
Your Rendezvous with Pax Neo-Tech
13,000 Comments 13,000 Comments

Pure Beauty Rising
C'est Si Bon

Neo-Tech Letter Testimonials!

Feedback Comments From Jan 1997-May 2003

Below, 500 Random Testimonials From 1997-2003
Continue refreshing to see countless more Neo-Tech Testimonials... over 20,000 testimonials!

A.A.,, 5/31/97
Neo-Tech is the only true serum that eliminates cerebral stagnation.
Its power releases the individual to think happily and to create value for

NeoTech is mankind's only hope for passing through the nuclear decision
threshold and advancing growth, love, and prosperity into the future. In short,
NeoTech concepts make one healthy, wealthy, and wise in the purest sense of that

M.S.,, 4/22/99, India

B.K.,, 9/16/97
"I find this site to be an excellent resource to the Neo-Tech Discovery

I extend tremendous thanks to Dr. F. R. Wallace, his family, and
associates. Growing up mystified, I always wanted to be someone else, somewhere
else, some other time. Since I read Neo-Tech I enjoy myself, here, now, forever.

K.S.,, 1/27/97, Singapore
The web site is well-arranged, offering a clear view of what is
offered. The color mix is appealing and I look forward to new ideas that will

E.B.,, 5/8/00
Hello Mr. mark Hamilton, I wish I had , had a
teacher like miss Annabel, when I was in the 3rd. grade .I
think this article or story about miss Annabel , should be
required reading in the schools .. , religious , and
secular .. my own life has been a dreary one , influenced by
the “church' and “prudish' adults .. at 68 years , looking
back over my life , I find that I never really knew what
true love meant .. many of my generation , equated the
physical “act' as being “in love' restroom “graffiti' in
the lower grades, were often our guide to sexual pleasure ..
being from a very dysfunctional home , where our parents
never showed any “open affection' before us, hugs , kisses,
praise etc. was not a way to encourage us as grown men , to
know “what to do' in ways of pleasing our wives .. I am just
a “layman' no degrees etc. but I hope with all of my being,
that society will keep on “evolving' so that there will be
“happiness in the male , female relationships “ thanks for
opening my mind to other views about life !!!! and where
mankind is headed.

D.B.,, 12/5/98
I think that I have found what I was looking for ... the
beginning of a grassroots movement of rational thinking to
move the world to the next societal level...the
elimination of injustice on the planet. Keep it up.

J.K.,, 1/28/97

S.B.,, 5/26/97
Awesome simply awesome.

M.B.,, 3/25/98
I would definitely like to see this web site
expand. I would like to see the teachings of this site
to go public to radio, on to television, into papers and magazines.
I believe this brainwashing and terrorizing by the neocheaters has to
come to an end.

J.R.,, Canada
Absolutely great thinking model.

M.N.,, 10/8/00
I couldn't stop reading. Very interesting
stuff. You got my mind thinking.

B, NAVY.MIL, 8/30/02
Brilliant. We need to break free of the mysticism that is holding the world back.

M.B.,, 10/4/98
Neo-Tech should be a required learning subject in the
primer years of young children. The parasites who spend
their lives dreaming and implementing new ways to rob the people
of their labors have got to go. Neo-Tech is the first
system based on having good for all.

section versus the well written and thought out responses of the positive section. That contrast real
ly drove home the point of the anti-civilization that we currently live in. Thank you for revealing it to the world.

J.C.,, 5/9/98, United Kingdom
About four years ago I bought the NT Discovery book. Big
and black it was and it virtually collapsed my bookshelf. I read
it over a weekend (a long weekend at that!), it challenged my
deepest held beliefs. (I'd been the manager of the UK's largest
new age center). But something rang true. Suffice to say I couldn't
take the conflict this knowledge instigated in me, so threw the
'Black Book' away. About a year ago I found this site. Gradually
I have dipped into NT again. I have now thrown out every new
age book I ever owned. Quite a feet considering how many I had.
I've destroyed every new age audio tape as well. And guess what!
I feel happier, less stressed, I achieve more and earn more money.
I experience more freedom, fun and pleasure than anything the
new age ever gave me. Should NT stay on the web? That depends.
Do you want freedom or do you want slavery? It's that simple.

H.B.,, 3/20/00
More people should know and become aware of
Neo-Tech. I find great peace and fulfillment by spending
hours reading it.

R.L.,, 10/15/00
I bought the book about 5 years ago, when I
received it I looked at and put it down. I didn't pick it
up till about 3 days ago. I now want to learn more! Now when
I read I understand what
It's saying.

WonderingGypsy1,, 8/9/02
The worlds most valuable information is contained in part on the web. Without the Neo-Tech discoveries, the god-man capabilities, ( that exist in us all),

O.I.,, 9/6/98
It's the most interesting site I have ever seen, sincerely! I will
invite all my friends to visit it. I'm anxious to see you again
and your new materials!

"Keep it!!! Or it's the first step to censorship of the
C.C., 2/5/97

Gerald,, 2/7/02
You are very intelligent and you write better than Stephen King!

T McNally,, 7/24/01, england
Neo tech seems to have a fully comprehensive
model for living.

K.L.,, 10/23/97
I believe Neo-Tech is an excellent learning tool.

C.D.,, 4/2/99
Neo-Tech appears to be the true power of both the past and
future. Also, simply because a few wimps have a couple of
negative remarks about NT doesn't mean their opinions
amount to anything, does it?- Find out for yourself the
real power of man. Stop fearing what is not there and
smell the coffee of life's most hidden power--yours
to command.

B.M.,, 5/22/02
It has taught me a new way of life. If everyone in this world read these books, it would be a better place to live.

J.D.,, 4/20/99
I am encouraged from what I have read so far and
am looking forwarded to learning more. Your web site offers a
lot of good information in one place, and that is a valuable
tool. Thanks

D.S.,, 2/17/97
Neo-Tech presents a great service and has a great deal of information
useful to all. There should be no censorship on the web whatsoever. If anyone
desires to remove this site from the web...send them my way. I'll convince them

"This is a revolutionary and very, very important concept."
K.R.,, 5/13/97

Maverick thinking.

R.P.,, 10/11/97, India
I just got a net connection today. I found your site through
Ayn Rand. Boy has it freshened me and exited me. Please inform
me more of Neo-Tech, what I can do to spread what you are doing?

p.s., , 8/13/02
I have started reading today and I'm feeling empowered already. Thank you Neo-Tech, not only for helping me to win a well thought out debate, but for giving

"This is one of the most powerful sites that I have come across on
the web, excellent"
C.A.,, 6/23/97, United Kingdom

J.F.,, 10/26/97
I found the information riveting and exciting. Do what you have to
in order to stay on the web!

P.G.,, 3/20/00
We love the site.

Robert D Schneider,, 2/9/01
I have never read anything so breathtaking in
my 36 years of
life .You might say That I Have been Reborn. So please stay
on line or it Might Be the Death of Us All...!!!!!!! Give those
Neocheater hell. You have the rats running into the walls
lets burn the building and get rid of them all.

b.s.,, 10/14/00
This is the best information any person can
get. If you follow
it completely it really works!! Every time that I stray
go hay wire.

mysticism life of reality... Life is Wonderful 'Death To Mysticism'

P.F.,, 4/10/98
This site is where I go for advice and inspiration whenever I'm in doubt as to what to do next. I can take weeks or months between any two visits to the NT web site but I always go back because that's where I find the information I need.

"As a long time Objectivist and Libertarian, I'm naturally in
favor of anything and anyone that promotes rationality and true
G.R.,, 5/17/97

E.S.,, 12/2/02, U.S.A
I love the Book it open my eyes 100 %.

R.L.,, 1/26/97
One of the most intriguing web sites I have yet encountered. It
provides valuable advice and the wisdom of the ages.

"I found this very interesting!!!"
P.B.,, 2/1/97

G.G.,, 8/10/97
YES! Neo-Tech will remain on the web. Neo-Tech can't be
stopped, even if it were banned from the web. The Neo-Tech web site IS
the most valuable web site in Cyberspace, and Dr. Frank Wallace is a

is Neo-Tech power that I have used for this. My future is so

J.C.,, 10/10/97
"The information displayed on this site is shocking. I became interested
right away, since I've also been doing my own studies on ways to acquire a
better life. Neo-Tech should definitely remain on the Internet"

D.M.,, 1/4/01
Neo-Tech has awakened my mind. It is the most
important piece
of literature that I have found. If everyone used the
described in this literature the world would be a better
place for us all.

C.H.,, 9/9/01, United Kingdom
I love Neo-Tech literature... it holds so many great values and has so many great values to offer everybody... What is amazing to me is that I have reached a
level of integration that has bought me to the realization that my success is now inevitable. I now know exactly the steps I need to take to succeed... this
is because I have found my 'Friday night essence'. Once you find your essence, success is inevitable. Not only do I now know the steps... but, I am now
taking them every day. The clarity of what I have to do every day to succeed is so clear that it staggers me. What I love about Neo-Tech is its ever evolving
nature, despite now focusing on my business I am always drawn back to the Neo-Tech web site because I feel as I integrate its new concepts, I further evolve.
Neo-Tech should stay on the web because it gives people what they really need... not hope, or faith but mind cleansing honesty.

T.M.,, 12/13/99

S.Z.,, 3/18/00
Perhaps some additional points are worth
noting. I think it could be the most profitable due to
several reason. But let me start by saying that, to the best
of my knowledge, profit is secondary. ...A distant second at
this point and time, and will become more distant as the
jump progresses. Mass marketing will accrue huge profits.
For which the retail cost would be fair market value. I
equate that to low cost, not to dismiss the fact that—for
reasons forthcoming -- people would willingly pay several
times the fair market value.
Yes the tremendous value/benefit to the reader/owner would
warrant paying well over $100 for The Story. Which I think
is the second book in The Book. Yet, even as a stand alone
book it certainly holds its own value well over the $100
demarcation point. That brings us to the first priority
which is mass marketing. Regardless of the extremely
powerful advertising that can be created to sell the book,
when the cost of ownership hits the $100 mark, sales reduce.
For example, a printed information product will sell nearly
twice as many at $97 versus $100. Interestingly, I have
found that $117 out-sells $100. But still far less than $97,
and the $97 still returns more front-end profit. Not to
mention increased profit on the backend. [Teddy describes
his frontend-backend plan in The Story.]
The primary goal is mass readership. Perhaps the most
effective mass marketing and advertising program will go
something like this: A person can read They Story for free
at the NT Web site, but if they want to buy it they will
have to buy The Book—NTP's customer list is sent a direct
mail package offering them first dibs on The Book at a
special discounted price—they create a control direct mail
package and test it on several of their best pulling rented
mailing lists—it is learned that because of the general
readership nature of The Story that it can be profitably
sold to a wider universe of mailing lists—NTP receives
offers and extends deals with other publishers to sell The
Book to their list with the list owner's endorsement (even
though readers' comments are the mitigating factor that
causes most people to buy) -- The book makes it onto one of
the many “Best Seller' lists—people increasingly buy the
book and give it more word of mouth advertising than any
previous book they've spoken highly of—The Book continues
showing up on more and more best seller lists—word-of-mouth
advertising has people scurrying from bookstore to bookstore
to the Internet in order to buy The Book which is repeatedly
selling out faster than any previous book— with offers
coming in from several talk shows, a NTP representative,
perhaps the author himself, Mark Hamilton, appears on a
special showing of Oprah Winfrey to discuss what has made
The Book, what is now considered almost a phenomenon, such a
huge success.. doing a segment where Mark (or the rep)
fields questions from the audience - it is on Oprah's show
that Mark (or the rep) announces a specific piece of news
that divulging it propels this already near phenomenon
upward-outward spiral to harmonious-epidemic proportions.
At that point in time people would be willing to pay $1,000
for The Book. But since mass readership is the primary goal,
the cost of buying the book is less than production cost.
With profits accrued on the backend.
I don't know what backend products NTP is working on, has
waiting in the wings or is joint venturing with. But as
outlined in The Story, they will most likely be neothink
puzzles that integrate with the Super Puzzle. As described
in Book 1, think about a flood of people using neothink to
build their Friday night essence puzzles. Some of them may
become integral parts to the Super Puzzle fulfilling it's
goal. NTP will sublime to the Super Puzzle creating the C of
U on Earth.
When I think of the ramifications of The Book and The Story
they are exponential. To grasp what I've been trying to
convey, but from additional perspectives, here's two
insights that deal with exponential. The first is the
numbers used to express how destructive the IRS is when they
attack Miss Annabelle. Invert the premise and those numbers
(63 billion dollars, not counting indirect loss that would
dwarf that) reflect the profitability/value of The Book.
The second example of the exponential ramification is more
direct. It's called 'viral marketing'. A brief explanation
“In 1996, Sabeer Bhatia and Jack Smith pioneered a great new
product category—free web-based email. But many great ideas
and great products have withered on the vine. The special
catalyst for Hotmail's torrid growth is what we at Draper
Fisher Jurvetson have come to call “Viral Marketing' -- not
because any traditional viruses are involved, but because of
the pattern of rapid adoption through word-of-mouth
networks. Viral Marketing powerfully compounds the benefits
of a first-mover advantage. And it's something we eagerly
look for when evaluating any Internet startup company. As a
founding investor in Hotmail and a member of their board of
directors, we think Hotmail is a great case study on the
impact of the Viral Marketing strategy over its full life
cycle.'— Steve Jurvetson and Tim Draper
Yes, people would be willing to pay a dollar a page for The
Book, but they'll never have to. And if isn't The Book or
The Story that is the front end product that is center stage
of the phenomenon, well, then imagine a more powerful book
that will fill the bill... Then write it and inject it into
the market.

Anon.,, 9/25/98
This is a really good site. Reading one
of the 'literatures' helped me in realizing my problem.

R.B.,, 5/16/97
Extremely intriguing. Thank you for being here for those of us who
seem to be lost in the world.

"I have enjoyed reading about gravity units, something I was just
thinking about."
T.H.,, 1/24/97

"Fascinating. Complex, yet paradoxically clear. Very
P.T.,, 1/18/97, Australia

I Have been a neo-tech customers since 1980, I have gone from
being a disgruntled old man to a highly productive writer also have concurred
the alcohol addition

J.L.,, 4/28/99
Neo-Tech is just starting to become a way of
life for me and I love it. Let the ignorant who wish to ban
it suffer there own fate for they will eventually force
themselves to extinction.

Kurt,, 2/6/02
I have read 'The Story' on Neo-Tech's web site and want to inform you that even on the first reading, it has literally changed my life! And yes, I am going
to read it even more deeply the second time.
'The Story' has ignited the dream within of being able to overcome obstacles such as those experienced by Ms. Annabelle. Your work in 'The Story' invokes
the desire to obtain invincibility through full honesty, striking down those who would destroy if given the permission. Permission being the failure to act
honestly on one's own behalf.
I admire your work in 'The Story' and I know it is something everyone in the world needs. Please keep 'The Story' available! Without it, those stuck in the
rut of anticivilization will continue to sink, never discovering and entering the C of U.

Anon.,, 3/19/98
Your company's philosophy sounds very much like Ayn Rand's
philosophy. I agree with most of what I've seen. Keep it up.

D.V.,, 5/6/97
I just spent 2 hours in your site. I am captivated by how much sense
this makes.

S.P.,, 1/18/02
Neo-Tech is awesome!

D.L.,, 2/3/99
This site holds more values than I had dreamed possible.

V.G.,, 4/16/97
NT is the seed of the 21st Century and of all time for the
Civilization of the Universe as it springs up here on earth. It is the essence
of life for all of us.

Dr. S. D'Montford,, 10/5/00, Australia
Valuable stuff. I have been banging my head
for ages trying
to get people to see.

C.M.,, 4/3/97, Papua New Guinea
I've never read anything like it! Its' almost unbelievable, the
differences of the Neo-Tech era is overwhelming...

"I would like to congratulate NTP on this web site. The
information is invaluable to all the individuals of this world.
Please keep diversifying the message in as many ways as you can.
Not everyone marches to the beat of the same drummer. It is
obvious that you understand this. Without the very concepts that
embody Neo-Tech, I would have lost all vision of the future of
mankind as any other than a relentless repetition that would
eventually lead to our destruction. So, keep climbing to the
tree-tops and spreading the word"
J.H.,, 12/24/96

T.G.,, 4/7/00
It's fantastic. So many answers to so many problems of life. Good work!

K.B.,, 3/8/00, Canada
Fascinating material.

R.D.,, 12/22/98, Canada
I eat a dozen small eggs daily but under 40 grams of sugar a
day. I am 5.11 and 145 I eat a lot of fat I work out daily never
tired all because of continues integration of Neo-Tech! I can't
say enough good praises happy new year! I'm a Neo-Tech owner
since 89 and I love it!

A.C.,, 12/18/96
Dear Friends: I really appreciate and recognize that
this company is spearheading the development of the humanity
through this web page. The Neo-Tech books are the most exciting
books I've ever read and they helped me a lot. Thank you to all
those men and women who work for Neo-Tech in order to get a better
world free of mysticism and the parasitical elite class.

M.C.,, 8/28/97
I think the web site is fantastic. I feel like I've entered
another dimension.

C.M.,, 9/13/00
My life view, upon which I began in the fifth
grade, rests with the support of Neo-Tech. Now as a 19
year-old college freshman, I see literally no one in my
midst in the public school system even remotely thinking for
themselves or aspiring beyond what their religions would
denote as 'heresy'. Few, very few people actually think,
decide, and act for themselves in this world. Fewer yet
actually devote their lives to the sole purpose of social
improvement and the universal promotion of HONESTY. This is
precisely what Frank R. Wallace does. This man is truly one
of the greatest to ever live and his visions shall forever
exist. In the bible, Adam and Eve are cast from paradise or
'bliss' for the 'crime' of eating from the tree of
knowledge. Quite simply, the bible states that “ignorance is
bliss'. As for me, I like being knowledgeable, and my
aspirations for biological immortality are not for reasons
of fear or greed, but rather for curiosity and love. My
praise I endow upon Neo-Tech.
-Kid Dynamite.

D.C.,, 9/25/97
"Your web site is great. The HTML is clean and fast, the programming is
quick and slick, the CONTENT is *great* and I'm so glad you are on the web!
Thank you for providing me with FREE Neo-Tech material. It's great to read
Cassandra's Secret while I'm eating lunch!"

S.P.,, 4/15/98, Australia
Thanks to NEO-TECH, dramatic changes for the better are now starting to appear in my life. Excellent web site.

"Very interesting point of view."
J.B.,, 1/27/97

C.L.,, 1/30/01
Hi! My name is Crystal, I have read “The Story' and I think
you truly have a gift for bringing about an awareness
through narrative means. I'm a Canadian, 22-year-old
studying Psychology and Biotechnology at the University of
Saskatchewan. For years I have been confused about religion
and why there are so many different perspectives. I felt
lost, after reading your story along with reading Neo-Tech
Discovery (I'm not finished yet) I have begun to grasp the
concept of the irrational forces at work in the world.
However, I sometimes now feel impatient and anxious for
other people to understand what I do. I want to uncloud
others like you have, but I don't know how.

S.H.,, 6/28/98, Korea
This is the greatest web site I ever found. It's like a
whole new concept of our lives. I will visit more often.

R.W.,, 3/23/98
Been reading Neo-Tech. Love it! Apply it to my life
everyday. People around me are scared because of it. They are
always wondering what I=D5m up to because their mystical minds
can only understand status-quo bullshit and cannot begin to stay
ahead of a Neo-Tech/Neo-Think mind. This is how AND why we will
soon win the battle AND the war of the minds!!!

Neo-Tech gas given me new insight that I never had before.
I am grateful for the awakening and the realization of reality.

"Neo-Tech literature reflect the foundation of future."
V.P.,, 12/18/96

This is fascinating writing. The first work which is comprehensive
and radical without being sensational or dogmatic.

J.L.,, 10/20/99
I knew deep down inside that there was something else,
something that seemed to be left out.
Now I know what that 'something' was: THE TRUTH!!!!!

,, 8/8/01
An amazing web-site.

f.e.,, 5/7/00
I just finished reading 'The Book'! it was
wonderful, i have
already found my Friday night essence.

E.M.,, 1/21/02
I ran into this site while doing a search for 'Ayn Rand' in Spanish Yahoo search engine. After reading some of the material I find your site very
interesting, useful, (even intellectually soothing) and in parallel with my own thinking. The sections in spa
nish are also well written and philosophically sound.

"I've watched the page evolve since its inception and it has been
wonderful to see all the changes. I try to keep up by having it
as my homepage \ point of departure to the Internet. Just keep up
the good work for the most just of ALL causes.....honesty."
J.L.,, 3/7/97

T.L.,, 4/29/97

D.M.,, 10/22/97
"Make's more sense to me than anything ever read !!! I
have a much clearer view of the universe ."

J.S.,, 1/9/99
Dear Neo-Tech, thank you for the most powerful thinking tools
that I ever laid my eyes on in my entire life! I have benefited
tremendously from the Neo-Tech discovery.

P.C.,, 10/7/01, Australia
Neo Tech has been an incredible resource in my life.

B.T.,, 4/29/97
Mark Hamilton's "2001: The New Code" blew me away!

J.L.,, 11/21/99
Neo-Tech is life changing information.

C.P.,, 5/8/02, England

H.L.,, 5/26/97, Philippines
It is cool and usable.

J.R.,, 8/22/97
The information that I have found on this Web-site thus far is
tremendous! I have found, even though I have just begun integrating a few of
its concepts, the information provides profound insight on how to move forward
in all aspects of my life. This material should be published freely for all who have the insight to
integrate it into their lives.

D.B.,, 12/5/98
I think that I have found what I was looking for ... the
beginning of a grassroots movement of rational thinking to
move the world to the next societal level...the
elimination of injustice on the planet. Keep it up.

This life enhancing information that I would have a hard time
living without.

I want to thank you for providing this invaluable information online.
I am twenty years old and a college student, and in the two days since I found
this site, I have learned more about how the world works and how it should work
than in the rest of my lif e combined. I've found myself forgoing sleep and food
just to learn a little more about Neo-Tech, and with each page a new epiphany
presents itself to me.

I want the access, However I'm not sure everyone should have

section versus the well written and thought out responses of the positive section. That contrast real
ly drove home the point of the anti-civilization that we currently live in. Thank you for revealing it to the world.

G.P.,, 4/22/97
What you are doing is phenomenal and would be beneficial to many
people. I hope that you open the eyes of many so that we may help
create the Neo-Tech world.

B.S., , 8/13/02
Frank Wallace, You are an absolute winner. The Neo-Tech Discovery has revolutionized my thinking. I will never be cheated again!

B.G.,, 6/23/01
I am still assimilating the truths found in
the Book. I am not
yet God, but am on my way to the universe.

"I am most impressed by the written material and the topics
discussed. I would not like to see the site disappear as I believe
all of us will benefit by conscious logical thinking as expressed
through Zonpower."
A.W.,, 6/7/97, Australia

Thomas,, 2/23/02
I have to say that this site has passed my hopes and expectations. At first, I thought it was all hype but I am now convinced that it should definitely stay
online and educate the masses of all the injustices that is being created and exploited in the names of God, country, and selfish immorality. Neo-tech is the
key that humanity need in times like present when there are too many evils and so few beacons of hope and light.

C.S.,, 10/8/97
"It's refreshing, and anyone who is visible enough to be on the IRS's hit
list, must be doing something right. All the furor over the IRS, egregious
thugs though they are, will simply disappear into the black hole of media

I love what you men and women are doing keep up the good fight! Live long and

"The site is quite extensive with additional information I have
been able to connect with my copy of Zonpower. I will visit
D.K.,, 12/18/96

"Awesome simply awesome."
S.B.,, 5/26/97


d.w., ., 5/15/00
Thank you very very much!!!

Thank you Neo-Tech for remaining on the web and providing me with the valuable
life crucial knowledge that I need to improve myself and my life. Thank you
so very much for providing this wonderfully insightful information source
that I may access whenever I need to. I am so very grateful for your incredible
teachings. Frank Wallace, thank you so very much. I owe you a huge debt of
gratitude to say the very least. You are so helpful to humanity, and deserve
so many wonderful things for providing so many va lues. You teach us to only
believe what is actual fact. You don't tell us what to do, you simply show
honest proven facts about life that we may use to benefit from. Facts that
give us the power to know reality. Facts that give us the power to gain happin
ess in life by creating it in our own lives as well as other peoples lives.
Thanks to you, more people will benefit themselves and our world now in more
positive and productive ways. Thanks to you, we are more primed to move out
of these dark ages and int o a society where people enjoy life, liberation,
and prosperity unlike anything any imagined god or satan has ever given or
even offered for that matter. There is no greater bliss than finding yourself
and defining what you want to be by personal choice r ather than by someone
else's force. Your identity. Your life. There is no greater happiness than
just striving towards being a better human being that benefits themselves
and other people. Shame on the government most of all, for destroying values
in soci ety. For hindering the progress of the human race. Shame on them
and religious leaders for doing very little and getting paid so very much
for it. Shame on them for constantly attempting to make us all feel like
we are at their mercy. Most of the REAL evi l that I have seen in this world
comes from government and religion. For hindering the thinking process of
a race of beings that have the potential to accomplish the ultimate value
of being alive. A sad reality it is that a few greedy people want to live
off the rest of the innocent ones. A sad reality indeed.

"I think that neo-cheating is revolutionary and that a membership
fee should be charged for entering the web site."
R.V., callmedili, 3/3/97

G.B.,, 4/22/97
Neo-Tech is pure human logic. It should be required reading for
understanding humanity.

B.A.,, 10/22/00, Canada
I cannot wait until there are actual Neo-Tech
available for my daughter and myself and most importantly
for our future
generations. I must thank you all at I&O publishing for
creating a new kind
of hope for mankind. I can see what it will be like to live
the civilization of the universe. Striving at being an
value producer could only benefit conscious beings. My home
now a lot different than the way I was brought up much more
and happiness everyday. I know from experience that it is
hard to change
old habits but it is all worth it in the long run.

E.D.,, 12/3/98, Ghana
It awakens you. You can really see neocheaters everywhere.
It is really great to become a neo-tech person even if it
might take some time to realize
ones true dreams, it is worth the fight, it is very exciting

"Great site."
S.C.,, 5/7/97

"This is a great site with a vast assortment of ideas."
B.W.,, 2/1/97

R.R.,, 6/28/98
Dear Neo-Tech Group, It will be interesting to see where
objective, rational, integrated honesty leads me (and the rest of us).
The information contained in the Neo-Tech Zonpower volumes I-V has
really tied together many loose ends for me. I guess that this
is part of the integration process. I've found that my reading time has
decreased since I've increased my productivity
at work, including working
longer hours to catch-up some of the backlog. However, I've also
discovered I do not need as much sleep, so I've been doing much
of my reading late at night. I had already taken control over
much of my life, especially in the health and diet areas. Dr.
Atkin's books started me on a great health drive for an improved
lifestyle. The Neo-Tech literature improved my self-control in
many trouble areas by helping me realize that I was responsible
for my actions, and not some higher authority or anyone/anything
else. Also, I've lost the guilt feelings over my back and forth
decisions regarding religion. I look forward to more studies which will
help me build a complete matrix of honest, rational, full-blown
integrations. Thanks for the insights.

d.j.,, Ghana
The best eye opener literature for our generation

V.A.,, 9/10/98, India
Hi there! I would like to congratulate you for
having a site which is very interesting as well as informative.

E.E.,, 10/14/97
People can gain many things from Neo-Tech
including power, money, happiness, and the ability to do what
you want.

K.J.,, 6/6/97
Thanks again for your awesome information and exalted quest.

S.P.,, 10/1/97
Honesty Rules! Please expand the presence of Neo-Tech on the WWW.
It is extremely important that all people know where to go to learn how to think
for themselves -- neothink.

B.M.,, 5/19/99
This site abounds with useful information. I
am passing this on to my adult children so they can get
stronger goals for their future.

R.G.,, 9/27/98
Neo-Tech kicks butt.

S.G.,, 10/27/97
"I think Neo-Tech is very useful. It can make any
person's life."

James Stauffer,,
As a long time owner of neo-tech's values and belief structure
it holds true .... there is no other system out there that holds true...
period the work they have done is fundementaly proven to work period.

T.H.,, 11/28/99, United Kingdom
Thank you for the values that you all
produced. No matter what the parasites and neo-cheaters do,
they only make our wanted world happen sooner.

S.B.,, 2/5/97
This is an extremely valuable site. I fervently hope that it remains
on the Web ...the world desperately needs this information.

R.R.,, 1/3/99
The Discovery is great and many people will be
saved from the agony of mysticism.

"What I have viewed so far makes me want to learn more about
Neo-Tech and Zonpower."
S.H.,, 2/1/97

Michelle,, 5/29/03
Thank goodness I found you. Just when I thought I had exhausted all possible
avenues for sanity, understanding, reason, meaning and happiness. Thank you for
the optimistically positive, exciting truthful challenges of your inspirational
philosophical and forward thinking essential rational truths.

"Your web site is clearly the best value I've encountered. Your
thinking is bold and revolutionary -- it resonates with something
I used to call my Spirit."
K.T.,, 6/10/97

D.D.,, 2/10/97
I absolutely believe the honest values at your web site will be the
key to ousting destructive, freeloading, parasites on a local, national, and
global level. Keep up the `Ultimate Battle' between honesty and effort vs.
dishonesty and laziness.

C.V.,, 2/15/99
Due to Neo-Tech I now feel so much more calm
and knowledgeable. I have never felt comfortable with
politicians & religious leaders. I therefore never attended
church or even registered to vote. However, I would vote for
Frank R. Wallace and I would also urge others to do the same!!

Alice,, 1/2/01
I really admire the knowledge that I have read
here. Keep up
the good work.

s.S., .,
It is so wonderful. I now see how much energy I wasted on believing
in after life. I look back on my life and can see all the time I was
unhappy because I believed in mystical ideas. My mind feels clear.
I feel I am grounded in reality and not in fantasy land. The information
in the first book proves to me where my thinking was wrong. It all
makes perfect sense. I never trusted the governments logic but now
I see that they are value robbers and only I can be the value producer.
I am a senior in high schoo l. I feel now I am more prepared for the
world. I feel more motivated to live life to its fullest and be successful.
I am finally getting my act together and try harder in school because
that is the only way to be happy. I hope some day your web sites or
books will be in every home because it will change America into the
world it was meant to be.

K.L.,, canada
I was very pleased with the Neo Tech Protection Kits. These kits have
served me well on several occasions. Here in Canada, the political
system is different than the United States. I quickly realized that
it did not matter what political system was used a gainst me. The protection
Kits are very valuable. Thank you Neo Tech.

I have been reading and studying neo-tech for 5 or 6 years and find
it to be the most validating information on life, living and thinking
tools available for a productive and happy living. VIVA NEO-TECH!

Matt, ,
I want to say that RTR (Road to Riches) is Dr. Wallace's best editing
work. His super high-intensity editing is what elevates the new neo-tech
writings to new heights of integrative power. With every new reading,
more strings in the spider's web are revea led. That's what RTR is,
it's the ultimate spider web to trap all dishonest, destructive, irrational
ideas forever.

M.P., ,
A great web site that provides a stimulating shock to the lazy brain!

K.K.,, U.S.
This site is a great discovery for thinkers and intellectuals. I believe
it should stay online for the benefit and advancement of mankind.


Now, after reading The Story, Neo-Tech has become a lot clearer and
it has blown away the boundaries. Please keep the site on the web,
it's fantastically valuable.

s.b.,, australia
Fantastic, its is the greatest of journeys, I'm amazed how productive
I've become, my self-esteem is at level 200.

The Bible, philosophy , and human history all integrated and plausibly
and rationally explained at last ....Brilliant! Tim

Extremely insightful, many lessons to be learned...from philosophy
to ethics to business, has helped me become a better person.

J.S.,, England
I am enthralled by this discovery.

I am overjoyed to find something in this world like NEO-TECH. It makes
my thoughts gel into ways that make my own thinking clearer and easier
to follow. It puts life in a way that clears my head and sends my random
thoughts in the right direction. THANK Y OU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU !
! ! !

First time in my life someone has said it like it is. I have to say
that it is about time that someone had the gonads to say it out loud.
I am looking forward to leading the life of integrity, honesty and
the right for all to prosper and enjoy this life w e have.

It pulled me out of a depression. May the wise and free find there
way to neo-tech and help dethrone the anti-civilization of the world.

In reading 'The Book' from Mark Hamilton, I finally can make sense
of that which has always bothered me about our society and the unhappiness
that I see in my own life as well as that of my family and friends.
Neo-Tech is the key to existence. Keep up the good work....

Keep sharing Neo Tech with humanity so we can ALL finally wake up from
the nightmare of the Anticivilization.


I read the book three times, it has changed my life for the better.
Please expand the web site, help our minds grow.


I understand and actually feel compassion toward the individuals that
leave such painful 'negative comments' about Neo-Tech. Their lives
have been seriously hurt by others promoting the life destroying philosophies
that are behind every parasitical liveli hood. The horrible destructions
on 9/11/01 would not have occurred in a mystic free civilization (which
tese 'negatives' promote). The contrast between the positive comments
and the negatives reflect the true difference between moral and immoral
people. Thank you NT people. . . you are a breath of fresh air in a
real 'anti-civilization'.

J.C.,, 9/20/00
A book I read on this site won me hundreds of
dollars and I have
SAVED probably triple that by using the information I
learned on this site.

G.W.,, 5/7/98
When I first started reading
the Neo-Tech/Zonpower literature, it really blew my mind and
made me start thinking. I love what you have
been doing. Love you all.

"Your site is great! I enjoy it! Neo-Tech is the answer to all my
questions. It's really an aid for my job and life. Thank you so
I.W.,, 4/17/97, Russia

David,, 6/20/00, Australia
I personal think that in the next few years
every one will own a copy of your book.

"This is a great site. I love all your articles. Could you please
expand more on why the gov't is against neo-tech and what we can
do to protect ourselves from gov't intrusion."
C.M.,, 3/1/97

Neo-Tech is the fastest way I have found to swiftly eliminate personal

F.B.,, Australia
There is more useful (for life and prosperity) information on this
web site than you will find on thousands of others.

"I found this very interesting!!!"
P.B.,, 2/1/97

"This is the Greatest Site on the Web because it provides the
vision of Hope and light. The ONLY elegant solution to all human
D.A.,, 6/5/97

S.N.,, 7/22/98
The body of your work will help to evolve
and empower the individual, which will ultimately benefit humanity.

J.B.,, 7/4/97
"I find Neo-Tech very interesting, and informative. I am looking
forward to learning more."

.. Nothing like reaching out and touching
someone...I am extremely grateful.

R.C.,, 3/10/98
The most positive, enlightening, and uplifting material
I've read.

"The ideas and topics you raised are quite fascinating."
I.V.,, 6/5/97, Australia

T.H.,, 10/6/97
I first came into contact with Neo-Tech about 5 years ago, All
of a sudden the lights came on as a new perspective and paradigm
unfolded. After reading the material, I was charged and excited. At the time I
tried to share my excitement with
my family and friends... they all thought I was mad and would
burn in hell. After all who was this school dropout, starving
kid to tell anyone that he knew better? Oh well, so be it... At
that time I was broke and starving, working in a job I hated.
So I packed my bags, moved to America, partnered up with a few
very talented and like minded people, started our own computer
software business, and built it into a multimillion dollar concern.

J.Y.,, 6/4/99
Hello, I had a fight this morning with my spouse,
I was unhappy, I had a feeling this was all
unnecessary and due to imagined jealousy.
I searched for 'jealousy -causes' and LO I end up in
this most insightful site!! I have bookmarked it and sent
the message of this wonderful site to all my friends.

Neo-Tech always gives me the real nitty-gritty after hearing and reading
what everybody else thinks.

D.C., nv.ux, 3/14/97
This truth is needed!!!!!

B.M.,, 8/20/97
"Great Site. Full of terrific Information."

w.l.,, 3/18/02
Neo-Tech is our last hope otherwise we become extinct like other civilizations in the universe.

S.N.,, 6/25/97, U.S.
Free Your mind through Neo-Tech, and your soul shall follow. Unleash
your unrealized powers with Neo-Tech. I love the values put forth through

T. Hix,,
Being the mother of an 11 year old high functioning autistic child,
I am on a constant search to understand how his brain works. Chapter 28 contains
insight from Dr. Jayne's book on consciousness and bicameral mind thinking that
opened my eyes to why my son is on autopilot so much of the time. I know how
to proceed with his therapy now!

"How do I know what to believe if all messages other than the
establishment's are forbidden? I will learn what I wish to learn,
not what 'authorities' wish for me to think. Typically,
nonproducers fear true freedom of expression."
R.C.,, 4/15/97

A.J.,, 4/18/98

A.A.,, 2/6/01
I read Mark Hamilton's 'The Story.'
It's beautifully written. I was smiling one moment and
choking on my tears the next - all through the novel. And it
elucidated libertarian ideas beautifully. The concept of Zon and
God-Man actually makes sense - a very logical conclusion about the
direction a true free-market economy would take. Of course we'll all
be immortal if the medical field is allowed to innovate
unfettered by the government. It hurts me to realize that the
government is killing my grandparents as I type this. :( So. Keep this

J.K.,, 5/28/98
As one who has no religious influence in my life and no
influence of mystical realities I found the existence of a philosophy
demonstrating that lifestyle quite refreshing as now others can
share in its assertion of a personal and well-productive lifestyle.

R.R.,, 10/20/98
I almost got the book. But after reading the negatives I
wouldn't take it if it was Free. Leave this site on to warn other people
What Sin is worth forever in The Lake of Fire??????????? Your
own mouth condemns you, and not I; And your own lips testify against
you. Job 15:6 Their part will be in the lake that burns with
fire and brimstone, which is the second death Rev 21:8 Sir, get
Right with GOD, your spirit never dies-it will go to heaven or
hell. It will be your choice.

C.R.,, 1/16/01
This information is incredible, I've never
read anything like
this before. Just scanning it has opened my mind to new

A.A.,, 5/31/97
Neo-Tech is the only true serum that eliminates cerebral stagnation.
Its power releases the individual to think happily and to create value for

r.s.,, 4/11/00
Very interesting and very truthful.

T.C., OH.US,
I absolutely LOVE NEO-TECH!. It has unclogged my brain, I am now
free of 90% of mysticism.

G.P.,, 3/10/97
It often takes eye opening, thought provoking material to nudge
people in the right direction and this looks to be some of the best!

W.W.,, 1/14/03
Neo-Tech gives all of us who are looking for answers about life and religion a study point. Neo-tech not being a religion but a way of life clears up a lot
of misconceptions people have about their place in the universe. Those of us who have been bombarded with religion our entire lives now have a healthy alternative to gaining enlightenment about the body and soul with out all the fire and brimstone. Thank
you Neo-tech for opening my eyes a little further.

J.C.,, 5/1/97
Your site has to be the most informational packed site I have ever
ran across over the web. The wealth of eye opening reading kept me for hours, I
forgot about what I was researching and read from one section to another. I
appreciate your great works and continue with what you have started.

D.M.,, Scotland
I am from the UK and am reading the amazingly brilliant book called
'The Book', I have to say it is truly outstanding, it is great to read, I can't
put it down now. It is a must for everyone.

J.C.,, 10/28/99
Excellent philosophy!

D.R.,, 9/10/01
To any neo cheat that may be reading this site, you will fail in the end and the end is sooner than you think

A.P.,, 7/14/97, Western Samoa
"It will help to solve some of my problems."

H.H.,, 12/11/98, New Zealand
N.T has certainly changed my thinking for the better
and my life has increased in value 10 fold in 4 years after
stagnating for years before N.T. My company is prosperous and going
forward and I now employ nine people. I enjoyed travelling to Vegas
from New Zealand for the Ted Nicholas conference and in my view
was money well invested. I look forward to similar conferences
promoted by N.T. in the future. The ideas and knowledge picked up at
the Ted Nicholas conference are invaluable and already my
company is diversifying into other areas of marketing for a dynamic
and successful 1999. I haven't been to the States for over 20
years and it was the dynamics of N.T. and putting the N.T.
philosophies in place that has allowed me the luxury of travelling.
Before N.T. that would not have been possible. Although I am in the
early stages of Parkinson's, I am still able to work 12 hour days
and I am optimistic there will be a cure in the not to distance
future. I get my strength from the writings of such value producers
as Frank Wallace, Mark Hamilton, and others on the tough days.

M.W.,, 2/4/97
This web site is a MUST! It would be a crime AGAINST humanity to
REMOVE it. I NEED this web site. DO NOT REMOVE IT!

"I think this site is very professionally designed."
A.M.,, 3/2/97, Sweden

R.M.,, 6/11/98
I want to know more about the Neo Tech Party, How can we
get other people involved.. We need to become more visible. I love Mark
Hamilton's book. It makes sense.

S.R.,, 2/10/98, Scotland
It is brilliant.

Thanks for going through the chaos to bring peace to us.

Patricia L.,, 11/26/98
I have been a reader of Neo-Tech for a couple of years now.
It has literally changed the way I look at myself and this
upside down world we all live in!

D.C.,, 12/6/02
I have been fortunate to have had neotech material for about 3 years, these books have opened my eyes to the deceptions that are perpetrated on us
continually by neocheaters. There is no other information source that I know of to learn the real truth abou

D.W.,, 12/30/01, United Kingdom
Have just finished reading The Book, the mystic blinkers have been removed from me eyes and mind. I only wish that the angry, insane and unhappy people on
the negative comments section could join us on our productive journey on this earth. For them this i
s hell!

"This is great keep going"
A.B.,, 6/29/97, Russia

Neo-Tech is the anti-thesis of the root cause of slavery- mysticism. Therefore,
having Neo-Tech online will logically increase everyone's freedom exponentially.
Neo-Tech has created tremendous value for me in my personal and business life.


Harmony N.,, 5/18/99
I feel it is a very mind-opening experience.

After 18 years of being deeply thrust (parents, family)
into mysticism, reading through THE BOOK has allowed the deceptive, irrational
nonrealities of religion to be exposed for all of the destruction it
has slowly caused in my life. Giving over control o f one's thought processes,
decisions, etc, to outside authorities can (did) lead only towards a
mushy, nonassertive, slave-like existence. Neo-Tech is allowing my mind
to see the true reality of my existence through the long-standing fog
of mysticism and the undiscovered/hidden daily practices of value destroyers
and neo-cheaters. Currently, Neo-Tech is at work in my life as I build
and assemble the puzzle pieces together for my own business mind . .
. mystic-free and powerful.

D.R.,, 9/10/01
To any neo cheat that may be reading this site, you will fail in the end and the end is sooner than you think

F.M., ., GHANA
I really would like the site to remain because it represents the only
avenue through which enlightenment and freedom may come to the downtrodden
and the disadvantaged.

It has taught me a new way of life. If everyone in this world
read these books, it would be a better place to live.

P.T.,, 1/4/98
Great site! Keep up your good work!

E.E.,, 10/14/97
People can gain many things from Neo-Tech
including power, money, happiness, and the ability to do what
you want.

You have predicted that the dictators will be falling
down. We are seeing that in PERU.

N.K.,, 8/1/99
Thanks Neo-Tech for opening our eyes.
The lie is exposed and those that still believe it
will suffer a life of poverty and loss here on earth only to
discover that there is nothing after life. Heaven is a myth created
by those that would subjugate the masses and accumulate material
wealth. It's time for the masses to reclaim that which has been
stolen by 2,000 years of lies. Pride (not a sin) restored, Lust
(healthy, happy) restored, Power is given back to the meek and
the humble that they may make this world and this existence better
for themselves and everyone else. Thank you Mr. Wallace for
revealing this to us.

b.m.,, 8/16/02, Scotland, UK.
Carry on this good work to bring the truth to the people

J.J.,, 2/21/97
It is the most thought
provoking piece of literature I have seen in a long time.

J.S.,, 11/22/00
I know that Neo-Tech is the most powerful
information that anyone can
receive since it provides means to defend oneself from the
that always are trying to take advantage of honest-people
and products. All honest people should learn how to use

Neo-Tech is powerful, this is what I've searched for, neo-cheaters watch

C.S.,, 6/8/98
Thank you very much for the work you have done. This web
site and the nano technology website are
the 2 most important web sites on the net to me.

B.S.,, 10/14/01
It is important that everyone should have access to this most valuable information. Keep up the great work. And thank you.

K.K.,, 10/27/98
I read both God-Man and The Neo-Tech Discovery
and was elated at the content.
I am now using the web site to further my value
producing capabilities. I absolutely admire the energy and
thought that went into these publications.

"Of course this site should least until the
dishonesty disease/epidemic is cured worldwide."
R.K.,, 2/4/97

R.J.,, 10/4/98
I find this information inspiring. It could be the best
thing to happen to me in a long time.

A. MacRae,, 8/24/97, Scotland
After reading acres of flowery flim-flam on the NET, I'd just like
to make the following comments and say that this Zon business is a real threat
and will probably 'get the chop'. The reason is, it is robust, it is honest, it
looks as though someone has been fishing in the right spot.

"Thank you for taking the time to create this website. I think it
will open a lot of minds to opportunities in personal growth that
most people aren't exposed to."
N.W.,, 1/20/97

M.C.,, 2/21/99
NT has helped me identify mysticism. It has helped me focus on
creating values for others. It has helped me profit in my new
business. It has helped me save valuable time when dealing with
difficult people.

M.A.,, 7/20/97
"I've got to have this stuff...looks like the solutions to my
problems....and civilization's"

A.L.,, 7/27/98
An infinite array of values for the mortals on this planet.

K. O.,,5/23/00
I can now never be as dense as I was about the
world and it scares
me a little. To have blind faith was a crutch and it seemed
relief, but now to see through things, to their essence I am

M.F.,, 8/14/00, CANADA
I am reading the BOOK God-Man/ Neo-Tech
Discovery. There is so
much truth in the book.

M.E.,, 5/10/00
Fascinating reading. I wish I had this
40 years ago when I was a teen. It would have saved me from
a lot of dumb mistakes.

"Neo-Tech is the New Way."
D.W.,, 5/6/97

JP,, 5/29/03
Neo-Tech is the most life-enhancing information available. It has completely
changed my life for the better. My view of the world has been widened to points
I could never even have imagined before Neo-Tech. It has set me on the path to being even more productive in
my career and enhanced the relationships I am involved in. Everything previously
unclear has now become clear to me. Thank you and continue delivering values to
the universe.

J.R.,, 5/13/00,
Neo-Tech has some of the best information on
the web
today. Neo-Tech has stories of what you want, when you want
to get it.

G.B.,, 11/9/97
Yes!! Neo-Tech in cyberspace!!! Neo-Tech should ABSOLUTELY remain
on the Internet! Down with the neocheaters!!! Banish every pathetic,
wicked little mystic OFF THE FACE OF THE EARTH!!! Infinite gratitude
to Frank R. Wallace for providing a clear, RATIONAL, and HONEST
'path' out of the cold, dark catacombs of evil and oppressive
religions, force-backed governments, and other abominable, irrational,
and dishonest monstrosities. LONG-LIVE CAPITALISM AND BUSINESS!!!!!!

I think Neo-Tech is power in its' purest form. The power of
Neo-Tech is so simple yet powerful most people will shun from it. I have
experienced this when friends would ask about my personal views on life.
When I say that Neo-Tech is power, I mean real va lue-producing, life-enhancing
power not a power that fades in and out from day to day, month to month,
or year to year.

"Neo-Tech is the best. This is the moment of truth for our
planet. Thank you. My vote is YES for Neo-Tech."
J.C.,, 5/24/97

Elizabeth B.,, 11/9/99
I am one of many who are just discovering you
-- to leave the web would be to lower the world's already
abominably low level of consciousness.

T.K.,, America
The world needs this type of info and needs to know of true
value producing/creating heroes such as Frank R. Wallace, Mark Hamilton,
Eric Savage, John Flint.

H. G.,, 6/12/00, Germany
An intelligent system without Christian
lies. A great basis for creative discussion and cross
linking of thoughts in
new ways. As a chemist I need pragmatic and logic
information without the
pain of psalms an churches... keep up your good work.


J.H.,, 8/26/97
Vivid thinkers are the beacons of any advance.

B.H.,, 4/11/00, Australia
You have some extremely valuable information
you are giving out on the web.

I would like more people to use Neo-Tech. Acting in the ways of Neo-Tech. The
true Neo-Tech people will succeed

C.M,, 8/5/97
"Exciting and very plausible."

M.M.,, england
Neo-tech is the elixir that mankind has secretly been waiting for,
for life. Everyone who has common sense about them will take on neo-tech.

M.S.,, 3/17/98
Neo-Tech is the greatest book ever written by mankind! It
Completely changed my life, no more fear or guilt. Mr. Wallace, you are
the ultimate value producer. I AM A FREE MAN NOW! I am now capable
to think for myself and I am no longer a prisoner of mysticism. THANK

J.M.,, 2/6/97
Neo-Tech has been the primary source of new knowledge for me as I'm
sure it is has been for most that have ever read and understood a Neo-Tech
book. My mysticism, is what lead me to Neo-Tech, and anyone who is mystical
will eventually turn to Neo-Tech. Why? Because mysticism is a `drug' and in
time, you'll need more of it to make you `FEEL' better about your life, money,
health, love, and self-esteem problems. When one starts to have questions about
their `Higher Authorities', power to make their dreams or desires come true,
one starts to look for a more potent mystical doctrine. I went from being a
practicing catholic to Kahuna, to hypnosis and others, to finally arrive at
Neo-Tech. This is real, it's not automatic, it works from your efforts to
achieve what you desire and not, what some `God' says is good for you, or `God'
has his reason for things being this way. Neo-Tech has been a very positive
addition to my life, and will forever continue be a part of my life. Neo-Tech
should always stay in Cyberspace, because as Neo-Tech expands, conscience life
does also.

"Fascinating reading. Nothing more thought provoking has made it
to the web yet."
K.M.,, 2/24/97

Catie,, 7/2/02
Neo-tech is the greatest site to come around! Neo-tech can save lives.....religion only kills. KEEP THY RELIGION TO THYSELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!

B.T.,, 4/29/97
Mark Hamilton's "2001: The New Code" blew me away!

All the mysticism in the world would not keep us safe. Neo-Tech is
quickly paving the way.

L.N.,, 11/14/02
I can only hope that more people discover your site and begin to open their eyes.

s.l.,, 4/28/02
I have read your books and I love their great help in today's world thank you.

T.L.,, 8/11/00
Once you decide to apply the techniques, there
can be no half
stepping. I've found that Neo-Tech requires serious
Do you have it in you?

D.W.,, 10/20/01, Cook
I brought Neo-Tech in 1995, I didn't believe it. After several miserable years, I woke up one day and remembered your e-mail address and have been down
loading since January 2001. Me the Disabled Veteran, Ex-Mailman, and Non-active Master-Mason, have finally found the answer. Finally I have the answer to
really make me happy as an adult. Society will end without Neo-Tech, please continue.

"Neo-Tech has now become another aspect of my up all night
computer studies and as you report there is a profound liberation
upon reading this text."
J.M.,, 4/3/97

O.H.,, 6/21/97, Netherlands
Very informative site.

B.L.,, 5/30/99, Australia
Great, I've never seen anything like it.

January 2002

E. Wilborn,,
It is clear that Neo-Tech is shaking the very foundations of this "diseased
mystical-oriented" world of ours.

M.C.,, 3/13/99, United Kingdom
As a follower of the works of Dr Wallace for some two years
now, I am happy to report that the effects of his
concepts are truly amazing. Having been entrenched in mysticism
for most of my 50 years, I too found it difficult, at first,
to accept the reality of what Neo-Tech meant. However, having
made the effort to open my mind, I am now well on my way to
financial security, health and longevity of life.

The info is great to read and mind enhancing.

R.G.,, 5/28/99, Australia
At last a philosophy that integrates all the laws of success
I have been studying over the past 5 years. It gives the most
complete outlook towards total humanitarian success possible.
Now I really am in control!

d.j.,, 1/1/03, Ghana
The best eye opener literature for our generation

C.B.,, 6/24/02
I think Neo-Tech is a very positive and powerful source. It should help the world!

S.W.,, 5/3/00, UK
The BOOK is turning my existence around.

C.P.,, 1/2/02
I Find it invigorating and motivating. The Story should have motivated all of us to think more responsibility about the Child in all of us. It was a warm
reception of 'Childhood,' and what could be accomplished if we stopped beating our kids and started treating our kids as the special people they will soon become.

: C.I.,, 3/15/00
In Response To: How to rescue Beorapparaus faster (Bob S)
Surely earthlings/zons would be able to develop technology
which could transceive Beorapparaus's consciousness, without
the need for a 'physical journey'

C.B.,, 10/9/97
"Neo-Tech is the greatest mind-expanding tool for fighting evil on the
planet earth."

"I would like to thank every one who helped bring out Neo-Tech, In
a metaphorical sense, it has turned me right-side-up in an
up-side-down world. Without it I would be terribly confused about
everything but with it, I have much WORTH IN MY SELF and a very
controlled sense of direction and lots of self-esteem. Thanks! Oh
yah, I'm only 23 years old and I spit on that 'generation X' label
they try and stick on me!"
T.L.,, 6/24/97

A.G.,, 5/29/97, Australia
What a fantastic site. I have set it up as my web start page and
cannot stop reading.

F.Q.,, 12/24/96
This is a wonderful web site. I gain a lot of knowledge about your

sha,, 4/27/01
Neo Tech has effected my life in a very
positive manor.

A.J. Verolme, planet.n, The Netherlands
Dear Zon, Your website is essential for mankind.


m.m.,, 7/23/01
This is the best sites on the internet.

B.M., .,
Incredible. I was raised a Mormon and therefore am very comfortable
with the idea that ordinary humans can rise to become Gods. Yet to have this
idea laid out in such a scientific fashion, in simple stories and explanations
without all the 'thou shalt' m entality clouding the experience is something
so new, so fresh and so concrete that I hardly can explain it. I've read
and read again a lot of Neo Tech literature. This is the best.

Annette, ., 9/11/00, Canada
Neo-Tech is one of the most advanced bodies of
knowledge in the world

E.H.,, 3/22/00
Your books have helped me greatly. My eyes have
been opened. I know I will never be the same.

I have thoroughly enjoyed what I have found here .And I fully
intend on returning to your web site numerous times in the future. I am already
noticing changes in my life .

Anon.,, 10/20/98
A system that takes the worst of scientology and Christianity
and spits them out in a form unrecognizable to the very sheep
it claims to help. Applaudable that someone can twist philosophy
and psychology to create another cult. I applaud the cunning
of the creator of this ideology and am certain he will live well
of the money of the dim- witted. Well done.

J.C.,, 4/25/98
Bravo to you folks, let's take charge of life by being
true to ourselves. I can see the deceit in the eyes of the parasites
much easier now. I want to thank you for the enlightenment and
for a good kick in the butt. I'm not nearly as lazy as before.
I found out I had to work very hard to get my business off the
ground. No letting up now. thank you.

S.F.,, 1/21/01
I am thoroughly intrigued by the site and the
information. I recently ordered the books and am impatiently
awaiting their arrival. I was a bit reluctant to order after

D.Z.,, 5/27/02, Canada
I love the site. Thank you for the latest book. I was getting emotionally out of sorts in my love life. Neo-tech has saved me a lot of heartbreak. Stay in
cyberspace forever.

D.E.,, 10/4/97, New Zealand
Neo-Tech makes more sense to me as each day goes by. I see
the better world
Mark Hamilton writes about in 'After2001: The New Code' and I
want to be part of that world. The world needs Neo Tech now.

J.M.,, 1/7/97
Very interesting and enlightening. This does shed a new light on life
itself and endless possibilities for a new future.

D.C.,, 2/16/98
I really liked the positive comment where someone said
that you should read Neo-Tech and then Cosmic Business Control. And
that if you don't apply the concepts, you will feel miserable.
If you do apply them, however, you will be RICHLY rewarded in
all facets of YOUR LIFE. It's just nice to see an obvious integration
put into words on a screen. It makes it that much more 'real'.
Another thing, that comment from the honest neo-cheater. I really
understand how he is coming from such a desperate place and that
he is really just scared or plain weak. I have met people from
large foreign countries to small island, as of late. It is all
thanks to FW and his associates. It is so easy to make money
once you actually try and 'get rolling'. Experience, good or
bad, gives you new knowledge and inf. to act on and become even
more happy and productive. In fact, one of my friends in Asia
noticed a simple thing like how I react to things like the Iraq
situation. I directed him toward this site and he thanked me
for it. I kind of got off subject here, but I just wanted to
say that it always feels great to get positive reactions from
individuals in regards to personal matters or work. Even if
you know you are appreciated through your growing sales, fan
base, whatever it may be, it is always such a happiness high
to hear praises from individual friends and strangers alike.
I don't know why I am writing this letter, especially since it
is a little unorganized, but I wanted to just let you guys know
that I hope you win and that I, though indirectly, will do everything
I can all the time to help me, you, and everyone prosper into infinity.

D.D.,, 11/26/99
The most valuable elements are those dealing
with self-responsibility and plotting one's destiny. It is
the collection of individual triumphs that benefits humanity.

"Mind-opening reading experience. Anyone who believes in freedom
and individual responsibility will enjoy such insight and wisdom
shared freely via the web."
S.C.,, 5/28/97

"The ultimate in real information that answers many of my
lifelong questions. Anxiously awaiting the Civilization of the
Universe and am working on eliminating my own mysticism (I had it
big time!) thank you forever."
K.J.,, 2/14/97

R.P.,, 10/26/97
"This is very thought provoking. It is very well thought

a.p.,, 12/17/00
Everyday of my life I think about how
wonderful it is to live. I am not a wealthy person yet what
I have is the desire to seek more and more knowledge and I
have the patience and strong mind and body to accomplish
whatever goal that I set. I would like to express my sincere
thanks to all of you working very, very hard to produce all
this valuable information.

F.F.,, 8/27/99
I am astounded by the incredible amount of information available
here. The future of humanity depends on this.

D.T.,, 12/15/99, Canada
This is truly profound and mind-enhancing text.
It has freed me from the mysticism of religious dogma.
Thanks to Neo-Tech, my life has taken a 180 degree turn, I
am now ready to take on the world.

F.E.,, 6/25/00
Its the best thing that has happened to me.

J.C.,, 3/9/97
I learn a lot every time I click into this site.

P.N.,, 2/4/98, Slovenia
I think Neo-Tech should remain on the web, because this is the
most efficient and cheapest way of spreading the wisdom of Neo-Tech
across the world. I didn't expect to find so much Neo-Tech material on
the Net when I first tried to search, but I was pleasantly
surprised. I feel great about the
idea of expanding my knowledge through pages on the Internet.
Keep up the good work.

G.H.,, 6/26/00
I have found the books purchased
to be extremely helpful and worthwhile. The 'Zonpower
discovery has changed my life, and I've found it to be
and compelling reading.. Thanks again for all your
excellent work, and may all at NTP have every future

T.B.,, 4/14/97
Every body should read Neo-Tech. It is great.

R.F.,, 9/21/98
NT adds a valuable dimension to all discussions, and questions
about life, emotions, fairness, logic, politics, etc.

J.W.,, 4/4/99
I can say my own personal experience in
religion has been a non-productive one, even though I spent
years of self sacrificing and toiling for 'Him'. I can say I
have nothing to show for it other than a great deal of
painful memories. Those in Christendom can be the biggest
liars and demoralizers I have ever known. They are the most
greedy, envious, dishonest and ruthless people I have ever
known. They use religion as a crutch and excuse for their
own weaknesses and then protest that it is these weaknesses
that bears truth to God. Neo-Tech encourages us to use our
god-like abilities to do good, to grow and to benefit
mankind and in doing so ourselves. I want to someday reap
the benefits of my hard work. I don't want to spend what
short life I have left subsidizing the lazy indigents of
this world and the neocheaters.

B.W.,, 9/8/97
"For it matters not if Neo-Tech remains on the web. The seeds have
been planted, germination taken root, and blossoming for all the universe
to see."

I believe that Neo-Tech is the way of and to the future. We
need Neo-Tech now more than ever to show us the true path to wealth and happiness.

H.R.,, 8/16/97
"Having recently received the Neo-Tech manual and starting my study of its
contents, I recoginize the powerful concepts that will change how mankind
functions. Each day, as I go through the readings I get more and more
excited. The information is presented in such an easy to follow format. Many
thanks to Dr. Wallace."

M.K.,,8/17/00, South Africa
Neo-Tech gives me hope for a better life.

G.S.,, 8/11/98
I've begun and have eliminated many of the mystical
barriers around me. And I am very excited about what I've learned and
what I have yet to learn.

B.T.,, 6/14/98, Canada
Amazing! I return to this site daily, and daily gain new
insights. Your integrated honesty is like food for my {personal} thought
I have along way to go, but I have at least found the road.

r.s.,, 2/24/03
I am 36 and have never read this amount of info or been so
engrossed in my entire life! Its fantastic!

TERRY & A.M.,, 4/28/00
Just finished reading your novel. I'm a little
addle-brained as I just finished and it's 2:00 in the
morning. I purchased and started reading your manuscript
some time ago, then lost it on the way back from a
construction job in Lexington Va. I was captivated by the
concepts in it, confused and scared. Even though the
“matrix' hasn't snapped for me yet on many levels I see the
truth of what you are saying. This was really clarified by
reading the novel, bringing forth a clearer mental picture
of what you are trying to get across. I hope to be among you
one day, the top of my field, enjoying life, wealthy with
romantic love. My greatest dream is to one day organize,
fund research to help end the horror of disease, a
motivation greatly brought on by seeing my mother suffering
from a dead pancreas. Thanks, you have really lifted my
spirits and given me hope during this really dark time.

P.M.,, 8/7/00
Since acquiring several pieces of Neo-Tech
literature, my understanding of life's many mysteries has started to fall
into place. Although I still have many mysticisms to over-come, I can now feel
assured that the blueprint to love, happiness, and prosperity lies
at my feet. Many thanks to all of the great writers and staff at
Neo-Tech Publishing Co. for all the great values you continue to
produce, I'm forever indebted to you.

N.S.,, 5/28/98
My mother bought your book Neo-tech Zonpower with the three
separate parts combined. I read all of it. I believe in the future
again, and I know I will be around for a very long time, just to see the
day when everyone will
use reason and not silly mysticism to make judgments.

R.M.,, 1/6/98
I've read two Neo-Tech books: a. Zonpower/Neo-Tech Discovery
b. Cosmic Business Control And I've experienced a subtle change
in attitude- -toward being rational rather than emotional -- concerning
politics and Christianity. I like the idea of eliminating dishonesty
from within myself and replacing it with honesty.
Taking my life off of automatic pilot and putting it on a course
of rational decision making is a major shift in awareness for
me. Neo-Tech literature confronts conventional wisdom which causes
one to rethink the information that runs ones life. The forced
rethink is good. EMPOWER THE INDIVIDUAL!

L.M.,, 1/8/02
I am within a mystical group while presenting the neo-tech concepts. I have found that most individuals are seeking these concepts and if presented to them a
step at a time they will integrate and use them therefore benefit from them. By introducing these
Neo-Tech concepts I have seen these people change drastically .

p.w., , 4/19/01
Keep neo-tech on the web because you've taught
me so much About life.

S.C.,, 10/23/99
One of the most interesting realistic and informative articles
I have ever read. Really opens your eyes to the reality facing
the world today and tomorrow. Thanks for such a thorough and
informative piece of work.

"All I can say is that Neo-Tech is the best!!!!!!!!!"
M.D.,, 5/5/97

R.K.,, 2/4/97
Of course this site should least until the dishonesty
disease/epidemic is cured worldwide.

H.J.,, 10/31/99, Australia
Stay on the web its only the beginning against
evil. The tall poppy syndrome will be replaced by the Neo
Tech prosperity for every one reality.

I thank you for your tremendously scholarly web site.

"I find it to be both interesting and inspiring. Certainly a time
to look forward to!"
P.H.,, 6/28/97, Canada

G.M.,, 8/30/98, Republic of San Marino
Very good indeed.

Neotech has shown me the way to attain true happiness and prosperity
in my life. I have completely turned my life around by integrating this
knowledge, and now I really want to share it with as many people as I
can. Please send me your catalogue, I want m ore!

L.V.,, South Africa
Thank you for the most interesting info on the history of love
it has helped me hugely with our documentary.

"Have found Neo-Tech most helpful and motivating. I enjoy being
able to access your web site. It would be sad to see it go.
Regarding the news release on or about February 24, 1997 on the
successful clone of sheep. Very interesting in light of the
material in Neo-Tech. Maybe everlasting life isn't all that far
away after all."
L.M.,, 2/28/97

Awesome, I always knew this deep down in my soul. PRAISE be
yours for bringing this lost knowledge to the light of day!!!

M.L.,, 6/16/97
Neo-Tech seems to be the realization and result of ultimate truth
i.e. justice. Leaving Neo-Tech on the web will allow more people to find the
truth instead of spending their entire life in search of it.

"I enjoy visiting this place because of the cause. Individuality.
I have been practicing Fully-Integrated Honesty for a while and
found it to be great at first I used it in a mystical way and
ended up losing some of myself but over time I am earning it back
and I thank you, and hope that in the future all parasites will
come to an end. Thank You"
M.G.,, 1/3/97

"How do I know what to believe if all messages other than the
establishment's are forbidden? I will learn what I wish to learn,
not what 'authorities' wish for me to think. Typically,
nonproducers fear true freedom of expression."
R.C.,, 4/15/97

"This web site is very informative and provokes new directions in
R.M.,, 1/30/97

M.P.,, 11/26/02
As a Political Scientist, I must say that I've taken full advantage of reading The Book. As a preacher's son I've come to realize why I've felt the way I did
coming up and going to school where I was basically cheated out of a quality education. I was mad
e to believe that I should look out for others before I was to look out for myself. By reading The Book and other literature that I order from Neo-Tech
Publishing I've come to realize that I was correct in my assumptions of the cheating and dishonesty going on in the state government as well as the national
government. You see I grew up in the DC area and saw first hand what the government does. How the government has brain washed everyone. I now reside in North
Carolina and I have seen many things here happen that I did not like. I've watched the closing of theaters because the community standards would not allow
them, but, I watched in horror when the Klu Klux Klan gunned down some people here at a political rally in 1978. I've witnessed a Senator remain in power for
over twenty years. A man who blocked the arts from appearing at the local colleges because he thought that they lacked in taste as being called art. I've
watched the eroding of my individual rights from politicians and school administrators
. Now I know the real truth about the way I've felt. About religion and government I've learned to trust in myself and not some higher authority. Thank you

M.H.,, 6/27/97

F.Q.,, 12/24/96
This is a wonderful web site. I gain a lot of knowledge about your

Anita F.,, 12/27/99
Neo-Tech has changed the way I think and the way
I live. There has never been a more honest look at life and reality
as we live it. We are responsible for our selves and our actions.

L.B.,, 1/19/98
Reason is the building block of an honest mind, censorship is
the tool of a weak mind. Stay on the web.

S.C.,, 11/25/99
As an owner of Neo-Tech Literature for some years now I have
seen it coming to life all around us now. The things we thought
might never happen around the globe are now starting to come
to life. Neo-Tech is spreading even to countries that had no
hope of ever seeing an Intellectual revolution. I send My friends
to view the Neo-Tech Web sites and they always come back stunned.
Never be afraid of the future as it holds all of our dreams
and aspirations.

grant,, 7/28/00
It gave me a greater insight into, and a
fuller understanding
of myself. What more could you ask for?

G.S.,, 10/9/99, Spain
It is Helping me get off of drugs, and turning
myself into a person with total and integrated honesty. No
more begging for help. the resources are and have
always been within my own self: MY MIND AND CONSCIOUSNESS

M.M.,, 3/6/02
The truth about who and what we are is here in the neo-tech literature.

C.G.,, 3/18/99
Neo-Tech has really changed my life. I am not
in the same place I was years ago, my health has improved
thanks to your writings. Smile, the future is unlimited.

L.E.,, 6/7/01
I have gone to Baptist Churches since I was a
child and still
go every Sunday. I want to say Neo-Tech is the wisest
I have ever encountered. I read my first Neo-Tech
in 1990 and for the first time could see the human parasites
in my life: individuals who used guilt or fear, or
or who created problems where none existed. Once I recognize
them I am still amazed how easy it is to expose them to
To be hard working and honest; to think clearly and
that is the life for me!

J.H.,, 5/13/99
I am very interested in all the info. I have
read so far. I am a young man and many great ideas. So I am
going to read on and make positive steps forward about
improving the way of life for everyone!

SR,, 4/12/03
I just want to say, that Neo-tech is a shinning light, in the fog of
mysticism. I admire, respect and have genuine love, for all individuals who help
in the process, of bringing this wonderful information to the world. I want to
be a part of it.

I think it is the most enlightening view I have ever heard. It has
changed my outlook on life in a very positive way.

M.C.,, 3/2/03
I will always be grateful to you for these gifts you have given this once desolate life.

M.C.,, 3/13/99, United Kingdom
As a follower of the works of Dr Wallace for some two years
now, I am happy to report that the effects of his
concepts are truly amazing. Having been entrenched in mysticism
for most of my 50 years, I too found it difficult, at first,
to accept the reality of what Neo-Tech meant. However, having
made the effort to open my mind, I am now well on my way to
financial security, health and longevity of life.

R.S.,, 1/7/01
Hello, I love this site! I was never really
religious as a
(well.. I'm still a child.. I'm 16..) I discovered wicca and
pagan religions when I was 12 and continued learning about
until 2 years ago when I woke up one day and said 'Sandy..
is bullshit..' And I never looked back. I met a great little
boy named Phil who introduced me to neo-tech. I started
about it and promptly fell in love (with both neotech and
I was feeling sort of weird since I was no longer pagan..
seemed awkward because I didn't have that 'older brother' to
on. Reading neotech helped me see that I am powerful and I
need silly ideas to help me through my life. Thank you for
my life for the better.

t.e.,, 2/23/02
Neo-Tech is powerful, this is what I've searched for, neo-cheaters watch out!

T.C.,, 2/25/03
Neo-tech has opened my eyes, that is for certain. It must stay
on the web for everyone to be to find, it is a masterpiece.

R.A.,, 5/26/97

Pamela M.,, 3/10/98
Since discovering Neo-Tech I feel hope again!

"Very descriptive. I found myself wanting to know more."
D.D.,, 1/14/97

L.L.,, 9/22/98
This is fantastic, this is more than a “site!

J.S.,, 1/20/97
Thoughtful and scholarly... I'm glad to see more people recognizing
the dangers of blind faith and religion.

T.A.,, 10/30/98
I think neo-tech is the next step for mankind
and human evolution

G.M.,, 4/12/97
This site rocks. So much information, so little time.
I love the Zon manuscript, it is intriguing. Also, the
Global business section contains information I could use in starting up a
global wealth empire. What a site! It has already

A fantastic informational web site from which I have gained
a great deal of information.

R.R.,, 7/23/97
"Raised with some strict values and loads of guilt. I have started
on my journey out of the darkness ."

M.E.,, 5/10/00
Fascinating reading. I wish I had this
40 years ago when I was a teen. It would have saved me from
a lot of dumb mistakes.

A.L.,, 10/24/98
your twist is very interesting, but I would like to read more
on what I personally can do to become more real.

G.M.,, 8/3/98
I find this new information fascinating and incredibly
appealing. I have long searched for truths of knowledge. You and your
knowledge have given me new purpose. I thank you.

Avajo G,, 2/3/02
I've only read 3 chapters and already your story has moved me more than any other story I've read. Its a good read and I learn some things as well. You've
always been my favorite Neo-Tech author. Dr. Wallace is ok but I don't always understand his stuff.
Eric Savage is ok too, but it doesn't really move me emotionally like your writings. I don't always mean in a good way. Sometimes you piss me off and
sometimes you sadden me and at times I resent you for making me see through the pretty illusions woven by
'them'. Sometimes I wish I didn't know anything and lived in a state of blissful ignorance. But I love you. you have probably saved my life. I still have a
long way to go on my path to rational thinking but I know that when I finally make the jump I wont
even miss the old ways. That's all I have to say for now my friend.

Darlene T.,, 3/21/00
I found this information to be the most
shocking, exciting, thrilling information I've ever read.
Let the civilization of the universe come to pass.

R.C.,, 6/30/00
I love this web-site! I have three of the
Neo-Tech books. They are all very
useful, refreshing, and informative. I encourage you to
keep this going. Believe me when I say that I will be behind

S.W.,, 8/30/98
Neo-Tech has changed my life. I am can't remember a time when
I've been sad since I've changed. My life is great and I can
feel it getting better every day. I've always thought differently
from the rest of society. I never really did believe in God even
before I read this. But I used to feel guilty for thinking something
like that. This web site is what I've been searching for my whole life.

M.C.,, 1/12/98
This is great material I would like to see more!

E.M.,, 7/7/98
I strongly believe that Neo-Tech literature is craved by anyone
who wants to break away from the daily routine of being controlled
by society.

A.D.,, 6/7/97, Australia
It really made me think.
I have taken some remarkable steps and made a lot of mistakes, but I learned a
lot. Now, I travel the world, expand my awareness, and make a good living.

J.H.,, 1/23/00
I've been applying the wonderful Neo-Tech
advantages to my life for 4 years now. Without Neo-Tech I
might be dead or in jail! Because of Neo-Tech, I am able to
run my own business and do all of the wonderful things I
love I hope the entire world can realize the great value in
Neo-Tech and embrace as I have!

M.S.,, 1/27/97
Neo-Tech is the optimistic opportunist's guide to the world.

at the end of the rainbow that most people only dream about.

J.S.,, 11/11/99
Neo-Tech is the future. I have finally taken
control of my life and it feels GREAT!!!!!!!!!!

CO,, 1/30/03
Thank you Neo-Tech for remaining on the web and providing me with the valuable life crucial knowledge that I need to improve myself and my life. Thank you so
very much for providing this wonderfully insightful information source that I may access whenever
I need to. I am so very grateful for your incredible teachings. Frank Wallace, thank you so very much. I owe you a huge debt of gratitude to say the very
least. You are so helpful to humanity, and deserve so many wonderful things for providing so many values. You teach us to only believe what is actual fact. You don't tell us what to do, you simply show honest proven facts about life that we may use to
benefit from. Facts that give us the power to know reality. Facts that give us the power to gain happiness in life by creating it in our own lives as well as other peoples lives. Thanks to you, more people will benefit themselves and our world now in more
positive and productive ways. Thanks to you, we are more primed to move out of these dark ages and into a society where people enjoy life, liberation, and prosperity unlike anything any imagined god or satan has ever given or even offered for that matter.
There is no greater bliss than finding yourself and defining what you want to be by personal choice rather than by someone else's force. Your identity. Your life. There is no greater happiness than just striving towards being a better human being that
benefits themselves and other people. Shame on the government most of all, for destroying values in society. For hindering the progress of the human race. Shame on them and religious leaders for doing very little and getting paid so very much for it. Shame on
them for constantly attempting to make us all feel like we are at their mercy. Most of the REAL evi
l that I have seen in this world comes from government and religion. For hindering the thinking process of a race of beings that have the potential to
accomplish the ultimate value of being alive. A sad reality it is that a few greedy people want to live
off the rest of the innocent ones. A sad reality indeed.

"Neo-Tech is really great ."
I.C.,, 6/10/97, Pakistan

"I thought this web site was of great interest. I can use what I
learned to help in all areas of life."
W.S.,, 1/29/97

"I have found the Neo-Tech advantages very helpful."
S.W.,, 5/22/97, England

L.A.,, 2/19/97
You are the most important people in the universe.

F.L.,, 4/17/00, Malaysia
Your materials are just what everyone needs to
have personal, mental, spiritual and financial freedom to reach his or her
full potential and to enjoy life on earth to the full. I
am overjoyed to have read your materials to have enlightened
myself on real quality of life & the abundance & prosperity
that lie in store for us. Thank you very much.

"Wild, weird, strange... but very interesting!!!"
M.D.,, 12/26/96

T.T.,, 4/12/97, Malaysia
I found your site both informative and interesting.

W.M.,, 4/13/00
Extremely informative and powerful. Blows your
mind away. Helped me to organize my mind.

,, 4/23/00
I have just constructed a Web site GT CHECK IT OUT

B.W.,, 9/8/97
"For it matters not if Neo-Tech remains on the web. The seeds have
been planted, germination taken root, and blossoming for all the universe
to see."

W.B.,, 12/21/97, Canada
Neo-Tech is a very powerful thought process. Using it brought
me two raises at work within the last year, and I never even
asked for them!

G.R.,, 5/26/01
Should Neo-Tech remain on the Web? Should
sincere honesty be
the relevant framework of all truth? Is coherence necessary
the context of an evolving hierarchy of values? Is effort
required to provide results? This heroic work, this
effort of passion...that has produced understanding without
in the new order of thought, a new high standard of
distinctions known as Neo-Think, must not only continue but
Let it begin now with each of us. The risks have been taken
the obstacles overcome except for our own deceptions of
that we need take no action in our own regards. Neo-Tech Is.

J.G.,, 6/21/01

"Neo-Tech is what I've been looking for all my life. I'm hungry
for more. Thank you."
R.J.,, 5/20/97

R.K., HUGHES.COM, 2/1/03
Hi Emma, Don't ever get rid of your website. Cyberspace is where it's at. Information is at your finger tips. I have tons of Neo-Tech books/tapes at home.
I've had a lot of fun with Neo-Tech over the last 20 years. I've really 'rocked some foundations'! The 'negatives' people write about Neo-Tech and some of
those people really scare me. I live in the same country they do, what the heck are they thinking!

E.A.,, 12/12/96
Visually grabbing, informative and capable of sustaining
my attention beyond the first links!

I have been fortunate to have had neotech material for about
3 years, these books have opened my eyes to the deceptions that are perpetrated
on us continually by neocheaters. There is no other information source that
I know of to learn the real truth abou t our 'institutions'. I had 40-some
years of deceptions foisted upon me to usurp my power, and neotech is the
most powerful antidote I have found. I believe someday, Dr. Wallace, Mr.
Hamilton, Mr. Savage will be recognized as some of the greatest thinkers
of all humankind. Keep up the good work!

J.S.,, 1/20/97
Thoughtful and scholarly... I'm glad to see more people recognizing
the dangers of blind faith and religion.

J.B.,, 7/10/97, England
"I have found this most useful reading."

F.F.,, 2/25/97, Netherlands
I have already the NEO TECH in SPANISH. This is the BEST BOOK that I
ever read.

"A friend suggested I take a look at this site, and I am glad I
did, very interesting but a lot more reading yet to do."
S.C.,, 1/12/97, England

D.K.,, UK
A deep joy to find, it is stimulating, informative, uplifting
and clever.

B.P.,, 1/18/03
This is the most life enhancing material I've ever read. Neo-Tech rescued me from a life of HELL. I will be forever grateful. This website offers such
valuable information, I feel it would be suicide not to expand. Keep up the good work. Spread the word so that we can win the war against stupidity.

B.S.,, 2/25/97
I wish more people
knew about this.

B.G.,, 5/18/97
Very impressive! Glad to see someone thinking.

R.D.,, 1/1/99, Canada
On October 9,1990, at age 22 I crawled out of my bedroom
window, into my packed small car and drove with tears
flowing down my face to my first home 35 miles away,
near my good job. Even though I
lost hundreds of fake friends, family, girlfriend; My
'escape from Alcatraz' was one of the best decisions I ever made.
Of course my buying the Neo-Tech Discovery on Dec.,1989 was THE best
decision. By integrating Neo-Tech, intense FEELINGS/EMOTIONS of
wellbeing, euphoria, romantic
love, happiness, and deep sexual desire rise up in my life
daily now! I never
smoke, drink, consume caffeine, alcohol, and SUGAR! Lazy
people where I work go out of their way to avoid me! I outflank and
outproduce them all, even my boss! Neo-Tech actions are like an
invisible, invincible power. Neo-Tech is for you! Ladies and gentlemen,
boys and girls, your problems have found their solution.

"I would like to see this site expand."
A.W.,, 4/23/97, United Kingdom

D.J.,, 10/6/01
Since obtaining The Book I have prospered personally as well as professionally. In addition, I am more attuned to mystical thinking, bluffs, and other's
bicameral need for authority than ever before. Which of course allows me to dismiss these forces and not be controlled by them.

G.R.,, 2/29/00
"The Story" literally blew me away. It is your best work to
date. It is going to take something like this to elect a
Neo-Tech president. You are going to need a Neo-Tech
oriented media chain and talk show hosts to
counter the liberal media. "The Story" reminds me of "The
Harrad Experiment" that novel advocated a small group to
reform society. Unfortunately it called for the use of
government to achieve desired results. Keep up the great
work. Together we can free this country from the politicians
and other neocheaters. Neo-Tech publishing has helped me to
see the fraudulent nature of most forms of media, talk show
hosts like Rush Limbaugh, Dr. Laura, etc..
Your website gets better every week. It is a shame the
author of “No More Lies' is no longer with us. Nowhere have
I read such a clear explanation of Enlightenment. Your books
are getting better every year. Give my deepest regards to
Dr. Wallace. His Neo-Tech discovery book should be
recommended reading for everyone. Just watching the news on
tv, reading newspapers really reveals how much of a topsy
turvy world we live in. I really enjoy reading the positive
and negative comments on your website. The contrast between
them is simply amazing. You can really tell who should be
reading Neo-Tech and are losing out by not doing so.

s.b.,, 1/20/02
I am floored, I am so in need of this enlightenment. I appreciate the sense it makes and it has given me a lot to ponder on and apply to my life.

A.V.,, 4/17/02, South Africa
I am never able to sit and read something on the internet for a long period of time, but as soon as I started reading chapter 18 on this site I couldn't stop. This is a really a great website.

"Extremely informative and enlightening!! A must read for people
that need some incentive to become value producers for themselves
and society. Worth the research!!!"
F.V.,, 12/20/96

"I was surprised to see in Hungary how strongly people desired
this kind of information. I just came back from Hungary into the
United States with the desire to track you down for a few friends
of mine who want to order all publications of Dr. Frank R.
Z.S.,, 3/24/97

attempting to be value producer. Keep spreading the true 'good' word, it is appreciated.

J.E.,, 4/19/98
Neo-Tech provides a clear cut philosophical basis for
guiding ones life. I first came across Neo-Tech nearly fifteen years ago
and can say without reservation that were it not for Neo-Tech
I would not have achieved the economical standing and affluence
I have today. Other approaches to life rely on some 'external'
guidance that always promise much but take everything. They are
based on wishful thinking, non-proof oriented ideas that typically
lead to a disoriented life style. If you apply the Neo-Tech philosophy
to your life, you will slowly surpass everyone around you. Your
new problem will be the resentment from those who want to enslave
you, employers, friends, relatives and anyone else out there
living in the 'External Guidance Group'. Your new friends and
family will be those who provide honest value with the highest
integrity. No manipulations or false promises to dupe you out
of your life and your money. Those who want to stop Neo-Tech have
a vested interest in keeping you in the dark. They are so afraid
of their impending doom. They instinctively know their end is
near. They also know they cannot compete with the relentless,
honest approach presented in Neo-Tech. Long live Neo-Tech!


H.H.,, 12/22/96
Awesome site and info!

R.B.,, 5/30/97
Neo-Tech is the highest truth anywhere on this planet or any other
planet in Space. Thank you, Thank you and Thank You.

PJ,, 5/9/03
I like the teachings of deprogramming our minds from bicameral thinking.

V.A.,, 12/12/98
This is by far the best site I have visited all year.

R.J.,, 3/31/00
This is the best story I have ever Read. Thank
You Rufus John
Wilson #-31 2000 Age 73

"What I have read so far is great. This just might be the info
that I have been waiting for to take advantage of the
opportunities that await me."
D.W.,, 1/26/97

D.W.,, 5/6/97
Neo-Tech is the New Way.

O.B.,, 1/17/00

I.V.,, 12/26/00, Slovenia

I find Neo-Tech very compelling and insightful. The depth of
Wallace's scholarship is amazing and impressive. An
impressive web site.

R. S.,
The depth of Wallace's scholarship is
amazing and impressive.

S.P.,, 2/26/98
Loving Neo-Tech, and I am seeing more and more truth
(honest truth) in its pages every day.

Y.Y.,, 12/8/96, Indonesia
Quite interesting, it gives me a totally new point of view.

Neo-Tech is the fastest way I have found to swiftly eliminate personal

D.P.,, 9/17/97
As an advocate of independent thinking, hard work, and continual
efforts towards personal improvement, I, and many people I associate with, find
sites such as Neo-Tech a refreshing and rewarding alternative to so much of the
average, unthinking material available on the web. Good Job, great stuff.

"I find this site to be very provocative"
W.H.,, 6/27/97

M.A.,, 9/3/00
Please keep up the great work. Neo-Tech has changed my life forever!

Ernest,, 12/27/00
There is truth in your writings. Thanks
for speaking and writing up for the liberation of man from
world of con artists and neo-cheaters and for making the
world a neo-cheating
free, prosperous society for all.

"I find Neo-Tech amazing and interesting."
J.R.,, 6/9/97, Mexico

V.M.,, 10/28/02
Thank you for the invaluable info on 'Malefactors and Envy.'

Mathew,, 6/27/01
I am god......................... I love it!
You have changed
my life for the better. Someday everyone will see and feel
power of NEO-TECH!!!!!

D.M.,, 12/2/99
With out Neo-Tech the world will destroy itself. It is the
most valuable information I've found. We are suppose to have
freedom of speech. Neo-Tech is our key to freedom.

T.S.,, 3/23/98
I will devour all inf. on this site. New thinking does not
scare me. Bring it on!

"Su literatura es muy interesante para mi, me gustarĚa saber m s
sobre su filosofĚa."
E.V.,, 2/26/97, Mexico

Neo-Tech has opened a new door for me.

"This site is very informative and opens a new way of thought."
B.C.,, 1/25/97

D.L.,, 7/5/98, Malaysia
Four years has passed since NT Zonpower came into my life...
My income increased five fold, my knowledge of the world ten
fold ...and my personal happiness a hundred fold. Thank you and
keep up the good work.

,, 1/5/02

"I just began reading your site few days ago. Even in this short
period it has added happiness to my life."
S.J.,, 6/6/97, Turkey

T.A.,, 10/30/98
I think neo-tech is the next step for mankind
and human evolution

J.R.,, 8/14/00
Being exposed to neo-tech makes the everyday
people around me
seem as though they're zombies or robots. So many people
have no idea the closed ended lives they lead.

M.M.,, 1/13/02
Now I can SEE Reality!

"I have found the answer. Thank you. Let us together uphold
profound honesty and vanish mysticism now and forever."
Z.Z.,, 4/25/97

"Impressive, most impressive."
C.S.,, 1/31/97

Please, please, please keep a corner of the web constantly lit by the bright
light of reason and hope – the hope that such a light will eventually illuminate
the entire internet.

J.S.,, 3/1/97
It's nice to know that there is still a viable struggle for an
illuminated life.

"Neo-Tech is the most important thing in the history of our
existence – it must be available to everyone."
T.R.,, 4/13/97, Canada

"very insightful, the power of truth in knowledge."
J.P.,, 2/1/97

T.T.,, 8/18/00
Neo-Tech is one of the single greatest things
I've ever
seen. Thank you.

D.J.,, 10/10/99
I am so glad to finally start dispelling this mystic stuff
from my life. I am the son a minister and I attended church
faithfully. I left church and started in on the traditionally mysticism
path. I am tired of it all and now I have identified my own
delusions through this reading. Thanks so much.

"I am finding this most interesting"
P.T.,, 1/13/97

Interesting stuff, it helps people to
initiate the process of flushing the disease of mysticism from their ability
to think critically.

"This site is helpful and entertaining."
C.P.,, 3/1/97

If everyone had this material the good old U. S. A. would better
off. If more people don't get this information we may be in trouble

A.P.,, 7/14/97, Western Samoa
"It will help to solve some of my problems."

J.P.,, 7/4/97
"Love your writings."

"Very well created. Keep up the good work!"
V.C.,, 6/24/97, Uganda

D.U.,, 10/23/97
Neo-Tech has changed my life for the better. In just three days, I
had total control of my life, love life and financial problems. I am now out
of financial debt. I have no fears or worries of any kind. Neo-Tech most
definitely benefits those who are looking for a better life

"Show me how I can get involved. Let's have celebrations. I want
to meet other Neo-Tech people. What about the summits?"
J.S.,, 2/12/97

"I feel this is a very interesting site. I took a chance to find
it and I am very happy."
J.G.,, 1/27/97

J.S.,, 10/10/99
The more I read Neo-Tech literature, the more
power I find within my self.

believe in these ways!

D.E.,, 2/23/98
It's refreshing to read a rational point of view
in this sea of mysticism.

It's great I couldn't live without it. I can't believe how much
help it has been for me.

"Good site, lots of information, easily traversed."
R.A.,, 1/2/96

F.M.,, 1/9/02, ZAMBIA

C.G.,, 8/13/97
"I loved the site."

Milly C.,, 6/2/97
Very interesting. I hope you get it out to a lot of people. The more
I read the more I think, and the more I think, the more I realize how wrong I
might be about a lot of things.

P.N.,, 4/15/00
Neo-Tech must remain on the web to help cure irrationality and the dishonesty disease. This site has been a tremendous
help in my battle against self mysticism

J.O.,, 10/29/98
Hi and thanks for saving my life, the God
concept is no longer with me.

C.B.,, 11/5/02, UnitedStates
Hello my name is Carl, God-Man/Neo-Tech Discovery is the best investment I have ever made in my life. For many years I tried to understand a lot of things
about man and his purpose and neo-tech has shed the brightest of light on the subject. THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH!!!!!!!!!!

J.,, 4/13/00
Just like to say that Mark Hamilton and Dr.
Wallace are geniuses. This site should always remain up and expand. I'm
now reading through The Book and am up to The Story which I'm loving. I
never want to finish reading this book although eventually I will.
This book is the key to becoming not only your potential but
is also the key to all knowledge. This book continues to
amaze me and the pieces of the puzzle are snapping together like
clock work. Mark is one of the best authors I have ever read from
and knows how to make his points clear.Thanks again Mark and Dr. Wallace for showing me the way.

Peter,, 8/13/00, South Africa
I finally found agreement that religion is a
load of parasitical rubbish! Thanks.

M.W.,, 3/15/00
And to Mark H and his The Story: All I can say
is that I'm 'Speechless in Seattle.' You've outdone yourself
(again!) :-) Thanks so much for such a wonderful story. I
can't seem to get it out of my mind.

G.L.,, 6/19/98
My life has improved considerably since reading Neo-Tech.
I do firmly believe that you are doing the most important
work in the universe.

M.F.,, 5/4/00
I think this is a tremendous insight. This
story is very simple and straight forward. We often forget
about what makes us truly happy. We get so wrapped up as
adults into our day to day living that we miss the true
reason for living.

Anon.,, 5/19/98
A most thought provoking commentary. I'm not really bad
after all. The thought that liberation can feel good and
denial and sacrifice are tools of the manipulators is captivating.

T.R.,, 11/23/99
My eyes were opened wide. Neo-Tech
showed me a society that has been being victimized by the selling
of 'false ideas' and by 'avoiding the real issues' to fool it
into supporting false rationalizations. For the first time in
my life, I have realized how 'organized brainwashing' has caused
me to make my decisions emotionally and not rationally. By actually
comparing Neo-Tech's facts against the fiction of the so called
'Mystics', I now see that Neo-Tech was right.
Out of all the literature I have read on-line and in print,
this is the message I think all people MUST see.

P.J.,, 12/25/00
The book was the most nourishing info I've ever
had in my life

K.K.,, 5/17/99
'duped' up! Thank you for saving my life.

S.D.,, 10/18/01, England
An excellent manual for life, bringing happiness and fulfillment.

L.K.,, 8/28/97
"This is the true purpose of the Internet or world wide web, to finally
provide a means by which tyranny can be broken. This is what the world has
been waiting for."

R.Z.,, 7/6/01
NEO-TECH exists forever! Powerfully redeeming!
It's the
greatest, most life-changing experience I've had from
reading any literature.
Thanks to Frank Wallace and his team.

"I believe that Neo-Tech should stay on the web as it provides
people with information on how to better their lives."
K.M.,, 4/26/97

Anon.,, 2/3/99, New Zealand
Neo-Tech is the definitive answer -- no one can make a
difference like these guys.

K.K.,, 10/27/98
I read both God-Man and The Neo-Tech Discovery
and was elated at the content.
I am now using the web site to further my value
producing capabilities. I absolutely admire the energy and
thought that went into these publications.

"It's exciting to read."
Z.Z.,, 6/4/97, People's Republic of China

Maxime C.,, 3/11/99, Canada
I am now seeing the world in a whole new perspective.
I am now orienting my life towards integrated thinking,
realizing that only the individual can improve his own life.
This can only be done by being totally honest to one's self.
Making decisions free of any form of mysticism is hard,
as the world nowadays is spoiled by millions of neocheaters.
However, as more and more people learn about Neo-Tech,
those millions of mystic neocheaters
will become powerless. Their world of scams and ploys and plots
will soon collapse forever, leaving the honest and innocent
individuals free to take control of the Universe.

D.C.,, 12/5/99
I can sense the power.

S.S.,, 3/1/99, South Africa
I discovered Neo-Tech and have not looked back.
Thanks for making tomorrow worthwhile!

"I have found this site to be a page of great knowledge and it
has answered many questions I have had for my whole life. It is
great and wonderful."
J.R.,, 1/14/97

T.F.,, 1/11/98
I just wanted you and everyone who may
read this to know that the cyberspace presence you have created is absolutely
amazing. To sit here, peering into cyberspace, reading this material, creates
an added 'awe' -- even more than the regular 'AWE' that
accompanies the integration of Neo Tech material in normal reading.
I can't express enough the joy I feel everyday KNOWING this is
REALLY GOING TO HAPPEN. It's a feeling I haven't felt since childhood.

N.R.,, 3/21/00, Canada
I know the thought process neo-tech has taught
me will greatly benefit me later in my life.
there is no doubt to me about the value of neo tech to humankind.
it is a great discovery, and I feel privileged to have gained
this in-valuable knowledge. I am 9 years old and have not
yet graduated high school.

As a young child I asked where did god come from? The answer was
he was and always will be. I could not swallow this. After 44 years and a near
failed marriage, a dead end job and with no real idea of why we are here and
the eternal question who are we? I was losing all faith in myself. After reading
Neo-Tech-Godman the picture is getting clearer all the time. Thank-you

susan,, 4/10/01, australia
I received a letter in the mail. I certainly
was interested in the enclosed offer, plainly written on
inexpensive paper, which in itself seemed different from all the recent
'junk mail' that was circulating and being sent to me.
I was fascinated neo-tech stood out, so
I ordered ' the book'. it wasn't very long before I received
'the book'...a big book at that. for 3 whole days I could not
sleep, reading feverishly every word from the beginning to the end.
Sleep did not visit, it had vanished, it seemed as though the new
knowledge that I was absorbing replaced the need for sleep. After I
finished, I slept like a new born baby. Refreshed and renewed with a new kind
of kick start for life. Since then I now have happy energy and
look forward to growing endlessly. Thanks.

"NT is the only antidote to the worlds poisons. I want the
universe to be completely free of criminal machinations."
R.M.,, 3/9/97

A.P.,, 4/23/97, Canada
The most interesting Web site I've read.

"I am very, very interested and intrigued by what I have been
reading at this web location."
R.C.,, 1/11/97

S.S.,, 8/19/98, Trinidad
This is great stuff and it is very clear and easy to
understand. It makes a lot of sense and gives hope to mankind.

It opens our minds to the flaws of society at

S.M.,, United Kingdom, b90 1SE.
Neo-Tech is the future. Together we can make a difference, and with the Neo-Tech
philosophy the world would be a better place to live in.

R.R.,, 1/20/97
I think this web site is immensely valuable to all who are interested
in improving themselves and ultimately the human condition.

M.T.,, 7/14/97
"Expanding this web site would greatly help society. Thanks for
exposing me to Neo-Tech, its knowledge is better than schools."

I find all this extremely fascinating as it opens up many
doors, and brings about new questions.

The knowledge contained here has and will change countless lives.

A.D.,, 7/4/97
"Neo-Tech must remain on the net."

L.M.,, 1/11/99
I have grown so much since I received my copy of the
Manuscript. I am finally free of the tremendous
burden of guilt that has controlled my life, as I was raised
as a devout Jehovah's Witness. I finally feel free to think
for myself, I can't tell you how much you have done for me!!
Thank-you for giving me a new outlook, a second chance.

J.L.,, 2/19/97
I am a student and have found that reading Neo-Tech/Zonpower books
have been beneficial. I still have not completely destroyed all my inner
mysticism, but cannot wait until I do. I also realized how alone I am in my age
group. This does not matter to me, only that I do not understand why others
have not been inspired as I have.

Anon.,, 10/18/99
Through Neo-Tech I found something was holding
back my own creative genius

MS,, 5/7/03
While doing research for a college project I came across your website. My jaw
dropped continuously as I read chapter after chapter in one sitting. So much of
what I have read elsewhere seemed tied together and illuminated by what I read.

"The NEO-TECH ERA sounds great I would love to read more on the
coming revolution. Thanks."
L.G.,, 1/19/97

e.k.m.,, 3/26/02
it's about time the truth came out.

world. It takes courage to even consider some of the things Neo-Think encompasses, but by opening our m

A.C.,, England
I think that yours is easily the most important site on the
web and hope that it can hasten the demise of Earth's anticivilization.

JJ,, 3/30/00, UK
A great site! The bulletin boards are a really
good way of
expanding your understanding of Neo-Tech and connect with
others who
are on this incredible journey.

L.K.,, 1/13/99
I love Neo-Tech and God Man, truly the most uplifting and sooth saying
work I've ever read. I try to work on the principles in my
life daily. Thank you very very very very much!!!!!

vlad,,8/23/00, Australia
I think people should have privy to this
powerful information. It is only then that they will be able to
decide for themselves, what is GOOD and what is BAD. Neo-cheaters are all around.
After re-reading the guide after 5 years of absence, I have become
more empowered and focused. No one can touch me or my
business. In the end, human consciousness always wins.

Mike,, 2/10/02
Neo-Tech is amazing. It would be a true sin if this website were taken offline. It has helped me tremendously in my quest to dominate my life instead of
letting my life dominate me. Can't say enough.

The logical step by step process to correct thinking and correct effort to improve
life installs a confidence that I have never experienced before. Thank you so
very much.

J.C.,, 9/16/00
neo-tech has put my life on the right track.

Neo-tech open my eyes and now I see the truth about this harsh world
and that is priceless knowledge.

R.K.,, 2/4/97
Of course this site should least until the dishonesty
disease/epidemic is cured worldwide.

Kevin O'Keane,, 10/7/00
How could it be otherwise Neo-tech spread
throughout the world
or how else are we to survive? The neo-cheater enslaver will
destruct the world. It amazes me that I was duped for so
but what else could I do. The neo-cheating is so strong and
I even knew what neo-cheating meant what else could I do? I
my life with WSA & IH to demonstrate though invisibly the
of fair play, of value production for the benefit of my
and society that this will teach others to be responsible;
be leaders in their own worlds.

J.J.,, 4/3/00
Dear Mr. Hamilton, I am fairly new to neo-tech
(I purchased 'The Book' in Nov. '99). I want to become more
and more involved with Neo-Tech and what it represents
(total honesty, and not doing things at the expense of
others). I visit the Neo-Tech web site regularly now and have been
reading 'The Story'. I am currently on Chapter 12 and can't seem to get enough of
Neo-Tech's writings. During Chapter 11, Jake and Jessie talk about Jonathan Ward (the
Neo-Tech Presidential candidate). My question is do we (Neo-Techers) have such a
candidate? Is it possiblethat You are that person? If not, who is? I'd like to give
my support in any way possible! Thank you for enlightening me and helping me turn my life
around for the better!I truly mean that from the bottom of my heart! I eagerly await your response!
Sincerely yours, John J

T.S.,, 4/4/00
Honestly, I'm already starting to benefit from what I've read!

"Have found Neo-Tech most helpful and motivating. I enjoy being
able to access your web site. It would be sad to see it go.
Regarding the news release on or about February 24, 1997 on the
successful clone of sheep. Very interesting in light of the
material in Neo-Tech. Maybe everlasting life isn't all that far
away after all."
L.M.,, 2/28/97

"This is a revolutionary and very, very important concept."
K.R.,, 5/13/97

I am only just starting on the path to God-Man, although I feel that I have always
known that the path was there. Every step is opening my eyes further and this
Web Site is a major contributor to my success. Thank you.

S.S.,, 3/26/97
I like the idea of freeing myself from the external `voices' of
government and religion.

brendan,, 10/4/01
Great to see Neo-Tech being a beacon of sanity amongst the recent world events!

M.G.,, 1/17/99
Thanks so much, life really does begin at 40.
I love you guys. The Protocols blew me away.
Now, I quit rationalizing and apply Neo-Tech objectively
in my life for riches and romance.

"Just in the few minutes that I have been at this site, I have
been in awe of the concepts."
J.C.,, 1/14/97

D.K.,, 3/8/00
Thank you so much for "The Story". I'm almost finished with
it but had to send you this email even before I finished.
First of all, the book is outstanding. That's actually an
understatement. It's uplifting, inspirational, educating and
a very easy, captivating read. Everyone from age 9-90 should
have a copy. It could simply change the world.

M Smith,, 5/9/01, AUSTRALIA
Please send me more
information on seeing life and people as they really are
of as they con me into thinking. I am 50 but feel like I am
beginning to see light at the end of the tunnel.

S.E.,, 4/6/98
I have just started reading Neo-Tech
and already I am seeing the world in a new light. This is truly
a manuscript that blows away everything that I have ever read
before, even the 'Holy Bible'! I cannot wait until I start reading
the Nothink manual, and God Man-Our Final Evolution.
I will then become the man I have always wanted to be!!

"Very interesting site."
A.J.,, 6/8/97

J.C.,, 7/3/00
All I can truly say is that Neo-Tech makes more
sense to me
than any religion or self help book I have purchased.

C.H.,, 5/4/01, England
Neo- Tech has changed my life forever... when I
first read Neo-Tech I was told that I might find much for which I
fundamentally disagreed;
however, this was not something that happened to me. I very
quickly became emotionally attached to the stunning identifications
of Frank Wallace and never in my life had I read anything to
which I so heartily agreed. In reading the 'Long Wave' I
felt like I had discovered the meaning of life. I cannot describe
the overwhelming emotional (and physical) high I felt on
integrating this article... I felt ten-feet-tall. I spent four years day
after day reading and re-reading the Neo-Tech Discovery and
other Neo-Tech works that I continually added to my Neo-Tech
arsenal. I have now started my own Internet business and have found
my 'friday night essence' ... telly is now a complete turn off for me,
and the times that I do watch it (very seldom) I find myself
restless and fidgety in wanting to get back to my computer. I am not
yet God-Man but at times I get such a searing energy burst of
sheer joy through my body that I wonder to myself... 'am I

Amazing site.

J.M.,, 3/15/00
Hello Mr. Hamilton; I feel a little strange
knowing that I'm actually addressing you; someone I've, up
'till now, have only read and read about. I'm planning to
purchase your Cosmic Business Control to further build on
Eric Savage's Global Wealth Power.
I just wanted to comment on the story of Miss Annabelle by
saying that she reminds me very much of my sixth-grade
teacher, Ms. B, who is still teaching at Marina Middle
School here in San Francisco. The only difference is that
the school has always valued Ms. B above most of the rest of
their staff, as opposed to feeling as if she were
threatening their mystical values. Although many were
mystical, they never stood in the way of personal choice;
even for children. Great story!
And, continued success to Neo-Tech; its success is
everyone's benefit.

I think we should burn all the existing bibles and replace them
with Neo-Tech.

Thank you Mark Hamilton. The most wonderful
story I have ever read. Inspirational, almost overwhelming.
This story of what Neo-Tech will do for the human race must
reach everyone. I can feel the genuine love that you have
for each member of this human race. I know a mind could not
produce such a beautiful and powerful story of what we can
be, of where we can go, of where we are going, of what we
will become. No words can explain my appreciation, only my
actions. Every time I read Neo-Tech literature, which is
almost daily now, I become armed with it's power, I thirst
for more, I become more. The value of my life and all human
life increases, to the point that nothing else is more
important than preserving and improving all human life. What
a simple concept, yet impossible task in this upside down
anticivilization. Until now. Thank you Frank Wallace and
Mark Hamilton for starting the Neo-Tech revolution that says
no to death and yes to life. What a simple but wonderful
concept. Citizens of the C of U are out here, and I return
the love and passion for life that you so consistently give.

Leon K,, 2/6/02
I think his intent is to bring out the HUMAN in all of us. To see, feel, and act on the real in us. I believe The Story's objective is to set up an
understanding for the masses, who get mired in over analyzing and lazily shrugging off the obvious reality.
As so bluntly put 'to be or not to be' :0)
Overall the work instills a hard driving determination towards a better, happier place for all.

M.A.,, 1/24/98
Very Profound. Much more useful than the glut of self help books
currently in bookstores.

B.W.,, 6/23/98, Australia
Within Neo-Tech lies the ultimate truth of mankind.
At last I am starting to
comprehend what neo-cheaters I have around me. I am no longer
blind, I can see straight through them. Thanks!

illusion created by government and media.

H.V.,, 8/16/98, India
Once exposed to Neo - Tech ,the thinking never remains the
same !!

D.P.,, 7/1/97
I now believe I have made what could be considered the

M.R.,, 9/24/00
Insofar as the continuing and beautifully
woven fabric of
life's real cloth, expertly and accurately expressed by the
Wallace/Hamilton/Savage word machine is glaringly obvious to
those who make the effort to understand the concepts put
the most germane exercise for those of us who are on that
is the ten second reminder exercise. It has proven itself to
me repeatedly in recent times. Thank you W/H/S and keep up
great work. MOR, Atlanta, Earth

S.C.,, 10/24/97
"This is the only literature I have read in the past 20
years that has really made sense. I have exhausted many
efforts in 'Money Making - Get Rich Schemes' for the
past 10 years and only wish I had used that effort
towards Neo-Tech. I now know where to put my efforts."

"I have visited lots of web sites. This is a wonderful site I
must say."
K.P.,, 12/26/96, Singapore

Cry,, UK
Neo-tech the only way to the future world.

"I think that Neo-Tech should expand and it will."
K.B.,, 2/6/97, Australia

M.M.,, 6/18/97
You provide infinite values for ALL in the world who want to listen
and apply the keys to freedom and happiness. Thank you for reviving and
catalyzing my productivity, self-protection and passion.

S.M.,, 3/23/97
Neo-Tech stands for the correct way the human race should be living.
Without Neo-Tech, our direction is toward unhappiness and death. Neo-Tech has
taught me to except responsibility for all my action. Without Neo-Tech, we are
just a group of losers. I'd rather be a winner. Even if Neo-Tech, is removed
from the web, which would be a great loss for the human race, I will always
live through Neo-Tech. ...Biological Immortality, Romantic love, Happiness, and
Lot's of earned money, for all the Neo-Tech people.

M.J.,, 2/14/97
The Neo-Tech/Zonpower Discovery helped open my eyes as to who the
REAL cheaters and criminals in the world are. I also am aware of many more
`control mechanisms' politicians have ingrained in our minds and can reject
their government as big brother, father and mother.

J.L.,, 10/11/00
very informitive

L.L.,, 9/22/98
This is fantastic, this is more than a “site!

J.S.,, 5/15/01
I just recently purchased
Mark Hamilton's book, 'Get Rich By 2001'. It is one of the
books I have ever read.

A.P.,, 4/6/00
I can't thank you enough. My life gets betterevery day! Your site is the only fully honest place on the
web. The Book is simply the greatest book ever written,justifying the title.

"What a fantastic site. I have set it up as my web start page and
cannot stop reading."
A.G.,, 5/29/97, Australia

G.M.,, 3/22/97
The greatest achievements of mankind were not discovered by some
emaciated ascetic meditating on a mountain top; they were discovered by the
hard work of dedicated, rational-thinking, human being striving to overcome the
unknown. The Neo-Tech site goes to great lengths to address this very issue.
You are to be commended for your diligence in the light of our society's
spiraling descent into yet another Dark Age. Keep up the hard work!

"Wow! I found this site by doing a search for LOVE, and it has
really given me something to think about. Who wrote it? Initially
I thought, hmmm this is interesting and mind blowing, waiting for
how I could integrate it into my everyday life. I was skeptical
when I think in Chapter 16 it started going into a way of life
where the only goal is to crush those value-destroyers -- sounded
like a way-out terrorist movement, but I kept reading, and the
part about man inventing the conscious mind really got me
thinking. I'm up to chapter 31. I look forward to reading the
rest and showing this to friends. Isn't cyberspace wonderful!
Never know what you'll find!"
G.B.,, 3/17/97, New Zealand

R.W.,, 1/30/98
I knew it, I knew it, I knew it I could not put it together.
Thank you Mr. Wallace and all the NEO-TECH GROUP FOR THE REAL

K.J.,, 2/14/97
The ultimate in real information that answers many of my lifelong
questions. Anxiously awaiting the Civilization of the Universe and am working
on eliminating my own mysticism (I had it big time!) thank you forever.

Lisa M., USIT.NET, 7/9/98
Since my first reading of the Discovery manual, I have experienced
many good changes in my personal life/relationships. I see how the
white-collar hoax is and has been holding so many people into stagnation.

J.S.,, 9/3/98, Australia
Extremely informative material and mentally explosive from
a psychological perspective. It has unplugged all the ugly waters of
mysticism in
my mind.The corrosive elements of mysticism simply dissapears
from one's mind once the literature of Neo-Tech is read.

Country : Canada Comments : I find your information to be
insightful, informative and enlightening.

I registered to vote yesterday, first time
since I was 21. I am now 50 yrs old. When I got your books in the
mail I could not put them down till I read every word that
was printed. I am a Midwestern Farm Boy and I feel like I know
honesty when I see, feel, hold, or experience it. I would love to be in Las Vegas in Oct., but would really
like to meet people within a 50 mile radius to unit our feelings of ultimate life, and life's projections. I
need to grow at the speed of light. Thank you so much for everything.

P.H.,, 6/2/97, Australia
What a brilliant idea the Internet is! It has become the perfect
distributor for worldwide Neo-Tech knowledge. Producers of values may unite
from anywhere to everywhere on our earth. LOVE IT!!!

D.L.,, 10/23/98
I believe Zonpower and its rational intensive information is
a must for today's society. but I think that the information
given is still in too much detail or maybe its so general that
people might not get the point to be intrigued to read more.
yes I understand about neocheaters but ultimately Zonpower must
appeal to a larger population for it to take a stronger hold
on society as a whole. I have two books on the manual, actually
they are the same; Zonpower/Neo-Tech and god??/Neo-Tech, sorry
I forgot the name and I'm not home. nevertheless, I really want
more in-depth interpretation. I read most of the book, but what
I want to know is how do I apply this in my life. I think already
I live mostly as an Objectivist but I still feel something is
missing. any comments? please write me or send to my e-mail: or write to: Denise LeCompte 1420
Drive Potomac, MD. 20854 thanks so much.....D

C.M.,, 1/13/97, Australia
It has changed my outlook on the way we think, invest and

R.V.,, 9/1/02
I think Neo Tech is the best. I am a firm believer in it and will always be.

J.H.,, 5/24/02
I find all information from Neo-Tech not only informative but factual. In this day of cover-ups, if is most refreshing. This is the only way other people
will be able to learn the truth about many subjects.

"I am very happy to see good self-improvement info. on the Net. I
am looking forward to reading all you have to offer."
O.S.,, 6/27/97, Essex

J.B.,, 4/30/02, Australia
I was un-employed and poor, i had a lot of problems. i wanted a way out so I read the 1st book godman. A few weeks after I read it I had an amazing idea to start my own business. I could not believe I had not thought of this idea before!!! It really is true what you say about neo tech and neo think. I believe Neo-Tech really does work! The knowledge I gained from the Neo-Tech books is with me, and I believe that I can make it a very successful and profitable business! What I read in the Neo-Tech books was
the most sensible thing I had ever read it all made sense to me, much more than any mystical or religions ideas. You Neo-Tech people are really geniuses!!!!

T.F.,, 7/26/00
I love the site!

M.D.,, 9/21/98
A wonderful way to think. The greatest thing since sliced
bread. Thank you so much.

A.S.,, 10/20/98

J.H.,, 10/24/01
Neo-tech is a great value. Every individual of positive value should have it. I'm raising a flag for science and a universal civilization.

R.M.,, 3/6/00
This site is important for mankind.

Jo T.,, 5/17/99
Your information on working the vaginal muscles is very
Insightful and very helpful for many women. Another benefit
of this exercise however not mentioned, is a decrease in
bladder control problems such as leaking.

A. MacRae,, 8/24/97, Scotland
"After reading acres of flowery flim-flam on the NET, I'd just like to make
the following comments and say that this Zon business is a real threat and
will probably 'get the chop'. The reason is, it is robust, it is honest, it
looks as though someone has been fishing in the right spot. Good Luck Zon."

J.W.,, 1/12/98
I originally purchased Zonpower back in March. At first I was
a little disappointed because I was totally engulfed in mysticism.
After rereading it, I started to fully integrate Dr. Wallace's
innovative genius into my own consciousness. I can't even begin
to explain what a relief it is to finally be truly free of the
shackles of the 'GOD concept'.

"From the little I have read, I do believe this work is extremely
beneficial to all those who are fortunate enough to encounter
T.D.,, 2/10/97

R.L.,, 1/19/01, PERU
You have predicted that the dictators will be
falling down. We are seeing that in PERU.

B.G.,, 5/18/97
Very impressive! Glad to see someone thinking.

J.T.,, 10/31/01
This is a most fascinating site... I sit enthralled for hours at a time,.

R.L.,, 2/11/97
Your concepts about individuals make a lot of sense to me. Rational
selfishness is the best tool to pursue happiness. The creation of surplus
values seems to be the moral way to help one another.

C.H.,, England
Neo- Tech has changed my life forever... when I first read Neo-Tech
I was told that I might find much for which I fundamentally disagreed; however,
this was not something that happened to me. I very quickly became emotionally
attached to the stunning identifications of Frank Wallace and never in my life
had I read anything to which I so heartily agreed. In reading the 'Long Wave'
I felt like I had discovered the meaning of life. I cannot describe the overwhelming
emotional (and physical) high I felt on integrating this article... I felt ten-feet-tall.
I spent four years day after day reading and re-reading the Neo-Tech Discovery
and other Neo-Tech works that I continually added to my Neo-Tech arsenal. I have
now started my own Internet business and have found my 'friday night essence'
... telly is now a complete turn off for me, and the times that I do watch it
(very seldom) I find myself restless and fidgety in wanting to get back to my
computer. I am not yet God-Man but at times I get such a searing energy burst
of sheer joy through my body that I wonder to myself... 'am I experiencing God-Man?'

"Your site promotes 'life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.'
The Neo-Tech literature literally saved me from suicide at age
48. Through Neo-Tech I am learning how to EARN self-esteem,
protect myself from dishonesty, define my own mission, produce
and market my own products and services, do my own accounting in
non-traditional ways that guarantee success. The happiness I long
ago dreamed was possible is dawning again in me. I see how I can
make a difference, starting by applying the right information
(Neo-Tech) to transform myself and this world into the glorious
Civilization that I know is possible for all."
M.M.,, 2/9/97, Canada

AT,, 5/21/03
On buying and reading Neo-Tech Discovery in 1992 my outlook changed and I
found a clear, happy and exciting world. Over time I tend to allow myself to
think lazily and mystically. It is at these times I need to open my book. Within
a short amount of time, any trace of mysticism is wiped out of my thinking.

"Wow!! You've put into words the natural chain of events! I
enjoyed this immensely."
J.O.,, 2/18/97

P.C.,, 9/8/02
The History of Love and Sex was a great read and very informative.

R.B.,, 9/30/01, Mauritius
I wish I could enlist myself in your team for the FRW Battle Plan. I would give
my life for freedom, business, peace & romantic love.

S.S.,, 11/6/98
Neo-Tech comes closer to what we as individuals
should strive to attain for ourselves and our existence than
any religion in existence. Thanks for taking the time to
develop this web site and maintaining it.

E.R.,, 1/2/96
Everyone with an ounce of sense should turn to it. A clear, powerful
mind is the prerequisite to anyone's journey through life and this site
provides the starting point. It is a technical masterpiece as well.

"I have found this site to be a page of great knowledge and it
has answered many questions I have had for my whole life. It is
great and wonderful."
J.R.,, 1/14/97

B.E.,, 1/5/99
This is the best information mankind has ever put together. My
life will never be the same, never.

Nick,, 2/5/01
I am emotionally integrated with the struggle
identified, accepted, started, and maintained by John Flint and Frank Wallace. And
on that glorious day when we are together on the beaches of
the world celebrating the end of the asshole-civilization (I
mean anticivilization) I want to personally shake the hand, hug,
and kiss the man who simply DAY-AFTER-DAY DID WHAT IT TOOK TO

Anon.,, 3/31/98

"Excellent and interesting information that can change ones life
S.M.,, 5/27/97, South Africa

M.M.,, 1/16/99
I first began reading Neo-Tech because I was curious
about how to become rich and powerful. Little did I know how
life changing the material was. Neo-Tech
is a breath of fresh air. Neo-Tech is the
most intelligent, thought out material I have ever read, and
I can only hope that more of it will be put on the web.

R.T.,, 3/11/00, United Kingdom
The book 'God-man our final evolution/Neo-Tech
Discovery' is the most liberating, empowering, courageous
and inspiring book that I have ever read. Please continue
with your wonderful, unique and life-enhancing work for
everyone on planet earth. My thanks to Dr Frank Wallace,
Mark Hamilton, Eric Savage, and all the super and fabulous
people at neo-tech publishing.

G. F.,, 7/1/00, LONDON ENGLAND
This is the most positive reading I have done
for years. Just
reading what was on your web site filled me with hope and

P.A.,, 11/27/98
I think it is about time that someone stood up
and tried to enlighten the masses. I had no idea what was
being put into my mind. I thank you for this info.

Peggy M.,, 7/14/99
I've always known there had to be
a better way to live life, free of guilt and fear. I kept
looking, finally I have found it. I am
learning to think for myself and making my own decisions. I know
I have a long way to go, but now at least I will have the
needed help to get me there quicker.

D.B.,, 11/12/99
It is quite clear that a great deal of though
and research has been applied to this work

T.T.,, 7/25/98, Germany
Neo-Tech has told truth to human beings.

E.G.S.,, 9/6/01
I have been a N/T owner, since 1987, I at that
time was a long time alcoholic,
had attended numerous self-help seminars, at no avail. I had
been a charismatic bible thumper, even with my drinking. In
1995 I was involved in a serious auto accident (while drinking)
nearly killing me and two other person in the other auto. I decided
at that point with the knowledge of N/T and the
strength it gave me I would never touch another drop of
alcohol again, and I have not. The information contained within the
pages of N/T have given me the gift of happiness and wealth of
knowledge and a new look at my future health.

"This site is great. It provides the valuable infromation I have
been searching for all this time. Keep up the good work. :)"
Y.S.,, 3/24/97, Malaysia

D.A.,, 9/29/97, Canada
Neo-Tech is the most valuable site on the web today. Delivering
health, wealth and happiness to the individual.

I have found my Friday night essence and it is
the beginning
of something wonderful! I have real purpose in life now and
I know no thing or no one can stop me. I am a 67 y/o man,
I have hope for the future for all, because I will be giving

"Nice sight, seems to have a lot of good information."
J.S.,, 3/18/97

A.L.,, 1/21/00
This is not only a great site, but very
necessary site. The material is absolutely fascinating.

"This is superb source of information."
R.M.,, 2/21/97, Sweden

P.M.,, 7/25/97, Australia
Neo-Tech offers many windows of opprtunities in creativity
and originality, it has worked for me and it should work for anyone
else. I am sick of negativity in people and dead-psyche minds. It is
time these people were healed by Neo-Tech. Finally let's continue to
unplug the sludge of mysticism that has soaked peoples minds for many

HZ,, 5/7/03, South Africa
Good ,true and powerful needs to be known by the whole world.

J.B.,, 3/8/98
I am interested in real success and prosperity principles,
like those found in your materials. These materials are the most logical,
practical, philosophically sound information I have read since
I last read Atlas Shrugged.

M.M.,, 9/5/97, Australia
"Why shouldn't the best information in the world be available to everyone.
Neo-Tech has/is and will continue to change the world. Neo-Tech has 100% of
my vote because they are conducting a needed and moral service for all
individuals. I constantly spread the Neo-Tech address over the Web. Down
with Mystics/Neocheaters."

Anon,, 10/21/97
Your work is both good and original.

L.H.,, 1/16/01
You are doing a great service
to mankind and no amount of name calling or illusion should
allowed to interfere with your purpose. Thank you for
me up' to the truth.

K.R.,, 8/21/97
I think your page is very informative and is an asset to the world
of knowledge. People need to understand things so that they will not be afraid
of them. Keep up the good work.

C.M.,, 10/19/02
I think this site is great I just received my first book a few weeks ago and i can't put it down. I'm impatiently waiting for my second book. I'm finally
getting out of the mysticism rut I've been in for 18 years of my life all thanks to neo-tech.

S.P.,, 3/1/97, United Kingdom
After receiving Neo-Tech several years ago, I recently began to
realize the importance of DTC. I cannot now overemphasize the changes that a
person goes through after integrating DTC into their lives. Thank you

All the mysticism in the world would not keep us safe. Neo-Tech is
quickly paving the way.

S.B.,, 7/16/98
Very intriguing.

K.R.,, 5/13/97
This is a revolutionary and very, very important concept.

B.A.,, 12/31/00
Battling against my own internal dishonesties
proved to be one
the biggest battles of my life -- approximately 8 years.
like u say: from impossible to succeed to impossible to fail
NEW YEAR !!! At least for some of us HA HA

All knowledge is good...and this is some of the best we can get to help us
all grow in our development as humans.

OW,, 5/13/03
Neo-Tech helped me to see this world from a completely different perspective.
I’d hate to see where I'd be today if I did not found Neo-Tech information....

M.K.,, 8/26/01
The world needs this information or we are doomed.

M.H.,, 5/6/98
Very enlightening and I am looking
forward to putting Neo-Tech into action. Thank you for all the wonderful

D.H.,, 7/8/97
"By all means keep it on the web. For when the truth or the light
is shining people dont want to see it and they love to put it out.
So by all means stay on the net."

DD,, 2/7/02
Mark, that is the most touching story I have ever read and I wish with all of my heart that I could have had the privilege of that kind of informed
explanation when I was growing up. Love has always been such a wonderful gift for me but I just have not had the experience of sharing with anyone the way I thought it should be. It is never too late to learn and I have learned so much from Neo-Tech. I have
gained much power.It's me again, just finished chapter 5 and I am relishing every word. It is so beautifully executed.

P.C.,, 9/14/97
"I found your articles to be very informative, yet easy to understand, Thank

Neo-Tech is the most life-enhancing
information available. It has completely changed my life for the better.
My view of the world has been widened to points I could never even have imagined
before Neo-Tech. It has set me on the path to being even more productive
in my career and enhanced the relationships I am involved in. Everything
previously unclear has now become clear to me. Thank you and continue delivering
values to the universe.

J.H.,, 4/6/97
I must say that I really enjoy this Randian capitalist spritzer with
a twist of sarcasm and light sprinkle of earthy-crunchy clean living.

I have had the neo-tech/god-man book for about a year and I am extremely
impressed and thankful for it's extreme value. I have been practicing 'honesty'
for about 11 month's some have thought that I was extremely crazy, that is all
right with me, because, I have the power now.

Carole D.,, 4/24/99
I LOVE Neo-Tech!! My life is drastically
changed for the better!!! Thank you
for opening my eyes!!!

"I find these writings about Neo-Tech to be very intriguing. They
express an interesting point of view on the nature of
T.M.,, 1/12/97

This site is ZONtastic!!!

d.d.,, Austria