
Your Rendezvous with Pax Neo-Tech
13,000 Comments 13,000 Comments

Pure Beauty Rising
C'est Si Bon

Neo-Tech Letter Testimonials!

Feedback Comments From Jan 1997-May 2003

Below, 500 Random Testimonials From 1997-2003
Continue refreshing to see countless more Neo-Tech Testimonials... over 20,000 testimonials!

M.S.,, 10/4/97
I was 23 when I first started reading NT material,
and I remember the day it arrived in the mail. I read the first
few pages of Zonpower, and put it back in the envelope to return
it because I felt it was evil. The next day I decided to take
another look, and that began a life-changing journey into rational,
mystical-free thinking. I'm grateful for the information, and
what it has added to my life. Thanks for contributing to the betterment of
the most important
thing in society: the Individual.

M.H., ., 9/4/02
I now have clear vision. I now fear nothing. I know what is right. I guide my life away from brain rotting mysticism. I can instantly spot neo-cheaters and
mystics in an instant (there is a heck of a lot of them). Most importantly, I live. Thank you for your direction.

"I have just tapped into Zonpower recently and I am looking
forward to completing this journey. This web site is testimony to
improving the www. through positive information."
M.H., solgate .com, 12/27/96

C. A.,, 7/13/00
Neo-Tech opened my eyes.

C.B.,, 10/5/98
So much thought-provoking information!

" I found your site both informative and interesting."
T.T.,, 4/12/97, Malaysia

"I am very enthusiastic about what you guys are trying to achieve.
I would like to complement you on an excellent Web Site and would
like to see more regular updates on your site. Please do not
hesitate to contact me if I can be of any assistance in Europe in
your efforts to bring about the Prosperity Revolution."
C.W.,, 6/23/97, Monaco

"I am extremely pleased to see Neo-Tech on the web."
S.U.,, 3/26/97, England

Anon,, 7/26/00
I think your articles and your mailings should
be banned from the world, as
you are full of shit.

Neo-Tech gas given me new insight that I never had before.
I am grateful for the awakening and the realization of reality.

J.L.,, 1/26/97
I am sick of this world, I can see it in my face when I look in the
mirror I can feel it in my emotions or lack of them everything in this world is
so boring!!!! Is this the ANTICIVILIZATION that you speak of? Like a nagging
infected sore that reminds you when you bump it that the world is controlled by
what you call the LEECH CLASS. If this is what you are talking about, I must
know more.

H.D.,, 8/12/97
This is one of the best sites on the web. Don't you dare leave!
This man is the hero of our time. If we could only spread this mind un-set
through the air like un-pollution! I am ready to help! If I can do anything to remove the fly out of the
ointment of humanity, let me know.

Neo-tech allows us to look beyond what is on the surface into what is.

L.A.,, 2/19/97
You are the most important people in the universe.

B.S.,, 5/16/02, SOUTH AFRICA


C.I.,, 3/4/00, United Kingdom
The Neo-Tech web site is by far the best on the Internet. No
other site comes remotely close when it comes to delivering

T.S.,, 7/26/00, England (UK)
This is an excellent site and is helping me to
understand my
copy of Neo-Tech. I have read my copy of Neo-Tech twice.

A.A.,, 9/23/01
After reading THE STORY. I was emotionally moved beyond words. If only all teachers could be like Miss Annabelle--what a world it would be.

,, 6/6/00
Thank you so much for making The Story
available on the Internet. I did have good teachers, but
none like Miss Annabelle. Since I'm now 78 years old,
Neo-Tech wasn't even thought of at that time. I purchased
Neo-Tech in the past, perhaps it's the indoctrination of my
past that has made it difficult for me to ratchet up my
thinking and dispel the niggling bit of uneasiness at some
of the concepts. Still, I've questioned the validity of
Christianity for some time. The Story is what I needed to
at last resonate fully with Neo-Tech. Again, thank you.

M.F.,, 7/17/97, Canada
What you're publishing is very powerful. Disseminate your info
discreetly via the Internet, but don't make yourselves become visible
public targets for politicians. Cyberspace is blowing away all forms of
government interference with the world, and I feel that it is only
logical that you use it as a tool and an ally to promote your interests,
and those of mankind as a whole.

R.M.,, 5/30/97
I am relieved to have discovered it. Clearly, someone is
thinking out there.

M.K.,, 7/2/99
I just read the negative comments about your
site... I noticed that people who
say negative things about your site are Christians, and they
are filled with hate! They want you to go to hell and they call
you devil worshippers, even though you don't believe in a 'devil'...
Simply put, Neo-Tech is fully integrated honesty and doesn't
believe in God, the devil, psychic powers, or anything weird
or way out... Neo-Tech simply just makes sense...
What has meaning in the life of such people? Is it going to
church every Sunday and
praising this 'God' who has brought nothing but death and
By the way, God, if you are listening, I want to know why you
allowed that incident at Columbine High School a few months ago,
I also want to know why you allowed some gang members to come to
my OWN high school and start shooting... WHY? WHY? WHY? I refuse
to praise and glorify you...the funny thing is, that all the
gang members I have seen wear crosses around their neck, as do
Mafia members, and some gang members have tattoos of Jesus...
and supposedly these are the ones that are going to heaven, while
a wealthy, hard-working and productive businessman who has never
harmed anyone, and is an atheist, will go to hell and burn forever...
that's just so stupid, and I'm so tired of Christianity attacking
things that they consider 'evil'. Since reading Neo-Tech,
I realize how silly all these people are...I can't help but
laugh at the negative comments, especially when the Christians
talk about how people who follow Neo-Tech are going to burn in
hell, and this thing about 'Judgement Day', whatever that is...
I want biological immortality... I NEED biological immortality!
Who needs heaven??? There can be a 'heaven' right here on earth

D.K.,, UK
A deep joy to find, it is stimulating, informative, uplifting
and clever.

R.A.,, 5/26/97

Magnificent site!

E.R.,, 11/13/99
I have had a heavy investment in mysticism in my life and
'work'. I am tired of the draining effects of such non-sense
and am ready to flush it out like a big peristaltic surge of mental
diarrhea. I am ready for Neo-Tech.

G.G.,, 3/4/97, United Kingdom
In mid chapter, I have to interrupt my reading to express the
exhilaration I just experienced. I was bowled over by the following thought: At
this moment, on both sides of every value exchange happening on Earth, society
is benefiting. To add up all those values is one thing; but to realize that at
some point in the future, I ALONE will have contributed more value to society
than that TOTAL caused me to jump to my feet and proudly proclaim that I AM
ZON. Then it dawned on me that as both parties in a trade benefit, to have
provided all that value, I will also HAVE EARNED EVEN MORE!!! I flopped onto my
bed overwhelmed by the prospect. You cannot possibly be aware of the extent of
the value you are providing with this web site. Now that I have written this, I
can get on with the chapter!

it...and then I studied it in depth....and I started reading Ayn Rand..........This has been the
biggest change in my life since I took LSD......... Everything, changed.

W.H.,, 3/14/97
Keep filling the net with your information. It has helped me discover
the REAL ME that everyone told me not to listen to. Thank you for this site.

F.T.,, 9/1/98
Your information altogether creates
such an unbeatable magnetism that hurls the masses straight to
the truth. I must admit that I have agreed, disagreed and agreed
all over again about Neo-Tech. One thing for sure is that anyone
can argue as much as they want about Neo-Tech, but when the application
of this philosophy is executed, you cannot but agree that you
can attract the true joys of life when ACTING objectively! A
true acid test for a person who seems to know everything would

M.M.,, 1/20/97, West Malaysia
I admire all the work you're doing. You've opened up a hidden self
within me and now I'm fueled with desire to produce values and live life as it
was meant to be.

J.D.,, 2/14/98
Neo-Tech is our future and the sooner everybody discovers
it the better. I can only hope for the Neo-Tech society comes as
soon as possible.

M.G.,, 10/24/98
I am just begins to learn.

J.P.,, 8/2/02, Franklin
Such great wisdom.

"Professional and Intriguing."
S.S.,, 1/21/97

L.B.,, 2/18/00
This is an incredible forum for ideas and growth.

"Applicable to many areas of life."
E.K.,, 1/18/97

Neo-Tech/FIH is the only literature that I've found that allows
me to identify the exact source of all problems be they self created through
personal dishonesty/mysticism or created through the efforts of others.

G.O.,, 11/8/01
The bottom line is 'without Neo-Tech there is no hope' We need the valuable information that Neo-Tech provides us. There is not much information that can
be trusted from the media as they only tell one side of the story and are very good in starting panic. They never tell us about how the politicians are
ruining our lives by faking progress while ruining the economy. The only hope for us is Neo-Tech which will destroy 'Mysticism'.

CC,, 5/6/03
I have never read anything so fascinating in all my life. This is something I
will continue to develop for my own benefit, as well as the benefit of others. I
will pass this on to as many people as will have it!

HORUS,, 10/16/01
BRAVO, BRAVO, BRAVO. A Job, Welldone.

C.E.,, 2/22/98
I already knew about
the parasites and how they were controlling the world, but I
have been at a loss as to how to go about getting rid of them.
I have been watching them drain the life out of value producers
who don't even know what is happening to them. It has been a
very frustrating experience for me because I have always known
that IT DOESN'T HAVE TO BE THIS WAY. Thank you Dr. Wallace for
this brilliant piece of work. I look forward to my continuing
education in this matter.

J.P.,, 8/28/97
"I am pleased to find an organization dedicated to rationality and honesty."

R.S.,, 12/13/99
Neo-Tech must remain on the web, there
are many people who are searching for the truth and do not
know where to turn. The internet is the perfect tool to spread
the truth.

"Excellent piece of information. The information and ideas
expressed in this technology are completely riveting. I
completely understand and firmly believe in these ways!"
F.C.,, 2/19/97

D.C.,, 3/3/98
Your web site is superb and I often find myself digging
deeper and deeper into your archives.

everything. Now I have some form of defense and can start to enjoy my life.

D.S.,, 6/18/97
I think this is very powerful material that should be learned in

s.s.,, 8/3/00, united kingdom
I now look forward to creating values for all
honest value producers ,

M.W.,, 12/27/00

jason,, 5/30/00
Very informative and it explains a lot. I feel
saddened to watch my mom being a victim of Christianity.

K.A.,, 7/15/97
"You are unique."

Tibor,, 3/12/01
This will be high school stuff for people of
the future. It will be basic learning for everyone who

J.S.,, 5/5/97
I was overwhelmed in shock and disbelief.
Neo-Tech has answered my questions about life.

A.H.,, 1/28/98
You have some revolutionary ideas. This site might
just save the world. I'm also trying to get the word out to everyone.
I keep telling them that they got to see this.

s.n.,, 3/23/02, south africa

W.N.,, 8/18/01
This is wonderful information for anybody who
is ready to jump into consciousness and become aware what is happening around
them. For anyone who is ready for a change
they should read “The Book' for it will change you and the
way you think forever. You will think the way we were meant,
without mysticism and external authorities telling us how to think.
Neo-Tech is not the Devil's work but it undoes the Devil's work and
awakens the most powerful value on earth, Human-Consciousness.

B.A.,, 4/17/01
I have been merely scratching the surface of NT
the past few days, and
can only share with you my immense gratitude for exposing,
and thoroughly explaining, true human structure and human need.
So many of us in today's society feel that there is something
DEFINITLY wrong, but can't quite put our fingers on it. Thank you for
doing that for us! ... I look forward to learning more of Neo
Tech. I do sincerely hope that what I am seeing here
is to become more commonplace in today's confused and
mystical society.

K.J.,, 6/6/97
Thanks again for your awesome information and exalted quest.

B.M.,, 10/15/97
"Neo-Tech is the greatest discovery since man discovered fire. In fact,
without Neo-Tech, man will most likely *digress* to his former Neanderthal
self. That is, if he doesn't annihilate himself first. We have come a long
way since the days of our cave dwelling ancestors. And man's invention of
the conscious mind has certainly brought us great gains. However, in spite
of all this progress, man retains vestiges of the bicameral mind. To
progress further, to unleash the life-saving, life-building, life increasing
discoveries of the future, we must wipe out every trace of mysticism from
the mind of man. Neo-Tech is man's one and only hope. Only Neo-Tech can save
man from eventual extinction. Only Neo-Tech can provide each and every
individual with a life he will want to live forever--a life of limitless
happiness, prosperity, and romantic love. Viva Neo-Tech!"

B.P.,, 5/27/98
I enjoy your site very much. I have just realized how my own
mental laziness has allowed me to be dominated. Mental exertion
will prevent neocheaters from draining me and my family and move
on the fast track to happiness and prosperity. Great work on this
Web Site!

"It is quite astonishing, a new world."
H.R.,, 6/29/97, Germany

F.H.,, 2/24/97
Neo-Tech/Zon helps people feel their true magnificent value in the
universe. Through this, people can realize their power to fulfill their deepest
desires in life -- wealth, personal power, control and romantic love.

"Breathtaking in its profound significance."
A.F.,, 1/29/97

P.C.,, Portugal
I like the things you say. They have helped me see reality in
a whole new light. As a matter of fact, what I have read so far has been helping
me resolve a current problem I am having.

Albert D Sanchez,, 7/1/02
I think Its full of great info. and it really opens your mind to what's going in today's crap.

R.B.,, 5/30/97
Neo-Tech is the highest truth anywhere on this planet or any other
planet in Space. Thank you, Thank you and Thank You.

Barbara R.,, 9/29/99, Canada
Since I have been introduced to the precepts
and concepts of Neo Tech, I see things with more clarity than
ever before. I know that as I progress in my character development,
as I automatically use DTC in all that I say and all that I do,
as I continue to grow with totally integrated honesty I will
better my life and, by extension, those who share in my life.
Since I have been introduced to N/T, I have also discovered what
I consider to be the big 'payoff'; I have found a psychuous,
loving relationship. Imagine my wonder when this turned out to
be my best friend. Imagine my delight to find a Neo-Tech Husband
in a world populated by mystical neocheaters. Thank you to all
who dedicated the time and effort that it took to bring this
concept to the rest of us. Please send me the most recent
literature on love and relationships;
I would like to be a better N/T wife for my new husband, and
I know that the only way to do this is with the help that
Neo-Tech can provide.

"Your site is great. I already own the discovery. I come back
often to see what is new."
J.D.,, 1/10/97, Canada

K.P.,, 5/12/98
Wow! What a great site. The info. is incredible!

I bought THE BOOK and I have a hard time putting it down. Since I opened THE
BOOK, I have already made my life more worthwhile. I have patented an idea and
started writing a book. I also am in the process of starting a business that
helps people. I really do not think that I would have had the open-mindedness to
start any of these projects if it were not for Neo-tech. I will soon be running
for city government and I will start to turn the city into a business rich
environment that relies less on the government and more on its people. Those who
talk bad about you have not read anything about what the Neo-tech world is
about. I thank you for spreading your message and I for one will be a loyal
believer for what you have helped me realize about myself. Thank you.

"The neocheating information is VERY useful and interesting."
N.A.,, 5/7/97

R.S.,, 9/25/00, America
I have read neo-tech many times and the more I
read it the
More it expands. I seem to have a deeper understanding of my

"I've had a lovely read on Neo-Tech. I agree with the views put
forward . You've got my vote."
P.A.,, 6/10/97, England

Z.D.,, 6/16/97, England
I think your site is a great asset to the Internet.

G.M.,, 1/22/97, Austria
This is exciting news for the world's working class.

"I'm completely enthralled."
W.L.,, 5/28/97

P.V.,, 8/19/02, Russia
Great and very valuable information! Neo-Tech is on the right way in promoting realistic approach for cognition of the universe and transformation of our
world into supercivilization.

Pablo,, 9/15/00
This is a great site. I really enjoy the
stories and theories
that are presented here. They are very motivating and
They make a person actually use his brain. Thank you very
for the all the great information.

A.M.,, 9/17/98
This web site offers me (and the general public) a chance to
begin understanding the powers that have been controlling all our

R.O.,, 11/26/97
Neo-Tech has changed
my life. I have developed a bull detector and it is mind boggling
the amount of garbage is spewed out from various sources on a
daily basis. Anybody who wishes to live life to its fullest needs
to read Neo-Tech and be active minded instead of open minded.

S.D.,, 10/22/97
"By all means, this web site should stay on the web as
an aid to mankind. It opens up man's mind and awakens
him the higher meaning of life. I support your research
and the work Neo-Tech is doing."

T.S., Sun.COM, 9/13/00, u. States of America
I do believe that 'neocheaters' suck the life
out of many would-be
happy people. I am a truth seeker, I see a lot of merit in
your material.

Angie F.,, 2/10/00
WOW!!! Thank you so much for this web site and all the
Information it contains. I only wish I had found this
information before all my children were grown.

Awakening of knowledge is a blessing.

"This is the most valuable information I can think of. It would
be great if tomorrow, everyone would wake up with this
S.N.,, 3/15/97

W.H.,, 8/16/97
"Neotech is a valuable life strategy for mankind. With the creation of the
cyberspace, it would be a crime to eliminate the greatest creation for man's
future, NEOTECH."

J.H.,, 6/12/99
Thank U, Thank U, Thank U. I understand:
Eliminate all negatives to integrate
positives. And that there are objective negatives.
Even though I've just started, I can see that nothing can
possibly stop me now. Thanx can never possibly be enough.

"This web site is fascinating. I hope it stays up so more people
can come in out of the darkness."
J.M.,, 4/27/97

L.C.,, 12/24/00, The Constitutional Republic Of The United

F.H.,, 9/7/00
Keep up the good work and bring all
clear-thinking people to
the realization of the true reality.

A.G.,, 8/28/97
Absolutely, you should remain on the web! It may be the only hope left.

C.R,, 8/4/97, South Africa
This site is an inspiration to all. Thank Zon that
something as wonderful as Neo-Tech has been allowed to prosper.

,, 9/12/01
Hello, I, just like all genuine human spirits, have a hole gouged in my heart because of the World Trade Center attack. The only refuge I could find was my
knowledge of Neo-Tech and how I am going to stay focused on the true meaning of life. Neo-Tech is the most powerful, no BS information I have ever
experienced. I hope everyone can sooner than later learn the power and benefits that the Neo-Tech concepts can give to all conscious human life. So simple,
so powerful. I can't describe the feeling with words...

L.K.,, pre-12/8/96
Neo Tech is amazing. I'm a computer programmer and would like
to do anything I can to help. Finally we have arrived.

M.S.,, 4/18/02
Fantastic information! Going to apply these principles to my new business.

D.T.,, 6/9/98
I found your comments well informed and presented in a thoughtful
way that allowed me to take in and evaluate the information.
I was pleased to see a presentation that was relatively free
of bias...and totally free of the kind of preachy, screaming bias.

T.T.,, 7/25/98, Germany
Neo-Tech has told truth to human beings.

"This site makes it easier for more and more people to learn
about this incredibly valuable technology."
R.W.,, 2/10/97

"This site is helpful and entertaining."
C.P.,, 3/1/97

"If Leonard Peikoff's Objectivism: The Philosophy of Ayn Rand is
'Reality Unfolded', Neo-Tech is the ultimate 'set of guidelines'
for living without/dispensing with the need for guides."
G.F.,, 5/23/97, United Kingdom

I love it

J C.F.,, 4/17/00
I am glad someone is trying to get the truth
out to the world.

"Please keep this site on the web. I have become quite accustomed
to reading Neo-Tech during lunch at work. It re-energizes me and
is very beneficial in this setting as I can immediately apply the
concepts I have just read to actual situations at work."
W.M.,, 2/5/97

Frank R> Howard,, 12/31/00
Keep up the good work and continue to break the
chains on the
minds of the many.

B.T.,, 8/25/97
EXISTENCE EXISTS... What a profound statement! When one lets that
fact sink in, then out the window goes the God Concept and the Creation Concept
which have been buzzing around in people's heads for centuries.
Please don't ever leave the Internet. I would like to see more comments from
readers and viewers of Neo-Tech with stories of their experiences.

M.H.,, 8/21/02
Neo-Tech is our only hope for any kind of honest future,

M.D.,, 11/15/00
Very informative and thought provoking work.

"I just began reading your site few days ago. Even in this short
period it has added happiness to my life."
S.J.,, 6/6/97, Turkey

think for themselves. Should I never read another piece of Neo-tech literature for the rest of my
life, I have already gained unmeasurable advantages that I will continue to pass on to future generations as long as I live. Should Neo-tech remain on the

H.C., 9/10/02
I find your site to be invigorating and a breath of fresh air.
Thank you for being a light in a very dark misguided world

S., 3/13/03, UK
These are the most truly valid concepts that exist in this universe of

L.C.,, 8/2/02
Currently I am locked in a struggle for control of my business with my partner who is also an attorney. His operating theory is if it can be broke or

T.R.,, 3/31/98
I enjoy the new knowledge I have obtained...please keep it


I love neo-tech, it should stay on the web
forever. everything I've read has really made an impact on
me. This is what I've been waiting for. Finally people who can be seen
but not seen through. Much Love.

J.M.,, 3/11/00
I really feel that the Neo-Tech movement
towards the Civilization of the Universe has taken a turn
for the better. It seems to me we are seeing an increasing
amount of synergy between the writing of Dr. Wallace and his
son. And I've been impressed lately by some of the very
genuine compassion given and taken recently by contributors
to these boards. I have felt for some time now that NTP was
just a tad too clinical in its approach, albeit that, as far
as I am aware, no monument has ever been erected to a
critic, only to those who have been criticized. ( And what
good is a monument anyway? ) This more emotional appeal
seems timely to me, and, apart from its intrinsic value,
will prove valuable strategically. I have thought for some
time that it is not enough to win the minds of our fellow
citizens, but that we need to win their hearts as well. One
may be fairly convinced about the futility of trying to
answer chicken-egg type questions, while still sensing that
the essential ether of existence is a reservoir of ever
present goodness, eternally available to be tapped. Some
will say that is a mystical notion. Let them demonstrate the
dishonesty or laziness in it. Some might even say that to
allocate time to making a post like this is irrational, that
the time could be better used writing information for sale.
Such critics will also have to argue that The Story should
only be available to those providing their credit card
details. There is a fine line to be drawn between
philanthropy and altruistic sacrifice, but I submit that it
is a useful distinction. And there is little to be gained by
a Neo-Tech clique. It is time for the appeal to be broadened
and to be more all-encompassing and, dare I say, tolerant.
Mark Hamilton's most recent endeavor comes across to this
reader as most evidently a real labor of love, and
consequently has the potential to attract many readers who
might otherwise be repelled. It is, as you say, Gordon,
heart warming.

M.S.,, 6/23/98, Australia
I was searching for create your own future. I have certainly
found a site with a great deal of data. Now I must do the reading.

K.N.,, 2/25/01
I believe the information on this site to be
absolute answer for today's anti-civilization problem.

N.P.,, 9/15/01
This site is a warm light in cold surroundings.

C.F.,, 10/10/97
"Fascinating reading."

M.B., ,
Whoever thinks to become a master of his/her life, should go through the Neo-Tech

M.S.,, 7/8/00, Australia
First time to your web sight. Neo-Tech has
given me answers to
questions that I have not had answered before.

Since I've been reading your literature it has given me a real up lift in my
life. Thank You

T.B.,, 3/5/00
Neo-Tech represents the most cogent,
logic-based world view I have found. I am profoundly

Thanks guys, in 10 years you've made the most radical difference in my life.
I earn a 6 figure income. The most amazing thing happened when I read your
book. While reading your book, my conscious mind challenged every crazy notion,
Christian belief, screw ed up philosophical mumbo jumbo mystical idea that
was in my head. And threw them all out. Then with consciousness in control,
I had the ability to actually understand things. Rather than just being a repository
for information, I was actually able to rea son, and logically conclude the
extrapolated consequences of that information. Conscious processing. And this
power to understand things came over me. And I looked at the world with fresh
eyes for the first time, and nature looked absolutely amazing.

J.R.,, 3/6/97
I have found invaluable help and information contained within this
site. I feel that it is instrumental to my financial and personal success.

C.W.,, 7/4/99
Fascinating, I wish it could have been available to me in
the 70's so I could have eliminated a lot of business
and theological mistakes that have held me back from true
wealth. But, it's now off to a new beginning!

G.Y.,, 8/10/02
I really enjoyed the article entitled 'Proof that Religious and Mystical Doctrines are Hoaxes'

P.P.,, 1/22/00, Australia
Neo-Tech is more than just the next step from
'light bulb to fluorescent light' it is the water and fire of the 'GODS'.
One read and a new life begins with the never ending factor
called optimism and truth. The liquid of life can now
optimistically be drunk from a glass that never ends, for it is Biological
Immortality which is my 'daily water', and a glass that will never
empty! Thanks to NEO-TECH and Frank Wallace.

B.F.,, 11/3/99
You idea's are a stunning display of human self recognition.
Long have I awaited these theories in an understandable format.

B. S.

a.a.,, 7/24/01, uk
The Story' on the internet is mind blowing!!

C.P.,, 11/25/98
It's intellectually challenging.

S.M.,, 8/2/98
Such optimism and confidence are refreshing
finds for a young person such as me in this day and age.

T.B.,, 9/23/97
"Neo-Tech has been greatly beneficial to my life. The insight that I have
gained through Neo-Tech has made me feel more alive than ever. I have
underwent quite a transformation!"

"Way cool site, man."
A.A.,, 2/19/97

Y.S.,, 2/2/97, Malaysia
This web site is great. Great for me to learn valuable knowledge.

M.B.,, 7/1/97, United Kingdom
It has changed my life. Keep up the excellent work!

"I am in constant pursuit of self-development and financial
improvement. Neo-Tech is very informative and enlightening,
refreshing and direct."
D.E.,, 6/13/97

J.S.,, 10/25/98
Thank you for Neo-Tech. After reading the
negative responses, I'm convinced Neo-Tech is the cure for
the basturd, immature thinking and corruption that exists
in our society today. I'll continue Neo-Tech'ing' until
I Neo-Think to a fully appreciative
and compassionate human being. The negative's really help me
see the negatives in myself. Thanx once again.

"Very informative and comprehensive as well!"
M.S., gdsi, 1/11/97, Philippines

M.N.,, 6/18/00
I find neo tech to be a breath of fresh air
and I hope you
Will continue to expose the neochaeter. I am confident that
will continue to educate and motivate humanity to strive to
a new consciousness that benefits all mankind.

I.F.,, 1/21/00
I am already beginning to feel my life changing.

T.N.,, 8/17/97, England
I have to say that the information contained in your books has
benefited me immensely, and the knowlege I have gleaned from them has purged me
of, what were in retrospect, seriously harmful mystical tendencies.

F.M.,, 1/4/97, Canada
Very interesting. The information was very motivating! Would
encourage anyone to start a business.

T.S.,, 1/12/03
'Lethal Stealth of Princess Diana and Mother Teresa' is right on target. It's great there's people who can cut through the garbage of Neo-cheaters held in
almost universal high regard.

"Neo-Tech sounds like it will have a significant impact on man's
thinking and to the future of humanity. Man always fears the new
and unexplored. This is adventurous territory. Keep it up and
R.T.,, 3/20/97, Malaysia

I believe that Neo-Tech have some very revolutionary and honest
ideas and thank goodness that not all of us are pawns and mindless followers
of the main-stream authority. Long live Freedom!

"Neo-Tech must not only remain ON the Web, but Neo-Tech must
eventually BE the Web!"
K.C.,, 2/24/97

"The greatest site on the Web. My sense of self-control has
increased 100 fold. Nothing or nobody mystical controls my
destiny. I am in the beginning stages of starting a cleaning
business. Before, that was a "ridiculous" dream, now it's soon to
be reality."
C.M.,, 5/1/97

"Your site is absolutely essential."
D.S., sezampro.yu, 4/22/97, Yugoslavia

K.K.,, 3/6/00
The story is very exciting and enlightening.
In fact I have realized we really have wasted the juicy part
of our life. We were just schooled into the bicameral-values
and just fell to all their directions. We were cowed into
submission. There was no way I could have gone against the
directions of my guardians at the time—our creativity vent
was entirely blocked hence our collective plight in Africa.
This situation is still going on presently in Africa and we
find ourselves as culprits. Sometimes the way I talk to my
small boy of eight also leaves much to be desired. I am to
be blamed. I am still reading the story and will let you
know my mind. Nevertheless this is a masterpiece. MH is just
awesome. He is excellent. Neo-Tech is excellent it is
extraO. It is liberating.

E.D.,, , US of A
NT is the solution to most of the problem I am aware of with this world and the

R.W.,, 1/20/98
I must tell you. I grew up in tobacco country. I planted the
seeds in plantbeds, the plants in the field, fertilized it, cultivated
it, wormed it, picked it, tied it, cured it, took it to the auction
house, dipped it, chewed it, smoked it in pipes, cigarettes, cigars
and quit it in 1973 along with quitting alcohol cold turkey, in
less than 10 days I was carried to the Hospital from the withdrawal
symptoms, I could hardly talk. I was in and out of the hospital
for several years. I continued eating sugar on everything. I
eat pies, cakes, candy, coca cola, soft drinks, sweetened coffee,
ice tea etc, I was on and off crutches until August 1994 I Quit
all sugar, caffeine, second hand smoke, I drink only tap water
after boiling it and straining it through a coffee filter. I drink
about 100 oz's a day. I retired my crutches and have not used
them since 1994. I am in my seventies and can run, climb steps
and I have more strength now than I have had in my adult life.
I am happier now than ever. I give all my good health credit

A.B.,, 7/23/97, Canada
"Your ideas are totally heretical- WAY TO GO!!!!!! It's about time
someone created a web-site like this!"

D.A.,, 6/9/98
These concepts are very intriguing.

D.E.,, 2/23/98
It's refreshing to read a rational point of view
in this sea of mysticism.

D.B.,, 10/22/00
You have opened my eyes, I
have become a freethinking knowledge seeker thanks to
neo-tech. Neo-tech has changed my views on many issues for
the better, has enabled me to integrate knowledge in a much
way, and finally in my life I feel complete and honest. I
it is essential for all to be introduced to these concepts
they are ready because they will help promote a better
between all individuals. This current spread of higher
is taking place noticeably all across the internet with its
technology, people from all walks of life are sharing their
with each other, and the weaknesses of our current way of
are slowly being exposed. Your site is wonderful, and can
help promote a better way of life. Thank you for all you

M.H.,, 7/23/97
"Your literature is intriguing and thought provoking."

"All I can say is WOW! So motivational, I know that this will be
one of my primary sites in the future, I will visit you often.
Thank you very much for creating this kind of site into WWW."
J.S.,, 6/26/97, Finland

Debbie M.,, 11/23/98
I was recently heartbroken by my boyfriend of 2 years that I
trusted very much. I recognized in myself that I was afraid to
care about anyone. I was searching for fear in relationships
and found your site. I now realize I was blaming my boyfriend
for making me afraid of relationships. With the help of articles
from your site I feel I can now move past this experience and
get on with my life. Perhaps this is not the type of feedback
you expected but nonetheless, positive feedback about your site.

J.E.,, 1/19/98
I'm all ready scared and wondering where to hide. But of course
I can't hide from the IRS. What I need is courage, bullet proof
clothing, and a lot more knowledge. Please continue supplying the knowledge.

B.S.,, 2/29/00
I'm sitting here with tears on my face trying to type. I
have just finished reading Chapter 36. It only took me 8
hours, I could not stop reading...I ignored my housework and
most everything around me except my child.
I believe that Chapter 36 pulled it together neatly. I was
pulled emotionally so many times by the story. The
neo-cheaters, the liars, the manipulators...scary
stuff...reminds me of today's world. Slowly it is changing
but it will take some time and some mindsets will not be
able to handle the changes but they have a choice…become
value creators and integrators or die. How wonderful it
would be to live in a world where the values created are not
torn down or ridiculed.
Every chapter I read had something else of value to add my
life. It was like turning on the light switches.
Thank you for your story...but one it a story
or perhaps a vision of what will be?? I sense some
characters are stronger than others. I feel that they are
actual persons today or have been influences in your life.

G.G.,, 3/4/97, United Kingdom
In mid chapter, I have to interrupt my reading to express the
exhilaration I just experienced. I was bowled over by the following thought: At
this moment, on both sides of every value exchange happening on Earth, society
is benefiting. To add up all those values is one thing; but to realize that at
some point in the future, I ALONE will have contributed more value to society
than that TOTAL caused me to jump to my feet and proudly proclaim that I AM
ZON. Then it dawned on me that as both parties in a trade benefit, to have
provided all that value, I will also HAVE EARNED EVEN MORE!!! I flopped onto my
bed overwhelmed by the prospect. You cannot possibly be aware of the extent of
the value you are providing with this web site. Now that I have written this, I
can get on with the chapter!

A.W.,, 3/7/99
I believe this site is a real necessity in
order to keep everybody informed.
Thank you for making me feel good once
again about life and its purpose.

R.R.,, 8/8/99
Neo-Tech has helped me see that there is no replacement for
Hard work, not now, not in the future. Since Neo-Tech I
have doubled my income in 6 months and am well on my way to
producing greater values for everyone. Now that I can
filter out the nonsense of neo-cheaters I can go about
obtaining my goals with honesty. Thank you.

wish I would have known about this literature earlier in life.
I would not have had to go thru all the trauma and heartache I've gone thru
thus far.

"Most informative! Just what I've been looking for!"
J.W.,, 1/13/97

L.D.,, 10/26/99
Neo-Tech will help open the eyes of all those deceived and
will lead us to create a better quality of life for mankind.
Does humanity need to be destroyed to understand that
we need to grow up and take responsibility
for our own lives?

D. F.,, 6/18/00, united kingdom
Lets face it Neo-Tech is here to stay, never
regressing, never
retreating. The power of Neo-Tech is forward moving forever
forever improving. Forever-emasculating mystics, neocheaters
and value destroyers. Honest individuals who exert the
effort to see past what appears to be to what is, will always
reigned supreme over the dishonest machinations of mystics,
and value destroyers. That's going to be really tough on the
narrow- scope-non-integrating mind. Neo-Tech is reality and
is non-reality and guess what reality ALWAYS ASERTS ITS
SELF. Ha Ha! to the mystics, Ha Ha! to the narrow scope
mind, Ha Ha! To the value destroying mind. Mystics and
neocheaters get this. The reason man grows old and dies is because of
mysticism, religion and government. If you find it hard to accept then
that's tough because it is fact. You may rationalize all you want
and think that this is only an assertion. But guess what?

Joan M.,, 1/7/99
What I have read thus far overwhelms me. I have thought many
of these ideas but was always ridiculed by others and held
back by my own fears.

T.P.,, 11/18/00
NEO-TECH is 'the choice of the new generation'
I'm pleased to have been
a user of Neo-Tech since 1986-87. I'm not a millionaire but
I'm not far from it and I owe my survival through extremely
difficult market conditions in New Zealand farming (1984-1991) to the
confidence induced by my knowledge of the Neo-Tech Matrix. I knew the
correct actions to take and how to avoid mystical stupidity. Thanks
to the Neo-Tech team.

G.V.,, 2/3/98, MEXICO
Keep up the good work.

J.A.,, 12/14/98, England
I have been given a copy of Zonpower and about
three weeks ago. I tried
your web site hungry for more of Neo-Tech. Your web site is
fascinating. I want more please!
My daily dose gives me such a lift and spurs me on

S.A.,, 11/12/02
Neo-Tech provided great insights regarding the stratagems of religious and political 'external authorities'. The poker metaphor has not only been of use in
personal situations, but illuminated me to the workings of many Neo-Cheaters in the world.

"Extremely important information for free-thinking people!! I
want to know more and I want to help spread the word."
T.M.,, 1/20/97

S.C.,, 9/3/97
"The visibility of such information is needed. And more importantly WANTED.
Light is best broadcast upon darkness from ABOVE...not below."

"Arise everyone and let's do what we have to do. And do it
honestly. The Civilization of the Universe is already here! The
web is here to stay for a long long time. You have my total
Z.Z.,, 5/6/97, Malaysia

S.C.,, 9/18/99
I started reading neo-tech material 10 years ago.
My self-improvement is coming along slower then most.
However my level of mysticism was much higher than normal
due to the subliminal mental programming that the lyrics of
my favorite music pounded into my unconscious mind. Realizing
that country music is to often an instrument of recruitment for
religion and big government I was in deep conflict with my attraction
to the sound of a steel guitar and my repulsion to the
secular suggestions and abuse of one's love partner in the lyrics.
Being broke and fed up with the music business and the
klanish types that run it, I dumped it all and started
a home study course on computer science and network communications.
I am now a network engineer for a local university tripling my income
and level of self-worth. All I could think of through those
long nights of studying is the Neo-Tech manual stating
'people who work 12 to 16 hours a day are most likely
to achieve their goals'. It wasn't easy working 60 hours a
week and qualifying myself through a home study course on computer
communications to get a better job then the 7-dollar an hour
factory job I had at the time. But the Neo-Tech phrases kept bouncing
around in my mind whenever I got an inkling of mysticism and felt
like goofing off. Now, I'm getting paid to do something I love
to do, fix repair and most of all program computers in a large
office environment keeping a network of 240 administrators and
900 Students on the intranet and internet. I feel richer because
it's work I really enjoy, not just because it pays well.
The changes are starting to show up. I had a feeling it would
take ten years of 'de-programming' an improperly programmed
mind of thirty years of mysticism. Thank you.

A.L.,, 2/14/97, Australia
THE most valuable web site on the Net. Neo-Tech literature is an
enormously powerful weapon for the individual to rise out of the stagnation
trap and trailblaze new values for mankind. This site is needed to reach that
critical mass of value producers so we can ostracize the neocheaters off the
face of the Earth and enter the Civilization of the Universe. Don't stop
expanding. I would like to see an online NT community (Civilization of the
Universe?) where value producers can interact.

C.d.,, 9/30/01, Netherlands
Neo Tech/Zonpower is the most incredible find I have done in the last 52 years. I am from the Netherlands and we have a zonrise every morning, which I feel
now is a good omen. (zon=Dutch for sun) Congratulations Frank R. Wallace and thank you with all respect for your accomplishments.

T.F.,, 3/30/99
I think this is a great site and what you're
doing is a good thing. I especially like how Mr. Wallace is
going to run for presidency. Finally, a president that isn't
out for himself!

"I have visited lots of web sites. This is a wonderful site I
must say."
K.P.,, 12/26/96, Singapore

is here for all to experience.

B.M.,, 5/22/02
It has taught me a new way of life. If everyone in this world read these books, it would be a better place to live.

G.W.,, 2/8/97, England
I am a Neo-Tech owner since 1987 and have benefited incalculably
since absorbing it and taking it on board in 1991. Thank you for Neo-Tech. I
cannot over emphasize the benefits to my life from having come across it. Every
moment I am living is now also enhanced by the Zone favorable diet thanks to
your reference to Barry Sears' book.

vlad,,8/23/00, Australia
I think people should have privy to this
powerful information. It is only then that they will be able to
decide for themselves, what is GOOD and what is BAD. Neo-cheaters are all around.
After re-reading the guide after 5 years of absence, I have become
more empowered and focused. No one can touch me or my
business. In the end, human consciousness always wins.

"The site looks great! Not a lot of gobble-dee-goop graphics
--just the facts. Can't wait to explore the site more. Thanks."
D.H.,, 5/21/97

Ralph G,
The 'Story' captivated me and I could not stop reading. Many of my questions
about life have been answered and it has opened my mind to creativity and

You are very intelligent and you write better than Stephen King!

The more people that see this information the better off our
world will be.

This story has opened my eyes to things I have missed out on
as a child and as grownup . If I'd of had some as remarkable as Miss Annabelle
I would of been a better educated man and human being , THANK YOU I now see
things I've been missing in my life.

Mark, that is the most touching story I have ever read and I
wish with all of my heart that I could have had the privilege of that kind
of informed explanation when I was growing up. Love has always been such
a wonderful gift for me but I just have not h ad the experience of sharing
with anyone the way I thought it should be. It is never too late to learn
and I have learned so much from Neo-Tech. I have gained much power. It's
me again, just finished chapter 5 and I am relishing every word. It is so
beautifully executed.

Garwin E R.,
I have read most of everything you have written in the last
ten years, and have always been supremely happy with the values delivered,
but you have struck 'pure gold' with this book, and have made it not only
easy but enjoyable to warm one's attention of involvement with Neo-Think.
ll done, kudos, kudos, KUDOS.

K. K.,,
I am the 51-year-old home-school teacher of a six-year-old girl.
This is the best, most informative story for children I have ever read! It
explains my thoughts, exactly, in a way much better than I could ever have
done. You are a wonderful person.

Beth R,
I am a long time reader and practitioner of 114 Neo-Tech Advantages.
This is my second time reading 'The Story' and it has renewed a passion within
me that I had thought was lost. Since the events of September 11th, I have
felt a void in my life. Happ iness seemed unattainable anymore due to the
chaotic reality of life. It was not until I reread Ms. Annabelle's encounter
with the school board that I realized that life can only cause you pain as
long as you inflict it upon yourself. Sure, there are ma niacal people with
hate in their hearts in the world but there are also beautiful souls who
love and continue to produce and create values even when the world looks
bleak. I long to live purposefully by adding and creating values for others.
I would love to become a teacher; to be able to enrich young lives and minds
with logic and fully-integrated honesty. I would like to pursue this career
but do not wish to enter the t raditional public school system. Should I
take Montessori Training or is there another discipline you recommend? In
the past, Neo-Tech Publishing has mentioned the creation of Neo-Tech Schools.
Are there any in existence at this time? If so, where and do you have a contact?
I would very much enjoy working in this type of value-productive environment.

BRAVO, BRAVO, BRAVO. A Job, Well one.

Wonderful novel. This is fabulous. I have been lost in the details
of work and career with little actual big success-sales work can be very
tough. Finding and building one's dream gets lost in the shuffle and scuffle.
I just finished Chapter 2 of 'The Sto ry', it is a wonderful way to re-cap,
review, and point out the forest despite the trees for me. I feel a reawakening
happening. I note the polite tact and extreme good manners of the main character.
Too many people forget this sort of outward behavior. It can be very effective
in dealing with those of poor character-a sort of political guerrilla people-handling
tool. Remarkably well written. Truly excellent. I have an M.S. and read a
lot. I feel qualified to say this is a wonderfully easy to read, clea r and
insightful narrative. Yes. Wonderfully insightful. Remarkable. I do not now
feel a need to finish my morning coffee. My brain has already just been pleasantly

I have read 'The Story' on Neo-Tech's web site and want to inform
you that even on the first reading, it has literally changed my life! And
yes, I am going to read it even more deeply the second time. 'The Story'
has ignited the dream within of being able to overcome obstacles such as
those experienced by Ms. Annabelle. Your work in 'The Story' invokes the
desire to obtain invincibility through full honesty, striking down those
who would destroy if g iven the permission. Permission being the failure
to act honestly on one's own behalf. I admire your work in 'The Story' and
I know it is something everyone in the world needs. Please keep 'The Story'
available! Without it, those stuck in the rut of anticivilization will continue
to sink, never discovering and entering the C of U.

Hello Mr. mark Hamilton, I wish I had , had a teacher like miss
Annabel, when I was in the 3rd. grade .I think this article or story about
miss Annabel , should be required reading in the schools .. , religious ,
and secular .. my own life has been a dre ary one , influenced by the 'church'
and 'prudish' adults .. at 68 years , looking back over my life , I find
that I never really knew what true love meant .. many of my generation ,
equated the physical 'act' as being 'in love' restroom 'graffiti' in th e
lower grades, were often our guide to sexual pleasure .. being from a very
dysfunctional home , where our parents never showed any 'open affection'
before us, hugs , kisses, praise etc. was not a way to encourage us as grown
men , to know 'what to do' i n ways of pleasing our wives .. I am just a
'layman' no degrees etc. but I hope with all of my being, that society will
keep on 'evolving' so that there will be 'happiness in the male , female
relationships ' thanks for opening my mind to other views abou t life !!!!
and where mankind is headed.

J.L.,, 11/21/99
Neo-Tech is life changing information.

Beth R.,, 11/3/98
Congratulations on 12 years of outcompeting God and Government
following the attack on your writing and research center.
Thanks to all the staff at Neo-tech Publishing for making my
transformation(and millions of others) possible.
Ignorance once dispelled can never return
-- thank you for 'popping' my mystical bubble and
waking me to life before my life slipped away. May the
memory of November 3rd live on forever.

A.K.,,5/24/00, Canada
It's absolutely fascinating! I can't put it

"This is a very interesting web site. I found a lot of
fascinating information on different subjects. I hope you will
maintain and keep this high Zonpower/Neo-Tech standard all the
time. All the best to all of you working on it."
C.G.,, 1/26/97, Poland

P.M.,, 4/22/98, Philippines
This site should remain on the web to enlighten everyone
about reality, honesty, human nature, prosperity, happiness, psychuous
pleasure, and other new concepts, ideas, and philosophies that
must be adhered to by conscious human beings. Please, give my
regards and extend my thanks and gratitude to Frank Wallace for the
precious knowledge he imparted to me through his valuable books which
I will treasure for the rest of my life. My countrymen, the Pilipinos,
have suffered so much under the claws of mystics, neocheaters,
and other value destroyers for a long, long time already. I intend to
provide copies of your books to my friends and relatives.

j.t.,, 10/12/01
By far, the greatest literature ever written. changed my whole world.

C.H.,, England
Neo- Tech has changed my life forever... when I first read Neo-Tech
I was told that I might find much for which I fundamentally disagreed; however,
this was not something that happened to me. I very quickly became emotionally
attached to the stunning identifications of Frank Wallace and never in my life
had I read anything to which I so heartily agreed. In reading the 'Long Wave'
I felt like I had discovered the meaning of life. I cannot describe the overwhelming
emotional (and physical) high I felt on integrating this article... I felt ten-feet-tall.
I spent four years day after day reading and re-reading the Neo-Tech Discovery
and other Neo-Tech works that I continually added to my Neo-Tech arsenal. I have
now started my own Internet business and have found my 'friday night essence'
... telly is now a complete turn off for me, and the times that I do watch it
(very seldom) I find myself restless and fidgety in wanting to get back to my
computer. I am not yet God-Man but at times I get such a searing energy burst
of sheer joy through my body that I wonder to myself... 'am I experiencing God-Man?'

R.W.,, 10/22/98
Dear Mrs. Goldman, This was my fist time to your web site after
learning from it in a booklet I just received. I found your site
to be laid out very well and quite frankly fascinating. I believe
you are very fair with the negative and positive comment sections.
I believe your site should stay on the web. This is after all
a free country, You have the right, and people have the right
to or not to believe or apply the techniques. This is an individuals
decision and should be kept this way. Like bellybuttons everyone
has their own opinion. Like to see more info on winning back
an ex-girlfriend/lover - comments, winning love and making money.
Hope to receive your most recent Money, Power, Romantic Love
information in my mail box soon. Thanks A million!

"A very cool site."
T.K.,, 2/22/97, Egypt

J.B.,, 8/4/99
I have benefited enormously from Neo-Tech and Zonpower.

A.D.,, 9/22/98, United Kingdom
Everything that is ever said from Neo-Tech cannot be argued
against, unless “they' are scared and trying to hold onto a false
value-destroying pseudo-life. I love pointing out
mysticisms to other people, then slowly watching the clarity wash
over their guilt drawn faces movingt them towards a guiltlessly
uplifted, happy face. ...The best face-lift you could ask for!!!

E.W.,, 9/19/98
Neo-Tech's ideas devastate all the theories of life I've been brainwashed
with over the years: replacing the hypocritical, tired, outdated
concepts of God (Allah, Jehovah, etc) with the idea of 'CONSCIOUSNESS'
and 'RATIONALITY' is intellectually revolutionary. The book I am
enjoying right now is Mark Hamilton's 'NEOTECH: GET RICH BY 2001'. It is
one of the most challenging, truthful
pieces of writing I have read in a while.

"There is a lot of food for thought here. I am always intrigued by
how one can advance in this world, and also help others at the
same time."
D.S.,, 6/13/97

J.A.,, 7/28/02
I have discovered honesty on this site.

D.M.,, 10/10/01, Australia
I love it. Great web site. Great advice. It seems to annoy the really Religious people. It must lock-up their poor brains.

Anon.,, 12/11/98

D.S.,, 3/11/99, Canada
There is unquestionably nothing else like
Neo-Tech, it has most certainly enlightened
me to some of the most helpful and inspiring thoughts I have
ever entertained. I've only just begun, I expect it to be my most
referenced work as I travel my upwards climb out of this dreary
mess I've put myself into. With Neo-Tech, I will find a
much more gratifying and productive life.

S.D.,, 1/15/98
I think Neo-Tech is awesome!!!!!!!!!!

"I think it is great that Dr. Wallace is making available this
important information."
B.W.,, 1/18/97

G.H.,, 2/10/98
Very dramatic writing and powerful thoughts.

"I found this site to be very fulfilling and illuminating. This
concept is very refreshing and I would like to know more."
S.G.,, 2/18/97

R.C.,, 2/22/97
This is the most thought-provoking information I have ever

"This site should DEFINITELY stay on the web. I have found that
the information in this site provides a totally new outlook to
things, and has even helped me develop personally in my work and
home environments. PLEASE don't take this site off the web."
M.B.,, 2/5/97

L.L.,, 2/8/99, South Africa
I think Neo-Tech should expand. At this very
moment, Neo-Tech is the only product that proves the human
brain has no limitations. Using Neo-Tech, no one can stand in
your way, you can be rich and have everything
you dream about. You can make more than twice or ten times
the money you are making now.

J.D.,, 5/12/01
'The Book has help me understand why people do
the things they do. They
say one thing yet they do the other thing quicker.

"I learned about the site through the mail. I was skeptical. I
was shocked to find all of the information on this site. Way to
walk the talk!"
T.G.,, 1/23/97

"sounds interesting to me, I'd really like to know more."
C.C.,, 1/28/97

D.B.,, 3/20/00
I've been enlightened by Neo-Tech principles and
concepts, and I'm am very thankful to
have stumbled upon this information...
Neo-Tech MUST remain on the web, and MUST further
the cause of eliminating mysticism and dishonesty. I can't wait
until The Neo-Tech philosophy purges the malignant cancers
of religion and government. I'm here to help.

S.B.,, 9/9/99
One very fortunate day, my mystical beliefs reached
out for some very promising fulfillment's from something
called Neo-Tech. However, very quickly into my reading, I
found that the Love, Wealth, Happiness, and Security I hoped to
find would not come at all by the mystical path I had imagined
this would be. Instead they would come through a very different,
reality-based, 'awakening' and belief in myself (a very much alive,
earth-bound individual). Thank You Neo-Tech for your introduction to
this new believable, sense-making, world that bears no
immoral harm to anyone. May this site and many
others like it help those who are not totally closed-minded
to have the courage to seek new knowledge and a better,
rewarding and moral life.

M.C.,, 7/12/02
I've been collecting and reading Neo-Tech publications since 1983 and I can't imagine a world without Neo-Tech. Everything Neo-Tech touches becomes the
Golden Zon in my life. Keep on, keepin' on.

A.E.,, 11/7/01
Neo Tech burned massive holes through the mystic walls that surrounded me and the blinding light of pure logic flooded in and I literally felt the weight
of ASSHOLEISM passed on to me by my family and society melt away.

Linda K.,, 9/26/98
I see the anticivilization system
like never before and the termination of it through not acknowledging
it as existing because it is an illusion
and it will kill the real and genuine....unless they are aware
of the truth...I know who I am, but have not been able to
put the power to work for me....but things are changing.....and
its happening naturally... my mind has seen that acknowledging
neocheaters only gives them more power..... they have been feeding off
me for many more.

K.R.,, 10/12/00
For someone to truly understand Neo-Tech, they
have to understand that what they believe is evil or
unproductive is not what really is evil or unproductive. The
vice versa works the same. What they currently think is good
and productive could actually be, in reality, self
destructive and unproductive.

V.J.,, 12/18/02
I refer people to this site all the time.

"I am grateful this information is made available period, but at
no cost to the viewer, that's nothing short of amazing!"
E.S.,, 2/7/97

"The best site on the entire information highway. Let there be
R.G.,, 2/5/97

M.G.,, 10/18/98
The truth is out there, that's what you are offering.

"Sounds very, very interesting. Can't wait for the actual report
to be rich, and to find that one true love. I want my life to be
fulfilled beyond my wildest dreams. Graphics of this web page
are excellent! Keep up the good work."
T.N.,, 1/14/97

This will be high school stuff for people of the future. It
will be basic learning for everyone who chooses

S.L.,, 3/21/01
The Secrets are unleashed!
We are finally going to save ourselves and make life
It's so beautiful.

R.P.,, 10/11/97, India
I just got a net connection today. I found your site through
Ayn Rand. Boy has it freshened me and exited me. Please inform
me more of Neo-Tech, what I can do to spread what you are doing?

R. O.,
I first read the Zonpower Neo tech book about two years ago.
Its contents and facts about being productive opened my eyes to a whole new
world. I recommend everyone should read it, even if it is just to see things
from a different point of view. But Zonpo wer made me see things rationally,
and truthfully.

C.M.,, 2/6/98
It finally pinpoints the causes
of this mess, which, up until now I had merely been looking at the symptoms.

This site has enabled me to be a better person to myself and to the people
around me and I thank you for that.

integrate the 114 point matrix.

J.M.,, 7/14/98
Neo-Tech presents much truth.

J.W.,, 10/8/97
"The future is here, we have the technology to live in a society of bliss,
but it all is oppressed by the federal government and it's regulations. I
agree strongly in the Neo-Tech philosophy and wish very much to progress
with it. I'm in and God Bless!"

"Knowledge of the caliber that you disseminate should be spread by
all possible means. Although not everyone is ready for its vast
implications, everyone needs it desperately. Stay on the net at
all costs."
J.D.,, 6/9/97, Australia

J.C.,, 5/9/98, United Kingdom
About four years ago I bought the NT Discovery book. Big
and black it was and it virtually collapsed my bookshelf. I read
it over a weekend (a long weekend at that!), it challenged my
deepest held beliefs. (I'd been the manager of the UK's largest
new age center). But something rang true. Suffice to say I couldn't
take the conflict this knowledge instigated in me, so threw the
'Black Book' away. About a year ago I found this site. Gradually
I have dipped into NT again. I have now thrown out every new
age book I ever owned. Quite a feet considering how many I had.
I've destroyed every new age audio tape as well. And guess what!
I feel happier, less stressed, I achieve more and earn more money.
I experience more freedom, fun and pleasure than anything the
new age ever gave me. Should NT stay on the web? That depends.
Do you want freedom or do you want slavery? It's that simple.

B.H.,, 8/8/97
"Neo-Tech is definitely real! Neo-Tech makes you think and realize that we
do live in a world full of liars, cheaters, hypocrites, thieves, and
ignorance! Neo-Tech tells the logical and precise advantages to successfully
taking control of your life without the headaches and heartbreaks of the
neo-cheaters! We can all learn something better to improve one's future!
Keep Neo-Tech alive and we will all live happier!"

p.w., , 8/30/02
neo-tech is the fuel that keeps me going each day. in this day of corrupt value destroying government and mystic employers neo-tech keep me focused. neo-tech

It offers the only real solutions to individual reality and
life as it should be.

P.F.,, 8/28/98

L.D.,, 8/28/97
You are ushering in the new age. You have
driven in a major nail in the coffin of this passing world.

L.B.,, 2/18/00
This is an incredible forum for ideas and growth.

To all those who sent you negative comments: If you truly had
100% faith in your own beliefs, then you wouldn't fear this site nor the
people behind it -- won't God overcome? Why would this site, or anything
else, be a threat to God? Isn't God the Suprem e Being, and hence, above
and beyond the threat of man? Won't Jesus save? Since God has a Divine Plan,
wouldn't this be part of it? AND, if not, how do you rationalize common,
'lowly' and 'evil' humans corrupting your ALL-POWERFUL GOD's work? Isn't
God st ronger than that? More powerful than a few sinners? If your God is
so powerful, and you have so much faith in Him, why doesn't this site threaten
you so much?

J.B.,, 9/18/99, United Kingdom
Neo-tech has pulled me out of the clouds and
down to earth where I belong.

J. H.,, Mexico
Thanks for teaching how to think. I work as a tour guide and
I recommend your website.

"A great site, with lots of creativity."
D.R.,, 1/25/97, Australia

M.H.,, 12/30/99
Your web site is the most valuable in existence.

J.L.,, 1/29/97

"I am finding this most interesting"
P.T.,, 1/13/97

R.S.,, 3/27/98
Neo-Tech is liberating, true education, frees the mind of
guilt, and helps establish one in the truth.

"I like this a lot.. and agree with you."
S.S.,, 2/2/97

B.D.,, 2/26/98
Really like the web.

"This upside down world needs Neo-Tech and it's fully integrated
K.C.,, 3/3/97

O.R.,, 2/25/97, Australia
It is necessary to develop a train of apolitical philosophy by which
the political system(s) of the world can be rendered open to rational, positive
process. As an owner/user of the Zon principles, I am currently investigating
methods by which these principles can be brought to fruition in the
(Australian) political climate.

"In my search for truth, I have found that Neo-Tech has given me
a feeling that there is hope."
M.R.,, 3/25/97, Canada

"Yes, I believe this site causes people to think for themselves
and not allow others to think for them."
K.S.,, 3/3/97

Anon,, 6/13/02
Very interesting...I came across this site quite by accident. '...a compatibility of humor is one of the most enjoyable aspects of friendships and
romantic-love relationships.' How very true.

Anon.,, 11/27/99

G.E.,, 9/25/98
Awesome use of English language.

"I want this web site, I need this web site."
G.W.,, 2/8/97

T.H.,, 4/25/00
Hi Mark....I just read the story as a first
time on-line visitor....This was the best description of woman/man romantic love I've ever heard and I
was impressed with your characters and the thought that went into this work......thanks!......I'm looking forward to 'Hearing' more from you......Terry

T.S.,, 1/22/02
Since I've been reading your literature it has given me a real up lift in my life. Thank You

L.A.,, 5/13/98
What I've seen at this Web site makes me hungry for more

A.A.,, 3/8/99
I am interested in finding out what became of
the great poker author Frank Wallace. His book on poker
really helped me.

R.H.,, 7/22/02
I love and adore your site.' You say things in powerful way.

"What you are doing is phenomenal and would be beneficial to many
people. I hope that you open the eyes of many Americans so that
we may help create the Neo-Tech world."
G.P.,, 4/22/97

B.R.,, 1/22/98
I have read much of your site -- I am
living in the light once again. Thank you.

R.L.,, 1/2/98
Your site is fantastic.

"I find this site to be very provocative"
W.H.,, 6/27/97

"This site is very informative and interesting. I'm extremely
interested in learning more."
J.S.,, 4/1/97

"Thanks again for your awesome information and exalted quest."
K.J.,, 6/6/97

"Neo-Tech has penetrated the knowledge boundaries of human
existence. Subjects that benefit the human race. For the benefit
of the whole world, this web site should remain intact for us
humans to continue our knowledge growth and understanding of
ourselves, and to stop once fand or all the human suffering."
A.R.,, 2/8/97

M.B.,, 12/10/96
Tell me about the revolution and my place in it? Your web
site is entertainingly past the reality zone.

"There's nothing else like it! Have enjoyed tremendous gains
since I first experienced Zonpower. It continues to build
exponentially! Harm no others AND Produce values! Stop the
Neo-Cheaters in their Tracks!"
B.H.,, 3/13/97

F.C.,, 2/19/97
Excellent piece of information. The information and ideas expressed
in this technology are completely riveting. I completely understand and firmly

C.B.,, 6/1/97
I can only believe that sites such as yours will pave the way for the
development of a new world that is not so filled with ignorance and hidden

R.A.,, 2/4/97
This site stirs people to thought and to contemplate
their existence and likely futures?
Hmmmmm. Sounds like a good use for Internet.

P.T.,, 1/4/98
Great site! Keep up your good work!

G.E.,, 9/25/98
Awesome use of English language.

H.H.,, 12/22/96
Awesome site and info!

"Thanks Neo-Tech, for bringing light back into the world."
A.A.,, 5/16/97

It is necessary to have a web site like this one to change the mentalities
over the world and show to the people what is wrong in the universal system
of government and tax rules.

A.B.,, 3/19/99, United Kingdom
To the religious fanatics who
make a premise of moral behavior by damning Neo-Tech and its
editors to hell and 'fiery pits' etc, I would like to express
my disgust at their barbarous comments. We can gain a pretty
accurate insight into the kind of people they are by taking note
of the language they use and the way in which they use it.

R.M.,, 3/6/00
This site is important for mankind.

R.D.,, 1/14/98
I am extremely interested in these topics and have been for
years. This will be a regular stop for me from now on. I
am indeed on a serious quest for knowledge and always have been.

T.G.,, 1/23/97
Way to walk the talk!

"I found this web site very interesting and informative. I have
already told my friends to read this web site."
J.A.,, 6/4/97

N.R.,, 3/21/00, Canada
I know the thought process neo-tech has taught
me will greatly benefit me later in my life.
there is no doubt to me about the value of neo tech to humankind.
it is a great discovery, and I feel privileged to have gained
this in-valuable knowledge. I am 9 years old and have not
yet graduated high school.

"Very interesting and thought-provoking."
M.S.,, 6/16/97

"I feel like I have started a new learning process for the
J.B.,, 4/21/97

"I find your site, infinitely inspiring. Your web site makes my
day easier."
F.A.,, 3/20/97, Canada

A.P.,, 10/28/00, N.Ireland. U.K.
This site makes being on the web worth it,
very educational.

Until your book was destroyed, by a person that did not realize
what they held in their hand, it was the only book I had ever read that faultlessly
and analytically peeled away layer after layer of tainted thought
only regret is not having finished, although I can feel its effects and see how
it changed me. I am growing and awakening.

Mary Lou M.,, 7/22/98
I find the information phenomenally
inspiring and worth following through on.

T.L.,, Canada

J.H.,, 11/28/02
I think this site is one of a kind, a real gold-mine.

I love neo-tech, my life has changed for the
better, the truth
is so enlighten. I totally
support you thank you for changing my life. Humanity needs

T.T.,, 2/13/00, Singapore
This is the first time I have come across such
'stuff' & I find it quite stimulating & interesting.

B.S., , 8/13/02
Frank Wallace, You are an absolute winner. The Neo-Tech Discovery has revolutionized my thinking. I will never be cheated again!

S.K.,, 4/23/99, Mauritius

T.S.,, 10/5/02
I remember when I first got this book. I did not understand it but then I read it again and saw that it soooo true.

R.B.,,8/27/00, UK
Neo-Tech has to stay on the web because everyone has a right to know this stuff,
Thanks for the good work.

"I must say that I really enjoy this Randian capitalist spritzer
with a twist of sarcasm and light sprinkle of earthy-crunchy
clean living."
J.H.,, 4/6/97

D. J.,, 5/30/02
I love this site. It has changed my life! My entire perspective has changed. Now I look inside my own mind for the answers to the questions in my life. And I
know that I have to take action instead of wishing and praying for God to help me. :) Thank you s
o much.

Mary H.,, 5/9/99
Truly awesome reading. A fantastic insight!

L.L.,, 3/5/00, United Kingdom
I think this story is very psychuous! It gave
me tingling sensations throughout my nervous system. It
taught me the fundamentals of common denominators and how
they get to the essence of happiness.

"Your web site is very interesting."
G.T.,, 1/31/97

It is a great reminder of how important it is to think for ourselves.
This site provides me with concise and well written thoughts that help me
gather and express my own thoughts.

Karen B.,, 10/5/98
I was having a difficult time with jealousy, your article
was real helpful. I've sent the article to friends and they
agreed that it is helpful.

Louis T.,,
The greatest 'discovery' of all time!!! My life has drastically
turned around in a very short period of time. I was doubtful that this would
really work, but I was shocked to find out that not only does it work, it
works much greater than you even say! Th ank you so so so much Dr. Wallace
and the rest of NTP!!!

D.M.,, 11/28/02
I am 29 years old and an aspiring entrepreneur. I first received the Neo-Tech orientation booklet approximately 3 months ago, and has made a huge impact on
my life.

D.S.,, 9/2/97, England
"Neo-Tech is probably the greatest single human achievement since the
invention of consciousness. The change it will bring can already be felt,
and I think the neo-cheaters know this. They are running scared, and with
good reason. Keep on battling guys. You're the only thing that will save
mankind from itself."

D.D.,, 11/4/01
I have two of 'The BOOKS' excellent materials to gain romantic love, wealth & prosperity on this earth!

L.B.,, 3/20/02
Before Neo-tech I thought life could be rather unfulfilling. Since I received my first book I haven't been able to put them down. I've read 6 books since
Oct.2001. I even was compelled to go to the summit in Nov., which I attended. I've been searching for
something that would bring more meaning to my life and now I've found it. I can't wait for the next day to begin. I'm brimming with excitement every time I
talk to someone about Neo-tech. I tell people to look at the web site and they can understand what
I'm talking about. I can't wait to get my hands on The First Immortals and the other new book that's coming out.

M.F.,, 7/17/97, Canada
What you're publishing is very powerful. Disseminate your info
discreetly via the Internet, but don't make yourselves become visible
public targets for politicians. Cyberspace is blowing away all forms of
government interference with the world, and I feel that it is only
logical that you use it as a tool and an ally to promote your interests,
and those of mankind as a whole.

P.H.,, 10/22/00
I think it is a great site! Very informative
and interesting. Keep up the great work!

NeoTech is fascinating, my perception of almost everything has been altered.

E.S.,, 10/9/97
I was a sophomore in high-school when I first ordered
'The Neo-Tech Discovery'. I was too caught up in mysticism to integrate
with it except as a philosophical/preach-this -as-the-right-way set of
information. Everyone thought I was a kook! Then I began to apply
it and I got scared. I was trapped still in my mysticism and
I burned all the books 'cleansing' myself. Then at the end of
my senior year, I got rejected from the 'major' Ivy League schools
everyone had always thought I'd get into. Depression hit as the
mysticism-shattering, mind-de-lousing effects of Neo-Tech began
to surface. Yet I still had too much invested in my mysticism
and the anticivilization...I was prepared to enter the University
of Connecticut and experience the 'finer' points of life that
my childhood never offered: girls, sex, alcohol, and drugs. Those
things blurred away the reality that Neo-Tech was asserting within
me...I reached an all-time low in self esteem. I ended up hooked
on pot by the end of my freshman year...people didn't respect me,
my mind was blurred and the promises of college weren't being
delivered.. During the summer, I got involved with AOL and the
Internet. I also received a new Zonpower brochure in the mail
I went to this web site, re-ordered the manuscript and now here
I am: Drug free, alcohol-free, sugar free, caffeine free, self-hate
free, and hard-working towards mysticism free. I am in the process
of separating from this lazy professor-alcoholic/life wasting
institution of the anticivilization to launch myself into the all-effort, zero

I.S.,, 1/22/98
Great reading, my eyes have been opened.

D.C.,, 7/15/97
"You guys are the best. Terrific work. The Web Site is Phenomenal.
Talk about being on the cutting edge! The Neo-Tech matrix is

S.P.,, 12/15/96, Canada
I found this web site VERY interesting.
Unfortunately, I do not have time to read everything...but
do intend on returning very soon to finish up!
It all makes perfect sense to me!

Neo-Tech just might be the holy grail
for business people.

D. F.,, 6/18/00, united kingdom
Lets face it Neo-Tech is here to stay, never
regressing, never
retreating. The power of Neo-Tech is forward moving forever
forever improving. Forever-emasculating mystics, neocheaters
and value destroyers. Honest individuals who exert the
effort to see past what appears to be to what is, will always
reigned supreme over the dishonest machinations of mystics,
and value destroyers. That's going to be really tough on the
narrow- scope-non-integrating mind. Neo-Tech is reality and
is non-reality and guess what reality ALWAYS ASERTS ITS
SELF. Ha Ha! to the mystics, Ha Ha! to the narrow scope
mind, Ha Ha! To the value destroying mind. Mystics and
neocheaters get this. The reason man grows old and dies is because of
mysticism, religion and government. If you find it hard to accept then
that's tough because it is fact. You may rationalize all you want
and think that this is only an assertion. But guess what?

p.w., , 8/30/02
neo-tech is the fuel that keeps me going each day. in this day of corrupt value destroying government and mystic employers neo-tech keep me focused. neo-tech

D.T.,, 6/9/98
I found your comments well informed and presented in a thoughtful
way that allowed me to take in and evaluate the information.
I was pleased to see a presentation that was relatively free
of bias...and totally free of the kind of preachy, screaming bias.

D.P.,, 3/10/00
This book is an excellent novel which
integrates the Neo-Tech advantages with the outline of the
future that the book God-Man does. It wonderfully inspires
and evokes emotions to work to fulfill the story. I found it
hard to keep from reading end to end. Great work!!! Thanks

A. MacRae,, 8/24/97, Scotland
"After reading acres of flowery flim-flam on the NET, I'd just like to make
the following comments and say that this Zon business is a real threat and
will probably 'get the chop'. The reason is, it is robust, it is honest, it
looks as though someone has been fishing in the right spot. Good Luck Zon."

J.B.,, 7/10/97, England
I have found this most useful reading.

Using what I have learned from Neo-Tech Cosmic Business
Control I have opened my own business in Houston Texas. I love what I
feel becoming a value producer again. The mini day concept is wonderful
an during this learning process, happening daily, Neo-Tec h is there!
The website is visited daily. My next great achievement is to find a
Neo-Tech lady. Thank you for sharing your knowledge.

"Neo-Tech sounds like it will have a significant impact on man's
thinking and to the future of humanity. Man always fears the new
and unexplored. This is adventurous territory. Keep it up and
R.T.,, 3/20/97, Malaysia

D.M.,, 3/12/98
I would like to work with
Neo Tech in stamping out mysticism and neocheating.

Julie L.,, 10/3/98
Fascinating, entrenched in examining the text.

D.K.,, 1/7/97, United Kingdom
I was overjoyed to see you in Cyberspace! All your publications are
well written but this Web site surpasses you. You have continued to be
courageous, honest and informative. The Web site will help me a great deal.

J.R.,, 12/23/00
The book is so powerful I know my life is
changing. I have
affirmed that I shall live a life of total honesty with
complete responsibility for self with integrity. It surely would be
great if a movie was made of “The Story'.

"I think this web site is absolutely fantastic. There is a wealth
of information that is useful for self-development. Keep up the
great work."
U.S.,, 1/28/97

It change my view in life now positively.
Always looking ahead without intervention of mysticism. More control of myself
set by my own standard. Definitely, its for everyone who loves life. Sad
for others who don’t know about neo-tech.

"Very comprehensive and certainly interesting - doesn't waste my
time with too much URL's floating around!"
Erna S.,, 6/9/97, South Africa

J.M.,, 11/27/01
Neo-Tech was the broom that helped sweep away hindering cob-webs. I thank you for having the courage to stand up and do what you are doing.

"I agree with everything I've read so far. I'm a big Ayn Rand
fan, but Objectivism doesn't offer anything positive enough. Fear
of death is what drives people to believe those Christian myths."
S.S.,, 12/20/96

K.P.,, 10/18/00
I am 18 and found your piece of literature
around Feb 2000. There is a power gained from each word that
is read. There is a change undergoing in me. When you first
read Neo-Tech, you develop a mild case of schizophrenia.
After this will follow feelings of euphoria. I now see life
for all it is worth and I am exhilarated at all the endless
possibilities I possess now. The Growing exhilaration for
life has consumed me. Also I had a taste of that “love,
passion, intimacy' that you talk about in The Book. The
feeling beyond nirvana and the mental orgasm that is
experienced cannot be described by words. Life has been
coming together in puzzle pieces showing me all the vast

Neo-tech has the potential to provide the tools for persons
to create their own freedom from a hoax filled society. Your web page
allows anyone to find the tool or tools to begin their freedom march.

S Jack,, Australia
The most powerful piece of literature I've read in years.

I desire. I hunger for more Neo-Tech information. I thrive
of Neo-Tech knowledge. More, More More is what I yearn for, Thank you for
changing my life for the better.

E.P.,, U.S.A
NEO-TECH should remain on the web. I write the neo-tech web
site all over the place I think it should be translated to many other languages
and put on foreign search engines. I despise all parasitical elites, neo-cheaters,
pseudo intellectuals and duped followers. I try to enlighten the public
and open their eyes that only they can emancipate themselves from mental
slavery. Neo-Tech will open their eyes or send them deeper into denial.

I am a 20 year military veteran, age 59. It seems most of
what I grew up defending and believing in is crumbling before my eyes.
During the 'cold war' we were told about the evils of Communism, and how
these 'evil' governments abused their citizens. I always scoffed at the
idea that it could happen in our own country. But it seems the enemy is
HERE and not THERE! How anyone could actually work for the IRS is beyond
me. Of course Hiltler's henchmen always used the excuse, 'I was made to
do it.... It was my job!'

P. D.,,
Although I am still reading "the story", I find it very refreshing & I
can actually see some breaking through illusions within myself as I continue
to read the rest of the story. I was once like those third graders, yet
there were adults who didn't give me the road map I needed, and they meant
well. but their ways closed me down for a long time. thank for "the story",
but I am still waiting for my "god-man" book, please send it to me soon,
I've been waiting for a while! thanks

I think that what you are doing here is awesome, please keep
up the good work and share your information with everyone.

Maintain acceleration until escape velocity

I absolutely love you people. feel you have saved me from
certain death and destruction.

It's amazing, as it is confirming to find out that not studying
but living, one will come into the light of understanding. Enlightened
man is god.

R. A.,,
Mr. Hamilton: I have a copy of “The Book,' which I am
roughly half way finished with. “The Story,' by the way, was great.
I was in love with Miss Annabel by the end of chapter three or four. In
fact, I had a vision of what she might look like, and once she was described,
I was 99% correct. The only miss I had was the shade of her eyes. Not the
color, just the shade. It was a strange feeling for me to have visioned
her so clearly in my mind. Putting the Neo-Tech vision into story form
was brilliant, for it allowed me to easily understand what you are trying
to accomplish. You shortened my learning curve considerably. The story
was a bit eerie for me because some of the things discussed have been a
part of me since I was 4 or 5 years old. If I had had a teacher like Ms.
Annabel, I wouldn't be 37 years old getting ready to get ready. I wouldn't
be a loser!!! Anyway, I have been perusing the Neo-tech website, and it
is a great site. I just finished reading the treatise concerning our right
to not incriminate ourselves. That was a great article. I am currently
studying the international business information as well. I will admit that
some of the information, especially that section which replaces the biblical
perspective of John with the Neo-Tech version caught me by surprise, but
otherwise I have enjoyed what I have studied. I am curious about which
direction I should go once I finish “The Book.' I have received several
advertisements from your company to purchase other materials, each sounding
better than the last, but I have no idea which direction to go. My inclination
and desire is to follow up “The Book' with the publication that deals
with clouding people's minds and developing wealth and love in the process.
But I really unsure. Maybe, if you have the time, you could give me your
opinion, since you are in the thick of things. By the way, I want to thank
you for helping me find my “Friday Night Essence.' I had never even
heard of such a thing, let alone find it within myself. Since reading your
material, I have nearly finished two manuscripts, and I am formulating
several business ventures. I'm still working on my procrastination and
my flab, but I now have a clearer vision of where my life is to go. Thank
you very, very much. Finding my Friday Night Essence alone was worth the
price of “The Book.' Thank you for your time. All my best. Until
next time...

I bought the book on just what the small pamphlet told me.
True, I had major second thoughts about buying it, but I wanted to try
it. It is now two months later and I have read through THE STORY (MAKE
IT A MOVIE, MAN!!!) and over half the of the rest. When I began reading
THE STORY, I was trying to loose weight, but was unlucky at all the temptations
out there. Well, I have now lost a total of 17 pounds since then and it
has stayed off. After reading THE BOOK, I found out what I want to do.
I really wanted to become a writer and inventor. I already have one book
almost complete, two others in the making, and about six inventions on
the drawing board. And add on top of that, I have begun reading books about
QUANTUM PHYSICS! A year ago, I would not even dream of touching the complexity
of it, but know, I already have a hypothesis in the works. And to top off
the Sundae, I am only 21 and am working full time and going to class full
time. Now that is something that I am still amazed about.

D. L.,,
Neo-Tech has definitely changed my thinking patterns. I almost
feel the digitizing programs making me think honestly. It has also changed
my love life. A girl that dumped me two months ago is now pursuing me.
She is a fox and I am definitely happy about that.

Kevin O'Keane,,
I love my life and my family and am truly happy because the
world has been revealed and I can see clearly it will be a beautiful CU.

What I have learned from NT has made me a fortune. What I
also realize is that I barely even turned on the spigot. I continue to
work on Self Responsibility and Integrated Honesty. Keep up the good work
and I hope to see you at the next Summit.


Hello, I love this site! I was never really religious as a
child (well.. I'm still a child.. I'm 16..) I discovered wicca and pagan
religions when I was 12 and continued learning about them until 2 years
ago when I woke up one day and said 'Sandy.. this is bullshit..' And I
never looked back. I met a great little boy named Phil who introduced me
to neo-tech. I started reading about it and promptly fell in love (with
both neotech and phil..) I was feeling sort of weird since I was no longer
pagan.. Things seemed awkward because I didn't have that 'older brother'
to lean on. Reading neotech helped me see that I am powerful and I don't
need silly ideas to help me through my life. Thank you for changing my
life for the better.

When I read through THE BOOK (which I am still reading and
enjoying) I found what I wanted to do since I was a kid. I always looked
at the stars and wondered what was out there. Now, I am on my way to figuring
out the beginning of a hypothesis in quantum physics, and I'm only 21.
THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!!!! I want this site to stay on the web. I have tried
to go to it almost every day to find out new ideas and ways to see through
the illusions. In my life, I have met up with people from my past that
were bullies to me and thanked them. I am writing three novels and one
screen play right now as well as the QP hypothesis and going to college
and working full time. I have begun to work my studies and writings into
those mini-days that you talked about. AGAIN, THANK YOU SO MUCH FRANK WALLACE!!!

N.J.,, Canada

I'm about 2/3 the way through reading 'The Book' It is astounding.

I have the original manuscript, it has opened my eyes to many
things. I am awaiting the next We need this information!

Neo-Tech has awakened my mind. It is the most important piece
of literature that I have found. If everyone used the techniques described
in this literature the world would be a better place for us all.

E.S.,, U.K.
Keep up the good work! Well done Neo-Tech

I just finished reading “The Story.' It was excellent.
It put Neo-Tech into the proper perspective for me. My favorite sections
were the interactions between Ms. Annabelle and her young students, much
like the interactions between Robin Williams and his students in “The
Dead Poets Society,' only much more meaningful. By the end of the second
chapter I had formed in my mind what Ms. Annabelle would look like, including
hair color, eye color, skin tone, height, body structure, everything. When
we finally got a description of her, I couldn't believe it because except
for the shade (I got the color right), of her eyes, which were darker than
I imagined, I was dead on in every aspect. I was in love with Ms. Annabelle,
and I longed to be in her class. I seem to be naturally drawn to Neo-Tech.
When I was a young child I created my own fantasy world to protect myself
from the trauma I was suffering, and that fantasy world was built on a
foundation of honesty, truth, fairness, integrity, and justice. Go figure!!!
The Neo Tech world is one that I would gladly embrace and fight for. I
am still digging through “The Book,' which I will probably be doing
for some time. There is an awful lot of information to absorb. But I will
keep on. Keep up the good work.

I really admire the knowledge that I have read here. Keep
up the good work.

Love it

P.L.,, 4/16/00, U.S
What I like about THE STORY was the peoples heart and love they had. I can't wait until we see this. I
would love to see more stories like this from Mark.

It has taught me a new way of life. If everyone in this world
read these books, it would be a better place to live.

NEO-TECH is one of , if not the greatest
thing that ever happened to me. Anybody that doesn't give NEO-TECH a chance
is avoiding the most advanced information for transforming your life into
the most fulfilling life anyone could ever imagine. Even if you don't agree
with some things, skip over it for now and read on. NEO-TECH covers practically
everything anyone should be concerned with: HAPPINESS-SECURITY-WEALTH-ROMANTIC
LOVE-SUPERIOR INTELLIGENCE. It has opened my eyes to a whole new world. Has
anyone ever heard of happiness attacks? Me either until now. I get so excited
sometimes because my life is changing so rapidly and just thinking about
what my future holds now gets me overly joyous. To everybody that has participated
in providing this invaluable information, I THANK-YOU ALL FROM THE BOTTOM
OF MY HEART! And to everyone else: PLEASE GIVE NEO-TECH A CHANCE! It is the
most advanced life rewarding information that you could ever want.

"Excellently wonderful!! Objectivism is central to my life, and
this site will be a big help. The mainstream Objectivists have
caused me too many disillusions, and this site is beginning to
feel rejuvenating."
D.S.,, 1/22/97

i've just started reading Neo-Tech and
found so far that the information is amazing and needed... I believe everybody
needs to know about Neo-Tech for the reason that everyone needs to find inner-peace
within themselves and find out who they really are. And I know that Neo-Tech
can do this for all people, so why deny them of this right.

"You have awakened my curiosity and I would like to know more
about Neo-Tech."
E.C.,, 5/10/97, Chile

M.V.,, 8/21/97
"Neo-Tech is a wonderful thing, now that I've dropped the need for
mysticism, I've quit drinking for good and have started to make a life for

N.R.,, 12/11/01, Canada
thank you Dr. Wallace for the most integrated and complete set of principles for life ever published.

A.M.,, 5/3/97
I would just like to thank Neo-Tech for helping me get started on my
Neo journey of life.

Robbin, L.C.,,
The book is full of useful information

Love your outlook, nothing that I've ever read made any sense until
Zonpower came along. I will be a soldier for your cause.

c. s.,,
The change into god-man is a hard one, but achievable.

g. j.,, u.s.
Great book

I have discovered honesty on this site.

Thank you for showing me the way, to the Civilization of the Universe.

Paddy,, scotland
Excellent, your advantages are very enlightening, I'm glad my two sons
will be able to read this and it will definitely help me to empower
them to be all they can. Cheers

Congratulations! The intelligent guiding hand. I admire your website.
Good self-liberating material. Every man and woman has sole claim to
his or her life and every person has sole claim to his or her labor
and the fruits of his or her labor.

Please keep neo-tech on the web. Without the stance that neo-tech gives
the everyday person, and the geniuses of this world, our world will
fall into the hands of the parasitical elites who work so hard to protect
their lazy and dishonest lives.

Great information!

B.H.,, Australia
You are teaching information that I don't see taught elsewhere. Who
else will do the job if you don't remain on the web?

I truly feel that Neo-Tech is perfect.

I've been having a lot of changes since I read this big book I ordered
from Neo-tech, years ago. It promoted a different mode of thinking
that has benefited me greatly.

C.I.,, United Kingdom
Most copywriters would tell you that content is king. If that's so
then Neo-Tech certainly is the King of all websites. No other site
comes even remotely close for delivering such fantastic values - and
for free! is my homepage and will alway s remain so.

The Greatest Kept Secret!!!

I have often wondered what motivates anyone to want to be employed
by the IRS. Is life so tough and their talents so meager they must
resort to harassing fellow Americans just to make a living?

I found your site very stimulating. It is pleasing to find a website
with view/opinions and the proper resources to support such statements.
Keep up the good Work.

Great reading

I love and adore your site.' You say things in powerful way.

Dr.W.N.,, Germany

John D H Eatwell,,
Simply Realistic. I Now Spy With My Little Eye All The Cheats. Love
To Talk To Anyone In Christchurch New Zealand. Frank Wallace & Mark
Hamilton You Are Truly Genius Thank You Forever John

M.I.,, U.S.A
Almost a year ago I purchased THE BOOK(GOD-MAN/NEO-TECH DISCOVERY),after
reading it I found the missing piece of my puzzle, that: the conscious-being
is the highest form of life that there is! And there is no god or higher
power that controls us! Thanks t o all of you, that gave me my clarity!

Neo - Tech is the most valuable information in the universe. Every man woman
and child needs Neo-Tech. After 9/11 it is apparent that without it we will
all perish in a mystical nuclear annihilation. We have to discount the ridiculous
political solutions being offered. The office of homeland security will just
add strength to the INS paranoid delusions. All the undocumented aliens need
Neo-Tech as does the office of Homeland Security. All will benefit and start
producing values for others and stop playing cat and mouse games.

K.P.,, US of America
Neo-Tech should be visible in this great medium so that others, like myself,
can live free of Neo-Cheaters.

BbQ,, Philippines
Great piece of information! I recommend it to kindred thinkers of our society
today! It changed my entire outlook in life! No longer i'll be drained by
people indulging in parasitical mysticism. We must spread neo-tech into the
far-ends of the earth. Kudo s to objectivity and rationality!

S.W.,, australia

This information and knowledge should be taught at school. The only real
guide to life and reality ever constructed. I have grown and changed greatly
by applying these advantages. I am awaiting the arrival of Biological Immortality,
which will only come a bout through Neo-Tech.


P.C.,, 5/27/98
Thank 'God' for Frank Wallace!

Until I found this web page I never understood why the world was designed
to be so hard to live in, now I see that it is really all just a ploy
to keep us from continually evolving and the true un-need for controlling
each other.

A.L.,, 3/17/97
Important evolution in the works of Rand. Enlightening!

B.R., co.n, 12/16/96, Norway
I think your ideas and theories are very.

J.K.,, 5/27/02, U.S.
Neo-tech is an extraordinary book series, magnificent, brilliant. One dose not to be an intellectual to understand the simplistic life changing concepts in
this very well written book Zonpower. It gave me a whole new set of eyes to view the world with an
d I have only read it once. I cannot wait to pick it up again to read anew great work. P.S. please send information on immortality research I am very
intrigued and desperately want to follow the field

R.E.,, 2/28/97, Australia
Neo-Tech Discovery has changed my life. Neo-Tech has improved my
memory power immensely, given me a diet which is logical as to why I was
overweight (I'm now many kilos less), lowered my cholesterol and triglyceride
levels and blood pressure and made me much fitter aerobically. These are the
side effects. The main effects are that Neo-Tech has given me a whole new
purpose in life that has led to a new business, a great increase in happiness
and a future of certain success. Thanks to everyone at Neo-Tech, Frank Wallace
and Mark Hamilton in particular, and please keep the best site in cyberspace

R.H.,, 7/15/00
The brilliance just keeps getting brighter.

J. C.,,
It might take a while to understand, but only the real seekers will
get the answers their looking for. So try to unlock the secrets.
J. Campos 6/1/02

A.C.,, 9/22/01, England
I think that yours is easily the most important site on the web and hope that it can hasten the demise of Earth's anticivilization.

A.S.,, 1/21/01, Pakistan
Simply state-of-the-art product. Unbelievable!

"This site should definitely continue. It is an extremely
valuable resource. Keep up the good work."
G.B.,, 2/5/97

L.R.,, 4/12/99
Yes, please stay on the web!! There is a New-Socialism out
there on the web touting that Socialism hasn't really
been tried. I hope that you never give up. Thanks, I will

K.L.,, 4/28/99
I think Neo-Tech is a revolutionary idea. I think
this is our future, I can't wait. I think that this idea,
God-Man, is something that everyone should be aware of.
These ideas are really profound.

All my life I'd been forced to go to
church. Even though I didn't want to believe, I couldn't reject the idea
of God, and Jesus Christ. It was brain-washed into me. Even when I told people
I didn't believe, I prayed every night. I prayed because I was afraid of
what would happen if I didn't. I feared God. I spent most of my life afraid,
even after I left home, and no longer had to go to church. But as the years
have gone by I've found it easier to think for myself. Instead of asking
God to fix my problems. I needed to face them head on, and fix them myself.
As soon as I started thinking this way, my problems seemed to go away. I
started going to sleep at night without a prayer. I started to be happy.
I began to have a vague idea of how to look at life. Neo-tech is helping
me focus what I already felt.

A.A.,, 5/31/97
Neo-Tech is the only true serum that eliminates cerebral stagnation.
Its power releases the individual to think happily and to create value for

C.C.,, 10/1/97
I find this information extremely valuable. The 114 advantages were
inspiring and educational.

"This is superb source of information."
R.M.,, 2/21/97, Sweden

"A great site, with lots of creativity."
D.R.,, 1/25/97, Australia

R.M.,, 5/19/98
Neo-Tech is logical and correct. Neo-Tech is good 'new-fashioned'
common sense. Keep this knowledge available at any cost.

B.R.,, 8/21/97
"Neo-Tech is very valuable information that has added much to my happiness
and well-being."

"The Neo-Tech/Zonpower web site offers the most complete formulas
to true happiness available anywhere in cyberspace. Not only has
Neo-Tech changed my life, but its application is a never- ending
growth process for my self-esteem and personal happiness. Thanks
a million, Neo-Tech!"
J.S.,, 1/14/97

D. H.,,
Neo-tech is an enlightenment of the mind body and soul. All
you nay sayers are just closed minded, weak individuals who really need
to examine your own lives!

M.G.,, 11/19/02
Neo-tech has so much valuable information for people who want to open their eyes and think of the possibilities and the potential every human-being has.
Thank you for opening my eyes.

"I can't spend more than a day without verifying what's new on
this sit. Thanks a lot for all the effort."
L.J.,, 2/4/97

E.N.,, 12/9/98
Extraordinary integrations.

j.w.,, 7/27/00
These are the greatest tools available for the
individual to
develop and make the leap to rational self-authority.

I think this is truly amazing and a breakthrough. What is most powerful
about it is that it is based on facts, evidence and truth---not some
guru proclaiming some experience that only he can have. I believe this
information is very liberating to the indiv idual and will do more to
save society in the long run than our current political/religious ideologies.

I commend your publishing of The Story as a BEAUTIFUL move
that I did not expect! I'm shaking with excitement. Let's

C.F.,, 12/16/01
I would like more people to use Neo-Tech. Acting in the ways of Neo-Tech. The true Neo-Tech people will succeed

I have purchased many Neo tech products, they have opened my
eyes to the truths and realities of the world and all the deceptions and
lies that are out there.

D.W.,, 12/15/97
Neo-Tech informs those
who wish to have a better quality of life.

J.S.,, 5/15/01
I just recently purchased
Mark Hamilton's book, 'Get Rich By 2001'. It is one of the
books I have ever read.

A.M.,, 9/17/97
There were times when I was reading that I felt like I had finally
found what was missing in my life. Very enlightening.

S.N.,, 7/2/02, NEW ZEALAND
I find the information on your site very mind-stimulating and enhancing. Where can I obtain these great 'dynamic informations'?

"This site is fascinating. A friend of mine told me about this
site. I will surely have my hands full searching out all the
great links. I was once a religious zealot, but I saw the light.
I am especially interested in what you have to say about
religion. I cannot believe how much self inflicted guilt is out
there enslaving people!"
M.R.,, 1/24/97

F.C.,, Ireland
It's hard to believe that once a person has read Neo-Tech books/manuscripts
that they can bury their head in the sand and pretend that it does not exist.

A.T.,, 4/20/99
With Neo-Tech, people will break the bonds that
restrict their abilities and limit their possibilities. Once
the mystical, clouded, neocheating mentality is washed away,
there will be a clear path toward success and happiness.
People will learn to trust
themselves again and stop relying on external 'GODS'. Keep
on trucking Neo-Tech.... full steam ahead.

M.L.,, 1/28/01
I believe the web is the key to
not only inform and teach people to think for themselves but

How do I get the Book? I love your concepts and story. Very
informative and powerful! Thank you Debra Ananda

M.L.,, 2/13/98
I am not overstating the case when I say that Neo-Tech is
the most important literature being produced today. I am making great
progress in purging my life of my personal mysticisms. All thanks
to the courage and perseverance of Dr. Wallace and the heroic
Neo-Tech writers and publishers. It is vital to the future of
humanity that this site remain on the Web. I think we are all
very fortunate to be living in this age, when the cruel hoax
of the last 2300 years is being exposed to the light of day.
Mysticism Collapse! Down with the IRS! Up with heroic Value Producers!

A.C.,, 12/15/96, South Africa
I think this site is great,
and would love to find out about Neo-Tech.

C.F.,, 3/6/00
The bulletin boards are great.

E.B.,, 8/21/97
"This is a very interesting subject. I believe in freedom of speech and I
think your site is cool."

D.E.,, 4/8/99, Australia
I love Neo-Tech. Dr. Wallace, hope you make it
as president.

S.B.,, 1/2/96
My #1 Web site. You have opened doors which I knew not were there.
Keep up the excellent work. Bravo.

J.C.,, 5/1/01
Magnificent site!

A. W.,, 6/25/00
Finally the information is available to set
yourself and
society free...people need to read and make a conscious
effort to act
on what they read...

I.S.,, 1/22/98
Great reading, my eyes have been opened.

E.G.S.,, 8/9/02
I Have been a neo-tech customers since 1980, I have gone from being a disgruntled old man to a highly productive writer also have concurred the alcohol

"What I have viewed so far makes me want to learn more about
Neo-Tech and Zonpower."
S.H.,, 2/1/97

Anon.,, 11/27/99

Lee,, 5/31/01
Neo-Tech gives me a reason to want to live

"I have only read a few pages so far concerning your theories but
find them quite interesting."
C.B.,, 2/8/97, Australia

"From the time I was a very young child and first understood the
concept of death, I thought why does it have to be this way? I
have always appreciated greatly, the astounding odds of just
being born, let alone the magical possibilities of living
forever. I can't even begin to express my loving appreciation to
all of you at Neo-Tech Publishing and your courage for getting
the word out. I will forever be loyal to Neo-Tech and its causes.
Thank you, thank you, thank you, for your knowledge has finally
answered many of my life's questions!!"
S.A.,, 3/4/97

N.A.,, 5/7/97
The neocheating information is VERY useful and interesting.

T.W.,, 10/20/98, Australia
I guess you should stay on the net because that is what freedom
of speech is all about. It is by reading your view of reality
that helps the rest of the world realize how lucky they are to
be brave enough to have their feet on the ground. In the words
of Buzz Lightyear (from Toy Story) 'You are a sick sad little
man and you have my pity'.

M.G.,, 1/9/98, Australia
Neo-Tech is the most powerful system of honesty I have ever
seen. Its great to see there are people in the world who think
with pure honesty.

"A very cool site."
T.K.,, 2/22/97, Egypt

C.H.,, 2/3/02, United Kingdom
Have just read the Neo-Tech world summit article... Snookering Libertarians, Objectivists, and Muslims. After reading this wonderful speech from the summit
I found myself pacing up and down my room unable to calm down as my heart started racing and a surge of uncontrollable happiness welled up inside me like I
have never experienced in my life. I found myself clenching my fists and tightening my body as the joy I felt became almost overwhelming, to the point that
it became almost 'painful' as if it were
too much joy for one person to contain. Even now, a half-hour after reading the article I feel that every cell of my body is tingling. The way I feel is
almost impossible to put into words. To put it simply, I feel alive. I am a long time Neo-Tech owner but nothing has given me such a feeling of joy as this
article. I guess it is the first time that I have fully grasped that the civilization of the universe really is not only possible, but is starting to become
a reality now, today, this minute.

j.b.,, 5/3/02
Have read much neo-tech literature, Dr, Wallace and Mr. Hamilton and all the other precious ones -- thank you

R.P.,, 3/22/98, Australia
A great source of very valuable information.

"I have been carefully studying the information on this web site
for the last few days, and I'm amazed at the implications this
kind of knowledge holds for everyone. Neo-Tech confirms many
long-held suspicions that I've been told were 'evil' and 'bad' by
religious neocheaters. Your web site is wonderful."
J.D.,, 2/22/97

Dear Mark, I am reading, perhaps, the best book that I have ever read (The Story).
It's in the same category of 'Gone With The Wind', 'Sea Wolf', and another 101
of the World's Best Books. I am surely enjoying 'The Story.' More will be said
upon comple tion.

T.W.,, 7/8/02
I have known of this web site ever sense it was put up. It presents a great point of view and has helped me throughout the years. It is time for America and

J.L.,, 6/28/98
At the beginning I thought Neo-Tech was just a bunch of bull***
but I have slowly come to realize that the only bull that I once
believe was the idea of god and that man wasn't in god's category. I
now know there is no god and we've been fools for quite a long
time. through business dynamics like Neo-Tech has mentioned every
person on this planet can be involved in advancing knowledge
as well as living completely happy in a state of mind that no
religion, doctrine, or defected logical thinking can bring us.

EH,, 4/15/03
There is no question that Neo-Tech should remain on the web. By remaining on
the web it will no doubt continue to have a positive impact on the world.

T.S.,, 10/8/97
"You guys are all right. I believe in freedom of speech and freedom of the
press. If you're catching flak, you must be on target. Keep up the good

J.P.,, 3/6/97
I have long believed that the government has lied, deceived, and
cheated the hard working American people.

R.N.,, 12/5/97
I love the Neo-Tech concepts! Can we open an Neo-Tech education

"The greatest achievements in mankind were not discovered by some
emaciated ascetic meditating on a mountaintop; they were
discovered by the hard work of dedicated, rational-thinking,
human being striving to overcome the unknown. Neo-Tech site goes
to great lengths to address this very issue. You are to be
commended for your diligence in the light of our society's
spiraling descent into yet another Dark Age. Keep up the hard
G.M.,, 3/22/97

s. converse,, 6/2/01
Excellent stuff. I want more.

M.W.,, 2/4/97
This web site is a MUST! It would be a crime AGAINST humanity to
REMOVE it. I NEED this web site. DO NOT REMOVE IT!

J.N.,, 2/10/03
I purchased the Neo-Tech manuscript in 1992 and I still find myself referring to it. It is the best commonsense material about life and the real world, and
the best philosophy to deal with it out there.

B.B.,, 3/5/00
Believe it or not, a patent search did come up
with Patent#4666425 and it's title is:
'Device for perfusing an animal head'
which can be tied to a book called 'If we can keep a severed
head alive...' about lopping off a head and
keeping it mechanically alive. It's from the late 80's.

E.V.,, 11/6/00
Thanks for the insight.

R.M.,, 2/8/01
The most powerful discovery in history.

S.S.,, 3/22/00
As a result of reading Neo-Tech I am more aware
of the mysticism and neocheating going on in the world and
around me in everyday life. Neo-Tech is valuable information
that every individual should read!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"I agree with everything I've read so far. I'm a big Ayn Rand
fan, but Objectivism doesn't offer anything positive enough. Fear
of death is what drives people to believe those Christian myths."
S.S.,, 12/20/96

W.D.,, 4/19/03

A.C.,, 9/22/01, England
I think that yours is easily the most important site on the web and hope that it can hasten the demise of Earth's anticivilization.

"Great site... this is a great help...hope you are going to stay
around and implement all that is proposed...keep strong."
K.P.,, 2/9/97

J.F.,, 3/14/97

D.F.,, 4/17/97
As long as individuals such as the brilliant writers who document
reality are allowed to publish their information free of force, threat of
force, and censorship, the prosperity revolution will proceed peacefully;

S.C.,, 2/16/98, Malaysia
This site offers what no other site can give. It adds
value to the human spirit, something we all seemed to have lost somehow.
It provides some sense of ambition, aliveness, and hope. I am
very much interested and want to fully tap the powers of Neo-Tech.

"I hope you keep your web site online. I go here whenever I get
the chance. It's kind of a relief for me-just knowing it's here.
It drastically changed the way I think about things. Please stick
around. Keep up the brave work."
K.K.,, 2/3/97

M.M.,, 3/9/98, England
I am very interested in your ideas.

J.R.,, 3/6/97
I have found invaluable help and information contained within this
site. I feel that it is instrumental to my financial and personal success.

D.B.,, 6/25/98, South Africa
Very useful.

M.K.,, 8/30/97
"I have found what I have been looking for. I knew there was more to life
than this anticivilization showed me: Neothink and Profound Honesty.
Cyberspace is where I want to be."

J.C.,, 6/26/99
The greatest book ever written.

R.S.,, 12/31/97

K.L.,, 2/1/00
I have just recently started reading The Book and I am
inspired to go for my dreams, improve my quality of life and
help others to work through their personal problems and achieve their
true uninhibited potential. There is nothing bad and everything
right with a book that promotes; truth, good values, love, good
health, and most of all taking responsibility for one's own actions.

J.P.,, 7/4/97
"Love your writings."

S.F.,, 8/20/97, Australia
"A fascinating site, bringing together in one place a wealth of facts and
opinions that should be disseminated as widely as possible."

J.C.,, 9/29/02
I have been reading and studying neo-tech for 5 or 6 years and find it to be the most validating information on life, living and thinking tools available for
a productive and happy living. VIVA NEO-TECH!

C.B.,, 12/21/96
I own the neo-tech Discovery and was happy to see the
'advantage of the day', I would like to be able to print up the
advantages so I can take them with we to read for support.
I find I cannot always carry around the book and
I care to much about it to possibly ruin it.
I really like the web page and hope everyone would read it.

S.H.,, 3/7/00
Hello Mark, I am taking this opportunity
to write you to thank you for The Story that I have just read.
My involvement with NT goes back several years & my life
has been enriched beyond anything I have ever imagined
since reading NT discovery & other subsequent literature
I have purchased from your company. The concepts & puzzle
building skills & resulting conscious revelations &
integrations have gained me results in all area's of my life
& now 'The story' has helped me see the path that will lead
to acceptance of NT by the masses!
The story touched me deeply & I cried many times as I
read it (both tears of joy & sorrow). The story is inclusive
in it's goal of teaching the NT matrix & god-man concept,
a basic need that will be required before biological
immortality can be achieved.
Keep up the valuable work & thank you.
I look forward to the opportunity to buy more NT products
in the future & have no doubt that OUR goal of
biological immortality will be reached in OUR life times!

D.F.,, 8/17/97
I believe Neo-Tech is something new, refreshing, and truthful in
the fullest extent. I can certainly understand why Neocheaters are doing
everything in their power to ban this literature--it means the end to life as
they now know it.

D.N., hotmail
Keep online and definitely expand, expand, expand.

After 5-6 years reading and paying lip-service to Neo-Tech/Neothink,
I FINALLY started my mini-day program. All I can say is that I've accomplished
more in 7 hours than I usually get done in 1-2 weeks. It really does take
great DTC and beating down the in ner-wimp, but once you get going it's like
that high you get after a good workout! Bravo and thanks so much for the
fabulous information....Neo-tech in action: Priceless!

"NT has really help me understand who I am. Now I am better able
to control my life, to live happily and successfully! Thanks NT, I
waaas lost, but now I'm found."
S.H.,, 6/14/97

G.S.,, 1/19/97
As a teacher, and a fan of "core knowledge" a la Hirsch, I consider
finding your page (when I was searching under DREAMS) a piece of synchronicity
and good fortune.

N.F.,, 1/29/97
Never before have I come across a system like this. I have seen every
kind of scam claiming to furnish you with the results that Neo-Tech actually
gives you. And unlike scams, Neo-Tech is simple and has definite integrity.
Neo-Power will definitely change my life.

Z.G.,, 5/8/97
This is the best web sit I have EVER seen. It has practical
applications that anyone can apply to improve their life!

G.L.,, 10/11/00
Do not remove this site. Since reading the
'Book' my life has
begun to change. I actually benefit from this information.
Thank you.

C.T.,, 11/6/00
The information contained on this site as well
as the NT
literature is invaluable and should be accessible to every
value producer
in the world. It has helped me greatly in realizing the
parasites who try to live off my productive efforts and has
me to detach myself from them. I've yet to achieve romantic
power, and extreme wealth, but I'm sure I'll have it all
the year's over. Thank you for changing my life for the

"Interesting and worth study/contemplation."
J.F.,, 1/31/97

A.D.,, 5/25/01
Never take this site off the web. It is
wonderful. I love the
book and info that comes from it. They have changed my life

C.H.,, 5/4/01, England
Neo- Tech has changed my life forever... when I
first read Neo-Tech I was told that I might find much for which I
fundamentally disagreed;
however, this was not something that happened to me. I very
quickly became emotionally attached to the stunning identifications
of Frank Wallace and never in my life had I read anything to
which I so heartily agreed. In reading the 'Long Wave' I
felt like I had discovered the meaning of life. I cannot describe
the overwhelming emotional (and physical) high I felt on
integrating this article... I felt ten-feet-tall. I spent four years day
after day reading and re-reading the Neo-Tech Discovery and
other Neo-Tech works that I continually added to my Neo-Tech
arsenal. I have now started my own Internet business and have found
my 'friday night essence' ... telly is now a complete turn off for me,
and the times that I do watch it (very seldom) I find myself
restless and fidgety in wanting to get back to my computer. I am not
yet God-Man but at times I get such a searing energy burst of
sheer joy through my body that I wonder to myself... 'am I

M.B.,, 2/20/97
Just want to thank you folks for initiating the most divine mission
available in this day and age. Also, now that a few of us `out there' know the
concepts, Neo-Tech will always be on the web -- in one form or another --
until irrationality is completely diffused. Here's to your endeavors!

D.S.,, 3/24/97
I find the information interesting and insightful. Isn't truth what
you are telling?

R.A.,, 2/4/97
This site stirs people to thought and to contemplate
their existence and likely futures?
Hmmmmm. Sounds like a good use for Internet.

M.L., yahoo Philippines
The articles are really amazing. They threaten the present structural set
up of government and religion.

c.r., WLDC.COM
I find your site one of the most useful on the net.

R.B.,, 6/4/98
Surprised and pleased to discover Neo-Tech -- an incredible
surfing find.

D.M.,, 6/9/98
We need Neo-Tech thinking now, worldwide.

J.I.,, 2/6/01, Malaysia
I find the whole literature inspiring.

I find this site a magnet!

Dan,, Switzerland
I want to thank you deeply for the great influence Neo-Tech
have on my life!

D.W.,, 12/15/97
Neo-Tech informs those
who wish to have a better quality of life.

G.J.,, 10/19/98
I would like to obtain a copy of the Neo-tech encyclopedia so
much referred to in the manuscript. Please, send information
to: Guido Jimenez 524 E Elk Ave #306 Glendale, CA 91205

Neo-tech is the only site on the web that can end the cycle
of destruction. I cannot express enough gratitude for what neo-tech has done
for me personally. I acquired neo-tech as a suicidal teenager victim of the
anticivilization and turned my life in the right direction. My thinking has
been spurred in a new color direction and I can now see things that nearly
everyone around me is not even close to knowing. Everyone needs neo-tech
now more than ever.

H.M.,, 3/5/99
I am hook. I like Neo-Tech. It will stay here forever. No body
can defeat Profound Honesty and Fully Integrated Honesty and

this is the right way forward. At least for me. I read and re-read my manuscript often and have owned it for a few years now.

M.H.,, 5/6/98
Very enlightening and I am looking
forward to putting Neo-Tech into action. Thank you for all the wonderful

P. D.,, 1/14/01
Although I am still reading "the story", I find it very
refreshing & I can actually see some breaking through
illusions within myself as I continue to read the rest of
the story. I was once like those third graders, yet there
were adults who didn't give me the road map I needed, and
they meant well. but their ways closed me down for a long
time. thank for "the story", but I am still waiting for my
"god-man" book, please send it to me soon, I've been waiting
for a while! thanks

S.D.,, 4/13/02
I think it is of vital importance that neo-tech remain on the web because in cyberspace, neo-tech's powerful enemies are rendered impotent. In the years to come, cyberspace will truly evolve into an extension of man's mind. If neo-tech stands at the forefront of this expansion, the rewards for humanity will be incalculable.

Your way of seeing things and living is so empowering. Finally,
someone who cares about the spirit of the individual and their right
to live how they choose to. Keep up the inspiring and life affirming

M.T.,, 11/4/98

S.P.,, 9/14/97
The keys are here we just need to unlock the door.

Sheila W.,, 11/16/98
Wonderful site...this is just what I have been
looking for.....

H.S.,, 12/20/97, United Kingdom
Your web site and its information is simply awesome. It was
A zillion thanks for the brilliant effort you have put in over
the years.

e.k.m.,, 3/26/02
it's about time the truth came out.

M.F.,, 7/29/98, United Kingdom
Freely available Neo-Tech documents on-line are clearly
beneficial to several million individuals.

R.L.,, 5/23/02
I like it, I keep up with every new step and continuously reading old material. It's fascinating. As you probably know, Argentina (where I live) is going

G.M.,, 3/14/98, Scotland
Neo-Tech Zonpower is the best book I have read ever.
Not a day goes by when I don't think of the contents of Dr Wallace's

"This is a fascinating site. I plan on reading as much as I can."
D.S.,, 1/20/97

Anon.,, 3/13/98
Cool site dudes

"The site looks great! Not a lot of gobble-dee-goop graphics
--just the facts. Can't wait to explore the site more. Thanks."
D.H.,, 5/21/97

Magnificent! I simply couldn't stop reading, chapter by chapter,
even when my eyes started to tire. I'll need to go back and read The Proof again
because I really can't absorb much more right now, but I want to say that The
Story told the tale so power fully that I was captivated beyond anything I've
ever read before. I loved it. It was interesting to observe myself and my gut
reactions as I read because I have had many similar experiences (on a less dramatic
scale, perhaps, but equal emotionally) and each time felt so let down by other
human beings, people who chose to go the way of power and ambition (or so they
thought) at the expense of honesty and hard work. I have been “betrayed'
several times in my life, but I've kept my determination. I must admit that I
was beginning to lose hope that I would ever find another human being who knew
what I knew (although I have never articulated it so eloquently as The Story).
I am beyond ecstatic at this moment. I am eagerly awaiting the Neo-Tech Summit
in November to get the opportunity to meet other people who feel “just
like me.' Glorious! The Story is great, really great. Thank you so much. Cheers,

"By far the best site on the web. I have been a customer since
1990. Can't express in words the tremendous values obtained."
S.N.,, 12/20/96

J.M.,, 4/28/00
It is about time the people of this country
woke up. Thanks to Neo-Tech they can! Thanks, Dr. Wallace and Mark Hamilton.


I love neo-tech.

Very interesting...I came across this site quite by accident. '...a compatibility
of humor is one of the most enjoyable aspects of friendships and romantic-love
relationships.' How very true.

J.Y.,, 7/9/97, Malaysia
"I find that this homepage is very interesting, very powerful and

B.T.,, 9/18/97
"All I would like to say is: 1. Your position against the IRS is right. 2.
Your goal of eradicating the IRS is right. 3. Your web site can bring these
'rights' to the people. Thank you for publishing the evils of the IRS."

"This is my first exposure, I find the content interesting. It
seems to encompass the complete width and breath of life."
M.B.,, 4/17/97

I love reading everything about neo-tech.

"I have found your NEO-TECH web site to be very interesting. It
has opened my mind with new thoughts and questions. I can see
where I could be controlled by neo-cheaters, I 'm sure my life is
shaped according to someone else's needs other than my own. To be
in control of one's own life, would surely be in their own best
interest. I have read all the pages on your website. I can tell
you now, I have a lot of rethinking to do."
J.D.,, 12/18/96

M.C.,, 3/21/00
I love what you have done, period. Thanks to
you, I have discovered
the 3 lies that cause mysticism. I will continue to help
wipe-out mysticism!

"I want to learn the total benefits o Neo-Tech it is very
important for me to succeed in life and I find Neo-Tech hard to
B.T.,, 3/16/97

J.B.,, 1/20/98
This web site is, and will continue to be, the conduit through
which all honest people may come to experience an existence proper
for human beings. The most CRUCIAL aspect of which is 'THE COMPLETE,
FOREVER! AMEN.' Let Honesty and the Law of Justice take center
stage in uniting Man. Thanks to all at Neo-Tech.

A.A.,, 3/8/99
I am interested in finding out what became of
the great poker author Frank Wallace. His book on poker
really helped me.

W.H.,, 6/6/99
THIS MARVELOUS KNOWLEDGE. And I will certainly do all that I
can to help you.

D.K.,, 12/18/96
The site is quite extensive with additional information I
have been able to connect with my copy of Zonpower.
I will visit again!

I.R.,, 4/27/98, Norway
I find it quite interesting. Your message makes me forget
thinking within the usual squares.

Despite all the criticisms, I for one support your efforts. Let the weak minded
sheep continue with their myths the rest of us shall prosper

"I used to preach and teach the Bible in the Church of Christ, I
find the values of Neo-Tech worth much more."
P.B.,, 3/22/97

MT,, 4/13/03
Neo-Tech is the greatest book ever written. It has completely changed my

s. converse,, 6/2/01
Excellent stuff. I want more.

A.M.,, 5/22/98
I agree with the principles of Neo-tech. I believe that they
offer invaluable insight into living a productive, happy life.

"This is a fantastic site!"
N.E.,, 5/27/97, United Kingdom

J.P.,, 9/29/01, Comments : I can say without reservation that Neo-Tech has been a major influence in the development of my thinking - a process
that is on-going. The identification of the differences between non-action philosophy and action mode Neo-Tech, coupled with the broad integration of many
related, but elsewhere disassociated areas of knowledge is, I think, Neo-Tech's unique contribution to the human store.

C.C.,, 9/22/97
"To all you critics of this site, before you judge you should judge
yourself. You have to ask yourself, do I really understand this information
being given to me (free I might add)? Am I really being brainwashed by the
parasites of society? Am I so far gone that I don't even see the truth right
in front of me? Like it or not changes are taking place, wether you
understand why or not they are still going to take place. Don't you want to
be part of it? Look at the world around you as you read each part of this
site, and realize that its time to retool your brain for the future 'THE

V.R.,, 11/16/99
Neo-Tech is the evolvement of honesty on our
planet. Before Neo-Tech no one understand the role or the
part that conscious man and woman play, but now with
Neo-Tech, conscious people know they are fully
responsibility for all their actions and that means taking
care of themselves. So the understanding of Neo-Tech is not
a belief but is a responsibility of the self being honest.

B.H.,, 8/8/97
Neo-Tech is definitely real! Neo-Tech makes you think and
realize that we do live in a world full of liars, cheaters, hypocrites,
thieves, and ignorance! Neo-Tech tells the logical and precise
advantages to successfully taking control of your life without the
headaches and heartbreaks of the neo-cheaters! We can all learn
something better to improve one's future! Keep Neo-Tech alive and we
will all live happier!

Ashley K.,, 2/4/99
Before the birth of our daughter last March, my boyfriend
bought the Neo-Tech Discovery and for the next three months
he was spending
all of his free time reading, reading reading!! He could not
put the manuscript down! I wasn't sure what the big deal was
until I started reading myself. I was upset that he was not pouring
over birthing books with me. This manuscript has done exactly
what it said it would do for him. He is now making more money
than before and able to WIN in every situation. There is so
much I want to express most importantly: thank you. I am so
grateful THANK YOU!!!! We look forward to attending a
conference or convention in the near future. This
information will save
my daughters life!! And prepare us for the next century.
Thank you again till infinity!

C.I.,, 3/8/97, United Kingdom
The Neo-Tech Web Site is by far the most valuable site on the

B.H.,, 12/8/96
This site has provided me with an AMAZING amount
of additional information that I use in conjunction
with the Neo-Tech Discovery. The fact that it's so
easy for anyone to obtain with access to the web gives me
more relief in knowing that the C of U is approaching rapidly
for everyone on Earth. Thanks and keep growing as
fast as possible.

AND TRUTH!!!!! I am a neophyte to Neo-tech, however I am a staunch objectivist.
I have studied the works of Ayn Rand and the Objectivist ethics presented
in her writings. As an entrepreneur and a human being I have suffered the
horrifically evil, shame and guilt from the warped, altruistic, pragmatists
and religious doctrines infesting our world. Through them a person is robbed
of self-esteem, creativity, growth, and their value, until they are fully
immolated to the status of moocher, looter, and or parasite; a fate worse
than death. Thank GOD (in the sense of the universe's intelligence, metaphorically
speaking) for AYN RAND and NEO-TECH!!!

P.M.,, 3/21/98
Neo-Tech is the only hope for the brightest future of
mankind through its honest, rational, and enlightening ideas.

G.T.,, 10/23/00, U S A
This system is thought-provoking. People can
judge it ONLY
when they have a chance to judge it themselves.

E.M.,, 5/15/97
I found you site to be very informative, and in a very here-and-now
way, quite easy to follow.

Tracy N.,, 4/24/00
I would love to get involved in some activities perhaps a neo-tech church.

p.s., , 8/13/02
I have started reading today and I'm feeling empowered already. Thank you Neo-Tech, not only for helping me to win a well thought out debate, but for giving

C.B.,, 10/15/00
Neo Tech is the most important information in
the universe and
can't be destroyed. It must be available to all humans.

D.D.,, 12/11/00
Please stay on the web. It's so important to
at least try and touch as many as may be ready to here the
The quicker people learn the truth the more likely we will
able to save our spirits and our planet.

G.N.,, 8/15/02
It is refreshing to hear the truth.

R.R.,, 4/26/00
Neo-Tech has changed my life for the better.
My eyes have been opened to the world of mysticism, neo-cheaters and
non-sequiters. One only has to look at what's happening to great companies
such as Microsoft and the persecution of value producers like
Bill Gates to see how these Black Hat Neo-Cheaters want to
destroy or steal other peoples hard work.

J.L.,, 12/18/96
On my quest for knowledge I stumbled into this site.
I think that it's a great website. After visiting it I went to
other Neo-Tech web sites. Now I am a convinced about profound honesty.
I am also very excited about the O.V.M. I would like to become part

F.T.,, 10/9/98, Italy

L.B.,, 10/17/00
I'm truly excited about my purchasing The Book
already its making my journey more exciting and achievable.

MAP,, transient
This site offers invaluable tools to remove a defect in the brain
called 'mental-blindness' this site should definitely stay as the mind constantly
evolves, sometimes in wrong directions! (mysticism, false beliefs) N-T corrects
the deficiencies by offering a different window or snapshot into reality the
way it really is. Once the materials are read a new energy fuses in the brain
that has the capability of 'defying' normal laws of logic! The beauty of it is
you continue to see reality as you perceived originally you don't lose anything,
but one gains the second language of N-T; originality fires in all directions
this is the new 'invisible' energy! Basically put, N-T gives one new logic and
it is within that package that one can see and understand reality from other
angles. Upon this discovery one may be temporarily 'shocked' from such a rude
awakening but i promise you, life will be extremely interesting after the readings
of this literature.

"Please expand this site."
R.C.,, 2/20/97

The Neo-Tech philosophy is great. There are many people that
I've directed to the website who would not have known of it

d.b.,, 1/31/01
and integrated honesty are the most powerful answers to any
questions anyone can come up with. Thanks a million.

"There is tons of valuable info on this site."
S.L.,, 5/14/97

Lynn A.,, 6/12/97, Canada
This is powerful stuff, the stuff dreams are made of. Imagine the
opportunities for those who embrace change and not fear it. This really is the
new frontier for those with the vision to see it.

J.M.,, 1/25/99
Too bad I, and all of mankind for that matter,
didn't find this rich source
of information sooner, like 100 years ago.

"Neo Tech is needed for the maintenance of a free world for
D.C.,, 6/1/97

Anthony C. Metroplis,, 10/9/01
I believe that Neo-tech will lead us into the future of Freedom and prosperity. One has to only read and learn!!! The truth awaits us all!!!

"I have always agreed in full with the principles of Objectivism,
but have been skeptical of its dictatorial leaders and their
cult-like following. Neo-Tech is OBJECTIVISM APPLIED CONSISTENTLY
to all areas. Thank you."
M.W.,, 1/3/97

R.M.,, 3/15/97
Dominate the web. Scare every Objectivist out of his wits.

C.K.,, 12/15/97
I believe Neo-Tech truly shows a positive way of viewing life on
The information gives a person a clear understanding
of how the world really works.

Truly mind-bending/changing.

R.W.,, 12/29/99
Thank you for your ever enduring efforts.
I am making my own way now to a new beginning and new conscious

Y.L.,, 12/24/96, Singapore
Unbelievably exciting and interesting.

B.R.,, 9/25/98, Canada
I find this information gives the searching soul the
Ability to integrate ones thoughts into a more structured and focused
pattern. I have been given much to think on. I
feel like I am emerging from a dream...

S.M.,, 5/29/99, United Kingdom

I believe that the truth should be told, and that all mystical beliefs
should finally be put to rest, so the world can prosper and grow into the civilization
of the universe. I understand most are afraid of the truth because the thought
of being in charge of your own life, and decision making, opposed to being a
puppet for the real life value destroyers is a lot to take in, but who cares
how the truth comes as long as it comes, right? Finally, I know neo-tech should
remain on the net, because without it how can we possibly thrive as a true civilization
when what we have now only reinforces anti-civilization. meaning that the blind
will continue to lead the blind further into this anti-civilization, until that
mystical matrix is stripped away, and the truth can be seen by whole world!


"I found this web site an eye opener. I have surely learned a
great deal."
L.M.,, 4/3/97, Brueni

Z.G.,, 5/8/97
This is the best web sit I have EVER seen. It has practical
applications that anyone can apply to improve their life!

P.M.,, 4/15/98

T.T.,, 12/6/99
NEO_TECH is the most EXPLOSIVE information to ever BIG BANG the
Human Mind. It CONTAINS expensive psychological SIGNATURES within
it's LITERATURE that deliver 'the goods' in relation to LIFE
itself! ONE read and MYSTICISM slowly washes away into the NOTHINGNESS
from whence it ORIGINATED. NOTHING can now ever STOP N-T. IT
is a WINDOW that projects only positive LIGHT onto a
screen that has INFINITE scope for the better of Man/Womankind
infinite amount of TIME.

R.G.,, 4/2/99
Neo-Tech is Perfect. Absolutely Perfect.

E.R.,, 3/13/00
Are you offering any workshops on Friday Night Essence???
and related subjects. It is a very interesting subject and it
would be helpful.

A.T.,, 1/17/97, Australia
I found this web site through a search on `world conspiracy', and it
has certainly confirmed that the tools of wealth and progress have been
withheld from the general population for the express purpose of narrowly
defining the dispersion of wealth and knowledge to all but a select few.

A D Alborough,, 12/19/02, South Africa
Neo-Tech is the way forward.

R.M.,, 11/19/01
Your article on the War of Two Worlds is most accurate. This war cannot be better or more simple expressed at its essence than by a quote from the current
icon of the anti civilization, Mr Bin Ladin himself. He recently was reported as saying, 'We love de
ath. The U.S. loves life. This is big difference between us.'

"I am very impressed by this web site, as it is easy to move
around and get the information one is looking for. I want to know
more about Zonpower, it appears to be what I have been looking
for, literally all my life! It is marvelous that one can access
this information on the Internet. Keep it up!!!"
C.F.,, 1/22/97, South Africa

S.S.,, 5/19/98
This is highly comprehensible information. I'm very
interested. You definitely must keep this on the Web, available to

B.M.,, 5/26/97, Canada
Overwhelmingly sensible.

T.P.,, 7/15/98
In practical terms I find your arguments
valid and rational in comparing the users of the world to the
producers of value.

Neo-Tech is a masterpiece

JH,, 1/11/00
Poker: A Guaranteed Income for Life', by Frank R. Wallace.
A major milestone in poker books -- and beyond. This should
have been the poker book that ended poker books. At the time
it came out, it was far, far deeper and more sophisticated
than anything else in the field, and in some ways, despite
the exponential improvement in poker literature, still is.
When the Jacoby's and Rubens's were telling us to keep
stakes down, quit by midnight, and don't let players get
hurt, Wallace knocks down those barriers like wooden fences
in a category 5 hurricane.
This book is the only one I know of which provides a
framework for working a maximum-win approach in home poker
games, with stark amorality.
The book gets its true greatness at the end, when he
explains that for all the possibilities inherent in poker,
it's a losing proposition. After teaching us to be "good
players," he explains why the "good player is the biggest
loser in poker." Why? You'll have to read.

R.T.,, 10/22/97
Wow! What a vast amount of information!!!! This is Awesome.

M.Y.,, 3/31/97, Pakistan
It is a tool for all humanity. I think it is especially helpful in
business and love.

d.d.,, 1/29/02, Austria

G.P.,, Canada
Anyone against Neo-Tech obviously hasn't experienced it or even
given it the time of day, since it challenges their deep rooted beliefs about
life and God. Lets take the irrationality out of life and make it rational,
leaving nothing unanswered, living li ves full of meaning and fulfillment.
We are entitled to peace and harmony within our lives, everything we need
and desire is contained within Neo-Tech's teachings, lets make a lifetime
of happiness amongst our fellow man and believe paradise on Earth does exist.
We are the creators of the universe, masters of time and space, lets believe
it again for the 'first' time.

M.H.,, 7/30/99
Your work is the most valuable of ideas and information
in the history of civilization.
I look forward everyday with great anticipation to what you
will publish next. Thanks for your life-enhancing products.

B.L.,, 6/2/97, Canada
Without Neo-Tech, who will demystify people? Seems to me that the Net
is THE WAY to spread Neo-Tech info.

J.S.,, England
The best thing I have ever read!

B.K.,, 9/16/97
"I find this site to be an excellent resource to the Neo-Tech Discovery

R.P.,, 3/22/98, Australia
A great source of very valuable information.

M.P.,, 12/31/98
I applaud you for posting the negative comments, not doing so would have
been dishonest. It seems that they are afraid to take responsibility
for their live and want someone or something else to do that
for them. I recently woke up and realized that I have been
lied to all of my life, accept for Neo-Tech. I am ready to begin
and travel the road of Neo-Tech today.
I am about to start a new business and it will
be run totally using the integrated Neo-Think method.

"The insights contained within this web site were very striking
to me. The things I have read, although I was skeptical, may be
in fact true and I'd love to learn much more."
A.C.,, 1/12/97

W.S.,, 7/10/99
I am 36 years old, and run a small mortgage business. All of
my life I have been in sales jobs and have read many books and
studied many courses. Almost all of them are quite frankly full
of garbage, because they rely on promoting 'false notions' and
beliefs, that coincidentally only the author has the unique answers
to solve. (yeah right!) I kept reading book after book, doing
course after course, wondering when I would ever discover the
'real truth'. Most people we look to for guidance in life, (teachers,
councilors, church leaders, authors etc), do nothing but create
imaginary 'problems' for you. Once achieved, they offer BOGUS
solutions and pretend to be your friend. Then they can easily
manipulate you like a blood sucking leach, while all the time
pretending to be your savior. WHAT A LOAD OF CRAP!!! At last
I HAVE found the truth. Watch out Neo-cheaters (deadbeat,
blood-sucking loser's) I AM ON TO YOU!.

M.C.,, 6/26/97
Mysticism is truly useless. Let us all pursue its extinction
immediately! Neo-Tech flows through my mind unblocked by mysticism! I am
Zonpower. My children will be Zonpower. My business is Zonpower. My new
international business hyperstructure will deliver Zonpower into the hands of
100 million individuals. The end of the irrational/mystical is here!

D.S., sezampro.yu, 4/22/97, Yugoslavia
Your site is absolutely essential.

J.K.,, 2/22/99
Truly astounding.

"I hope you keep your web site online. I go here whenever I get
the chance. It's kind of a relief for me-just knowing it's here.
It drastically changed the way I think about things. Please stick
around. Keep up the brave work."
K.K.,, 2/3/97

"I feel that the Neo-Tech web site is a fundamental necessity in
that it provides for the amateur Neo-Techer a library of wealth
and knowledge that could not be accessed by mystic government
libraries that don't care to express all points of view. So in my
humble opinion this web site will change the way people see their
lives and ultimately save the world."
E.F.,, 5/19/97

D.B.,, 3/7/99
Since reading these great pieces of literature as well as
participating in discussion groups, my whole outlook of life
has changed dramatically!! My wife and children have also
benefited from these readings. Dr. Frank Wallace for president
is the greatest thing that could possibly happen to our
existence. Keep on researching.

Miranda T.,, 2/21/98
I am anxious to learn more about Dr. Frank Wallace
discovery. It is indeed powerful and ingenious.

R.R.,, 3/10/01
The Neo-Tech/Zon thinking mode has helped me
integrate my
thinking with reality. This neo-think reality is a cutting
edge life style
('philosophy') that strikes me as the 'true & honest' way to
conduct one's life. I want to progress even further and am
about what the future holds.
The first book ('The Neo-Tech Discovery (Zonpower)
Manuscript') gets credit
for opening my mind. I feel I was truly 'saved' after
this. Now I understand what the Baptists' mean and possibly
when they say they have been 'saved'!!!... So, when I have a
discussion with people of various religions, I usually tell
how I was saved with my new thinking about life. Of course,
am labeled a 'heathen' at times, and conveniently called an
but it's OK with me.

"Absolutely fabulous!"
M.F.,, 1/23/97, Singapore

J.C.,, 9/29/02
I have been reading and studying neo-tech for 5 or 6 years and find it to be the most validating information on life, living and thinking tools available for
a productive and happy living. VIVA NEO-TECH!

M.C.,, 7/12/02
I've been collecting and reading Neo-Tech publications since 1983 and I can't imagine a world without Neo-Tech. Everything Neo-Tech touches becomes the
Golden Zon in my life. Keep on, keepin' on.

"Intriguing information. I read a few pages this morning and
thought about it throughout the day. I believe everyone knows deep
down that they were born for far more than they're experiencing
and contributing in this lifetime. I plan to continue reading more
- it gets better as I read along."
D.W.,, 6/17/97

I am an Alaskan Native, have lived on the
streets, recovered
alcoholic & drug addict, and have been a victim of abuse and

K.G.,, 5/9/00, U.S.
I bought 'THE BOOK' a few months ago and I am
almost through
it. It's almost truth overload! I have also purchased
Decoded' and I recommend it to all BOOK owners. I plan to
them both on to friends when I have gotten all I can from
This is too important to keep to myself. STAY ON THE WEB!!!
you in the C of U.

S.V.,, 5/13/98, Kazakhstan (the former Soviet Union)
You do a good job! Hopefully, your ideas will spread.

C.S.,, 10/19/98, Australia
would like someone to contact me about the
seminar in Las Vegas in November

This site should definitely remain on the web.

Anon.,, 4/5/98, Croatia
WOW, amazing page!

T.H.,, 7/3/00, United Kingdom
WOW!!! This is new, out of the conventional,
mind blowing. I am
glad I found you, there is no way I will ever let you go. I
can't wait to tell my friends. Hope you will bring us more
ideas on how to be free from poverty. Please keep up the
good work.

D.C.,, 9/18/02
First time in my life someone has said it like it is. I have to say that it is about time that someone had the gonads to say it out loud. I am looking
forward to leading the life of integrity, honesty and the right for all to prosper and enjoy this life we have.

C.B.,, 9/25/97
"When I read idiotic messages like 'Neo-Tech will destroy our nation' I feel
like I'm being held back, like someone else is trying to control me, keep me
in line. I hope that Neo-Tech moves forward with their philosophy and makes
further attempts to broaden the conceptual abilities of all mankind. "

An amazing web-site.

"I have received a few of your books in the past. I find your
writing and ideas extremely exciting. I look forward to visiting
your web pages to learn more about Zonpower and working harder to
burst my mystical bubble to become Zon. Once again thank you for
all the work you are doing. I look forward to joining the
civilization of the universe."
S.K.,, 1/14/97

T.B.,, 3/9/01, united kingdom
I feel like I've died and gone to heaven and
discovered I'm in

"Wonderfully enlightening."
J.B.,, 3/18/97

A.A.,, 6/2/97
A fascinating site. It expands your mind and helps form new ways of

P.J.,, 12/25/00
The book was the most nourishing info I've ever
had in my life

C.W.,, 4/18/01
I would sincerely feel like the rug was pulled
out from under me if this information was taken from the Internet. I most
humbly ask that it remain for others to find and read as I have done.

"We need Neo-Tech, it is too easy to become stale and vulnerable
in our society of users and abusers. Thanks!"
P.C.,, 4/7/97

"The NeoTech/Zonpower Discovery helped open my eyes as to who the
REAL cheaters and criminals in the world are. I also am aware of
many more 'control mechanisms' politicians have ingrained in our
minds and can reject their government as big brother, father and
M.J.,, 2/14/97

"I am most interested in becoming a master of these arts I think
the power of this literature will benefit me in my business
J.C.,, 3/17/97

I.V.,, 6/5/97, Australia
The ideas and topics you raised are quite fascinating.

"I find this information very interesting."
J.U.,, 5/15/97

J.S.,, 1/5/98, United Kingdom
Marvelously sane information - a practical and well thought
out blueprint for this messed up civilization to achieve it's true potential.

uriel,, 12/12/01, Germany
First I have to say that I'm German! Fortunately I've studied English language for some years. Really nice and helpful site!

A.K.,, 4/18/97, South Africa
Sounds absolutely fantastic. I suppose I'll be sitting here the whole
weekend going through this site.

I love the seemingly infinite amount of knowledge that I have encountered through
the books and the sight itself. This site is a precious and valuable source of
mind opening information.

"j'ai pas bien compris la philosophie du site pas clair pour un
S.S.,, 1/30/97, France

T.N.,, 8/18/97, Australia
"How else will the world be changed? Everyone else has failed."

I really enjoy the NTN posts. There are a lot of good ideas being expressed
and it helps keep you focused when there are people that you can relate to

A.T.,, 10/17/98
I feel like I'm loosening the chains of Dogma that have
been tying me down for most of my adult life.

Anon.,, 8/4/98
Very enlightening. Hope more people check it out.

J.H.,, 5/23/98
What you have written here, really makes good sense, as in
Reference to my own life, I've had trouble accepting religion in

B.W.,, 3/11/97
This is terrific information; important and basic and insightful.
Thank you for making it available. You are whetting a lot of appetites and
undoubtedly changing a lot of lives with your concepts.

M.B., , 4/24/01
Whoever thinks to become a master of his/her life, should go through the Neo-Tech documentation.

M.E.,, 4/26/00
I came across your Zonpower information quite a
long time ago. I have been drowning in mysticism since that time. Internal
mysticism was the brick that sealed the 'shelter box' within my mind.
I did not want to attempt and then fail living a life of
hardworking happiness. Outside mystics easily manipulated me after my
internal default of mysticism took over. Finally
now, as I write, I am breaking out of that “box' and
learning to move on to increased productivity and fully
integrated honesty (that will be nice). I know it won't happen over night.
Having read your book once fully, and halfway
through the second time, I am enjoying “real' life more,
and understanding the baloney of the mystics in the world
around me. The real question for each and every individual who
understands and accepts Neo-Tech is: Am I going to act upon
the knowledge I have, or just sit on it until I die? I should
have asked myself that question years ago.