! You are getting people to think.
Be leaders not followers.

"It is a tool for all humanity. I think it is especially helpful
in business and love."
M.Y.,, 3/31/97, Pakistan

"It's a gold mine. The truth of all truths for those who desire
the wealth, prosperity, love and power."
A.R.,, 1/19/97, Singapore

K.P,, United States
The illusions of the anticivilization are becoming very clear and I am only about
a third of the way though (THE BOOK). I am so glad that I purchased the books.

R.M.,, 11/19/01
Your article on the War of Two Worlds is most accurate. This war cannot be better or more simple expressed at its essence than by a quote from the current
icon of the anti civilization, Mr Bin Ladin himself. He recently was reported as saying, 'We love de
ath. The U.S. loves life. This is big difference between us.'

This site has been my only true find of serious info. in the
two years that I have surfed the web thank you.

B.B.,, 3/5/00
Believe it or not, a patent search did come up
with Patent#4666425 and it's title is:
'Device for perfusing an animal head'
which can be tied to a book called 'If we can keep a severed
head alive...' about lopping off a head and
keeping it mechanically alive. It's from the late 80's.

"Hello! This WEB-side is really great! I enjoy it every day."
M.H.,, 12/21/96, Germany

V.A.,, 4/17/97
Your site is trying to do something good for others.

M.O.,, 7/27/98, Canada
Very interesting concept.

S.P.,, 8/27/97
"In the year in which I have been surfing the web, I have never, and I mean
never come across anything like this before. I must say that I am blown away
by the presentation and huge content of this site."

J.D.,, 9/27/01
It was without a
Without Neo-Tech, life was empty and boring. If you're reading this and you haven't yet read NT material, you should turn the page now! Every second

K.S.,, 2/20/98
Neo-Tech just makes good sense.

S.F.,, 1/21/01
I am thoroughly intrigued by the site and the
information. I recently ordered the books and am impatiently
awaiting their arrival. I was a bit reluctant to order after

D.R.,, 1/18/97, Croatia
Before the war in my country, I read the first book about Neo-Tech.
Now, it's time to learn more.

J.D.,, 2/14/98
Neo-Tech is our future and the sooner everybody discovers
it the better. I can only hope for the Neo-Tech society comes as
soon as possible.

Z.Z.,, 5/6/97, Malaysia
Arise everyone and let's do what we have to do. And do it honestly.
The Civilization of the Universe is already here! The web is here to stay. You
have my total support.

R.P.,, 3/7/00
Where was Neo-Tech when my parents were young?
I feel if they were aware of neo tech, they could
have provided a better life for themselves which
would have naturally rubbed of on me and so on.
Once this flame is lit, absolutely nothing can blow it out.
if Neo-Tech was discovered earlier on, the neothink
process that is now emerging, would have saved this
planet from itself many generations ago.
But as they say, 'better late than never'.
Dr. Wallace, you got balls! Guts & balls mixed with
full honesty is what's needed to deliver such powerful
& rewarding information. What amazes me is that I could
afford this information before learning how priceless it is.
Having this information many years ago could have
prevented so much pain & suffering through out the
entire world. Neo-Tech fully integrated -- could
solve any problem imaginable. Can't get any more real
than Neo-Tech. I do believe Jesus would have been
impressed with the outcome of 'the book'.
I also believe Jesus would have been disappointed
with the outcome of 'the bible'.

"Dominate the web. Scare every Objectivist out of his wits."
R.M.,, 3/15/97

E.P.,, 1/14/01, U.S.A
NEO-TECH should remain on the web. I write the
neo-tech web
site all over the place I think it should be translated to
other languages and put on foreign search engines. I despise
parasitical elites, neo-cheaters, pseudo intellectuals and
followers. I try to enlighten the public and open their eyes

G.M.,, 1/22/99
Fantastic web site.

"It sounds interesting to explore a world of new possibilities."
J.S.,, 3/9/97, Norway


I absolutely love this site, it has changed my outlook more
than any other readings.

"It is wonderful to see Neo-Tech on the Web where it can be
accessible to so many people. Keep it up."
C.E.,, 5/18/97

I think it would be a crime for this site to close down.
Are there nay sayers about Neo-Tech? Sure. I first read Neo-Tech a few
years back, and although I didn't apply every single Neo-Tech point to
my life, I knew at it's very core, Neo-Tech was correct. I'm still struggling,
but I now know beyond a shadow of a doubt that it's myself holding me
back and not some outside influence. Thank you Neo-Tech and Dr. Wallace.

j.w.,, 7/27/00
These are the greatest tools available for the
individual to
develop and make the leap to rational self-authority.

L.D.,, 3/18/97

"Great web site! Now I really want to know more!"
D.C.,, 1/31/97

C.W.,, 6/23/97, Monaco
I am very enthusiastic about what you guys are trying to achieve.
I would like to complement you on an excellent Web Site and
your efforts to bring about the Prosperity Revolution.

p.s.,, 1/18/02
Thank you very much for presenting such useful material to the broad general public in the way you have.

"Thought provoking. Truly revolutionary. Light years ahead of any
web site ever seen!!!"
D.V.,, 1/11/97

Liana M.,, 5/2/98
This is information that requires the widest possible

J.P.,, 4/23/97

B.C.,,8/18/00, United Kingdom
How about dem' apples? You are surely golden
and delicious, your radiant pages have the potential to help a lot of
people and I hope you keep up the good work for as long as they let

Tonya M.,, 10/12/99
I realize, its been the missing link in my
life. Now I am more aware of my
surroundings, life, happiness and the business world. I'm
glad that I am on a journey to more happiness and more Knowledge.

Em,, 9/22/01
I think that you have hit on the PERFECT blueprint for a perfect world in a time when perfection is but an illusion and the events of September 2001 is proof
enough that most humans are unable to put aside the emotional hang-ups in order to work sensibly with anyone, let alone their perceived 'enemies'... howling
for blood any blood is NOT the answer...

Anon,, 8/24/97,
"Every motivational book in the world says the same thing -- Neo-Tech is

Mr.J.M.,, 7/31/01
This is definitely the way to live. To see
life as a child, no
bull, just creating good values for everyone and being

R.A., , 9/10/02, Canada
Life is always interesting for the Neo-Tech man and that is the case for me at this point in time and space.

V.P.,, 3/26/98
Interesting concepts and very valid. Opens up ones view,
makes one question the establishment. Some great ideas.

"I think your information should stay and an effort should be
made to make a greater portion of the Internet community and the
community at large aware of your works and the 'nature of the
beast' that threatens every hard working, honest person and their
C.M.,, 3/2/97

I cannot believe the negative comments from those poor people
who lack understanding of Neo-Tech, they are the ones who need it most. Once
the Replacement Program sets in, they'll have no choice except to live on
the Civilization Of The Universe or commit suicide. The world will truly
be a better place to live. You negative people must understand that we are
the ones who will help change the world for the better, for you, your children
and grand children. We all will be at our happiest, we'll all be rich, with
superior minds (geniuses) near perfect health lovers of our dreams and so-on.
So come people wake up! the world is up-side-down, and some time during this
century it will rotate back on it's axis. HAPPY DAYS ARE COMMING!!!

D.D.,, 5/19/97

T.R.,, 10/27/97, Canada
"I have just finished re-reading Neo-Tech and I am
absolutely astonished how my thinking had been changed.
I can now easily spot a neo-cheater and their ways in my
daily life with little effort. I want to thank all those
who have enabled the truth to reach me. I look forward
to growing Prosperity - Money - Power and Romantic-Love
which is in the reach of any individual armed with
Neo-Tech. We shall succeed in driving the neo-cheaters
to their much deserved demise."

D.W.,, 10/21/97
Very Impressive!! Stumbled upon your site by accident.
but what a gracious accident. Myself and my friend, read so much
so fast, it was a bit exhilarating. We are still absorbing the
The search for truth takes one to mysterious places, even in
the ether. One cannot deny REALITY. Reality is TRUTH, and that
TRUTH cannot be false. NEO-TECH impresses me as fundamental truth,
common sense, and logic. And my eyes were open wide the whole
time I was here. Bravo! Thanks..

,, 6/6/00
Thank you so much for making The Story
available on the Internet. I did have good teachers, but
none like Miss Annabelle. Since I'm now 78 years old,
Neo-Tech wasn't even thought of at that time. I purchased
Neo-Tech in the past, perhaps it's the indoctrination of my
past that has made it difficult for me to ratchet up my
thinking and dispel the niggling bit of uneasiness at some
of the concepts. Still, I've questioned the validity of
Christianity for some time. The Story is what I needed to
at last resonate fully with Neo-Tech. Again, thank you.

D.H.,, 2/6/02
I can feel the positive effects already. Neo-Tech is the proper way to the future.

"I have only just started to look at your web site, but I like
what I have seen so far."
D.O.,, 6/8/97, England

D.D.,, 5/31/01
Just cant wait for all of those blind peoples
out there too
wake up and smell the roses

R.B.,, 6/4/98
Surprised and pleased to discover Neo-Tech -- an incredible
surfing find.

l have enjoyed the mind opening effects, I was a Methodist preacher for 23ys,
these readings have opened up so much that was closed to me during those years.

Angie K.,, 10/19/98
This sounds really fascinating! The info was sent to my
Husband in the mail. We don't have a lot of money right now,
in fact our situation is desperate at this point.
I turned 40 this year and I am seeing and I know ,
'There has to be more than this!' I want
my life to change. This looks like the possible answer. I am
going to do what I can to order the information. Thanks.

Y.O.,, 10/24/97, Indonesia
"You have a good idea of making a good life."

F.N.,, 7/14/99, Australia
You could not be closer to the truth of
our existence unless you had already achieved what you call 'God-Man'
state. It would be an absolute crime to remove these pages from
the WWW. The information should and MUST be available to every
person on this planet.

T.L.,, 6/24/97
I would like to thank every one who helped bring out Neo-Tech. In a
metaphorical sense, it has turned me right-side-up in an up-side-down
world. Without it I would be terribly confused about everything but with
it, I have much WORTH IN MY SELF and a very controlled sense of direction and
lots of self-esteem. Thanks! Oh yah, I'm only 23 years old.

M.O,, 8/1/97
"I cried when I read it. I will never feel guilty again. I have regained the
innocence that was taken from me when, at age 5, I entered the local
'concentration campus for mind destruction.' Thank you Neo-Tech for healing
my mind. I am very grateful."

M.P.,, 4/28/97, Canada
The Neo-Tech philosophy speaks of a universal truth that seems to
benefit all. It brings optimism into the hearts of those that listen. It makes
obvious that which bewildered the naive for so long. Neo-Tech is an answer to
the cry for help from those that are caught in the web of societal confusion.
Thank you Neo-Tech for sharing your wisdom with all. Freedom awaits us all.

D.S.,, 3/12/98
A good means of tearing down old paradigms, let me know more.

F.E.,, 6/25/00
Its the best thing that has happened to me.

"Very exciting and totally sensible in an age that often seems
the opposite. I definitely want to see more. Here is to a brave
new world!"
Joyce K.,, 5/22/97

"I was overjoyed to see you in Cyberspace! All your publications
are well written but this Web site surpasses you. You have
continued to be courageous, honest and informative. I look
forward to reviving my study of Neo-Tech. The Web site will help
me a great deal in this. Best wishes."
D.K.,, 1/7/97, United Kingdom

"This IS the MOST VALUABLE site period. Neo-Tech is based on the
Objectivist philosophy where you have to examine everything from
all angles, all sides. You have to integrate all known facts with
objective reasoning to benefit ALL. EVERYONE, including the
people who want to ban this site, are being deprived of real
happiness. After discovering Neo-Tech, I have made INCREDIBLE
realizations about my life, our lives, and where everything's
B.H.,, 2/7/97

D.B.,, 1/5/98
Neo-Tech is an expression of sound philosophical ideas. With
Neo-Tech, Neocheaters are getting the exposure they deserve; if there was no
Neo-Tech (Integrated Honesty) to stem the tide, they, the Neocheaters, would
destroy all who create values for others (and themselves). You can't survive
with Neocheating cancers living off those of us who do produce. Eventually the
world would totally succumb to these parasites. But now, with the honest
revelations from Neo-Tech, they have no where to hide. Besides, they don't have
to like what they see in the Neo-Tech mirror- Neo-Tech forces no one. Why don't
they just go get a real job and go to work!

P.N.,, 8/1/01, Australia
Neo tech has picked me up from the rut I was
in. My life was on a way trip to stagnation, Neo-tech was the catalyst that
gave me the tools to live a happy and prosperous life. Neo-tech
is an undeniable concept, and one that everyone should be
exposed to so people can judge is usefulness. Neo-tech should
remain on the web, forever!!!!

"Interesting and provocative!"
J.P.,, 1/9/97

Thanks for going through the chaos to bring peace to us.

R.R.,, 11/19/98
Your site and information is truly fascinating
and awakening.

"The info that is online is great."
J.L.,, 5/7/97

S.D.,, 1/15/98
I think Neo-Tech is awesome!!!!!!!!!!

A.P.,, Ireland
As we move toward 'the nuclear threshold,' we more than ever
need neo-tech sites on the net as a sign of sanity in, seemingly, an increasingly
irrational world, and as a buffer against their 'holy war'

C.S.,, 2/19/99
Received God-Man three days ago, don't want to sleep, talk,
watch TV, I've found my missing link. Finally at age 60,
life at last. These
past couple of days have been so glorious. Having been a
student of religions, my despondency is now removed. I now
understand the formula.

D.M.,, Scotland
I am from the UK and am reading the amazingly brilliant book called
'The Book', I have to say it is truly outstanding, it is great to read, I can't
put it down now. It is a must for everyone.

K.A.,, 10/11/97
Truth and honesty for all and to all.

G.J.,, 10/19/98
I would like to obtain a copy of the Neo-tech encyclopedia so
much referred to in the manuscript. Please, send information
to: Guido Jimenez 524 E Elk Ave #306 Glendale, CA 91205

S.C.,, 10/24/97
"This is the only literature I have read in the past 20
years that has really made sense. I have exhausted many
efforts in 'Money Making - Get Rich Schemes' for the
past 10 years and only wish I had used that effort
towards Neo-Tech. I now know where to put my efforts."

Matt, , 9/29/02
I want to say that RTR (Road to Riches) is Dr. Wallace's best editing work. His super high-intensity editing is what elevates the new neo-tech writings to
new heights of integrative power. With every new reading, more strings in the spider's web are revea
led. That's what RTR is, it's the ultimate spider web to trap all dishonest, destructive, irrational ideas forever.

D. H.,, 2/7/01
Neo-tech is an enlightenment of the mind body
and soul. All
you nay sayers are just closed minded, weak individuals who
need to examine your own lives!

"Brilliant Publications .Keep Up The Outstanding Work."
C.R.,, 2/16/97, South Africa

M.S.,, 6/16/97
Very interesting and thought-provoking.

I have just recently acquired happiness forever and read it in two days, I
was totally in awe. never had really heard of neo-tech before and was given
the book by a friend. so many questions are answered in this one book.

"Very Impressive--I can't get enough of this info. The site is
arranged in an easy fashion to locate and to read. I very much
like the search part and that you have so much info. available.
Look forward to more."
P.J.,, 1/20/97

I believe that Neo-tech is the solution to the great problems we
face in our time.

G.Z.,, 3/15/97
Fantastic site! Absolutely can't wait for interactive Zon. I predict
that we will all begin to experience the final fall of the neo-cheaters when
the `hits' to this site increase geometrically. Permanently bookmarked as my
favorite site.

R.R.,, 6/28/98
Dear Neo-Tech Group, It will be interesting to see where
objective, rational, integrated honesty leads me (and the rest of us).
The information contained in the Neo-Tech Zonpower volumes I-V has
really tied together many loose ends for me. I guess that this
is part of the integration process. I've found that my reading time has
decreased since I've increased my productivity
at work, including working
longer hours to catch-up some of the backlog. However, I've also
discovered I do not need as much sleep, so I've been doing much
of my reading late at night. I had already taken control over
much of my life, especially in the health and diet areas. Dr.
Atkin's books started me on a great health drive for an improved
lifestyle. The Neo-Tech literature improved my self-control in
many trouble areas by helping me realize that I was responsible
for my actions, and not some higher authority or anyone/anything
else. Also, I've lost the guilt feelings over my back and forth
decisions regarding religion. I look forward to more studies which will
help me build a complete matrix of honest, rational, full-blown
integrations. Thanks for the insights.

E.S.,, 5/3/01, Germany
Y E S Of course I want this site to remain on
the Internet.
It's one of the few really important pages out there!

G.M.,, 12/26/97, Canada
I think Neo-Tech is a visionary's masterpiece. Everyone who reads,
understands and believes in the writings contained in this book
is sure to realize that there is more to life than what we are
settling for today. We can't be held down, we can't be pushed
back and we can't be controlled by the short-sighted, narrow-minded
leaders that are in control of the world today. If people would
just open their eyes to Neo-Tech.

A.C.,, 8/26/97
"Great program!"

J.R.,, 8/14/00
Being exposed to neo-tech makes the everyday
people around me
seem as though they're zombies or robots. So many people
have no idea the closed ended lives they lead.

I have had the neo-tech/god-man book for about a year and I am extremely
impressed and thankful for it's extreme value. I have been practicing 'honesty'
for about 11 month's some have thought that I was extremely crazy, that is all
right with me, because, I have the power now.

D.B.,, 3/9/97, Canada
The Web is for the access to information, it's a natural `home' for

"Good Web!!!!!!!!"
C.H.,, 1/21/97, Taiwan

D.C.,, 3/3/98
Your web site is superb and I often find myself digging
deeper and deeper into your archives.

R.J.,, 4/25/99, United Kingdom
I only recently got online and this web site was why. I have literally
spent all day on this web site -- I haven't even paused to eat
or sleep yet. I hardly even dare blink or breathe in case I miss
something! I also have several of your books, I just can't
get enough of this stuff! The literature is simply
magnificent. It has delivered me a scintillating rainbow of
values and knowledge,
with a huge, glittering, and REAL pot of gold at its end.
This literature
I read it, I just keep thinking to myself, 'THIS IS IT!'.
It's contains the most valuable knowledge I have ever seen. Ever
since I can remember, my life has been steeped in and surrounded by
mysticism. I have to exert a constant effort to remain
honest and to continue my studies to become a value-producer,
and the Neo-Tech web site and published literature are invaluable
in helping me to do this. Please don't ever give up, don't
ever give in to the evil mystics and neocheaters, they are
festering sewage and need to be flushed away.

P.C.,, 11/9/97
This site is giving many
many people including myself the hope that something can be done
about the abuse the IRS has done to people. There are people
out there that do not believe just how abusive the IRS has and
can be. I only hope and pray that they will not have to go through
what I and others have gone through.

Hi, I wanted to comment on the personal appearance page. I
try hard to achieve and keep my personal appearance best. I go to the gym
5 days a week, and use to be overweight, but lost about 25 pounds from going
to the gym , for a year now. I feel better about myself, and what I look
like. There are still some trouble spots I need to work on physically, but
try to watch what I eat, and how much. I would never want to go back to what
I was before, and am happier being more physically fit, and doing things
I didn't think I could before.

J.D.,, 8/5/98
I have found the information in Neo-Tech/Zonpower to be
amazing and fascinating.

"This web site is great. Great for me to learn valuable
Y.S.,, 2/2/97, Malaysia

This is an extremely informative site packed with the information
necessary to become a true achiever...a true God/Man.

M.C.,, 1/4/98
I am impressed.

M.L.,, 2/5/98

"What a fantastic site. I have set it up as my web start page and
cannot stop reading."
A.G.,, 5/29/97, Australia

Anon,, 8/26/97
"Yes, please stay on the web the sake of all that is right and human, keep

D.H.,, 7/14/98
Very thought provoking site.

M.B.,, 8/10/97, United Kingdom
I have been familiar with this knowledge of NT for over a
year now. I agree that it is the most valuable information
I could have ever come by. Please do carry on making
NT available to lots of people. Only this can save us.

I only wish I could read faster through the material so I may finally be able
to do what I want with my life!

"Wow! I found this site by doing a search for LOVE, and it has
really given me something to think about. Who wrote it? Initially
I thought, hmmm this is interesting and mind blowing, waiting for
how I could integrate it into my everyday life. I was skeptical
when I think in Chapter 16 it started going into a way of life
where the only goal is to crush those value-destroyers -- sounded
like a way-out terrorist movement, but I kept reading, and the
part about man inventing the conscious mind really got me
thinking. I'm up to chapter 31. I look forward to reading the
rest and showing this to friends. Isn't cyberspace wonderful!
Never know what you'll find!"
G.B.,, 3/17/97, New Zealand

"I have found it very interesting."
I.F.,, 2/24/97, United Arab Emirates

E.S.,, 1/4/01, U.K.
Keep up the good work! Well done Neo-Tech

D.V.,, 7/26/99
Neo-Tech is full of truth, goodness and honesty
and looks at things differently than the norm. You guys have
good things to say and you inform people on the wrongs of
today (like the IRS). Keep it up!

R.C.,, 2/15/99
Thanks for Neo-Tech and for dedicating you
time to profitable means!

G.S.,, 8/22/97
"Interesting site. Think about it. Mind expanding. Energy, googolplexes,
patterns, I love it! Don't stop."

M.L.,, 1/5/97
Fantastic work! Amazing web site! I'm not done reading your material
yet, but what I've read so far is very inspiring/exciting! Thank you for this
web site!

think for themselves. Should I never read another piece of Neo-tech literature for the rest of my
life, I have already gained unmeasurable advantages that I will continue to pass on to future generations as long as I live. Should Neo-tech remain on the

Neo-Tech literature has had a profound impact on my life. Neo-tech
is must reading for understanding the way of mankind. You guys are
a beacon of light.

helped me, and can help many others.

K.J.,, 2/1/00
I am in awe over The Story. I had constant
tears of joy, frustration and empathy throughout this
eloquent account of the anticivilization and the C of U.
Thank you Mark Hamilton. You have written the ultimate
epiphany. I hope this is what will transpire. I want
hardcopies to share with others.

paul,, 4/23/00
new thoughts and ways shake the old belief
structures. those who have pinned their existence to these old structures fear
anything that would cause them to be awakened. There is a
fundamental difference in controlling your own destiny and allowing
others to control your destiny through their belief structure.

Katie W.,, 10/23/99
You tell it like it is. You have courage and
insight into everything. I need more don't take this off the web.

M.H.,, 8/21/02
Neo-Tech is our only hope for any kind of honest future,

December 1998

M.R.,, 8/24/99
Absolutely one of the best sites I have EVER
seen!!!!! Keep up the good work

"I found the information here extremely informative and I plan to
put it to good use. This is a must-see web site for anyone
interested in winning."
P.G.,, 12/25/96

S.P.,, 5/24/97, Malaysia
I think Neo-Tech could prove to be the Answer for living our true
potentials and our dreams. I am awed by the limitless possibilities available
with Neo-Tech. By all means, please remain on the web for the betterment of

this is the right way forward. At least for me. I read and re-read my manuscript often and have owned it for a few years now.

G.M.,, 1/22/97, Austria
This is exciting news for the world's working class.

j.k.,, 5/8/01
I'm a 44 year old man with a B.A. in
economics, yet I feel I've
learned more from your web site, than in 16 years of public
schooling. I feel as though I am
taking a graduate course in life studies. Please continue!

"Your site is very mind-stimulating."
K.J.,, 4/14/97

P.H.,, 4/3/99
Still fighting personal mysticism, but have
conquered many and I'm increasing momentum as I do. Each
problem solved makes the new problems easier to solve.

C.R.,, 2/16/97, South Africa
Brilliant Publications. Keep Up The Outstanding Work.

"I have found invaluable help and information contained within
this site. I feel that it is instrumental to my financial and
personal success."
J.R.,, 3/6/97

Katie W.,, 10/23/99
You tell it like it is. You have courage and
insight into everything. I need more don't take this off the web.

P.F.,, 7/17/97, Australia
"Neo-Tech enables one to see the disintegrating activity of those
mystics around him. Through that, one is able to protect himself
consciously from the value destroyers which exist only to hinder
the lives of the value producer."

J.N.,, 12/19/00, Australia
Excellent, very real. I believe that Neo-Tech
is the catalyst that will bring prosperity and happiness to

Neo-Tech is the way forward.

I cannot believe the negative comments from those poor people
who lack understanding of Neo-Tech, they are the ones who need it most. Once
the Replacement Program sets in, they'll have no choice except to live on
the Civilization Of The Universe or commit suicide. The world will truly
be a better place to live. You negative people must understand that we are
the ones who will help change the world for the better, for you, your children
and grand children. We all will be at our happiest, we'll all be rich, with
superior minds (geniuses) near perfect health lovers of our dreams and so-on.
So come people wake up! the world is up-side-down, and some time during this
century it will rotate back on it's axis. HAPPY DAYS ARE COMMING!!!

R.B.,, 4/23/02, Mauritius
Many, many thanks again and again. I would not be alive today without you. No doubt, neo-tech holds clout over this entire planet. The on-going presidential election in France are signs of underlying birth of the civilization of universe in that region too.

"I just browsed your site and I found some valuable inf., that I
couldn't find on other web pages. I want to start my own
business, I think something like neo-tech is a good starting
point to actually lift this off the ground."
T.T.,, 2/28/97

T.J.,, 2/7/99

D.I.,, 2/17/98
'Outcompete' really pushed me over the edge into business
for myself. I'm looking forward to advancing fully integrated honesty
over the web via my record company web page soon to come. I have gone
from being an unhappy mystical life, to a goal oriented happy life. To all those
bash Neo-Tech: you are protecting your investment in your own
are most likely rushing to judgment out of fear...the words
fully integrated honesty are to embraced, not feared. Long live

"It is eye-opening."
S.O.,, 5/8/97

G.W.,, 2/8/97, England
I am a Neo-Tech owner since 1987 and have benefited incalculably
since absorbing it and taking it on board in 1991. Thank you for Neo-Tech. I
cannot over emphasize the benefits to my life from having come across it. Every
moment I am living is now also enhanced by the Zone favorable diet thanks to
your reference to Barry Sears' book.

S.S.,, 9/15/01, UK
Groundbreaking ideas. The best therapy anyone can receive.

J.T.,, 12/29/98
Keep this site here by all means. Anyone with any sense at all
would realize that honesty is the key ingredient to any worthwhile
endeavor. Identifying dishonesty as the pervasive disease of
humanity and getting it known to millions of otherwise ignorant
people is a permanently noble and truly humane
goal. Leave and even add to these words and pictures on this
site so that all who come here can forge forward to the
coming health, wealth, prosperity, and happiness revolution!

S.C.,, 7/27/99
I believe Neo-Tech may be our last hope. At
age 5 I found out there was no Santa Claus, Easter bunny,
and tooth fairy. Then around age 14 became I became
skeptical about 'ghost' stories. At age 19 lost my belief in
God and always thought 'real life' was boring with nothing
to believe in, and then came Neo-Tech. I can't thank you

A.C.,, 2/10/97, Mexico
I appreciate all the effort that you are doing to expose neocheating
and mysticism, especially from the government. This site is very important to
the advance and development of Neo-Tech all around the world. I live in Mexico,
that is an unhappy country infected by the cheating and mysticism of the
government and religious leaders. This web site is very important for the
initial exposure of Neo-Tech to Mexicans. This site can help improve the
unhappy way of life for the people in this country. I think that sooner or
later, Neo-Tech will win here in Mexico and all around the world.

D.U.,, 7/1/01
Neo-Tech has helped me comprehend the world.

Gayle G.,, 6/29/98
Neo-Tech is: a guide for truly living. Neo-Tech
literature gives you the truth to overcome the mysticism in the
world, but IT IS UP TO YOU TO DO IT. It is up to you to recognize
this for what it is. Up to you to burn away all your old
weaknesses--your old self, if you will, and rise
from it like a phoenix. A prisoner
cannot be forced to be free, but she or he can be given a needed
boost to see out their jail window. It's up to her to slide through
the jail bars and escape. Speed the Neo-Tech revolution. The
more Neo-Tech people there are, the faster it will be manifested.
All of my love and support to Frank Wallace, Mark Hamilton, Eric
Savage, and all the crew at NT.

j.R.,, 9/13/01, uk
The Neo-Tech world is a very bright place to be!

R.W.,, 5/18/98
You can see the value destroyers at work today or hear them
on radio. The world is watching and hearing them. Our tax money
is going to the lawyers faster than the speed of light with no
brake in site.

T.P.,, 6/30/98
Am fascinated by Dr. Wallace's manuscripts.

S.P.,, 9/14/97
"Interesting ideas! The keys are here we just need to unlock the door."

T.W.,, 7/22/97
I have been a fan of quantum physics for a long time. The
limited time I have been exposed to Neo-Tech it has given me a new
paradigm to non-linear dynamics and mass to energy relationship.
Only linear thinking would fear this expansion of thought.

EH,, 4/15/03
There is no question that Neo-Tech should remain on the web. By remaining on
the web it will no doubt continue to have a positive impact on the world.

Sharona,, 7/26/00
I love this site.

G.M.,, 12/26/97, Canada
I think Neo-Tech is a visionary's masterpiece. Everyone who reads,
understands and believes in the writings contained in this book
is sure to realize that there is more to life than what we are
settling for today. We can't be held down, we can't be pushed
back and we can't be controlled by the short-sighted, narrow-minded
leaders that are in control of the world today. If people would
just open their eyes to Neo-Tech.

A.C.,, 3/15/99
Neo-Tech should stay on the web. It has become
an increasing value to me and every one that I come in
contact with except neocheaters.

"Almost too much great information, but keep it going."
D.H.,, 4/22/97

J.K.,, 8/18/99

S.M.,, 6/19/01
I now live my life without guilt. It takes
a lot of the pressure off. I still find it hard to believe
in these times so many people still look to 'Gods' to solve
in their lives. Take control of your life, it will make you

The article I read on PHYSICAL BEAUTY,
ABUSE OF PARTNER, POTENCY LOSS, SEXUAL ROLES was excellent and insightful.

L.M.,, Mexico
It's the best thing that could ever exist.

B.O.,, 8/12/97
The sections about the big money, job, and power thinking were fantastic.

J.L.,, 12/6/98
This is an excellent site.

"Your site speaks of many aspects of Life."
R.J.,, 2/21/97

J.S,, 10/19/97
What your site does is to awaken a sleepy mind to start thinking.

J.W.,, 3/9/98
Great page. I learn a lot.

Civilization of the Universe will be, and I know that it
be wonderful, I am already experiencing it, and loving every
moment of my life. Finally there is a really powerful hope!
is asleep and is in desperate need to be wakened! I love
web site!!

l.b.,, 2/19/02
neo-tech will stay on the internet, because the voice of honesty... goodness and values and business and good health and a better life is irresistible. who
wouldn't want to become wealthy by being the person that they were meant to be?

M.S.,, 2/3/98, England
What better opportunity
to break government controlled propaganda and spread the Neo-Tech
message than through the WWW? Neo-Tech needs to be
on the web. The Internet is the greatest tool for free speech
and open debate. As these things continue to happen all over
the world across the Internet, governments watch out! Why do
you think so many Western governments are trying to restrict
and control access to the web?

M.J,, 8/2/97
"Thank you for expanding on Ayn Rand's ideas--especially the romantic-love
idea. I am in a serious, monogamous relationship. We both want to love each
other in a non-altruistic way. Some of your essays have been great tools."

B.H.,, 11/25/99, Australia
Interesting and very useful.

Curtis,, 9/13/01
I am so thankful I have found the truth. My life has changed in every way. I look back and I can not fathom how I ever lived in that mind set. I am filled
with more warmth and joy now than I have ever been in my entire life. Thank you

"A friend suggested I take a look at this site, and I am glad I
did, very interesting but a lot more reading yet to do."
S.C.,, 1/12/97, England

Anon.,, 3/7/98
I am really enjoying my discovery, The Neo-Tech Discovery.

R.E.,, 1/16/99
I admire your courage and persistence.

D.B.,, 4/12/97
Neo-Tech is on the cusp of a revolution. I now know something is
tragically wrong in the universe.

C.F.,, 10/29/97
This might be what I need in my life. Neo-Tech seems like a dream
I have longed for.

Anita F.,, 12/27/99
Neo-Tech has changed the way I think and the way
I live. There has never been a more honest look at life and reality
as we live it. We are responsible for our selves and our actions.

T. T. H., , 6/3/02, Malaysia
It is fascinating.

"I absolutely believe the honest values at your web site will be
the key to ousting destructive, freeloading, parasites on a
local, national, and global level. Keep up the 'Ultimate Battle'
between honesty and effort vs. dishonesty and laziness."
D.D.,, 2/10/97

"Weird, but very interesting and enlightening thus far."
W.D.,, 1/9/97

M.L.,, 6/19/02
Some of the most valuable and unique information on the web

"I was fascinated by what I read. I would definitely like to know
more. You make some good points that I have not considered
F.C.,, 1/18/97

P.L.,, Finland
Neo-Tech just fucking rocks.

J.G.,, 5/19/98, Canada
This site must remain open for all to see. The information
here is more important than @ most other web sites..

T.T.,, 1/22/97
I would like to thank you for sharing this information with millions
of people. I think it is really neat to give away something like this.

be alive !!!!!!!! I want to live!!!!!!! I like who I am !!!!! I believe in myself !!!!!! No amount
of thanks will ever be enough for what Neo-Tech has done for me. Neo-Tech has helped me start to find me again, not the screwed up shell of a person I have

M.B.,, 2/5/97
I have found that the
information in this site provides a totally new outlook to things, and has even
helped me develop personally in my work and home environments. PLEASE don't
take this site off the web.

T. T. H., , Malaysia
It is fascinating.

J.K.,, 1/12/03
I have purchased the Neo-Tech Discovery and it has challenged me to consider the level of mysticism I have existed under for my entire life.

"I learned about the site through the mail. I was skeptical. I
was shocked to find all of the information on this site. Way to
walk the talk!"
T.G.,, 1/23/97

S.R.,, 3/2/02
Have never heard of or read anything so thought provoking.

s.s.,, 4/26/01
Neo-tech should definitely stay on the web to inspire truth, inspiration, and reality. We must conquer the mystics from every angle.

"I have read a few portions of this material and find it
intriguing. I especially loved the section on politics and the
next president."
L.B.,, 6/7/97

"This site is very well laid out. It is quite fast and the neo
ideas of the future are very interesting."
M.R.,, 1/17/97, Australia

A.V.,, South Africa
I am never able to sit and read something on the internet for
a long period of time, but as soon as I started reading chapter 18 on this
site I couldn't stop. This is a really a great website.

I.M.,, 7/30/98, Australia
Neo-Tech is the ONLY real-life philosophy.

C.D.,, 6/20/99
I would like to see the coming of a new age.
Through Neo-Tech it will happen.
Time is of the essence, lets welcome our
fellow man into a new dawn and a better
universe. We are running out of time.

D.T.,, //
When I saw the neo-tech web site, I got as excited as when I first
started reading The Book. I love everything that the Neo-Tech team is trying
to do. You people are great! The Book as forever changed my life. I will do my
best to bring great values to society one day. I don't know if I could have done
it without neo-tech.

I find all this extremely fascinating as it opens up many
doors, and brings about new questions.

"I don't yet know what 'Neo-Tech' is, but I do want to know how
to use whatever it is in hopes of bettering my life."
V.A.,, 3/3/97

"You have the most valuable site on the net. Only a sick mind
would want it banned."
C.B.,, 2/5/97, England

Sheila W.,, 11/16/98
Wonderful site...this is just what I have been
looking for.....

Anon.,, 1/27/98
I hope you can help a lot of people and I
believe you have already done so. I believe you will have
continuous success.

R.D.,,5/21/00, Australia
The information that i have read has given me
the motivation
to start dreaming again and setting myself some realistic
for the future.

The ability to think without the clutter of the anti-civilization
is an asset sorely needed today, it is needed by people like myself who
seek to create new and exciting paradigms to create value in the world

M.Z.,, 11/3/99
Neo-Tech was an eye-opening experience when I read it a few
years ago. I now look at the world with a much clearer vision
because of its philosophy and precepts. Thank you.

N.C., Sun.COM, 9/13/00
I am fascinated and intrigued by the ideas
shown to me in the
Book. I have begun to view many things in life differently
and I'm excited about what is happening to me. Although I know I
have not fully realized the power of neo-tech as of yet, I
feel confident that my potential is growing.

C.L.,, 1/22/98
This site is the embodiment of freedom
of speech, thought, and consciousness with respect to the individual.

E.R., .,
I am glad to see such progress has been made. It feels as though
the light has come back to all.

B.M.,, 5/9/97
Very Important! Contains the information for independent thinkers who

"I am very, very interested and intrigued by what I have been
reading at this web location."
R.C.,, 1/11/97

D.P.,, Australia
A great website.

"I just read Neo-Tech/Zonpower. Needless to say, it is not
possible to achieve happiness under today's conditions. Neo-Tech
will change that. I am amazed at the grip the mystics have over
individuals. I guess that ignorance truly is bliss. But not for
me. I am looking forward to the day we can get organized and
stand as a united front against our common enemies of the mystics
an the Gov't which oppresses us. If we can get organized, they
don't stand a chance against us. Keep up the fantastic work, and
let me know what I can do to help."
S.S.,, 3/20/97

I am so thankful I have found the truth. My life has changed
in every way. I look back and I can not fathom how I ever lived in that mind
set. I am filled with more warmth and joy now than I have ever been in my
entire life. Thank you

CR,, 11/16/01
I only wish I could read faster through the material so I may finally be able to do what I want with my life!

J.C.,, 12/23/96
I just finished reading the book Zonpower, and
I find the idea of a totally free and rational society
intoxicating. I look forward to learning more about Neo-Tech,
and thank you for helping me to unleash more of
my potential through Zonpower.

B.S.,, 2/21/99
Many positives for me have come out of the literature
and more with every read.

W. Macon,,
Dear America, WAKE UP! Neo-Tech tells it like it is. Tough if
you don't want to hear it, but do some investigating on your own--if you
still have the ability to think!

Matt, , 9/29/02
I want to say that RTR (Road to Riches) is Dr. Wallace's best editing work. His super high-intensity editing is what elevates the new neo-tech writings to
new heights of integrative power. With every new reading, more strings in the spider's web are revea
led. That's what RTR is, it's the ultimate spider web to trap all dishonest, destructive, irrational ideas forever.

"I am finding this most interesting"
P.T.,, 1/13/97

MP, hotmail.comWe need bodies like you to challenge
the despots of the world.. You help to evolve humans.

O.A., ., 12/14/02, Nigeria
Honesty is the word. Neo-tech truly has powers beyond your imagination.

"Neo-Tech Discovery has changed my life. Neo-Tech has improved my
memory power immensely, given me a diet which is logical as to
why I was overweight (I'm now many kilos less), lowered my
cholesterol and triglyceride levels and blood pressure and made
me much fitter aerobically. These are the side effects. The main
effects are that Neo-Tech has given me a whole new purpose in
life that has led to a new business, a great increase in
happiness and a future of certain success. Thanks to everyone at
Neo-Tech, Frank Wallace and Mark Hamilton in particular, and
please keep the best site in cyberspace going."
R.E.,, 2/28/97, Australia

W.J., , 5/7/01, uk
Dear Neo-Tech Your works are a necessity in
any persons life
to progress and have a fuller and happier life with eyes
wide open. You MUST stay on the web. I am a better person because
of the things I have learned from The Book.

Wow. The world that is growing around
us demands a new guideline for a new morality- and you offer the sanest that
I have ever seen.

R.R.,, 2/11/97
I completely love this site! I've been a Neo-Tech reader and user for
about 5 years, and I find that I'm learning so much more on the site. Keep it

J.L.,, 2/20/97
Someone has to keep telling the truth until the world wakes up to
what is and has been going on for so long. Thank you for this site.

L.A.,, 5/13/98
What I've seen at this Web site makes me hungry for more

"Thank you for sending a message via the Internet to a person who
thought for a brief time that he lived on an island of
rationality in a sea of mysticism. But now I see other islands
and I am helping to create other islands in my community and
personal life."
S.R.,, 1/26/97

Pat,, 12/22/00
Finally I can use my full potential.

A.L.,, 2/19/99, Australia
Since discovering Neo-Tech my life has made a
dramatic U-turn towards happiness and prosperity.
Destructive influences by mystical friends and family have
dissolved away, for how can you soar like an eagle when your
surrounded by turkeys!

R.L.,, 10/15/00
I bought the book about 5 years ago, when I
received it I looked at and put it down. I didn't pick it
up till about 3 days ago. I now want to learn more! Now when
I read I understand what
It's saying.

A.D.,, 3/11/00
Dear Mr. Hamilton, I read “The Story' and found
it to be every bit as enlightening, provocative and
effective in teaching the basics of integrated thinking and
outlining objective philosophy as Ayn Rand's “Atlas
Shrugged.' As a parent, it is one of my highest objectives
to raise my son to the best of my ability. In order to do
this, I feel it is necessary to teach him the why of the
scientific method, and the reasons behind the US Bill of
Rights. I have a two year old son that would benefit
greatly from a book like the fictional one written by the
character of Ms. Annabel, “How to raise a genius with five
minute bedtime stories.' I would greatly appreciate any
information that you could provide on this subject and would
like to know if a book like that been written? And if not,
is one in the planning or writing stage? Congratulations on
a well crafted story.

"This is fascinating literature. It will take me many months to
comprehend all this, but I am very curious."
E.O.,, 3/9/97

R.E.,, 10/1/01
Everything written is so true. I have so much more power in my life thanks to neo tech, I'm sure of my future. Thank you neo-tech for helping to create a
better world not by faith, but by reason.

B.B.,, 2/13/98
After reading 'The Neo-Tech Discovery' (Zonpower), it was
as if I had been blind since birth, to have my sight given to me
at age 22. I now look forward to a joyous life of pleasure and
enjoyment, using Neo-Tech principles to produce ever-increasing
values to bring me ever-increasing income. I look forward to
the day when Atlas will at last shrug his shoulders and the parasites
will be left to produce or be left behind. I indeed think Neo-Tech
should keep this web site. It needs to be available to the greatest
amount of people possible, and the Net is that way.

T.P.,, 8/15/97
Neo-Tech should stay on the web to further the lives of everyone
and society as a whole. People need to be informed.

A.T.,, 4/16/99
I read the 'Neo-Tech Discovery' years ago, but
my mystical mind fought the process. Now a decade later, I'm
back and ready to learn.

P.C.,, 11/29/97
Great site... have benefited enormously from Neo-Tech.
...Only fools would want to ban Neo-Tech...

V.C.,, 6/24/97, Uganda
Very well created. Keep up the good work!

caf,, 4/2/00
As I was reading a book on Dr. Laura it
occurred to me that she almost was a real life Ms.
Annabelle. She was socially not integrated, when she was
teaching she lived for her students, she even taped her sessions with a client, feeling
that the client would get more out of it by listening to the tapes. She explored science and was a
loner. On and on. The book is by Vickie Banes. Dr. Laura it appears is Neo-Tech. What do you

D.E.,, 12/18/96
The site is shocking and informative. I love it.

W.K.,, 8/13/97, Africa
"Please, I and my people would like to see a Swahili publication in order
for the masses of people who don't speak other foreign languages to become
knowledgeable of this valuable information. After all, the more net value
producers in this world means less net value destroyers there would be."

E.P.,, 7/12/98
NEO-TECH has benefited me and others I work and live with.
Identifying and exposing cheaters, unearned guilt mongers, and those who
work to steal my earned credibility, self-respect and values is
a constant battle. Keep up the good work

Heather S.,, 12/23/97
Neo-Tech sounds as though it may become the mainstay for my
life. thank you.

"Neo-Tech is the answer to all the questions that I have been
looking for. It is definitely going to change my life."
A.A.,, 4/12/97, Malaysia

J.B.,, 10/24/99
I first thought NEO-TECH was some kind of
'TRICK'. But soon after I started reading I realized how I
could start identifying and avoiding the potentially deadly,
lazy scumbags who in the past hurt and exploited me.
NEO-TECH is like a magnifying glass for ME!NOW I CAN SEE!
Look-out anticivilization here I come, I now have the
tools[NEO-TECH]to take you on. I am a VALUE-PRODUCER! you
are not. LET'S DANCE!I am playing your songs.

G.M.,, 7/3/98
You give me hope!

U.S.,, 1/28/97
I think this web site is absolutely fantastic. There is a wealth of
information that is useful for self-development.

"This is a great site! I was introduced to Neo-Tech about eight
years ago and it was truly a transformational experience. My life
has not been the same since I was introduced to Neo-Tech. At
first the information is very hard to take. In fact, the
information is startling. But, once the initial shock wore off I
realized I was reading the most important information I had ever
come in contact with. The effects of Neo-Tech will never leave
me. Thanks for this important work."
G.M.,, 2/4/97

M.M.,, 3/9/00
The Story is very moving and emotional. Its
story form helps the reader to learn the ideas presented
very quickly. I can't wait to finish it and begin rereading!

"It's so strange... And is a great thing in the world of bytes
and common problems. I like it."
D.B.,, 1/13/97, Russia

At 23, I hadn't read a fictional book in over 7 years. I recently
read 'The Story', and I don't think I'll ever read another story again. Why?
Because I don't think I'll ever find anything so powerful, so emotionally
moving, so earth shatteringly life cha nging ever again. Nothing else could
come close. I'm introducing everyone I know to Neo-Tech, to spread the message.
We must all find better ways to spread the message before the Neo-Tech machine
is stopped by the envious, threatened authorities whose mes sages are very
convincing to the 'non-(Neo-Tech)educated'. I foresee a global revolution.
I already see signs of Neo-Tech and Neothink in the 'non-educated' and believe
that a natural changeover is imminent. Thank you for awakening me to this
new world.

Thomas E . T.J.,
Neo-tech changed my life 10 years ago . No, it saved my life
10 years ago. Thank you for bringing me out of the darkness. My life , health
,finances and future look great . Dr. Wallace should receive the Nobel Peace
Prize .Thank you

Very informative web site and the book was great! This is such
a fresh look at our existence, a welcome look. I would like to get involved
in the political part of the Neo-Tech movement?

A.T.,, England
Neo-Tech must remain on the web. Without access to it's reference
we can easily forget the conscious effort required to continue integrating
honesty thus returning to sad, mystical lives.

Now with your help I'm finally learning how to regain my sanity.
For so long I've living my life as if I were blind and letting things happen
to me. I kept remembering that I was more successful as a child than an adult.
I believe that as an adult people get scared over what people are thinking
of them and sometimes even using them. I hope Neo-Tech manifests to a point
where anyone can realize their potential.

B.A.,, Canada
I have been studying neo-tech for quite some time now. Neo-Tech
has opened my eyes to a whole new world full of endless opportunities. I
can honestly say that I don't ever get bored anymore. I now run my own business.
I love having no BOSS! I have never f elt so free in my whole entire life.
Although I am only 26 years evolved. I do not want to get older I only want
to get wiser. Thanks to the neo-tech crew who made this all possible for
me. Especially Dr. Frank Wallace and Mark Hamilton Thank-you for shar ing
your wisdom and knowledge to me (an average person).

S.o.,, America
I think that this site should remain on the web to stimulate
thinking among those who still think.

R.B.,, Mauritius
Even here in this small island those life-crushing taxes are
dreadful. We should not waste time for the job ahead. I, too will go beyond
my physical limits to help Neo-Tech win.

We love Neo-Tech, it has truly changed our lives. We are free
now. Please stay on the Web, you are changing the world. Thank You!!

I absolutely love neo-tech! It is right it is just and it has
me growing again as we all must. The thought of growing infinitely into eternity
puts me into state of elation, the reality of that thought would be as great
as creation.

I feel that the info provided can really leave one to question,
'what the hell am I doing wasting my life when I could be doing what i was
meant to do in life?' So much time wasted, just reading the info has inspired
me beyond belief.

The information on this web site and in the literature is very
helpful in battling my depression. Recovering with ideas grounded in truth
is proving to be invaluable.

H.C., lvcm.comU.S.A
I love your site.

I am at that point where I can truly see the truth of it, but
also able to feel how this threatens the old hierarchy of thought.

"Great site...keep up the good fight."
G.B.,, 2/10/97, Canada

D.P.,, 6/12/97
Neo-Tech has helped me think much clearer and I am doing much better
in my business.

It is necessary to have a web site like this one to change the mentalities
over the world and show to the people what is wrong in the universal system
of government and tax rules.

B.M.,, 8/10/97, Ireland
I am interested in a great deal of your material.
It seems both radical and practical -- a quality
difficult to find.

JM,, 4/11/03
The brilliance of the articles is quite remarkable.

G.B.,, 2/15/97, Croatia
This is definitely the most valuable site on the Web. Neo-Tech is
clear and concise, Neo-Tech is more then a masterpiece. Neo-Tech is the future,
and those who won't be able to deal with reality will fade away. Just keep up
the good work.

F.H.,, 4/17/00
I find the 'Book' to be very challenging,
educational,insightful and the best reality check that you can fine.
Keep up the goodwork and let the truth come forth.

S.G.,, 9/25/97
Neo-Tech changed my life. The concepts I took away from
reading the material are still manifesting huge changes in the way I
interact with reality. I am beginning to operate my mind in an
non-reacting mode whereby I feel I have the ability to effect the future.
Without Neo-Tech exposing the cheaters I could never have defeated religion
and the rest of the parasites to gain the freedom to think on my own.

R.S.,, 3/22/97, Australia
Neo - Tech is the best source of information to improve our life.
Thank you, Neo-Tech for providing this powerful information.

S.R.,, 12/28/99
I am 17 years old and I often wonder of my future. Thanks
to Neo-Tech I now look towards the future with great anticipation. I
will lead my life with honesty, integrity, and as free of mysticism as I
can. I thank you for waking me up to the 'real' world while I am fairly
young. I will do my best to lead others into Neo-Tech because I truly
believe it is the way to a better life and future for everyone.

L.H.,, 3/3/00, United Kingdom
I am enjoying reading the story immensely I
have felt myself brought almost to tears in parts (e.g.. the
part where the innocent children were asked to tell how much
they enjoyed time with Miss Annabelle, which they thought
would help her, only to have their innocent comments used
out of context to incriminate her) I think ' The Story '
will switch a lot of brains on !! The reason I am writing
this is that my son is 21 months old and I would love to see
him become a great value producer, and I was excited about
the idea of telling him bed-time stories about great value
producers and if there is any one out there who could write
a few and post them up on the net that would be great. I
would also like to get a book of 5 minute lectures like the
ones the children are exposed to I could give my son. Any
one out there have any good thoughts on this. All the best
Keep integrating.....keep yourself honest.......look through
to the essence of things.....always ask yourself who is the
value producer…who is the value destroyer ? more
protein and less carbohydrates.......go after your
dreams........keep track of the numbers.......keep yourself
aerobically fit.......find romantic love........outcompete
others.....use the mini day/power thinking tool
everyday........don't stagnate/drive projects

One is are either green and growing
or ripe and rotting. Neo-tech is green and growing!!!

I think Neo-Tech should FOREVER remain on the internet as long as god keeps
putting people on this Earth solely to suffer.

"This web site provides new insight on current beliefs about the
cyberspace revolution. It tells of a power that most people only
dream about. Neo-Tech makes dreams come true."
S.B.,, 1/19/97

E.S.,, 6/24/97, South Africa
I read through chapter 1-5 of Zonpower last night and was surprised
and amazed by the information I found there. Finally something that makes me

T.D.,, 8/23/97
"I agree that Dr. Jaynes' book and theory rivals that of Einstein, et al. I
am still searching for a dispassionate, scientific refutation of
Jaynes/Neo-Tech and still come up with nothing."

"By finding this site, I have found a new insight to a lot of
different subjects."
Carlie.G.,, 6/6/97

J.Q.,, 6/24/97, United Kingdom
The best and most valuable information I have ever read. Frank
Wallace and Mark Hamilton and Eric Savage are worthy of a Nobel prize at

"How do I know what to believe if all messages other than the
establishment's are forbidden? I will learn what I wish to learn,
not what 'authorities' wish for me to think. Typically,
nonproducers fear true freedom of expression."
R.C.,, 4/15/97

"This website is full of information which can be used and
applied. This site is more than just a place to visit on the web.
D.A.,, 1/8/97, Canada

My life has evovled to a new way of thinking because of
this book. I am a better person to myself my family and my community.
I know I am becoming a God -Man. I feel it in my bones and it makes me
smile, laugh and cry all at the same time. This is the mos t fantastic
feeling I could ever experience. I am using my new knowledge to create
my new World which is a fantastic vision I already see in my minds eye
.I visit this place every day. I am a much healthier, wealthier and happier
person than I was just a short time ago. I could go on and on about how
this personal leap of evolving has benefited me. My happiness as a man,
a father, and a better person to my friends . I believe I am living In
what the Neo-Cheaters would like to think was my own Heaven on E arth.
Well it is just that, and I challenge anyone to knock me off of my mountain.
Thank You To All involved with bringing Neo-Tech to me to. Thank You,
Thank You, Thank You.

D.H.,, 7/8/97
"By all means keep it on the web. For when the truth or the light
is shining people dont want to see it and they love to put it out.
So by all means stay on the net."

T.M.,, 2/18/97
A wonderful piece of work. Keep up the great writing.

M.T.,, 10/5/97
I think Neo-Tech is great! I am confident that these ideas will
prevail in the future. I find that
battling mysticism and self defeating behavior in myself more
challenging and the ultimate battle is against myself more than

E.E.,, 7/11/97
"I completely agree with you on the dishonesty and mystical
thinking crap. I also like your readings on biological immortality
because I think its completely possible, the only thing holding us
back is the religions (mysticism) saying 'its not right we must
die to go to heavens pearly gates'. Screw heavens pearly gates I
want to be immortal and completely free of mysticism to gain
ultimate power and happiness the right way not the neocheat way.
Thank you NEO-TECH you better stay on the web your info really

P.M.,, 7/25/97, Australia
"Neo-Tech offers many windows of opprtunities in creativity and originality,
it has worked for me and it should work for anyone else. I am sick of
negativity in people and dead-psyche minds. It is time these people were
healed by Neo-Tech. Finally let's continue to unplug the sludge of mysticism
that has soaked peoples minds for many years."

M.C.,, 3/10/98
The other day a Jehovah's Witness came to talk about the
end of the world and reading the bible. Thank Zon I had something
to read to flush that mystic waste out of my mind.

K.R.,, 8/1/00, England
This information will set us free from the
tyranny of the last
three thousand years.

T. Z.,,8/23/00, SOUTH AFRICA

"Interesting and informative!!!!!!!!"
H.S.,, 1/14/97

"Neo-Tech should be a common study for all mankind."
D.P.,, 4/26/97

"NEVER allow this web site to be compromised by petty neocheaters
or, good forbid, be taken off line. The world needs this web
site. The Neo-Tech site now stands in a distinct class all its
own. Personally, I would literally walk the ends of the earth to
trade values with I&O Publishing or its Neo-Tech Writing and
Research Center. I would like to congratulate all contributors of
Neo-Tech information and those who share its views on being the
true benefactors to all humankind. My devotion and commitment to
being a competent value producer is adamant and firmly rooted in
my own self-preservation. For the sake of all that is or ever has
depicted love, integrated honesty, and goodness, continue to make
available your findings and publishing. Thank you."
D.W.,, 2/28/97

P.H.,, 10/22/00
I think it is a great site! Very informative
and interesting. Keep up the great work!

"I very much enjoy your site."
A.R.,, 4/11/97

j.u.,, 12/9/00
This is great stuff.

H.M.,, 6/3/01
All I can say is WOW. I will dedicate
my life to practicing profound honesty, wide scope
and DTC, to help break up this anti-civilization.

E.F.,, 2/25/99, United Kingdom
Neo-Tech is here to stay, independent of anyone's
desires, wishes, whims or feelings. Unlike mysticism, neocheating
and irrational income tax whose time are limited. The
Neo-Tech web site will inevitably remain as an example of Neo-Tech's
permanent status within all our lives to benefit everyone.
Check out the negative comments about Neo-Tech for a perfect
example of the impotent, flimsy, external authority dependent,
dishonest, destructive
nature of the mystic, neocheating mind. Then revert back
to the down to earth soothing nature of the positive
comments about NEO-TECH. ....NEED I SAY MORE!!!

B.E.,, 8/29/97
"I checked out this so called MIRACLE (Neo-Tech) a friend tells me about! I
have been reading this site now for about 1 month and have somehow been able
to actually be a magnet to women??? I will never stop reading this site.
It's to valuable!!"

"Giving hope to life, and living life to our fullest potential.
This is what I think describes Neo-Tech best. For there is no LIFE
without hope, just mere existence."
S.P.,, 6/23/97, Malaysia

I am starting to see the 'white-collar hoax' around me and ready to use the
Neo-Tech Weapon to get rid of the mysticism in my life. Keep up the good
work! Thanks, Robert

r.w.,, 8/9/02
Very eye opening material I will keep reading and forget about the stupid people that are so blind.

Rufus W,, 2/6/02
This is the best story I have ever read. Thank You, Rufus, age73.

"If you dare remove this wonderful web site, I will personally
come there and spank you."
V.J.,, 4/27/97

R.T.,, 3/20/97, Malaysia
Neo-Tech sounds like it will have a significant impact on man's
thinking and to the future of humanity. Man always fears the new and
unexplored. This is adventurous territory. Keep it up and expand!

a.t.,, 6/2/00, New Zealand
NT is the real savior of mankind I am blown
away by your
philosophy and fully agree with you. A whole new world has
been exposed

R.S.,, 11/27/98
When I was growing up, I found a big, black book about
Neo-Tech. I read it from cover to cover and studied it. My
parents got a hold of it and I never saw it again.
Since then, I have searched for truths.
I have read many Ayn Rand and Robert Heinlein books.
I am a strong atheist and libertarian. This Neo-Tech information
is powerful and valuable! It can free people from the oppression
of others! I think this web site should remain and expand
in order to help people see the truth.

"I like this site - excellent graphics and interesting content."
A.Y.,, 1/28/97

M.P.,, 8/30/01, uk
I think this is the way of future and already
has started now.

I think the world has been in need of this since BC 2000,(which should have been
AD 2000). I admire you for your 'guts' to continue on in the face of such desperate
opposition from the 'neocheaters and such fellow travelers. As the British say

S.M.,, 8/24/01, United Kingdom, b90 1SE.
Neo-Tech is the future. Together we can make a
difference, and
with the Neo-Tech philosophy the world would be a better
to live in.

J.R.,, 8/22/97
The information that I have found on this Web-site thus far is
tremendous! I have found, even though I have just begun integrating a few of
its concepts, the information provides profound insight on how to move forward
in all aspects of my life. This material should be published freely for all who have the insight to
integrate it into their lives.

"This is a great web-site!"
Breanne R.,, 5/21/97

D.A.,, 2/21/97, Canada
This is the most dynamic site on the web because It GIVES you the
life changing information right on the Web. I have learned so much in a short
period of time! The concepts are invaluable to all people that desire wealth,
happiness and success in their lives!

Neo-Tech/FIH is the only literature that I've found that allows
me to identify the exact source of all problems be they self created through
personal dishonesty/mysticism or created through the efforts of others.

V.S.,, 6/25/98
I plan on immersing myself in the literature and coming out
a new man...

R.O.,, 5/2/97
Your information is a great value to many people, it is a great

C.J.,, 10/22/98
I think that it important that everybody can see how there is
a way we can all live and get along. This is going to become
more important over the next few years. I received your letter
in the mail and you said I had to respond by Friday, is that
really fair if I don't have the money?

W.S.,, 5/3/02
I've been reading Neo-tech so long, I can't remember where I originally found it! But I have to say, it is the most profound lifestyle and life philosophy
I've ever come across. I became agnostic at age 15 while reading about the tremendous toll religion
had taken on the path of science and technology. Finally, about 12 years ago, I became completely atheist after realizing I was only holding on because of
the 'insurance' potential of being wrong! You've heard the old saw 'If you're right, you've lost not
hing, but if you're wrong there's hell to pay' What a load! I'm very happy and well adjusted being atheist! I will always read your stuff, and always
recommend it to people who are trying to find something meaningful to life. Good luck and stay FOREVER!

On buying and reading Neo-Tech Discovery
in 1992 my outlook changed and I found a clear, happy and exciting world.
Over time I tend to allow myself to think lazily and mystically. It is at
these times I need to open my book. Within a short amount of time, any trace
of mysticism is wiped out of my thinking.

P.M.,, 4/3/99
I have made some great discoveries by being persistent and
enduring, I was comforted by Neo-Tech. These discoveries
are steeped in Neo-Tech philosophy. I have lived the
Neo-Tech discovery and soon will be resurrected in my fight
against the neocheating government.

R.F.,, 1/29/97
This (Neo-Tech) is without a doubt, a most fascinating work. There is
so much to read I could stay on the net for hours and hours. I must think on
all this exiting reality, and then begin the integration's you mention! Many

G.V.,, 2/3/98, MEXICO
Keep up the good work.

Might I ask what motivation or individual(s) could want the
Neo-tech site closed ? Obviously only those blinded by the likes of insidious
religion or whatever alternate mystical belief dominate their lives and
prevents them from thinking for themselves. I always knew deep down that
many so called leaders (political, religious, educational..) are leaders
only in name and use their position for the lazy acquisition of power over
others so as to live without contributing any meaningful values. And, having
read most of the book I now clearly understand how the ultimate and tragic
hoax of 'external authorities' (god & the like) has stifled the development
of human consciousness. Surely, the Neo Tech site and related materials
are integral in negotiating the nuclear threshold and allowing humanity
to develop the mentality and technology to successfully make the transition
into the next level of consciousness, for without this transition our species
has a limited life span.

"As long as individuals such as the brilliant writers who
document reality are allowed to publish their information free of
force, threat of force, and censorship, the prosperity revolution
will proceed peacefully; almost without notice... THE FUTURE OF
D.F.,, 4/17/97

S.S.,, 3/3/97
Speaking as a common man who has been walked on his whole life, it
does my heart good to see someone who actually cares for the little man who
deserves more.

I love this book (The Story). I just finished reading through for the second
time. I find it interesting how it seems to be a lot like a good movie seen over
again. Keep up the good work, I am inspired again.

Debbie F.,, 9/14/98
Reading this has been very
enlightening and also very scary because this means that we cannot
blame anyone else but ourselves for our success and failures.
I have been raised in the Christian environment, but have lacked
evidence of it's ability to be a panacea, which I feel most people
use it for. I will continue to read, try to understand and incorporate
this philosophy into my life because I feel it is a valuable
solution in my search to make sense of this world I live in.

T.H.,, 4/25/00
Hi Mark....I just read the story as a first
time on-line visitor....This was the best description of woman/man romantic love I've ever heard and I
was impressed with your characters and the thought that went into this work......thanks!......I'm looking forward to 'Hearing' more from you......Terry

THOMAS G. A.S.,, 1/21/01, ARAPAHOE
The best information available to help every
person on this earth

L.B.,, 10/17/00
I'm truly excited about my purchasing The Book
already its making my journey more exciting and achievable.

Anon.,, 4/20/98
I have always wondered who sent in these commentaries. And
I just figured out it is all the wonderful people in the world
who have gained tremendous power thanks to the Neo-Tech matrix.
I have never felt so fulfilled to know that there are many other
eagles soaring over the land of anti-civilized chickens. Welcome Zon.

R.S.,, 12/24/96, Australia
Excellent. Invaluable to anyone seeking happiness.

,, 12/17/02
neo-tech ought remain as a obelisk for the ages to wonder.

K.A.,, 10/11/97
"Truth and honesty for all and to all."

The information is mind-blowingly practical, rational, and suited
to the ever-evolving human! You're doing a valuable service.

Ronald,, 9/12/01
After watching what happened to the Twin Towers, I can see that Neo-Tech is needed more than ever. It is no longer a matter of what you believe. It is now a
matter of life or death.

M.Z.,, 2/4/97, Bolivia
Cutting edge !! at last !!

"I love Neo-Tech material. Great stuff."
C.G.,, 6/25/97, Germany

,, 10/15/00
Amazing. Everything I have known in my heart
to be true.
Ideals that I thought lofty and unreachable are a reality.

E.H.,, 8/26/98
Neo Tech IS the TRUTH.
I am now prepared for Y2K and the C.U. Every human
being needs Neo Tech NOW! This Web Site is the most
important Web Site available. Thank you Neo Tech and Frank R. Wallace
for sharing your ideas and your DTC in achieving your
Neo Tech and C.U. objectives! Thanks for destroying the Neocheaters
of this world and opening up the true C.U. (Civilization of the
Universe)! Using the Neo Tech ideas, I have beaten many Neocheaters
and created wealth through business dynamics
found in the Neo Tech literature.

T. Hix,,
Being the mother of an 11 year old high functioning autistic child,
I am on a constant search to understand how his brain works. Chapter 28 contains
insight from Dr. Jayne's book on consciousness and bicameral mind thinking that
opened my eyes to why my son is on autopilot so much of the time. I know how
to proceed with his therapy now!

I cannot believe the negative comments from those poor people
who lack understanding of Neo-Tech, they are the ones who need it most. Once
the Replacement Program sets in, they'll have no choice except to live on
the Civilization Of The Universe or commit suicide. The world will truly
be a better place to live. You negative people must understand that we are
the ones who will help change the world for the better, for you, your children
and grand children. We all will be at our happiest, we'll all be rich, with
superior minds (geniuses) near perfect health lovers of our dreams and so-on.
So come people wake up! the world is up-side-down, and some time during this
century it will rotate back on it's axis. HAPPY DAYS ARE COMMING!!!

The most enlightening info. I have come across in a long

J.W.,, 12/27/98
I have received and read God-Man, it is the only book I have
ever read that has changed my outlook on life so completely.

Amy-Jane B.,, 1/23/99, Canada
I am angry that religion has such a blood sucking grip on us people.
Thanks to Zon I am much more aware of their sneaky ways.
Following the recommended diet, I now look and feel healthy.
Next stop: make money for myself, then find a man to marry and
share my life with. Thanks so much.

T.H.,, 4/8/97
I was amazed at what I read -- I followed a link to read the IRS
Abuse cases, and ended up spending most of the day browsing through your info.
By all means stay online! And I'll be passing around your Web address...

Tom R.,,
I've recently received my first of two Neo-Tech books and I can't put them
down! They are very informative and make perfect sense. Everything in my life,
which is already good, is getting even better and more productive. Thank you
very much for this infor mation.

D.D.,, 9/30/00
This materials should be read by everyone with
the hope of
attitudes about our present situations about government and

"This site is a wondrous abode of the finest facts that are
necessary for living upon this earth. Without this site, I would
have spent much of my life attempting to discover. I have always
understood absolute truth to be reachable by mankind. Thank you
for coming so close to it."
M.L.,, 6/17/97

anyone who is currently losing at life!

G.W.,, 2/8/97, England
I am a Neo-Tech owner since 1987 and have benefited incalculably
since absorbing it and taking it on board in 1991. Thank you for Neo-Tech. I
cannot over emphasize the benefits to my life from having come across it. Every
moment I am living is now also enhanced by the Zone favorable diet thanks to
your reference to Barry Sears' book.

k.w.,, 8/8/02
I love neo-tech.

D.D.,, 3/15/03, UK
The more people that find out about the real truth about the governments,
the sooner they will be forced to provide real benefits for
the public. Most people know that politicians are dishonest cheats
and liars, but when put on the spot, will still defend them.

M.C.,, 10/13/01
Neo-Tech, I truly, truly appreciate 'the 114
advantages'. Each have leveraged my: sense of life, scientific approach to thinking, purpose, business affairs, and artistic passions. I direct tremendous
gratitude toward the Neo-Tech team.

C.A.,, 10/23/99
We all must read this knowledge and learn from it,
and remember the things we were taught to forget since birth.

B.P.,, 11/27/98
This is some of the most thought provoking information that I
have ever come across. What a coincidence that I once worked
for Dr. Wallace when he manage the dupont plant in
Louisville, Ky in 1980. It is really nice to see how much
Neo tech has expanded since I
first was introduced to it. It has greatly helped me
to see my way clear in so many ways in life.

I love neo-tech, it should stay on the web
forever. everything I've read has really made an impact on
me. This is what I've been waiting for. Finally people who can be seen
but not seen through. Much Love.

"I am very interested in learning more."
T.S.,, 5/8/97

N.F.,, 1/29/97
Never before have I come across a system like this. I have seen every
kind of scam claiming to furnish you with the results that Neo-Tech actually
gives you. And unlike scams, Neo-Tech is simple and has definite integrity.
Neo-Power will definitely change my life.

J.H.,, 10/24/01
Neo-tech is a great value. Every individual of positive value should have it. I'm raising a flag for science and a universal civilization.

G.J.,, 10/19/98
I would like to obtain a copy of the Neo-tech encyclopedia so
much referred to in the manuscript. Please, send information
to: Guido Jimenez 524 E Elk Ave #306 Glendale, CA 91205

S.S.,, UK
Groundbreaking ideas. The best therapy anyone can receive.

"You are the most important people in the universe. Keep up the
good work."
L.A.,, 2/19/97

J.V.,, 2/17/00
I truly enjoy in-essence what Neo-Tech has brought to the
table. Readings are clear and concise and very moving. I have never
heard of Neo-Tech before and would be more than willing to be
apart of Neo-Tech and assist in spreading the word to
everyone here in the northeast.

I'm interested in immortality. I always thought that if we Could find out
what caused the accelerated aging disease that we would be able to dramatically
extend life if not making it last forever.

"the site is choice...there is something for everyone
here....keep it."
P.P.,, 2/5/97

Neo-Tech provides the education for citizens to learn how to take care of themselves
and to eliminate the parasitical ruling class of dishonest humanoids.

Neo-Tech is the way forward.

Gail C.,, 11/28/99
What a wonderful and interesting read.

I read many of the negative comments, and from the ones I read there is none
to convince me that it is evil. Besides it is typical for religious people to
be frightened. And they always want banned the things they disagree with.

Anon.,, 7/14/99
Keep it up. The C of U is coming.

C.P.,, 5/8/98, Canada
Fascinating reading. Thought provoking.

D. F.,, 6/18/00, united kingdom
Lets face it Neo-Tech is here to stay, never
regressing, never
retreating. The power of Neo-Tech is forward moving forever
forever improving. Forever-emasculating mystics, neocheaters
and value destroyers. Honest individuals who exert the
effort to see past what appears to be to what is, will always
reigned supreme over the dishonest machinations of mystics,
and value destroyers. That's going to be really tough on the
narrow- scope-non-integrating mind. Neo-Tech is reality and
is non-reality and guess what reality ALWAYS ASERTS ITS
SELF. Ha Ha! to the mystics, Ha Ha! to the narrow scope
mind, Ha Ha! To the value destroying mind. Mystics and
neocheaters get this. The reason man grows old and dies is because of
mysticism, religion and government. If you find it hard to accept then
that's tough because it is fact. You may rationalize all you want
and think that this is only an assertion. But guess what?

I. M.,, 10/25/00
Mark, your story is amazing and I'm only on the
third chapter. Very inspiring.
You really inspired me to continue the fight with DTC. We
will get to the C of U someday.

Just an FYI, on 1/22/2001 the below was sent to the editors of Card Player Magazine:
The Advanced Concepts of Poker by Dr. Frank R. Wallace is arguably the best book
on poker ever written, bar none. It is ignored by your publication and the rest
of the Po ker industry. The book, now freely available on the internet and published
for the first time in 1968, having sold over 2 million copies, exposes poker
for what it is. The new sections on cheating are especially noteworthy to thinking
poker players worldw ide. Perhaps this book threatens the poker industry? I challenge
you review this timely and classic in your publication.

"Neo-Tech is the most concise depiction of reality ever."
A.A.,, 6/2/97

T.O., net.auAustralia
There is so much fascinating reading on this site. I love it.

I am convinced of Neo-Tech to be absolutely

Hi Mark; absolutely brilliant, when can we
expect to see the film.

M.C.,, 7/10/97
"Neo-Tech has great information."

M.A.,, 4/15/97, Australia

R.S.,, 6/5/97
What I have read is truly powerful. More people need to be exposed
to these ideas.

J.M.,, 2/6/97
Neo-Tech has been the primary source of new knowledge for me as I'm
sure it is has been for most that have ever read and understood a Neo-Tech
book. My mysticism, is what lead me to Neo-Tech, and anyone who is mystical
will eventually turn to Neo-Tech. Why? Because mysticism is a `drug' and in
time, you'll need more of it to make you `FEEL' better about your life, money,
health, love, and self-esteem problems. When one starts to have questions about
their `Higher Authorities', power to make their dreams or desires come true,
one starts to look for a more potent mystical doctrine. I went from being a
practicing catholic to Kahuna, to hypnosis and others, to finally arrive at
Neo-Tech. This is real, it's not automatic, it works from your efforts to
achieve what you desire and not, what some `God' says is good for you, or `God'
has his reason for things being this way. Neo-Tech has been a very positive
addition to my life, and will forever continue be a part of my life. Neo-Tech
should always stay in Cyberspace, because as Neo-Tech expands, conscience life
does also.

R.K.,, 7/2/02, Malaysia
This is too good to be true. And it is real.

thank you for the awakening.

R.B.,, 3/8/98

"Just want to thank you folks for initiating the most divine
mission available in this day and age. Also, now that a few of us
'out there' know the concepts, Neo-Tech will always be on the web
-- in one form or another -- until irrationality is completely
diffused. Here's to your endeavors!"
M.B.,, 2/20/97

F.C.,, 9/16/01, Ireland
It's hard to believe that once a person has read Neo-Tech books/manuscripts that they can bury their head in the sand and pretend that it does not exist.

J.C.,, 3/8/99
You have made an incredible difference in my
and my son's life!... Thank you so much.

Should Neo-Tech be on the internet ? Maybe we should ask if the
sun should shine tomorrow.

"Well well well, someone has finally got it right!!!! Neo-Tech is
definitely the way of the future, this site should be available
to everyone. I am going to make a link to it on my home page!!!
thank you."
S.S.,, 3/10/97, Australia

"Neo-Tech is needed by all...."
D.E.,, 4/1/97, England

"This site is a great help to people."
Shannon S.,, 6/13/97

B.S.,, 10/14/01
It is important that everyone should have access to this most valuable information. Keep up the great work. And thank you.

R.A., , Canada
Life is always interesting for the Neo-Tech man and that is
the case for me at this point in time and space.

J.C.,, 9/29/02
I have been reading and studying neo-tech for 5 or 6 years and find it to be the most validating information on life, living and thinking tools available for
a productive and happy living. VIVA NEO-TECH!

c.d.,, 5/21/02
This site has been my only true find of serious info. in the two years that I have surfed the web thank you.

"I just started discovering this site through a client - it is
like going on an adventure, thrilled because you know after every
curb, behind every tree or bush, there will be new discoveries to
be made, new insights to be gained. Yet at the same time, it
seems all in a very strange way so familiar, peaceful, even
soothing ! Wondrous !"
H.V.,, 12/22/96, Belgium

W.T.,, 6/1/00
I have searched for years for something besides
the Bible. I
just knew there had to be more to life than what is taught
the bible. Thank you Neo-Tech.

M.C.,, 10/28/98
I understand that over one million people have had access to
this web site. Do you understand the profound implications
of this? No matter what happens to Wallace, his associates
or Neo-tech publishing or even this web site,
Honesty now has a permanent and immutable
foothold on this planet. It doesn't matter what chain of
events occurs or who dies or is or is not silenced, I have this
knowledge and so do thousands of others .We will take over if need be.
This thing is out of anybody's hands now. The only thing open to
debate is the time frame it will take for the arrival of the
civilization of the universe. Perhaps it is already here or has always
been here but just hasn't fully manifested itself.

more of the theory, I really believe that I grasp the concept
much more concretely. Suddenly, in a flash I understood what a
Neo-cheater (a.k.a. lying, rationalizing, manipulating, piece
of manure) was. I had done it myself, I had it done to me, I
saw it happen to others. Wow, what a revelation! In the back
of my mind I always new that it was wrong(Neo-cheating), but
couldn't control it. Frank was (and is) precisely correct when
he states that Neo-cheaters can't really be 'caught in the act', however
you are aware of them 'doing it'.

J.H.,, 7/1/99
I thank you for your anti-civilization
discovery. After thinking about the anti-civilization for
quite a while now, I realize that this is NO imaginary place.
This place is a real place that consist of friends and co-workers not just
a bunch of characters in a book in some far off world.
I thank you for the idea of fully integrated honesty
and wide scope accounting. Now, I can be free! Thank You

J.W.,, 2/16/98
Yes, stay on the web and expand. I am a Neo-Tech owner and
am now reading outcompete god and government. I am writing to say
once again you stay one step ahead of me with your article by
Tracey Alexander, on exposing religious doctrines as a hoax.
As I come to the realization that so many people are making important
decisions in their life without a firm basis in reality. They
get so confused because it takes years of trying to figure out
contradictory messages in the bible, and the only people they
have to turn to are religious teachers, but what if something
comes up and a religious teacher is not around to answer your
question? Instant crisis. I find your newest articles very valuable,
keep up the great work, and keep the train rolling. Thanks for
giving me a firm basis to make decisions in my life, and the
ability to take back control of my life.

L.N.,, 11/14/02
I can only hope that more people discover your site and begin to open their eyes.

H.A.,, 4/23/97
Your site is very informative and helpful. I greatly appreciate the

Carla C.,, 1/24/99
I just read some of the negative comments, and I'd say to all
of them they should be in my shoes!! I've been raped twice because
I got into situations where I was so desperate for money, and
freedom ,that I went to the wrong persons for help, and they demanded
sex in return, and when I turned them down, they went ahead and
took what they wanted and left me devastated. Let them spend
a couple days in my shoes and feel the raw terror that comes when you have
others controlling your life in the name of religion, or whatever,
as happened to me, and see what that does to them.
Then see if they wouldn't run to get this Neo-Tech information
like a beacon in the dark. Let them know what it is like
to be ripped off continuously, to have qualifications and be
unable to use them and can't get a job and people
who offer help either want sex or the deed and title to your
life!!! Let them live like this for eighteen years, and see if
they barely hang on to their sanity, if they are able to at all,
and then see if they are given Neo-Tech if they don't improve

"This is the best information center for garnering new
integrations of Neotech\Neothink."
D.P.,, 3/28/97

M.H.,, 12/28/98, Monaco
I certainly enjoy your visionary material, and
have done for many years.

D.S.,, 12/2/98

S. P.,, 5/29/00, United Kingdom
I have found Neo-Tech to be a complete and
explanation of why happiness is so difficult to achieve in
this anti-civilization.
The answer is for me to totally forget the past and take a
very courageous
leap forward into the future.

Carole D.,, 4/24/99
I LOVE Neo-Tech!! My life is drastically
changed for the better!!! Thank you
for opening my eyes!!!

C.O.,, 4/4/98
I think there is a lot of common sense in what is written

S.C.,, 10/19/98, England
your information has given me a solid base on which to build
my life. it has been invaluable and exciting, thank you.

P.B.,, 11/6/00
I want the future to start NOW! I'd
like to find out where the closest Neo-Tech Church is to
me. I live in MO. I believe in the vision ya'll share.
want to be an active part of it.

A.L.,, 1/3/00, South Africa
I hope FRW eventually gets recognized as the
most important human being to have ever lived.

"Very fascinating."
R.W.,, 5/11/97

T McNally,, 7/24/01, england
Neo tech seems to have a fully comprehensive
model for living.

Gordon B,, 2/6/02
An excellent moving, heart warming and emotional format to convey to the world populace all of the C. of U. honesty, perspectives and advantages vs. the A.C.
dishonesty, perspectives and disadvantages. Gordon

J.P.,, 7/3/97, England
"I found your site very influencing, aiding me in all my decisions
and allowing me to detect the menace of the neocheaters."

R.A.,, 7/22/99
Great reality oriented philosophy. This site is a great
arms dealer to freedom in the war between freedom and enslavement
of man's mind. I am 18 and believe that with the growing dissemination
of NT and rate of human progress biological immortality is
within reach for this generation.

Amy-Jane B.,, 1/23/99, Canada
I am angry that religion has such a blood sucking grip on us people.
Thanks to Zon I am much more aware of their sneaky ways.
Following the recommended diet, I now look and feel healthy.
Next stop: make money for myself, then find a man to marry and
share my life with. Thanks so much.

M.F.,, 8/8/02
I have found what I have been looking for a very long time.

M.G.,, 1/9/98, Australia
Neo-Tech is the most powerful system of honesty I have ever
seen. Its great to see there are people in the world who think
with pure honesty.

D.B.,, 10/9/97, Australia
Well done guys! I have been a Neo-Tech fan for years now and
hunger for every thing you write. Keep up the great work.

B.G.,, 5/18/97
Very impressive! Glad to see someone thinking.

R.B.,, 6/29/02, Mauritius
The discoverer of Neo-Tech is indeed a super god! I deem her as the originator/creator of an expanding civilization of the universe. She remains a mighty
reference in the history of mankind since the beginning of existence; since time immemorial. O Mother of this new world ...

C.K.,, 1/20/99
I was wondering if Neo-Tech was a male thing?
Fortunately your web site has put things in a clearer
perspective and since women can benefit from this site as well,
I will place bookmark here and use it. Thank you.

E.H.,, 4/25/97

R.V.,, 5/17/97

K.L.,, 1/4/00
Absolutely great.

illusion created by government and media.

BbQ,, 7/19/02, Philippines
Great piece of information! I recommend it to kindred thinkers of our society today! It changed my entire outlook in life! No longer i'll be drained by
people indulging in parasitical mysticism. We must spread neo-tech into the far-ends of the earth. Kudos to objectivity and rationality!

B.S.,, 10/10/01, Australia
The bible should have been 'the book' from the start. The world would definitely be a better place now.

L.R.,, 12/17/96
Very intriguing little URL you have:
I am curious, skeptical, and yet, remain open-minded.

M.L. Dean,, 4/14/02
The Story is very accurate as to what should be and can be. Your method of application in the area of day to day structure (mini day schedule and its principle are fantastically correct. Your mission assignment has impressed me and aligned us together. Your humble and ardent supporter.

C.B.,, 10/27/97, Canada
"I think that this is the best thing that has ever
happened to the web. Keep up the mysticism cleansing!!!"

"Reality is not easy for me but I am now grasping it by the
E.M.,, 2/13/97

"I'm fascinated by what I've been reading! I had no idea about
these concepts but I can see they are making sense. Thanks for a
mind broadening experience!"
G.H.,, 1/30/97

"I believe that Neo-Tech should stay on the web as it provides
people with information on how to better their lives."
K.M.,, 4/26/97

Karen B.,, 10/5/98
I was having a difficult time with jealousy, your article
was real helpful. I've sent the article to friends and they
agreed that it is helpful.

G.F.,, 1/21/97
The search for knowledge, understanding, and a better way are
obviously at the core of the web site.

From your literature, i became involved with Ayn Rand. It changed my
whole life for the better.

paul,, 4/23/00
new thoughts and ways shake the old belief
structures. those who have pinned their existence to these old structures fear
anything that would cause them to be awakened. There is a
fundamental difference in controlling your own destiny and allowing
others to control your destiny through their belief structure.

P.S.,, 10/3/98
I am really happy for what Neo-Tech has done for me. It has
made me feel something I have never felt, I am learning
more and more by the day.

Sam,, 7/26/02
Great information!

G.M.,, 11/19/97
I like how Neo-Tech encourages honesty among people.
Anyone who attacks Neo-Tech is already doomed.

R.B.,, 10/23/98, Australia
great to be able to re enforce concepts

D.D.,, UK
Neo Tech is the only honesty based source of information and lifestyle


I am 29 years old and an aspiring entrepreneur. I first received the
Neo-Tech orientation booklet approximately 3 months ago, and has made
a huge impact on my life.

I have just received the 'The Book ' God-Man/Neo-Tech Discovery I am
getting to realize the potential of the book. I think it is the best
book I have read in a long time and keep up the good work.

I think this site is one of a kind, a real gold-mine.

S.T.,, Canada

Neo-Tech IS how we should learn to be by creating values and by creating
happiness. WE need to learn to become independent & Neo-Tech shows
the way.

Eagerly absorbing all information, wanting more!

As a Political Scientist, I must say that I've taken full advantage of reading
The Book. As a preacher's son I've come to realize why I've felt the way
I did coming up and going to school where I was basically cheated out of
a quality education. I was mad e to believe that I should look out for others
before I was to look out for myself. By reading The Book and other literature
that I order from Neo-Tech Publishing I've come to realize that I was correct
in my assumptions of the cheating and dishonesty goi ng on in the state government
as well as the national government. You see I grew up in the DC area and
saw first hand what the government does. How the government has brain washed
everyone. I now reside in North Carolina and I have seen many things here
h appen that I did not like. I've watched the closing of theaters because
the community standards would not allow them, but, I watched in horror when
the Klu Klux Klan gunned down some people here at a political rally in 1978.
I've witnessed a Senator remai n in power for over twenty years. A man who
blocked the arts from appearing at the local colleges because he thought
that they lacked in taste as being called art. I've watched the eroding of
my individual rights from politicians and school administrators . Now I know
the real truth about the way I've felt. About religion and government I've
learned to trust in myself and not some higher authority. Thank you Neo-Tech.

T.S., Australia
I loved 'The Story' and I think it should be made into a movie, which would
be an excellent vehicle to expose Neo Tech to the world. The world needs
Neo Tech! 'The Story' integrated the Neo Tech philosophy into a very warm,
loving story. Thank you for thi s. I am a previous owner of Neo Tech literature,
but was not ready for it 10 years ago. I am NOW!


After reading the negative and positive comments about your web site, I was
struck by the use of profanity and emotional attacks in the negative comments
section versus the well written and thought out responses of the positive
section. That contrast real ly drove home the point of the anti-civilization
that we currently live in. Thank you for revealing it to the world.

I've only became aware of and started reading Neo-Tech recently, but I can
already feel myself changing in ways I didn't know were possible.

Neo-tech has so much valuable information for people who want to open their
eyes and think of the possibilities and the potential every human-being has.
Thank you for opening my eyes.

Neo-tech MUST remain on the web, for the world wide web is the best and most
readily available way to inform and educate the mystically befuddled people
of the entire world. This site should most definitely be expanded!

P.W.,, South Africa
The world is full of people who don't want to think deeper than what's on
television or what's in the papers or what their mentor says, be they a priest,
doctor or psychologist. The simple act of employing our most fundamental
human quality of thinking de eply about something and exploring all options
in an unbiased and unprejudiced way has to be our most liberating tool. By
exposing the very complex web of ideas and compartmentalizing them into logical
segments has aided the mental liberating process by 1 000%. What else can
I say but that this is the biggest paradigm shift of the century.

I've been a Zonpower book owner for over 7 years, and never threw it away,
even though, my emotions wanted me to. I rejected the God-Myth, from my mystic
point of view, as many others initially. But I kept it, and only time, and
experience separated me fr om putting aside my personal prejudices, and dedicating
myself to read it all before I judge you, prematurely. I'm very proud of
myself for doing so and want to congratulate you on your accomplishments
in this world, and for society at large. I now look f orward to every new
day with enthusiasm and purpose as never before, at least since childhood

B.M.,, 4/26/02
I have been reading DR.WALLACE books for years, I own most all of his writings, I am not a fancy writer like Mark or Dr Frank, it has made a different person out of me, from his first book. I have read and learned from these great men. This should never be taken of the web. I am a ZON and proud of it. Reading GOD'S man made me a different man, you see I'm 71 years old and I have very sharp mind, before I started reading these books, I could not read, now I can scan a page so fast it makes my wife mad beca
use she can't understand me. Marks books are great, please don't stop your good work Ok? I have not been able to capture the wealth part yet, but I'm working on it.

D.S.,, 3/8/97
Has potential to free individuals from government, corporate,
and any other form of slavery.

"I read your web site for hours. This is great info. it's time we
did something for humanity!!!!!!"
D.D.,, 5/7/97

J.S.,, //, Canada
I have found the information very useful and I
know for sure
that's only the tip of the iceberg. I have so much to learn.
Keep up the good work! John Saint-Loth.

H.M.,, 7/26/97
"This is a new information for me, very possible explanations for new living

K.J.,, 1/6/97

R.A.,, 2/4/97
This site stirs people to thought and to contemplate
their existence and likely futures?
Hmmmmm. Sounds like a good use for Internet.

D.D.,, 3/29/97
Excellent, Just plain excellent.

Anon,, 9/1/97,
It's great to know the truth

One of the most liberating things I have ever read . Thank you for putting it
on the web . Please don't take it off.

r.w.,, 4/17/01, U.S
this is the most enlightening information I
have had the pleasure of reading! The more I thought about god, the more I knew
what I was being taught was not true. Neo-Tech has taught me what
the true nature man is, godman. I have a set of Neo-Tech manuals
for my boys, they must know what the truth is just in case
something happens to me. I have told them how important this
information is. The best investment I have ever made by far!

J.P.,, 3/18/97
This is the most honest information I have ever seen. It is time the
politicians were be placed where they belong, under us, not above us. They have
been elected to serve us, not us serve them. Keep up your work. I feel honored
to have read and re-read your material.

Diana,, 2/24/03
I found your site to be helpful about topics in romantic-love.

D.A.,, 9/29/97, Canada
Neo-Tech is the most valuable site on the web today. Delivering
health, wealth and happiness to the individual.

"Excellent! I've bookmarked this web site. It's 2am. After a bit
of sleep I will have to spend a lot of time here in order to take
in all the information. It's good to see someone taking on the
tyrannical forces that is our present government. "
P.P.,, 1/7/97

"This is the first time I've ever seen any thing like this. It is
fantastic. This is info is the truth."
K.M.,, 5/28/97

Y.O.,, 10/24/97, Indonesia
You have a good idea of making a good life.

"Tell me more!!!!!!!!!!!!"
D.S.,, 2/3/97

M.M.,, 1/21/99
Neo-Tech is the most wonderful thing I have
ever laid my eyes on. Thank you Frank Wallace. Job well done!!!

B, NAVY.MIL, 8/30/02
Brilliant. We need to break free of the mysticism that is holding the world back.

D.P.,, 5/10/98, Canada
If it all possible it should be an effort of all concerned
to promote both the process of self-demystification and of spreading
the awareness of Neo Tech as far and wide and as fast as possible.

"I first heard of Neo-Tech through Alan Grant's 'Anarky' comic
(the reading list in back is a great idea). My first impression of
the site was of the incredible amount of information it contained.
My first day on I read through 'Zonpower from Cyberspace' and was
very impressed. A first-class site all around."
G.W.,, 6/30/97

D.W.,, 12/30/01, United Kingdom
Have just finished reading The Book, the mystic blinkers have been removed from me eyes and mind. I only wish that the angry, insane and unhappy people on
the negative comments section could join us on our productive journey on this earth. For them this i
s hell!

J.K.,, 12/13/96
It is beautiful, mind opening, mind expanding, and sorely needed.

J.L.,, 6/28/98
At the beginning I thought Neo-Tech was just a bunch of bull***
but I have slowly come to realize that the only bull that I once
believe was the idea of god and that man wasn't in god's category. I
now know there is no god and we've been fools for quite a long
time. through business dynamics like Neo-Tech has mentioned every
person on this planet can be involved in advancing knowledge
as well as living completely happy in a state of mind that no
religion, doctrine, or defected logical thinking can bring us.

R.C.,, 2/22/97
This is the most thought-provoking information I have ever