
Your Rendezvous with Pax Neo-Tech
13,000 Comments 13,000 Comments

Pure Beauty Rising
C'est Si Bon

Neo-Tech Letter Testimonials!

Feedback Comments From Jan 1997-May 2003

Below, 500 Random Testimonials From 1997-2003
Continue refreshing to see countless more Neo-Tech Testimonials... over 20,000 testimonials!

"I found this very interesting!!!"
P.B.,, 2/1/97

G.B.,, 2/27/97
Your web site is fabulous and filled with life saving concepts. I
have read the articles `SILENCE the Ultimate Protector of Individual Rights'
and `Businessmen versus Neocheaters' by Carl Watner. Please keep up the good
work. Honesty and Justice will prevail.

E.W.,, 6/22/00
I have a friend, who for years now we've
worked together in the same (going-no-place-job). Then my
friend suddenly seemed to get a whole different outlook on
life along with a much better job plus a little business
done on the side that makes good money. When I asked him how
he did it, he told me it was Neo-Tech and to come to this
web site to learn more.

Kayelea O'Ryane,,
This philosophy is the most amazing work I have ever read or heard of. I am
almost speechless when trying to describe how important this work is to America
today and the entire civilization of earthlings on our home planet, earth and

J.P.,, 8/24/97
"This is the most eye-opening reality ever. Thank you."

D.F.,, 2/18/00
Neo-Tech is coming, Neo-Tech is here, Neo-Tech
... spread the word!

I am a firm believer of getting rid of the
government agencies. I believe this NEO-TECH program can and

"This site is very inspirational. I use it in my personal
M.T.,, 2/6/97

M.G.,, 11/19/02
Neo-tech MUST remain on the web, for the world wide web is the best and most readily available way to inform and educate the mystically befuddled people of
the entire world. This site should most definitely be expanded!

P.B.,, 12/1/99
I am pleased that there are people in this
world that wish to make this a
better place for mankind. I am interested in the neo-tech party.
I am tired of the status quo. The government that is in power
is not for the people. They are all there for their own financial
and political gain. I would like to help the new party to
come to be.

"Very nice."
K.K., co.dn, 1/20/97, Denmark

P.S.,, 3/19/02
I have been reading and living Neo-Tech since 1995. Neo-Tech has helped me and my wife to raise two remarkable sons. With all that said, I have never been
more excited than after reading The Story. I have my wife and sons reading it now. I introduced it
to my mother who is introducing it to several of her friends and so on. I can now for the first time see clearly how Neo-Tech will spread. It will be
unstoppable now. I am confident for the first time that we will all live forever. I can't thank you enough.

J.P.,, 4/6/97
The information you are providing the world is of the utmost

C.C.,, 3/18/97, France
It's really fantastic!

"This is a truly informative site. It contains true content. I
believe it will enlighten many people. It should remain so it may
serve its purpose."
D.D.,, 5/27/97

"Almost everyday I come online to this web site and just browse
for new information and to brush up on favorite works like
Zonpower in Cyberspace. I really feel that this is a place I can
commune in. I feel among friends here. It is a new and powerful
experience for me to feel empowered over my life. I feel that
there should be a lot of credit placed in the hands of the many
authors that contribute to this superior site."
B.L.,, 2/5/97

L.H.,, 3/3/00, United Kingdom
I am enjoying reading the story immensely I
have felt myself brought almost to tears in parts (e.g.. the
part where the innocent children were asked to tell how much
they enjoyed time with Miss Annabelle, which they thought
would help her, only to have their innocent comments used
out of context to incriminate her) I think ' The Story '
will switch a lot of brains on !! The reason I am writing
this is that my son is 21 months old and I would love to see
him become a great value producer, and I was excited about
the idea of telling him bed-time stories about great value
producers and if there is any one out there who could write
a few and post them up on the net that would be great. I
would also like to get a book of 5 minute lectures like the
ones the children are exposed to I could give my son. Any
one out there have any good thoughts on this. All the best
Keep integrating.....keep yourself honest.......look through
to the essence of things.....always ask yourself who is the
value producer…who is the value destroyer ? more
protein and less carbohydrates.......go after your
dreams........keep track of the numbers.......keep yourself
aerobically fit.......find romantic love........outcompete
others.....use the mini day/power thinking tool
everyday........don't stagnate/drive projects

S.K.,, 4/23/99, Mauritius

I can't stop reading this BOOK.

G.W.,, 8/10/99
I look forward to future writings and the sharing of information
for the good of mankind. I also look forward to the exposure of the
myriad charlatans in our society. It is late now and i do have
to produce values tomorrow for the benefit of my fellow human
beings so I must retire for the. THANKS...for all you do!

J.B.,, 7/10/97, England
I have found this most useful reading.

L.B.,, 1/27/97
Interesting prognostication. Hope it happens.

S.P.,, 9/5/97
"Reading Neo-Tech gives me peace of mind, confidence, and self-esteem."

Have been searching for over 30 years for this type of confirmation
to my intuitive self. Thank you for your efforts and may we all grow.

D.D.,, 5/31/01
Just cant wait for all of those blind peoples
out there too
wake up and smell the roses

J.H.,, 11/28/02
I think this site is one of a kind, a real gold-mine.

J.C.,, 6/27/98
Put all you can on the net, keep the world informed of these
choices and possibilities. If you never experience it, then you
can't know it. I think more people than we realize want to know this

I am now on my way to being fully integrated. Iam unleashing my
extremely productive and inventive mind. Goodbye fear, guilt, dishonesties, and
irrationalities. I will be purchasing more material from I&O publishing soon.
I am the happiest I've ever been. I am displaying my productivity and not working
for those that do not agree to my terms to gain from my actions and mind. Thank
you Neo-Tech, stay here forever, for I plan to be here. I do not know where I
would be right now otherwise. Eternal life for F reedom, Prosperity, Wealth,
Productivity, and Love. Eternal life for everything moral and EARNED.

X.W.,, 12/27/00
It is most important information I have
received in my life. Great

Robert,, 6/7/00, U.S.
I find the information very informative and

S.D.,, 3/16/97
I will never regret adopting Zonpower in my daily life.

R.I.,, 4/5/97
I think this is one of the best sites I have seen one the web.

J.S.,, U.S.
I am an owner of the Neo-Tech Manuscript since 1990. It has Literally
changed my life and perspective on all of human existence. Please

S.A.,, 8/9/97, Australia
"Very thought provoking!"

"From the little I have read, I do believe this work is extremely
beneficial to all those who are fortunate enough to encounter
T.D.,, 2/10/97

L.G.,, 1/19/00
I've been searching for a document of this
boldness and stature my entire life.

D.D.,, 11/30/02, UK
Neo Tech is the only honesty based source of information and lifestyle available

M.C.,, 8/1/02
I think this is great site with very important and positive issues. Very motivating, I've learned plenty from each topic.

J.R.,, 1/16/01
The revelation
of truth and knowledge is an enlightening aperture to
humanity to
join into the everlasting source of knowledge and to rule
over the planet earth!

p.j.,, 12/10/01
Nothing has ever inspired me like this writing.

A.H.,, 1/28/98
You have some revolutionary ideas. This site might
just save the world. I'm also trying to get the word out to everyone.
I keep telling them that they got to see this.

M.H.,, 10/18/02
We must grow Neo-Tech ever larger so the reality/truth based information can spread throughout our planet. The computer age is an ally of Neo-Tech. I inform
many people of this site. Like me, they are looking for the framework of truth and find it here.

M.A.,, 10/8/98
While looking through the negative comments one in particular
caught my eye, some idiot babbling about how we should all learn
to respect and fear the lord. I always felt fear and respect
were mutually exclusive. Throughout history the church has tried
to enforce its beliefs with the use of threats and physical force.

R.O.,, 5/2/97
Your information is a great value to many people, it is a great

V.S.,, 6/25/98
I plan on immersing myself in the literature and coming out
a new man...

Julie L.,, 10/3/98
Fascinating, entrenched in examining the text.

w.l.,, 3/18/02
Neo-Tech is our last hope otherwise we become extinct like other civilizations in the universe.

The Neo Tech message is an important one.

"The one thing that interests me most about the philosophy of
Neo-Tech is the fight to cure the disease of death!"
P.S.,, 3/28/97

so we can begin to bring about all of these fantastic

R.L.,, 5/23/02
I like it, I keep up with every new step and continuously reading old material. It's fascinating. As you probably know, Argentina (where I live) is going

O.V.,, 7/11/99
Thinking that breaks one from the herd mentality.

A.S.,, japan
Neo-Tech is wonderful.

D.L.,, 1/9/97, Belgium
I heard about this web site from my family. I must say it is very
interesting and it gives a very refreshing view from another perspective. I use
the power search a lot, to find out Zonpower's opinion. Thanks!

JJ,, 3/30/00, UK
A great site! The bulletin boards are a really
good way of
expanding your understanding of Neo-Tech and connect with
others who
are on this incredible journey.

J.C.,, 9/29/02
I have been reading and studying neo-tech for 5 or 6 years and find it to be the most validating information on life, living and thinking tools available for
a productive and happy living. VIVA NEO-TECH!

"I think you are onto a universal truth."
S.W.,, 3/14/97

J.H.,, United Kingdom
I have been reading Neo-Tech literature for years and I could no
way go back to life without it. If only it were taught in schools, the world
would be a beautiful place to live.

T.T.,, 8/18/00
Neo-Tech is one of the single greatest things
I've ever
seen. Thank you.

R.D.,, 6/3/97
I know your site will help me accomplish my business and life goals.

L.L.,, 3/5/00, United Kingdom
I think this story is very psychuous! It gave
me tingling sensations throughout my nervous system. It
taught me the fundamentals of common denominators and how
they get to the essence of happiness.

"Someone has to keep telling the truth until the world wakes up
to what is and has been going on for so long. Thank you for this
J.L.,, 2/20/97

W.S.,, 11/12/97
Damn straight Neo-Tech should stay on the web, lest we wish
to die, I for one do not.

S.W.,, 4/30/97, Australia
I find the entire concept of ZON fascinating and want to know more,
more, more.

S.S.,, 3/20/97
I just read Neo-Tech/Zonpower. Needless to say, it is not possible to
achieve happiness under today's conditions. Neo-Tech will change that. I am
amazed at the grip the mystics have over individuals. I guess that ignorance
truly is bliss. But not for me. I am looking forward to the day we can get
organized and stand as a united front against our common enemies of the mystics
and the Gov't which oppresses us. If we can get organized, they don't stand a
chance against us. Keep up the fantastic work, and let me know what I can do to

D.S.,, 10/6/98
NEO TECH is the best thing that happened to our planet!! Thanks
to all who made it what it is and what it will be. VALUE PRODUCERS

T.G.,, 1/23/97
Way to walk the talk!

S.W.,, 3/14/97
I think you are onto a universal truth.

this site is an amazing resource for
gaining control and power over your own life.

I now have clear vision. I now fear nothing. I know what is
right. I guide my life away from brain rotting mysticism. I can instantly
spot neo-cheaters and mystics in an instant (there is a heck of a lot of
them). Most importantly, I live. Thank you for y our direction.

I like it, I keep up with every new step and continuously reading
old material. It's fascinating. As you probably know, Argentina (where
I live) is going through very rough times, politicians are treated
as thieves (what they really are) but I feel there is not enough
people like me willing to do something. This could be the place and
time to begin with a NT government as outlined in your literature.

T.S.,, 7/26/00, England (UK)
This is an excellent site and is helping me to
understand my
copy of Neo-Tech. I have read my copy of Neo-Tech twice.

M.D.,, 12/10/01
I think your book is out of this world, very inspiring.

Claude W. V.O.,, 4/20/02
If the rest of the world knew the truth that is in these writings there would be no wars or terrorist activities. All of mankind would flourish to its maximum capabilities and the space program would be eons down the road. For the truth stands more powerful than anything that neo-cheaters can muster in their cheating thoughts to develop more power over as many as they can. The truth leaves them powerless! I've had the book, God-Man, for over three years and still read it to absorb the knowledge and put it
into use everyday.

V.G.,, 10/4/00, Australia
The story is very well written and quite

J.L.,, 7/18/98

Have just finished reading The Book, the mystic blinkers have been removed
from me eyes and mind. I only wish that the angry, insane and unhappy people
on the negative comments section could join us on our productive journey on
this earth. For them this is hell!

B.E.,, 7/15/97
"I love philosophy"

Lynn A.,, 6/12/97, Canada
This is powerful stuff, the stuff dreams are made of. Imagine the
opportunities for those who embrace change and not fear it. This really is the
new frontier for those with the vision to see it.

E.J.,, 8/14/02, eNGLAND
Keep up the good work. Neo-Tech Founder and Zon-Power/God-man are the greatest Books ever written.

M. A.,,,
Comments : It is a beacon of truth for
the mankind. It exposes the neocheaters and
mystics as well as tears religions apart.

B.A.,, 4/17/01
I have been merely scratching the surface of NT
the past few days, and
can only share with you my immense gratitude for exposing,
and thoroughly explaining, true human structure and human need.
So many of us in today's society feel that there is something
DEFINITLY wrong, but can't quite put our fingers on it. Thank you for
doing that for us! ... I look forward to learning more of Neo
Tech. I do sincerely hope that what I am seeing here
is to become more commonplace in today's confused and
mystical society.

J.T.,, 12/5/98
This literature is visionary, thank you.

A.F.,, 1/29/97
Breathtaking in its profound significance.

FP,, 5/13/03

M.L.,, 6/17/97
This site is a wondrous abode of the finest
facts that are necessary for living on Earth.
Without this site, I would have spent
much of my life attempting to discover reality.

S.O.,, 6/6/97
The information is refreshing and very useful. This site is now my
favorite and will be visited frequently.

"Wow!! What an eye opener!! Thanks a million."
T.R., trose, 4/4/97

B.M.,, 4/26/02
I have been reading DR.WALLACE books for years, I own most all of his writings, I am not a fancy writer like Mark or Dr Frank, it has made a different person out of me, from his first book. I have read and learned from these great men. This should never be taken of the web. I am a ZON and proud of it. Reading GOD'S man made me a different man, you see I'm 71 years old and I have very sharp mind, before I started reading these books, I could not read, now I can scan a page so fast it makes my wife mad beca
use she can't understand me. Marks books are great, please don't stop your good work Ok? I have not been able to capture the wealth part yet, but I'm working on it.

c.b.,, 4/20/00, franklin
Yes, yes, YES.

"If Neo-Tech were not on the web it would be the dark ages
descending upon the world."
M.Y.,, 3/25/97

'I've never known a man worth his salt who in the long run,
deep down in his heart, didn't appreciate the grind, the discipline...I firmly
believe that any man's finest hour - this greatest fulfillment to all he
holds dear - is that moment when he has wor ked his heart out in a good cause
and lies exhausted on the field of battle, victorious.' Vince Lombardi Keep
up the good work - someone has to do it!

D.S.,, 2/15/97
I have become very personally involved with the philosophy of
Objectivism. I think that Neo-Tech Objectivism will take me even farther. I
think this is the philosophy for the 21st century and beyond.

D.L.,, 12/5/97
I just finished reading the Neo-Tech discovery manuscript.
The book left me with the feeling that I was already heading
in the right direction.
I can't wait to expel mysticism entirely from my life and take
over my own destiny.

T.N.,, 2/10/97
I immensely enjoy all of the information that you have on the
Internet. I am very supportive of your efforts and demonstration of courage to
expose the true realities in our world.

J.S.,,United Kingdom

B.K.,, 2/28/97, Canada
Skeptical at first but after I started reading some of the articles,
I said to myself how can you argue with something that just makes sense.

T.L.,, 8/11/00
Once you decide to apply the techniques, there
can be no half
stepping. I've found that Neo-Tech requires serious
Do you have it in you?

Kurt,, 2/6/02
I have read 'The Story' on Neo-Tech's web site and want to inform you that even on the first reading, it has literally changed my life! And yes, I am going
to read it even more deeply the second time.
'The Story' has ignited the dream within of being able to overcome obstacles such as those experienced by Ms. Annabelle. Your work in 'The Story' invokes
the desire to obtain invincibility through full honesty, striking down those who would destroy if given the permission. Permission being the failure to act
honestly on one's own behalf.
I admire your work in 'The Story' and I know it is something everyone in the world needs. Please keep 'The Story' available! Without it, those stuck in the
rut of anticivilization will continue to sink, never discovering and entering the C of U.

D.R.,, 10/6/97
"I found the inf. shocking and awakening."

C.M.,, 4/3/97, Papua New Guinea
I've never read anything like it! Its' almost unbelievable, the
differences of the Neo-Tech era is overwhelming...

Kate K.,, 6/25/99
The first thing I noticed was the negative comments
came from Christians. I got the impression
that most of the people were mentally disturbed -- not because
they are Christians or because they feel strongly about their
beliefs, but because the comments were so shockingly irrational
and malicious. I admit I finished reading the page only because
of the entertainment it provided. People are rarely so
willing to sound like fanatics. The second
thing I noticed was the implicit belief that people are stupid
blind sheep who are not able to evaluate the validity of a system
of thought and so must be 'protected' from it through censorship.
Anyway, I think Neo-Tech should remain on the web. Anyone who
wants to know about it can look and decide for themselves.

B.O.,, 8/12/97
The sections about the big money, job, and power thinking were fantastic.

"Your site is Great Great Great!!"
R.B.,, 2/12/97

S.P.,, 9/14/97
The keys are here we just need to unlock the door.

J.S.,, //, Canada
I have found the information very useful and I
know for sure
that's only the tip of the iceberg. I have so much to learn.
Keep up the good work! John Saint-Loth.

F.F.,, 2/25/97, Netherlands
I have already the NEO TECH in SPANISH. This is the BEST BOOK that I
ever read.

"Very informative - mind blowing if I may say so -- Great source
of information and knowledge of different perspective. Keep up
the good work. I will be back tomorrow to continue reading."
D.P.,, 2/7/97

K.R.,, 3/14/00
Neo-tech has made logical
points to ponder on and stimulate my thinking in the
direction that I felt I was always destined to follow.

Lynn A.,, 6/12/97, Canada
This is powerful stuff, the stuff dreams are made of. Imagine the
opportunities for those who embrace change and not fear it. This really is the
new frontier for those with the vision to see it.

M.G.,, 1/14/99
Greetings, I am excited about neo-tech because it expresses a
philosophy that makes sense. It seems to be an honest approach
to fulfillment in the Process of Life. There is no doubt that
we are viewing the beginning of a New Way of Life; a much better
one! The abolishment of Inflation and the ability for the common
man to afford to take care of himself and his family; to enjoy
life, and to live longer and longer.

M.W.,, 10/13/99
I know this information is too powerful.
Only those with the password should be able to enter the web
site! This needs to be more under wraps!

M.F.,, 7/17/97, Canada
What you're publishing is very powerful. Disseminate your info
discreetly via the Internet, but don't make yourselves become visible
public targets for politicians. Cyberspace is blowing away all forms of
government interference with the world, and I feel that it is only
logical that you use it as a tool and an ally to promote your interests,
and those of mankind as a whole.

"This is by far the best page on the net; I spend more time on
this page than all others combined!!!"
N.Q.,, 1/27/97

"It sounds like a too-good-to-be-true deal with a touch of
mysticism thrown in, however I feel that I would be foolish not
to look into this further. Everything mentioned I believe to be
true, yet I have always felt powerless to do anything about it."
W.L.,, 1/21/97

R.M.,, 6/25/00, South Africa
Fantastic work, I'm proud to understand.

K.B.,, 9/27/98
I have many of your different publications and have
found their no nonsense approach to straight forward thinking
a great help to my business. Keep up the good work.

M.K.,, 8/27/97
"Zon is where its at."

I'm saying this with full knowledge and a deep, emotional integration:
'Neo-Tech is AWESOME'

"It is quite astonishing, a new world."
H.R.,, 6/29/97, Germany

By far, the greatest literature ever written. changed my whole world.

"I've finally found what I've been looking for."
R.T.,, 4/22/97

Nichole S.,, 2/16/00
This is the only web site I found with
information on how to end a relationship; very impressive!!

C.W.,, 10/21/98
Technology has reached a point where we can see a brave new
World Weather it is a new Plato or a new nightmare will depend upon
US! information becomes free, speech becomes free, information
becomes free, the Universe opens up to us. I am Magical (beliefs)
yet every friend has a different religion. We all seek the same,
a creator. Someone who knows what is the real deal. Either everyone
has the communication ability or the corrupt control. Like the
people who use recreational drugs, used like the Nazies used the
Jews. Something to focus the attention on while the corrupt take control.

This site offers truths that the Christian churches have professed
as evil. I commend you on your noble actions to uncover thousands of years of

Jim,, 5/9/00
I've had the Neo-Tech Manuscript for 4 years
now, it is the best
Info and way of life. Be Free! Thanks Neo-Tech!

T.C.,, 1/13/99
If you have rattled the cages of so many religious
conservatives, as indicated in your feedback page, you must
be on to something absolutely spectacular.
Therefore, I have decided to pursue your path.

"I found the information here extremely informative and I plan to
put it to good use. This is a must-see web site for anyone
interested in winning."
P.G.,, 12/25/96

J.M.,, 9/12/98
I am happy to say that I am able to apply Neo-Tech to every
aspect of my life. Though painful at times, the techniques cut
through mental blockage in myself and others to eventually and
mutually benefit everyone! Can't wait for the Neo-Tech World to come!

K.R.,, 9/15/00
My teacher mentioned the fact that he believes
you guys are
evil. Since I never buy any thing teachers say, I decided
to check
you out and I discovered that I really like what you are
saying and would
love to hear more!

God. With Neo-Tech thinking it helps me to live worthwhile. Thanks!

"My thoughts have been awakened by the ideas and concepts brought
about in this realm of thought. I am very much looking forward to
receiving the material on zonpower!"
R.C.,, 12/31/96

"Your site has to be the most informational packed site I have
ever ran across over the web. The wealth of eye opening reading
kept me for hours, I forgot about what I was researching and read
from one section to another. I appreciate your great works and
continue with what you have started."
J.C.,, 5/1/97

Should Neo-Tech remain on the Web? Should sincere honesty be the relevant framework
of all truth? Is coherence necessary within the context of an evolving hierarchy
of values? Is effort not required to provide results? This heroic work, this
brain-sweated effort of passion...that has produced understanding without contradictions
in the new order of thought, a new high standard of categoric distinctions known
as Neo-Think, must not only continue but expand. Let it begin now with each of
us. The risks have been taken and the obstacles overcome except for our own deceptions
of belief that we need take no action in our own regards. Neo-Tech Is.

G.B.,, 11/28/97
We desperately need your message. I hope every person on earth
gets the chance to hear it.

All knowledge is good...and this is some of the best we can get to help us
all grow in our development as humans.

A.T.,, 4/15/97
I think this is great stuff. I have never seen anything like it on
the web or anywhere else.

"Your efforts are reaching individuals all over the world. The
momentum is building. The writing on this site is needed to help
turn this world right side up and it's starting to work. Keep
R.K.,, 2/5/97

J. H.,, 8/10/02, Mexico
Thanks for teaching how to think. I work as a tour guide and I recommend your website.

T.H.,, 10/6/97
I first came into contact with Neo-Tech about 5 years ago, All
of a sudden the lights came on as a new perspective and paradigm
unfolded. After reading the material, I was charged and excited. At the time I
tried to share my excitement with
my family and friends... they all thought I was mad and would
burn in hell. After all who was this school dropout, starving
kid to tell anyone that he knew better? Oh well, so be it... At
that time I was broke and starving, working in a job I hated.
So I packed my bags, moved to America, partnered up with a few
very talented and like minded people, started our own computer
software business, and built it into a multimillion dollar concern.

Cindy R.,, 8/16/98
This site is incredible. I look forward to exploring it
to the depths. Thank you so much!

S.H.,, 3/6/97
Neo-Tech information has been of tremendous value to me.

T. K.,, 7/29/00, Northern Ireland
Dear Sirs, The story knocked my socks off. It
seems to
crystallize through simplicity and clarity the very ideals
that we all look
for but are too distracted or ignorant to access. 'The
Story' has definitely
got my motor running. Many Thanks and Kind Regards,
ps. I can contribute $1000 to any movie project

"Very interesting. You have sent me several mailings. I just
thought it was a con. After reading about Neo-Tech method #47,
brain-picking, I was very impressed."
C.F.,, 12/27/96

M.S.,, 1/16/99
Neo-Tech...Mind detoxifying!

F.F.,, 3/8/98, England
Neo Tech purges all demons from the Cosmos.

K.S.,, 10/15/01
The more I read the more I want to read.

C.C.,, 3/20/97
Keep up the fight against all the neocheaters and value destroyers.

"I think you have developed an excellent web site."
R.M.,, 1/31/97

S.W.,, 4/30/97, Australia
I find the entire concept of ZON fascinating and want to know more,
more, more.

r.s.,, 2/24/03
I am 36 and have never read this amount of info or been so
engrossed in my entire life! Its fantastic!

"I think Neo Tech could prove to be the Answer for living our
true potentials and our dreams. I am awed by the limitless
possibilities available with Neo Tech. By all means, please
remain on the web for the betterment of mankind!"
S.P.,, 5/24/97, Malaysia

C.S.,, 7/5/00
I love the site. Thank you.

Robert D Schneider,,
I have never read anything so breathtaking in my 36 years
of life .You might say That I Have been Reborn. So please stay on line
or it Might Be the Death of Us All...!!!!!!! Give those Neocheater hell.
You have the rats running into the walls now lets burn the building and
get rid of them all.

L.K.,, 1/14/97
The topics are mind boggling. You can be sure
I will be a frequent visitor.

Anon.,, 4/20/98
I have always wondered who sent in these commentaries. And
I just figured out it is all the wonderful people in the world
who have gained tremendous power thanks to the Neo-Tech matrix.
I have never felt so fulfilled to know that there are many other
eagles soaring over the land of anti-civilized chickens. Welcome Zon.

From your literature, i became involved with Ayn Rand. It changed my
whole life for the better.

Should Neo-Tech remain on the Web? Should sincere honesty be the relevant framework
of all truth? Is coherence necessary within the context of an evolving hierarchy
of values? Is effort not required to provide results? This heroic work, this
brain-sweated effort of passion...that has produced understanding without contradictions
in the new order of thought, a new high standard of categoric distinctions known
as Neo-Think, must not only continue but expand. Let it begin now with each of
us. The risks have been taken and the obstacles overcome except for our own deceptions
of belief that we need take no action in our own regards. Neo-Tech Is.

C.F.,, 1/21/97
If I had to replace my 59 other books on
success, personal development, management,
and business planning, I would only keep the Neo-Tech manual. I have increased
my productivity by 3 times in less than 30 days. This manual should be used in
every high school in the world... I can't praise the teachings of this book
enough. Thank you for making such a difference in my life. I have moved from
existence to essence from lost to laser focused... THANK YOU!

T.B.,, 1/6/99
Neo-tech is powerful and it is growing at a tremendous rate
as we approach the year 2000. I share the concepts of Neo-tech
at every opportunity. Integrated honesty is the only way to live
a rational life. What a eye-opener.

M.E.,, 9/3/01, México
Neo-tech is a great achievement.

E.R.,, 1/7/97
FIREWORKS! FIREWORKS! FIREWORKS! This information will jump-start the
Psychologically dead. MUST read for every honest person on this planet. The
implications of Neo-Tech/Zonpower are earth-shattering. It will transform the
most wretched loser into an unstoppable winner. THIS WEB SITE IS ALSO A

This work may well be the most important development of our time.

everything. Now I have some form of defense and can start to enjoy my life.

N.W.,, 11/30/97, England
Certainly opened my eyes to areas of life I never
knew existed. Keep up the excellent work and get rid of government

J.R.,, 2/25/97
Your new ideas are brilliant.

MS,, 5/7/03
While doing research for a college project I came across your website. My jaw
dropped continuously as I read chapter after chapter in one sitting. So much of
what I have read elsewhere seemed tied together and illuminated by what I read.

I.P.,, 8/12/97, Indonesia
"Neo-Tech doesn't have anything to do with religion and that sounds good
because it's universal and can be useful to anyone. But what I can be sure
of is that Neo-Tech is a refreshing approach that's needed by anyone to live
his or her life to the fullest and hopefully to help people to help others
and make this world a better place for every being. We cannot afford to be
uninformed about this very worthy knowledge."

Carla C.,, 1/24/99
I just read some of the negative comments, and I'd say to all
of them they should be in my shoes!! I've been raped twice because
I got into situations where I was so desperate for money, and
freedom ,that I went to the wrong persons for help, and they demanded
sex in return, and when I turned them down, they went ahead and
took what they wanted and left me devastated. Let them spend
a couple days in my shoes and feel the raw terror that comes when you have
others controlling your life in the name of religion, or whatever,
as happened to me, and see what that does to them.
Then see if they wouldn't run to get this Neo-Tech information
like a beacon in the dark. Let them know what it is like
to be ripped off continuously, to have qualifications and be
unable to use them and can't get a job and people
who offer help either want sex or the deed and title to your
life!!! Let them live like this for eighteen years, and see if
they barely hang on to their sanity, if they are able to at all,
and then see if they are given Neo-Tech if they don't improve

V.M.,, 10/13/00, United Kingdom
I have noticed
a marked increase in my personal confidence as a direct
of reading these publications.

Z.M.,, 1/7/99, Guadeloupe
I can see with a real horror the negative comments of the mystics
about neo tech. it's amazing to realize that such people still
exist in 1999.Neo tech is very sympathetic philosophy that
describe the world.

R.Q.,, 10/22/97
"If the Government is allowed to suppress Neo-Tech then
we're giving the Government permission to suppress
Knowledge. If we allow this form of political
suppression we might as well go back to the dark ages.
My view of Dr. Wallace is that he's a thousand years
ahead of his time."

Carlos M. H.J.,,
I bought my Neo-Tech encyclopedia back many years ago, first
like many others I thought of it preposterous and in many ways too fantasy
oriented, needless to say I put the book away for many years and continued
on my destructive way of living. After I wen t to rehab and cleaned my self
out, I once again picked up my neo-tech encyclopedia, then I knew there was
no way back to my old days. Tank you for this live saving information.

Tony C.,, 10/15/97
I want what Neo-Tech offers.

Therefore the neo-tech web site will be fundamental in the realization of the
civilization of the universe for planet earth. THANKS FOR BRINGING NEO-TECH TO

P.M.,, 3/21/98
Neo-Tech is the only hope for the brightest future of
mankind through its honest, rational, and enlightening ideas.

The Story MUST be published on its own in hardback and/or paperback. That is
the only hope of getting it into the hands of the general populace, particularly
as word-of-mouth spreads like wildfire! The full realm of the Neo-Tech Super
Society can then be understood and visualized BEFORE interested people delve
into the Neo-Tech Discovery and other publications. The Story should be the MAIN
FOCUS of spreading the Neo-Tech concepts. THIS IS SOOOO CRITICAL!!! The individually-bound
book could be self-published and marketed by Neo-Tech, but since it has an ISBN
number, it could also be requested from other bookstore outlets (Amazon, Barnes & Noble,
Waldenbooks, etc.). Also....the individually bound volume should be available
to order online (to fulfill immediate gratification)...that offer being made
on each chapter of The Story. People trapped in the Anti-Civilization will have
a MUCH greater chance of pursuing Neo-Tech discoveries and concepts AFTER reading
The Story and winning them over BOTH emotionally and intellectually!!! They literally
can, and do, (based on the postings I've read) begin identifying and implementing
their own Friday-Night-Essence. This critical work (The Story) MUST: 1. Be published
by itself. - Preferably in hardcover and soft cover. - This is the ANSWER for
MASS distribution. - Many people WILL NOT sit and read lengthy material (longer
than a couple of pages) on the Internet. They want to read anywhere they're
the park, at lunch, on the couch, on the patio.....anywhere NOT in front of a
computer monitor. - And MANY won't have the resources to print hundreds of pages.
- Plus, everyone who reads this will want to CHERISH their own personal copy
and re-read it often. It will be the treasure that changes their lives forever!
- It's easier to pass-on (loan or give) a copy to friends and family! 2. Be given
SERIOUS consideration for producing it into a movie. - Someone should have already
put a copy of it into the hands of a Spielberg, or other great Hollywood producer
with a track record for so clearly portraying concepts and emotions woven so
tightly together! - We need someone who isn't afraid of pushing against the Establishment,
including, at times, Hollywood. 3. Be given consideration for producing it as
a TV series, particularly if the movie can't be pulled-off. I want to hand this
story off to my family RIGHT NOW, but they will be way too intimidated and distracted
if I hand them The Book (all six books) and tell them to read only Book 2 - The
Story. The sheer appearance of the HUGE volume I'd be handing them would be enough
to scare them away from reading it (they would say they “don't have time'
to read something that large'). If it is a bound book all-in-itself, it would
be much less intimidating to the recipient. Plus, there isn't the distraction
of the “God-Man' text plastered on the cover. Many people's initial reaction
to the term God-Man would be one of skepticism and negativity - or the feeling
that they're dealing with writings from some cult. Let them read about God-Man
in The Story FIRST (with no pre-judgement of negativity) so they can understand
it's integration into the whole Neo-Tech picture, THEN hit them with the God-Man/Neo-Tech
literature on the web-site or through your printed publications. With this approach
at least they won't think this is some new cult they have to worry about. For
it seems to appear as cult-type publication on the surface (just from the “God-Man/Neo-Tech
Discovery' title). “The Story' has none of this possibility of sending
the wrong message. NONE AT ALL. The total simplicity in the title will DRAW people
to it!! They'll have no suspicions or questions (until they get into the actual
telling of the story and have had their mind and emotions enlightened)! The whole
concept of the 5-minute bedtime stories about value producers intrigues me immensely!
If something like that doesn't currently exist (on your web site, or others),
I may begin putting it together. Short summaries of historic and current value
producers that focuses on: - How they used their own independent thinking to
create the values. - How they used internal authority instead of external authority
to breakthrough with their advancement and values. - How each faced the battles
of the anti-civilization to make their values recognized and available to others.
- The end results their values have produced in each of our lives NOW. I relish
researching this kind of thing!! …Apprentice matrix-destroyer.

J.D. Brackett,, 5/15/02, American
I have known about Neo-tech over ten years, it is the greatest discovery that I've witnessed in my lift time,I am with you all the way.

"Your site is informative and helpful."
L.C.,, 4/22/97, Australia

"Thanks Neo-Tech, for bringing light back into the world."
A.A.,, 5/16/97

E. Wilborn,, 8/11/01
It is clear that Neo-Tech is shaking the very
foundations of this "diseased mystical-oriented"
world of ours.

"Great site!"
M.S.,, 5/25/97, Canada

B.R., baudy1, 1/11/97

C.d.,, 9/30/01, Netherlands
Neo Tech/Zonpower is the most incredible find I have done in the last 52 years. I am from the Netherlands and we have a zonrise every morning, which I feel
now is a good omen. (zon=Dutch for sun) Congratulations Frank R. Wallace and thank you with all respect for your accomplishments.

D.T.,, 6/15/97, Nepal
Neo-Tech is preparing me for the 21st century, with factual
information that is really helping me.

F.J.,, 8/16/98
This is amazing. I have e-mailed your site to all of my
children. I am totally pleased with what
your doing so. I wish I had this around years ago when I began
my journey for the truth.

C.C.,, 10/20/98
I feel this is a secret that should not yet be let into the
vast world of people this fast. A more gradual approach
would be best in my opinion.

W.D.,, 9/24/98
I think your site is simply fascinating.

J.S.,, 3/4/97
I have read your literature and understand it completely. It has
definitely helped me incredibly!

E.H.,, 3/10/97
I can clearly see the benefit of this line of thought and way of
looking at life.

LD,, 3/31/00

C.S.,, 8/13/97, US
"Great material. Thanks for sharing this information in such a spirit of

JI,, 5/6/03
Date : Tue May 6 14:05:13 US/Eastern 2003 Neo-Tech changed life for me, keep
up the good work.

C.C.,, United State Of America
I am still in shock that everything that I was brought up believing could
be fake. I am still at a state of confusion, but, open to the knowledge.

D.S.,, 4/24/97
This world needs Neo-Tech thinking if it is to prosper. Please keep
promoting freedom oriented solutions to world problems and keep the web going.

J.A.,, 5/7/00, AUSTRALIA
Fascinating site.

M.K.,, 2/5/00
Cutting to the chase, the western world needs
a Neo-Tech enema.

You rock!

D.H.,, 7/14/98
Very thought provoking site.

D.H.,, 5/7/00
I am released from the stodgy thinking that
kept me enslaved
to fear and guilt. I am at page 295 of The Story... every
I begin to think, 'how can this happen, with all that is
it,' The Story, answers my question. Limitless...

A.F.,, 8/12/98, Canada
Impressed !!!!! Potent stuff.

"I have just tapped into Zonpower recently and I am looking
forward to completing this journey. This web site is testimony to
improving the www. through positive information."
M.H., solgate .com, 12/27/96

B.W.,, 6/29/00
Thank you Neo Tech for your insight to a better

d.f.,, 11/22/00
The truth will always be the villain…until it
is accepted
by all. Today, Neo-Tech is the villain.

B.N.,, 7/13/97, England
Neo-Tech is an eye opener for me. It seems that I have
been waiting for it all my life. It is so fundamental. It's basis is so
logical and reasonable.

P.S.,, 10/3/98
I am really happy for what Neo-Tech has done for me. It has
made me feel something I have never felt, I am learning
more and more by the day.

G.S.,, 3/9/00
I am not a very emotional person, but in the
reading of the story I was over come with emotion several times.
Even though I knew it was not speaking of a particular
persons I knew it was the experiences of many.
I have come to the conclusion that this story will be the
break through that we have been seeking, the digital
thinking and writing style of MH is beyond my imaginings.

C.C.,, 3/20/97
Keep up the fight against all the neocheaters and value destroyers.

J.M.,, 12/16/97
Dear Mr. Wallace, I am 27 years old, and I have read literally
1000's and 1000's of pages of self-help material. I've taken years of college
classes in both business and psychology. I've attended numerous seminars. Yet,
while all of them where interesting, not one class, not one speech ever gave me
the answers I was looking for. What I did know was that at 27 years of age, I
was extremely depressed because I was not financially where I wanted to be in
life, I was in an emotionally draining relationship and I was just completely
unhappy. Unfortunately, I pretended to be happy, but inside I was dying
everyday. The guy that I was in this roller coaster relationship
with was reading Neo-Tech and he told me I should read it.
So, I started to, because that was what my life was made of. Constantly doing
things that other people wanted me to do. I could never say NO to anyone.
Anyway, I started reading it, but I had to stop. I was completely petrified of
just reading the definitions and the first 25 pages of the Neo-Tech Advantages.
After that, I wasn't able to focus on what I was reading, and it took me about
an hour to read 4 pages. I told myself that the way it was written, made it too
confusing. It wasn't written like all the other books that I was used to
reading. If there was an excuse I could give myself, I took it. I continued to
read, even though I didn't allow myself to get anything out of it, because what
I was reading would completely turn my life upside down, if I let myself believe
it. That was something that I wasn't sure if mentally, I was strong
enough to admit that to myself let alone anybody else. So, I continued to read
for this guy because it was what HE wanted
and I thought it would make HIM like me more. Then, one night I was sitting on
the couch completely feeling sorry for myself and being told so, I just
emotionally hit rock bottom. Physically feeling ill, because I just could not
stand my life, I didn't know what else to do. I was so lost, alone, and
completely miserable, so I picked up Neo-Tech and started reading it for ME.
Starting from the beginning and reading clear through to page 50, I realized
things about myself that at certain points it felt like someone was squeezing my
heart so hard that I couldn't breathe. I forged ahead though, as hard as it was,
I had finally found the book to give me the answers that I had been looking for
my whole life. After spending
my whole life being a dishonest, pathetic little whimp, a total mystic through
and through, I finally realized that being that way was the cause of all my
unhappiness. I use to blame my past, my family, my friends, my relationship for
all the unhappiness in my life. They were the reason I wasn't as successful as
I wanted to be. Neo-Tech though, has made me stand up and be responsible for
myself, my actions and my feelings. Neo-Tech has made me realize how much of my
life I have sacrificed for other people. I made those sacrifices to justify all
of the dishonesty in my life. By sacrificing myself, it gave me a false sense of
being a good person. A BIG FAT LIE !!! It hurt so much to have to admit to
myself, that I was nothing but a mystical liar. So, complete honesty has been a
struggle for me on a daily basis. But I never new how good it felt to
be honest. I have come a long ways since that
night, I know I still have a ways to go. Now, Neo-Tech excites me beyond my wildest
dreams. I always knew that I would be successful, but because I was spending
all of my productive time in the past feeling sorry for myself, I was missing
all of my opportunities. Fortunately, thanks to Neo-Tech,
that is no longer happening. I have taken my mystic filled, non-productive life
and turned it around. Again, I'm not even remotely close to where I will be, but

M.l.,, 9/3/00
I have The Book and I simply love it. Thank you with all my heart.

A.L.,, 5/13/98, SOUTH AFRICA
Neo-Tech will triumph in this world.
Wouldn't it be great to have Polaroid
snapshots of neo cheaters faces as they realize
their empires and scams are about to crumble? ......that could
replace 'America's funniest home videos!!!'

S.H.,, 12/23/96
Neo-Tech is an incredible mind expanding journey
to infinity in which boundless success & happiness are
achievable & realistic. thank you for the opportunity to fully

U.S.,, 1/28/97
I think this web site is absolutely fantastic. There is a wealth of
information that is useful for self-development.

R.S.,, 2/29/00
I got the Neo-Tech literature about 10 years
ago. I read some of it at that time, but I wasn't ready to
receive and use its genius at the time. Recently, I picked
it up and began reading. I am very excited about forging
ahead with my Neo-Tech based life.!

D.D.,, 8/16/97
"Please keep this site because it really keeps the common man in the light
so to speak,of the propaganda of the so called 'media'. Please keep this
page open at all cost!"

C.V.,, 1/2/98
I was initially unable/willing to comprehend this technology
after being introduced to it by my Father nearly 3 years ago.
The writing seemed to be full of cynicism and negative thinking,
I was unwilling to open my mind to the truth, I was more than
happy to continue living in 'Oz' filled with a myriad of misconceptions
of life and liberty. What society will continue to label cynical
and evil, I have come to recognize as the 'Truth', I have much
more to learn and I believe that Neo-Tech can provide me with
the knowledge essential to living a truly Happy life.

K.Z.,, 1/19/00, Australia
I have been using Neo-Tech in my life... it has
changed my life dramatically...

J.M.,, 7/15/98
Great.......I want to know more.

"The neocheating information is VERY useful and interesting."
N.A.,, 5/7/97

Wendy K.,, 2/20/00
I love The Book. All my life I
have been looking for answers. I found them in your book. I
was raised
in the Christian way of life as a child. I was always afraid
to do anything
for fear of going to hell. I was told many times I was a bad
person. Thank you.

r.s.,, 5/6/02, canada
The more people that know about Neo-Tech, makes the world a better place to live!

D.B.,, 5/19/99
Neo-Tech has really helped me in my business
relationships. It has given me the confidence that I can
develop a strong interpersonal relationship with anyone. I
recommend your literature to anyone that feels they are
stuck in a rut and want to advance further.

"Thanks for the enlightenment."
J.J.,, 1/22/97

M.A.,, 12/20/01
Wonderful and liberating work for the open and inquisitive mind. I would love to carry the Good News to the entrapped and ignorant masses to set them free.

"I am glad Neo-Tech came about because I was so honed in the Word
of God. With Neo-Tech thinking it helps me to live worthwhile.
J.S., jsaml, 3/3/97

E.S,, 7/30/97
I've been up for hours at night absorbing the information
on your web site....It's amazing!!!!! I cried and laughed in
excitement of what I've read.

O.R.,, India
Mind-blowing and mind-expanding concepts and ideas. Keep up the
good work!

W.W.,, 3/8/00
The STORY is filling me with enormous emotions
that are the kind I feel happy about - I feel I'm not alone
any more. And there are thinkers like me who refuse to mind
create reality and who cut through the illusions to see
actual reality. I hope to meet in person some of you so that
I truly never feel alone again. The STORY fills my being
with happiness so great tears fill my eyes and make it
difficult to read further. I don't know what else to say I'm
wrung out.

R.J.,, 10/16/00
NEO-TECH has taught me things I would never
have known. NEO-TECH
made a turning point in my life in 1986 when I bought my
first NEO-TECH Book, the best bargain I ever bought in my
life I gave up sugar, caffeine, Nicotine, alcohol,
chocolate, white flour and a few
other things. This is the happiest I'VE been in my life, my
is better I am really in love and in full control of myself.
has made this MY only way to live and be happy. I am looking
forward to a long life with NEO-TECH and all my NEO-TECH
My LOVE goes out to all my Honest NEO-TECH Friends and FRANK

R.M.,, 5/19/98
Neo-Tech is logical and correct. Neo-Tech is good 'new-fashioned'
common sense. Keep this knowledge available at any cost.

D.H.,, 10/8/99
The Book is inspiring and motivating, I feel it is an awesome time
to be alive. Hamilton's proven writing technique draws out
ideas in a hypnotic pattern of words which even individuals
with virtually no memory can grasp

R.P.,, 10/26/97
This is very thought provoking. It is very well thought out.

Matthew,, 3/31/02, New Zealand
The Story is brilliant. It delivers neo-tech concepts in an easily relatable form, which makes me hungry for more.

L.K.,, 9/1/02
Sometime ago I received The Neo-Tech Discovery, a very large book that discussed the evolution of ordinary people becoming Millionaires/Entrepreneurs and the
Bi-Cameral Mind. I was devastated! But, the readings of this Manuscript filled my mind and changed my thinking of very important subjects--God, Man,
Business, Children... Wow! Neo-Tech is definitely what I needed to understand my existence--I could not understand why everyone in my surroundings were
succeeding and I was constantly falling backwards or barely moving! I now fully understand.

Sandra A.,, 10/23/99
It seems this site has given me the necessary information to move
ahead in my journey as a citizen of the universe.

S.B.,, 1/4/03
'The Story' is now my favorite next to Ayn Rand's 'Anthem' and Anne McCaffrey's Novels about 'Pern', and has opened my eyes to the wonderful world that has
always been in front of me. I wish Miss Annabelle were there to hold my hand, instead I was taught
to use illusions to fill the gaps in my understandings. ...I remember when I was about 5-7 years old, I had run across a paradox were my existence centered
around a black hole called consciousness. I was scared stiff. I had put an honest puzzle picture
together that I knew nobody in my family had. I can now start my puzzles where I left off, even though the wasted years of my life have given me a limp in my
path and thinking, I know that I will work it out as I reroute my life.

R.M.,, 3/15/97
Dominate the web. Scare every Objectivist out of his wits.

"This is a wonderful web site. I gain a lot of knowledge about
your product."
F.Q.,, 12/24/96

"I believe this is a terrific site."
J.S.,, 6/27/97

T.P.,, 11/18/00
NEO-TECH is 'the choice of the new generation'
I'm pleased to have been
a user of Neo-Tech since 1986-87. I'm not a millionaire but
I'm not far from it and I owe my survival through extremely
difficult market conditions in New Zealand farming (1984-1991) to the
confidence induced by my knowledge of the Neo-Tech Matrix. I knew the
correct actions to take and how to avoid mystical stupidity. Thanks
to the Neo-Tech team.

Steven C. D.R.,,
The past year and 8 months of studying Neo-Tech. has been interesting and
a constant battle within myself. I've gone from blindness to reality in a
relatively short time.

Neo Tech burned massive holes through the mystic walls that surrounded
me and the blinding light of pure logic flooded in and I literally felt the weight
of ASSHOLEISM passed on to me by my family and society melt away.

H.B., 7/15/97
"To censor the Neo-Tech site off the Web would deny the value
producers the information available through Neo-Tech. Censorship's
purpose is to suppress truth and deny access to empowering
information, thereby making the uninformed and misinformed masses
easier to control and manipulate."

C.C.,, 10/20/98
I feel this is a secret that should not yet be let into the
vast world of people this fast. A more gradual approach
would be best in my opinion.

J.K.,, 10/27/02, Australia
Of course Neo-Tech appealed to me (after I reeled in shock at the first reading of Neo-Tech Discovery). Only Neo-Tech makes sense. My search for meaning has

"I have found the answer. Thank you. Let us together uphold
profound honesty and vanish mysticism now and forever."
Z.Z.,, 4/25/97

B.S.,, Australia
The bible should have been 'the book' from the start. The world
would definitely be a better place now.

S.H.,, 2/26/97
Very eye opening. I have always realized there was a great injustice
going on around me. However, I only realized it subconsciously. I have now been
able to pin point some of the neocheaters and their methods. I will soon be on
my way to unlimited prosperity and happiness. Neo-Tech will rule in the 21st
Century and beyond.

c w,, 3/27/00
Your novel The Story was the most incredible book I have
ever read. I am a 23 year old male, and I
have to admit that there were several parts in the book that
brought tears to my eyes - tears of joy!!! By
integrating other Neo-Tech works into this novel, it made my
understanding of the philosophy so much
more powerful. I have studied Neo-Tech for about 5 years
now and see neocheaters everywhere I look.
This novel helped me to realize that so many incredible
things are possible if we dump the
anti-civilization that we live in today.
I have a couple of questions for you sir. First, how
can I find out more about RIBI and their efforts to
rid this planet of the biggest disease known to man -
aging?? How can I send them a donation? I am
working day and night on building a business, and there is
nothing I would rather do with some of my
profits then put them towards a great endeavor such as
biological immortality.
Thanks again for writing this unbelievable novel. Have
an awesome day!!!

M.M.,, 10/23/98
The information available on this site is
extremely interesting, and could possible change lives.

I can say it has changed my life for the better.

V.O.,, 4/13/01, U.S. of A.
Should Neo-Tech stay on the web? After more
then ten years of reading, listening, watching, absorbing and gradually and
progressively analyzing, understanding, implementing and
integrating this technology/philosophy into every aspect
of my life and existence I have come to the absolute and
irrevocable opinion, decision and final conclusion that the question;
'Should Neo-Tech remain on the web?' should not even be asked. The
question I would ask is; Where is the Neo-Tech t.v. channel?' To put
a final point on this comment and to try to answer the question;
'Should Neo-Tech remain on the web?' all I can do is pose my own
question for one and all to contemplate and answer; 'Do you want the
Dark Ages of human existence to finally come to a quiet,
non-violent and irreversible end thus freeing and allowing the
unstoppable, unrelenting and unfathomable release of never-ending and always
expanding human potential? For those of us who take the responsibility
and exert the effort to think, act and live as independent
individual human beings the answer is self-evident! Hang on ladies and

S.G.,, 10/20/97
Neo-Tech will drastically change my life.

W.H.,, 4/25/99, United Kingdom
This site is a must. Three or four years ago I read for the
first time The Neo-Tech Discovery (Zonpower). Although I knew it was
a new concept that was truly amazing, I just didn't have the
nerve to put it into practice. Now, I have read God-Man our
final evolution and am reading Neo-Tech discovery,
I can detect mysticism whenever it crops up in myself and
other people.

best thing that anybody could ever learn or hope to learn in their lifetime

S.G.,, 9/25/97
"Neo-Tech changed my life. The concepts I took away from reading the
material are still manifesting huge changes in the way I interact with
reality. I am beginning the operate my mind in an non-reacting mode whereby
I feel I have the ability to effect the future. Without Neo-Tech exposing
the cheaters I could never have defeated religion and the rest of the
parasites to gain the freedom to think on my own."

"Neo-Tech stands for the correct way the human race should be
living. Without Neo-Tech, our direction is toward unhappiness and
death. Neo-Tech has taught me to except responsibility for all my
action. Without Neo-Tech, we are just a group of losers. IÕd
rather be a winner. Even if Neo-Tech, is removed from the web,
which would be a great loss for the human race, I will always
live through Neo-Tech. ...Biological Immortality, Romantic love,
Happiness, and Lot's of earned money, for all the Neo-Tech
S.M.,, 3/23/97

Marilyn O.,, 6/4/97, Australia
Neo-Tech is a fantastic concept and I fully support it. I can't stop
reading it.

Anon,, 6/13/02
Very interesting...I came across this site quite by accident. '...a compatibility of humor is one of the most enjoyable aspects of friendships and
romantic-love relationships.' How very true.

M.F.,, 10/21/97
"Great site, The world needs more information like this, not less!"

Dennis W., aol
Reading and studying "The Book" has been the most enriching 
educational experience of my life. It
pulls Creation, History, Philosophy,
and current events together to make perfect
sense of honest reality. I am now so much aware of Mystics and
Neo-Cheaters and how to deal with them. I cannot get enough of
Neo-Tech literature and information!

Y.S.,, 9/26/97, Indonesia
Neo-Tech is the only publication that dares to speak the naked
truth of the present corrupt world that readily and happily exploits the
ignorance of their fellow human beings.

Dorothy S.,
I know something good is, I have a new
outlook on life a new way of thinking I am looking forward to an extraordinary
life, and I am full of life again.

J.K.,, 1/12/03
I have purchased the Neo-Tech Discovery and it has challenged me to consider the level of mysticism I have existed under for my entire life.

"Great site."
S.C.,, 5/7/97

The Neo-Tech information is valuable. The way we live has change dramatically.
I have become more conscientious about how we live. It helps me to look into
the mind of others and realize how we can help and how we can destroy each other.
It gives me hope when all else has failed. I will keep on learning, reading and
applying the concepts.

P.J.,, 3/18/00, United Kingdom
BRILLIANT, an education with principles one
can apply to their everyday lives.
It makes you feel as if a door has been opened.

G.B.,, 2/9/97, Canada
Looking forward to the Civilization of the Universe. Imagine a world
without dishonest government.

T.S.,, 7/26/00, England (UK)
This is an excellent site and is helping me to
understand my
copy of Neo-Tech. I have read my copy of Neo-Tech twice.

L.L.,, 2/8/99, South Africa
I think Neo-Tech should expand. At this very
moment, Neo-Tech is the only product that proves the human
brain has no limitations. Using Neo-Tech, no one can stand in
your way, you can be rich and have everything
you dream about. You can make more than twice or ten times
the money you are making now.

Cameron,, 12/29/00, New Zealand
I love the sheer diversity of new information
that I find to stimulate my brain, and your site certainly
given me some food for thought.

SK,, 4/22/03

"Brilliant. Well written. You guys have helped me solve some of
my personal problems and I thank you dearly for it. I offer any
assistance that you may ever need."
J.G.,, 5/6/97

"Very comprehensive and certainly interesting - doesn't waste my
time with too much URL's floating around!"
Erna S.,, 6/9/97, South Africa

B.B.,, 2/13/98
After reading 'The Neo-Tech Discovery' (Zonpower), it was
as if I had been blind since birth, to have my sight given to me
at age 22. I now look forward to a joyous life of pleasure and
enjoyment, using Neo-Tech principles to produce ever-increasing
values to bring me ever-increasing income. I look forward to
the day when Atlas will at last shrug his shoulders and the parasites
will be left to produce or be left behind. I indeed think Neo-Tech
should keep this web site. It needs to be available to the greatest
amount of people possible, and the Net is that way.

D.U.,, 6/26/01, CANADA
Wonderful, priceless values!

Anon.,, 3/25/98

J.Y.,, 7/28/98
Neo-Tech courageously tells the truths of human world.

J.D.,, 2/14/98
Neo-Tech is our future and the sooner everybody discovers
it the better. I can only hope for the Neo-Tech society comes as
soon as possible.

I think Neo-Tech is a very positive and powerful source. It should help
the world!

Vasemaca.Loki,, 2/10/01, Australia
I was completely bowled over by the factual
data i read in
6-21 of the Neo-Tech Discovery on your web site. My eyes
opened up so much to how we as a populace have been ripped
by the so called parasitical elites of governments and

N.H.,, 1/1/99
Yes, please remain on the WEB... now more than ever. The
Anticivilization is coming to an end... the Y2k problem they
created is nigh.
It is hard to believe the denial of the coming crisis extant
worldwide. Thank you for the insights provided in the literature.
I have every publication you have put out since Neo-Tech I.
I am a Ph. D. in clinical psychology who read Julian Jaynes in
1978. Virtually none of my colleagues have read it nor do they
understand why it should be read. Thank you for your courage
and insight. Happy New Year!

J.L.,, 2/11/01
YES! Having found Neo-Tech from a Reason
magazine ad/interview
back in 1981, I have ordered much valuable information
for myself and as gifts for those I love. I have NEVER been
or felt 'ripped-off.' It's a building PROCESS (not an EVENT
of reading
a book) to understand and benefit from, by implementation,
integrations of honesty into all.

"This site must remain on the web. If it were not for Neo-Tech, I
would not be happy, rich, loved, or healthy."
B.P.,, 3/13/97

V.J.,, 2/9/97
This is the most valuable web page going.

M.F.,, 12/16/96, Saudi Arabia
I love this informations.

B.O.,, 8/12/97
"The sections about the big money job and power thinking were fantastic."

C.S.,, 6/8/98
Thank you very much for the work you have done. This web
site and the nano technology website are
the 2 most important web sites on the net to me.

NEO-TECH is one of , if not the greatest
thing that ever happened to me. Anybody that doesn't give NEO-TECH a chance
is avoiding the most advanced information for transforming your life into
the most fulfilling life anyone could ever imagine. Even if you don't agree
with some things, skip over it for now and read on. NEO-TECH covers practically
everything anyone should be concerned with: HAPPINESS-SECURITY-WEALTH-ROMANTIC
LOVE-SUPERIOR INTELLIGENCE. It has opened my eyes to a whole new world. Has
anyone ever heard of happiness attacks? Me either until now. I get so excited
sometimes because my life is changing so rapidly and just thinking about
what my future holds now gets me overly joyous. To everybody that has participated
in providing this invaluable information, I THANK-YOU ALL FROM THE BOTTOM
OF MY HEART! And to everyone else: PLEASE GIVE NEO-TECH A CHANCE! It is the
most advanced life rewarding information that you could ever want.

J.P.,, 3/18/97
This is the most honest information I have ever seen. It is time the
politicians were be placed where they belong, under us, not above us. They have
been elected to serve us, not us serve them. Keep up your work. I feel honored
to have read and re-read your material.

T.N.,, 2/10/97
I immensely enjoy all of the information that you have on the
Internet. I am very supportive of your efforts and demonstration of courage to
expose the true realities in our world.

I think this is a great web site, I hope people take time to read an
digest all this information.

"This is an excellent web site. I find it easy to read. GOOD
R.C.,, 3/7/97

P.J.,, 3/27/01
I think Neo-Tech should FOREVER remain on the
internet as long
as god keeps putting people on this Earth solely to suffer.

R.B.,, 4/10/98
Excellent information.

Anon.,, 11/14/98
Thank you for your interest and effort to help
others sort out problems with your material.
It helped me to get a handle on my emotions and
make a serious decision about where my relationship
was going and whether or not to end it. I hated being
indecisive like straddling a fence.
I had to make up my mind to get on one
side of the fence or the other, but stop riding the fence!
Thank you much.

L.E.,, 4/23/97
I thoroughly enjoy your web site. The combination of topics is

Neo-Tech has opened a new door for me.

S.H.,, 11/6/97, Germany
The Neo-Tech book was the best book on business management I
have ever read.

J.M.,, 7/26/99, South Africa
Great Stuff.

G.Y.,, 3/13/00, Australia
Neo-Tech can and will automatically open your mind to think
outside the square. The more you read of Neo-Tech literature
the more power and intelligence you inherit!

J.C.,, 8/21/97
"Neo-Tech is great paradigm shifting literature. Its vision of the real
world is one of the most thought provoking I have read."

"This is an intensely interesting site."
C.W.,, 6/30/97

J.L.,, 12/9/96
I enjoy this site almost daily and recommend it,
too. It helps me to arrange my thoughts before I
start working. It also provides some sanity for me from
the deluge of irrational garbage in the 'real' world.
Thanks for being here.

m.d.,, , canada
Everyone should read this. Too bad most are too weak and small minded
to accept any of it. After reading some of the negative comments made about this
site, I wonder if humanity will manage to avoid self-destruction.

D.K.,, 12/18/96
The site is quite extensive with additional information I
have been able to connect with my copy of Zonpower.
I will visit again!

P.W.,, 10/2/97
Sometimes when I need some reinforcement, I can easily go to your web-site
and read what I need to help me with the situation that is occurring
or lift my mood.

"I am very interested in NEO-TECH. Anything that upsets the
Government that much must have something to it."
M.R.,, 1/26/97

T.T.,, 11/25/97
The more I read and understand these concepts,
the more I understand myself and the coming Civilization of the
Universe. Self-pity and depression are dreadful and un-necessary
for me or anyone. I long to be 'sublimated' and 'flipped' but
know there is no magic, messiah, or miracle... Only effort and
honesty and _action_. I started with 3 blocks of jogging and
a shower today.

Neo-Tech web site has grown to such an extent from a year ago, it
would seem as if something very important is missing from your life
if Neo-Tech was no longer available.

K.O.,, 9/10/99
After reading Will America Go Neo-Tech I can honestly say that
I will never be the same. I feel elated moments after waking
everyday knowing that the formula for happiness is my value production.
I always worked hard but sometimes I wasn't happy about it but
now I focus on the aspects of the job i.e. the bottom line...I
was a pro before and now I'm a happy pro....There are so many
things I could say....thank you

D.H.,, 5/27/98
This web-site is well done; organization through-out is
I didn't expect anything less from a Neo-Tech web-site, though.

F.H.,, 1/3/97, West Malaysia
I have found this web site to be too good. There's so much to
discover and to know about reality. Zonpower has so much to offer, not many
people know about it. I hope in the near future I will be able to know all that
Zonpower has to offer.

People have a hard time with Neo Tech
because of their own hypnotic social conditioning. If they only realized
they can get free from self made prisons....and see the world in whichever
they choose to view it they would be
in awe of the raw power within themselves......Neo Tech to me is just showing
us how by going back to that childhood place where our life first began
puts us back in the drivers seat of
our individual lives...Once we return to our natural self and our creative
mind self, we begin to take on positive thought action for the prosperity
and happiness of our individual adventurous expression.

"Your concepts about individuals make a lot of sense to me.
Rational selfishness is the best tool to pursue happiness. The
creation of surplus values seems to be the moral way to help one
R.L.,, 2/11/97

Neo Tech is Perfect!!

R W Siler,, 12/19/00
Fantastic website. More exciting every time I
visit. Keep up
the great work.

M.K.,, 5/8/98, United Kingdom
A step forward from which there is no going back(not that
Anyone would want to)

R.C.,, 1/23/97
I have thought for quite some time that the whole problem with our
country is `big-government'.

R.B.,, 9/30/01, Mauritius
I wish I could enlist myself in your team for the FRW Battle Plan. I would give my life for freedom, business, peace & romantic love.

"Very enlightening. Quite possibly the most innovative school of
thought in history."
R.B.,, 4/22/97

I'm reading The Book now and would like
this book to be read by most people in the world.

Linda B.,, 5/15/99
I have been struggling with bad thought
jealousy for years and it is destroying my current love
relationship. Never before have I read anything that came
close to describing the struggle I have been facing. I am
embracing this new thought process you have explained to me,
and I hope it is the cure for my disease. If I don't find
one, I will never be able to have a healthy, loving

"Extremely informative and enlightening!! A must read for people
that need some incentive to become value producers for themselves
and society. Worth the research!!!"
F.V.,, 12/20/96

Nichole S.,, 2/16/00
This is the only web site I found with
information on how to end a relationship; very impressive!!

M.A.,, 9/3/00
Please keep up the great work. Neo-Tech has changed my life forever!

"Neo-Tech is preparing me for the 21st century, with factual
information that is really helping me."
D.T.,, 6/15/97, Nepal

"Very interesting and enlightening. This does shed a new light on
life itself and endless possibilities for a new future."
J.M.,, 1/7/97

S.G.,, 9/25/97
Neo-Tech changed my life. The concepts I took away from
reading the material are still manifesting huge changes in the way I
interact with reality. I am beginning to operate my mind in an
non-reacting mode whereby I feel I have the ability to effect the future.
Without Neo-Tech exposing the cheaters I could never have defeated religion
and the rest of the parasites to gain the freedom to think on my own.

M.L., yahoo Philippines
The articles are really amazing. They threaten the present structural set
up of government and religion.

Reading your material is liken to an early morning walk. Or the wonderful feeling
you get when you experience the beauty of freshly turned earth.

G.Y.,, 8/10/02
I really enjoyed the article entitled 'Proof that Religious and Mystical Doctrines are Hoaxes'

C.P.,, England

H.R.,, 12/15/96
I think what you have done is great.
Keep up the good work and I believe that neo-tech
will be the wave of the future.

"I think you have a great web site, and it should not be banned
from the web. If it were banned that would be a great loss to
G.D.,, 2/4/97

J.M.,, 6/23/00, Australia
An excellent site. There is a lot to learn.

"A prodigious piece of work that is making a tremendous impact on
*Thinking Individuals*. This *Objective Reality* is profoundly
benefiting the remaining 95% of the individuals throughout the
world that are currently sedated from Neo-Cheating rhetoric. Like
the Sleeping Giant, they too will awaken. Fortunately due to
Cyberspace & Neo-Tech this wake-up process has been accelerated
by decades."
T.M.,, 3/1/97

"Beautiful site."
C.D.,, 1/23/97

beth r.,, 4/24/00
I am astonished at your masterpiece, 'THE
BOOK.' I had been meaning to read it for some time and
finally got around to that time today...I have been held
captive at my computer for the past 7 hours! I want to
thank you for your insight and elegant articulated
culmination of ideas expressed in Neo-Tech/Zonpower within
your story. What a beauty. This truly is the American
Beauty. Thank you for restoring my vision...I know what my
FRIDAY NIGHT ESSENCE is and I will not be taken from that
path until my goal is reached. From one value-producer to
another, thank you again. 'When you're smiling, the whole
world smiles with you...' Beth, Future Recording
Engineer/Producer/Studio Manager

This is awesome information about love, money, power, success and life in general.
I have never even thought about any of that stuff from that angle. Your books
provide a very unique and revealing perspective on all the important aspects
of our existence, and they provide us with an opportunity to make most of it

B.B.,, 8/31/97, Phillipines
"Very useful and informative web site."

O.N.,, United Kingdom
I am great fan of your explosive literature.

D.R.,, 4/29/97
This is POWERFUL stuff. I can't ever
remember reading anything that made so much sense. Thank you for putting this
out. I will ensure that those who are close to me, and that I care about, read

K.A.,, 3/2/00, Germany
I have first read the Neo Tech discovery when I was 14 years
old, and since then it has changed not only my life but has greatly
enhanced my conscious thinking. Many thanks to the authors of
NT, for enabling me to see the obvious difference between black
and white, and enhancing my chances of getting in complete control
of my life, future, and business success. I'm feeling better
than ever before.

Roach,, 12/3/01
It's an absolute, Neo-Tech will be on the Internet indefinitely, gong into the future. Neo tech is pregnant and will keep bearing new fruit and growth, for
years to come, in spite of the other world! Neo-tech will just get bigger and bigger. I love it! Cheers! R

"This is a fascinating site. I plan on reading as much as I can."
D.S.,, 1/20/97

K.K.,, 12/19/96
very cool-insightful. I believe we need a BIG change NOW
old politics should be a thing of the past. THANX

"Don't stop!"
I.H.,, 3/4/97

A.B.,, 8/5/00
This will be the greatest discovery of

R.P.,, 10/21/98
received your offer to purchase God-Man: Our Final Evolution.
I've decided to explore your web site before making my purchase.

j.w.,, 7/27/00
These are the greatest tools available for the
individual to
develop and make the leap to rational self-authority.

"I'm fascinated by what I've been reading! I had no idea about
these concepts but I can see they are making sense. Thanks for a
mind broadening experience!"
G.H.,, 1/30/97

I have just recently acquired happiness forever and read it in two days, I
was totally in awe. never had really heard of neo-tech before and was given
the book by a friend. so many questions are answered in this one book.

"I agree with everything I've read so far. I'm a big Ayn Rand
fan, but Objectivism doesn't offer anything positive enough. Fear
of death is what drives people to believe those Christian myths."
S.S.,, 12/20/96

james,, 5/23/02
neo-tech is the future

R.B.,, 9/14/01, Mauritius
I wish President Bush would get his solution from the Neo-Tech web.

N.E.,, 5/27/97, United Kingdom
This is a fantastic site!

M.T.,, 10/5/97
"I think Neo-Tech is great! I am confident that these ideas will prevail in
the future. I find that battling mysticism and self defeating behavior in
myself more challenging and the ultimate battle is against myself more than
neocheaters. One thing is for sure: Now I can spot a neocheater and refuse
to give any value to these shitbags "

D.K.,, 6/14/98
Your thoughts of reality are extremely interesting.
Thank You for your involvement in the progression of humanity.

D.C.,, 1/10/00
This is a way of life/thinking/living. Very powerful.

N.N.,, 3/15/00
Dear Mr. Hamilton,I like very much your Story,
and I hope it will be soon available in French. When you
want to translate it, please send me a mail: it will be a
pleasure to help you.

J.P.,, 8/1/01
Must stay on the www!!! If it doesn't, humans
don't have a real chance to learn how to start a powerful life, and bring
themselves to know their own nature.

This will be high school stuff for people of the future. It
will be basic learning for everyone who chooses

R.D.,, 1/1/99, Canada
It is sad to watch former friends at work disintegrating
slowly towards death. I'm learning so much by editing out
layers of personal mysticism in myself.

W.S.,, 7/10/99
I am 36 years old, and run a small mortgage business. All of
my life I have been in sales jobs and have read many books and
studied many courses. Almost all of them are quite frankly full
of garbage, because they rely on promoting 'false notions' and
beliefs, that coincidentally only the author has the unique answers
to solve. (yeah right!) I kept reading book after book, doing
course after course, wondering when I would ever discover the
'real truth'. Most people we look to for guidance in life, (teachers,
councilors, church leaders, authors etc), do nothing but create
imaginary 'problems' for you. Once achieved, they offer BOGUS
solutions and pretend to be your friend. Then they can easily
manipulate you like a blood sucking leach, while all the time
pretending to be your savior. WHAT A LOAD OF CRAP!!! At last
I HAVE found the truth. Watch out Neo-cheaters (deadbeat,
blood-sucking loser's) I AM ON TO YOU!.

D.U.,, 7/1/01
Neo-Tech has helped me comprehend the world.

S.C.,, 10/23/99
One of the most interesting realistic and informative articles
I have ever read. Really opens your eyes to the reality facing
the world today and tomorrow. Thanks for such a thorough and
informative piece of work.

T.S.,, 11/28/98
The very identification of Neo-Cheating, (theism, politics of
envy, guilt advocates, scarcity advocates, end-of-the-world
proponents, and others), makes it possible to move beyond
their nonsense and experience a new universe of previously unimagined
prosperity, health, wisdom, and happiness with Neo-Tech.

D.T.,, 1/22/01
Neo-Tech has changed my life greatly, I'm on a
never ending
journey of which I never want to return. Without Neo-Tech I
have remained lost in a world full of confusion and
I have a lot of work to do yet, but I know with D.T.C. I
achieve my goals. I believe that I have taken the red pill
on my way to freedom. Darlene T. (Baby Zon) P.S. I would
like to thank all who made it possible. Mark Hamilton, Frank

P.C.,, 1/17/97
Interesting and profound ideas.

"As to voting for Neo-Tech to stay online. Should we vote to
eliminate the zero and go back to Roman numerals? Do we want to
return to blood letting and leeches to treat our ill and infirm?
Do we reinstate slavery in order to increase our work force? Sure
let our anti-civilization suck us all into oblivion. That's what
I need for my life. 'Cause I ain't been unhappy enough'.
Mysticism Collapse!"
S.B.,, 5/7/97

G.D.,, 2/4/97
I think you have a great web site. If it were
banned it would be a great loss to mankind.

C.W.,, 10/21/99, Australia
Neo-Tech Rules! This morning and last night I just couldn't
help but laugh at my newfound success. Its Dizzying.
Laughing out loud at the joy of life. It also rubs off on all those
around you. So natural. I have truly rediscovered life.

M.C.,, 3/13/99, United Kingdom
As a follower of the works of Dr Wallace for some two years
now, I am happy to report that the effects of his
concepts are truly amazing. Having been entrenched in mysticism
for most of my 50 years, I too found it difficult, at first,
to accept the reality of what Neo-Tech meant. However, having
made the effort to open my mind, I am now well on my way to
financial security, health and longevity of life.

G.R.,, 2/29/00
"The Story" literally blew me away. It is your best work to
date. It is going to take something like this to elect a
Neo-Tech president. You are going to need a Neo-Tech
oriented media chain and talk show hosts to
counter the liberal media. "The Story" reminds me of "The
Harrad Experiment" that novel advocated a small group to
reform society. Unfortunately it called for the use of
government to achieve desired results. Keep up the great
work. Together we can free this country from the politicians
and other neocheaters. Neo-Tech publishing has helped me to
see the fraudulent nature of most forms of media, talk show
hosts like Rush Limbaugh, Dr. Laura, etc..
Your website gets better every week. It is a shame the
author of “No More Lies' is no longer with us. Nowhere have
I read such a clear explanation of Enlightenment. Your books
are getting better every year. Give my deepest regards to
Dr. Wallace. His Neo-Tech discovery book should be
recommended reading for everyone. Just watching the news on
tv, reading newspapers really reveals how much of a topsy
turvy world we live in. I really enjoy reading the positive
and negative comments on your website. The contrast between
them is simply amazing. You can really tell who should be
reading Neo-Tech and are losing out by not doing so.

Shane,, 2/20/03
Neo-Tech blows me away. All you have to do is stop and pay attention, with an open-mind and see what is going on in this world. This is great work that has
been done. A service to all human-beings.

As I read the information, I visualize what is happening all over the world at
this time. Everything now makes sense.

"THE most valuable web site on the Net. Neo-Tech literature is an
enormously powerful weapon for the individual to rise out of the
stagnation trap and trailblaze new values for mankind. This site
is needed to reach that critical mass of value producers so we
can ostracize the neocheaters off the face of the earth and enter
the Civilization of the Universe. Don't stop expanding. I would
like to see an online NT community (Civilization of the
Universe?) where value producers can interact."
A.L.,, 2/14/97, Australia

C.K.,, 12/22/97
I like the way Neo-Tech shows me what is really happening in
the world and in everyday living. After reading Neo-Tech, I can
usually tell if a person I am talking to is being honest or not.
I feel I am much more in touch with reality than I was before
I read Neo-Tech.

B.P.,, 5/27/98
I enjoy your site very much. I have just realized how my own
mental laziness has allowed me to be dominated. Mental exertion
will prevent neocheaters from draining me and my family and move
on the fast track to happiness and prosperity. Great work on this
Web Site!

E.S.,, 3/13/01
Neo-tech is the manifestation of the thoughts
of every sane
person's subconscious beliefs and desires. Everyone who does
not wholeheartedly
support it is either not being honest with themselves or
still a bicameral thinking Neanderthal. Soon, all will
either become immortal Zons or dust in the wind.

my creative productivity to become what I want.

J V,, 3/25/00
Absolutely outstanding information needed for
today's society!

s.o., ., 12/24/00
I have been reading Neo-tech God-Man. I find it
very interesting and enlightening. I read some of the positive and negative
comments about Neo-tech. I really pity those who are so brainwashed
and hateful towards beliefs that do not go along w/ their own. I
was raised Christian, but I totally rejected it yrs. ago. It
is very racist and sexist religion. The power we need is
within ourselves. Face
it people, there is no Jesus or any other being who is going
to come and take away all of the problems of the world. If
it is to be done, we humans will have to do it.

"I really like what is said here and think the 'neocheaters' most
definitely do damage society. I'd really like to know more!
Thanks for all your great work."
B.A.,, 3/18/97

J.T.,, 10/31/01
This is a most fascinating site... I sit enthralled for hours at a time,.

"I think what Neo-Tech basically does is to determine reality and
truth. The way of accomplishing a successful lifestyle by using
profound honesty is the best way ever (and the ONLY way to be
productive and to receive Neo-Tech values). All I can do is
re-state it: 'The most valuable site in cyberspace'. I am really
looking forward to a Neo-Tech oriented world like you described
it and I know that it is only a matter of time. All of us can do
something to make the world a better place, and what might be
more important: to improve our own life. And that is to be as
productive as you."
A.A.,, 1/11/97, Germany

f.e.,, 4/18/00
I certainly want to see this valuable
information stay on the web. I'm reading “The Story' and about miss Anabelle's
children. I'm fascinated! It seems I've been searching for this all my life. I want to be
involved in any way I can.

M.F.,, 5/4/00
I think this is a tremendous insight. This
story is very simple and straight forward. We often forget
about what makes us truly happy. We get so wrapped up as
adults into our day to day living that we miss the true
reason for living.

J.S.,, 7/17/99
Neo-Tech is he only hope for the world. The literature has
continually helped me evolve into the person I want to be.

Peggy M.,, 7/14/99
I've always known there had to be
a better way to live life, free of guilt and fear. I kept
looking, finally I have found it. I am
learning to think for myself and making my own decisions. I know
I have a long way to go, but now at least I will have the
needed help to get me there quicker.

"I am a Neo-Tech owner and the thoughts behind this system are
very useful. Anyone looking to make changes in their life, this
is a great way to start."
V.V.,, 2/11/97

H.V.,, 1/8/00, Canada
It offers a solution to the problems in the
world including poverty, injustice, disease.

Why should something so helpful (Neo-Tech) be taken away from those who
want to impact positive change within the world today?

T.T.,, 9/6/99
Some of the information could be quite deadly
in the minds of the evil.

I find this site a magnet!

I read the Neo-tech books 7 years ago and after 9/11/01 I saw the mysticism destruction
I was warned about come to fruition. Neo-cheaters will vanish by their own actions.

E. Wilborn,,
It is clear that Neo-Tech is shaking the very foundations of this "diseased
mystical-oriented" world of ours.

R.M.,, 4/27/01, South Africa
Nutrition to my mind.

S.B.,, 9/17/01
The terrorists have thrown down the gauntlet. Humanity is at a crossroads; we can either move forward with fully integrated honesty, or we can sink into
another 'dark age' and perish. Now more than ever, Neo-Tech MUST remain on the web to bring its alues to as many people as possible. THIS MAY BE OUR ONLY

"I like to read comments from other neo-tech owners."
G.M.,, 2/12/97, Australia


F.H.,, 9/7/00
Keep up the good work and bring all
clear-thinking people to
the realization of the true reality.

D.B.,, 4/12/97
Neo-Tech is on the cusp of a revolution. I now know something is
tragically wrong in the universe.

B.I.,, United Kingdom.
If neo-tech is to be successful in re-educating the world populace for
the good of mankind, then the importance of retaining Neo-tech on the
web cannot be over-emphasize.

p.c.,, 6/21/00
Excellent information for all aspect of life

"I think what you have to say on this site is...
J.G.,, 4/3/97, United Kingdom

R.G.,, 2/5/97
The best site on the entire information highway. Let there be

E.J.,, 6/22/98
I like the site because I can get the latest Neo-Tech information
in one convenient location. Those who would like it taken down
are so trapped in their own web of deception that they cannot
realize the usefulness of this information.

"Neo-Tech has helped me gain valuable advantages over the
mindless mystics and dangerous parasites that exist in
government, religion and business. I keep coming back for more.
Philosophically centered in an off-centered world!"
L.L.,, 4/12/97

I.I.,, 5/31/99
At last! The answer that I always knew was out there.

J.C.,, 1/8/98
The war is between the anticivilization and the civilization
of the universe. The anticivilization can not hide and Neo-Tech cannot be

R.P.,, 3/3/99
Well what can I say, Mr. Wallace you are the man, I use to be
a firm believer in God, because I was born into the
religion. But I always thought that there had to be a better
reason of how we evolved into intelligent human beings.
Thanks to Neo-Tech every human being can find their
own happiness without feeling guilty or have to sacrifice
their own life in order to get something in return. The only
sorrow I feel is
that I did not finding out about Neo-Tech sooner. And
for you Neocheaters, your time of ruling
over others has come to an end. Because weather you want to
see it or not, you are all going to go out of Business.
Sincerely, an honest young conscious man.

D.D.,, UK
The more people that find out about
the real truth about the governments,
the sooner they will be forced to provide real benefits for
the public. Most people know that politicians are dishonest cheats
and liars, but when put on the spot, will still defend them.

P.J.,, 3/27/01
I think Neo-Tech should FOREVER remain on the
internet as long
as god keeps putting people on this Earth solely to suffer.

"Of course this site should least until the
dishonesty disease/epidemic is cured worldwide."
R.K.,, 2/4/97

Mike,, 7/27/02
Please keep neo-tech on the web. Without the stance that neo-tech gives the everyday person, and the geniuses of this world, our world will fall into the
hands of the parasitical elites who work so hard to protect their lazy and dishonest lives.

B.S.,, 12/12/00, United KIngdom
The work that has gone into
that publication is amazing and a credit to all involved .

Linda B.,, 5/15/99
I have been struggling with bad thought
jealousy for years and it is destroying my current love
relationship. Never before have I read anything that came
close to describing the struggle I have been facing. I am
embracing this new thought process you have explained to me,
and I hope it is the cure for my disease. If I don't find
one, I will never be able to have a healthy, loving

b.s.,, 10/14/00
This is the best information any person can
get. If you follow
it completely it really works!! Every time that I stray
go hay wire.

I am still assimilating the truths found in the Book. I am not yet God, but am
on my way to the universe.

S.P.,, 8/27/97
"In the year in which I have been surfing the web, I have never, and I mean
never come across anything like this before. I must say that I am blown away
by the presentation and huge content of this site."

D.E.,, Canada
Your Neo Tech web pages are as a diamond and golden breath of
fresh air and truth, surrounded by the horrid blobs and stenches of the millions
of useless and demeaning web pages on the web. Some of the words in your
pages are the emperor's words. Your cl ean honesty is refreshing at the least.

D.A.,, 1/8/97, Canada
This web site is full of information which can be used and applied.
This site is more than just a place to visit on the web. IT IS A PLACE TO LEARN

E.A.,, 2/20/00
My perception has drastically changed since
I have been reading. Intellectually neothink has challenged me
in every way I feel and think, now I am finally starting to come
to grips with it. Mysticism had a very strong hold on me to the
point in which it gave me headaches. But now I have to say thank
you for setting me free from this mental prison which I thought
was my own doing.

T.C., OH.US,
I absolutely LOVE NEO-TECH!. It has unclogged my brain, I am now
free of 90% of mysticism.

,, 7/18/00
The Neo-Tech concepts have completely turned my
world upside down. Never will I see things in the same light, again. It's
like I have a tool I can use to discern what is really
happening in the world today, and might potentially happen to it in
the future. It would be a crime against my own individual self
NOT to use the concepts to further my progression and advance my
benefits. THANK YOU

R.J.,, 1/18/02
Thanks to NEO-TECH for doing the best and greatest Job for mankind ever done. There is no turning back, Neo-Tech forever!!! Thanks for being my friend to all
Neo-Tech writers & Owners where ever you are, C.O.U. Here we come!

E.C.,, 5/10/97, Chile
You have awakened my curiosity and I would like to know more about

"The search engine is a great tool to quickly access this
valuable information. This is an excellent site."
M.S.,, 3/19/97

I am highly motivated and excited beyond words to initiate
or help initiate some paradigm ultimately leading to the C
of U. It is so obvious, but the masses need to see a
tangible reality to integrate it. The Story must be
initiated. I am a combination of Jake, Ian, and Theodore
(and a little Rico). A relationship-builder, spokesperson,
physicist/scientist, and puzzle-builder.

"I find this information very interesting and thought provoking.
I have found many of my own thoughts and feelings reflected in
your pages."
B.L.,, 2/18/97

"Absolutely fabulous!"
M.F.,, 1/23/97, Singapore

L.L.,, 7/14/98
Neo-Tech is reality slapping you in the face! A new way to
take control of your life by rejecting society's influences.

B. S.

T.K.,, 2/22/97, Egypt
A very cool site.

M.H.,, 10/18/02
We must grow Neo-Tech ever larger so the reality/truth based information can spread throughout our planet. The computer age is an ally of Neo-Tech. I inform
many people of this site. Like me, they are looking for the framework of truth and find it here.

J.E.,, 3/3/98
Excellent web page! I spend a half hour all most every
day rereading the 114 concepts. Thank you for posting these writings on
the web.

Hi. I'm a 17-year-old high school student. I've been studying Neo-Tech
and objectivism for a while now, and I've learned far more about life and
the reality of the world, things I'll need for real life, than I could
ever learn in the public school environment (of course). Recently, I've
really been noticing just how much the anti-civilization is prevalent in
the school system. I speak out against it in class and look forward to
doing so throughout my life. Also, thanks to my objective views about love,
I've been in a wonderful relationship with a girl I introduced to Neo-Tech
for the past year. I couldn't even imagine thinking any way besides logically
and objectively now. It feels like suddenly having blinders taken off and
being able to see the real world as it actually is.

Kari O.,, 1/21/00
I find it powerful, overwhelmingly refreshing,
and wonderfully intriguing. It has already impacted my
thought life, and has given me an excitement for living I
haven't had.

G.S.,, 7/29/99
I am half-way through 'THE BOOK' and I feel
more powerful than I ever have.

I think this site is absolutely wonderful. It is very true and can help
people understand things in every aspect of life and the universe, if
those people are willing to be honest with themselves.

R. L. Howard,, 8/18/97
"Great web site."

G.O.,, 5/11/99
There are no words to express how wonderful this site is.

James Stauffer,,
As a long time owner of neo-tech's values and belief structure
it holds true .... there is no other system out there that holds true...
period the work they have done is fundementaly proven to work period.

R.O.,, 11/26/97
Neo-Tech has changed
my life. I have developed a bull detector and it is mind boggling
the amount of garbage is spewed out from various sources on a
daily basis. Anybody who wishes to live life to its fullest needs
to read Neo-Tech and be active minded instead of open minded.

A.A.,, 5/1/02
I am very thankful and humbled by your great company. At times, in absorbing this great information I found myself having to take a break to take it all in.
The website allows those following and integrating Neo-Tech to stay up to date on what is going on
from an HONEST and OBJECTIVE view based on reality not perceptions. Again, Thank You! PS- Even as a child I didn't feel right about attending worship
services and religious functions. I finally understand why? Its unnatural. There is no Higher Authority!

Awakening of knowledge is a blessing.

J.G.,, 10/18/99
It's unbelievable how Neo-Tech enabled me to
see the light. The best material in
print for helping oneself to become strong and independent

K.N.,, 2/25/01
I believe the information on this site to be
absolute answer for today's anti-civilization problem.

C.I.,, 7/30/00, United Kingdom
Imagine every person's favorite website
on the Internet. Now, imagine that ALL of those websites
to one building block, one block of stone. The Neo-Tech site

Anon.,, 3/13/98
Cool site dudes

"It makes sense. I feel like I walked into a dark room and found
the light switch. Thanks tons."
D.B.,, 12/27/96

C.H.,, United Kingdom
Over the last few months a feeling of calm has come over me like I have never
experienced... It is a kind of natural high rather like the feeling I have
whenever I read the Long Wave Article. But this is different, my heart feels
permanently uplifted. I j ust seem to feel happy virtually all of the time.
I think it comes from now knowing that I can succeed. I am also starting to
see puzzle pieces around me that direct me to believe that the anti-civilization
is finally crumbling. I think about biological i mmortality a lot these days....
I have also found if I have a problem that needs to be resolved in the past
I would struggle to resolve it, but, now I seem to be able to focus almost
effortlessly on any problem and resolve it. Despite those November 11 te rrorist
monsters I have no fear maybe I should, but I am to rapped up in my own value
production to think about anything else. Maybe I am not physically in a new
civilization yet... But, psychologically I feel like I am, at least some of
the time.

"I am eager to study this so I can achieve integrated honesty."
A.B.,, 2/24/97

M.K.,, 2/5/00
Cutting to the chase, the western world needs
a Neo-Tech enema.

J.C.,, 1/8/98
The war is between the anticivilization and the civilization
of the universe. The anticivilization can not hide and Neo-Tech cannot be

"This site is the best. I am glad I found it and shall return
often. I do agree that mystics are a great source of evil, and I
think sites like this are needed to combat religious thinking.
Neo-Tech needs to grow, it needs massive distribution, it needs
to make a bible of it's own. If enough people hear of this, it
might snuff out mystics permanently, so that we can usher in a
new era. Science and futuristic idea's need to grow. I am a
college student studying genetic engineering, and I have made it
my life goal to pursue biological immortality through human
cloning and genetic manipulation. I would really like to thank
the creator of Neo-Tech, and I hope it's values will soon be
embraced by everyone."
S.N.,, 3/19/97, Canada

J.K.,, 5/14/98, Australia
Good Site, Excellent Information...

J.L.,, 9/15/99
I go to your site as often as I can to glean new knowledge
And insight. I think that is the most
important movement in the world to reverse the trend toward
socialism, totalitarianism.

Neo-tech is absolutely essential information that completely changed my life
and outlook. Thank you !

I am very appreciative for the information. It
has a improved my outlook
and attitude in many areas of my life.

S.K.,, 5/10/98, Bahrain
I find the text written here empowering, in
terms of thinking for one's self and being aware of some of the elements
in society who try to consistently usurp our natural powers.

A.K.,, 9/2/00
It is good to know that there is a global effort to transform this planet we all live on.

J.S.,, 1/20/97
Thoughtful and scholarly... I'm glad to see more people recognizing
the dangers of blind faith and religion.

G.C.,, 7/6/97
"Most fascinating site I have ever read."

J.C.,, 1/21/01, U.S.
Neo-Tech is a source of knowledge for select
individuals who strive for a better life versus letting
negative people affect them. So learn to open up your eyes
and see past the negative people and let the magic work its
way with you.

M.W.,, 3/3/98, Canada
Neo-Tech rules!

M.J.,, 10/10/97
"I have reviewed the information on this site numerous times. I believe that
there is benefit in the thoughts and ideals that are brought forth for

J.H.,, 3/21/00
I have recently been reading the Book and I can honestly say
it has already brought joy to my life. The thing is that I'm
not even a quarter of the way through yet. Keep up the good
work and keep producing values for people.

w.c.,, 11/10/00
I wish I had this info earlier in my life, I
would have been alot
further in life. With Neo-Tech I'll make my life better,



D.I.,, 2/17/98
'Outcompete' really pushed me over the edge into business
for myself. I'm looking forward to advancing fully integrated honesty
over the web via my record company web page soon to come. I have gone
from being an unhappy mystical life, to a goal oriented happy life. To all those
bash Neo-Tech: you are protecting your investment in your own
are most likely rushing to judgment out of fear...the words
fully integrated honesty are to embraced, not feared. Long live

N.W.,, 11/30/97, England
Certainly opened my eyes to areas of life I never
knew existed. Keep up the excellent work and get rid of government

T.S.,, 11/28/98
The very identification of Neo-Cheating, (theism, politics of
envy, guilt advocates, scarcity advocates, end-of-the-world
proponents, and others), makes it possible to move beyond
their nonsense and experience a new universe of previously unimagined
prosperity, health, wisdom, and happiness with Neo-Tech.

G.B.,, 11/28/97
We desperately need your message. I hope every person on earth
gets the chance to hear it.

Chris,, Canada
I've been dangerously close for a while now to falling into
a mystically-based self-contained world of hallucinations and delusions.
Thank you for opening my eyes, clearing my head, and letting me face the
reality in front of me that I always knew was the re.

M.G.,, 1/10/01
I bought the book on just what the small
told me. True, I had major second thoughts about buying it,
I wanted to try it. It is now two months later and I have
through THE STORY (MAKE IT A MOVIE, MAN!!!) and over half
of the rest. When I began reading THE STORY, I was trying to

B.C.,, 12/16/96
Sounds interesting.

L.B.,, 5/5/01
I like the honest truth that you have
displayed, and wish everyone had the ability to understand the principals.

D.B.,, 10/22/00
You have opened my eyes, I
have become a freethinking knowledge seeker thanks to
neo-tech. Neo-tech has changed my views on many issues for
the better, has enabled me to integrate knowledge in a much
way, and finally in my life I feel complete and honest. I
it is essential for all to be introduced to these concepts
they are ready because they will help promote a better
between all individuals. This current spread of higher
is taking place noticeably all across the internet with its
technology, people from all walks of life are sharing their
with each other, and the weaknesses of our current way of
are slowly being exposed. Your site is wonderful, and can
help promote a better way of life. Thank you for all you

I am completely blown away by how easily you have debunked the religious myths
that I have had to live with all my life. I was raised as a Roman Catholic and
I have known that something was wrong with religion since I was 13 years old
when I stopped going to Mass and did not suffer any adverse consequences that
all my religious leaders said I would. Thank you for making thing so clear.

A.D.,, 10/31/00, Canada
I must say, though, it is very well written;
concise, thought provoking and insightful.

M.B.,, 4/19/97
What an abundance of truly helpful

M.M.,, Canada
Finally, The truth has be laid out for all to see. In exchange for a few
minutes of reading, this article gives everyone the knowledge so sadly missing
in the education systems of the western world. How is it possible that people
could be so misled and repressed from free thinking? What a freeing experience
to allow oneself to be selfish. A Hero. thanks to all involved for sharing
the truth.

"Cyberspace (i.e. the Internet/web) is the best place to offer
this type of information."
S.B.,, 3/5/97

R.L.,, 1/2/98
Your site is fantastic.

V.W.,, 7/3/00

neo-tech will stay on the internet, because the voice of honesty... goodness
and values and business and good health and a better life is irresistible.
who wouldn't want to become wealthy by being the person that they were meant
to be?

I feel Neo-tech is the best information source on how to live
life. It's an aid, a motivation, and a great tool. I try to spread the word
to my friends.

J.H.,, 3/21/98
This Neo-Tech web site is the 'bible' of my life! It must
Absolutely remain as a dynamic catalyst to accelerate the eradication of
those parasitic elites and dishonest value destroyers! Thank
you very much, Dr. Frank R. Wallace, for your continuing monumental
efforts and courageous deeds toward the emasculation of this
anticivilization. My vote is still for Mark Hamilton for President!

P.A.,, 6/10/02, AUSTRALIA
Your way of seeing things and living is so empowering. Finally, someone who cares about the spirit of the individual and their right to live how they choose
to. Keep up the inspiring and life affirming work.

M.M.,, 4/10/00, New Zealand
I am keen to buy more material, so you'll make money and be able to continue your work.

Rufus W,, 2/6/02
This is the best story I have ever read. Thank You, Rufus, age73.

C.B., HUGHES.COM, united kingdom

S.S.,, 6/8/97, Indonesia
It is a nice and helpful web site.

V.J.,, 7/21/97
"HEY!!! a picture of Frank Wallace I assume. Boy was I thrilled
when I saw that picture. Now thats a man!!!! Thats what I want to
look like. That definitely is an inspiration, that gives NT
another boost for me."

C.W.,, 6/23/97, Monaco
I am very enthusiastic about what you guys are trying to achieve.
I would like to complement you on an excellent Web Site and
your efforts to bring about the Prosperity Revolution.

Neo--Tech is the only thing that makes sense in this world

N.B.,, 9/28/01, Australia
Neo tech has helped me to get in touch with the child in me again by giving the confidence to me to ask the question why.

T.S.,, 11/22/97
Neo-Tech breaks through dead-end mysticism and reveals an
success formula.

"Very interesting information , keep it up."
S.M.,, 6/7/97, South Africa

R.T.,, 10/17/99
Great insights with awesome transforming power!
My life has turned into a series of excitingly new
challenges and opportunities.
Let us all become Zons!

R.B.,, 9/30/01, Mauritius
I wish I could enlist myself in your team for the FRW Battle Plan. I would give
my life for freedom, business, peace & romantic love.

E.S.,, 12/2/02, U.S.A
I love the Book it open my eyes 100 %.

Neo-Tech knowledge is something the
whole world needs.

H.O.,, 3/12/98
Interesting facts, wonder if I'll ever find the guts to
apply to my personal life.


G.R.,, 2/29/00
"The Story" literally blew me away. It is your best work to
date. It is going to take something like this to elect a
Neo-Tech president. You are going to need a Neo-Tech
oriented media chain and talk show hosts to
counter the liberal media. "The Story" reminds me of "The
Harrad Experiment" that novel advocated a small group to
reform society. Unfortunately it called for the use of
government to achieve desired results. Keep up the great
work. Together we can free this country from the politicians
and other neocheaters. Neo-Tech publishing has helped me to
see the fraudulent nature of most forms of media, talk show
hosts like Rush Limbaugh, Dr. Laura, etc..
Your website gets better every week. It is a shame the
author of “No More Lies' is no longer with us. Nowhere have
I read such a clear explanation of Enlightenment. Your books
are getting better every year. Give my deepest regards to
Dr. Wallace. His Neo-Tech discovery book should be
recommended reading for everyone. Just watching the news on
tv, reading newspapers really reveals how much of a topsy
turvy world we live in. I really enjoy reading the positive
and negative comments on your website. The contrast between
them is simply amazing. You can really tell who should be
reading Neo-Tech and are losing out by not doing so.

"Your site has to be the most informational packed site I have
ever ran across over the web. The wealth of eye opening reading
kept me for hours, I forgot about what I was researching and read
from one section to another. I appreciate your great works and
continue with what you have started."
J.C.,, 5/1/97

P.H.,, 6/2/97, Australia
What a brilliant idea the Internet is! It has become the perfect
distributor for worldwide Neo-Tech knowledge. Producers of values may unite
from anywhere to everywhere on our earth. LOVE IT!!!

I.C.,, 5/31/97, Pakistan
I'm very very impressed by ZON POWER and NEO-TECH.

M.B.,, 7/29/99, Brazil
Dear Emma, do not let the site vanish, it is

"Congratulations on your discoveries--I am excited about learning
more about your concepts and look forward to becoming an
efficient value-producer as opposed to a pawn in the destructive
collective consciousness which permeates our individual psyches."
J.S.,, 4/28/97

J.C.,, 4/12/99, England
I Feel people in general do not really know where they are
going in life never mind how to get there! They need some
positive guidance and the realization of how to follow one's dreams
and expectations and then the Know-how to be able to realize
those dreams and ambitions. Neo-Tech helps people along the
way with simple and concise methods and instructions. A lay
man's bible to the lost world of happiness and wealth. The story
needs to be told and you seem to be able to enlighten us.

I am a proud owner of several Neo-Tech Books. My life is changed by the Neo-Tech
knowledge I ingested from these works.

"I am very enthusiastic about what you guys are trying to achieve.
I would like to complement you on an excellent Web Site and would
like to see more regular updates on your site. Please do not
hesitate to contact me if I can be of any assistance in Europe in
your efforts to bring about the Prosperity Revolution."
C.W.,, 6/23/97, Monaco

"This web site was intriguing and I am looking forward to trying
out your system."
P.E.,, 1/21/97


"I find your Neo -Tech /Zon Power amazing."
I.C.,, 5/30/97, Pakistan

M.O,, 8/1/97
"I cried when I read it. I will never feel guilty again. I have regained the
innocence that was taken from me when, at age 5, I entered the local
'concentration campus for mind destruction.' Thank you Neo-Tech for healing
my mind. I am very grateful."

one place. Thank you!

J.G.,, 6/9/00, United Kingdom

"Excellent. Not filled with time consuming graphics and an
invaluable bookmark to anyone seeking happiness."
R.S.,, 12/24/96, Australia

A.A.,, 2/6/01
I read Mark Hamilton's 'The Story.'
It's beautifully written. I was smiling one moment and
choking on my tears the next - all through the novel. And it
elucidated libertarian ideas beautifully. The concept of Zon and
God-Man actually makes sense - a very logical conclusion about the
direction a true free-market economy would take. Of course we'll all
be immortal if the medical field is allowed to innovate
unfettered by the government. It hurts me to realize that the
government is killing my grandparents as I type this. :( So. Keep this

B.W.,, 1/6/97
The first site that has kept me reading the text. Very thought

K.A.,, 10/11/97
"Truth and honesty for all and to all."

I must say that this book hit me right where I needed it.

Kelly W.,, 4/28/98
I really like all of your material.

,, 1/5/02

G.S.,, 9/11/97,
"I think you should include more negative comments if there are any. It
seems like they make a good comedy section, for laughing them out of

Sharona,, 7/26/00
I love this site.

T.B.,, 1/21/98
Neo-Tech has certainly changed my life and my thinking. Integrated
honesty is the only way to live. For the first time one truly
grasps the feeling of living and what life is truly like and
how truly more wonderful it will surely be when the planet earth
is The Civilization of the Universe. Zon Forever and long live humanity.

J.I.,, 2/6/01, Malaysia
I find the whole literature inspiring.

L.R.,, 3/25/97
I did a search for integrity + honesty + value + commitment +
persistence and found this site. It has to be a good thing!

S.N.,, 3/19/97, Canada
This site is the best. I am glad I found it and shall return often. I
do agree that mystics are a great source of evil, and I think sites like this
are needed to combat religious thinking. Neo-Tech needs to grow, it needs
massive distribution, it needs to make a bible of it's own. If enough people
hear of this, it might snuff out mystics permanently, so that we can usher in a
new era. Science and futuristic idea's need to grow. I am a college student
studying genetic engineering, and I have made it my life goal to pursue
biological immortality through human cloning and genetic manipulation. I would
really like to thank the creator of Neo-Tech, and I hope it's values will soon
be embraced by everyone.

"NT is the only antidote to the worlds poisons. I want the
universe to be completely free of criminal machinations."
R.M.,, 3/9/97

My mind is moving about 300% faster. I have so many new ideas
that I'm not sure where to start. Neo-Tech is completely mind blowing.
YOU were created with a mind of your OWN, to make YOUR OWN decisions, to
create YOUR OWN future. Use it. Neothink. I love it. Creating and producing
honest values for yourself and society. How much easier can it get. That's
all it takes to be happy? Honest values. Don't let the anticivilization
steal any more of your precious power. Join us in the Civilization of the
Universe. Don't wait another moment. We need to move forward in positive
growth as quickly as possible so we can save our loved ones and ourselves.
Feel the power of true love. Feel the power of true happiness. If you don't
know already, its time to find out.

J.G.,, 2/18/97
I received great values and insights.

"I want to order Neo-Tech books and materials but I couldn't find
your catalogue or list of products with the prices on your site.
I was looking all over your site but I just couldn't find it."
D.D.,, 2/8/97, Cyprus


T.F.,, 8/20/97
This is the greatest site on the web. It will change and
sustain every aspect of cyberspace and the world!

A.C.,, 10/21/99
Neo-Tech provides a promise for a amazing and wonderful world
where the individual has limitless control of his/her future.
The human mind being used to it's full potential in a positive
and productive way will open the mysteries of the universe
and our creator. The Neo-Tech future affords mankind the
opportunity to uncover the nature of who we are and
expand our goodness through the universe.

A.T.,, 10/29/98
I am new at this. I grew up in a catholic
school so you can Imagine my inner conflicts.
With Neo-tech it's like the floodgates of my mind opened. I
have a long way to go to get rid of
all the mysticism that I have, but thank you for writing a
book that I can use to fight it with.

P.S.,, 3/19/02
I have been reading and living Neo-Tech since 1995. Neo-Tech has helped me and my wife to raise two remarkable sons. With all that said, I have never been
more excited than after reading The Story. I have my wife and sons reading it now. I introduced it
to my mother who is introducing it to several of her friends and so on. I can now for the first time see clearly how Neo-Tech will spread. It will be
unstoppable now. I am confident for the first time that we will all live forever. I can't thank you enough.

"I am very impressed."
J.E.,, 4/24/97

Very interesting reading. You'd only be offended if you don't open your mind.
Mature reading, not to be taken lightly.


H.S.,, 12/20/97, United Kingdom
Your web site and its information is simply awesome. It was
A zillion thanks for the brilliant effort you have put in over
the years.

G.A.,, 2/26/97
I am really interested by your
comments on living like a millionaire by the year 2001.

best book in my opinion.

living well!

B.C.,, 10/19/99
Best thing I have ever read. It's changing my life.

B.M.,, 4/18/01
We all need to make sure Frank R. Wallace
becomes the next President in 2004. P.S. Everyone that is
'hating' and saying bad things about Neo-Tech will soon believe as
the anticivilization and mysticism is soon dying away.

R.C.,, 8/24/98
The site offers an incredible volume of self-improving information
I have ever seen anywhere on the NET. Highly Educational.

M.H.,, 5/6/98
Very enlightening and I am looking
forward to putting Neo-Tech into action. Thank you for all the wonderful

M.D.,, 3/16/00
I love what I read so far in 'The Story'. This
story can be understood by those who are New to Neo-tech. It
also connects emotionally with the reader.

Tim,, U.S.
Neo-tech hit the nail on the head and spilled the cosmic beans.
Neo-tech kicked me in the face, shattered my illusionary reality into hundreds
of pieces, and handed them to me on a platter, giving me the choice to throw
them away. The Anti-people used to chase me around, now I stomp them.

exactly what happened to me, that nearly killed me, before
saved me. I rationalized destructive actions through
and delusional mysticisms. I wish every one would read this
front to back, I feel like a kid on christmas morning every
I come here!

B.H.,, 8/8/97
"Neo-Tech is definitely real! Neo-Tech makes you think and realize that we
do live in a world full of liars, cheaters, hypocrites, thieves, and
ignorance! Neo-Tech tells the logical and precise advantages to successfully
taking control of your life without the headaches and heartbreaks of the
neo-cheaters! We can all learn something better to improve one's future!
Keep Neo-Tech alive and we will all live happier!"

E.B., .,
I absolutely think 'Neo-Tech' should stay on the web. For it was instrumental
in bringing me out of the illusionary and drug-like world of religion (in
my case, evangelical Protestantism). At first I actually detested and was
afraid of NT and the website. But I kept coming back, almost hypnotically
and out of curiosity. The turning point for me, after perusing the website
for a couple of months, came when I read The Story. After devouring that,
I was so emotionally stirred and intellectually stimulated that I began to
seriously embrace NT and doubt all religions including my own. In fact, before
being exposed to NT I was an amateur Bible scholar, historian, theologian
and was planning to be become a professional theologian/pastor. Due to my
enlightenment via NT, I realized that theology is just a philosophical rationalization
of religion, disconnected from reality. Thank you!

E.S.,, 12/2/02, U.S.A
I love the Book it open my eyes 100 %.

D.K.,, 10/24/97, Canada
"Neo-Tech is so different from other points of view, it
stimulates thinking. One may not agree with what is
being presented or may be shocked or outraged, but that
kind of challenge is necessary."

C.B.,, 6/1/97
I can only believe that sites such as yours will pave the way for the
development of a new world that is not so filled with ignorance and hidden

R.K.,, 7/2/02, Malaysia
This is too good to be true. And it is real.

Barbara R.,, 9/29/99, Canada
Since I have been introduced to the precepts
and concepts of Neo Tech, I see things with more clarity than
ever before. I know that as I progress in my character development,
as I automatically use DTC in all that I say and all that I do,
as I continue to grow with totally integrated honesty I will
better my life and, by extension, those who share in my life.
Since I have been introduced to N/T, I have also discovered what
I consider to be the big 'payoff'; I have found a psychuous,
loving relationship. Imagine my wonder when this turned out to
be my best friend. Imagine my delight to find a Neo-Tech Husband
in a world populated by mystical neocheaters. Thank you to all
who dedicated the time and effort that it took to bring this
concept to the rest of us. Please send me the most recent
literature on love and relationships;
I would like to be a better N/T wife for my new husband, and
I know that the only way to do this is with the help that
Neo-Tech can provide.

"I learn a lot every time I click into this site."
J.C.,, 3/9/97

Doreen E.,, 8/13/98
Your site provides a great advantage.
'Honesty' is a rare commodity. Please stay on the
Web. and....Thank you for being here.

T.W.,, 1/19/00
Neo-Tech book was an invaluable tool in
bettering my life and helping me to see reality and act
accordingly. It really works, it truly changed me forever
for the better and I will never go back to what you call

B.A.,, 1/9/97
The stuff I've read already is incredible. The footnote concerning
social security is already happening as we speak. This is great. This is great

R.J.,, 10/19/97
All this scares me, but I truly like what I have been reading
and I need more!!! How can any of this be harmful to man when
it is for the good of man?

A.S.,, 4/22/97
I believe Neo-Tech is very educational and will do
a lot of good for generations to come.

C.F.,, 12/16/01
I would like more people to use Neo-Tech. Acting in the ways of Neo-Tech. The true Neo-Tech people will succeed

K.G.,, 3/1/98, Australia
Great site especially after you read Julian Jaynes.

P.W.,, 1/2/98, New Zealand
Great to find another excellent site devoted to the power and
freedom of the individual, and one that at first glance builds
on from the philosophy of the greatest philosopher of all, Ayn
Rand, while attacking the Objectivist cultists. Keep up the good work.

D.M.,, 4/1/97
Neo-Tech provides a much needed approach to life. Instead of people
thinking that someone or some government will care for them, Neo-Tech teaches
about being self sufficient.

The brilliance of the articles is quite

Carlie.G.,, 6/6/97
By finding this site, I have found a new insight to a lot of
different subjects.

C.H.,, United Kingdom
I love Neo-Tech literature... it holds so many great values
and has so many great values to offer everybody... What is amazing to me
is that I have reached a level of integration that has bought me to the realization
that my success is now inevitable. I n ow know exactly the steps I need to
take to succeed... this is because I have found my 'Friday night essence'.
Once you find your essence, success is inevitable. Not only do I now know
the steps... but, I am now taking them every day. The clarity of what I have
to do every day to succeed is so clear that it staggers me. What I love about
Neo-Tech is its ever evolving nature, despite now focusing on my business
I am always drawn back to the Neo-Tech web site because I feel as I integrate
its new concepts, I further evolve. Neo-Tech should stay on the web because
it gives people what they really need... not hope, or faith but mind cleansing

"Very informative site."
O.H.,, 6/21/97, Netherlands

M.M.,, 1/13/02
Now I can SEE Reality!

"Just checking out your web site. It's awesome."
G.W.,, 3/10/97

"Thanks to the net and your site, I regularly log in to catch up
and stay in contact."
R.E.,, 2/14/97, Australia

N.B.,, 3/11/00
Finally, I'm done reading “The Story'. What a
wonderful book of science-fiction. I must admit it's better
than “The Matrix'. Reading “The Story' allow me to see the
big picture of the Neo-World.
At first, it wasn't easy for me to 'swallow' the story
because I was trying to read it with my left brain(the same
way I would read “The Neo-Tech Discovery' or “Think and Grow
Rich'). After a few weeks of break, I realized I had to
approach this book with the same state of mind I would use
to read “Star Wars' or “The Apocalypse'.
This book is made for the movies (I wouldn't mind writing
the script, Mark). My conclusion: This is the most positive
prediction of the future I've ever read.

PC,, 9/18/01, australia
With Neo-Tech I am supremely confident about my future in this world. A world governed by Neo-Tech principles is my and the worlds best chance of creating
prosperity for everyone. The Neo-Tech beacon must remain with all of us to ensure unlimited riches.

Anon.,, 5/19/98
Very helpful. It has
the ability to solve many problems. Thank you.

W.J., , 5/7/01, uk
Dear Neo-Tech Your works are a necessity in
any persons life
to progress and have a fuller and happier life with eyes
wide open. You MUST stay on the web. I am a better person because
of the things I have learned from The Book.

r.s.,, 5/6/02, canada
The more people that know about Neo-Tech, makes the world a better place to live!

G.L.,, 7/8/00
This site is very informative. This is
information that I have
been looking for all my life. I knew that I was stuck in a
nonthinking rut.
I knew that the Government was trying to take over
our lives, and this site has validated that thinking. We are
all meant to be young, rich,
happy, and successful people. Thank-you for a wonderful web

"Thank you very much for the information that has helped me
identify individuals in my life that have been neocheating me out
of just about everything. Now I have some form of defense and can
start to enjoy my life."
S.H.,, 3/8/97

S.S.,, 3/18/00, England
Dear Sir, at even a most cursory glance this
literature is both
challenging and inspiring. For a great while I have been
for a way to break free from the seemingly unavoidable bonds
and I am greatly minded that this is that very way.

I'm interested in immortality. I always thought that if we Could find out
what caused the accelerated aging disease that we would be able to dramatically
extend life if not making it last forever.

Anon.,, 3/31/98

M.A.,, 2/3/00
This is, by far the most powerful and enlightening concepts
ever brought forth. All my life I felt that something was not
quite right with the ways 'civilization' behaves. Having read
Neo-Tech Discovery, along with many of Neo-Tech's other publications,
I am thrilled and invigorated about life and all the wonderful
possibilities that can be achieved through hard work and
integrated thinking. I find it interesting that upon
review of the negative comments, most sound very scared--not
of the principles of Neo-Tech but of themselves from breaking
away from the grips of mysticism, religion and government control.

"Neo-Tech sounds great."
A.A.,, 4/29/97

J.H.,, 7/31/97
"It is very important that Neo-Tech has this web because it gives access to
the most important information yet published on the net, and it is of
benefit to all producers/ lovers of life. I now have a virtual library of
online Neo-Tech life-transforming information at my fingertips. Thank you
ever so much."

D.K.,, 6/14/98
Your thoughts of reality are extremely interesting.
Thank You for your involvement in the progression of humanity.

J.M.,, 4/5/98
With neo-tech you can achieve anything. I now have total
peace of mind.

M.R.,, 10/21/98
I recently purchased the neo tech manual(thick black book) and
I was wondering if everything that is on this web site is
contained in the manual.

C.C.,, 9/22/97
"To all you critics of this site, before you judge you should judge
yourself. You have to ask yourself, do I really understand this information
being given to me (free I might add)? Am I really being brainwashed by the
parasites of society? Am I so far gone that I don't even see the truth right
in front of me? Like it or not changes are taking place, wether you
understand why or not they are still going to take place. Don't you want to
be part of it? Look at the world around you as you read each part of this
site, and realize that its time to retool your brain for the future 'THE

L.S.,, 8/7/02
I can't stop reading this BOOK.

"Very interesting, indeed. There are many useful tidbits of
information. Keep them coming."
B.C.,, 1/26/97

G.O.,, 8/3/00
There is no future without Neo-Tech. It is the
only way to have access to valid knowledge. Also the only way to biological
immortality, wealth and happiness. Ever since I was a small child, I sensed
there was something wrong with the world; after so many years I found
my answer in Neo-Tech

Avajo G,, 2/3/02
I've only read 3 chapters and already your story has moved me more than any other story I've read. Its a good read and I learn some things as well. You've
always been my favorite Neo-Tech author. Dr. Wallace is ok but I don't always understand his stuff.
Eric Savage is ok too, but it doesn't really move me emotionally like your writings. I don't always mean in a good way. Sometimes you piss me off and
sometimes you sadden me and at times I resent you for making me see through the pretty illusions woven by
'them'. Sometimes I wish I didn't know anything and lived in a state of blissful ignorance. But I love you. you have probably saved my life. I still have a
long way to go on my path to rational thinking but I know that when I finally make the jump I wont
even miss the old ways. That's all I have to say for now my friend.

R.M.,, 4/27/01, South Africa
Nutrition to my mind.

M.R.,, pre-12/8/96
I think your concepts will change the world. For the Good!!!!

S.K.,, 7/10/97
"I am almost 21, thanks to Neo-Tech and the support of my father
for Neo-Tech, everything about life is becoming crystal clear.
Keep up the good work..."

Anon.,, 7/10/98
Articles as these MUST remain in
the public domain to elevate the consciousness of it's people,
please keep our right to freedom of speech alive, or WE all will
be burned at the stake of sacrifice, to uphold deceit. Thank You

J.C.,, 12/6/01
Neo-tech is the best thing to happen to this ailing world. I will welcome the changes with open arms.

T.S.,, 9/13/99, England
Excellent site

S., 3/13/03, UK
These are the most truly valid concepts that exist in this universe of