
Your Rendezvous with Pax Neo-Tech
13,000 Comments 13,000 Comments

Pure Beauty Rising
C'est Si Bon

Neo-Tech Letter Testimonials!

Feedback Comments From Jan 1997-May 2003

Below, 500 Random Testimonials From 1997-2003
Continue refreshing to see countless more Neo-Tech Testimonials... over 20,000 testimonials!

"Excellent concept -- mind blowing."
J.F.,, 1/23/97

p.c.,, 6/21/00
Excellent information for all aspect of life

S.P.,, 6/17/02
Neo-Tech, has the potential to be the source of a revolution for improvement of the human condition!

Although it isn't easy to quickly understand
Neo-Tech, it is
by all means a positive approach to understanding what life
really meant to be. It can take several readings of Neo-Tech

S.L.,, 3/21/01
The Secrets are unleashed!
We are finally going to save ourselves and make life
It's so beautiful.

K.T.,, 5/13/97
I have received more valuable knowledge from Neo-Tech than my
previous twenty years of schooling. I now have the most incredible
romantic-love relationship with the woman of my dreams. I have left a mystical
profession and now am starting my own business. The web site is the most
valuable web site on the Internet. Thank You Neo-Tech!

B.S.,, 12/10/96, Canada
The truth will set you free. Fascinating and thought
provoking reading. Please send me more.

This sounds like the solution for which I have been
searching for so transcend the limitations of the
'ordinary' and become a 'God-Man.' It strikes me that, in
order to present this information so clearly, you must have
already attained this level yourself. How exhilarating it
must be!
My wife and I have a 1-year-old daughter. We both work
hard, but are struggling to 'make ends meet.' I have an
online business, and I have been working 14-hr. days trying
to make a success of it. But, it is not bringing me the
level of financial success for which I had hoped. My wife
and I also clean offices at night to bring in extra income.
But, we are just 'scraping by.'
Neo-Tech and Neo-Think look and 'feel' like the answer for
me -- to not only provide wealth, but also lasting peace and
happiness for myself and my family.
Troy H

D.R.,, 7/12/98
This site has a mission and it MUST remain!

K.M.,, 4/26/97
I believe that Neo-Tech should stay on the web as it provides people
with information on how to better their lives.

"I find the information to be extremely interesting and thought
provoking. This is my favorite site on the WWW."
J.S.,, 3/4/97, Canada

S.P.,, 1/14/00
I think Mark is a man of true, honest vision
and an accomplished writer. His expertly crafted style holds
and projects the true essence of honest love. 'God-Man'
inspires hope in the reader while showing our next
evolution. For the first time in my life I feel that I am
not alone, I am elated. It is of great encouragement and
inspiration to find such a man who is helping bring our next
evolution into fruition!

M.S.,, 12/15/97
I have read The Neo-Tech discovery and there is more honesty
contained in that book than any religion would ever want people
to know. It is hard to believe there are people out there who
actually want to feed off the productive activities of others
and want to control them by force to benefit their parasitical
ways. I will commit myself to honestly producing more than I
consume and rendering neocheaters powerless. We have the power!
Not religion or government parasites!

C.D.,, 4/2/99
Neo-Tech appears to be the true power of both the past and
future. Also, simply because a few wimps have a couple of
negative remarks about NT doesn't mean their opinions
amount to anything, does it?- Find out for yourself the
real power of man. Stop fearing what is not there and
smell the coffee of life's most hidden power--yours
to command.

M.S.,, 3/21/02
I've been scouring this sight constantly and each time am amazed in it's sheer brilliance of wealth of information. The euphoria this company has brought
into my life has been on more than one occasion so emotional I felt years of the isolated feeling that had encompassed myself melt away. In a literal sense. You taken self-evident truths integrated into such wide-scoped spectrums of brilliance that I am
repulsed that anyone can speak negatively on the feedback. Besides when are they going to get more creative than their first impulse to burn everything? That
fire and brimstone thing's a little old, overrated, and has already been used obsessively enough. Thank you sincerely for deeply enriching my life, love, and
learning through your efforts.

H.A.,, 2/20/97
I believe the Neo-Tech concepts work and I believe strongly that this
is what has to be done to change this world and get the parasites out of

H.M.,, 3/5/99
I am hook. I like Neo-Tech. It will stay here forever. No body
can defeat Profound Honesty and Fully Integrated Honesty and

B.M.,, 4/18/01
We all need to make sure Frank R. Wallace
becomes the next President in 2004. P.S. Everyone that is
'hating' and saying bad things about Neo-Tech will soon believe as
the anticivilization and mysticism is soon dying away.

"This is definitely the most powerful, useful, insightful, and
informational web site that I've ever encountered. I hope that
you continue to expand on the information presented here."
R.R.,, 3/4/97

C.C.,, 2/19/97, France
Good site, it must stay on the web.

J.D.,, 11/13/02
The world needs to see this, it can revolutionize the world.

"You offer the self to anyone who will listen and use their mind."
R.E.,, 6/16/97

C.B.,, 9/2/99
Neo Tech is making the world a much richer/better place. It
certainly has changed my life.

R.C.,, 7/22/97, U.S.A.
Neo-Tech should be on the sides of milk cartons across the
globe as the lost child of mankind's survival-wise ancestors! It should
be added to the keys of all atlas and map makers by their own
conscience, to guide those who support their efforts by purchasing their

C.C.,, 7/31/97
"This is a great piece of work, and the truth."

F.V.,, 12/20/96
Extremely informative and enlightening!!
A must read for people that need some incentive to become
value producers for themselves and society. Worth the research!!!

"Your new ideas are brilliant and different; I find them very
J.R.,, 2/25/97

J.B.,, 10/24/99
I first thought NEO-TECH was some kind of
'TRICK'. But soon after I started reading I realized how I
could start identifying and avoiding the potentially deadly,
lazy scumbags who in the past hurt and exploited me.
NEO-TECH is like a magnifying glass for ME!NOW I CAN SEE!
Look-out anticivilization here I come, I now have the
tools[NEO-TECH]to take you on. I am a VALUE-PRODUCER! you
are not. LET'S DANCE!I am playing your songs.

"I like what I see on yoru web site."
S.K.,, 4/16/97

E.R.,, 3/13/00
Are you offering any workshops on Friday Night Essence???
and related subjects. It is a very interesting subject and it
would be helpful.

"This is one of the most comprehensive and well- connected series
of web pages that I've yet encountered. Extremely challenging
material for those willing to embrace and apply critical thought
(rather than quickly dismiss it out of hand due to their standing
beliefs ... or 'mysticism' as you so accurately term them. Keep
up the outstanding work, and thank you for expanding my
J.P.,, 1/25/97

F.S.,, 9/30/98
A vehicle towards greater individual self expression and freedom.

"I have an unmistakable feeling that you know what you are
talking about. You are good."
D.D., co.c, 1/24/97, Cyprus

"NT is the seed of the 21st Century and of all time for the
civilization of the universe as it springs up here on earth. It
is the essence of life for all of us."
V.G.,, 4/16/97

R.N.,, 6/2/00
I haven't taken time to read anything not related
to my business in years. The other day, I clicked into the
NT website and casually began reading "The Story." While
skeptical at first, knowing what a tremendous effort is
required to write effective, coherent fiction...I was
surprised, amazed, and finally, delighted. MH's work is, I
believe, the most powerful NT publication to date. It is
mind boggling, the mass of integrations he managed to
squeeze into this attention grabbing (and holding) drama. I
hope this is just a taste of what's to come.
Congratulations, all of you, on one fine achievement which
may move us closer to that new world.

L.N.,, 11/25/02

S.W.,, 5/24/98
I think your site is really great. Your articles have
changed me a lot.

Let people realize the truth about life and everything
that goes with it.

"A most impressive web-site. The information is really mind
C.S.,, 1/31/97

J.P.,, 3/18/97
This is the most honest information I have ever seen. It is time the
politicians were be placed where they belong, under us, not above us. They have
been elected to serve us, not us serve them. Keep up your work. I feel honored
to have read and re-read your material.

F.T.,, 12/10/98
next evolution),very eye opening!

R.E.,, 9/28/97
Neo-Tech/Zonpower is the greatest discovery since the
computer itself. The two were made for each other.

"Excellent piece of information. The information and ideas
expressed in this technology are completely riveting. I
completely understand and firmly believe in these ways!"
F.C.,, 2/19/97

A.S.,, 4/26/98, Canada
Neo-Tech is the future, the only way to live free and to
reach ones full potential in life. True happiness can only be found by
breaking free of all that controls you.

J.W.,, 12/17/96, Australia
What little I have seen so far is very interesting.
I have limited opportunities to surf, but will be back to see more.

Don't you dare take this web page down.

Susan M.,, 1/24/00
Very, very impressive. The wave of the future.

S.G.,, 4/13/01
I am so excited about “The Story', I am in a
rush to gain as much information as quickly as possible, and
can't do it quick enough. The thinking is so profound at
such a deep level that I am shaken to the very core of my
being. All my life I have been on a journey to discover, no
indeed to create Who I Am and Who I Want To Be and to do it
with integrity, honesty and with value to mankind. Though I
am still in the early stages of reading I am beginning to
notice a change in my thinking and the way in which I view
the world. I have this profound feeling that this work will
provide the shift that I have so long been searching for. It
is with profound gratitude that this work has found it's way
into my hands. Thank You Dr. Wallace, and Thank You Mark

G.C., , 3/28/02, ENGLAND
I cant wait for the Neo-Tech bullets! Neo-Tech has helped me and continues to do so. I now live a life free of mysticism, and life just gets better as I
develop honest, valuable relationships both on a personal level and in business.

"I am profoundly glad to have access to the most important
information ever available to the human race."
L.W.,, 1/2/96

R.R.,, 2/11/97
I completely love this site! I've been a Neo-Tech reader and user for
about 5 years, and I find that I'm learning so much more on the site. Keep it

J.H.,, 10/24/01
Neo-tech is a great value. Every individual of positive value should have it. I'm raising a flag for science and a universal civilization.

D.A.,, 6/9/98
These concepts are very intriguing.

,, 1/2/02
It's taught me to have total control of my life. Thank You.

The Story should be packaged as a pocket book with a
beautiful cover and sold through anticivilization methods to
all the bookstores in the US. I think that this is the only
thing that will insure that a new civilization will begin by

C.J.,, 3/12/02, Westchester
I think NT should stay for the sake of mankind.

Dear Dr. Frank R. Wallace and fellow Neo-Tech developers/co-workers,
I am grateful for the many important concepts that I have learned through
reading your books. I have used many of your ideas in forming my own integrations
for my own understanding, work and service.

"Your web page is nicely laid out and interesting."
G.B.,, 1/21/97

F.C.,, Ireland
It's hard to believe that once a person has read Neo-Tech books/manuscripts
that they can bury their head in the sand and pretend that it does not exist.

"Excellent! I've bookmarked this web site. It's 2am. After a bit
of sleep I will have to spend a lot of time here in order to take
in all the information. It's good to see someone taking on the
tyrannical forces that is our present government. "
P.P.,, 1/7/97

,, 1/14/01
I am a 20 year military veteran, age 59. It
seems most of what
I grew up defending and believing in is crumbling before my
During the 'cold war' we were told about the evils of
and how these 'evil' governments abused their citizens. I
scoffed at the idea that it could happen in our own country.

P.N.,, 4/15/00
Neo-Tech must remain on the web to help cure irrationality and the dishonesty disease. This site has been a tremendous
help in my battle against self mysticism


C.P.,, 1/2/02
I Find it invigorating and motivating. The Story should have motivated all of us to think more responsibility about the Child in all of us. It was a warm
reception of 'Childhood,' and what could be accomplished if we stopped beating our kids and started treating our kids as the special people they will soon become.

M.F.,, 10/21/97
"Great site, The world needs more information like this, not less!"

D.S.,, 5/13/98
Neo-Tech solves every problem known to man that then gives the
way to God-Man. Our future is promising, let not the neocheaters

G.S.,, 8/22/97
"Interesting site. Think about it. Mind expanding. Energy, googolplexes,
patterns, I love it! Don't stop."

"I think it is great that Dr. Wallace is making available this
important information."
B.W.,, 1/18/97

M.C.,, 8/28/97
"I think the web site is fantastic. I feel like I've entered another
dimension. Thousands of pages of text for free, what a value!"

But it seems the enemy is HERE and not THERE! How anyone
actually work for the IRS is beyond me. Of course Hiltler's
always used the excuse, 'I was made to do it.... It was my

L.L.,, 8/28/98
Yes it should remain since NT provides the thinking man/woman
fresh views of the world, waking people up and reminding them
that they are the true masters of their destiny, never to be
usurped again.

S.E.,, 5/27/97, England
Learning about Neo-Tech is becoming a really eye opening experience
and is helping me to think in new ways. Your material has helped me to dispel
all the ingrained negative knowledge I have been taught. I can now get on with
my life as a happy, productive individual. Thank you very very much for opening
my eyes, keep up the Excellent work.

"I think this web site is very powerful and exciting."
R.K.,, 3/19/97

"Causing people to question the status quo and to think in new
ways is no crime."
R.B.,, 4/15/97

R.P.,, 10/21/98
received your offer to purchase God-Man: Our Final Evolution.
I've decided to explore your web site before making my purchase.

"As a long time Objectivist and Libertarian, I'm naturally in
favor of anything and anyone that promotes rationality and true
G.R.,, 5/17/97

G.O.,, 3/13/01
'Without Neo-Tech there is no hope for
survival' I am looking forward to The Civilization of the
and Biological Immortality.

E.E.,, 7/11/97
"I completely agree with you on the dishonesty and mystical
thinking crap. I also like your readings on biological immortality
because I think its completely possible, the only thing holding us
back is the religions (mysticism) saying 'its not right we must
die to go to heavens pearly gates'. Screw heavens pearly gates I
want to be immortal and completely free of mysticism to gain
ultimate power and happiness the right way not the neocheat way.
Thank you NEO-TECH you better stay on the web your info really

J.C.,, 8/16/97
"This must be presented to all who would consider it."

"I first heard of Neo-Tech through Alan Grant's 'Anarky' comic
(the reading list in back is a great idea). My first impression of
the site was of the incredible amount of information it contained.
My first day on I read through 'Zonpower from Cyberspace' and was
very impressed. A first-class site all around."
G.W.,, 6/30/97

"I feel that the Neo-Tech web site is a fundamental necessity in
that it provides for the amateur Neo-Techer a library of wealth
and knowledge that could not be accessed by mystic government
libraries that don't care to express all points of view. So in my
humble opinion this web site will change the way people see their
lives and ultimately save the world."
E.F.,, 5/19/97

F.B.,, Australia
There is more useful (for life and prosperity) information on this
web site than you will find on thousands of others.

The Story was one of the most touching and enlightening piece of work I've every

R.S.,, 3/4/00
Mr. Hamilton: The Story is fantastic!!! I
haven't finished all of it yet. So far it has taken me on an
incredible emotional roller-coaster ride. I have never had
this kind of reaction to a story, not even Braveheart, which
is my all time favorite movie, the only movie that I ever
shed tears to.
The only complaint I have is trying to figure the puzzle. I
like a challenge, but this is killing me. Phantom-Bantom
Software, Winter Wonderland, etc. Throw me a bone please. Is
Ms. Annabelle, Katherine Applegate?
Well keep up the good work & keep an eye on your 6.

"I am totally blown away. Where are you guys coming from?"
L.P.,, 1/29/97

"It was really interesting to read about Neo-Tech. I like it very
much. I would to see some of it in Spanish. Thanks. Keep going!"
T.M.,, 3/19/97, Venezuela

H.R.,, 6/29/97, Germany
It is quite astonishing, a new world.

s.l.,, 10/5/02, new zealand
I was freaked out by neo-tech when I first found it 12 years ago - I own three of your manuals. This is a paradigm shift. It changes everything. I will

c.d.,, 5/21/02
This site has been my only true find of serious info. in the two years that I have surfed the web thank you.

G.G.,, 5/10/99
I find the entire neo-tech discovery utterly
fascinating and long over-due.

At 23, I hadn't read a fictional book in over 7 years. I recently
read 'The Story', and I don't think I'll ever read another story again. Why?
Because I don't think I'll ever find anything so powerful, so emotionally
moving, so earth shatteringly life cha nging ever again. Nothing else could
come close. I'm introducing everyone I know to Neo-Tech, to spread the message.
We must all find better ways to spread the message before the Neo-Tech machine
is stopped by the envious, threatened authorities whose mes sages are very
convincing to the 'non-(Neo-Tech)educated'. I foresee a global revolution.
I already see signs of Neo-Tech and Neothink in the 'non-educated' and believe
that a natural changeover is imminent. Thank you for awakening me to this
new world.

Thomas E . T.J.,
Neo-tech changed my life 10 years ago . No, it saved my life
10 years ago. Thank you for bringing me out of the darkness. My life , health
,finances and future look great . Dr. Wallace should receive the Nobel Peace
Prize .Thank you

Very informative web site and the book was great! This is such
a fresh look at our existence, a welcome look. I would like to get involved
in the political part of the Neo-Tech movement?

A.T.,, England
Neo-Tech must remain on the web. Without access to it's reference
we can easily forget the conscious effort required to continue integrating
honesty thus returning to sad, mystical lives.

Now with your help I'm finally learning how to regain my sanity.
For so long I've living my life as if I were blind and letting things happen
to me. I kept remembering that I was more successful as a child than an adult.
I believe that as an adult people get scared over what people are thinking
of them and sometimes even using them. I hope Neo-Tech manifests to a point
where anyone can realize their potential.

B.A.,, Canada
I have been studying neo-tech for quite some time now. Neo-Tech
has opened my eyes to a whole new world full of endless opportunities. I
can honestly say that I don't ever get bored anymore. I now run my own business.
I love having no BOSS! I have never f elt so free in my whole entire life.
Although I am only 26 years evolved. I do not want to get older I only want
to get wiser. Thanks to the neo-tech crew who made this all possible for
me. Especially Dr. Frank Wallace and Mark Hamilton Thank-you for shar ing
your wisdom and knowledge to me (an average person).

S.o.,, America
I think that this site should remain on the web to stimulate
thinking among those who still think.

R.B.,, Mauritius
Even here in this small island those life-crushing taxes are
dreadful. We should not waste time for the job ahead. I, too will go beyond
my physical limits to help Neo-Tech win.

We love Neo-Tech, it has truly changed our lives. We are free
now. Please stay on the Web, you are changing the world. Thank You!!

I absolutely love neo-tech! It is right it is just and it has
me growing again as we all must. The thought of growing infinitely into eternity
puts me into state of elation, the reality of that thought would be as great
as creation.

I feel that the info provided can really leave one to question,
'what the hell am I doing wasting my life when I could be doing what i was
meant to do in life?' So much time wasted, just reading the info has inspired
me beyond belief.

The information on this web site and in the literature is very
helpful in battling my depression. Recovering with ideas grounded in truth
is proving to be invaluable.

H.C., lvcm.comU.S.A
I love your site.

I am at that point where I can truly see the truth of it, but
also able to feel how this threatens the old hierarchy of thought.

Neo-tech rocks.

"Very interesting and thought-provoking."
M.S.,, 6/16/97

D.M.,, 8/10/00

W.S.,, 5/3/02
I've been reading Neo-tech so long, I can't remember where I originally found it! But I have to say, it is the most profound lifestyle and life philosophy
I've ever come across. I became agnostic at age 15 while reading about the tremendous toll religion
had taken on the path of science and technology. Finally, about 12 years ago, I became completely atheist after realizing I was only holding on because of
the 'insurance' potential of being wrong! You've heard the old saw 'If you're right, you've lost not
hing, but if you're wrong there's hell to pay' What a load! I'm very happy and well adjusted being atheist! I will always read your stuff, and always
recommend it to people who are trying to find something meaningful to life. Good luck and stay FOREVER!

M.C.,, 11/16/98
Keep up the good work! Set the people free
from the shackles of guilt & mysticism,

C.P.,, 7/28/99
I have found new life, energy, and hope
through this web site.

D.P.,, 4/9/99
Very thought provoking and thought out. Makes the
'extraordinary' believable. Nice thinking exercises.

E.P.,, 10/11/97, Philippines
"This is the most useful invention ever created since the beginning of
time!!! Thank you very much in advance for the most-recent
Money/Power/Romantic-Love information."

G.B.,, 2/28/99, Australia
This is really great stuff. I am looking
forward to the future with hope.

November 1999

R.O.,, 5/2/97
Your information is a great value to many people, it is a great

C.V.,, 1/2/98
I was initially unable/willing to comprehend this technology
after being introduced to it by my Father nearly 3 years ago.
The writing seemed to be full of cynicism and negative thinking,
I was unwilling to open my mind to the truth, I was more than
happy to continue living in 'Oz' filled with a myriad of misconceptions
of life and liberty. What society will continue to label cynical
and evil, I have come to recognize as the 'Truth', I have much
more to learn and I believe that Neo-Tech can provide me with
the knowledge essential to living a truly Happy life.

"Great information. Most people I speak with don't have a clue
about Objectivism. Keep up the good work in speeding the word."
K.K.,, 1/9/97

M.C.,, 3/14/01
I love reading 'The Book'. And I love the way
that my new
excitement is changing my life. Live the life your were
meant to
live. I think that when everyone is using web tv in their
neo-tech will really take off. All people need is to have
right information given to them, and they all will make the
choices for their lives.

"This is very interesting indeed."
G.M.,, 2/1/97, Australia

S.B.,, 2/15/00, Australia
Neo-Tech: the ultimate in knowledge. Its value
ranks up there with the preciousness of human life.

Neo-Tech is awesome!

Z.Z.,, 6/4/97, People's Republic of China
It's exciting to read.

T.B.,, 12/24/96
I think this web site has a lot to offer people looking to better
their lives.

G.O.,, 1/8/99
The bottom line is that this site is the
essence of life and must remain on-line as long as the
Internet exist, people must be informed of the New Neo-Tech
world and mysticism must be exposed. All bureaucracies must
be eliminated. We all need to reach The Civilization of the

Reading your material is liken to an early morning walk. Or the wonderful feeling
you get when you experience the beauty of freshly turned earth.

D.L.,, 10/22/98
No thank you God help you.

It has taught me a new way of life. If everyone in this world
read these books, it would be a better place to live.

It is by far the greatest book I have ever came across. How
could reality have slipped us by? I can't believe the clarity! I'm teaching
my parents (Christians) the right way to live, no one knows how to just be
without the guilt, fear and shame of being man anymore, they look around
them and see someone else's creation, someone else's "plan" while they march
to whomever's beat. Is this why they brought me into this world, to defeat
my purpose and suppress my will? Well this book has put it all into perspective
for me, I'm very grateful to be alive and breathing! I owe a lot of my success
to the book in every aspect of my life the book has really shaped me into
being who I was destined to be and not falling victim to my environment.

T.M.,, 2/10/97

Neo Tech is Perfect!!

"I find it to be very interesting and informative. I want to
learn more about this Neo-Tech discovery!"
P.H.,, 6/4/97

G.F.,, 4/26/98
I read through a few pages of this sight... there is a
great amount of interesting information. It is just too interesting
to stop reading. Reading this information definitely will inspire me
to learn more about the world around me.

Anon,, 5/28/02
The best thing to do is to let your actions and conditions show that the Neo-Tech philosophy is actually more beneficial to a person than any form of

M.T.,, 5/9/00, australia
I've directed many friends here & they find
the writings `surprisingly accurate.

M.W.,, 8/6/97,
This is a very neat web site and should be seen and judged
by all.

"YOUR INFO IS POWER. KEEP IT UP! Love to read the stuff you have
J.W.,, 6/25/97

A.A.,, 12/13/99, Ghana West Africa
You guys are really helping me to rediscover
myself. I will appreciate it
very much if you send me guides to teaching my kids so that
they will also not go astray as I did. You guys are just too
great. We love you!!!

Neo-tech is one of the most useful tools in orienting oneself with reality. It
becomes evident that this must first take place before happiness or prosperity
is achieved, in their truest sense. Neo-tech has my most sincere appreciation
and thanks.

"The Neo-Tech/Zonpower Discovery is a very powerful document
indeed. I already see the world in a new light."
S.S.,, 3/18/97

P.G.,, 12/7/99, Australia
I have tried numerous mystique idea's, paid money to charlatans,
been ripped off by so called clairvoyants and alike…this is
worth it's weight in gold.

G.P.,, 4/22/97
What you are doing is phenomenal and would be beneficial to many
people. I hope that you open the eyes of many so that we may help
create the Neo-Tech world.

L.H.,, 1/15/99
It is refreshing to review your life expanding information. I have been
searching for many years for the answers to a better life with total happiness.
I am grateful for the opportunity to learn more about our world.
Please continue distributing this important life plan.

R.S.,, 10/4/97, Canada
"Beyond all domains of doubt, the IRS is a force-backed authoritarian
organization that has to be dismantled completely to put an end to its
hypocrisy, deceit, wanton criminal intimidation, victimization and
destruction of honest, hardworking and productive individuals. To be sure,
the IRS is a disgrace to American society! It is indeed ironic that the USA,
a country which prides itself on being the most prosperous, scientifically
and technologically advanced in the world and which makes so much fuss about
justice and human rights worldwide, has created the IRS which epitomizes, in
its own backyard, the very antithesis of much cherished American values. "

"good site, it must stay on the web."
C.C.,, 2/19/97, France

S.P.,, uk
Neo-Tech is an outstanding contribution to understanding the
universe that we live in. May it continue to grow and turn our world the
right way up, at last.

K.P.,, 7/20/02, US of America
Neo-Tech should be visible in this great medium so that others, like myself, can live free of Neo-Cheaters.

W.K.,, 8/13/97, Africa
"Please, I and my people would like to see a Swahili publication in order
for the masses of people who don't speak other foreign languages to become
knowledgeable of this valuable information. After all, the more net value
producers in this world means less net value destroyers there would be."

this anticivilization. The more children we reach, the
better. This stuff will stick to children like
that bad juju parents are currently dipping them in.
Can we save them all? NO, but we can make a GIANT

P.P.,, 1/24/01
First of all I have to say I have really enjoyed The Story.
I've found myself not wanting to put it down or rushing to
get back to it. I haven't quite finished it yet though. I
do have a question for you... I would like to know if there
is anything available like the recorded lectures of Miss
Annabelle or the bed time stories book she wrote. My 11
year old son has also started reading The Story, but I would
like to introduce the whole idea to my 4 year old and 14
year old (who doesn't like to read unless he has to). Do
you know where I might be able to find something like that?

J.C.,, 5/7/00
It is great to refer the uninformed to your web
site and let them read.

Neo-Tech gives all of us who are looking for answers about life
and religion a study point. Neo-tech not being a religion but a way of life
clears up a lot of misconceptions people have about their place in the universe.
Those of us who have been bombarde d with religion our entire lives now have
a healthy alternative to gaining enlightenment about the body and soul with
out all the fire and brimstone. Thank you Neo-tech for opening my eyes a
little further.

"I find this web site very interesting. This should most
definitely be made known to the public."
M.B.,, 5/15/97

C.B.,, 10/5/98
So much thought-provoking information!

"This is a fantastic site!"
N.E.,, 5/27/97, United Kingdom

"It was odd, but cool to know."
S.G.,, 1/21/97

J.M.,, 7/5/97
"I've been ready for the collapse of mysticism for along time.
Let's get it on!!!!!!!!"

"Your site is trying to do something good for others."
V.A.,, 4/17/97

"I would DEFINITELY like the Neo-Tech WWW site to stay AND to
expand. It's the best I come across! Only a fool (or a
neocheater) would want to see this site terminated!!!"
A.D.,, 2/4/97

J.R.,, 2/28/99
Neo -Tech forever and ever, in print and on the Net.

m.s.,, india
Certainly, the facts about the neo-tech I have learnt are the best ones I
have ever learned in life.

Paul L. S.J.,,
I love this site! It's really opened my eyes, I was into the metaphysical
new age movement, so I have been away from mainstream religion for a few years
now. Something about it always seemed a little off though. Like there had to
be more to life than 'pretending' all was well. Now I'm starting to feel the
power that is rightfully mine. This all makes perfect sense to me. I finally
know why I'm here and what I have to do. Thank you Neo-Tech.

Julie D.,, 3/5/99
'God-Man' is a very interesting book, the
world can transform into something beautiful and positive...
the most wonderful, beautiful expansion of the highest of
the creator....BLISS!!!! in the flesh!

Katie W.,, 10/23/99
You tell it like it is. You have courage and
insight into everything. I need more don't take this off the web.

M.K.,, 3/26/98
This is a great informational site.

R.B.,, 4/10/98
Excellent information.

S.L.,, 2/16/00, Canada
I read Neo-Tech manual because I see the more this world
of ours gets crazy, the more I need to read. We certainly
do need the Neo-Tech material to prosper and live by. Thanks
for caring, being honest and clear headed, which is what we
need more of today. Enough is enough of mysticism!

T.W.,, 7/22/97
I have been a fan of quantum physics for a long time. The
limited time I have been exposed to Neo-Tech it has given me a new
paradigm to non-linear dynamics and mass to energy relationship.
Only linear thinking would fear this expansion of thought.

AB,, 5/8/03
This is one of the most thought provoking sites on the Web today! This site
is a way for me to stay connected to Neo-Tech, 24/7. The Neo-tech web site is an
important key in the flow of information that I believe is needed in the 21st

K.M.,, 5/11/97, Barbados
This is nothing short of FANTASTIC. I feel as if I have found a

think for themselves. Should I never read another piece of Neo-tech literature for the rest of my
life, I have already gained unmeasurable advantages that I will continue to pass on to future generations as long as I live. Should Neo-tech remain on the

"I find it very fascinating and refreshing. It has made me look
at my own life in a different perspective. I believe the Neo-Tech
system is relevant and will be a great power in the future."
R.T.,, 4/30/97

Without the sun, it will only be that much longer till the fog lifts.

S.B.,, 2/5/97
This is an extremely valuable site. I fervently hope that it remains
on the Web ...the world desperately needs this information.

J.Q.,, 6/24/97, United Kingdom
The best and most valuable information I have ever read. Frank
Wallace and Mark Hamilton and Eric Savage are worthy of a Nobel prize at

"This is an extremely valuable site. I fervently hope that it
remains on the Web ...the world desperately needs this
S.B.,, 2/5/97

Neo-Tech is a brilliant analysis of the historical view of
human consciousness! My deepest respect and wishing you success in your
noble task.

P.A.,, 7/16/98
Great information.

"Very interesting web site I would like to learn more."
M.T.,, 1/9/97, Australia

H.A.,, 7/3/99, Israel
The site is interesting and I'd define it 'food
for the mind and soul'. There is plenty to learn and
comprehend. The information needs to be processed
and exercised by the mind and body in everyday life.

Methods endorsed by Neo-Tech are too dangerous for use by the inexperienced.

M.C.,, 1/5/01
I have the original manuscript, it has opened
my eyes to many things. I am awaiting the next We need this

P.H.,, 6/2/97, Australia
What a brilliant idea the Internet is! It has become the perfect
distributor for worldwide Neo-Tech knowledge. Producers of values may unite
from anywhere to everywhere on our earth. LOVE IT!!!

G.O.,, 8/3/00
There is no future without Neo-Tech. It is the
only way to have access to valid knowledge. Also the only way to biological
immortality, wealth and happiness. Ever since I was a small child, I sensed
there was something wrong with the world; after so many years I found
my answer in Neo-Tech

C.W.,, 12/21/96
The topic is fascinating. I can easily spend hours
reading this material.

R.N.,, 1/19/02, U.S.
The world will be a better place if everyone will just give neo-tech chance, and they will definitely see the real light.

J.C.,, 6/8/00

L. Singh,, 9/11/01, U.K.
The most profound information I have come across

J.C.,, 6/26/99
The greatest book ever written.

"If this site was banned or ceased to exist the future would
indeed be bleak."
M.I.,, 2/7/97, United Kingdom

B.P.,, 4/2/00
'The Story' is a brilliant way of introducing Neo-Tech to new readers. It has made the Neo-Tech material much more clear to me.

P.B.,, 3/29/97, Australia

B.M.,, 9/5/97, Ireland
"It is a refreshing way to look at a very clouded world"

E.S.,, 10/9/97
"I was a sophomore in high-school when I first ordered 'The Neo-Tech
Discovery'. I was too caught up in mysticism to integrate with it except as
a philosophical/preach-this -as-the-right-way set of good-sounding
information. Everyone thought I was a kook! Then I began to apply it and I
got scared. I was trapped still in my mysticism and I burned all the books
'cleansing' myself. Then at the end of my senior year, I got rejected from
the 'major' Ivy League schools everyone had always thought I'd get into.
Depression hit as the mysticism-shattering, mind-de-lousing effects of
Neo-Tech began to surface. Yet I still had too much invested in my mysticism
and the anticivilization...I was prepared to enter the University of
Connecticut and experience the 'finer' points of life that my childhood
never offered: girls, sex, alcohol, and drugs. Those things blurred away the
reality that Neo-Tech was asserting within me...I reached an all-time low in
self esteem. I ended up hooked on pot by the end of my freshman
year...people didn't respect me, my mind was blurred and the promises of
college weren't being delivered.. During the summer, I got involved with AOL
and the Internet. I also received a new Zonpower brochure in the mail I went
to this web site, re-ordered the manuscript and now here I am: Drug free,
alcohol-free, sugar free, caffeine free, self-hate free, and hard-working
towards mysticism free. I now await 'The Start-Up Wealth Generator' in the
mail and I am in the process of separating form this lazy
professor-alcoholic/life wasting institution of the anticivilization to
launch myself into the all-effort, zero mysticism life of reality... Life is
Wonderful 'Death To Mysticism'"

Neo-tech rocks.

M.Y.,, 1/12/97
This web site has it all. Innovative ideas to global marketing.

F.B.,, 7/2/97
"The article about 'spotting and dumping of the criminal mind'
appendix III is excellent and I would like to commend the author.
I came across this site accidentally, but I am impressed by the
writing and I hope this site will continue."

T.F.,, 8/18/97
"I have loved all your publications! I have no reservations at all telling
you that they have changed my life! Reality is so clear now!"

H.F.,, 10/9/98
It's about time someone told the truth! Maybe now the
human race can take it's rightful place in this universe!


A.J.,, 3/18/98
A friend of mine who introduced me to Ayn Rand told me I
should check out this site. All I can say is, 'WOW!' I admit I'm a
little skeptical - I've been inculcated with the notion that there are
no absolute answers yet I've always admired people like Jefferson,
Rand, etc. who wrote that there is a higher level of reason.
In any event, a lot of what I've read so far is impressive and
it's hard to disagree with. Good work.

"Sounds absolutely fantastic. I suppose I'll be sitting here the
whole weekend going through this site."
A.K.,, 4/18/97, South Africa

"I am starting to study law, and it's implications on each
individual. I just want thank you for being here."
H.S.,, 4/8/97

"I'm in favor of free-flow of any information; especially that
which has potential to free individuals from government,
corporate and any other form of slavery."
D.S.,, 3/8/97

E.W.,, 8/20/02

Irene,, 3/26/03

S.D.,, 4/11/02, ENGLAND
At 23, I hadn't read a fictional book in over 7 years. I recently read 'The Story', and I don't think I'll ever read another story again. Why? Because I don't think I'll ever find anything so powerful, so emotionally moving, so earth shatteringly life changing ever again. Nothing else could come close. I'm introducing everyone I know to Neo-Tech, to spread the message. We must all find better ways to spread the message before the Neo-Tech machine is stopped by the envious, threatened authorities whose messages are very convincing to the 'non-(Neo-Tech)educated'. I foresee a global revolution. I already see signs of Neo-Tech and Neothink in the 'non-educated' and believe that a natural changeover is imminent. Thank you for awakening me to this new world.

"I feel like I have started a new learning process for the
J.B.,, 4/21/97

neo-tech on the web.

J.M.,, 12/3/00

K. O.,,5/23/00
I can now never be as dense as I was about the
world and it scares
me a little. To have blind faith was a crutch and it seemed
relief, but now to see through things, to their essence I am

B.S., , 8/13/02
Frank Wallace, You are an absolute winner. The Neo-Tech Discovery has revolutionized my thinking. I will never be cheated again!

J.C.,, 1/13/03
After 5-6 years reading and paying lip-service to Neo-Tech/Neothink, I FINALLY started my mini-day program. All I can say is that I've accomplished more in 7
hours than I usually get done in 1-2 weeks. It really does take great DTC and beating down the inner-wimp, but once you get going it's like that high you get after a good workout! Bravo and thanks so much for the fabulous information....Neo-tech in
action: Priceless!

D.R.,, 12/6/00
The best literature I have. It has given great
and is the only real writing I have ever seen. First class.

"This is without a doubt the most important web site on the
Internet. The information and knowledge I receive from this site
and the other NEO-TECH books I have read has changed my life. I
now foresee a very bright future. Thank You."
C.C.,, 12/23/96

W.D.,, 5/15/97
I enjoy your site. Neo-Tech has made profound changes in my life. I
continue to grow and expand as I read and re-read the material.

P.M.,, 3/26/01, CANADA
The knowledge contained here has and will
change countless lives.

"A very comprehensive web site. This site will take a lot of
browsing to stay abreast of the changes to come."
W.B.,, 1/29/97

HZ,, SouthAfrica
Good ,true and powerful needs to be
known by the whole world.

G.S.,, 1/19/97
As a teacher, and a fan of "core knowledge" a la Hirsch, I consider
finding your page (when I was searching under DREAMS) a piece of synchronicity
and good fortune.

Everything written is so true. I have so much more power in my life
thanks to neo tech, I'm sure of my future. Thank you neo-tech for helping to
create a better world not by faith, but by reason.

G.O.,, 1/8/99
The bottom line is that this site is the
essence of life and must remain on-line as long as the
Internet exist, people must be informed of the New Neo-Tech
world and mysticism must be exposed. All bureaucracies must
be eliminated. We all need to reach The Civilization of the

C.V.,, 2/15/99
Due to Neo-Tech I now feel so much more calm
and knowledgeable. I have never felt comfortable with
politicians & religious leaders. I therefore never attended
church or even registered to vote. However, I would vote for
Frank R. Wallace and I would also urge others to do the same!!

N.T.,, Canada
words wont express my gratitude to all involved, but thanks
just the same. This backwards-assed human race we call 'civilization' desperately
needs Neo-Tech. This site should definitely remain on the web.

M.M.,, 2/10/00
I began by reading the Negative Comments, and it never ceases
to amaze me how 'loving, compassionate Christians' are so
full of hate and anger.

"I admire all the work you're doing. You've opened up a hidden
self within me and now I'm fueled with desire to produce values
and live life as it was meant to be."
M.M.,, 1/20/97, West Malaysia

"This web site brought about many different ideas to consider
about the international market. I have never looked at expanding
my life beyond the United States. After reading this web site, I
will definitely try to expand my thoughts and business to other
parts of the globe."
N.H.,, 1/7/97

D.W.,, 1/17/00
Knowledge rules.

J.H.,, 5/13/99
I am very interested in all the info. I have
read so far. I am a young man and many great ideas. So I am
going to read on and make positive steps forward about
improving the way of life for everyone!

K.P.,, 6/23/97
I have been reading and gradually integrating with Neo-Tech concepts
since May 1993. Neo-Tech was THE pivotal point in my life. No longer could I
look to some undefined, even unknowable heaven as my sole point of light to
focus on in the vast darkness; now, I know fully that a.) my life is MY
responsibility alone, b.) only I can decide to enter and prosper from or avoid
and be out competed by the Neo-Tech World, and c.) the Neo-Tech World is worth
holding out for.

L.J.,, 2/4/97
I can't spend more than a day without verifying what's new on this
site. Thanks a lot for all the effort.

God. With Neo-Tech thinking it helps me to live worthwhile. Thanks!

"Its 4 in the morning...and I just got blown away by your
info...I plan on staying in touch with your page."
A.K.,, 1/10/97, Canada

M.T.,, 10/5/97
"I think Neo-Tech is great! I am confident that these ideas will prevail in
the future. I find that battling mysticism and self defeating behavior in
myself more challenging and the ultimate battle is against myself more than
neocheaters. One thing is for sure: Now I can spot a neocheater and refuse
to give any value to these shitbags "

E.A.,, 6/19/99
I thoroughly embrace your methodology.

Absolutely valuable and inspiring,

M.G.,, 12/27/02
Neo-tech open my eyes and now I see the truth about this harsh world and that is priceless knowledge.

L.A.,, 2/19/97
You are the most important people in the universe.

I.R.,, 4/27/98, Norway
I find it quite interesting. Your message makes me forget
thinking within the usual squares.

M.L.,, 12/1/97
Neo-Tech works wonders. NT has shown me how to apply my mind to
destroy any mystic in my way and how to make lots of money.

"Breathtaking in its profound significance."
A.F.,, 1/29/97

The time for enrichment is here. I hank you for this opportunity
to study something revolutionary of thought and growth. I

Some of the most valuable and unique information on the web

A.D.,, 7/4/97
"Neo-Tech must remain on the net."

JH,, 1/11/00
Psychuous Sex by Frank R. Wallace has to be read to be
believed. First, this is not a sex book -- it's a
libertarian philosophy book. A compendium of history and
attitudes on how to get the most from life. Frank R.
Wallace, like other great thinkers before him (Freud and
even Einstein come to mind) has brilliant, unique insights.
I am 41 years old and have read thousands of books, and this
one is, without exaggeration, the most powerful I have ever
picked up. Wallace is an almost unbelievably charismatic
writer, with ideas which nobody else has seemed to touch
that ring true. It's hard to read it without ending up with
at least some libertarian tendencies.
Two-thirds of the book is material the likes of which you
have simply never seen. This book could be one of the best
of the 20th century (!!!!).

B.W.,, 7/28/01
The logical step by step process
to correct thinking and correct effort to improve life
a confidence that I have never experienced before. Thank you
so very much.

"This site is great. It provides the valuable infromation I have
been searching for all this time. Keep up the good work. :)"
Y.S.,, 3/24/97, Malaysia

Diana,, 2/24/03
I found your site to be helpful about topics in romantic-love.

B.J.,, 3/19/99
I've just recently started reading God-Man and The Neo-Tech
Discovery. I must say that it has my mind racing. All these new
thoughts have me looking at everything in a whole new light.

jne,, 1/23/01
After reading your first couple of chapter's on the net, I
wanted to take a moment to tell you how wonderful it is.
I've read the book through and have just started again for
the second time. Sometimes it's hard to follow, to dig out
the hidden meaning. But this is simple, fresh, and well
awesome. Does it come in book form that can be ordered? If
so... where can I get it? I'm sure it is hard for you to
read all of your mail, it is for me and I'm not half as busy
as you must be. But if you get a minute and actually read
this personally, I'd love to hear from you. Star Atchison thank you again.

T.W.,, 7/12/99
I don't see how anyone can possible believe that Neo-Tech is
or could be assocaited with evil. I personally believe from the
publications I have read, it is the most good and sound idea
for the future that I have ever know of.

"It is necessary to develop a train of apolitical philosophy by
which the political system(s) of the world can be rendered open
to rational, positive process. As an owner/user of the Zon
principles I am currently investigating methods by which these
principles can be brought to fruition in the (Australian)
political climate."
O.R.,, 2/25/97, Australia

A.B.,, 6/16/98, Australia
Thank you sooooooooo much NEO-TECH.

K. K.,, 2/7/02
I am the 51-year-old home-school teacher of a six-year-old girl. This is the best, most informative story for children I have ever read! It explains my
thoughts, exactly, in a way much better than I could ever have done. You are a wonderful person.

S.A.,, 6/27/02
It has enabled me to differentiate between the people who are the true assets to humanity and those who are the burden. Neo-Tech opened my eyes to many
things I was not aware of. Everything is articulated very coherently, especially the discussions on God
, politics, and human nature. Even though I have not fully evolved in to the God-Man, I can sense that the age when fully integrated honesty finally reigns
supreme is at hand. The humanoids who perpetuate the anticivilization are responsible for intolerable levels of injustice. It is high time that they are

J.P.,, 3/5/00
The Story is the most powerful thing I've read
on this Web site-A big 'Hell Yeah!!'

R.M.,, 3/2/02
I have been very attracted to the positive results of applying Neo-Tech. it makes me have hope for a better world, with people being the way they should be.

J.B.,, 4/30/02, sultanate of Oman
This site should remain to educate people not to be snared by 'false prophets', men and women posing as servants of god.

D.C., nv.ux, 3/14/97
This truth is needed!!!!!

M.H., ., 9/4/02
I now have clear vision. I now fear nothing. I know what is right. I guide my life away from brain rotting mysticism. I can instantly spot neo-cheaters and
mystics in an instant (there is a heck of a lot of them). Most importantly, I live. Thank you for your direction.

D.P.,, 4/26/97
Neo-Tech should be a common study for all mankind.

W.B.,, 8/22/99
Neo Tech is a sound bases for a not to distant
time in mans history.

E.S.,, 1/30/97
Everything I've read so far has caused me to look at life and
wish I only knew about The Neo-Tech Discovery sooner.

G.M.,, 7/3/98
You give me hope!

R.L.,, 10/15/00
I bought the book about 5 years ago, when I
received it I looked at and put it down. I didn't pick it
up till about 3 days ago. I now want to learn more! Now when
I read I understand what
It's saying.

M.P.,, uk
I think this is the way of future and already has started now.

"I'm very very impressed by ZON POWER and NEO-TECH."
I.C.,, 5/31/97, Pakistan

"I really like what is said here and think the 'neocheaters' most
definitely do damage society. I'd really like to know more!
Thanks for all your great work."
B.A.,, 3/18/97

dub,, 12/19/01
NeoTech is fascinating, my perception of almost everything has been altered.

R.G.,, 5/4/00, SOUTH AFRICA
Very enlightening, sensible and motivating.

C.B.,, 2/27/98
Because of Neo-tech, my life is changing so fast. Most
importantly, I've found the most perfect love. All I had was the Zonpower
manuscript. Today I found the Neo-Tech home page. I can imagine what
Neo-Tech can do for me now! I'm going to
mark it and use it every day.

Beth,, 4/10/03
I cannot express the extent of my gratitude to the people of NTP for helping
to change my life. With the aid of DTC, FIH, and WSA, I have been able to break
through the layers of mysticism and develop into the honest, value productive
woman I am today.

C.C.,, 7/12/98
Yes! Yes! Yes!

Never take this site off the web. It is wonderful. I love the book and info that
comes from it. They have changed my life forever.

Your way of seeing things and living is so empowering. Finally,
someone who cares about the spirit of the individual and their right
to live how they choose to. Keep up the inspiring and life affirming

j.R.,, 9/13/01, uk
The Neo-Tech world is a very bright place to be!

D W S,, 3/30/02
Neo-Tech has indeed opened my eyes to the world that CAN be. If not for the works of philosopher/novelist Ayn Rand, I would not originally have been
receptive to Neo-Tech. I see that it expands upon her work and integrates the philosophy of Objectivism in
to a wider world. Now I also understand about the Illuminati and their vision of a free and happy world they have conceived for over 200 years - and Neo-Tech
(or something like it) has been their driving goal. I have a close relationship with one of these
godlike people. She is a pre-eminent value producer and benefactor of the world. Her considerable financial resources are partially being employed in the
drive for biological immortality - a longtime dream of the Illuminati and many others - and this work continues outside the US beyond the reach of the FDA.
These are exciting times.

C.H.,, 2/11/98
I first read NT about 6 years ago. It is not even
to me how my life would have been without the lessons I learned
through NT, who knows what kind of irrational crap I could have
gotten into! To anyone who reads this comment: 1. buy the NT
Discovery and read it front to back until you get it. 2. Get
NT 2 (Cosmic Business control) and read that until you get it.
3. Actually apply the information and techniques, because if
you do not you will be completely miserable. On the other hand,
if you do, you will be rewarded beyond anything you will have

H. M.,,8/24/00
There's a lot of brains out there that need to
be defragmented and gain common logic. Thanks for the great info.

A.M.,, 8/27/97
Incredible. I can see in one reading that finally, someone
understands the insanity and is ready to rise above it. I have searched and
studied for years and all the time the answer was before me. We are all Zon!

J.H.,, 2/24/99

A.L.,, 5/13/98, SOUTH AFRICA
Neo-Tech will triumph in this world.
Wouldn't it be great to have Polaroid
snapshots of neo cheaters faces as they realize
their empires and scams are about to crumble? ......that could
replace 'America's funniest home videos!!!'

N.Q.,, 2/10/97
Best site on the net. I have read a lot of it and hope to read it
all. I spend more time on this site than any other site on the net.

"I love Zon."
P.R.,, 5/31/97

J.D.,, 9/20/00
The most valuable information on the
information superhighway.
You can take a major step forward in life.

J.W.,, 8/23/97, Indonesia
Neo-Tech is incredible!

T.W.,, 7/8/02
I have known of this web site ever sense it was put up. It presents a great point of view and has helped me throughout the years. It is time for America and

F.T.,, 11/13/97
I cannot begin to explain the help Neo-Tech has brought to my
life. I was forever trapped in the inevitable demise of my existence
with my mystical beliefs. YES! The
world, as we now know it, is doomed without the knowledge contained
on these web pages. This is the greatest vehicle to the resurrection
of mankind. I, for one, owe my life to the valuable information

D.S.,, 1/18/97, Canada
I find this to be a most interesting and well prepared web site. It
keeps me reading and exploring with interest. There is a lot of truth and value
in what is being written here.

K.M.,, 4/28/01
More of your knowledge is needed in the world, so people can know what their obstacles are. Then they will be able to figure out ways to overcome them.

T.H.,, 12/13/99
Once people start to realize the mysticism, and impurities
being feed to them by neo-cheaters, they will eventually
turn the way of NEO-TECH/GOD-MAN.

D.T.,, 6/22/97, Nepal
Neo-Tech is the right thing for people to live totally free. Neo-Tech
will pervade over all in the next century.

R.R.,, 1/3/99
The Discovery is great and many people will be
saved from the agony of mysticism.

"Enlightening and real. Will return soon."
M.H.,, 4/27/97

I think this web site is a valuable tool for the honest minded person..
It is a great tool for people seeking to learn more about reality.

C.P.,, 2/24/02
I am new to the Neo Tech concepts and am applying what I have learned to my life. I am happier and enjoy life better and better each day!

M.G.,, 6/28/97, United Kingdom
Thought provoking Web-site, provides the mind with ideas that will
change the essence of the current world ideology.!!

F.C.,, 2/19/97
Excellent piece of information. The information and ideas expressed
in this technology are completely riveting. I completely understand and firmly

K.R.,, 5/13/97
This is a revolutionary and very, very important concept.

"I want to see it all."
M.B.,, 2/3/97

"This is the Greatest Site on the Web because it provides the
vision of Hope and light. The ONLY elegant solution to all human
D.A.,, 6/5/97

A.P.,, 4/6/00
I can't thank you enough. My life gets betterevery day! Your site is the only fully honest place on the
web. The Book is simply the greatest book ever written,justifying the title.

K. A.,,8/22/00, Israel
Looking back, Neo-Tech and the resulting
changes in my life are REALLY the best things that happened to me. I don't know
how to thank you.

H.R.,, 12/15/96
I think what you have done is great.
Keep up the good work and I believe that neo-tech
will be the wave of the future.

C.C.,, 7/13/97, China
It's simply one of the greatest web sites.

"Your site is great. I already own the discovery. I come back
often to see what is new."
J.D.,, 1/10/97, Canada

M.M.,, 3/9/00
The Story is very moving and emotional. Its
story form helps the reader to learn the ideas presented
very quickly. I can't wait to finish it and begin rereading!

R.B.,, 7/24/97
"I read truth in these web pages, truth that many people hide, ignore,
escape, and simple avoid."

I am completely blown away by how easily you have debunked the religious myths
that I have had to live with all my life. I was raised as a Roman Catholic and
I have known that something was wrong with religion since I was 13 years old
when I stopped going to Mass and did not suffer any adverse consequences that
all my religious leaders said I would. Thank you for making thing so clear.

D.L.,, 7/20/97, Canada
Great Stuff!
As a former alcoholic and drug addict, I have used and continue to use
many of the concepts you so eloquently advocate, in order to solidify
the foundation of my recovery.
I know that by diligently applying the concepts herein, I will be able
to rapidly accelerate the process of achieving my goals of financial
freedom and total empowerment.

S.H.,, 6/18/98
Neo-Tech physics fits well with dynamical geometrics of Chaos,
the science and Meme Theory. The pieces of the puzzle will
come together if we can get some more people out of their
'stovepiped' egocentrisms. Keep up the search for truth. Thanks

"Your site is very mind-stimulating."
K.J.,, 4/14/97

M.A.,, 4/3/00
Fascinating stuff.

G.L.,, 2/2/99
Neo-Tech it is probably the most important web
site on the net.

B.Q.,, 8/28/01
You've made it obvious that to grow as a race
that we have to see through primitive worship and false illusions, I have
been more fulfilled by what I've read on this web site than any
other text. Finally a step into the furthering
of mankind.

G.G.,, U.S.
A most valuable site. I have been a Neo-Tech owner for years, and it
has changed/is changing my life. A profound thank you to Dr. Wallace,
Mark Hamilton, Eric Savage, and all of the Neo-Tech authors.

so we can begin to bring about all of these fantastic

T.S.,, 4/4/00
Honestly, I'm already starting to benefit from what I've read!

J.P.,, 7/3/97, England
I found your site very influencing,
aiding me in all my decisions and allowing me to detect the
menace of the neocheaters.

"Neo-Tech is the highest truth anywhere on this planet or any
other planet in Space. Thank you, Thank you and Thank You."
R.B.,, 5/30/97

d.j.,, 1/1/03, Ghana
The best eye opener literature for our generation

M. M.,, 4/5/00
I love Neo-Tech!!

J.J.,, Jordan
Thank you for your campaign to enlighten the humans and breaking
their mystical bubbles .

"Great information. Most people I speak with don't have a clue
about Objectivism. Keep up the good work in speeding the word."
K.K.,, 1/9/97

"It's exciting to read."
Z.Z.,, 6/4/97, People's Republic of China

This site should definitely remain on the web.

"It is good to have a resource such as yours being presented to
the world. I am forwarding your site to several of my friends.
There are pockets of people just waiting to bring forth a new set
of physics that is not based on decay, but on continued renewal
of matter. What is explained in Zon Power is a reality today. I
am glad a voice is standing out. It is imperative you stay on the
R.A.,, 2/27/97

T.B.,, 2/5/97
This site is very informative in helping to share knowledge that is
vital to the future of mankind. I hope that you continue to use this site to
enlighten many unaware human beings of the parasitical elite. Keep up the good

Dominique D.,, 4/22/99, Malaysia
Absolutely astonishing, mind boggling.

V.H.,, 8/12/98, Aruba
This site is THE WAY to get NEO-TECH POWER to the masses.
a) It bypasses Big Government censorship.
b) MILLIONS of people can gain the power FAST.

J.R.,, 4/13/98
Neo-Tech has changed my life for the good. Prosperity is within my reach. Thanks!

"Wow! I found this site by doing a search for LOVE, and it has
really given me something to think about. Who wrote it? Initially
I thought, hmmm this is interesting and mind blowing, waiting for
how I could integrate it into my everyday life. I was skeptical
when I think in Chapter 16 it started going into a way of life
where the only goal is to crush those value-destroyers -- sounded
like a way-out terrorist movement, but I kept reading, and the
part about man inventing the conscious mind really got me
thinking. I'm up to chapter 31. I look forward to reading the
rest and showing this to friends. Isn't cyberspace wonderful!
Never know what you'll find!"
G.B.,, 3/17/97, New Zealand

"I stumbled across this site and found it very interesting. I
look forward to seeing your information."
G.P.,, 1/3/97

"This web site is great. Great for me to learn valuable
Y.S.,, 2/2/97, Malaysia

G.M.,, 3/14/98, Scotland
Neo-Tech Zonpower is the best book I have read ever.
Not a day goes by when I don't think of the contents of Dr Wallace's

C.K.,, 2/22/00
Neo-Tech is essential for the growth of the human race. Those
who oppose Neo-Tech and its insights need to realize that
Neo-Tech is simply bringing the human race closer to what 'God'
intended. God does not want humans to be stupid, bi-cameral beings,
rather he wants us to be more like him - after all, he created us
in his own image...

R.J.,, 10/3/97
"Neo-Tech takes the place of the Lone Ranger, everything comes out good and
honest. You can bet on Neo-Tech, a real winner delivering health-wealth
happiness, honesty and new light to the individual. Good bye IRS, FDA,
deceit, deception and all other value destroyers. I can not find the words
to thank Dr. Wallace and Mr. Savage and all others connected to Neo-Tech
enough. reading other positive comments I say ditto, ditto, ditto to all of
them. Nothing short of scraping the IRS will be accepted and a consumption
tax put in place with no other tax of any kind needed. "

"Speaking as a common man who has been walked on his whole life,
it does my heart good to see someone who actually cares for the
little man who deserves more."
S.S.,, 3/3/97

H.B.,, Canada
From conversations I have in my taxi, I have referred many people to this
site. For the most part I have no way of knowing if they visit but I refer
them in response to their thirst for something ' outside the box'. Thank
you for your efforts. You are greatly appreciated! Live long and prosper.

R.D.,, 1/14/98
I am extremely interested in these topics and have been for
years. This will be a regular stop for me from now on. I
am indeed on a serious quest for knowledge and always have been.

S.H.,, 6/18/98
Neo-Tech physics fits well with dynamical geometrics of Chaos,
the science and Meme Theory. The pieces of the puzzle will
come together if we can get some more people out of their
'stovepiped' egocentrisms. Keep up the search for truth. Thanks

T.K.,, 7/15/97, Australia
"Thank you for your fantastic work, I look forward to reading much

Brend A.,, 10/19/98
I am just starting to read the Neo-Tech information and am
Finding it to be very interesting and informative. It looks
like something I have been searching my whole life for.
I hope this does not leave the web, but if so, how would
one go about getting a copy of this in book form?

J.S.,, 1/8/97
I am extremely impressed with your web site. This site proves to me
that your organization believes in what it prints and sincerely plans to bring
about change.

E.E.,, 7/11/97
I completely agree with you on the dishonesty and mystical
thinking crap. I also like your readings on biological immortality
because I think its completely possible.
The only thing holding us back is the religions (mysticism)
saying 'Its not right. We must die to go to
heavens pearly gates'. Screw heavens pearly
gates. I want to be immortal and completely free
of mysticism to gain ultimate power and
happiness the right way not the neocheat way.
Thank you NEO-TECH. You better stay on the
web. Your info really helps.

Chris P,,
I believe that Dr. Wallace's poker book about the advanced concepts
of poker is a complete work of genius. I do believe that there is much to be
learned from the book that pertains to things other than poker. For instance,
the idea of trying to remove emotions from business, and money related decisions
is crucial. The book also exposes the danger of becoming angry and unfocused
during situations that can result in monetary loss or gain. Moreover, Wallace
vividly identifies one of man's greatest weaknesses- laziness, and what can become
of a person when he or she becomes lazy in situations that require concentration
and thought.

everyone should read it, even if it is just to see things from a different point of view. But Zonpor made me see things rationally, and truthfully.

Sylvester "Quicksilver" Mukabi,, 1/4/02, Kenya
Have no fear of loosing. We are the people. Neo-Tech is great!

M.D.,, 9/21/98
A wonderful way to think. The greatest thing since sliced
bread. Thank you so much.

A.C.,, 9/22/01, England
I think that yours is easily the most important site on the web and hope that it can hasten the demise of Earth's anticivilization.

illusion created by government and media.

May 1997

M.E.,, 9/3/01, México
Neo-tech is a great achievement.

D.S.,, 3/7/99
I'm eighteen years old and in a few short months New-Tech has
changed my life! I wish my parents would have given me
Neo-Tech for my eighth birthday instead of the bible. I hate
political elections but I'm glad I'm legal so I can vote
for Frank Wallace!

"Looking forward to the Civilization of the Universe. Imagine a
world without dishonest government."
G.B.,, 2/9/97, Canada

R.V.,, 1/19/00
Life changing information, lets get going!!!!

John D H Eatwell,, 7/22/02
Simply Realistic. I Now Spy With My Little Eye All The Cheats. Love To Talk To Anyone In Christchurch New Zealand. Frank Wallace & Mark Hamilton You Are
Truly Genius Thank You Forever John

"NT is the only antidote to the worlds poisons. I want the
universe to be completely free of criminal machinations."
R.M.,, 3/9/97

J.B.,, 2/24/97
I think your ideas are great and more people should
be informed of what Neo-Tech is about.

P.E.,, 7/19/99, Australia
Keep it up some one must bring back sanity.

S.M.,, 3/23/97
Neo-Tech stands for the correct way the human race should be living.
Without Neo-Tech, our direction is toward unhappiness and death. Neo-Tech has
taught me to except responsibility for all my action. Without Neo-Tech, we are
just a group of losers. I'd rather be a winner. Even if Neo-Tech, is removed
from the web, which would be a great loss for the human race, I will always
live through Neo-Tech. ...Biological Immortality, Romantic love, Happiness, and
Lot's of earned money, for all the Neo-Tech people.

N.J.,, 1/5/01, Canada
I'm about 2/3 the way through reading 'The
Book' It is astounding.

mysticism life of reality... Life is Wonderful 'Death To Mysticism'

L.S.,, 11/30/97
You present a different perspective and stimulate intelligent
thought, e.g., the article on Princess Diana & Mother
Teresa. The Media had us weeping over the 'tragic' loss of Di. Any other woman
in a similar situation would have been
considered a drunken slut out gallivanting around who reaped her
just dessert.

B.P.,, 9/19/98
I enjoy reading your honest writings. I've had some great
conversations just because of your books. Keep up the great work.

B.M.,, 10/19/97,
Here is to truth and honesty. May it prevail!

Rufus W,, 2/6/02
This is the best story I have ever read. Thank You, Rufus, age73.

C.H.,, 10/9/97, United Kingdom
"I am very pleased that Neo-Tech is on the Internet."

"I stumbled on this site by 'mistake' but looks fantastic - nice
to see someone looking at alternative economics and something
positive. Well done!!"
P.B.,, 12/21/96, New Zealand

c.e.,, 6/24/02
All humanity is on the line, knowledge is the key to salvation. Keep on telling it like it is, for all our sakes.

Z.M.,, 1/7/99, Guadeloupe
I can see with a real horror the negative comments of the mystics
about neo tech. it's amazing to realize that such people still
exist in 1999.Neo tech is very sympathetic philosophy that
describe the world.

M.C.,, 1/24/00
I feel compelled to say that I think that “The
Story' is the most brilliant thing I have ever read. As a
long time NT “associate' of sorts, I didn't think there was
anything you guys could do that would shock me, but I was
wrong. This thing will shake the guts out of anyone who
thought of themselves as NT people as well as all the good
hardworking people who haven't been exposed to NT before. It
was incredible how you have seamlessly integrated every
important NT concept and advantage as well as the
experiences of Nov. 3rd into a highly enjoyable and readable
narrative... One thing : Don't expect this to be the last
you hear of me about this incredible work, for the more I
read the more I feel like shouting out how great it is!
Thanks again.

N.N.,, 3/5/97, Sweden
Very nice site. I would like to read more about epistemology and
ethics. Keep expanding Objectivism and fight the orthodox dogmatists in that
corrupt movement.

C.B.,, 2/5/97, England
You have the most valuable site on the net. Only a sick mind would
want it banned.

R.J.,, 1/18/02
Thanks to NEO-TECH for doing the best and greatest Job for mankind ever done. There is no turning back, Neo-Tech forever!!! Thanks for being my friend to all
Neo-Tech writers & Owners where ever you are, C.O.U. Here we come!

R.W.,, 1/19/99
This information is like being a Encyclopedia
of SUPER SUCCESS. It makes a MAN or a WOMAN out of everybody
that reads and uses this information. Thank you so much for
every piece of knowledge you gave me. My experience has
been good, I'm now looking for greatness at 67yrs of age, I
am founding a new company that will make other people
wealthy too!!!

S.M.,, 6/7/97, South Africa
Very interesting information , keep it up.

E.A.,, 6/19/99
I thoroughly embrace your methodology.

C.C.,, United State Of America
I am still in shock that everything that I was brought up believing could
be fake. I am still at a state of confusion, but, open to the knowledge.

A.G.,, Unites States
My husband is reading the book 'God Man' and I can't wait to read it as soon
as he is finished. I can see a change in him since when he began to read the
book. He is lighter, happier and much more confident than he was. I also notice
that he taps more into his kind and giving nature, and shares that with people.
And every once in a while he will stop reading to share with me the concepts
that are in 'God Man'. Oh, I can't wait to read it!

M.J.,, 8/31/97
"The thoughts and rationality exhibited on these pages needs to be available
to those who hold everyone or everything responsible but themselves. It
allows for an personal review and reawakening."

S.J.,, 9/12/97
"Most informative and honest site I have ever visited on the Web."

R.M.,, 4/8/97
Ever since I stumbled upon this site, I've noticed life bending
itself to fit my will.

S. Grimm,,
Since the time I have had The Book I have drastically improved
my life. I have a much nicer place to live, in a much better neighborhood.
I have the car I have wanted since high school, and I have now the beautiful
daughter I can't imagine living without .

C.W.,, 3/30/98
I now see reality.

"Your web site is really cool!"
G.R., co.pi, 12/29/96, Philippines

"This is a very interesting Web site."
Marilyn O.,, 5/25/97, Australia

RM,, 3/28/00
An attempt to break the chains that bind us.
You have a point of view which should be shared with others
and explored with everyone who enjoys an open mind and a
love of challenge.

S.C.,, 10/11/97, Malaysia
Excellent material. Gives hope to life with new ways. Just love

J.H.,, 10/24/01
Neo-tech is a great value. Every individual of positive value should have it. I'm raising a flag for science and a universal civilization.

c.d.,, 5/21/02
This site has been my only true find of serious info. in the two years that I have surfed the web thank you.

D J.M.,,
This is the first system that makes any real sense, and this is so for
one reason: reality. Neo-Tech concepts have revolutionized my business
and personal life beyond measure. The internet is the perfect medium
for positioning reality-based concepts and i ntergrations. Please continue.
Thank You.

K.S.,, 7/10/99
Almost 45 years it took me to escape the
torture of lies, cheating and
every other dishonesty known to humankind. Thanks to Neo-Tech
and their timely knowledge my moment has arrived. That moment
is now and forevermore not only to announce my God-hood but to
develop my God-hood in all directions at once from this
moment forward.

K.B.,, 9/27/98
I have many of your different publications and have
found their no nonsense approach to straight forward thinking
a great help to my business. Keep up the good work.

"Dear Friends: I really appreciate and recognize that this
company is spearheading the development of the humanity through
this web page. The Neo-Tech books are the most exciting books
I've ever read and they helped me a lot. Thank you to all those
men and women who work for Neo-Tech in order to get a better
world free of mysticism and the parasitical elite class."
A.C.,, 12/18/96

R.P.,, 3/3/99
Well what can I say, Mr. Wallace you are the man, I use to be
a firm believer in God, because I was born into the
religion. But I always thought that there had to be a better
reason of how we evolved into intelligent human beings.
Thanks to Neo-Tech every human being can find their
own happiness without feeling guilty or have to sacrifice
their own life in order to get something in return. The only
sorrow I feel is
that I did not finding out about Neo-Tech sooner. And
for you Neocheaters, your time of ruling
over others has come to an end. Because weather you want to
see it or not, you are all going to go out of Business.
Sincerely, an honest young conscious man.

"Take this off the web! BAH! the government just wants us to obey
big brother and be slaves of one big brother! I can easily see
their reasoning for trying to be rid of this. Obviously people
are protesting this because they don't want good people to get a
hold of it and turn the tables in their favor."
P.G.,, 2/5/97

"The Neo-Tech web site is a great tool for reference."
B.T.,, 2/11/97

The information is sound and when applied will work. It is rational
and well thought out.

G.B.,, 2/15/97, Croatia
This is definitely the most valuable site on the Web. Neo-Tech is
clear and concise, Neo-Tech is more then a masterpiece. Neo-Tech is the future,
and those who won't be able to deal with reality will fade away. Just keep up
the good work.

F.H.,, 1/3/97, West Malaysia
I have found this web site to be too good. There's so much to
discover and to know about reality. Zonpower has so much to offer, not many
people know about it. I hope in the near future I will be able to know all that
Zonpower has to offer.

E.T.,, 12/31/02
The best book I have ever read.

S.L.,, 8/13/97
"Very good. Very good web-site."

J.S.,, 1/9/00
I believe that Dr. Wallace is a genius, I truly do. He has
opened up my mind to so many things. I would like to give my
deepest thanks and
love to Dr. Wallace for the knowledge he has given me. I
truly am grateful.

"This is a most interesting web site. I would like to know more
about Zon and Neo-Tech."
Kris G.,, 6/29/97

S.Y.,, 4/13/97
As a Neo-Tech owner for over 10 years now I can say that NT, Mark,
Eric, and Frank have been the guiding light in a world full of Mysticism.

S.M.,, 8/24/01, United Kingdom, b90 1SE.
Neo-Tech is the future. Together we can make a
difference, and
with the Neo-Tech philosophy the world would be a better
to live in.

L.R.,, 4/12/99
Yes, please stay on the web!! There is a New-Socialism out
there on the web touting that Socialism hasn't really
been tried. I hope that you never give up. Thanks, I will

John,, 2/28/03, UK
Neo-Tech is great stuff.

"You have some important insights that the mystic-minded people
need to get well. "
G.S.,, 6/23/97

p.c.,, 6/21/00
Excellent information for all aspect of life

Anon.,, 11/27/99

A.M.,, 12/17/97
My father taught me how to be an honest person.
That is why I feel that Neo-Tech should stay on the
web--it promotes honesty.
I like Neo-Tech because it makes me happy!

More people should be aware of this valuable information.
The world might be a better place.

J.W.,, 5/4/00
There is no question or challenge within
mysticism that
can stand the power of NT. Total Integrated Honesty
frightens the feeble and foils altruists. Each day as we reach for the
C of U, mystics begin to look like bigger and bigger idiots.
Our focus must be on the children, for it is a child who sees the
world through honest eyes. I will write for the children, I will write to
free the teenagers who find themselves trapped, But most of all,
I shall write for myself, and know that what I do is honest,
and real. I will do it in order that I can reach immortality in
a world that currently isn't worthy of me. I have considered
death, but only as a consideration because as I learned, it's no
different than quitting. Thanks FRW.

C.H.,, United Kingdom
Over the last few months a feeling of calm has come over me like I have never
experienced... It is a kind of natural high rather like the feeling I have
whenever I read the Long Wave Article. But this is different, my heart feels
permanently uplifted. I j ust seem to feel happy virtually all of the time.
I think it comes from now knowing that I can succeed. I am also starting to
see puzzle pieces around me that direct me to believe that the anti-civilization
is finally crumbling. I think about biological i mmortality a lot these days....
I have also found if I have a problem that needs to be resolved in the past
I would struggle to resolve it, but, now I seem to be able to focus almost
effortlessly on any problem and resolve it. Despite those November 11 te rrorist
monsters I have no fear maybe I should, but I am to rapped up in my own value
production to think about anything else. Maybe I am not physically in a new
civilization yet... But, psychologically I feel like I am, at least some of
the time.

J.H.,, 8/18/97
Fascinating. Herein lies the key information to vast resources of
knowledge and power.

M.S.,, 1/7/01

The brilliance of the articles is quite

For people
starting a business this site lets them access the
knowlege they need to make not only a small
business but a prosperous one.

D.U.,, 6/29/00
The Web site is very informative!

C.Y.,, 2/12/99
My friend shared the Website and one of the books with me.
What I couldn't know was that I was about to embark on the most
incredible discovery of my life! It was as though the lights went
on and I saw the world for the first time!! My anger turned to
profound awareness and I quite suddenly realized what a wonderful,
valuable thing my friend was sharing with me. In my mystical,
neo-cheating way of thinking I erroneously believed that he wanted
our relationship to end, but in honest reality, he wanted us
both to grow in an enlightened and valuable new way.
Everyone in their right mind should be re-learning how to live
in honesty, prosperity and happiness through Neo-Tech.

B.M., ., 12/24/02
Incredible. I was raised a Mormon and therefore am very comfortable with the idea that ordinary humans can rise to become Gods. Yet to have this idea laid
out in such a scientific fashion, in simple stories and explanations without all the 'thou shalt' mentality clouding the experience is something so new, so fresh and so concrete that I hardly can explain it. I've read and read again a lot of Neo Tech
literature. This is the best.

J.R.,, 5/21/97
I really like the articles on atheism, new-testament interpretations,
and capitalism. Thank you and you have a very wonderful web site here.

,, 12/30/00
Love it

"Thanks to you, all of my questions have been cleared, and I have
reclaimed clarity of thought and conviction of the soul,
commodities that I once had but lost. Again, sincerely, thank you
for clearing the mist in my mind, and allowing me to see what
must be done so clearly."
B.B.,, 2/4/97

"Wow! I'm an Objectivist, but have recently been having some
doubts about my Objectivism and Objectivism in general. There
seems to be a missing link, something that indicated that
Objectivism wasn't quite right, but I couldn't put my finger on
it. The Neo-Tech stuff at least provides a metaphoric answer to
that missing link. This is compelling stuff. A useful tool."
S.B.,, 12/31/96

P.M.,, 9/3/99
Greatest source of info. ever, period.

W.A.,, 8/4/01
After reading the 'Neo-Tech' I-IV, suddenly I
became a New-Born Human that just escape from the nightmare.

D.P.,, 6/7/98
I feel that NT is the life raft in an ocean of insanity.
It is literally a matter of life or death for this site to remain
on the web. Countless, well, obviously you can count them, people
are being exposed to this life saving/enhancing information.
I most eagerly anticipate the collapse of mysticism.

AND I'M HUNGRY FOR MORE!!! I want to gratefully thank
Dr. Frank R. Wallace, Mark Hamilton, and all of the other
powerful and intelligent people who discovered this Cosmic Knowledge.

Lilith R.,, 2/3/00
Neo-Tech is wonderful and achievable!

G.N.,, 7/28/98, Canada
Keep up the good work, nobody else is doing it...thanks

J.B.,, sultanate of Oman
This site should remain to educate people not to be snared by 'false
prophets', men and women posing as servants of god.

I can only hope that more people discover your site and begin
to open their eyes.

I think what you have to say on this site is... well.....immense.

R.L.,, 10/23/98
I feel I've found the key to the puzzle

D.E.,, 10/15/98
The best inf. in the world about money/love/power!

C.Y.,, 2/12/99
My friend shared the Website and one of the books with me.
What I couldn't know was that I was about to embark on the most
incredible discovery of my life! It was as though the lights went
on and I saw the world for the first time!! My anger turned to
profound awareness and I quite suddenly realized what a wonderful,
valuable thing my friend was sharing with me. In my mystical,
neo-cheating way of thinking I erroneously believed that he wanted
our relationship to end, but in honest reality, he wanted us
both to grow in an enlightened and valuable new way.
Everyone in their right mind should be re-learning how to live
in honesty, prosperity and happiness through Neo-Tech.

M.M.,, 12/31/98
Neo-Tech is the most Amazing thing I've ever laid eyes on. I
first heard about Neo-Tech 3 years ago from a friend of mine.
He explained Neo-tech as 'Objectivism taken to another level.
Being in love with Ayn Rand I decided to take a look at your
Discovery. After reading the Discovery, I was amazed. I want to be
part in the Neo-Tech revolution. As far as your remaining on
the web, I KNOW it is critical for our survival.

R.S.,, 5/13/97, Norway
Really cool...interesting

New And Valuable Insight's Into Life. Allows A Person To View
The World & Life From A New Perspective. I Also Find The Historical Fact
Not Usually Talked About Interesting. Has Allowed Me To Gain A Better Understanding
Of What Has Happened In The Past As Well as Today.

"Excellently wonderful!! Objectivism is central to my life, and
this site will be a big help. The mainstream Objectivists have
caused me too many disillusions, and this site is beginning to
feel rejuvenating."
D.S.,, 1/22/97

J.M.,, 7/20/98
Keep up the good work and real soon we can all live our lives
like we were meant to, without the government ruling our lives
and telling what is best for all of us.

M.H.,, 10/22/00, UK
I rediscovered Neo-Tech and the story by Mark
Hamilton. The story helped to clarify many recent thoughts.
Keep up the good work and
if we all keep honestly producing valuable products that can

"I like the fact that I can read quality items on the net."
R.D.,, 1/17/97

S.J.,, 7/4/99, United Kingdom
Mr. Hamilton has indeed produced a
remarkable piece of work. This work hit me like a hammer square
between the eyes and gripped me like a vice around my being.
I felt very annoyed at what we have lost in terms
of our happiness and even more for what my parents lives were
deprived of. I now feel hurt even angry that every day I am
not feeling the ultimate joy of being here and achieving '
ELSE, I AM SOMEBODY ' Your book has made me realize that I am
me, that's all, nothing complicated just me, nothing before me
and no more me when I'm gone, but while I'm here I owe it only
to me to use this moment of existence to more than simply exist.

J.M.,, 3/5/97
The values delivered into my life via this web site and related
I&O publications are immeasurable. Prosperity and happiness seem to come to
me almost effortlessly! Thanks to Neo-Tech I no longer have to search blindly
and wonder `why'. I simply cause things to happen, and due to the power of
totally integrated honesty, I do so with a confidence never before known to me!

M Smith,, 5/9/01, AUSTRALIA
Please send me more
information on seeing life and people as they really are
of as they con me into thinking. I am 50 but feel like I am
beginning to see light at the end of the tunnel.

C.V.,, 1/2/98
I was initially unable/willing to comprehend this technology
after being introduced to it by my Father nearly 3 years ago.
The writing seemed to be full of cynicism and negative thinking,
I was unwilling to open my mind to the truth, I was more than
happy to continue living in 'Oz' filled with a myriad of misconceptions
of life and liberty. What society will continue to label cynical
and evil, I have come to recognize as the 'Truth', I have much
more to learn and I believe that Neo-Tech can provide me with
the knowledge essential to living a truly Happy life.

J.H.,, 9/17/99
Neo-Tech is a life preserver of truth in a sea of dishonesty.
Keep the good works coming, they are the fruits of life that
sustain our happiness and keep us awaiting what life has to offer.

L.K.,, 6/12/02
From your literature, i became involved with Ayn Rand. It changed my whole life for the better.

M.A.,, 10/8/97, Australia
"I would definitely like the Neo-Tech site to remain on the Internet as it
is invaluable. Neo-Tech has done wonders for both myself and my partner and
I will continue reading whatever information you make available to the world
over the Internet. I hope I made myself clear in the above comments, if
however you would like more clarification, I would be more than happy to
respond to any questions/queries you may have. Forever a faithful Neo-Tech

S.V.,, 5/13/98, Kazakhstan (the former Soviet Union)
You do a good job! Hopefully, your ideas will spread.

Blair M. S.I.,, 4/2/00
Pretty cool.

G. B.,, 7/26/00
Dear Mr. Wallace, you put forward very
interesting and valuable
concepts for people to use as guidance for a useful and
life. Indeed, promoting rationality, honesty and Objectivism

F.B.,, 7/2/97
"The article about 'spotting and dumping of the criminal mind'
appendix III is excellent and I would like to commend the author.
I came across this site accidentally, but I am impressed by the
writing and I hope this site will continue."

J.B.,, 7/10/97, England
I have found this most useful reading.

M.R.,, 10/8/97
The information has made quite an impact on me. I have always
thought there was a lot of corruption, but now
I can see the big picture. My wife and I are still
having trouble breaking away from this anti-civilization. Everywhere we go it
seems no one is aware, or they just don't care. I appreciate the commitment and
effort you all put forth in collapsing mysticism. Thank you in advance for
saving the world.


"This sight is very informative in helping to share knowledge
that is vital to the future of mankind. I hope that you continue
to use this site to enlighten many unaware human beings of the
parasitical elite. Keep up the good work."
T.B.,, 2/5/97

K.B.,, 3/26/00
Superb site with superb information and
concepts. Neo-Tech
IS THE PHILOSOPHY of the future and of all surviving
All those who decry it as 'Satanic', 'Evil', etc., need to
down and proceed through Neo-Tech material step-by-step. If
you can restrain your self
for the span of time needed to internalize this
information, your old, bizarre, world of superstition filled
Spooks, Spirits, Devils, Demons, Gods, Angels, and what have

M.N.,, 9/7/00
The more I read about Neo-Tech, the more I want
to know. It's like the
I've found the source of REAL answers and advice I've been
looking for. Very helpful and uplifting information. Thanks for all
your hard work!

"Excellent, keep this info coming! Thanks."
B.A.,, 5/14/97

Michelle,, 5/29/03
Thank goodness I found you. Just when I thought I had exhausted all possible
avenues for sanity, understanding, reason, meaning and happiness. Thank you for
the optimistically positive, exciting truthful challenges of your inspirational
philosophical and forward thinking essential rational truths.

A.M.,, 3/12/03
Country : U.S.A.
Comments : I love the way this site tells it like it is.

"This is something good."
S.P.,, 5/22/97, Malaysia

G.S.,, 10/9/99, Spain
It is Helping me get off of drugs, and turning
myself into a person with total and integrated honesty. No
more begging for help. the resources are and have
always been within my own self: MY MIND AND CONSCIOUSNESS

M.B.,, 10/19/01
I read the Neo-tech books 7 years ago and after 9/11/01 I saw the mysticism destruction I was warned about come to fruition. Neo-cheaters will vanish by
their own actions.

a beautiful CU.

M.B.,, 7/1/97, United Kingdom
It has changed my life. Keep up the excellent work!

G.M.,, 2/4/97
This is a great site! I was introduced to Neo-Tech about eight years
ago and it was truly a transformational experience. My life has not been the
same since I was introduced to Neo-Tech. At first the information is very hard
to take. In fact, the information is startling. But, once the initial shock
wore off I realized I was reading the most important information I had ever
come in contact with. The effects of Neo-Tech will never leave me. Thanks for
this important work.

r.h., ., 3/23/01
Very eye opening, it answers the 'what's wrong
with this picture'
question I've asked for, many years.

c.l.,, 9/15/00
With Neo-Tech, the internet is just one of
many ways in which mysticism will
be erased.

reading a few of the negative comments but have since
that we were given free will by GOD and therefore are
to the abundance HE has promised.

J.G.,, 6/9/00, United Kingdom

J.L.,, 1/29/97

Gerald,, 2/7/02
You are very intelligent and you write better than Stephen King!

P.F.,, 5/14/98, Canada
This site has certainly piqued my interest in approaching
life from a different perspective.

M.F.,, 10/22/98
I am a proud owner of the Neo-Tech/God-man literature. When I
first ordered Neo-Tech I was upset at how long it took to receive
the package and even expressed my opinion here. But now that
I have read most of both the Neo-Tech Discovery and God-man books(I
am 3/4 of the way through both), I can understand that with the
screening and all it takes some time. I would like to apologize
in my unfair and too quick judgement of calling the people of
Neo-Tech Neocheaters. Sorry. But I was and still am upset with
your marketing materials, which in my opinion are SOMEWHAT misleading.
I say this because I received the second and final notice TWICE
which in my opinion, shouldn't have happened with your computer
tracking capabilities talked about in the marketing materials.
But I can see how it could be an honest mistake with all of the
mailing lists you all rent. Also I must admit that they were
sent to two separate addresses, one to my P.O. Box and one to
my street address. At the time I assumed you got my P.O. Box
address from my order form which included both addresses. I was
just so excited to receive the materials that I jumped the gun.
I have been screwed by many get-rich-quick companies that wanted
my money but never sent the materials that 'guaranteed' my success.
I thought Neo-Tech was another one of those companies. After
all the marketing materials say that with Neo-Tech I will get
unlimited prosperity, happiness, and romantic love easily after
reading and integrating the Manuscript. So I hope you can understand
where I am coming from. Also I am disappointed that I did not
REALLY receive the complete Neo-Tech I-V, most of Neo-Tech I
was omitted from the manuscript that I received. I understand
that I don't really NEED it to fully understand and integrate
the Neo-Tech Discovery. But the marketing materials assured me
that I would receive the complete package I-V. I happen to be
very interested in cards, being from a family that plays a lot
of poker for fun and for money. I ask of you to PLEASE send me
the complete Neo-Tech I free of charge due to the fact that the
marketing materials state that I would be receiving the COMPLETE
NEO-TECH I-V. Although I do feel that the $60 price is a good
price for what I DID receive, I also feel that I was SOMEWHAT
mislead. And frankly, I don't have the extra $40 for the materials
I believed was to be included. In fact the $60 I spent for the
Neo-Tech Discovery put me a little bit behind on my bills, which
I'm still trying to catch up on now. I know $40 or even $60 doesn't
mean much to a company such as yours, but unfortunately it means
a lot to me. I'm trying to support a family of 5 on a measly
$5.50 an hour, it's not easy, believe me. I'm not writing this
out of anger, I honestly feel mislead and even got other peoples'
opinions before writing this. I would also like to say that I
don't agree with everything contained within the Neo-Tech/God-man
literature and have found some contradictions. The Neo-Tech Discovery
says to reject ALL mysticism UFO's, ESP, PK, Telekinesis, Astrology,
Psychics, etc. But God-man/The Final Revolution is based on 'visions'
and even says something like only through Neo-Tech can you become
a TRUE psychic. I don't get it. What is that supposed to mean?
Do you believe in psychics or not? I'm just confused on this.
Also it says 'mind over matter' is mysticism. I disagree, being
someone that has used mind over matter in the sense of ignoring
pain in many ways, that most people just could not do. How about
deja vu? And seeing future events in dreams or a hypnotic state
or just seemingly out of nowhere? Astral Traveling? Mind messages
to other people/from other people (ESP). These are all things
I have experienced. How about magic? Controlling the weather...i.e.
RAIN. This may sound unbelievable, but I've made it rain with
a simple spell... several times....coincidence? I don't think
so. If you think all of this sounds strange....check this out...when
I was in the Marine Corps, a buddy and I studied some witchcraft
and a Cpl said we were crazy and if we could really perform magic
put a spell on we did, we made him impotent with a simple
impotency spell by tying a string in three knots saying 'Far
si far, fa far fay u, far four na forty Kay u Mack straik it,
a pain four hun creig wel Mack smeoran bun bagie.' Then we hung
it on his door knob for him to see. I don't know why, but it
worked. He couldn't get a hard on, even the normal morning stiffy
until the spell was broken two weeks later by untying the knots!
He even tried to bring charges against us for practicing witchcraft
outside our religion; because when he brought a woman home from a
bar, she left when he couldn't get it up:-)!!! The charges didn't
hold up only because I have NO RELIGIOUS PREFERENCE and my dog
tags stated that!!! I didn't really think it would work, but
obviously it did. We didn't tell him we did it or what the string
was for until he tried to bring us up on charges and our Staff
Sgt. asked us to fix it. He even went through the dumpster to
find the knotted string so we could undo the spell. Sounds farfetched
I know, but it happened. If you think I'm lying, research a little
bit. The book we got the spells out of is called 'The Complete
Book Of Magic & Witchcraft' revised edition by Kathleen Paulsen.
I learned some ESP and Astral Travel from David St. Clair's 'Instant
ESP'. With the things you talk about in Zonpower, none of this
is really too farfetched. I don't believe everything I hear,
but the things I've experienced I have to believe. I guess you
could explain everything away with 'coincidence' but still something
is going on here. Also, I must point out that this knowledge
in Neo-Tech isn't really new knowledge. I knew a lot of this
stuff before ever even hearing about Neo-Tech as far as the God
concept, religion, government, lawyers, certain professors, etc,
etc. It's all a bunch of B.S. They are liars who live off of
destroying others. The whole fully integrated honesty bit is
GREAT. Biological Immortality and most of what I've read so far
is great and I'm glad someone has finally produced such a Manuscript
for everyone to enjoy. I've HONESTLY ALWAYS rejected mysticism
including the magic and ESP stuff until I experienced some of
it. But I still do and always have rejected the GOD concept and
ALL religion and government, knowing it is/was a big lie. I've
always believed in individualism. And whenever I've been asked
how long I think I'm gonna live, I've always said forever. I've
said 'I've got the POWER' since I was three years old! I've always
believed in the POWER of the mind...NOT GOD!!! But I think Neo-Tech
is cutting itself short by rejecting SOME ESP!
Although, overall I think Neo-Tech IS going to help us EVOLVE
into more than most people are willing to accept...which I find
strange, considering most people are gullible enough to believe
in such stupidities as GOD and government!!!!! I could go on
and on and on as you've seen already....but I must go now. AGAIN,
Thanks for not necessarily NEW knowledge but knowledge that needed
to be spelled out to most people of the world who have fallen
into the traps of Neocheaters and Mysticism! Before I go I must
say that even though I knew a lot of the knowledge contained
in Neo-Tech before ever seeing the books, you have basically
put it into step by step instructions to fully integrate and
then benefit by it. Thank you Matt Fulger P.S. Please respond
and let me know your thoughts. And tell me, will you PLEASE send
the complete Neo-Tech I free?
I'm really upset about this whole Clinton scandal(s). I
personally do not believe Clinton
should have even been allowed to run for office, much less become
the President of the U.S. considering the fact that he dodged
the draft. In 1992 I was not allowed to vote due to the fact
that I was in boot camp for the USMC and was denied the right
to vote! I was really upset, but what could I do? I did not vote
in 1996 in part because I had moved to WV from MI right around
election time and did not know how to cast a vote from WV being
registered in MI, but also because the only business minded candidate,
Ross Perot, was forced out of the race by Clinton and his minions.
He is obviously not a man that wants to serve our countries best
interests. Who knows how many countless scandals the man is/was
truly involved in over the years? He is obviously one of the
biggest liars this country has ever had to deal with. He says
he smoked pot but didn't inhale..... please! I smoked pot and
did inhale while serving in the USMC. I took responsibility for
it and turned myself in to a Sgt. in charge of drug testing and
as a result received an Other Than Honorable discharge. I was
also denied the right to my personal belongings that I was forced
to put into a storage facility in Camp Pendleton before going
over seas to Okinawa, Japan. I have been out of the military
since Nov. 1995 and am still fighting with the government to
get my personal belongings back, or at least some monetary compensation
(I believe that they have auctioned my belongings)! Also in dispute
is approximately $3500 in damages to my stereo equipment and
lost items that were shipped from Okinawa. The gov't decided
to grant me only $425. I disputed that figure and they called
my house one day asking my girlfriend for my bank routing numbers
so they could direct deposit an undisclosed amount to my account.
She did not have the info. and tried to take a message, but was
told that they would contact me at a later date....that was at
least 6-8 weeks ago. I'm really frustrated and do not know what
to do. I've called all the contacts that I was told could help
me and have yet to get ANY 'help'. I figure the government owes
me approx. $15,000 which actually that is a smaller amount than
the actual retail value if I were to go out and price everything
contained on my inventory lists(I did keep good records 'just
in case'). Not that my record keeping has done me any good thus
far. Do you have any ideas of how to go about getting back what
is rightfully mine or the $15,000 figure? I would rather get
my belongings, but like I said, I believe that everything has
probably been auctioned off. I can't afford a lawyer and am not
sure I could find one that could win against the gov't anyway.
Please help me or at least point me in the correct direction.
I think that my things were stolen by the gov't because I smoked
pot. But I do not believe that anyone, including the gov't has
the right to steal from anyone just because they made a mistake...
..especially when our President even admitted to smoking pot...and
probably still does! Thank you very much, Matt Fulger P.S. Please
respond. My email address is:

M.R.,, 4/29/97

R.E.,, 7/8/97, Rep. of Panama
After reading Neo-Tech, I am not afraid anymore. I am
free of mysticism. I rely on myself and do not seek nor
follow external authorities of any sort.

"I like your unusually interesting site. Keep up the good work."
G.S.,, 4/11/97

The Secrets are unleashed! We are finally going to save ourselves and make
life unlimited. It's so beautiful.

M.K.,, 8/26/01
The world needs this information or we are doomed.

C.P.,, 9/9/99
I am Christopher Pearce, remember that name because I am gonna
be a prosperous individual because of neo tech. I am 18 years
old, I applied neo tech to my life almost instantly and with
that knowledge, I got off my lazy ass and looked for work.
After looking for work for almost a week I apply for a car wash
place and I run into a business man, dressed in work clothes with
'express detail' on his shirt. He offered me to work with him, we
bonded. He now wants me to work with him and head other companies he
is opening (i.e. Skateboard company, bmx company, and a jet ski
outlet, to fix and sell jet skis). I'm gonna work at his detail
company and by the end of this year (with hard work and saving
up $$$) and I am gonna help him he said ' I've got bigger plans
for you,' either way my life is going into new and exciting areas.
Look for my name one day, because I'm gonna be successful, all
thanks to neo tech by telling me to get out there and be

M.F.,, United Kingdom
I have witness the mystics and neocheaters fail and fluster around me every
time they try to drain me of my earned property and values. I use Neo-Tech
to expose their faltering mentalities designed to drain dry us the value producers
of our hard earned va lues. Those of us who produce more than we consume and
benefit society. Yes Neo-tech is the most powerful knowledge known to man that
empowers the individual to exposes those who's livelihoods are acquired by
living of the efforts of others. Read It, Lear n It and Use It and benefit
from the results. Neo-Tech empowers the individual is an understatement by
far. For anyone who integrates the knowledge of Neo-Tech and applies its powerful
wide scope accounting tools will bear witness to it validity. If one i s feeling
down and is in need of a pick-me-up simply click on the negative comments.
I find the negative comments as funny as the film Dumb and Dumber. Those who
post negative comments while attacking Neo-Tech display to the world their
impotent mystical and/or neocheating mentalities, that also exposes their twin
essence, dishonesty and laziness. The negative comments promote and represent
impotents and death. While positive comments represent an optimism for a life
Free of initiatory-force, threats-of-f orce, fraud and coercion and the promotion
of prosperity, happiness, romantic love, and business type wealth thus upholding
the supreme value in the universe the happiness and well-being of the rational
conscious individual. Fortunately there can be no tu ning back Neo-Tech is
here to stay and is available to all HONEST hard working, mind expanding, life
loving individuals. Neo-Tech gets my seal of approval to remain on the web

D.E.,, 1/22/00
Neo-Tech work is like a rocket display that
never falls to earth, but goes upward, but at the same time
is always in sight, a beautiful display.

V.A.,, 10/15/97
"I think that you are trying to offer all of us a chance to be better than
what we already are and I believe that to be a good thing for us all."

The information is mind-blowingly practical, rational, and suited
to the ever-evolving human! You're doing a valuable service.

I am starting to see the 'white-collar hoax' around me and ready to use the
Neo-Tech Weapon to get rid of the mysticism in my life. Keep up the good
work! Thanks, Robert

B.R.,, 8/21/97
Neo-Tech is very valuable information that has added much to my
happiness and well-being.

A.B.,, 2/24/97
I am eager to study this so I can achieve integrated honesty.

P.L.,, 5/20/97
This web site has a lot to offer. People need to see it. Keep up the
good work!

A.T.,, 10/29/98
I am new at this. I grew up in a catholic
school so you can Imagine my inner conflicts.
With Neo-tech it's like the floodgates of my mind opened. I
have a long way to go to get rid of
all the mysticism that I have, but thank you for writing a
book that I can use to fight it with.

John,, 2/28/03, UK
Neo-Tech is great stuff.

K.C.,, 3/3/97
This upside down world needs Neo-Tech and it's fully integrated

M.D.,, 5/27/01
It (The Story)is a sweet
story and is reminiscent of realities we humans have
far too long with.

"It makes sense. I feel like I walked into a dark room and found
the light switch. Thanks tons."
D.B.,, 12/27/96

J.B.,, 8/14/00
You have inspired me to start a brand new

F.W.,, 8/20/97, Australia
"Very interesting site. Valid points about society and the destructive way
we are walking."

"It's a good site."
L.D.,, 1/23/97, Japan

R.A.,, 1/17/99, Canada
Neo-Tech should remain
available on the Internet for all who are ready to make a
quantum leap to a non-mystically empowered self. I view
Neo-Tech as being one of the most positive, revolutionary
human discoveries in the 20th century.

MR,, 5/5/03
Can't even begin to describe it. Absolutely fabulous. Finally, no more fear,
no more tears, and no more pain. Much love to all involved who have stuck with
it to make this miracle available. Thank you to those who know.

S.B.,, 1/6/97
I would like to say that Neo-Tech is the most powerful book I have
ever read. Thank you Dr. Wallace for your hard work and your value production.

M.S.,, 6/16/97
Very interesting and thought-provoking.

A.D.,, 7/4/97
"Neo-Tech must remain on the net."

R.Y.,, 12/30/01
Neo-Tech has made a radical positive change in my life. I went from devout Catholic to converted atheist because of the knowledge that I learned from
Neo-Tech. Thanks to Neo-Tech my thinking is clear and I'm not easily fooled anymore. Please keep up the g
ood work.

E. Wilborn,,
It is clear that Neo-Tech is shaking the very foundations of this "diseased
mystical-oriented" world of ours.

"All my life I have been a mystic. Reading Tarot cards since I
was 13, born-again christian at 19, sensitive new age guy at 21,
ritual candle magic at 25, and so on. After reading this powerful
material, my emotions range from anger to fear to sadness to
determination. Is there a Neo-Tech support group?
(Mystics-anonymous anyone?) I feel so stupid for letting the
mystic neo-cheaters sap my life away. If anybody has similar
trouble trying de-mystify themselves lets talk."
R.R.,, 3/24/97

J.G.,, 4/19/98
I have been with you since 1986 and I have been living a
Neo-Tech life ever since . Neo-Tech makes it worth living again.
Thanks to you. I love every day of it.

J.M.,, 6/4/97
Your site can help thousands. It is well prepared and easy to

stella,, UK
Brilliant and worth reading again and again, fascinating.

B.T.,, 8/25/97
EXISTENCE EXISTS... What a profound statement! When one lets that
fact sink in, then out the window goes the God Concept and the Creation Concept
which have been buzzing around in people's heads for centuries.
Please don't ever leave the Internet. I would like to see more comments from
readers and viewers of Neo-Tech with stories of their experiences.

M.B.,, 8/18/97
"Neo-Tech is very informative and hopefully it will help everyone who reads
it to succeed in this world. Our world is very complicated and your
information makes our lives more positive. Neo-Tech should remain on the

K.L.,, 6/29/98
My father had introduced me to the concepts of Neo-Tech,
And ever since I have gained valuable information,
on becoming a value producer,
I am on the right path to be successful. Thank you..

G.K.,, 2/20/97
Let Zon rule cyberspace!

of an artist, a lover, a creator.

G.L.,, 10/11/00
Do not remove this site. Since reading the
'Book' my life has
begun to change. I actually benefit from this information.
Thank you.

"I stumbled on this site and I am pleasantly surprised at what I
have found; I feel that Neo-Tech have cut through all the
cyberspace hype to present a real look at the future new world
C.S.,, 12/28/96, England

M.D.,, 4/15/97
Neo-Tech is invaluable, there is nothing like it on this planet.
Neo-Tech and the Zonpower have changed my life, and should be allowed to change
other's lives as well.

J.H.,, 8/18/97
"Fascinating. Herein lies the key information to vast resources of
knowledge, and if abused... power."

K.M.,, 5/5/97, Canada
Neo-Tech is very well written, and has a lot of useful

M.H.,, 2/14/97
This is the one of the most valuable web-sites on the Net. I hope
that the master-crooks, Clinton & Gore, are successful in putting the Net
in everybody's hand. It will be their undoing because honesty and objective
rational thought will be unleashed to the demise of liberalism and socialism.

"With Neo-Tech I have the freedom that no one can take from me. I
am safe for the first time in my life."
M.Y.,, 4/3/97

I am inspired by the work and efforts
of the persons who are dedicated to the eradication of what you refer to
as 'mysticism'.

S.M.,, 10/14/00, Japan
I am not so good in English, but I think this
website is wonderful.

neo-tech ought remain as a obelisk for the ages to wonder.

Tami K.,, 3/6/00
I really enjoyed the comments about honesty in
all relationships and how without it a true romantic
connection can not be has made me look at my own
marriage in a different light..

C.P.,, 2/28/00
It is the future

M.H.,, 8/21/02
Neo-Tech is our only hope for any kind of honest future,

L.T.,, 5/1/01, Canada
After knowing about and studying neo-tech for
over10 years, I am certainly convinced of the great benefit
received in all areas of my life. the little manual on ridding
oneself of alcohol, drugs and coffee is worth its weight in gold. of
course, stay on the web. millions of people are hearing about your
life saving, life changing and enlightening material. it is so
far above the stupidity taught in schools and religious halls.

Jones,, 6/26/00
After much research, we know who you are, what
your goals are and we are resolved to fight against you! You
are the ones who are going to be destroyed in God's final
war...and it can't happen soon enough!

C.I.,, 3/4/00, United Kingdom
The Neo-Tech web site is by far the best on the Internet. No
other site comes remotely close when it comes to delivering

I think this site is absolutely wonderful. It is very true and can help
people understand things in every aspect of life and the universe, if
those people are willing to be honest with themselves.

J.E.,, 4/19/98
Neo-Tech provides a clear cut philosophical basis for
guiding ones life. I first came across Neo-Tech nearly fifteen years ago
and can say without reservation that were it not for Neo-Tech
I would not have achieved the economical standing and affluence
I have today. Other approaches to life rely on some 'external'
guidance that always promise much but take everything. They are
based on wishful thinking, non-proof oriented ideas that typically
lead to a disoriented life style. If you apply the Neo-Tech philosophy
to your life, you will slowly surpass everyone around you. Your
new problem will be the resentment from those who want to enslave
you, employers, friends, relatives and anyone else out there
living in the 'External Guidance Group'. Your new friends and
family will be those who provide honest value with the highest
integrity. No manipulations or false promises to dupe you out
of your life and your money. Those who want to stop Neo-Tech have
a vested interest in keeping you in the dark. They are so afraid
of their impending doom. They instinctively know their end is
near. They also know they cannot compete with the relentless,
honest approach presented in Neo-Tech. Long live Neo-Tech!

R.M.,, 1/2/00
I am also an author, congratulations on your work. It is
enormous and well put together. It needs to get it fully implemented.

D.K.,, 1/28/98
It's interesting and entertaining.

Neo-Tech is beyond compare!

D.L.,, 12/5/97
I just finished reading the Neo-Tech discovery manuscript.
The book left me with the feeling that I was already heading
in the right direction.
I can't wait to expel mysticism entirely from my life and take
over my own destiny.

Never take this site off the web. It is wonderful. I love the book and info that
comes from it. They have changed my life forever.

S.R.,, 5/28/99
This site is so in depth and solid. It's great.
It has really helped me in my long run thinking.

"With knowledge there is power. With an increased knowledge, we
can more accurately aim our lives in such a way to become a more
complete and effective person. Please continue publishing this
most needed information."
D.P.,, 3/26/97

S.B.,, 10/3/02, Australia
I feel Neo-Tech is a must read to allow people to understand what their futures hold and how to handle the new founded freedoms. Keep up the good work as I
will be promoting each and every concept that you have written, as many people have found Neo-Tech feels truthful and this knowingness of the truth is what
will advance the population of Earth.

"What a great web site, it gives us intuition."
H.A.,, 1/21/97, Indonesia

L.P.,, 9/6/99, Australia
It is essential that every human sees the
future available through Neo-Tech.

D.D.,, 9/30/00
This materials should be read by everyone with
the hope of
attitudes about our present situations about government and

B.S.,, 8/25/01
I found it to be a most interesting
life-altering experience.

T.S.,, 3/22/00
I have read 3/4 of the book , it has been a real eye opener
for me. Mark Hamilton has a very distinct way with words, I
now feel free to pursue my ambitions.

G.A.,, 1/8/98
I'm very happy to come across your site. Thanks a lot,
it is the most valuable information I have read of in my life. I admire
individuals that have the determination to face
the undercover criminals of this planet.

M.G.,, 11/19/02
Neo-tech has so much valuable information for people who want to open their eyes and think of the possibilities and the potential every human-being has.
Thank you for opening my eyes.

b.m.,, 8/16/02, Scotland, UK.
Carry on this good work to bring the truth to the people

"From the time I read my first Neo-Tech literature a few years
ago, I knew it was meant for the web. Neo-Tech is invaluable."
J.T.,, 6/23/97, Venezuela

"This is the most thought-provoking information I have ever
R.C.,, 2/22/97

R.H.,, 1/15/00
Neo-Tech is delivering me new and startling
Insights. Through Neo-Tech I realize all I had to
do is take control of my own life and mind. I now know I am
gaining control of my life and happiness which can never be
diminished by external authorities thank you.

Mogabe of Zimbabwe, or war mongering G.W. Bush, with the aid of his lap dog Tony Blair, who wants to distract the American public from the impending global
depression , Alan Greenspan or the so called 'free press' etc., everyone of them seem to have hidden agendas. In business we spend the whole day trying to
solve problems, but one gets the impression that those of causing problems get further in life. Your website gives me the courage to carry on fighting and
shows me that there are other people in the
world who also do not get fooled by all that is dished up in copious helpings every day. Keep the presses going, please!!!

M.H.,, 7/23/97
"Your literature is intriguing and thought provoking."

"As long as individuals such as the brilliant writers who
document reality are allowed to publish their information free of
force, threat of force, and censorship, the prosperity revolution
will proceed peacefully; almost without notice... THE FUTURE OF
D.F.,, 4/17/97

R.B.,, 4/22/97
Very enlightening. Quite possibly the most innovative school of
thought in history.

J.S.,, 1/14/98
I've only begun reading the manuscript online, but I find myself
fascinated! It touches on a number of concepts that I've begun
to think in the past year, and many, many more that have never
occurred to me. I can't believe that ANY country who touts 'Freedom
of the Press' considers banning a publication that touts individual
improvement! On second thought, I guess I can believe it! In fact,
how frightening this concept must be to those who fancy themselves
in control of us! Rest assured
that I intend to continue reading and learning, and that NO GOVERNMENT,

M.S.,, 1/7/01

M.K.,, 11/28/99
Every one should read what Neo-Tech has to
say. Neo-Tech's beliefs are for every individual to
integrate their own thinking. Neo-Tech is the base of the
foundation to make each individual a shining star.

R.V.,, 9/1/02
I think Neo Tech is the best. I am a firm believer in it and will always be.

C.P.,, 10/21/97
"I found the content of the site to be quite thought provoking."

J.D.,, 12/22/97
I think a site like Neo-Tech gives people the
opportunity to expand their vision. To see what can
be and what is.
I feel this information will enlighten my future.
A future to improve the world for mankind. A future to give anyone
who can dream, a source to improve their lives and the lives and
futures of their loved ones.

T.W.,, 10/20/98, Australia
I guess you should stay on the net because that is what freedom
of speech is all about. It is by reading your view of reality
that helps the rest of the world realize how lucky they are to
be brave enough to have their feet on the ground. In the words
of Buzz Lightyear (from Toy Story) 'You are a sick sad little
man and you have my pity'.

A.P.,, 3/3/97, United Kingdom
The value of Neo-Tech to me will very soon be countable in pounds.
Until then -- I just feel it and act on it -- rationally.

M.G.,, 1/9/98, Australia
Neo-Tech is the most powerful system of honesty I have ever
seen. Its great to see there are people in the world who think
with pure honesty.

I use to feel guilty about not being religious, I don't anymore.
Thank you NEO-TECH.

Neo-Tech is a great tool for anyone seeking to do great things with his or
her life. Thanks to rational thinking, I have avoided the path often taken
by most who have allowed themselves to let someone do the thinking for them.
This web site inspires me to continue on the same path. Thank you.

I love what you men and women are doing keep up the good fight! Live long and

"Site is informative and resourceful and has peeked my interest
in many ways."
S.N.,, 1/13/97, Canada

G.M.,, 1/22/97, Austria
This is exciting news for the world's working class.

Neo-Tech literature that I've so far read on the internet has been a spectacular
mind-opener. In fact, there are lots of people out there thinking the Neo-Tech
way, wondering why, in spite of their inherent integrity of thought, they
are only doomed to be outcasts in the rotten societies the world over.
The Neo-Tech literature is an invaluable source of strength to help reassure
the rationally thinking individuals that all the devious bulwarks of 'anticivilization'
are bound to collapse. Neothink is a spark to light up the way to a profound
personal growth and happiness.

I have been a neo-technician since January 6, 2000 when I received my copy of
The Book. My life has changed immeasurably and irreversibly since that day. Having
a much better grip on reality and the ability to see to essence of things, I
now see the preci ousness of life for the first time in my life. I have been
exhilarated beyond words and now feel my long-lost happiness and excitement of
my youth. I can't get enough out of each day as I feel such a loss of precious
time. I feel, like never before, my li fe has truly just begun and so much joy
and adventure lies ahead. I owe all this to Dr Frank Wallace, Mark Hamilton,
Eric Savage, Tracy Allexandar, and all the beautiful people at Neo-Tech Publishing.

"Very interesting site and a lot of good information. I think
Wallace is addressing some very important aspects of our culture
which we all know, but often deny. Seems like what he is
describing accounts from much of what we see in government,
corporate business, media, etc. I enjoy his works very much and
hope people become more aware of the issues he is addressing."
S.M.,, 1/1/96

E. Wilborn,, 8/11/01
It is clear that Neo-Tech is shaking the very
foundations of this "diseased mystical-oriented"
world of ours.

recently. Of late (the last 3-4 years) I was disillusioned,
depressed, and moving towards self-destructive habits such as
drugs and alcoholism. I was so intellectually stymied by the
overwhelming 'power' of neocheaters in India, and so frustrated
by the completely anti-civilization social environment
I almost lost all my power and will to continue to produce values.

m.s.,, india
Certainly, the facts about the neo-tech I have learnt are the best ones I
have ever learned in life.

Good site, interesting and thought provoking

"This is the first time I read your page but the little I've read
confirms my suspicions. We have been taught to believe that a
relationship is all about compromise, but that is only if you
want to be happy for the moment and sad for the rest of the time.
I think your DTC technique makes a lot of sense."
N.J.,, 4/8/97, South Africa

J.G.,, 4/19/98
I have been with you since 1986 and I have been living a
Neo-Tech life ever since . Neo-Tech makes it worth living again.
Thanks to you. I love every day of it.

C.G.,, 8/26/97
"I think Neo-Tech has incredible, untapped potential! The sky is no longer
the limit!"

B.T.,, 8/25/97
"EXISTENCE EXISTS... What a profound statement! When one lets that fact sink
in, then out the window goes the God Concept and the Creation Concept which
have been buzzing around in people's heads for centuries. Please don't ever
leave the Internet. I would like to see more comments from readers and
viewers of Neo-Tech with stories of their experiences."

L.K.,, 10/22/02
I think you are the greatest thing ever....I received your mailer about 15 yrs. ago.....I thought the ad was too...outlandish...I never saw....anything lie

"Excellent web site, one of the most valuable and powerful that I
have found. It just may save mankind. I would like to see more
intellectual ammunition like this. Thanks, keep up the great
G.G.,, 2/7/97

R.N.,, 1/3/03
Neo-Tech information opened my eyes about the deception religion and government do to human beings. People need this knowledge. Thanks for this knowledge. I
have removed a lot of mysticism in myself and I am a better person because of this. Happiness forever.

D.C.,, 5/30/98
Since receiving the original hand numbered manuscript of
the Neo-tech Bible and the works I've purchased henceforth, my life has
for the better. Occasionally, I drift down the river of mysticism
by turning my mind off and letting it go to altruism but then
my dedication to my most cherished values of pride, through the
giving values to others deserving, honor, through keeping my
word whatever the 'cost', and self worth, through sharing your
concepts and helping guide open-minded people I interact with
to give them back the childlike wonderment life offered before
mysticism drowned their motivation.

M.K.,, 2/22/01
What is there to say? Neo-Tech freely provides
positive input and stimulation on this site; the products
they market
are unquestionably of high value. In 1987 I bought
the Neo-Tech Discovery. It was astonishing to read. I kept
as new Neo-Tech products became available. I have a college
in math and sciences; this is unnecessary for a person to
the common-sense yet hard-science validity of Dr. Wallace's
I will continue to be a Neo-Tech customer. Thank you.

Anon.,, 7/9/98
Well, what can I say about Zonpower. It speaks nothing but
the truth.

This information is incredible, I've never read anything
like this before. Just scanning it has opened my mind to new possibilities.

I know Neo-Tech is spreading like wild fire. I support will
Neo-Tech as long as I LIVE! and you should To!

"This is a thought provoking site. I will spend additional time
learning about the beliefs and actions of this Neo-Tech
M.K.,, 5/15/97

R.K.,, 3/19/97
I think this web site is very powerful and exciting.

B.H.,, 4/12/01
More people should be aware of this valuable
information. The world might be a better place.


D.M.,, 11/28/02
I am 29 years old and an aspiring entrepreneur. I first received the Neo-Tech orientation booklet approximately 3 months ago, and has made a huge impact on
my life.

M.H.,, 8/21/02
Neo-Tech is our only hope for any kind of honest future,

P.F.,, 7/17/97, Australia
"Neo-Tech enables one to see the disintegrating activity of those
mystics around him. Through that, one is able to protect himself
consciously from the value destroyers which exist only to hinder
the lives of the value producer."

C.J.,, Westchester
I think NT should stay for the sake of mankind.

"Very eye opening. I have always realized there was a great
injustice going on around me. However, I only realized it
subconsciously. I have now been able to pin point some of the
neocheaters and their methods. I will soon be on my way to
unlimited prosperity and happiness. Neo-Tech will rule in the
21st Century and beyond."
S.H.,, 2/26/97

F.H.,, 4/17/00
I find the 'Book' to be very challenging,
educational,insightful and the best reality check that you can fine.
Keep up the goodwork and let the truth come forth.

B.M.,, 1/5/02
I really hope that someday soon a Neo-Tech school(s) will be available for my 2 young children. Why not start up some home schooling on the internet?
Teaching the parent to breakthrough to the children at a young age the limitless possibilities in life. Also to teach young parents how to see through the many illusions we all face on a daily basis. I cannot wait until the day when enough people are informed
about the government & religion so they can once and for all be abolished forever! Allowing mankind to flourish forever into eternity!! Happiness at last!!! I come to this website to gain new knowledge every chance I get.

It is necessary to have a web site like this one to change the mentalities
over the world and show to the people what is wrong in the universal system
of government and tax rules.

"I am a devout Objectivist. This is all VERY impressive."
C.B.,, 4/3/97

S.D.,, 4/11/02, ENGLAND
At 23, I hadn't read a fictional book in over 7 years. I recently read 'The Story', and I don't think I'll ever read another story again. Why? Because I don't think I'll ever find anything so powerful, so emotionally moving, so earth shatteringly life changing ever again. Nothing else could come close. I'm introducing everyone I know to Neo-Tech, to spread the message. We must all find better ways to spread the message before the Neo-Tech machine is stopped by the envious, threatened authorities whose messages are very convincing to the 'non-(Neo-Tech)educated'. I foresee a global revolution. I already see signs of Neo-Tech and Neothink in the 'non-educated' and believe that a natural changeover is imminent. Thank you for awakening me to this new world.

Neo-Tech is amazing. It would be a true sin if this website were taken offline.
It has helped me tremendously in my quest to dominate my life instead of
letting my life dominate me. Can't say enough.

B.T.,, 9/18/97
All I would like to say is:
1. Your position against the IRS is right.
2. Your goal of eradicating the IRS is right.
3. Your web site can bring these 'rights' to the people.
Thank you for publishing the evils of the IRS.

Thanks Wallace for such valuable writing. It gives hope to
all the good people in the world.

David k,, 2/6/02
I haven't enjoyed reading something so much since The Book. It is now 3:20 a.m. and it is only out of shear exhaustion that I stop. I would like to
personally thank you for this story and many others. My only wish is that everyone could get their hands on
this information. Please continue spreading the truth (honesty)!

J.C.,, 9/16/00
neo-tech has put my life on the right track.

D.H.,, 10/8/97
"The fact that this information is so hated by governments and people in
power intrigues me. The First Amendment is clear in matters such as this.
What will be banned next"

To all the religious believers of God The Almighty who don't understand the
concepts of Neo-Tech, you are playing right into God-Mans' hands. You are
afraid to confront neo-knowledge with constructive criticism. On the other
hand we who are not afraid of this new knowledge are willing to learn from
the old way of thinking and make our own judgments using the evidence which
is reality. The Laws of Nature will be the final analysis, and is your nemesis.

"I stumbled across your 'Global Wealth Power' and simply couldn't
stop reading it while online."
A.T.,, 2/16/97

R.A.,, 2/13/98
Please send updates on the beautiful world of Neo-Tech.

R.M.,, //
It opens eyes.

D.A.,, 2/3/00
This book opened my eyes to the world. I
finally saw through peoples outward
intentions, their words, actions and deeds, to their inner motive.
When I meet someone, I instantly know how to deal with them,
if they are a neo-cheater or an altruist, I expose them for
everything they are not worth. Then I walk away. Before, I never could
do that because I didn't know how.

R.K., HUGHES.COM, 2/1/03
Hi Emma, Don't ever get rid of your website. Cyberspace is where it's at. Information is at your finger tips. I have tons of Neo-Tech books/tapes at home.
I've had a lot of fun with Neo-Tech over the last 20 years. I've really 'rocked some foundations'! The 'negatives' people write about Neo-Tech and some of
those people really scare me. I live in the same country they do, what the heck are they thinking!


"I love you guys."
A.A.,, 4/30/97

"I found this website through a search on 'world conspiracy', and
it has certainly confirmed that the tools of wealth and progress
have been withheld from the general population for the express
purpose of narrowly defining the dispersion of wealth and
knowledge to all but a select few."
A.T.,, 1/17/97, Australia

C.E.,, 5/18/97
It is wonderful to see Neo-Tech on the Web where it can be accessible
to so many people. Keep it up.

"My compliments on a thought provoking site. I have marked it and
plan to visit often. You have reminded me of how much I
appreciated Ayn Rand when I first discovered her work years ago.
Thank you."
N.S.,, 1/29/97

S.S.,, 3/18/97
The Neo-Tech/Zonpower Discovery is very powerful.
I already see the world in a new light.

T.A.,, 10/18/97

L.H., ., 9/4/02
My husband turned me on to Neo-Tech, and it's being really helpful opening my eyes, to be aware of the Neo-cheaters in business and in politics. It enables
me to recognize these Neo-cheaters, and allows me to strategize on how to deal or not deal with the
m at all, thus allowing me to succeed and be happy in the business world. It as also helped me in my relationship, but I still need a lot of work in that
area, because of all the past Neo-cheating bullshit I have been brainwashed with since I was born. Thanks for assisting my growth and success as a person in

T.R.,, 11/23/99
My eyes were opened wide. Neo-Tech
showed me a society that has been being victimized by the selling
of 'false ideas' and by 'avoiding the real issues' to fool it
into supporting false rationalizations. For the first time in
my life, I have realized how 'organized brainwashing' has caused
me to make my decisions emotionally and not rationally. By actually
comparing Neo-Tech's facts against the fiction of the so called
'Mystics', I now see that Neo-Tech was right.
Out of all the literature I have read on-line and in print,
this is the message I think all people MUST see.

Neo-Tech is an eye opener, for years I blamed myself for my short comings never
seeing life as I do now. I feel my power growing inside me everyday, some people
don't believe that they can achieve anything in this world if only they would
take the time to wake up to see what's going on

Mark,, 7/25/02
I've been having a lot of changes since I read this big book I ordered from Neo-tech, years ago. It promoted a different mode of thinking that has benefited
me greatly.

Anon,, 7/8/00
I've just completed the second chapter of the
story, superb!

E.M.,, 9/24/02
Now, after reading The Story, Neo-Tech has become a lot clearer and it has blown away the boundaries. Please keep the site on the web, it's fantastically

M.T.,, 12/15/98
What is written opens my eyes more and more.
I'm always amazed by what I've read.
Things are changing very fast. Unbelievable!!!

M.A.,, 12/20/01
Wonderful and liberating work for the open and inquisitive mind. I would love to carry the Good News to the entrapped and ignorant masses to set them free.

G.K.,, 2/20/97
Let Zon rule cyberspace!

"I think this web site was very informative. I believe that
Neo-Tech holds the key to America's future."
T.B.,, 1/17/97

K.C.,, 2/24/97
Neo-Tech must not only remain ON the Web, but Neo-Tech must
eventually BE the Web!

N.T.,, Canada
words wont express my gratitude to all involved, but thanks
just the same. This backwards-assed human race we call 'civilization' desperately
needs Neo-Tech. This site should definitely remain on the web.

J.L.,, 10/6/97
"I just discovered this web site, I am exited about having access to such a
vast resource for valuable information. Bravo!!!"

S.W.,, 5/24/98
I think your site is really great. Your articles have
changed me a lot.

T.M.,, 8/22/97
Neo-Tech has been the best thing to come into my life.

"I find your Neo -Tech /Zon Power amazing."
I.C.,, 5/30/97, Pakistan

P.B.,, 12/5/97
People are waking up to Neo-Tech!

J.K.,, 12/13/96
It is beautiful, mind opening, mind expanding, and sorely needed.

G.L.,, 6/19/98
My life has improved considerably since reading Neo-Tech.
I do firmly believe that you are doing the most important
work in the universe.

S.O.,, 5/9/99
Thank you Neo-Tech, for providing this forum to expose the
Planned destruction of America -- last week I got my IRSS
notice in the mail.

J.W.,, 7/18/97
Your information is amazing. I'm a high school debater,
this information is excellent.

J.O.,, 8/27/97
"After having read Zonpower manuscript 4 yrs ago my life went from drifter
to capturing my own essence with the help of iron grip control. my fears
have become exhilarated grasps of life. Each time I move into the direction
of my choice, I walk with power and affirmation. To be truly alive, you
become a light so strong all that look upon you as prey are blinded. Many
follow, and wonder of your charisma. As I wake I know longer look at the day
as another, but as my day and I make it, through my own endeavors, my way. I
manage many employees through D.T.C. and NT/I.G.C. I share what I can so
others can see the light within them. Thank you n.t. for your profoundness
and keep up the vigil much more needs to be done."

D.K.,, 10/24/97, Canada
"Neo-Tech is so different from other points of view, it
stimulates thinking. One may not agree with what is
being presented or may be shocked or outraged, but that
kind of challenge is necessary."

G.G.,, 8/10/97
YES! Neo-Tech will remain on the web. Neo-Tech can't be
stopped, even if it were banned from the web. The Neo-Tech web site IS
the most valuable web site in Cyberspace, and Dr. Frank Wallace is a

P.L.,, 5/20/97
This web site has a lot to offer. People need to see it. Keep up the
good work!

It gives me so much hope to see that there is a growing number
of people who are willing to open and USE their minds to their full potential.
This web site and The Book have helped my boyfriend and I in every area of
our life and will continue to do so as long as the truth and knowledge keeps
on spreading.

K.B.,, 6/1/99, Canada
Your material helps people decide to improve
their lives and the lives of people around them.

D.M.,, 6/9/98
We need Neo-Tech thinking now, worldwide.

J.M.,, 6/23/00, Australia
An excellent site. There is a lot to learn.

E.A.,, 5/25/97, Canada
This web site is needed to help all people
receive a chance at changing their lives. Without
Neo-Tech we are all just empty beings. But with
it, we can bring down all neocheaters and are
masters of our own lives for a change. This
web page has to stay because it will continue to
grow and teach people the truth. It has to stay
for the sake of all human beings who want
something more out of life!

Hello, When I first found Neo-Tech fifteen
years ago, I discarded it as rubbish. These past fifteen years have been
a challenge in many ways. Since being re-introduced to it a year ago, my
life is now changing for the better
since discovering the truth. Thank you and keep up the good work. J

P.M.,, 6/18/01
Neo-Tech has taught me that 'a higher power'
isn't the way, and
that self-accountability is.

Ray,, 3/31/02
What or who else has any possibility of changing things now and in the future?

W.N.,, 1/4/98
Overall I am Captivated by the all the reading
material and find it hard to stop reading.

"I think your information should stay and an effort should be
made to make a greater portion of the Internet community and the
community at large aware of your works and the 'nature of the
beast' that threatens every hard working, honest person and their
C.M.,, 3/2/97

P.C.,, 1/3/97
Neo-Tech is the answer, I am glad that it is on the web. the site is
a good one keep up the good work.

J.R.,, 9/10/99
I am very happy to have found this information. After many years
of searching, reviewing and looking for answers, reading
every spiritual and self-help book I could get my hands on. The Neo-Tech
information has removed all doubt. Thank you.

C.P.,, 1/2/02
I Find it invigorating and motivating. The Story should have motivated all of us to think more responsibility about the Child in all of us. It was a warm
reception of 'Childhood,' and what could be accomplished if we stopped beating our kids and started treating our kids as the special people they will soon become.

J.C.,, 6/27/98
Put all you can on the net, keep the world informed of these
choices and possibilities. If you never experience it, then you
can't know it. I think more people than we realize want to know this

P.C.,, 9/10/01
Neo-Tech is a sign of things to come, or at least I hope so for not only myself but my children and their children.

Joyce G.,, 5/25/97, Philippines
Thank you and more power to you!

K.L.,, 10/23/97
I believe Neo-Tech is an excellent learning tool.

J.C.,, 7/5/00
This is the best thing since sliced
bread. I'll be glad to see you expand in the coming years. Thank you
very much.

M.A.,, 4/15/97, Australia

D.T.,, 12/15/99, Canada
This is truly profound and mind-enhancing text.
It has freed me from the mysticism of religious dogma.
Thanks to Neo-Tech, my life has taken a 180 degree turn, I
am now ready to take on the world.

A.A.,, 9/23/01
After reading THE STORY. I was emotionally moved beyond words. If only all teachers could be like Miss Annabelle--what a world it would be.

C.B., HUGHES.COM, 1/30/03, united kingdom
To all the religious believers of God The Almighty who don't understand the concepts of Neo-Tech, you are playing right into God-Mans' hands. You are afraid
to confront neo-knowledge with constructive criticism. On the other hand we who are not afraid of
this new knowledge are willing to learn from the old way of thinking and make our own judgments using the evidence which is reality. The Laws of Nature will
be the final analysis, and is your nemesis.

D.H.,, 7/8/97
"By all means keep it on the web. For when the truth or the light
is shining people dont want to see it and they love to put it out.
So by all means stay on the net."

Anon.,, 11/27/99

I have thoroughly enjoyed reading the various drafts of Limitless Riches -- Automatic
Romance!? It is incredible to see how much effort is going into this manuscript.
It is awesome to read the latest draft and find it even more valuable than it
was just a few days or weeks before. I appreciate having such an in-depth look
at the creative process, and I look forward to the final manuscript with great

J.S., jsaml, 3/3/97
I am glad Neo-Tech came about because I was so honed in the Word of

"Don't stop!"
I.H.,, 3/4/97

"I love Neo-Tech material. Great stuff."
C.G.,, 6/25/97, Germany

"Very Very interesting."
B.M.,, 4/29/97

F.M.,, 4/14/98
By Far, Neo-Tech is the only way to bring this idiotic
world to its senses. If you are honest and hard-working everything will become possible.

"The ideas expressed are eye opening and should be made available
to the world in mass doses. The world we live in today is that of
lies. We the people deserve the truth about all Neo-Tech has to
offer. The books should be in every library in the world."
K.R.,, 4/8/97

M.M.,, 6/18/97
You provide infinite values for ALL in the world who want to listen
and apply the keys to freedom and happiness. Thank you for reviving and
catalyzing my productivity, self-protection and passion.