
Your Rendezvous with Pax Neo-Tech
13,000 Comments 13,000 Comments

Pure Beauty Rising
C'est Si Bon

Neo-Tech Letter Testimonials!

Feedback Comments From Jan 1997-May 2003

Below, 500 Random Testimonials From 1997-2003
Continue refreshing to see countless more Neo-Tech Testimonials... over 20,000 testimonials!

"I most certainly want this site to expand on the web."
A.A., co.nw, 4/14/97, Norway

F.B.,, 9/23/98, Malaysia
Thought provoking and revolutionizing.

E.R.,, 5/22/98
Very interesting reading.

"What I have read so far is great. This just might be the info
that I have been waiting for to take advantage of the
opportunities that await me."
D.W.,, 1/26/97

J.B.,, 3/8/98
I am interested in real success and prosperity principles,
like those found in your materials. These materials are the most logical,
practical, philosophically sound information I have read since
I last read Atlas Shrugged.

R.M.,, 1/30/97
This web site is very informative and provokes new directions in

G.S.,, 8/11/98
I've begun and have eliminated many of the mystical
barriers around me. And I am very excited about what I've learned and
what I have yet to learn.

"I admire all the work you're doing. You've opened up a hidden
self within me and now I'm fueled with desire to produce values
and live life as it was meant to be."
M.M.,, 1/20/97, West Malaysia

The Book did what you promised. I can finally think for myself. I have also
read everything Ayn Rand has ever written because of neo-tech. Frankly, I
cannot understand why objectivists hate neo-tech so much. I was raised Catholic
and now I am an atheist. When I was a kid I loved Star Wars. Now Star Wars
seems metaphysically retarded to me. I used to love punk rock, and now punk
seems like collectivism! I now have my first 'real job' in a Fortune 500
company and I owe it all to Aristotle, Aquinas, Rand and neo-tech!

A.L.,, 3/31/02, Australia
Neotech has shown me the way to attain true happiness and prosperity in my life. I have completely turned my life around by integrating this knowledge, and
now I really want to share it with as many people as I can. Please send me your catalogue, I want more!

I find all information from Neo-Tech not only informative but factual.
In this day of cover-ups, if is most refreshing. This is the only
way other people will be able to learn the truth about many subjects.

M.B.,, 11/16/97, Brazil
As a whole, view is very impressive.

I bought your Book and I am working
to rid the toxins of my mind (Catholic since birth),thanks for open my eyes!!!!

O.R.,, 3/1/01, India
Mind-blowing and mind-expanding concepts and
ideas. Keep up the
good work!

"Excellent, Just plain excellent."
D.D.,, 3/29/97

"No other information source has made such a profound and
vertically rising difference in my life. I would heartily
recommend this to anyone and everyone."
T.D.,, 5/4/97

f.e.,, 5/14/00
I am now 67 y/o., after reading 'The Book' I am
very excited about life and my part in creative producing. I
now want to live forever, new things happens all the time,
it wont be boring if you don't choose it to be. I'm trying
to find my child hood, which is far better than the adult
lies I hear every day: Santa Clause, Easter Bunny, tooth
fairy Jesus' saving grace, god. I'm all I've got and all I
have ever had, but I'm making it. I have my Friday night
essence. and I'm working on that now and I'm happy for the
first time in a long time. thanks to the writers of The

"Neo-Tech allows the 'average' person to succeed, where before
they might fail. It releases a lot of garbage from the mind."
C.G.,, 5/13/97

R.H.,, 8/13/98, Netherlands
Good site, like the books !

p.w., , 8/30/02
neo-tech is the fuel that keeps me going each day. in this day of corrupt value destroying government and mystic employers neo-tech keep me focused. neo-tech

G.P.,, Canada
Anyone against Neo-Tech obviously hasn't experienced it or even
given it the time of day, since it challenges their deep rooted beliefs about
life and God. Lets take the irrationality out of life and make it rational,
leaving nothing unanswered, living li ves full of meaning and fulfillment.
We are entitled to peace and harmony within our lives, everything we need
and desire is contained within Neo-Tech's teachings, lets make a lifetime
of happiness amongst our fellow man and believe paradise on Earth does exist.
We are the creators of the universe, masters of time and space, lets believe
it again for the 'first' time.

P.C.,, 11/29/97
Great site... have benefited enormously from Neo-Tech.
...Only fools would want to ban Neo-Tech...

N.J.,, 4/1/97
This site has opened my mind to the truth about life.

Neo-Tech has opened my eyes to a broader view of life, it has made me feel
much better about myself now.

M.K.,, 2/5/00
Cutting to the chase, the western world needs
a Neo-Tech enema.

D.M.,, 5/1/97
If you can't find what your are looking for here, you can't find it

N.N.,, 2/22/00, Australia
I personally think that the Neo-Tech Discovery
is one of the most important piece of work ever discovered by man.

R.H.,, 7/22/02
I love and adore your site.' You say things in powerful way.

J.O.,, 8/27/97
After having read Zonpower manuscript 4 yrs ago my life went from
drifter to capturing my own essence with the help of
iron grip control. my fears have become exhilarated grasps
of life. I manage many employees through D.T.C. and Neo-Tech.

R.P.,, 10/21/98
received your offer to purchase God-Man: Our Final Evolution.
I've decided to explore your web site before making my purchase.

Neo-Tech information and the way it's communicated is so profoundly
pro-life, pro-consciousness, pro-values, pro-reality, I simply can't get
enough of it. And it's so easy to read. Every sentence and every word is
so exciting, it just draws me in while an excitement builds within to where
I don't want to stop reading. Neo-Tech is showing me the way to a far far
better life than anything else out there. Actually everything else out there
seems so irrational and archaic. Neo-Tech is giving me the intellectual and
emotional fuel to live a Neo-Tech life.

R.S.,, 5/13/97, Norway
Really cool...interesting

G.O.,, 8/3/00
There is no future without Neo-Tech. It is the
only way to have access to valid knowledge. Also the only way to biological
immortality, wealth and happiness. Ever since I was a small child, I sensed
there was something wrong with the world; after so many years I found
my answer in Neo-Tech

L.L.,, 9/22/98
This is fantastic, this is more than a “site!

R.H.,, 12/25/99, Jamaica
I think this discovery offers a new prospective to life.

"The web is the PERFECT place to spread the word about Neo-Tech.
The revolution is coming."
D.P.,, 3/29/97

Anon.,, 4/28/99
NEVER remove this knowledge. It is too valuable.

M.G.,, 2/13/01
Neo-Tech is great.

"The Neo-Tech web site is a great tool for reference."
B.T.,, 2/11/97

A.L.,, 1/24/00
In my 54 plus years of reading, this has been
the most profound, eye-opening literature I've ever read. A
positive step for human-kind. Neo-Tech should definitely be
taught in schools. I wish I had had a teacher like Miss
Annabelle instead of one like Ms. Minner!!

R.K.,, 3/28/99, Malaysia
Very life lifting.

"Your site is informative and helpful."
L.C.,, 4/22/97, Australia

t.p.,, 7/18/01, Australia
Neo-Tech is the best thing that has ever
happened in my life!!
Without it I would still be a major loser.

Neo-Tech has opened my eyes to a broader view of life, it has made me feel
much better about myself now.

P.B.,, 2/18/97
Any organization or belief system that can upset as many bureaucrats
as yours apparently has, must have a great deal of truth in it.

J.K.,, U.S.
Neo-tech is an extraordinary book series, magnificent, brilliant.
One dose not to be an intellectual to understand the simplistic life
changing concepts in this very well written book Zonpower. It gave
me a whole new set of eyes to view the world with an d I have only
read it once. I cannot wait to pick it up again to read anew great
work. P.S. please send information on immortality research I am very
intrigued and desperately want to follow the field

"Cool site!! Lots of good stuff!! Keep it comin!!"
G.P., 3/17/97

N.L.,, 9/17/97
Dear Neo-Tech,
I think it is very important for this site to stay on the web. It is a great
source of information for all. Within days of first reading Neo-Tech, I was able
to eliminate many unnecessary things from my life. And I effortlessly began
making an estimated $1000 a week. I think all anyone has to do is read this
and open their minds and the possibilities are endless. I owe a lot to Neo-Tech.
I would like to thank Neo-Tech for making my life so much better and allowing me
to do what I only before dreamed of. I am now live a life of total happiness and
am able to get anything I want in life. Thanks again

Interesting stuff, it helps people to
initiate the process of flushing the disease of mysticism from their ability
to think critically.

M. A.,,,
Comments : It is a beacon of truth for
the mankind. It exposes the neocheaters and
mystics as well as tears religions apart.

M.W.,, U.K. Scotland.
The literature has given me a fresh insight to running our lives
as we want to.

E.V.,, 10/19/97, Sweden
"I think this web site is great, keep pushing forward, we are very close."

"Your new ideas are brilliant and different; I find them very
J.R.,, 2/25/97

K.S.,, 1/27/97, Singapore
The web site is well-arranged, offering a clear view of what is
offered. The color mix is appealing and I look forward to new ideas that will

Neo-tech should remain on the web! It
has helped my wife and I get out of our "fundamentalist born again religion" and
begin to start thinking freely/rationally. I love the site, it strikes a
new, never been heard chord! thank you.

D.B.,, 7/23/97
Neo-Tech confers unimaginable power to the individual.
Everyday I become more powerful using this information.
Mystics are now so easy to identify and outcompete it's hardly

C.W.,, 10/26/99
Although at first I found it hard to believe that such bliss
could be achieved, I have begun to realize the teachings of
Neo-Tech and come to understand them. They have helped me
tremendously. Keep up the good work!

DL,, 4/26/03
Refreshing and insightful.

R Page,, UK
We are born with a free will. Neo-tech offers ways to dump the brainwashing of
other's vested interests and think clearly for ourselves.

j.w.,, 7/27/00
These are the greatest tools available for the
individual to
develop and make the leap to rational self-authority.

P.C.,, 9/14/97
"I found your articles to be very informative, yet easy to understand, Thank

persons comprehensions, you, MY FRIENDS, are dead on with Neo-Tech!!! Should you keep the web site? Wi

S.M.,, 5/27/97, South Africa
Excellent and interesting information that can change ones life

C.M.,, 10/26/97
Excellent, thought provoking material.

Of course Neo-Tech should stay on the net and be expanding!
I received information about The Book and thought I would buy a copy. When
I received it I could not put it down. It took a lot of going over and concentration
to understand it but I have found t hat I see my perception of the world
in a totally new light. The more I read about Neo-Tech the better I feel
and the more I understand about Myself and others.

should work under any circumstances. I believe that your
website can help achieve a higher
level of 'illumination' in the general populace.

w.k.,, 12/12/00, uk
I think this site is awesome, I feel my
changing towards life. Long live neo-tech

J.H.,, 3/31/99
I thank you very much for Neo-Tech. After reading and
re-reading Neo-Tech, I guess you could
say that I finally see the light. And I will now
run for that light with full force. That light is effort,
honesty, and D.T.C.....I can't wait. Thank you

Gordon B,, 2/6/02
An excellent moving, heart warming and emotional format to convey to the world populace all of the C. of U. honesty, perspectives and advantages vs. the A.C.
dishonesty, perspectives and disadvantages. Gordon

H.k.,, KANAGAWA 246-0013 JAPAN
I wish that this site is seen by the people of the world. Based
on experience and thinking by the discovery of neo-technology I am thanking for
that impresses it. I wish that works with the pace of the self in the future.
The next program is looking forward to coming.

Dawn T.,, 1/11/99
It is very insightful, educational and
uplifting. It allows people to see that we are
not powerless in this world. It allows for a educated
perspective on important issues .

G.H.,, Canada

A.C.,, 3/15/99
Neo-Tech should stay on the web. It has become
an increasing value to me and every one that I come in
contact with except neocheaters.

R.S.,, 10/20/98
I have read the Zonpower/Neo-Tech manual. Before I read it, I
had years earlier made a discovery that things weren't as I had
been lead to believe. This, of course, as with all other periods
of enlightenment does not make one comfortable. Just so I was
not comfortable with my 'enlightenment' as you might suspect. After
reading the Zonpower/Neo-Tech manual, I read the section on freeing
the bicameral mind which is what this did for me. I can easily
see why governments do not like this type of thinking, or this
type of literature. Keep up the good work. I can no longer be
controlled with guilt as I used to be. I no longer have feelings
of guilt and wonder if I am doing the right thing or if I should
consult my 'higher power' as I learned to call it in A.A. Nor
do I worry over insignificant things.

L.K.,, pre-12/8/96
Neo Tech is amazing. I'm a computer programmer and would like
to do anything I can to help. Finally we have arrived.

"I like your web page cause it is informative."
K.E.,, 2/25/97

B.A.,, 6/23/98
The Neo-Tech philosophy seems quite interesting and
intrigues me.

S.H.,, 4/18/99, England
I've read The Discovery 11 times, I'm on the
second reading of Outcompete and Cosmic Business Control.
I've now laid the foundation for 12 books of my own, a
clothing business, and have other ideas (Long Range Plans)
to integrate into what looks like an AWSOME LIFE. I've tried
telling others about Neo-Tech but they're to wrapped up in
the hoax. I'm now rapidly demolishing every aspect of the
hoax: I've stopped taking sugar, smoking, caffeine and am on
the way to an astonishing future. I know its astonishing it
is me who is creating it and who will develop it. The
mystics want me to share it, to share me, to give up my
“I-ness' so they can usurp it later in life, and have
pleasure knowing that they destroyed my dreams. They have a
problem, they wont be able to compete, but Neo-Tech will be
their salvation. Neo-Tech is ruthless (Not everyone can
handle honesty). Thanks Mr. Wallace, Mr. Hamilton, &
everyone at Neo-Tech. “One last thought': Show me a mystic
and ill show you a pile of SH...Well, you know what I mean.
All the best Techies.

humanity reaching its maximum potential, free of mysticism. Bring on the 'NEO-TECH REVOLUTION' and bring on 'BIOLOGICAL IMMORTALITY'.

P.M.,, 4/29/99, Australia
Neo-Tech is extremely valuable. It has the
power to break the mystical spell and burst the mystic
bubble with which one is trapped. Upon reading Neo-Tech, the
mind experiences (from my perspective) a mental explosion (a
big bang) with it's medicinal tonic called honesty. At last,
a new dimension of thought is here. This literature opens
all doors that were previously locked in one's mind due to
the contamination of an ugly language called 'mysticism'.
Reality is now more enjoyable that I am free from the cages
and machinery of madness that once padlocked my mind in a
world where authority had all the keys. Neo-Tech is the
ultimate natural medicine.

R.C.,, 12/18/96
Insightful and very well done.
There seems to be a lot of truth to these writings and they make sense.

b.m.,, 8/16/02, Scotland, UK.
Carry on this good work to bring the truth to the people

G.B.,, 11/28/97
We desperately need your message. I hope every person on earth
gets the chance to hear it.

A.K.,,5/24/00, Canada
It's absolutely fascinating! I can't put it

G.B.,, 8/5/97
"I'm behind you 200%. Keep fighting for the people"

"I NEED to learn how to protect myself and I shall keep looking
until I manage to control my own destiny. ...DO TELL ME MORE AND
E.G.,, 2/24/97, Australia

M.P.,, 8/30/01, uk
I think this is the way of future and already
has started now.

S.S.,, 3/16/00
From where I sit I think the writers at NTP
have demonstrated an uncanny ability to write/express/convey
with a high degree of accuracy while pushing the envelope of
charting new frontiers. Anyone can use NTP's work to push
their own envelope to greater knowledge and penetrate deeper
and wider into new and existing markets.

Y.O.,, 10/24/97, Indonesia
You have a good idea of making a good life.

Sharona,, 7/26/00
I love this site.

R.M.,, 8/11/98, Canada
Excellent poker strategies - has improved my game 10 fold.

Neo Tech is Perfect!!

C.B.,, 8/28/97,
There are those among your readers who can discern the sublime
within your 'honesty'.

,, 11/14/02
I've always being looking for information that could explain the existence of the invisible energy that surrounds this world and I, finally found it.

L.W.,, 9/6/97
Just started reading the Zon/Neo-Tech site today and have not been
able to stop. You've produced an expanded version of Rand's philosophy for the
common man. Stay on the Web and spread the word.
Keep the bastards in their non-productive place!

Charlene B.,, 3/18/00
Most informative.

T.T.,, 9/6/99
Some of the information could be quite deadly
in the minds of the evil.

j.m.,, 6/3/00, U.S.

G.D.,, 3/1/00

H.A.,, 4/23/97
Your site is very informative and helpful. I greatly appreciate the

B.N.,, 7/13/97, England
"Neo-Tech is an eye opener for me. It seems that I have been
waiting for it all my life. It is so fundamental. It's basis is so
logical and reasonable."

Neo-tech rocks.

"This site absolutely, positively should remain on the web! To
the day I die (which will be never!) I will be asking myself why
I fell for the mysticism."
D.M.,, 4/15/97

I.P.,, 8/12/97, Indonesia
Neo-Tech doesn't have anything to do with religion and that sounds
good because it's universal and can be useful to anyone. But what I can be sure
of is that Neo-Tech is a refreshing approach that's needed by anyone to live his
or her life to the fullest and hopefully to help people to help others and make
this world a better place for every being. We cannot afford to be uninformed
about this very worthy knowledge.

Y . Hussain,,
The ideas and reasons given are awe inspiring-especially the
premise about religion. I find your material so profoundly motivating for
change -- it is incredibly different.

R.W.,, 4/2/97
I am thoroughly thrilled with Neo-Tech.
Neo-Tech continually improves
my abilities to achieve happiness and prosperity in life. Go NT!

K.A.,, 10/11/97
"Truth and honesty for all and to all."

D.H.,, 12/25/98
Frank Wallace's ideas are extremely bold and
ambitious. What a wonderful vision!

It offers the only real solutions to individual reality and
life as it should be.

D.C.,, 4/2/99
Hello, I am a 17 year old high school student Neo-Tech has
changed my way of thinking and I plan on being mystic free
for the rest of my life. I am glad that you are on
the internet because it makes me feel like I am not alone, and
that there are others who want to be prosperous in life and love.

A.O.,, 5/19/97, Chile
This site is very interesting.

W.J., , 5/7/01, uk
Dear Neo-Tech Your works are a necessity in
any persons life
to progress and have a fuller and happier life with eyes
wide open. You MUST stay on the web. I am a better person because
of the things I have learned from The Book.

H.C.,, 4/25/00
This site offers an alternative viewpoint and strategy to achieve success and happiness. This information is important in the fulfillment of a human being and achieving a quality life.

P.N.,, 8/1/01, Australia
Neo tech has picked me up from the rut I was
in. My life was on a way trip to stagnation, Neo-tech was the catalyst that
gave me the tools to live a happy and prosperous life. Neo-tech
is an undeniable concept, and one that everyone should be
exposed to so people can judge is usefulness. Neo-tech should
remain on the web, forever!!!!

B.E.,, 7/6/98
I think this web site is awesome. I think that you are
offering a wonderful, liberating service to people. I like the
straight to the point, no b.s., honest and direct tone of your
work. Thanks for the inspiration. Keep up the good work.

"Thoughtful and scholarly... I'm glad to see more people
recognizing the dangers of blind faith and religion."
J.S.,, 1/20/97

The best!

Beth,, 4/10/03
I cannot express the extent of my gratitude to the people of NTP for helping
to change my life. With the aid of DTC, FIH, and WSA, I have been able to break
through the layers of mysticism and develop into the honest, value productive
woman I am today.

J.C.,, 2/19/98
This page kicks ass!!!! I want to be a member!!!

"Any organization or belief system that can upset as many
bureaucrats as yours apparently has, must have a great deal of
truth in it."
P.B.,, 2/18/97

M.K.,, 8/20/97
"Only facts will awake the uncivilized from their sleep."

P.L.,, 6/20/97, Japan
Your site is beautifully interesting and contains power-packed

J.H.,, 1/23/00
I've been applying the wonderful Neo-Tech
advantages to my life for 4 years now. Without Neo-Tech I
might be dead or in jail! Because of Neo-Tech, I am able to
run my own business and do all of the wonderful things I
love I hope the entire world can realize the great value in
Neo-Tech and embrace as I have!

R.S.,, 7/7/97
"This stuff looks pretty interesting."

R.H.,, 2/1/98
The Neo-Tech discovery represents the only realistic blue-print
for personal success and world-wide prosperity that I have ever

"From the little I have read, I do believe this work is extremely
beneficial to all those who are fortunate enough to encounter
T.D.,, 2/10/97

D.T.,, //
When I saw the neo-tech web site, I got as
excited as when I
first started reading The Book. I love everything that the
team is trying to do. You people are great! The Book as
forever changed my life. I will
do my best to bring great values to society one day. I don't
if I could have done it without neo-tech.

"Hi, I am a young university student. I'm new to Neo-Tech and
will read more -- it's just so enlightening."
T.T.,, 3/28/97

T.T.,, 12/6/99
NEO_TECH is the most EXPLOSIVE information to ever BIG BANG the
Human Mind. It CONTAINS expensive psychological SIGNATURES within
it's LITERATURE that deliver 'the goods' in relation to LIFE
itself! ONE read and MYSTICISM slowly washes away into the NOTHINGNESS
from whence it ORIGINATED. NOTHING can now ever STOP N-T. IT
is a WINDOW that projects only positive LIGHT onto a
screen that has INFINITE scope for the better of Man/Womankind
infinite amount of TIME.

M.B.,, 10/4/98
Neo-Tech should be a required learning subject in the
primer years of young children. The parasites who spend
their lives dreaming and implementing new ways to rob the people
of their labors have got to go. Neo-Tech is the first
system based on having good for all.

T.M.,, 8/22/02
We need NEO-TECH more than ever to drive the neo-cheaters out and replace them with value creators. Go get them NEO-TECH.

"Excellent, Just plain excellent."
D.D.,, 3/29/97

B.V.,, 9/6/98
If the value of the Protocols where all that one found at, that alone would be plenty of reason to continue. Please,
A straight forward explanation such as this can only help those
that have ignored the facts all their lives.

Kitty E.,, 5/9/03
This site is giving people a new insight on life. It gives you an answer to
questions no one else would.

"This is the best information center for garnering new
integrations of Neotech\Neothink."
D.P.,, 3/28/97

R.J.,, 6/13/02
Neo-Tech is an intelligent and peaceful form of reason, learning, justice, love, and business ethics. The beauty of Neo-Tech is to encourage the human mind
to expand and progress to achieve the ultimate goal of peace, love, harmony and self growth, success in business and ultimately the growth of mankind, a race of people able to make this world what it should be, a strong, intelligent business oriented
world. Not a world that runs to pray every time there is a problem and expect a 'God to deliver us from
evil' without the vaguest idea of who it is that they are praying to.

J.H.,, 3/7/02
You MUST stay online!!!! THANK YOU FOR BEING A BEACON OF MORALITY AND TRUTH!!!!! I am a neophyte to Neo-tech, however I am a staunch objectivist. I have
studied the works of Ayn Rand and the Objectivist ethics presented in her writings. As an entrepreneur
and a human being I have suffered the horrifically evil, shame and guilt from the warped, altruistic, pragmatists and religious doctrines infesting our
world. Through them a person is robbed of self-esteem, creativity, growth, and their value, until they
are fully immolated to the status of moocher, looter, and or parasite; a fate worse than death. Thank GOD (in the sense of the universe's intelligence,
metaphorically speaking) for AYN RAND and NEO-TECH!!!

"Great site!"
M.S.,, 5/25/97, Canada

t.p.,, Australia
Neo-Tech is the best thing that has ever happened in my life!! Without it I would
still be a major loser.

"I am sure interested."
T.M.,, 3/10/97

ANON,, 2/6/97
One thing I love about this web site is that it is not an
evangelistic web site asking people to follow. Rather, it focuses on everyone's
self-effort. Thanks for doing an excellent job. I sincerely hope that you will
achieve the goal of eradicating mysticism. What a beautiful world that would
be! Excellent work!

J.G.,, 10/18/99
It's unbelievable how Neo-Tech enabled me to
see the light. The best material in
print for helping oneself to become strong and independent

W.B.,, 8/22/99
Neo Tech is a sound bases for a not to distant
time in mans history.

R.P.,, 7/27/98, Canada
Very fascinating . lot of truth and eye-opening values.

James Stauffer,, 2/9/01
As a long time owner
of neo-tech's values and belief structure it holds true ....
there is no other system out there that holds true... period
the work they have done is fundementaly proven to work

G.R.,, 3/26/00
Expand the Marketing of this message, expand
the site for all
of the 'Books', to support the premises of Neo-Tech is to
the forces of Optimal Life.

N.L.,, 2/17/00
Neo-Tech is not just logically correct, it is
also morally correct. Right now I'm a nobody but thanks to
Neo-Tech many things are changing and soon I'll be able to
show the world how important this information really is.

J.W.,, 12/17/96, Australia
What little I have seen so far is very interesting.
I have limited opportunities to surf, but will be back to see more.

B.S.,, 5/22/97
Absolutely the most amazing thing that humans have thought of. I am
ready for the Civilization of the Universe right now!!!!!

I like the teachings of deprogramming
our minds from bicameral thinking.

C.S.,, 10/19/98, Australia
would like someone to contact me about the
seminar in Las Vegas in November

Heather S.,, 12/23/97
Neo-Tech sounds as though it may become the mainstay for my
life. thank you.

D.I.,, 9/3/98
I think Neo-Tech is the most valuable and stimulating
information available.

S.M.,, 3/6/00, Australia
Neo-Tech is the ONLY opportunity for this
world to progress. I have a home based business that is
expanding rapidly because of the power of implementing
NEO-THINK. Neo-Tech is for all of you that can walk the
walk and not just talk the talk.

Linda B.,, 5/15/99
I have been struggling with bad thought
jealousy for years and it is destroying my current love
relationship. Never before have I read anything that came
close to describing the struggle I have been facing. I am
embracing this new thought process you have explained to me,
and I hope it is the cure for my disease. If I don't find
one, I will never be able to have a healthy, loving

"This is the best reading I have done. I finally can see that
logical thinking wins over our mystical brainwashing. I thank you
for this fine site. You have my full support and if there is
someway that I can help."
J.V.,, 3/9/97

Neo-tech has opened my eyes, that is for certain. It must stay on the web for
everyone to be to find, it is a masterpiece.

E.C.,, 2/21/97
This is an eye-opening as well as a mind-opening and educational web

C.P.,, 2/24/98, South Africa
Neo-Tech gave me a fresh burst of energy to pursue my life
long dream.

p.w., ,
Keep neo-tech on the web because you've taught me so much About life.

J.C.,, 10/10/97
"The information displayed on this site is shocking. I became interested
right away, since I've also been doing my own studies on ways to acquire a
better life. Neo-Tech should definitely remain on the Internet"

G.W.,, 8/28/99, Ireland
Good information -- maybe the best I've seen.

N.S.,, 5/7/97, Malaysia
This material is shocking but extremely powerful. Finally, the
individual is free and powerful!

P. S.,, 7/10/00
I love neo-tech and can't get enough of it.

D.E.,, 1/22/00
Neo-Tech work is like a rocket display that
never falls to earth, but goes upward, but at the same time
is always in sight, a beautiful display.

M.J.,, 12/20/01
It is necessary to have a web site like this one to change the mentalities over the world and show to the people what is wrong in the universal system of
government and tax rules.

,, 11/14/02
I've always being looking for information that could explain the existence of the invisible energy that surrounds this world and I, finally found it.

A.K.,, Australia
As a little boy, stumbling across the top of my fathers chest
of drawers, I found the great big black book and curious opened it. Inside
I found this poem called 'The Golden' and continued to read, although back
then my growing mind was so stumped it didn 't like reading but sure enough
this piece of material riveted me. I've always held that poem to my heart
and it was years later I began on the most difficult journey ever -- that
of truly becoming free of all internal and external authoritative sources
t hat had been draining me. I found this poem and it was then I truly understood
the meaning of what I was to become -- that of a fully fledged producer of
values. I'm not saying this road is easy -- in fact its not, its damn tough
to tell you the truth . B ut for one thing, once you start you must never,
never give up or lose hope even when the chips are down.

"Great info, very powerful."
I.F.,, 3/4/97

H.J.,, 10/31/99, Australia
Stay on the web its only the beginning against
evil. The tall poppy syndrome will be replaced by the Neo
Tech prosperity for every one reality.

J.C.,, 12/23/96
I just finished reading the book Zonpower, and
I find the idea of a totally free and rational society
intoxicating. I look forward to learning more about Neo-Tech,
and thank you for helping me to unleash more of
my potential through Zonpower.

C.P.,, 10/21/97
"I found the content of the site to be quite thought provoking."

K.C.,, 8/2/97
"The Neo-Tech site is thought-provoking, especially the sections on physics
and the bicameral mind. As an Objectivist, the discussions of rational
egoist ethics and laissez-faire capitalism were familiar ground, but I can
see how they would shock the average collectivist or religionist."

T.K.,, 7/17/97
"Should I be reading this in the closet? Its what I have believed
all along, but were afraid to say. I had to read it over and over
again. Neo-Tech will consume you because it is the truth that we
already know."

M.O.,, 7/27/98, Canada
Very interesting concept.

"Thank you for sending a message via the Internet to a person who
thought for a brief time that he lived on an island of
rationality in a sea of mysticism. But now I see other islands
and I am helping to create other islands in my community and
personal life."
S.R.,, 1/26/97

,, 3/31/01
This is terrific information for anyone!!!!

"j'ai pas bien compris la philosophie du site pas clair pour un
S.S.,, 1/30/97, France

G.J.,, 5/30/02
The best!

-,, 5/3/00, -
Love IT.

J.H.,, 9/14/97
"I can't get enough, I love reading all this stuff."

A.H.,, 11/6/00
Neo-Tech has forever, positively, changed my
life. Neo-Tech
is not a way but the only way for human kind to truly
lasting prosperity and happiness. I have been awakened from
kind of spell I never knew I was in until neo-tech. Simply
This painful state we all live in is all brought upon
We need to all raise our children with neo-tech and forever
mysticism...thank you

ANON,, 3/18/97
Neo-Tech Objectivism rules!

D.M.,, 1/5/03
I think that neo-tech literature is the most outstanding information out there on the market today. It's brilliant and I want my children to learn this way
of thinking.

R.K.,, 8/6/98, Malaysia
The Site is Excellent.

Neo-Tech is awesome and should remain on the web, in print, and
spread throughout the whole world as quickly as possible. I love re-reading the
books and coming to the web site to be re-charged. I am teaching this to my 15
year old daughter and she has st arted putting neo-tech into practice. What a
difference it has made in our lives.

S.B.,, 1/6/97
I would like to say that Neo-Tech is the most powerful book I have
ever read. Thank you Dr. Wallace for your hard work and your value production.

Anthony C. Metroplis,,
I believe that Neo-tech will lead us into the future of Freedom
and prosperity. One has to only read and learn!!! The truth awaits us all!!!

C.I.,, 3/8/97, United Kingdom
The Neo-Tech Web Site is by far the most valuable site on the

"Just got the Money, Power, Romantic-Love info and I came to your
web site. I like your web site. I am looking forward to learning
a new way of thinking. That is my problem...'my stinking
thinking' ."
S.V.,, 4/14/97

Neo-Tech is about to go exponential.

V.M.,, 10/28/02
Thank you for the invaluable info on 'Malefactors and Envy.'

"I think this site is really informative and a great source of
knowledge for new neothinkers like myself."
J.G.,, 5/26/97

J.V.,, 3/9/97
This is the best reading I have done. I finally can see that logical
thinking wins over our mystical brainwashing.

K.P,, United States
The illusions of the anticivilization are becoming very clear and I am only about
a third of the way though (THE BOOK). I am so glad that I purchased the books.

L.L.,, 11/22/98, Canada
This info is assisting me quite nicely with my re-discovery process.
I LOVE being me NOW!!! I've turned my back on value-destroyers
and continue to focus on something that has and always will be
innate to me, producing value for others and consequently myself.

D.T.,, 9/16/01, Canada
The Story clearly explains and demonstrates the value producing concepts and ideas introduced in Neo-Tech. BEAUTIFUL!!! As a proud Neo-Tech owner, I would be
honored to contribute funds for a movie.

A.E.,, 11/7/01
Neo Tech burned massive holes through the mystic walls that surrounded me and the blinding light of pure logic flooded in and I literally felt the weight
of ASSHOLEISM passed on to me by my family and society melt away.

C.E.,, 5/18/97
It is wonderful to see Neo-Tech on the Web where it can be accessible
to so many people. Keep it up.

"I have enjoyed reading about gravity units, something I was just
thinking about."
T.H.,, 1/24/97

R.M.,, 5/30/97
I am relieved to have discovered it. Clearly, someone is
thinking out there.

"This site has opened my mind to the truth about life."
N.J.,, 4/1/97

R.M.,, 9/29/00
Being an ardent Objectivist I was glad to see
Ayn Rand's huge contribution to
mankind acknowledged. I see NT as a much more pro-active
continuation of Objectivism, and I want
nothing more than to see biological immortality come to
in my lifetime. Objectivism is a solid foundation and a good
start, but NT is the future. Keep up the great work on the
site, it's scholarly and concise. It's a breath
of fresh air, a sigh of relief, and a great motivator all in

"The site is too valuable to be taken off the web."
F.T.,, 2/22/97, Australia

"This is a great web site."
A.B.,, 4/26/97

Until I found this web page I never understood why the world was designed
to be so hard to live in, now I see that it is really all just a ploy
to keep us from continually evolving and the true un-need for controlling
each other.

K.K.,, 9/25/02, U.S.
This site is a great discovery for thinkers and intellectuals. I believe it should stay online for the benefit and advancement of mankind.

N.L.,, 9/17/97
"Dear Neo-Tech, I think it is very important for this site to stay on the
web. It is a great source of information for all. Within days of first
reading Neo-Tech, I was able to eliminate many unnecessary things from my
life. And I effortlessly began making an estimated $1000.00 a week. I think
all anyone has to do is read this and open their minds and the possibilities
are endless. I owe a lot to Neo-Tech. I would like to thank Neo-Tech for
making my life so much better and allowing me to do what I only before
dreamed of. I am now live a life of total happiness and am able to get
anything I want in life. Thanks again"

G.M.,, 3/15/00

S.Z.,, 6/26/00
This is great
reading and is the only book that has kept my attention
the bible. I always knew that King James deleted some things
added some to suit himself, but I never dreamed that the
was so enormous and worldwide Someone needs to make sure
one knows the truth.

L.R.,, 10/11/98, Mexico
Excellent page...keep it going, humankind
needs this knowledge

H.O.,, 3/12/98
Interesting facts, wonder if I'll ever find the guts to
apply to my personal life.

Cameron,, 12/29/00, New Zealand
I love the sheer diversity of new information
that I find to stimulate my brain, and your site certainly
given me some food for thought.

K. O.,,5/23/00
I can now never be as dense as I was about the
world and it scares
me a little. To have blind faith was a crutch and it seemed
relief, but now to see through things, to their essence I am

D. L.,, 1/9/01
Neo-Tech has definitely changed my thinking
patterns. I almost
feel the digitizing programs making me think honestly. It
also changed my love life. A girl that dumped me two months
is now pursuing me. She is a fox and I am definitely happy

D.C.,, 12/29/98
I think Neo-Tech Publishing should create a
body of work that emphasizes the 'neo-cheating ' that grips
people on a more personal level. The 'neo-cheating' that
happens between family and friends. Everyday stupidities.
Most people understand, even at a very simplistic level,
that politicians, lawyers, media personalities, etc are
dishonest and corrupt, but a lot of people don't seem to
understand the dishonesty and disrespect that happen to them
everyday with family and friends! Most people I know accept
the lies, manipulations and usurpation's from their own
romantic love partners. I know that the neo-tech literature
deals with all this. However, I feel freeing people of these
personal chains would help them break out of the prison that
is the anticivilization! Thank you for your time. My best
to all at Neo-Tech publishing, and value-producers

KayeleaO'Ryane,, 11/16/01
This philosophy is the most amazing work I have ever read or heard of. I am almost speechless when trying to describe how important this work is to America
today and the entire civilization of earthlings on our home planet, earth and beyond.

tom binns,, 9/8/01, uk
Neo-tech is my strength.

C.J.,, 3/12/02, Westchester
I think NT should stay for the sake of mankind.

j.R.,, 9/13/01, uk
The Neo-Tech world is a very bright place to be!

c.m.,, 12/29/00, america
I need this information to flush out the crap
that I allowed to enter my mind. If you love yourself and humans as a
whole, you would not want to remove this power house, where else
are people going to get true info? Keep up the good work! peace!
out! brother!

C.D.,, 3/2/98
A hard hitting series of ideas that opens the mind to a
different view and way of examining the world and our place in it.

B.P.,, 11/27/98
This is some of the most thought provoking information that I
have ever come across. What a coincidence that I once worked
for Dr. Wallace when he manage the dupont plant in
Louisville, Ky in 1980. It is really nice to see how much
Neo tech has expanded since I
first was introduced to it. It has greatly helped me
to see my way clear in so many ways in life.

G.M.,, 5/23/02, Australia
I like it, I like it! Neo-Tech puts life into a cohesive and actionable framework. It makes so much sense to me that 'ON THIS DAY MY LIFE HAS CHANGED

C.B., HUGHES.COM, united kingdom

j.t.,, 11/16/02
This is fascinating writing. The first work which is comprehensive and radical without being sensational or dogmatic.

V.J.,, 7/21/97
"HEY!!! a picture of Frank Wallace I assume. Boy was I thrilled
when I saw that picture. Now thats a man!!!! Thats what I want to
look like. That definitely is an inspiration, that gives NT
another boost for me."

"I believe that ZONPOWER is the key to health, wealth, and
happiness. Also, the fact that this web page has opened my mind
as well as many others is great. This web page really does have
all the answers. I looked into the matrix and almost fell over at
the LIMITLESS amounts of information on everything."
H.R.,, 4/3/97, Canada

d.j.,, Ghana
The best eye opener literature for our generation

A.P.,, 2/14/97, United Kingdom
Wonderful site! It is amazing what can be learned here.

A.K.,, 1/26/01, Germany
This will be the guideline to my future life.
Thank you Mr. Wallace for this awesome literature.

R. C,, 3/25/00
Before I became a Neo-Tech women, I was making
$12,000 per
year. Now thanks to Neo-Tech I AM VERY HAPPY AND WEALTHY
WITH MY $229,000
came to me through a friend.

Michelle R.,, 6/29/98

I enjoy your insights into the evils that men can do...Your information
is pure Genius...

Z.B.,, 10/24/02
Those who fear Neo-Tech don't realize the potential they can achieve. Maybe they are scared.

T.R.,, Canada
It is truly amazing. NT has delivered as promised, as reality delivers when we
act in harmony with it.

"I am anxious to get started in developing an in depth
understanding of the concepts of Neo-Tech."
M.W.,, 1/22/97

"Just want to thank you folks for initiating the most divine
mission available in this day and age. Also, now that a few of us
'out there' know the concepts, Neo-Tech will always be on the web
-- in one form or another -- until irrationality is completely
diffused. Here's to your endeavors!"
M.B.,, 2/20/97

"Even though today is the first time I ever heard of
Zonpower/Neo-Tech, I am very interested in your theories and I
will continue researching this thing. Regarding to your site:
Fast, clear, easily read."
R.M.,, 2/2/97

F.R.,, 2/20/01
Yes, this is the most powerful, non-political
Medium in man's history! Expand the site and provide links,
forums and

M.B.,, 3/23/97, Philippines
Thought-provoking information! Mind-opening information not found

"I would like to see this site expand."
A.W.,, 4/23/97, United Kingdom

P.M.,, 3/26/01, CANADA
The knowledge contained here has and will
change countless lives.

E.C.P., ,Sri Lanka
It would serve many thousands of Surfers well who find their
way to this WEB SITE

A.k.,, 9/1/00, U.S
I found the Neo-Tech Web Site so interesting
I would like to order the book.

I love it.

Please continue your great work!

R.O.,, 5/2/97
Your information is a great value to many people, it is a great

E.B.,, 5/20/97
I have enjoyed the stimulation of the NEO-TECH influence in my life.
Your web site gave me a shot in the brain when I needed it.

JJ,, 3/30/00, UK
A great site! The bulletin boards are a really
good way of
expanding your understanding of Neo-Tech and connect with
others who
are on this incredible journey.

D. J.,, 5/30/02
I love this site. It has changed my life! My entire perspective has changed. Now I look inside my own mind for the answers to the questions in my life. And I
know that I have to take action instead of wishing and praying for God to help me. :) Thank you s
o much.

"I'm completely enthralled."
W.L.,, 5/28/97

J.K.,, 3/3/03
The world is racing towards war, Neo-tech needs to be disseminated even more quickly. Please forward your efforts.

N.A.,, 5/8/97
Amazingly accurate and informative.

"I am extremely Glad I came across this information. I will apply
it to my life."
J.M.,, 6/6/97

J.A.,, 2/4/97
I've been a supporter of Neo-Tech for about 10 years now, It is one
of the most important pieces of work ever created by man, for man. Neo-Tech has
proven itself to me many times. It has given me great leverage in life. I went
from a pizza delivery driver to a successful General Manager for a national
Motel chain. Neo-Tech must remain on the web. And it must continue to expand
without limit for the sake of humanity.

"Intriguing information. I read a few pages this morning and
thought about it throughout the day. I believe everyone knows deep
down that they were born for far more than they're experiencing
and contributing in this lifetime. I plan to continue reading more
- it gets better as I read along."
D.W.,, 6/17/97

S.B.,, 11/30/97
I think that governments would have to ban Neo-Tech (NT). NT
poses too great a threat to their bogus power structure for them
not to ban it. It's a good thing that they ban NT. For they will
have publicly, and widely, demonstrated their disregard for peace,
prosperity, love and happiness. NT will gain an instant and many
fold increase in readership. Of course, governments know the
above is true, thus, is the reason they've done their best to
avoid Neo-Tech as much as possible. Governments do not want people
to have NT. For governments, it's Catch 22.

you 110%! Thank you for everything!

R.A.,, 2/27/97
It is good to have a resource such as yours being presented to the
world. I am forwarding your site to several of my friends. There are pockets of
people just waiting to bring forth a new set of physics that is not based on
decay, but on continued renewal of matter. What is explained in Zon Power is a
reality today. I am glad a voice is standing out. It is imperative you stay on
the net!

S.G.,, 9/25/97
"Neo-Tech changed my life. The concepts I took away from reading the
material are still manifesting huge changes in the way I interact with
reality. I am beginning the operate my mind in an non-reacting mode whereby
I feel I have the ability to effect the future. Without Neo-Tech exposing
the cheaters I could never have defeated religion and the rest of the
parasites to gain the freedom to think on my own."

I extend tremendous thanks to Dr. F. R. Wallace, his family, and
associates. Growing up mystified, I always wanted to be someone else, somewhere
else, some other time. Since I read Neo-Tech I enjoy myself, here, now, forever.

I love this book (The Story). I just finished reading through for the second
time. I find it interesting how it seems to be a lot like a good movie seen over
again. Keep up the good work, I am inspired again.

Roach,, 12/3/01
It's an absolute, Neo-Tech will be on the Internet indefinitely, gong into the future. Neo tech is pregnant and will keep bearing new fruit and growth, for
years to come, in spite of the other world! Neo-tech will just get bigger and bigger. I love it! Cheers! R

T.L.,, 8/11/00
Once you decide to apply the techniques, there
can be no half
stepping. I've found that Neo-Tech requires serious
Do you have it in you?

Ari-B.V.,, 5/8/01
When I first began reading Neo-Tech I felt as
though I'd just awoke from a deep sleep that lasted my whole
life up to that point. To say that the information was an eye-opener
is an understatement. As I began reading the first pages of
my Neo-Tech manuscript, I had no idea that I was embarking on a
journey in which there was no return. I'm not the same
person I was the day before reading Neo-Tech. Thanks for opening my

Pheonixcoms,, 5/9/02, Australia
Thanks for taking the time to build such a great website. Truly inspirational. Keep up the great work. In a world of followers(sheep) its great to see the
promotion of concepts so simple yet advanced, designed to teach people to lead in their own lives no

AND TRUTH!!!!! I am a neophyte to Neo-tech, however I am a staunch objectivist.
I have studied the works of Ayn Rand and the Objectivist ethics presented
in her writings. As an entrepreneur and a human being I have suffered the
horrifically evil, shame and guilt from the warped, altruistic, pragmatists
and religious doctrines infesting our world. Through them a person is robbed
of self-esteem, creativity, growth, and their value, until they are fully
immolated to the status of moocher, looter, and or parasite; a fate worse
than death. Thank GOD (in the sense of the universe's intelligence, metaphorically
speaking) for AYN RAND and NEO-TECH!!!

F.D.,, 8/14/97
"Interesting stuff. You might also title your material 'Objectivism, a users

M.B.,, 7/25/97, Brazil
"It is a new awareness."

B.N.,, 10/4/00, New Zealand
Neo-Tech should definitely remain on the web.
Humanity needs
Neo-Tech information to bring a swift end to this life
and value destructive society in which most of humanity is
I like what I see and I'm will check it
often. Thanks a heap!

I think the Neo-Tech concept is delicious for a appetite starved society. I highly
recommend it to people who have no concept in understanding the mystical concepts
the world lives by. I honor Neo-Tech on this web-site.

"I think this web site is immensely valuable to all who are
interested in improving themselves and ultimately the human
R.R.,, 1/20/97

E. Wilborn,, 8/11/01
It is clear that Neo-Tech is shaking the very
foundations of this "diseased mystical-oriented"
world of ours.

Dan,, Switzerland
I want to thank you deeply for the great influence Neo-Tech
have on my life!

"It was odd, but cool to know."
S.G.,, 1/21/97

I feel that with out this knowledge people will never
and they will allow themselves to be blinded by the
of the world. I appreciate the time given to this site and
knowledge I have received and I truly thank all of the
that contribute to this great thing, called 'Neo-Tech'.

D.C.,, 1/13/98
I think that such valuable information has to be translated in as
many languages
as possible.

R.V.,, 9/1/02
I think Neo Tech is the best. I am a firm believer in it and will always be.

Mike,, 7/27/02
Please keep neo-tech on the web. Without the stance that neo-tech gives the everyday person, and the geniuses of this world, our world will fall into the
hands of the parasitical elites who work so hard to protect their lazy and dishonest lives.

R.J.,, 2/7/98
I think its about time someone brought the truth out in plain
understandable form. Knowledge is power and the ones who have
the knowledge have the power. This information is available for
everyone to share the power, how its meant to be. The information is structured
to benefit everyone
who wants to live life, and who values reality. I would love
to know more and I'll visit this site quite often.

P.A.,, 7/30/98, Mexico
It is the best literature I have ever read, changed my
life forever.

Anon.,, 10/18/99
Through Neo-Tech I found something was holding
back my own creative genius

"I am really fascinated in all the areas that you have listed in
your table of contents."
H.M.,, 1/10/97

A.C.,, 3/19/98
Hello, I just wanted to give your my support because
Neo-Tech is the only way this world will survive self extermination...

S.A.,, 5/13/97
You're giving us a hope, a hope for better living in a better

D.P.,, 9/17/97
"As an advocate of independent thinking, hard work, and continual efforts
towards personal improvement, I, and many people I associate with, find
sites such as Neo-Tech a refreshing and rewarding alternative to so much of
the average, unthinking material available on the web. Good Job, great

P.C.,, 2/21/97, Scotland
I have not read much, but I am already intrigued. I shall read on!

E.R.,, 10/26/99, Venezuela
I became a better person since I became a neo-tech man.

T.W.,, 7/8/02
I have known of this web site ever sense it was put up. It presents a great point of view and has helped me throughout the years. It is time for America and

N.B.,, 9/28/01, Australia
Neo tech has helped me to get in touch with the child in me again by giving the confidence to me to ask the question why.

"There is a wealth of information in this Web site! Timeless
principles, when put into action, that really work. Plus, all of
the information validates what many people truly believe in -
honesty, integrity, character and courage."
J.B.,, 1/30/97

"I'm going to use Neo-Tech. Imagine, using honesty to solve all
your problems."
S.K.,, 6/1/97

because people are so closed minded they need a wake up call.

I have had the pleasure and fortune of enlightenment through Neo-Tech.
Thanks to Neo-Tech, I see crystal clear through the mystic fog that has been
shrouding us for centuries. Not only would I like to see this sight expand, but
it must expand to conti nue to spread the word of a better, brighter and mystic
free world. Knowledge is power. I only hope that it is not to late to save ourselves
at this crucial juncture in time. It is the best thing that has happened to me,
and definitely the best thing f or the human race. The computer is the beginning
of a universal community (a very powerful tool) that will eventually make the
Neo-Tech way of life known to the masses. Therefore this site must never come
down, but continue to grow as it continues to reach and pull the people out of
the mystic fog that has stifled us for far to long.

A.L.,, 1/3/00, South Africa
I hope FRW eventually gets recognized as the
most important human being to have ever lived.

B.E.,, 8/16/98
The best investment I have ever made. Powerful, life
enhancing information

G.H.,, 1/10/02, America
I wish I had found out about the neo-tech discovery sooner.

L.B.,, 2/18/00
This is an incredible forum for ideas and growth.

I find all information from Neo-Tech not only informative but factual.
In this day of cover-ups, if is most refreshing. This is the only
way other people will be able to learn the truth about many subjects.

L.N.,, 11/14/02
I can only hope that more people discover your site and begin to open their eyes.

C.F.,, 1/21/97
If I had to replace my 59 other books on
success, personal development, management,
and business planning, I would only keep the Neo-Tech manual. I have increased
my productivity by 3 times in less than 30 days. This manual should be used in
every high school in the world... I can't praise the teachings of this book
enough. Thank you for making such a difference in my life. I have moved from
existence to essence from lost to laser focused... THANK YOU!

C.H.,, 9/15/98
This information may for the first time open peoples eyes to
what is 'really' going on in the world around them. Most people
blindly follow the system (government), blindly believing that
it is the best thing for society as a whole. I truly believe in what
has been presented in this web site. I wholeheartedly wish that
everyone would open their closed 'unconscious' minds.

G.G.,, 5/10/00, united kingdom
The best site I've visited, I'm totally honest
here, the best.
Your site is packed full of information, I couldn't believe
eyes when your site first opened. Thanks guys and gals for
info. and I'll be checking your site out often, keep up the

G. C.,, 7/2/00, U S A
I am A firm believer in Neo Tech .

ANON,, 2/6/97
One thing I love about this web site is that it is not an
evangelistic web site asking people to follow. Rather, it focuses on everyone's
self-effort. Thanks for doing an excellent job. I sincerely hope that you will
achieve the goal of eradicating mysticism. What a beautiful world that would
be! Excellent work!

G.T.,, 8/8/99

stella,, UK
Brilliant and worth reading again and again, fascinating.

E.S.,, 6/24/97, South Africa
I read through chapter 1-5 of Zonpower last night and was surprised
and amazed by the information I found there. Finally something that makes me

D.R.,, 4/13/98
This site is without a doubt the
most cutting edge technical information offered on the web. I have visited this site often and I refer people to it. I look
forward to the day the conscious individual reigns supreme on the face of the earth.

M.M.,, 4/10/00, New Zealand
I am keen to buy more material, so you'll make money and be able to continue your work.

S.R.,, 4/17/99
I think that what you have written here on
neocheating is nothing but pure genius. It is a simple way
to learn the various methods of the art of cardsharping and
defending against it. What you have written is invaluable to
the intermediate gamblers who don't know everything there is
to know about cheating. The knowledge in this book is so
powerful that I think it should be saved for the loyal
gamblers out there, the ones whose lives are greatly
affected by gambling, and not for the open public. This book
is for every gambler who has always searched for that
certain “edge'. I will rigorously study it's contents and
practice them until I become a neo master. I just started
reading it today and already have begun to master its
secrets. I thank you for this incredible knowledge but I
must say that with a growing number of people learning this
it's power will diminish. The fewer that know of it, the
better. I hope that one day I will fully master this art.
Thank you again for this incredible knowledge.

Linda B.,, 5/15/99
I have been struggling with bad thought
jealousy for years and it is destroying my current love
relationship. Never before have I read anything that came
close to describing the struggle I have been facing. I am
embracing this new thought process you have explained to me,
and I hope it is the cure for my disease. If I don't find
one, I will never be able to have a healthy, loving

F.H.,, 2/24/97
Neo-Tech/Zon helps people feel their true magnificent value in the
universe. Through this, people can realize their power to fulfill their deepest
desires in life -- wealth, personal power, control and romantic love.

I am amazed, overwhelmed, ecstatic, about Neo-Tech as a result of
reading 'The Book'. I want wealth, health, & true love.

M.P.,, 8/5/98
I love Neo-Tech. I have tried to
live my life according to the Neo-Tech philosophy.
My income and net worth both have dramatically increased since
then. I am teaching my son to be a producer and not a parasite.

c.r.,, 10/14/00
This site helps me learn more about
neocheaters. It also helps
me on my journey to god-man..

D.T.,, 11/4/01
This site 'MUST REMAIN'! ALL Human Beings NEED TO KNOW this exciting reality of HOPE exists within the Planet Earth, in which we reside! BRAVO!!!!! Many
thanks to you and yours for giving of such information, and tools, for 'exciting' insights in developing 'Truth and Honesty' 'within the', civilization of-- all mankind!!!!!! With much appreciation,

S.B.,, 4/23/97
I believe that Neo-Tech is a totally new idea that will revolutionize
known thought in the world. It is a necessity to every man wanting to hold
dearly a happy life free of worry and full of pleasure. Without stress, the
world becomes much clearer and Neo-Tech has the ability to do that.

L.D.,, 8/28/97
"Read Romans 1 & 2. It's here and developing. You are the future spoken on
in Daniel and Revelation. You are ushering in the new age. You have driven
in a major nail in the coffin of this passing world."

J.B.,, 3/18/97
Wonderfully enlightening.

I have gone to Baptist Churches since I was a child and still go
every Sunday. I want to say Neo-Tech is the wisest information I have ever encountered.
I read my first Neo-Tech publication in 1990 and for the first time could see
the human parasites in my life: individuals who used guilt or fear, or non-sequitors,
or who created problems where none existed. Once I recognize them I am still
amazed how easy it is to expose them to everyone. To be hard working and honest;
to think clearly and accurately... that is the life for me!

S.W.,, 1/2/03

F.F.,, 8/12/98
I have benefited tremendously from the Neo-Tech literature.

M.W.,, 8/10/01, U.K. Scotland.
The literature has given me a fresh insight to
running our lives as we want to.

G.M.,, 11/19/97
I like how Neo-Tech encourages honesty among people.
Anyone who attacks Neo-Tech is already doomed.

G. C.,, 7/2/00, U S A
I am A firm believer in Neo Tech .

R.Y.,, 2/27/98, Singapore
Trust me, after imbibing a little of
the anti-mysticism drug, people want to find out more.

"Thank you for a nice web site, I am enjoying it very much."
B.D.,, 6/3/97

Thank you very, very much for sharing too much vital, unprecedented, threatening,
classified TOP SECRET Information with everybody. I Love you!!!! You stir my
inspiration and understanding of this evil & chaotic world.

J.W.,, 6/25/97
YOUR INFO IS POWER. KEEP IT UP! Love to read the stuff you have on

H. M.,,8/24/00
There's a lot of brains out there that need to
be defragmented and gain common logic. Thanks for the great info.

D.C.,, 6/16/96, Canada
The site is good. Very important to human kind.

K.A.,, 6/4/97
If the gov't is trying to censor this literature, then it must be

It has been a few years since I read Neo-Tech,
but the information I gained will never leave me. It totally
hit home like it was answering all the things I had
questions about-and when I read it-I knew without question
it was pure truth, pure useable knowledge that opened my
eyes. I just wanted to thank you for making this knowledge

P.D.,, 1/17/97, Chile
Well organized, interesting, and entertaining.

K.L.,, 6/29/98
My father had introduced me to the concepts of Neo-Tech,
And ever since I have gained valuable information,
on becoming a value producer,
I am on the right path to be successful. Thank you..

R.H.,, 12/25/99, Jamaica
I think this discovery offers a new prospective to life.

"Your right on track. I'm really impressed with your web site and
the mounds of info it contains. Keep up the good work!"
S.J.,, 2/2/97

P.V.,, 1/4/97
Very unique and informative. An alternative that is not at all

P.G.,, 6/22/00
I find Neo-Tech interesting because of the
honesty it

"Neo-Tech is the optimistic opportunist's guide to the world."
M.S.,, 1/27/97

J.C.,, 12/23/96
I just finished reading the book Zonpower, and
I find the idea of a totally free and rational society
intoxicating. I look forward to learning more about Neo-Tech,
and thank you for helping me to unleash more of
my potential through Zonpower.

Bottom line -- All each of us needs to do is make it happen
for ourselves (Fully Integrated Honesty), and the C of U will
simply 'occur overnight' !!

M.D.,, 2/20/01
After having read a few of the negative
comments about Neo-Tech it is plain to see how right and
powerful Neo-Tech truly is. Those negative voices are
clearly fanatics who would rather live a quiet life of
desperation than enjoy all the benefits that life and
Neo-Tech have to offer.

"j'ai pas bien compris la philosophie du site pas clair pour un
S.S.,, 1/30/97, France

E. S.,, 8/8/00
After reading twice, I believe neo-tech must
remain on the web. I now know how to handle liars, accusers,
gossipers and envyers.

G.W.,, 2/15/99
I can surely understand why Neo-tech
could upset people. If those people applied only 70% of the
advantages in the book, the world would become a better place.
Remember if the truth is
on your side, it will only be a matter of time until
everybody knows.

Anon.,, 1/13/99

R.B.,, 5/30/97
Neo-Tech is the highest truth anywhere on this planet or any other
planet in Space. Thank you, Thank you and Thank You.

P.P.,, 1/24/01
First of all I have to say I have really enjoyed The Story.
I've found myself not wanting to put it down or rushing to
get back to it. I haven't quite finished it yet though. I
do have a question for you... I would like to know if there
is anything available like the recorded lectures of Miss
Annabelle or the bed time stories book she wrote. My 11
year old son has also started reading The Story, but I would
like to introduce the whole idea to my 4 year old and 14
year old (who doesn't like to read unless he has to). Do
you know where I might be able to find something like that?

M.M.,, 9/5/97, Australia
Why shouldn't the best information in the world be available to
everyone? Neo-Tech has/is and will continue to change the world. Neo-Tech has
100% of my vote because they are conducting a needed and moral service for all
individuals. I constantly spread the Neo-Tech address over the Web.
Down with Mystics/Neocheaters.

A.S.,, 2/14/01, GERMANY
Definitely I want Neo-Tech to remain on the
web; for it's the
only consistent myth-smashing force on the planet today.

I.S.,, 4/20/99
I found the God-Man information to be
extremely eye opening. The disease of mysticism had an
effect that I may have never realized without the aid of

"I am a devout Objectivist. This is all VERY impressive."
C.B.,, 4/3/97

K.P.,, 6/28/00
This web site and the information sent forth
is needed in this world of illusions and dishonesty cheaters. Without this
information the very young and innocent will remain victims and not even
be aware that they are being programmed to fit into a
stagnated pool until they are lead to the slaughter for small price,
and in the name of Liberty and Justice for all.

S.P.,, 10/9/02
Best site on the internet. The world needs this philosophy.

"Interesting and worth study/contemplation."
J.F.,, 1/31/97

Thank you for Neo-Tech and Zonpower. It changed my life 11 years
ago and has shaped my mind into a Neo-think gold mine. I retired
at age 53 and I am just starting to live a life I thought I would
never have. Zonpower should be a required college course; the
world would be a better place. Thank you.

T.G.,, 8/14/98
I think you do a great job of opening up our minds and help us think
in new, revealing ways.

M.I.,, 7/21/02, U.S.A
Almost a year ago I purchased THE BOOK(GOD-MAN/NEO-TECH DISCOVERY),after reading it I found the missing piece of my puzzle, that: the conscious-being is the
highest form of life that there is! And there is no god or higher power that controls us! Thanks t
o all of you, that gave me my clarity!

J.T.,, 10/31/01
This is a most fascinating site... I sit enthralled for hours at a time,.

M.M.,, 6/18/97
You provide infinite values for ALL in the world who want to listen
and apply the keys to freedom and happiness. Thank you for reviving and
catalyzing my productivity, self-protection and passion.

B.C.,, 12/12/96
I have been engrossed in these messages for days.
I feel my life has taken on a new form of freedom
I can now make a difference in this world, I no
longer fear the 'coming of Age and Awareness'.

"Excellent. Not filled with time consuming graphics and an
invaluable bookmark to anyone seeking happiness."
R.S.,, 12/24/96, Australia

If things work out the way I 95% expect them to, I will be
in a position to help with the mass exposure to these
concepts, the first of which may indeed be a TV series of
“The Story'.

E.G.,, 4/23/01
Neo-Tech is an eye opener, for years I blamed myself for my short comings never seeing life as I do now. I feel my power growing inside me everyday, some people don't believe that they can achieve anything in this world if only they would take the time to wake up to see what's going on

K.P.,, 12/1/98
I think the web site is fantastic.

B.S.,, 8/17/99
Before I read the Neo-Tech discoveries I drank way too much alcohol
and sugar. Since reading for the first time I have not had one
single drink. For over one year without one drink. How amazing
that is to me. My diet has changed and so have my actions towards
others in business and life.

T.M.,, 12/13/99

B.F.,, 11/3/99
You idea's are a stunning display of human self recognition.
Long have I awaited these theories in an understandable format.

R.F.,, 10/22/01
This is definitely a challenge to my externally superimposed authority seeking "moral" upbringing. Since I began (doubfully!) reading The Book, I have seen
changes in all areas of my life. I have never ben happier, and I am seeing my true personality-
lost to me since my teenage years-returning stronger everyday.

R.M.,, 1/2/00
I am also an author, congratulations on your work. It is
enormous and well put together. It needs to get it fully implemented.

P.J.,, 3/27/01
I think Neo-Tech should FOREVER remain on the
internet as long
as god keeps putting people on this Earth solely to suffer.

"Neo-Tech is the best. This is the moment of truth for our
planet. Thank you. My vote is YES for Neo-Tech."
J.C.,, 5/24/97

The Secrets are unleashed! We are finally going to save ourselves and make
life unlimited. It's so beautiful.

"Great site!"
M.S.,, 5/25/97, Canada

WC,, 5/30/03
To whom it may concern, I found "God-Man Our Final Evolution" very
insightful and rewarding. My friends and family were astounded by the vast
knowledge this book held.

C.C.,, 11/22/97, Malaysia
NT books is the best thing that
ever happened to me. At the tender age of 19, I am all go for
Neo-Tech -- for the rest of my life!! I will go all out to fight with
Neo-Tech against the anticivilization of today and tomorrow.
Long Live Neo-Tech!! Down with mysticism and lawyer-like dishonesty!!
Truly great days are coming!!

M.A.,, 7/20/97
I've got to have this stuff...looks like the solutions to
my problems....and civilization's

D.R.,, 3/12/03
It is hard to express how valuable your literature has been to
me. Every victory over mysticism I owe to your work, and for that I cannot thank
youenough. I think I may have read 90% of the material on your website at
least once through - some of it two or three times. If the world survives,
it will be due to the work you have done.

M.C,, 8/5/97,
"I would like to learn more, they don't teach us this valuable info. at
school. Thanks"

"I am a student, and have found that reading Neo-tech/Zonpower
books have been beneficial. I still have not completely destroyed
all my inner mysticism, but cannot wait until I do. I also
realized how alone I am in my age group. This does not matter to
me, only that I do not understand why others have not been
inspired as I have."
J.L.,, 2/19/97

D.K.,, 8/10/99
This information has no limits to its values.
I can still feel something very powerful pulling
me upwards. I am putting together my
own privately run business and feel extremely optimistic for
the first time in a very long time. Without the information contained
in Neo-Tech I would probably still be living in silent torture
wondering what ever happened to the ambition and drive I once
had. Thank You is all I can say. The day the world wakes up and
dismisses Politicians and Religion in favor of the Civilization
of the Universe will truly be the greatest day in the history
of mankind.

J.R.,, 4/22/97, Australia
This material literally changed my life in many
ways by including making me feel good about
myself and throwing off unearned guilt.

Dan,, 5/20/02, Switzerland
I want to thank you deeply for the great influence Neo-Tech have on my life!

"I have visited lots of web sites. This is a wonderful site I
must say."
K.P.,, 12/26/96, Singapore

D.C.,, 6/1/97
Neo-Tech is needed for the maintenance of a free world for everyone.

S.S.,, 8/3/98
It is interesting and stunning.

When we all live this way we have found happiness in our heaven.

"This material literally changed my life in many ways by
introducing me to other authors of similar persuasions, thus
making me feel good about myself, throwing off unearned guilt."
J.R.,, 4/22/97, Australia

D.B.,, 10/22/00
You have opened my eyes, I
have become a freethinking knowledge seeker thanks to
neo-tech. Neo-tech has changed my views on many issues for
the better, has enabled me to integrate knowledge in a much
way, and finally in my life I feel complete and honest. I
it is essential for all to be introduced to these concepts
they are ready because they will help promote a better
between all individuals. This current spread of higher
is taking place noticeably all across the internet with its
technology, people from all walks of life are sharing their
with each other, and the weaknesses of our current way of
are slowly being exposed. Your site is wonderful, and can
help promote a better way of life. Thank you for all you

"I have only just started to look at your web site, but I like
what I have seen so far."
D.O.,, 6/8/97, England

"I think Neo Tech could prove to be the Answer for living our
true potentials and our dreams. I am awed by the limitless
possibilities available with Neo Tech. By all means, please
remain on the web for the betterment of mankind!"
S.P.,, 5/24/97, Malaysia

S.C.,, 8/24/97
Thank you, Dr. Wallace for changing my life.

M.F.,, 8/7/02, Ausralia
I have always questioned my life and purpose, now looking for answers has finally paid off. Its only now that my journey begins. This web-site is vital to

Gerald,, 2/7/02
You are very intelligent and you write better than Stephen King!

I find all this extremely fascinating as it opens up many
doors, and brings about new questions.

S.W.,, 2/14/00, England
After reading your literature several times, I
realized that I was never going to be same person again. I
was so overwhelmed by its content that I ordered a further
three copies to give to friends.
I feel that 'The Story' has encapsulated the essence of the
Neo-Tech Discovery, in such a way, that I no longer feel
alone, after having cast aside the indoctrinated beliefs of
my past.

L.H.,, 1/11/99, United Kingdom
Amazing, thought provoking. Down with big government.
Better days are coming. Viva Biological Immortality.

J.S.,, 1/8/97
I am extremely impressed with your web site. This site proves to me
that your organization believes in what it prints and sincerely plans to bring
about change.

I have been fortunate to have had neotech material for about
3 years, these books have opened my eyes to the deceptions that are perpetrated
on us continually by neocheaters. There is no other information source that
I know of to learn the real truth abou t our 'institutions'. I had 40-some
years of deceptions foisted upon me to usurp my power, and neotech is the
most powerful antidote I have found. I believe someday, Dr. Wallace, Mr.
Hamilton, Mr. Savage will be recognized as some of the greatest thinkers
of all humankind. Keep up the good work!

A.J. Verolme, planet.n, The Netherlands
Dear Zon, Your website is essential for mankind.

N.B., Berkeley.EDU, 5/6/01
I discover at least one great truth every time
I come here. And, of course, with knowledge and truth comes power. And with
power, comes control. Control over myself and over others who chose
to ignore Neo-Tech.

A.S.,, 2/14/01, GERMANY
Definitely I want Neo-Tech to remain on the
web; for it's the
only consistent myth-smashing force on the planet today.

"I am amazed at the size of this web site."
H.Z.,, 1/3/97, Australia

J.G.,, 5/7/00
I am only on Chapter 6. Delayed reading more
than the first chapter until today. Wow! It sends chills up
the spine. Once you get into it, and get to know the
characters, the message is very powerful on an emotional

"I love Neo-Tech material. Great stuff."
C.G.,, 6/25/97, Germany

B.V.,, 9/6/98
If the value of the Protocols where all that one found at, that alone would be plenty of reason to continue. Please,
A straight forward explanation such as this can only help those
that have ignored the facts all their lives.

CK,, 3/13/01
Awesome, I always knew this deep down in my
soul. PRAISE be yours for bringing this lost knowledge to
the light of day!!!

"Yes I believe your information is the best"
B.R.,, 6/27/97

A.G.,, 7/31/01, Unites States
My husband is reading the book 'God Man' and I
can't wait to
read it as soon as he is finished. I can see a change in him
since when he began to read the book. He is lighter, happier
and much more confident than he was.
I also notice that he taps more into his kind and giving
and shares that with people. And every once in a while he
stop reading to share with me the concepts that are in 'God
Oh, I can't wait to read it!

K.G.,, 3/1/98, Australia
Great site especially after you read Julian Jaynes.

L.m.,, 4/19/00
I found your article on religious hoaxes to be
very correct and informative. At last , someone stands up and speaks the
truth! Thank you ....Lisa

T. Z.,,8/23/00, SOUTH AFRICA

G.M.,, 9/17/00
Nothing but Love! Neo-Tech/Neothink Concepts
were naturally
integrated into my life the second after I read the first 5
Pages of 'The Book', by Mark Hamilton. Maybe that was
to the 10-second 'miracle' phenomenon you talked
about on this beautiful website!!

B.L.,, 9/30/98
I think the Neocheating section of Neo-Tech has been invaluable.

W.M.,, 4/29/97
The best site I've ever read, stop neocheaters forever.

S.F.,, 1/31/98
The Neo-Tech Literature is most intellectually stimulating.
I like the ideas about benevolence toward individual
rights. Long live Neo-Tech!!!!!!!

N.F.,, 1/29/97
Never before have I come across a system like this. I have seen every
kind of scam claiming to furnish you with the results that Neo-Tech actually
gives you. And unlike scams, Neo-Tech is simple and has definite integrity.
Neo-Power will definitely change my life.

P.W., ., Colombia
Reading your site helped me order my mind. Living in Colombia is putting up
with neocheaters all the time, your website has given me the much needed ammunition
to start blasting away at people and institutions that regard the countries
riches as their own private pocket money. Thanks,

L.N.,, 11/15/97
Unusual but brilliant insights in many
areas including your concept of neocheating, how to handle a
job (treating it as a mini company), how CEOs should stick to
running their businesses, IRS abuses, biological immortality
(overdue for serious discussion), discussion of the bicameral
mind (Julian Jaynes)-- never heard this one before!, the splintering
of businesses into small but viable economic entities run by
individuals empowered by high tech, ideas on the creation of
the universe (created by a person -- not so far out if you extrapolate
the exponential growth of technology over millions of years !)....
keep it going.

J.S.,, 12/3/00
Neo Tech has really made me think more and gain
more control
in my life.

A.J.,, 9/8/98, Romania
It is interesting... I do not know how shall I take it ...
Perhaps, I have to 're-think' about 'neo-think'...

J. J.,,
Having recently read 'Conversations with God' I am shocked
and excited at the parallels between the two. The sum is Neo-tech. I see
much of the 'New-Age' as the metaphor and Neo-tech as the practical, the
application....I am ready for the leap!

H.C., 9/10/02
I find your site to be invigorating and a breath of fresh air.
Thank you for being a light in a very dark misguided world

D. H.,,
Neo-tech is an enlightenment of the mind body and soul. All
you nay sayers are just closed minded, weak individuals who really need
to examine your own lives!

E.A.,, 6/19/99
I thoroughly embrace your methodology.

J.S.,, 3/1/99
I was first introduced to Neo-Tech in 1992,
this knowledge was extremely scary to read at that time. I
now spend every spare moment reading Neo-Tech learning about this
realistic philosophy. Honest practical knowledge.
My father was a so called SATANIST,
and was involved with witchcraft and my mother was a
Christian. So you can imagine how confused I was about your
definition of mysticism. I cannot thank you enough DR. WALLACE.

P.K.,, 1/4/99
I have just about completed reading the book, 'God-Man'. I
find it very interesting and like what I am reading. I think this
web site is a great idea. The information on it is good and the
future plans for information on jobs, etc. sounds good to me.
I think any info you can post to help us become God-Man would
be great.

"You provide infinite values for ALL in the world who want to
listen and apply the keys to freedom and happiness. Thank you for
reviving and catalyzing my productivity, self-protection and
M.M.,, 6/18/97

t.e.,, 2/23/02
Neo-Tech is powerful, this is what I've searched for, neo-cheaters watch out!

A.F.,, 3/4/00
I am very impressed, I am opening a new world.

T.B.,, 5/28/99
I've found Neo-Tech to be a motivator to
correct things in my life.

Comment: Hi. This is John S. of Houston, Texas- a NT owner
since November 1988. Years ago, on the Neo-Tech Newsgroup,
I spoke many times of my goal was to mine asteroids -- as a
natural step towards Mars colonization.

R.S.,, 2/29/00
I got the Neo-Tech literature about 10 years
ago. I read some of it at that time, but I wasn't ready to
receive and use its genius at the time. Recently, I picked
it up and began reading. I am very excited about forging
ahead with my Neo-Tech based life.!

D.S.,, 12/31/97
Time spent at this site is definitely value-added-time. Thank You.

We must protect Neo-Tech and everything it stands for if we are to benefit
from it and others now and in the future.

P.D.,, 10/15/97
"I found this web site to be very enlightening and worthwhile, I would like
to learn more about the awesome effects of these powers and how they can be
applied to my every day life."

D.H.,, 10/8/97
"The fact that this information is so hated by governments and people in
power intrigues me. The First Amendment is clear in matters such as this.
What will be banned next"

A.K.,, 4/22/02, Australia
As a little boy, stumbling across the top of my fathers chest of drawers, I found the great big black book and curious opened it. Inside I found this poem called 'The Golden' and continued to read, although back then my growing mind was so stumped it didn't like reading but sure enough this piece of material riveted me. I've always held that poem to my heart and it was years later I began on the most difficult journey ever -- that of truly becoming free of all internal and external authoritative sources that had been draining me. I found this poem and it was then I truly understood the meaning of what I was to become -- that of a fully fledged producer of values. I'm not saying this road is easy -- in fact its not, its damn tough to tell you the truth . B
ut for one thing, once you start you must never, never give up or lose hope even when the chips are down.

"I liked it. Your book is very good too."
J.M.,, 2/1/97

CRAIG KINCY,, 6/26/01

V.S.,, 6/25/98
I plan on immersing myself in the literature and coming out
a new man...

R.L.,, 1/29/01

E.M.,, 3/9/98
I love your beliefs and I agree with you.

I will always be grateful to you for these gifts you have given this once desolate

J.Y.,, 6/11/97, Philippines
Neo-Tech helps people in their daily struggle for survival. More
power and long live Neo-Tech!

N.A.,, 5/8/97
Amazingly accurate and informative.

M.L.,, 2/13/98
I am not overstating the case when I say that Neo-Tech is
the most important literature being produced today. I am making great
progress in purging my life of my personal mysticisms. All thanks
to the courage and perseverance of Dr. Wallace and the heroic
Neo-Tech writers and publishers. It is vital to the future of
humanity that this site remain on the Web. I think we are all
very fortunate to be living in this age, when the cruel hoax
of the last 2300 years is being exposed to the light of day.
Mysticism Collapse! Down with the IRS! Up with heroic Value Producers!

M.K.,, 10/26/99, United Kingdom
This should be taught in schools.

this anticivilization. The more children we reach, the
better. This stuff will stick to children like
that bad juju parents are currently dipping them in.
Can we save them all? NO, but we can make a GIANT

D.N.,, 11/30/99
I read some of the negative comments. I was laughing so hard.
Those religious nuts are so stupid with their blind faith and
sheeplike nature. I have no belief in a god or Fear of a
god. One more thing, premarital sex is not a sin. Killing a
man or stealing is a sin. I have never sinned.

D.B.,, 6/25/98, South Africa
Very useful.

"I stumbled on this site by 'mistake' but looks fantastic - nice
to see someone looking at alternative economics and something
positive. Well done!!"
P.B.,, 12/21/96, New Zealand

Now I can SEE Reality!

Neo-tech is absolutely outstanding. Logical and productivity producing
material. A true value to all who apply and subscribe to the neo-tech mindset.

Powerful and honest information. Will always strive to live
and think this way!

K.H.,, 5/14/99

"The short time I spent at this site has really given me a new
insight to capitalism. It is apparent that much time and research
went into this site. Thanks and keep up the good work."
L.L.,, 6/6/97

S.P.,, 6/17/02
Neo-Tech, has the potential to be the source of a revolution for improvement of the human condition!

Alan L,
In my 54 plus years of reading, this has been the most profound,
eye-opening literature I've ever read. A positive step for human-kind. Neo-Tech
should definitely be taught in schools. I wish I had had a teacher like Miss
Annabelle instead of one like Ms. Minner!!

Gordon B,,
An excellent moving, heart warming and emotional format to convey
to the world populace all of the C. of U. honesty, perspectives and advantages
vs. the A.C. dishonesty, perspectives and disadvantages. Gordon

The Story is Absolutely brilliant, when can we expect to see
the film.

David k,,
I haven't enjoyed reading something so much since The Book.
It is now 3:20 a.m. and it is only out of shear exhaustion that I stop. I
would like to personally thank you for this story and many others. My only
wish is that everyone could get their hands on this information. Please continue
spreading the truth (honesty)!

Rufus W,
This is the best story I have ever read. Thank You, Rufus, age73.

Leon K,,
I think his intent is to bring out the HUMAN in all of us. To
see, feel, and act on the real in us. I believe The Story's objective is
to set up an understanding for the masses, who get mired in over analyzing
and lazily shrugging off the obvious reality. As so bluntly put 'to be or
not to be' :0) Overall the work instills a hard driving determination towards
a better, happier place for all.

The Story is the most stunning novel I have ever read, Mark
Hamilton deserves the 'Booker Prize' for creating a modern masterpiece. Literature
has the power to change society for good or bad... The Story has the power
to dig deep into individuals psyches and help us progress upward into a better
and happier world. The one emotion that I think I took away from The Story
above all others is love... a love for mans mind and what it can rise to,
when freed from the constraints of an anticivilization.

Carey Y,
Your Story is the most incredible, powerful thing I've ever
read. It truly puts into real perspective the Neo-Tech principles, disciplines,
etc. I'm sharing it with my 12-year old and am seeing with a visual and mental
clarity how I need to be HIS Miss An nabelle...and to my other two children
as they begin their education beyond infancy. Words of thanks are hardly
enough for what you have brought out for mankind. I simply cannot articulate
the explosion of hope in so many areas of my life going on inside of me now.
I have a whole new outlook on life and I know where I belong. But I do hav
e one question: How do I help change the world to bring Neo-Tech to everyone?
Heartfelt thanks and gratitude.

David C,,
I've only completed two chapters of your story so far, but it's
already touched something deep inside me. I know this because a swell of
emotions come up and makes me cry. I remember reading somewhere that crying
because of happiness comes from years of r epressed emotions...well, I'm
not sure if that's true or not, but it has touched me so far. I absolutely
love hearing about people that care. Annabelle really truly cares about her
students, and that makes me happy. There are several homeless people who
live around me here in Boston and I feel like going out and giving them food
right now...a li ttle inconvenience for me, but a BIG deal for them. That
feels good too. I see where you are going...I run my own Internet business
and am constantly thinking of new ways to create value for people...more
ways to make money. I already have a 'staff' of people around the world that
I pay for advertising services. My business gr ew 10 fold last year. I grossed
almost a quarter million last year! And I'm still in my twenties! I really
wish there were people like Annabelle out there. I don't know any. The only
person who comes close, the only person who really encouraged my entrepreneurial
spirit, was my mother. God bless her. All my teachers in high school and
college sucked. I got a 'D' in every business class I took because I wasn't
afraid to challenge what the tenured professor was saying. Anyway...I'm getting
a little ahead of myself. Just thought I'd send a quick comment. You're awesome.

I can feel the positive effects already. Neo-Tech is the proper
way to the future.

I just had to send you another compliment on this publication.
This story is awesome. This is really something new, different, and exciting.
It really gets down to practical application of the NT philosophy. I have
noticed from my participation on lists with other NTers that many of the
newbies are constantly asking for examples of practical application. Well,
I believe that you have really done that with this story. I have been speed
reading with a vengeance for the past three evenings and I am totally into
this story! You have presented so many of your concepts in a way that should
be receptive to a vast majority of people out there. That is absolutely essential
in order to spread the word to the majority of people. I definitely think
that you are on the right track here. This is great work in progress. I would
also like to repeat my request from last night. Please publish this gem.
I want to own a bound volume of this publication. I can not wait to sit down
with my son and read this with him. It is Neo-Tech in a very digestible nutshell!
Now, back to my reading!!

Stephen B.,
Unbelievable. I am exhausted and elated at the same time. It's
as though I've glimpsed a parallel world, like sitting on a stationary train
and seeing a beautiful girl on a train parallel to mine, but on a different
track. She smiles fleetingly, her tra in begins to pull away from mine, and
she is off to a destination unknown to me. Her image will continue to haunt
me. I wonder whether I have the emotional strength to return to my job this
afternoon. My job is TO WATCH PEOPLE DIE. Some slowly, others more quickly.
Sometimes I can retard the process, often I can ease their pain, but the
final outcome is always the sam e. Mr. Hamilton, you have brought upon yourself
a weighty mantle of responsibility to take humanity out of a long Dark Age.
The world must sense its' need to evolve in the strongest possible emotional
terms. I will pass 'The Story' along, but more is needed . The task ahead
of you and your colleagues is Herculean. But you MUST succeed. You do not
have a choice. There are hundreds of us poised to help you in any way possible,
but only you and Dr. Wallace can determine what, when and how that should

a.s.g. ,,
Very interesting stuff. It empowers the mind

Avajo G,,
I've only read 3 chapters and already your story has moved me
more than any other story I've read. Its a good read and I learn some things
as well. You've always been my favorite Neo-Tech author. Dr. Wallace is ok
but I don't always understand his stuff. Eric Savage is ok too, but it doesn't
really move me emotionally like your writings. I don't always mean in a good
way. Sometimes you piss me off and sometimes you sadden me and at times I
resent you for making me see through the pretty illusions woven by 'them'.
Sometimes I wish I didn't know anything and lived in a state of blissful
ignorance. But I love you. you have probably saved my life. I still have
a long way to go on my path to rational thinking but I know that when I finally
make the jump I wont even miss the old ways. That's all I have to say for
now my friend.

C.H.,, United Kingdom
Have just read the Neo-Tech world summit article... Snookering
Libertarians, Objectivists, and Muslims. After reading this wonderful speech
from the summit I found myself pacing up and down my room unable to calm
down as my heart started racing and a sur ge of uncontrollable happiness
welled up inside me like I have never experienced in my life. I found myself
clenching my fists and tightening my body as the joy I felt became almost
overwhelming, to the point that it became almost 'painful' as if it were
too much joy for one person to contain. Even now, a half-hour after reading
the article I feel that every cell of my body is tingling. The way I feel
is almost impossible to put into words. To put it simply, I feel alive. I
am a long time Neo-Tech owner b ut nothing has given me such a feeling of
joy as this article. I guess it is the first time that I have fully grasped
that the civilization of the universe really is not only possible, but is
starting to become a reality now, today, this minute.

The most wonderful story I have ever read. Inspirational,
almost overwhelming. This story of what Neo-Tech will do for the human
race must reach everyone. I can feel the genuine love that you have for
each member of this human race. I know a mind could n ot produce such
a beautiful and powerful story of what we can be, of where we can go,
of where we are going, of what we will become. No words can explain my
appreciation, only my actions. Every time I read Neo-Tech literature,
which is almost daily now, I become armed with it's power, I thirst for
more, I become more. The value of my life and all human life increases,
to the point that nothing else is more important than preserving and
improving all human life. What a simple concept, yet impossible task
i n this upside down anticivilization. Until now. Thank you Frank Wallace
and Mark Hamilton for starting the Neo-Tech revolution that says no to
death and yes to life. What a simple but wonderful concept. Citizens
of the C of U are out here, and I return th e love and
passion for life that you so consistently give.

A Huge thank you to all at I&O Publishing you are the real hero's of
life. And to Dr. Wallace & John Flint you have brought me life were only
death could have occurred.

Just an FYI, on 1/22/2001 the below was sent to the editors of Card Player Magazine:
The Advanced Concepts of Poker by Dr. Frank R. Wallace is arguably the best book
on poker ever written, bar none. It is ignored by your publication and the rest
of the Po ker industry. The book, now freely available on the internet and published
for the first time in 1968, having sold over 2 million copies, exposes poker
for what it is. The new sections on cheating are especially noteworthy to thinking
poker players worldw ide. Perhaps this book threatens the poker industry? I challenge
you review this timely and classic in your publication.

T.A.,, 9/1/97
"In a world that seems to be on the verge of self-destruction, Neo-Tech
offers hope. The reason Neo-Tech is so controversial is because most people
cannot admit that their lives have been entrenched in a fallacy. I think
that everyone should have the access to the cutting-edge information that
Neo-Tech makes available. It is up to each individual to choose it or not."

edge! The Neo-Tech matrix is unstoppable.

J S,, 3/27/00
Mark, The Story is majestic. All the while my
mind elevated and I kept seeing a reflection of myself just
as I were 25 years ago. I felt as though that child in me
was being resurrected! The Story is sincerely a masterpiece
contribution to the world. The Story IS the fulfillment
and essence of Neo-Tech.

"I intend to completely explore this page in the days to come."
A.P.,, 2/12/97

Neo-Tech has opened a new door for me.

M.W.,, 8/10/01, U.K. Scotland.
The literature has given me a fresh insight to
running our lives as we want to.

"Wonderfully enlightening."
J.B.,, 3/18/97

J.K.,, 1/28/97

"Of course this site should least until the
dishonesty disease/epidemic is cured worldwide."
R.K.,, 2/4/97

K.K.,, 3/6/00
The story is very exciting and enlightening.
In fact I have realized we really have wasted the juicy part
of our life. We were just schooled into the bicameral-values
and just fell to all their directions. We were cowed into
submission. There was no way I could have gone against the
directions of my guardians at the time—our creativity vent
was entirely blocked hence our collective plight in Africa.
This situation is still going on presently in Africa and we
find ourselves as culprits. Sometimes the way I talk to my
small boy of eight also leaves much to be desired. I am to
be blamed. I am still reading the story and will let you
know my mind. Nevertheless this is a masterpiece. MH is just
awesome. He is excellent. Neo-Tech is excellent it is
extraO. It is liberating.

J.H.,, 6/25/99
Neo-tech is simply an independent, reasoning mind, applying
wide scope accounting and fully integrated honesty. Simple,
yet powerful and unstopable.

M.F.,, 8/7/02, Ausralia
I have always questioned my life and purpose, now looking for answers has finally paid off. Its only now that my journey begins. This web-site is vital to

L.B.,, 5/5/01
I like the honest truth that you have
displayed, and wish everyone had the ability to understand the principals.

M.O.,, 10/19/98, Australia
I have at home the GOD-MAN book with the Neo-tech discovery
tacked to the back. I am finding the books very very
useful and insightful

C.L.,, 1/30/01
Hi! My name is Crystal, I have read “The Story' and I think
you truly have a gift for bringing about an awareness
through narrative means. I'm a Canadian, 22-year-old
studying Psychology and Biotechnology at the University of
Saskatchewan. For years I have been confused about religion
and why there are so many different perspectives. I felt
lost, after reading your story along with reading Neo-Tech
Discovery (I'm not finished yet) I have begun to grasp the
concept of the irrational forces at work in the world.
However, I sometimes now feel impatient and anxious for
other people to understand what I do. I want to uncloud
others like you have, but I don't know how.

D.M.,, 2/19/99
yes, yes, the power gained is slow but growing.

"The search engine is a marvelous way of looking up the vast
amount of material published. I would like to see this site expand
and contain information about events that require a massive
response all over the world."
R.J.,, 6/23/97, Spain

A.N.,, 12/17/96, Canada
This money making information web page was.

P.C.,, 10/7/01, Australia
Neo Tech has been an incredible resource in my life.

"Your material is about the best reading on the Web. Very
R.M.,, 5/11/97

J.G.,, 6/12/97
I know that I want to live for 100 or 200 years and only the
philosophies of Neo-Tech will power societies and encourage economic values to
a point where we will be able to survive that long. Mysticism brings down
advancement by stopping people from doing

D.W.,, 9/16/97
"The web site has useable info. It gives practical Neo-Tech applications."

J.M.,, 6/23/00, Australia
An excellent site. There is a lot to learn.

Ray C. d.I.,, 2/15/01
I find that N-T is very useful in running
one's own business
and climbing out of the quagmire of working for someone

N.B.,, 9/3/00, U.S
After carefully reading the negative comments,
I have drawn to the conclusion on how neocheaters effectively dump loads
of mysticism upon millions of people. It is a terrible shame to see such wrecked minds. I think it is very important that this site should remain on the web.
Keep up the good work!

J.T.,, 10/31/01
This is a most fascinating site... I sit enthralled for hours at a time,.

I am amazed, overwhelmed, ecstatic, about Neo-Tech as a result of
reading 'The Book'. I want wealth, health, & true love.

M.G.,, 6/10/99

J.H.,, 5/19/98, Australia
The best site on the web, everyone should access this site
to find out honestly what is really going on in the world.
Keep up the great work.

J.C.,, 7/20/01
It is very important to get this information
out to the masses so that everyone can
know about this great concept I will be very glad when
Neo-Tech controls the world.

"There is certainly a great deal of good information conveyed
here, information that can do good for the individual. I intend
not only to read, but also to work with the material on the
D.C.,, 2/4/97

"This web site brought about many different ideas to consider
about the international market. I have never looked at expanding
my life beyond the United States. After reading this web site, I
will definitely try to expand my thoughts and business to other
parts of the globe."
N.H.,, 1/7/97

A.P.,, 6/21/02
I love it


t.p.,, Australia
Neo-Tech is the best thing that has ever happened in my life!! Without it I would
still be a major loser.

E.S.,, 12/31/98

P.H.,, 10/22/00
I think it is a great site! Very informative
and interesting. Keep up the great work!

I.P.,, 8/12/97, Indonesia
Neo-Tech doesn't have anything to do with religion and that sounds
good because it's universal and can be useful to anyone. But what I can be sure
of is that Neo-Tech is a refreshing approach that's needed by anyone to live his
or her life to the fullest and hopefully to help people to help others and make
this world a better place for every being. We cannot afford to be uninformed
about this very worthy knowledge.

R.G.,, 4/2/99
Neo-Tech is Perfect. Absolutely Perfect.

J.D.,, 12/22/98
This is an excellent site. this site should always be here and
open to the public. Keeping this site here is letting
the door open to any mind on the planet. I visit here often for
reference and personal advice. Thank you Dr. Wallace and all
others who have contributed to its birth into our world

W.L.,, 1/21/97
I feel that I would be foolish not to look into this
further. Everything mentioned I believe to be true, yet I have always felt
powerless to do anything about it.

"It often takes eye opening, thought provoking material to nudge
people in the right direction and this looks to be some of the
G.P.,, 3/10/97

Anon,, 8/24/97,
"Every motivational book in the world says the same thing -- Neo-Tech is

J S,, 3/27/00
Mark, The Story is majestic. All the while my
mind elevated and I kept seeing a reflection of myself just
as I were 25 years ago. I felt as though that child in me
was being resurrected! The Story is sincerely a masterpiece
contribution to the world. The Story IS the fulfillment
and essence of Neo-Tech.

Anon.,, 3/19/98
Your company's philosophy sounds very much like Ayn Rand's
philosophy. I agree with most of what I've seen. Keep it up.

D.B.,, 3/20/00
I've been enlightened by Neo-Tech principles and
concepts, and I'm am very thankful to
have stumbled upon this information...
Neo-Tech MUST remain on the web, and MUST further
the cause of eliminating mysticism and dishonesty. I can't wait
until The Neo-Tech philosophy purges the malignant cancers
of religion and government. I'm here to help.

I am 36 and have never read this amount of info or been so engrossed in my entire
life! Its fantastic!

E.S.,, 10/12/97
"Definitely helped me to break the chains of guilt and oppression of
'friends', family and parasites....I FINALLY GET TO BE ERIC!!!!!!! I look
forward to love romance and excitement Thank you"

"A great site, with lots of creativity."
D.R.,, 1/25/97, Australia

dub,, 12/19/01
NeoTech is fascinating, my perception of almost everything has been altered.

c.r., WLDC.COM, 1/6/03
I find your site one of the most useful on the net.

D.D.,, 2/11/99
The NT/Zon web site is great! The challenge is utilizing the
information on the site in your every day life. There are
too many unconscious
people walking the streets of the world. WAKE UP, PEOPLE!!!

Therefore the neo-tech web site will be fundamental in the realization of the
civilization of the universe for planet earth. THANKS FOR BRINGING NEO-TECH TO

Ellen P.,, 5/28/98
VERY well-executed site!

S.F.,, 1/31/98
The Neo-Tech Literature is most intellectually stimulating.
I like the ideas about benevolence toward individual
rights. Long live Neo-Tech!!!!!!!

"I've read much of the Neo-Tech and Zonpower materials. It's nice
to have a place to go on the net that I can keep updated. The
biggest use of the page is the search function. When I want to
read up on a subject and how it relates, I can just search, it's
great. Keep up the good work. Looking forward to all the future
T.B.,, 2/2/97

M.H.,, 1/18/98
This site should remain on the web, this site
probably is scary to all those neocheaters out there in the world
because this site will expose their false promises, their destructive
ways and mainly their ignorance as to the real world out there.
It is my believe that this site should be expanded and if anyone
(government, religious people or group) tries to block it, it
should be fought because it is our right to know the truth !!!!!!!!
so to all those mystics and neocheaters ,,,,,WATCH OUT !!!!you
are about to be uncovered !!!!!!

P.P.,, 11/6/98
Every human being on this planet should be able to see
the vision that Neo-Tech promises.
The world will be a perfect place to live once everyone
realizes the power of Neo-Tech

E.A.,, 5/25/97, Canada
This web site is needed to help all people
receive a chance at changing their lives. Without
Neo-Tech we are all just empty beings. But with
it, we can bring down all neocheaters and are
masters of our own lives for a change. This
web page has to stay because it will continue to
grow and teach people the truth. It has to stay
for the sake of all human beings who want
something more out of life!

J.K.,, 6/3/97
If these ideas are put into
practice, success is guaranteed. I urge everyone to
read this with an open mind.

s.s.,, 4/26/01
Neo-tech should definitely stay on the web to inspire truth, inspiration, and reality. We must conquer the mystics from every angle.

me that feeling of utter happiness that has been missing from my life.

U.S.,, 1/28/97
I think this web site is absolutely fantastic. There is a wealth of
information that is useful for self-development.

V.P.,, 5/25/97, United Kingdom
Extremely interesting and thought provoking.

A.T.,, 3/11/99
Great information. Woke me right up. It makes a lot of sense.

"What I have read is truly interesting. More people need to be
exposed to these ideas."
R.S.,, 6/5/97

"I really like what is said here and think the 'neocheaters' most
definitely do damage society. I'd really like to know more!
Thanks for all your great work."
B.A.,, 3/18/97

A.R.,, 1/12/97, Mexico
I think It is like a gate to the limitless abundance of the

R.H.,, 9/15/97
I am so excited about the future and what it holds for our civilization. I'm
looking forward the next World Conference and the new book from Dr. Wallace.
In closing, with Bill Gates buying Webtv and wanting to put a computer with
Internet access into 95 million homes, and with Webtv expanding into the
international market, this partnership will further the goals of Neo-Tech and
bring the world to the Civilization of the Universe.
To Dr. Wallace and all the people who have worked so hard to get this vital
information out, THANK YOU!

I am emotionally integrated with the struggle identified,
accepted, started, and maintained by John Flint and Frank Wallace. And
on that glorious day when we are together on the beaches of the world celebrating
the end of the asshole-civilization (I mean anticivilization) I want to
personally shake the hand, hug, and kiss the man who simply DAY-AFTER-DAY

G.B.,, 4/22/97
Neo-Tech is pure human logic. It should be required reading for
understanding humanity.

I.C.,, 12/10/01, Gibraltar
Frank Wallace books changed my life and now I am a fulfilled person.

"Your ideas are extremely valuable and liberating. Please continue
with your campaign to vanish the parasites and scum who leech off
the honesty and effort of business-oriented people."
P.R.,, 6/28/97, United Kingdom

C.B., ., 3/21/01
I owe a tremendous debt to the Neo-Tech
writings and to Dr. Wallace
and associates for helping me find my essence... the essence

"Very impressive! Glad to see someone thinking."
B.G.,, 5/18/97

a few days or weeks before. I appreciate having such an
look at the creative process, and I look forward to the
manuscript with great anticipation!

E.D.,, 4/7/99, Ghana
I am excited about this web site, its getting
better each time

A.M.,, 9/17/98
This web site offers me (and the general public) a chance to
begin understanding the powers that have been controlling all our

"This web site is needed to help all people receive a chance at
changing their lives, without Neo-Tech we are all just empty
beings, but with it we can bring down all neocheaters and are
masters of our own lives for a change. This web page has to stay
because it will continue to grow and teach people the truth, it
has to stay for the sake of all human beings who want something
more out of life!"
E.A.,, 5/25/97, Canada

Chris,, Canada
I've been dangerously close for a while now to falling into
a mystically-based self-contained world of hallucinations and delusions.
Thank you for opening my eyes, clearing my head, and letting me face the
reality in front of me that I always knew was the re.

M.H.,, 12/17/96
great site I'm new to the Internet and loved the information

K.K.,, 2/3/97
It drastically changed the way I think about things.
Keep up the brave work.

Brilliant.....I am stunned into thought with these pages and ideas
that make so much sense.

Mr. F.M.,, 4/3/00
It is mind expanding information

J.E.,, 8/30/02
Thank You Forever, I Hope I Can Meet You Some Day, Mark & Dr, Wallace Are Geniuses.

It gives me so much hope to see that there is a growing number
of people who are willing to open and USE their minds to their full potential.
This web site and The Book have helped my boyfriend and I in every area of
our life and will continue to do so as long as the truth and knowledge keeps
on spreading.

J.D.,, 9/20/00
The most valuable information on the
information superhighway.
You can take a major step forward in life.

"This is the most incredible thing I know about . Neo-Tech blew
me away. I always new that somewhere in honesty was POWER...."
D.D.,, 5/25/97

m.m.,, 9/2/01
thank you for the awakening.

A. P.,, 7/26/00
After reading just a few pages
of the content presented on this site, I find myself
with the Neo-Tech concepts. I look forward to learning this
new technology for the greater
good of myself and family.

J.L.,, 4/28/99
Neo-Tech is just starting to become a way of
life for me and I love it. Let the ignorant who wish to ban
it suffer there own fate for they will eventually force
themselves to extinction.

L.S.,, 6/27/01
I very much appreciate the neo-tech God/Man
book. I can see where
it will limitlessly improve my life... not by telling me
to think... but by actually stimulating my to think on my
again! For all this I want to pass on all my thanks to your
team... I feel the sooner people start to actually
the insights this book gives... the sooner we will all

"Excellently wonderful!! Objectivism is central to my life, and
this site will be a big help. The mainstream Objectivists have
caused me too many disillusions, and this site is beginning to
feel rejuvenating."
D.S.,, 1/22/97

J.R.,, 5/21/97
I really like the articles on atheism, new-testament interpretations,
and capitalism. Thank you and you have a very wonderful web site here.

M.A.,, 7/20/97
I've got to have this stuff...looks like the solutions to
my problems....and civilization's

C.M.,, 10/19/02
I think this site is great I just received my first book a few weeks ago and i can't put it down. I'm impatiently waiting for my second book. I'm finally
getting out of the mysticism rut I've been in for 18 years of my life all thanks to neo-tech.

This is definitely a challenge to my externally superimposed authority seeking "moral" upbringing.
Since I began (doubfully!) reading The Book, I have seen changes in all areas
of my life. I have never been happier, and I am seeing my true personality- lost
to me since my teenage years-returning stronger everyday.

D.H.,, 10/8/99
The Book is inspiring and motivating, I feel it is an awesome time
to be alive. Hamilton's proven writing technique draws out
ideas in a hypnotic pattern of words which even individuals
with virtually no memory can grasp

because people are so closed minded they need a wake up call.

S.L.,, 12/17/97
It's absolutely imperative for mankind's evolution that this
site stays on the web and the Neo-Tech literature be circulated
worldwide. All I can say is this literature
has opened my mind and I can't wait to leave all these government
authorities and false guilt inspiring religions behind and start
my empire of wealth, power, and romantic love. As Frank R. Wallace
wrote 'Truly great days are coming.'

I want to thank you for providing this invaluable information online.
I am twenty years old and a college student, and in the two days since I found
this site, I have learned more about how the world works and how it should work
than in the rest of my lif e combined. I've found myself forgoing sleep and food
just to learn a little more about Neo-Tech, and with each page a new epiphany
presents itself to me.

D.V.,, 5/6/97
I just spent 2 hours in your site. I am captivated by how much sense
this makes.

web......UNDOUBTEDLY!!! Only when the fog has lifted, can you see the horizon. As I see it, Neo-tech has become the Sun that started burning off the fog.

D.K.,, 1/28/98
It's interesting and entertaining.

P.R.,, 10/13/98
Neo-Tech gives such a feeling of future prosperity and success that such
a work of literature, I'm sure will be considered a timeless classic in
the future. Integrated honesty is surely the only way that civilization
will continue to survive.

"I am eager to study this so I can achieve integrated honesty."
A.B.,, 2/24/97

C.V.,, 1/2/98
I was initially unable/willing to comprehend this technology
after being introduced to it by my Father nearly 3 years ago.
The writing seemed to be full of cynicism and negative thinking,
I was unwilling to open my mind to the truth, I was more than
happy to continue living in 'Oz' filled with a myriad of misconceptions
of life and liberty. What society will continue to label cynical
and evil, I have come to recognize as the 'Truth', I have much
more to learn and I believe that Neo-Tech can provide me with
the knowledge essential to living a truly Happy life.

killairne,, 5/14/00
I am still interested in the investment of $$$,
and more valuable, time for a project of bringing THE STORY
to a worldwide marketable movie. I am sincere and passionate
about my interest in bringing
THE STORY to the anticiv and perhaps initiating the critical
mass 'conversion' predicted by NT
authors. We are talking about the stopping of this planet's
self-destruction. Forget about the
philosophical YADA YADA! Let's get some action going for the
saving of the earth so we can
evolve into the CofU. IMO THE STORY is the most potent
potential message of waking up the
population to the anticiv. Please join me in promoting this
as a worldwide HIT in the cinematic
Please email me for investors and cordinators. I nominate
myself for the advisory board. I am multitalented and
extremely energetic (thank zon I grew up before ritalin was
used. I'd be a in a mystical bubble, floating around,
today.) Again, thanks Mr. Hamilton for your epiphany. My
honestly warm regards, Killy
PS A metaphor from my past reborn christian days, 'If a
train is heading toward a friend on the
tracks, one most likely races to remove the friend from
danger.' That is how I feel about getting this
movie made.

E.H.,, 9/16/00
This site has me thinking .

M.M.,, 1/9/02
It is just incredible how simple is to absorb this concept . I feel lighter. Comparing this to a traditional mystic ideas is like comparing the virus to men.

B.E.,, 8/16/98
The best investment I have ever made. Powerful, life
enhancing information

IT,, 5/29/03, Indonesia
I'm reading The Book now and would like this book to be read by most people
in the world.

anyone who is currently losing at life!

P.H.,, 4/27/97, United Kingdom
Thank you for waking me up and causing me to think. How can anyone
handle their problems when they don't even know what they are?

P.D.,, 11/23/98
An excellent and advanced idea of how and why
the world works. I will spread the word.

R.E.,, 12/25/96, Australia
This is the most exciting web site I have ever visited. If ever there
was a time that needed the power your organization offers it is now. Thank you
for starting to change my life for the better.

I.P.,, 8/12/97, Indonesia
"Neo-Tech doesn't have anything to do with religion and that sounds good
because it's universal and can be useful to anyone. But what I can be sure
of is that Neo-Tech is a refreshing approach that's needed by anyone to live
his or her life to the fullest and hopefully to help people to help others
and make this world a better place for every being. We cannot afford to be
uninformed about this very worthy knowledge."

G.C.,, 3/21/00, New Zealand
Excellent material. Thank you.

I find all information from Neo-Tech not only informative but factual.
In this day of cover-ups, if is most refreshing. This is the only
way other people will be able to learn the truth about many subjects.

C.D.,, 4/2/99
Neo-Tech appears to be the true power of both the past and
future. Also, simply because a few wimps have a couple of
negative remarks about NT doesn't mean their opinions
amount to anything, does it?- Find out for yourself the
real power of man. Stop fearing what is not there and
smell the coffee of life's most hidden power--yours
to command.

I.M.,, 12/1/00
My life was turned around when I received 'The
Book'. I was
in the doldrums...since the Book hit my hands, I have helped
start 3 new venture...and more coming. I can't thank you

Robbin, L.C.,, 7/31/02
The book is full of useful information

j.R.,, uk
The Neo-Tech world is a very bright place to be!

T.K.,, 2/22/97, Egypt
A very cool site.

S.K.,, 5/10/98, Bahrain
I find the text written here empowering, in
terms of thinking for one's self and being aware of some of the elements
in society who try to consistently usurp our natural powers.

J.H.,, 4/5/98
Neo-Tech has drastically changed
my life and I believe will continue to do so. Thank You,

"I would like to commend whoever is responsible for creating this
web site it is a true source of enlightenment and education. I
would like to pursue studying this discovery for a more thorough
understanding of the possibilities and power available with this
knowledge. I have enjoyed researching and learning about
suppressed information."
G.G.,, 2/12/97

Of course Neo-Tech should stay on the net and be expanding!
I received information about The Book and thought I would buy a copy. When
I received it I could not put it down. It took a lot of going over and concentration
to understand it but I have found t hat I see my perception of the world
in a totally new light. The more I read about Neo-Tech the better I feel
and the more I understand about Myself and others.

K.A.,, 10/11/97
Truth and honesty for all and to all.

Neo-tech rocks.

J.C.,, 1/7/98
The Neo-Tech web site is a valuable tool for use by anyone who has
searched, or is searching, for reality based thinking. The concepts that are put
forth here are truly revolutionary. The web site opened my eyes to another side
of life that, until then, had somehow eluded me. I have, for a long time, been
aware that corruption flourished in the high places of Government, Religion and
the Media, but I felt that it would take an act of God to dislodge them from
their high places. I am now just beginning to understand the power that a fully
integrated honest man or woman can possess. And as we continue to integrate
reality into our own lives we will force the Neocheaters of this world back into
the darkness that they secretly crave.

S.K.,, 12/22/98
I have been reading Neo-Tech books since 1994. Now every new
publication you come out with I automatically buy. I reread the
older versions as much as possible always integrating new thoughts
with each reading. Your latest book Government Free Cyberspace
is excellent. Every day I work harder at my company and becoming
a Neo-Tech man. I try hard (and it is sometimes real hard) to
be completely honest in every and all situations. Everyday I
use your principles to better my life and bring more joy, happiness,
success, and wealth into it. Every day I work at completely eliminating
mysticism in myself and one day my employees.
Every day I realize more and more how stupid and inconsistent
this anti-civilization is. Every day I work at becoming a citizen
of the civilization of the universe knowing that one day it will
happen. (Can't wait) Your work and publications have completely
changed my life for the better. Ironically others, completely
tied to this anticivilization, have also noticed the change (especially
family) and think I am unhappy, way-to-serious business man that
cannot have any fun. 'Lighten up' they say. Enjoy life, play
some golf, have a drink, relax and you will be like us stuck
in the netherworld. They think that is what 'fun' is. Well I
know the difference and try to experience 'it' every day. I am
truly happy, not faking it to seem important. I just can't wait
till this upside down world crumbles and the 'real' world begins.
Good luck and keep up the good work.

"I must commend on a simple yet very effective mode of
communication. Bravo!"
Aainaa R.,, 6/8/97, Malaysia

"Your web site is dynamite! No wonder its got the authorities
spooked! I am intrigued by it's potential to revolutionize
A.M.,, 4/28/97, England

"I appreciate what you are doing for mankind."
J.S.,, 2/20/97

L.L.,, 10/16/97
"A very interesting and positive site."

"It is cool and usable."
H.L.,, 5/26/97, Philippines

I did find it disturbing however how anyone could call a life
dedicated to complete honesty and hard work satanical. A brief glimpse
into history will tell you that this is exactly the kind of negative comments
that the pilgrims received in the old country. They had the opportunity
to leave the old country and start fresh in the new, we however are left
with the task of creating the new. Power to us and all the other hardworking,
decent, honest folk out there who believe in the Neo-Tech C of U.

SF,, 5/25/03, Australia

I really enjoyed the article entitled 'Proof that Religious
and Mystical Doctrines are Hoaxes'

Matthew,, New Zealand
The Story is brilliant. It delivers neo-tech concepts in an easily relatable
form, which makes me hungry for more.

P.H.,, 10/29/99, United Kingdom
I was surprised at the amount of information, bloody good

H.H.,, 12/22/96
Awesome site and info!

be displayed.

"Very intriguing."
D.C.,, 5/21/97

"Extremely important information for free-thinking people!! I
want to know more and I want to help spread the word."
T.M.,, 1/20/97

M.S.,, 1/16/99
Neo-Tech...Mind detoxifying!

F.B.,, 1/24/00
The most thought provoking, mind searching
lituriture that I have ever read. It has made me reevaluate
my entire thought process.

IT,, 5/29/03, Indonesia
I'm reading The Book now and would like this book to be read by most people
in the world.

Bettie Ann H.,, 9/14/99
This mental orientation does indeed give one a new leash on
life. Our society is in big trouble. This logical approach to
life needs to be available to every one that is seeking truth.

D.W.,, 4/14/00, England
I'm reading The Story and am so engrossed I've just realized it's 3.40 am! Fantastic stuff and so logical.

I am overjoyed by this feeling of euphoria. I am consumed
with overwhelming feelings of goodness because I now see
life as it was suppose to be seen. I am now able to sit down
with middle age men and women and discuss about life on the
same level at age 18! I speak of truth now and offer help
other people. I sit around and knowledge engulfs my mind. It
is almost as if there is a constant flow of information
going straight through my brain. Day by day I grow more
intelligent and people see this progress. Good luck my
fellow kinship and don't be scared of the truth
(metaphorically speaking)

K.P.,, 2/9/97
Great site... this is a great help...hope you are going to stay
around and implement all that is proposed...keep strong.

"Neo-Tech is really great ."
I.C.,, 6/10/97, Pakistan

"I've had a lovely read on Neo-Tech. I agree with the views put
forward . You've got my vote."
P.A.,, 6/10/97, England

Neo Tech burned massive holes through the mystic walls that surrounded
me and the blinding light of pure logic flooded in and I literally felt the weight
of ASSHOLEISM passed on to me by my family and society melt away.

J.S.,, 2/25/02
Dir sirs, I have never written you before. I have spent the last year studying neo-tech and integrating the psychuous concepts into my thought pattern and
not a day goes by that I'm am not amazed at how powerfully and wonderfully neo-tech has changed my o
utlook on life. I use the word 'changed' reluctantly because I do not feel that neo-tech has altered my thinking pattern as much as it has freed my mind from
the unrelenting dishonesties of this anticivilization, allowing me to return to that beautifully
vivid state of mind of my early childhood that I can hardly recall now. I am so happy now at the freedom and peacefulness I now feel, more free than I've
ever felt in my life. I am now empowered to carve my own destiny in life and each day I find more str
ength to resist and overpower all neo-cheaters and their mystical deceptions. I cannot watch the evening news without being filled with disgust at the lies I
was powerless to perceive previous to neo-tech. I am writing to say thank you. Thank you all so v
ery much for helping me become truly free for the first time ever in my life.

"Very interesting, indeed. There are many useful tidbits of
information. Keep them coming."
B.C.,, 1/26/97

"If Clinton/Dole/Billy Grahmn types wish to remain in power, they
must IMMEDIATELY squash this radical, 'we don't need you'
message. What would they do without followers? What would
followers do without leaders? Web sites like Neo-Tech must be
nipped in the bud if the status quo is to survive. Stop this
horror, NOW, before people use its power! If individuals are
allowed to use Neo-Tech, then why would we need god or
government? Neo-Tech will upset everything. Stop it NOW!"
J.L.,, 2/5/97

A.G.,, 3/8/97
There is no other web site that delivers more values on the web.
PERIOD! This web site is the reason I got an Internet account. That's how much
I value it.

R.m.,, 5/28/01
l have enjoyed the mind opening effects, I was
a Methodist preacher
for 23ys, these readings have opened up so much that was
to me during those years.

J.R.,, Canada
Absolutely great thinking model.

Barbara P.,, 9/26/98
Informative thought provoking looking at oneself in a totally
new direction and the effects that NT can bring are more than
enough for me to keep coming back time and time again

P.C.,, 3/26/97
ZONPOWER/NEO-TECH was the precipitating factor in a major life
improvement for myself and my best friend. Thanks!

C.T.,,8/26/00, Malaysis
Enough is enough! Enough hero worshipping of
personality cults ,politicians
and priests. It is time for the meek to make a stand, before
the just
are devoured.

Lydi, yahoo, United Kingdom
It helping me to focus!

K.R.,, 10/12/00
For someone to truly understand Neo-Tech, they
have to understand that what they believe is evil or
unproductive is not what really is evil or unproductive. The
vice versa works the same. What they currently think is good
and productive could actually be, in reality, self
destructive and unproductive.

S.S.,, 3/1/99, South Africa
I discovered Neo-Tech and have not looked back.
Thanks for making tomorrow worthwhile!

R.F.,, 3/9/98
Firstly, you know that cyberspace is the
key to the destruction of this anticivilization and secondly,
making your literature free on the web is the ultimate testimonial
to your commitment of destroying this anticivilization and thirdly,
(law of nature/physics) being on the web has increased the momentum
of the penetration of you message to the world.
The revelation of living in a world that is the Civilization
of the Universe finally came together for me. And what a wonderful
world it is! It is truly that state of heaven on earth. Now everyday
my whole world, with the promise
of what is to come when Neo-Tech is everywhere, glows even brighter for

T.R.,, 7/5/98
I continue to look for ways in which I can incorporate the
principles into my everyday life and need to know what
I can do on a personal level to spread the all-important

"This is a very interesting Web site."
Marilyn O.,, 5/25/97, Australia

R.M.,, 2/18/97
Thank-you for your very important site.

A.K.,, Australia
As a little boy, stumbling across the top of my fathers chest
of drawers, I found the great big black book and curious opened it. Inside
I found this poem called 'The Golden' and continued to read, although back
then my growing mind was so stumped it didn 't like reading but sure enough
this piece of material riveted me. I've always held that poem to my heart
and it was years later I began on the most difficult journey ever -- that
of truly becoming free of all internal and external authoritative sources
t hat had been draining me. I found this poem and it was then I truly understood
the meaning of what I was to become -- that of a fully fledged producer of
values. I'm not saying this road is easy -- in fact its not, its damn tough
to tell you the truth . B ut for one thing, once you start you must never,
never give up or lose hope even when the chips are down.

D.P.,, 1/25/98
I love life and I'm ready for the
neo-tech world, I love the knowledge and
life changing material . THANK YOU.

J.G., co.k, 1/30/97, Kenya

K.C.,, 5/6/00
I purchased the manuscript nearly five years
ago, when I tried to read it, it didn't make any sense to
me. It ran counter
clockwise to all I held to be true. Then about three weeks
I happened to pick it up again and begin skimming it and I
actually shocked to find that I understood every word and
though the book was huge, I couldn't read enough, that's why
I came looking for it on the web. Thank you for dispelling
controlling myths that have been programmed into my mind
birth. I've only just finished my first reading and I
it will take some time to assimilate
all of the knowledge, but I already see the world from an
new perspective.

An amazing web-site.

"Informative and well written."
R.N.,, 1/20/97

"This is beyond my wildest dreams. An absolute wealth of
information. I truly wish I never had to sleep so I could spend
many more hours on your Web Site."
R.K.,, 2/4/97

S.S.,, 7/20/98
A recent breakup of a relationship just really screwed me up.
If I had kept up on my N/T reading,
I doubt that the breakup would have occurred.

J.S.,, 5/4/97