
Your Rendezvous with Pax Neo-Tech
13,000 Comments 13,000 Comments

Pure Beauty Rising
C'est Si Bon

Neo-Tech Letter Testimonials!

Feedback Comments From Jan 1997-May 2003

Below, 500 Random Testimonials From 1997-2003
Continue refreshing to see countless more Neo-Tech Testimonials... over 20,000 testimonials!

t.e.,, 2/23/02
Neo-Tech is powerful, this is what I've searched for, neo-cheaters watch out!

"I was first introduced to Neo-Tech in 1989 - since which I have
held the philosophy with the deepest respect. Not one to take
anything for face value, placing the concepts into action has
produced a degree in mechanical engineering, straight into
business in 1992, successfully sold out in 1996, and now committed
to a direct-mail computer software business turning over
UK£700,000 p.a. I possess a powerful skill to test new boundaries
and the business hence grows at accelerating speed while focus on
the means allow the ends to take care of themselves. I feel so
intensely for people who go through life not realizing their
potential, indeed the accurate perception of the new civilization
which will come, as sure as the sun will rise tomorrow. Everything
in my life revolves around a central core of strength that is
Neo-Tech. Thank you sincerely."
S.Z.,, 6/23/97, United Kingdom

"This is an amazing discovery by Mr. Wallace. Thank-you for such
powerful and mind blowing information."
S.C.,, 1/31/97, Australia

Neo-Tech is the greatest book ever written.
It has completely changed my life.

"Your web site is clearly the best value I've encountered. Your
thinking is bold and revolutionary -- it resonates with something
I used to call my Spirit."
K.T.,, 6/10/97

"Neo-Tech is the most important thing in the history of our
existence – it must be available to everyone."
T.R.,, 4/13/97, Canada

C.M.,, 5/1/97
The greatest site on the Web. My sense of self-control has increased
100 fold. Nothing or nobody mystical controls my destiny. I am in the beginning
stages of starting a cleaning business. Before, that was a "ridiculous" dream,

R.A.,, 12/7/97
The profound effects of Neo-Tech are indeed visible in the general
society and will be long into the future. As a 'cyber-citizen'
I feel this is one of the best sites on the web and integral to
the advance of our universal civilization.
So many people need to wake up to what has been done to them
and it is exciting to me that these ideas are now so succinctly
put forth through these pages. Onward...!

G.B.,, 2/9/97, Canada
Looking forward to the Civilization of the Universe. Imagine a world
without dishonest government.

R.D.,, 1/14/98
I am extremely interested in these topics and have been for
years. This will be a regular stop for me from now on. I
am indeed on a serious quest for knowledge and always have been.

S.D.,, 4/13/02
I think it is of vital importance that neo-tech remain on the web because in cyberspace, neo-tech's powerful enemies are rendered impotent. In the years to come, cyberspace will truly evolve into an extension of man's mind. If neo-tech stands at the forefront of this expansion, the rewards for humanity will be incalculable.

Anon.,, 11/14/98
Thank you for your interest and effort to help
others sort out problems with your material.
It helped me to get a handle on my emotions and
make a serious decision about where my relationship
was going and whether or not to end it. I hated being
indecisive like straddling a fence.
I had to make up my mind to get on one
side of the fence or the other, but stop riding the fence!
Thank you much.

"I know that I want to live for 100 or 200 years and only the
philosophies of Neo-Tech will power societies and encourage
economic values to a point where we will be able to survive that
long. Mysticism brings down these advancement by stopping people
from doing things that seem 'godlike' (i.e. cloning)."
J.G.,, 6/12/97

S.B.,, 2/5/97
This is an extremely valuable site. I fervently hope that it remains
on the Web ...the world desperately needs this information.

"Someone has to keep telling the truth until the world wakes up
to what is and has been going on for so long. Thank you for this
J.L.,, 2/20/97

L.K.,, 8/28/97
This is the true purpose of the Internet or world wide web,
to finally provide a means by which tyranny can be broken. This is what
the world has been waiting for.

"I would like to see this site expand."
A.W.,, 4/23/97, United Kingdom

R.K.,, 5/23/98
The dialogues are fascinating, they challenge my thinking.

M.M.,, 10/8/01, england
Neo-tech is the elixir that mankind has secretly been waiting for, for life. Everyone who has common sense about them will take on neo-tech.

mysticism life of reality... Life is Wonderful 'Death To Mysticism'

R.S.,, 3/4/00
Mr. Hamilton: The Story is fantastic!!! I
haven't finished all of it yet. So far it has taken me on an
incredible emotional roller-coaster ride. I have never had
this kind of reaction to a story, not even Braveheart, which
is my all time favorite movie, the only movie that I ever
shed tears to.
The only complaint I have is trying to figure the puzzle. I
like a challenge, but this is killing me. Phantom-Bantom
Software, Winter Wonderland, etc. Throw me a bone please. Is
Ms. Annabelle, Katherine Applegate?
Well keep up the good work & keep an eye on your 6.

"Thanks Neo-Tech, for bringing light back into the world."
A.A.,, 5/16/97

J.W.,, 12/17/96, Australia
What little I have seen so far is very interesting.
I have limited opportunities to surf, but will be back to see more.

M.L. Dean,, 4/14/02
Thus far, The Book has impressed and contributed to what has already been known. The Story is very accurate as to what should be and can be. Your method of application in the area of day to day structure (mini day schedule and its principle are fantastically correct. Your mission assignment has impressed me and aligned us together. Your humble and ardent supporter.

paul,, 4/23/00
new thoughts and ways shake the old belief
structures. those who have pinned their existence to these old structures fear
anything that would cause them to be awakened. There is a
fundamental difference in controlling your own destiny and allowing
others to control your destiny through their belief structure.

"Never before have I come across a system like this. I have seen
every kind of scam claiming to furnish you with the results that
Neo-Tech actually gives you. And unlike scams, Neo-Tech is simple
and has definite integrity. I think Neo-Power will definitely
change my life."
N.F.,, 1/29/97

D.L.,, 7/5/98, Malaysia
Four years has passed since NT Zonpower came into my life...
My income increased five fold, my knowledge of the world ten
fold ...and my personal happiness a hundred fold. Thank you and
keep up the good work.

Peter,, Australia
Once one has read neo-tech literature one finds quicker shortcuts
to the thought process in most subjects in life thus having a competitive
advantage over those that have delta thinking. Only neo-tech can give you
the tools of awakening.

l.d.,, Canada
I find Neo-Tech to be one of the best self improvement sites on the web.
The articles are designed to help us overcome self imposed limitations
and achieve maximum growth.

"I just finished reading the book Zonpower, and I find the idea
of a totally free and rational society intoxicating. I look
forward to learning more about Neo-Tech, and thank you for
helping me to unleash more of my potential through Zonpower."
J.C.,, 12/23/96

P.W.,, 11/25/98, United Kingdom
Your literature has helped me survive in hostile
environments and certainly been an aid to being happy.
I have seen, the past 10 years, that all you say about
power thieves is absolutely and honestly correct.
The majority of people go along and are pacified with this
and get rude or bored if you mention the facts. I
ask people what is the definition of a slave and how much will
it take before they realize that Orwell's 1984 has arrived. And
the torture description in Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged is upon us.

C.B., HUGHES.COM, 1/30/03, united kingdom
To all the religious believers of God The Almighty who don't understand the concepts of Neo-Tech, you are playing right into God-Mans' hands. You are afraid
to confront neo-knowledge with constructive criticism. On the other hand we who are not afraid of
this new knowledge are willing to learn from the old way of thinking and make our own judgments using the evidence which is reality. The Laws of Nature will
be the final analysis, and is your nemesis.

H.B.,, 9/24/01, Canada
From conversations I have in my taxi, I have referred many people to this site. For the most part I have no way of knowing if they visit but I refer them
in response to their thirst for something ' outside the box'. Thank you for your efforts. You are
greatly appreciated! Live long and prosper.

paul,, 4/23/00
new thoughts and ways shake the old belief
structures. those who have pinned their existence to these old structures fear
anything that would cause them to be awakened. There is a
fundamental difference in controlling your own destiny and allowing
others to control your destiny through their belief structure.

I think your book is out of this world, very inspiring.

M.L. Dean,,
The Story is very accurate as to what should be and can be.
Your method of application in the area of day to day structure (mini day
schedule and its principle are fantastically correct. Your mission assignment
has impressed me and aligned us together. Yo ur humble and ardent supporter.

R.R.,, 6/28/98
Dear Neo-Tech Group, It will be interesting to see where
objective, rational, integrated honesty leads me (and the rest of us).
The information contained in the Neo-Tech Zonpower volumes I-V has
really tied together many loose ends for me. I guess that this
is part of the integration process. I've found that my reading time has
decreased since I've increased my productivity
at work, including working
longer hours to catch-up some of the backlog. However, I've also
discovered I do not need as much sleep, so I've been doing much
of my reading late at night. I had already taken control over
much of my life, especially in the health and diet areas. Dr.
Atkin's books started me on a great health drive for an improved
lifestyle. The Neo-Tech literature improved my self-control in
many trouble areas by helping me realize that I was responsible
for my actions, and not some higher authority or anyone/anything
else. Also, I've lost the guilt feelings over my back and forth
decisions regarding religion. I look forward to more studies which will
help me build a complete matrix of honest, rational, full-blown
integrations. Thanks for the insights.

is here for all to experience.

L.M.,, 2/25/01, Mexico
It's the most valuable information I've ever

F.H,, 7/30/97
"I am 42 years of age and work for the NPS. I make $30,000 a year and have
very little to show for my hard work. What little I have read in this web
page has given me new feelings and hope for my future. I would like to break
out on my own and be the happy and successful person that I know I can be. I
think that the Neo-Tech way is the way."

B.T.,, 1/1/99, United Kingdom
After reading God-Man our final Evolution along with The
Neo-Tech Discovery the veil of deceit that surrounds us all
is lifted by exposing Neo-cheaters for what they are.
The sooner religion and neocheating
government are removed from this world the sooner man can realize
his true potential in the Universe. Thank you for opening my
eyes to reality! Please expand this site as big as possible!

Anon.,, 10/30/99
I feel that whatever a person's orientation, they could benefit
from reading the information in Neo-Tech. I think
the information is powerful and should be available to the
greatest possible number of people. Neo-Tech is
a fresh perspective that is worth investigating.

This site has enabled me to be a better person to myself and to the people
around me and I thank you for that.

D.C.,, 4/2/99
Hello, I am a 17 year old high school student Neo-Tech has
changed my way of thinking and I plan on being mystic free
for the rest of my life. I am glad that you are on
the internet because it makes me feel like I am not alone, and
that there are others who want to be prosperous in life and love.

LSD,, 8/22/97
This site needs to stay available, Definately!!
No wonder there is so much poverty.

H.B.,, 8/31/97
You have uplifted dark into LIGHT!!

J.C.,, 3/17/97
I am most interested in becoming a master of these arts I think the
power of this literature will benefit me in my business ventures.

G.M.,, 4/12/97
This site rocks. So much information, so little time.
I love the Zon manuscript, it is intriguing. Also, the
Global business section contains information I could use in starting up a
global wealth empire. What a site! It has already

It's taught me to have total control of my life. Thank You.

ronald daniels,, 5/11/00, u s a
Thank Zon for Frank Wallace for without his
discovery humanity
would be doomed. I have been driven to search all my life,
now with
Neo-Tech I have found the answer to the riddle of life. Who
would not want Neo-Tech on the web but the neo cheaters
themselves? Thanks
again Frank.

J.B.,, 5/1/00
A very solid story about happiness and true dreams
not those dreams that are cookie cutter capitalist crap.

"Thanks to the net and your site, I regularly log in to catch up
and stay in contact."
R.E.,, 2/14/97, Australia

G.O.,, 8/3/00
There is no future without Neo-Tech. It is the
only way to have access to valid knowledge. Also the only way to biological
immortality, wealth and happiness. Ever since I was a small child, I sensed
there was something wrong with the world; after so many years I found
my answer in Neo-Tech

Tim,, 9/21/02
The Bible, philosophy , and human history all integrated and plausibly and rationally explained at last ....Brilliant! Tim

D.B.,, 1/19/99, United Kingdom
The negative comments are a fascinating insight into
the(largely) American public opinion. One wonders at the
incredible intolerance of many in the land of the free!

"Nice site. New views and thoughts abound."
J.F.,, 1/19/97

L.B.,, 1/27/97
Interesting prognostication. Hope it happens.

Neo-Tech gives the little man an avenue to wealth, power and love. I'm
very happy to have this in my world

e.g.,, 1/13/03
I think we should burn all the existing bibles and replace them with Neo-Tech.

K.R.,, 5/13/97
This is a revolutionary and very, very important concept.

B.V.,, 9/6/98
If the value of the Protocols where all that one found at, that alone would be plenty of reason to continue. Please,
A straight forward explanation such as this can only help those
that have ignored the facts all their lives.

r.w.,, 12/7/02
I love the information contained in this material. It has helped me understand some events that have occurred in my life and has provided many options to
consider as to the new direction my life will take. I feel that in time this new feeling of self-empowerment, that realizing my dreams of the future will
have a solid and powerful impact on my success as an individual, husband, father, and future business owner.

M.K.,, 12/20/98, Brazil
I am very interested in reading more about your approach. At
first it looked to me like a rip-off of Ayn Rand's ideas. But
on a slightly closer examination, it seems that your
approach makes her philosophy practical (that is, applicable
to everyday living) instead of being a theoretical framework
for the endless and useless discussions that are common on
'Objectivist' newsgroups or the grounds for a personality cult.
I think you are doing a terrific job at putting forth an organized
exposition of a rational oriented lifestyle and philosophy. Why
would anyone want to take you off the web? I have to conclude that your
organized approach is scaring the holy bejeezus out of some people.

D.M.,, 7/11/99
This is the most fascinating knowledge I have ever
experienced. It truly makes you become 'aware' of your
capabilities in the mind. Once this 'thinking' has been
applied to every area of your life,
you respond and become a 'super-person'!!!

Pike,, Canada
I believe this site is brilliant. Take control of your life.

J.V.,, 2/17/00
I truly enjoy in-essence what Neo-Tech has brought to the
table. Readings are clear and concise and very moving. I have never
heard of Neo-Tech before and would be more than willing to be
apart of Neo-Tech and assist in spreading the word to
everyone here in the northeast.

N.Q.,, 2/10/97
Best site on the net. I have read a lot of it and hope to read it
all. I spend more time on this site than any other site on the net.

W.W.,, 1/14/03
Neo-Tech gives all of us who are looking for answers about life and religion a study point. Neo-tech not being a religion but a way of life clears up a lot
of misconceptions people have about their place in the universe. Those of us who have been bombarded with religion our entire lives now have a healthy alternative to gaining enlightenment about the body and soul with out all the fire and brimstone. Thank
you Neo-tech for opening my eyes a little further.

Anon.,, 5/21/99
Thought provoking; unique ideas.

R.P.,, 10/11/97, India
I just got a net connection today. I found your site through
Ayn Rand. Boy has it freshened me and exited me. Please inform
me more of Neo-Tech, what I can do to spread what you are doing?

"It's time for a change in America and everywhere."
E.J.,, 2/21/97

"Very Interesting and loads of material."
J.W.,, 4/19/97

B.S.,, Australia
The bible should have been 'the book' from the start. The world
would definitely be a better place now.

I believe this is the best thing that I have ever came across except life
itself and just wish everyone would take the chance to understand it. I believe
that with it being on the web more people have the chance to see what it's
all about.

J.R.,, 5/20/99
A noble prospectus indeed. Certainly a worthwhile goal.

B.L.,, 8/17/98

C.J.,, 10/22/98
I think that it important that everybody can see how there is
a way we can all live and get along. This is going to become
more important over the next few years. I received your letter
in the mail and you said I had to respond by Friday, is that
really fair if I don't have the money?

W.V.,, 1/31/99
It is about time that intellect got its shot in the arm.
Society has become structured for personal destruction.
I have witnessed the stagnation of thought and evolution
through the practice of irrational morality.
It is time to come to grips that humanity must wake up or
perish. Neo-Tech is not about religion it is about reality!

J.S,, 10/19/97
What your site does is to awaken a sleepy mind to start thinking.

C.F.,, 3/4/97

"Please expand this site."
R.C.,, 2/20/97

S.C.,, 10/23/99
One of the most interesting realistic and informative articles
I have ever read. Really opens your eyes to the reality facing
the world today and tomorrow. Thanks for such a thorough and
informative piece of work.

"The ideas expressed are eye opening and should be made available
to the world in mass doses. The world we live in today is that of
lies. We the people deserve the truth about all Neo-Tech has to
offer. The books should be in every library in the world."
K.R.,, 4/8/97

J.P.,, 7/3/97, England
I found your site very influencing,
aiding me in all my decisions and allowing me to detect the
menace of the neocheaters.

N.B.,, 3/2/00
Chapter 11 That's where I am so far; the book
is certainly attractive and sure seems to wake that sleeping
child in me. But yet I'm just starting to read it(24
chapters left). I found myself asking questions that were
launching my imagination and creativity. For example when
Jake asked himself: 'What is the common denominator in that
third-grade classroom?', I tried to find the answer; I
stooped reading and started pacing in my room thinking:
What is the common denominator in that third-grade classroom?
-They were all happy to learn, to discover new things.
But why?
-Because they realize their whole life is about living their
dreams! Because they had a strong desire to realize their
dream, by doing so create incredible values for humanity.
They wanted to make a difference in the world!
But how did it happen that this desire was so strong in
them(and not in the other kids)?
-Well at some point they all realized how important life is,
how important they are as human beings! The other kids
probably started to buy into the mystic idea that they're
Great but is that all? I mean is that the common denominator
or could we try to look deeper? What made them see the
importance of their lives?
-Oh yes! They were all self-thinkers in that class! They
were challenged to think for themselves. They were not
memorizing pre-built concepts(naïveté), but actually using
their mind to build new concepts! They were discovering what
is under the shadow of what seems, thus that feeling of
happiness, fullfillness like the one I'm feeling right now!
Believing that I got it, a feeling of satisfaction and
passion for life passed through me. Yeah, that's HAPPINESS!
I found in Chapter 9 an excellent example of how to deal
with a mystic mind(even my own for that matter).

R.G.,, 4/2/99
Neo-Tech is Perfect. Absolutely Perfect.

After having read a few of the negative comments about Neo-Tech it is plain to
see how right and powerful Neo-Tech truly is. Those negative voices are clearly
fanatics who would rather live a quiet life of desperation than enjoy all the
benefits that life and Neo-Tech have to offer.

R.W.,, 2/6/00
Just reading the negative comments on this
site, has made me elated to be
a part of this rarefied information. And not a part of their
hatred and discontentment with life. I already know where
heaven and hell are... you don't need to go any where to be
in either.

J.G.,, 7/24/98
Beautiful. A magnificent work.

J.L.,, 12/16/96, Australia
I have so far found the information in this site
fascinating and as a newcomer to the Internet I feel as if
I may have already struck gold.

Finally, writers who have integrated the truth! Thank you for writing
these important works and making them available. I thank myself everyday for
waking up to true consciousness - with the help of Neo-Tech. Count me in as a
permanent member of the univer sal community of value creators.

R.G.,, 5/21/98, Canada
I enjoy your web site it's very informative.

G.G.,, 2/7/97
Excellent web site, one of the most valuable and powerful that I have
found. It just may save mankind. I would like to see more intellectual
ammunition like this. Thanks, keep up the great work.

K.M.,, 5/11/97, Barbados
This is nothing short of FANTASTIC. I feel as if I have found a

s.c.,, 3/6/01
Awakening of knowledge is a blessing.

"This is my first exposure, I find the content interesting. It
seems to encompass the complete width and breath of life."
M.B.,, 4/17/97

I think this site is fantastic.

P.S.,, 3/19/02
I have been reading and living Neo-Tech since 1995. Neo-Tech has helped me and my wife to raise two remarkable sons. With all that said, I have never been
more excited than after reading The Story. I have my wife and sons reading it now. I introduced it
to my mother who is introducing it to several of her friends and so on. I can now for the first time see clearly how Neo-Tech will spread. It will be
unstoppable now. I am confident for the first time that we will all live forever. I can't thank you enough.

"Zon power confirms and puts into words what we feel all along.
We are all helpless puppets caught in this viscous circle with no
way out. Zon is the answer. I would like to know more!!"
C.W.,, 5/11/97, Singapore

C.C.,, 11/26/98
neo-tech is absolutely incredible! I can't think of a
perfect enough word to describe it.
I'm thirsty for any and all knowledge neo-tech
can provide me with! I can't get enough!

J.G.,, 7/27/00
Life has been very gruel and unfair for many
because of value strippers,
deceivers, liars and those do-gooders which do NO good what
ever. What I read so far is a hope for more of a good thing
mere wishing for one.

D.M.,, 5/15/98
The Neo-Tech Values need to become much more public
and become a driving force to change our slippage to a dictator-type

Wow. The world that is growing around
us demands a new guideline for a new morality- and you offer the sanest that
I have ever seen.

A.S.,, 11/30/97
This site gives me a new outlook on
everything I thought I knew. Keep up the good work.

N.M.,, 2/29/00, Australia
These ideas are good and certainly many people
may gain wealth from the Story!

C.B.,, 5/21/98, Germany
In the name of freedom (what little we possess) this site should remain
on the web. One principle must be applied to accomplish the triumph of
man's mind: the elimination of a negative to achieve a positive. The
negatives are force and fraud. Their philosophical results are
government and religion. Only neo-tech can vaporize these unnecessary
and insignificant molehills. With the expanding techniques for
identifying and exposing such evils, we can swiftly disarm them. The
search light of consciousness has sparked and it is spreading across the
globe as a signal to our cousins in the universe: one more civilization
has triumphed over evil, let us now see what is truly possible to the
mind of man.....

M.W.,, 11/17/99
This is going to scare the 'hell' out of a lot of people it totally
explains but yet destroys religion. The truth is a very
frightening thing.

D.T.,, 12/23/98
Neo-Tech is delivering the advantages of tomorrow's cyberspace
society today. Now, neocheating is easily spotted when dishonesty
people try to manipulate situations unfairly. Thanks for the truth.

Thank you Mark Hamilton. The most wonderful
story I have ever read. Inspirational, almost overwhelming.
This story of what Neo-Tech will do for the human race must
reach everyone. I can feel the genuine love that you have
for each member of this human race. I know a mind could not
produce such a beautiful and powerful story of what we can
be, of where we can go, of where we are going, of what we
will become. No words can explain my appreciation, only my
actions. Every time I read Neo-Tech literature, which is
almost daily now, I become armed with it's power, I thirst
for more, I become more. The value of my life and all human
life increases, to the point that nothing else is more
important than preserving and improving all human life. What
a simple concept, yet impossible task in this upside down
anticivilization. Until now. Thank you Frank Wallace and
Mark Hamilton for starting the Neo-Tech revolution that says
no to death and yes to life. What a simple but wonderful
concept. Citizens of the C of U are out here, and I return
the love and passion for life that you so consistently give.

A.S.,, 2/14/01, GERMANY
Definitely I want Neo-Tech to remain on the
web; for it's the
only consistent myth-smashing force on the planet today.

Astounded that so much info. is packed on your page. Thanks for
your great and grand work.

"Thank you for helping to free me from mystical thinking. I have
only begun to experience the freedom of living. I realize now my
potential is unbounding. Peace, love and eternal happiness to the
free world!"
A.M.,, 5/23/97, Australia

"Neo-Tech is extremely informative and a pleasure to read."
M.M.,, 6/5/97

K.W.,, 6/26/02, jackson

L.D.,, 4/21/00
I think this site is going to change my life. I
printed out 'Neo-Tech III' and read the first few pages and I suddenly
realized what is wrong in my own life, and how I will and can change
it. I can honestly say that it has changed
my outlook and I look forward to buying Neo-Tech Literature.
Best content on the internet! -LD

R.H.,, 4/20/97
I am 67 & feel comfortable for the first time that I
can throw off mysticism thanks to all you good,
brave souls at Neo-Tech. Where was Neo-Tech years ago?
How many lives could have been saved.
From my youth, I knew something was wrong, but
could not find out till I read Neo-Tech.

J.P.,, 7/3/97, England
I found your site very influencing,
aiding me in all my decisions and allowing me to detect the
menace of the neocheaters.

C.D.,, 9/23/97
Without Neo-Tech we would have been completely devoured by
professional neo-cheating lawyers, religious fanatics, etc. long ago. With
Neo-Tech, we are living again and know that life is getting better, fuller,
richer daily. Neo-Tech literally saved our lives from total destruction &
enabled us to see the chaos we were so deeply involved in & showed us a way
out. Neo-Tech is our bible. THANK YOU NEO-TECH!

"This site is amazing and needs to remain available to anyone who
feels the confines of social and religious correctness. I will
point this site out to those I care most about. My vote is a
resounding KEEP THIS SITE OPEN!!!!!"
R.L.,, 4/22/97

M.S.,, 3/31/00

C.P.,, 2/24/98, South Africa
Neo-Tech gave me a fresh burst of energy to pursue my life
long dream.

A.B.,, 8/14/01
It would be detrimental to society and the
human race should
Neo-Tech not be available to the public.

"This is a wonderful web site. I gain a lot of knowledge about
your product."
F.Q.,, 12/24/96

C.Y.,, 2/12/99
My friend shared the Website and one of the books with me.
What I couldn't know was that I was about to embark on the most
incredible discovery of my life! It was as though the lights went
on and I saw the world for the first time!! My anger turned to
profound awareness and I quite suddenly realized what a wonderful,
valuable thing my friend was sharing with me. In my mystical,
neo-cheating way of thinking I erroneously believed that he wanted
our relationship to end, but in honest reality, he wanted us
both to grow in an enlightened and valuable new way.
Everyone in their right mind should be re-learning how to live
in honesty, prosperity and happiness through Neo-Tech.

M.M.,, 8/29/97,
"This is prophetic info. Enlightening as well as captivating, resonating in

J.H.,, 4/26/99
II am jus now starting to see the power of
Neo-Tech. Without Neo-Tech....I probably would have
committed suicide later on in life.

H.C.,, 12/6/98
A great discovery, the actual answer of enlightenment.

A.T.,, 10/29/98
I am new at this. I grew up in a catholic
school so you can Imagine my inner conflicts.
With Neo-tech it's like the floodgates of my mind opened. I
have a long way to go to get rid of
all the mysticism that I have, but thank you for writing a
book that I can use to fight it with.

B.A.,, 4/17/01
I have been merely scratching the surface of NT
the past few days, and
can only share with you my immense gratitude for exposing,
and thoroughly explaining, true human structure and human need.
So many of us in today's society feel that there is something
DEFINITLY wrong, but can't quite put our fingers on it. Thank you for
doing that for us! ... I look forward to learning more of Neo
Tech. I do sincerely hope that what I am seeing here
is to become more commonplace in today's confused and
mystical society.

CJ,, 2/6/02
The Story is the most stunning novel I have ever read, Mark Hamilton deserves the 'Booker Prize' for creating a modern masterpiece. Literature has the power
to change society for good or bad... The Story has the power to dig deep into individuals psyches
and help us progress upward into a better and happier world. The one emotion that I think I took away from The Story above all others is love... a love for
mans mind and what it can rise to, when freed from the constraints of an anticivilization.

I think that you have hit on the PERFECT blueprint for a perfect
world in a time when perfection is but an illusion and the events of September
2001 is proof enough that most humans are unable to put aside the emotional
hang-ups in order to work sensibly with anyone, let alone their perceived
'enemies'... howling for blood any blood is NOT the answer...

Information provided by Neo-Tech is the most valuable to date I've found.

S.M.,, 5/27/97, South Africa
Excellent and interesting information that can change ones life

w.k.,, 12/12/00, uk
I think this site is awesome, I feel my
changing towards life. Long live neo-tech

"Inquisitive information with bold statements -- is this
possible? Intriguing!"
L.F.,, 1/29/97

"Wow!! What an eye opener!! Thanks a million."
T.R., trose, 4/4/97

J.M.,, 4/28/00
It is about time the people of this country
woke up. Thanks to Neo-Tech they can! Thanks, Dr. Wallace and Mark Hamilton.

M.G.,, 1/15/98, Australia
My most illuminating discovery to date has been my preoccupation
with Mysticism. I am eliminating such habits as I concentrate
on an objective outlook on life.

C.C.,, 3/5/99
Neo-Tech has categorically delivered me from
mystical delusions. I was the last person who thought I
would ever stop believing in God. As a physicist in
training, I try to logically deal with reality based on the
scientific method. If it were not for such a background, I
probably would have overlooked the TRUTH which is Neo-Tech.
Now, I look back in awe of the magnitude of the absurdness
and irrationality of the Platonistic philosophies and all of
its derivatives. This feeling is due to the fact that now
Neo-Tech concepts are so natural to my conscious. The beauty
of the natural logic which clearly sustains Neo-Tech is
breath-taking. As many others now realize, only the
destruction of mankind itself could possibly stop Neo-Tech
from developing on our planet. History will forever laud
Frank Wallace as the true messiah and savior of mankind!

R.F.,, 3/9/01
NeoTech is mankind's only hope for passing
through the nuclear
decision threshold and advancing growth, love, and
into the future. In short, NeoTech concepts make one
wealthy, and wise in the purest sense of that meaning.

C.H.,, United Kingdom
I love Neo-Tech literature... it holds so many great values
and has so many great values to offer everybody... What is amazing to me
is that I have reached a level of integration that has bought me to the realization
that my success is now inevitable. I n ow know exactly the steps I need to
take to succeed... this is because I have found my 'Friday night essence'.
Once you find your essence, success is inevitable. Not only do I now know
the steps... but, I am now taking them every day. The clarity of what I have
to do every day to succeed is so clear that it staggers me. What I love about
Neo-Tech is its ever evolving nature, despite now focusing on my business
I am always drawn back to the Neo-Tech web site because I feel as I integrate
its new concepts, I further evolve. Neo-Tech should stay on the web because
it gives people what they really need... not hope, or faith but mind cleansing

G.J.,, 10/19/98
I would like to obtain a copy of the Neo-tech encyclopedia so
much referred to in the manuscript. Please, send information
to: Guido Jimenez 524 E Elk Ave #306 Glendale, CA 91205

"I find your site truly fantastic."
I.C.,, 6/2/97, Pakistan

Tina G.,, 4/6/99
I have read some of your literature and I am
convinced that Neo-Tech can help me change my life.

V.M.,, 7/21/97
"The site is looking great, and I look forward to seeing and
evaluating the QS after Mr. Wallace is no longer threatened."

P.B.,, 1/28/02
'The Book' has had an immediate effect on my thinking - like nothing else, ever.

S.W.,, 5/3/00, UK
The BOOK is turning my existence around.

"I think this web site is immensely valuable to all who are
interested in improving themselves and ultimately the human
R.R.,, 1/20/97

Irene,, 3/26/03

Carey Y,, 2/6/02
Your Story is the most incredible, powerful thing I've ever read. It truly puts into real perspective the Neo-Tech principles, disciplines, etc. I'm sharing
it with my 12-year old and am seeing with a visual and mental clarity how I need to be HIS Miss An
nabelle...and to my other two children as they begin their education beyond infancy.
Words of thanks are hardly enough for what you have brought out for mankind. I simply cannot articulate the explosion of hope in so many areas of my life
going on inside of me now. I have a whole new outlook on life and I know where I belong. But I do have one question: How do I help change the world to bring
Neo-Tech to everyone? Heartfelt thanks and gratitude.

C.B.,, 6/24/02
I think Neo-Tech is a very positive and powerful source. It should help the world!

S.A.,, 6/7/01, Australia
G'day, I think neo-tech is the most profound
literature I have
ever come across. I cant express enough how much the first
I read affected me, after reading The Neo-Tech Discovery
I felt like crying because it taut me things about myself
I knew were there but didn't know how to deal with, like
thoughts that I had, now I am free from that stupid disease,

D.W.,, 9/15/01
Neo-Tech has served me well and helped me throughout bad times. When things got bad, I remembered some things that are taught in the manuscript.

S.C.,, 8/24/97
"Thank you, Dr. Wallace for changing my life."

An amazing web-site.

M.Y.,, 4/3/97
With Neo-Tech I have the freedom that no one can take from me. I am
safe for the first time in my life.

C.V.,, 4/24/97

V.H.,, 8/12/98, Aruba
This site is THE WAY to get NEO-TECH POWER to the masses.
a) It bypasses Big Government censorship.
b) MILLIONS of people can gain the power FAST.

being peddled and dismiss it without a second thought.

P.M.,, 3/21/98
Neo-Tech is the only hope for the brightest future of
mankind through its honest, rational, and enlightening ideas.

Jen,, 10/19/02

"This web site provides new insight on current beliefs about the
cyberspace revolution. It tells of a power that most people only
dream about. Neo-Tech makes dreams come true."
S.B.,, 1/19/97

E.A.,, 5/25/97, Canada
Your web page is incredible.

S.L.,, 3/21/01
The Secrets are unleashed!
We are finally going to save ourselves and make life
It's so beautiful.

T.A.,, 9/1/97
In a world that seems to be on the verge of self-destruction,
Neo-Tech offers hope. The reason Neo-Tech is so controversial is because most
people cannot admit that their lives have been entrenched in a fallacy. I think
that everyone should have the access to the cutting-edge information that
Neo-Tech makes available. It is up to each individual to choose it or not.

"After reading this Web site, I have become very interested in
the ideas of Zonpower."
A.B.,, 12/19/96, Canada

J.B.,, 3/10/00
I have the child of the PAST within me. I enjoy
'THE STORY' very much. I am still reading it. I am on
Chapter eighteen, or somewhere around there. I am beginning
to feel emotional in it also. The following is something I
feel we must all do in relation to 'THE STORY:'
This day; Sunday; January 23, I, Jerry B., place myself as
though I were a student in Miss Anabelle's class maybe as
much as over 30 years ago. What we deal with here is
irrelevant to time. I feel as though I actually am in and am
taught every thing Miss Annabelles' twelve students have
been taught. Will Someone post a response please and will
you tell me what you think?

J.R.,, 5/6/99, Australia
I bought Neo-Tech in July 86 and throughout the years have
found the answers to most of my problems in the information
packages. Now being able to access NT through the internet
has opened up a new wave of excitement for me. Zonpower and
the civilization of the Universe is the ultimate goal.
Best of all is to know that I'm not alone.
The Web is a link in this grand chain of our evolution.

D.B.,, 3/27/01, Canada

T.L.,, 4/29/97

S.G.,, 3/26/01
It has captured me with awe. The thinking is
very profound in it's ideas and concepts and
moves the individual in the direction and at the speed we
should have been moving at all along. I read a piece of
literature once that said 'quote
from God', 'and joyous will be the day when you realize that
you need no God. On that day you will rejoice. Looking at
I have come to the conclusion that we are God and God is us,
are 'The God-Man'. Thank You for this wonderful piece of
I look forward to continuing the process and journey.

S.C.,, 12/17/02
Neo-Tech has opened a new door for me.

G.B.,, 1/14/97, Greece
Interesting...I will come back often, thank you.

JH,, 1/11/00
Poker: A Guaranteed Income for Life', by Frank R. Wallace.
A major milestone in poker books -- and beyond. This should
have been the poker book that ended poker books. At the time
it came out, it was far, far deeper and more sophisticated
than anything else in the field, and in some ways, despite
the exponential improvement in poker literature, still is.
When the Jacoby's and Rubens's were telling us to keep
stakes down, quit by midnight, and don't let players get
hurt, Wallace knocks down those barriers like wooden fences
in a category 5 hurricane.
This book is the only one I know of which provides a
framework for working a maximum-win approach in home poker
games, with stark amorality.
The book gets its true greatness at the end, when he
explains that for all the possibilities inherent in poker,
it's a losing proposition. After teaching us to be "good
players," he explains why the "good player is the biggest
loser in poker." Why? You'll have to read.

A.F.,, 10/18/98
I believe this information can be extremely useful in the
Quest for success.

J.S.,, South Africa
'The Book', Neo-Tech/God-man, should be in every home in the world. After
reading this, I am now able to integrate my thoughts and bring diverse
facts together to form new and unique ideas. I feel free for the first
time in my 70 years! The World really n eeds this knowledge.

Q.S.,, 11/9/97
Many thanks for having the guts to make the IRS an issue
--- something that 3 generations of senators and representatives
have had neither the will nor the fortitude to do. We fought
a war to rid ourselves of a king who had less arbitrary power
in his entire realm than this misbegotten agency has. Perhaps
it's time for another. There is no reforming what is criminal
and malevolent to its core.

After reading this material, I can only say,
'Remarkable.' Thanks for new hope, after a lifetime of religious slavery.
Free at last, free at last, Thank existence, we're free at last.

L.V.,, 7/9/00, U.S
I think its cool !!!!!!!!

K.J.,, 1/20/01
I thank you for your tremendously scholarly
web site.

"Cool site!! Lots of good stuff!! Keep it comin!!"
G.P., 3/17/97

G.G., spimageworks, 2/13/97

S.B.,, 7/16/98
Very intriguing.

Pablo,, 9/15/00
This is a great site. I really enjoy the
stories and theories
that are presented here. They are very motivating and
They make a person actually use his brain. Thank you very
for the all the great information.

V.J.,, 12/18/02
I refer people to this site all the time.

J.W,, 8/2/97
"You guys rock! Helped me a lot. Stay online!"

B. H., , 4/13/01
Your section on jealousy is excellent. I'm
involved (as a victim) in a jealous relationship and have read extensively on the
subject but have never seen the insight provided by your site.
Although I do not agree with everything on your site, I think there
are some very deep insights that all can learn from your information.

Halfway through "THE BOOK" now and cannot
put it down. It is so engaging and delightful and I wish that I has actually
started reading it 3 years ago when I first received it. It truly does cut
to the essence of life.

J.S.,, 3/9/97, Norway
It sounds interesting to explore a world of new possibilities.

e.r.,, 2/10/03, Victoria , Australia
This is an absolutely fantastic book. Hope that all people read this, the sooner they do, the sooner we will all be very happy, healthy, loving and rich and
live in complete harmony with each other

GV, aol.comIts
the best place to find a way to get ahead in this world. Its has secrets
that THEY don’t want you to

J.M.,, 2/14/97
This site is a must. Should NT leave the web? That would be a dark
day in cyberspace! These concepts have propelled me into a new world of
happiness and competence.

P.F.,, 2/15/98
Great material, so much to learn, can't seem to get enough.

M.F.,, 11/16/97, UNITED KINGDOM
It is imperative that this web site remain open, for to remove
it would be akin to removing a chromosome from the nuclei of
all living cells in the body. THIS

a strong opinion of another persons beliefs.

Peter,, 8/13/00, South Africa
I finally found agreement that religion is a
load of parasitical rubbish! Thanks.

unprecedented on the web. Thank you for the information.

D.C.,, 2/25/02
Neo-Tech literature has had a profound impact on my life. Neo-tech is must reading for understanding the way of mankind. You guys are a beacon of light.

C.P.,, 3/13/99
After reading the book on integrated thinking,
I have started my own integrated business.
When I changed my living habits, I began to feel a permanent
happy feeling all over and confidence that nothing could go
wrong. I have a lot of amazing things to tell, I could go on
and on and on. Thanks

Ralph R. H.I.,,
A solid foundation of integrated honesty, creates an unlimited power transfer
to the individual person. This power enables the individual to alter his/her
reality to the best and highest of achievements.

F.N.,, 8/28/98
If people are willing to step out of the comfort zone that they are in
right now, their entire lives can change right in front of their
eyes. Love, money, or power, anyone can have all of these things
life has to offer and Neo-Tech is the light that will show people
the way out of darkness. Keep up the good work and good luck!!!!!!!!!
p.s. thanks for opening my eyes.

Joyce G.,, 5/25/97, Philippines
Thank you and more power to you!

J.P.,, 3/1/00
Very interested in Neo-Tech cosmology/physics and the
Implications for our own evolution. I feel exhilarated to
discover a place where like minded people come together.

B.G.,, 7/2/02, Australia
After reading Neo-tech Discovery and Neo-tech world, understanding and applying Neo-tech has become an exciting and real alternative to conventional wisdom.

C.M.,, 1/13/97, Australia
It has changed my outlook on the way we think, invest and

I don't know how to thank you for what you have done for me. I'm not rich, don't
have a job, but for the first time in my life THE FIRST TIME I am happy to be
alive !!!!!!!! I want to live!!!!!!! I like who I am !!!!! I believe in myself
!!!!!! No amount of thanks will ever be enough for what Neo-Tech has done for
me. Neo-Tech has helped me start to find me again, not the screwed up shell of
a person I have been most of my life, Heck Neo-Tech GAVE me my life.

T.H.,, 4/21/99
There is a big problem with mysticism in the
world -- not enough people taking resposibility for their
own lives.

S.B.,, 1/30/98
I have been excited about Neo-Tech since I first came back to
it in 1984. That was after I had bounced away from it on first
contact because of the mystical bubble I had been living in (
The Neo-Tech package volumes 1-5 were sooo evil, on first perusal,
I was afraid to try to burn them). Here I am fourteen years later,
still trying to eliminate the personal mysticism that I have
been insidiously fettered with, knowing this is the year I am
going to escape the a.c. for the C of U. Once I decided to read
Neo-Tech I had no problems understanding what I read. But it
can take a long time to put into practice if your personal mysticism
won't let you comprehend it.

R.R.,, 1/3/98

Good luck against all the totalitarians and mystics in the world -- they
must really feel threatened!

K.M.,, 4/30/97
What I have heard of this site is absolutely astounding. Let's put it
to good use by all and all will flourish.

M.B., ,
Whoever thinks to become a master of his/her life, should go through the Neo-Tech

R.R.,, 3/18/00
These ideas are good and certainly many people
may gain wealth from the Story!

Julie L.,, 10/3/98
Fascinating, entrenched in examining the text.

D.J.,, 6/12/01
Neo-tech has opened my eyes for the first

J. L.,, 6/8/00
I have read the Neo-Tech Discovery, and I
loved it. It
gave me insight to new exciting ways
to look at the world around me, while learning how to deal
the neo-cheaters!

F.L.,, 3/5/00, United Kingdom
Right now I am in Chapter 23 of The Story,
still being amazed by the story about Miss Annabelle and Mr.
Melbourne. I'm reading about the two of them in prison and
how they are coping with life. So far this book is simply
amazing how it is written and how it makes one think how
false life is. It makes you believe more in the way
philosophers think vs the way life is. How false our lives
really are but that all one has to do is free oneself to
trust in oneself because we are all Gods. But how corrupted
man can be just to be in control over another. Ego can be a
bad thing and life can be forever, but the way society tries
to influence one into believing that they are right and man
has no other way to think. Thank you so much for writing
this book.

S.L.,, 2/24/99
Frank Wallace certainly has courage to reveal the secrets of
professional cheaters and disguised culprits.

V.L.,, 4/27/98, Singapore
I living better. No more myth. I am now free.

B.H.,, 2/16/03
I actually Consider Neo Tech a medical breakthrough. Probably the greatest since the smallpox vaccine. I look forward to seeing a Nobel prize come from this.

"I find the information interesting and insightful. Isn't truth
what you are telling?"
D.S.,, 3/24/97

Can't even begin to describe it. Absolutely
fabulous. Finally, no more fear, no more tears, and no more pain. Much love
to all involved who have stuck with it to make this miracle available. Thank
you to those who know.

J.D.,, 4/20/99
I am encouraged from what I have read so far and
am looking forwarded to learning more. Your web site offers a
lot of good information in one place, and that is a valuable
tool. Thanks

"Incredible site, with a rational basis. Quite an antidote to the
mystic disempowering drivel on the Net."
R.D.,, 2/15/97, Canada

Helga A.,, 7/21/98
It is undoubtedly the most educational material that I have
been exposed to.

J.B.,, 1/30/97
There is a wealth of information in this Web site! Timeless
principles, when put into action, that really work. Plus, all of the
information validates what many people truly believe in -- honesty, integrity,
character and courage.

"This site really helps me generate wealth."
V.L.,, 3/10/97, Malaysia

Ray C. d.I.,, 2/15/01
I find that N-T is very useful in running
one's own business
and climbing out of the quagmire of working for someone

M.K.,, 8/20/97
"Only facts will awake the uncivilized from their sleep."

J.A.,, 6/4/97
I found this web site very interesting and informative. I have
already told my friends to read this web site.

"I found this website through a search on 'world conspiracy', and
it has certainly confirmed that the tools of wealth and progress
have been withheld from the general population for the express
purpose of narrowly defining the dispersion of wealth and
knowledge to all but a select few."
A.T.,, 1/17/97, Australia

B.E.,, 8/16/98
The best investment I have ever made. Powerful, life
enhancing information

The Neo-Tech information is valuable. The way we live has change dramatically.
I have become more conscientious about how we live. It helps me to look into
the mind of others and realize how we can help and how we can destroy each other.
It gives me hope when all else has failed. I will keep on learning, reading and
applying the concepts.

"Neo-Tech belongs on the net."
M.B.,, 6/18/97

"I find this information very interesting."
J.U.,, 5/15/97

T.S.,, 2/19/00, England
A work of pure mind-blowing genius. Eloquently
adapted and universally functional.11 out off ten.

R.S.,, 12/3/02
Very positive and inspiring work. I received my manuscript about 13 years ago. My life as taken a positive turn ever since then. The faucet of Cash, health
and prosperity never stops flowing.

B.E.,, 7/20/99
Neo-Tech makes the anticivilization appear as though it were
an ant on the sidewalk. When integrated honesty is entered into
the equation, things really are as a true Neo-Tech person views
them. Enjoy the fight against the anticivilization it is
still quite massive -- but not 4 long though -- it is one
big rock and Neo-Tech is the jackhammer.

M.S.,, 12/15/97
I have read The Neo-Tech discovery and there is more honesty
contained in that book than any religion would ever want people
to know. It is hard to believe there are people out there who
actually want to feed off the productive activities of others
and want to control them by force to benefit their parasitical
ways. I will commit myself to honestly producing more than I
consume and rendering neocheaters powerless. We have the power!
Not religion or government parasites!

F.S.,, 5/6/00
Neo-Tech should remain on the web, it
represents a
non-biased opinion of what many people have questioned
throughout the ages.

d.c.,, 5/2/02
I would like to buy 3 more books of god man the book. this information should have been published 500 years ago' may be this world would be in the mode of
honesty, productive, & greater values. now that we have this info., lets hope people will take heed.
I hope! thank you for introducing me to you and the book.

C.M.,, 4/3/97, Papua New Guinea
I've never read anything like it! Its' almost unbelievable, the
differences of the Neo-Tech era is overwhelming...

"Just got the Money, Power, Romantic-Love info and I came to your
web site. I like your web site. I am looking forward to learning
a new way of thinking. That is my problem...'my stinking
thinking' ."
S.V.,, 4/14/97

The knowledge contained here has and will change countless lives.

Anon,, 5/28/02
The best thing to do is to let your actions and conditions show that the Neo-Tech philosophy is actually more beneficial to a person than any form of

D.B.,, 1/13/97, Russia
It's so strange... And is a great thing in the world of bytes and
common problems. I like it.

F.C.,, Ireland
It's hard to believe that once a person has read Neo-Tech books/manuscripts
that they can bury their head in the sand and pretend that it does not exist.

P.N.,, 1/15/00
Neo-Tech is a work of art. It has the power to help the
Individual to re-discover that forgotten drive to live as
the human is meant
to live: freely, passionately, and forever. Thank you.

M.M.,, 4/24/97
The information on the site has helped integrate my thinking. I had a
flash , saw the new color mode, and now can manipulate the essence to brighten
and control everything that moves.

lization because the insights I have into man's diseased mind often frustrates me, resulting in less than maximum happiness.

think for themselves. Should I never read another piece of Neo-tech literature for the rest of my
life, I have already gained unmeasurable advantages that I will continue to pass on to future generations as long as I live. Should Neo-tech remain on the

Mike,, 7/27/02
Please keep neo-tech on the web. Without the stance that neo-tech gives the everyday person, and the geniuses of this world, our world will fall into the
hands of the parasitical elites who work so hard to protect their lazy and dishonest lives.

Bettie Ann H.,, 9/14/99
This mental orientation does indeed give one a new leash on
life. Our society is in big trouble. This logical approach to
life needs to be available to every one that is seeking truth.

"I find the entire concept of ZON fascinating and want to know
more, more, more."
S.W.,, 4/30/97, Australia

"It's really fascinating to me."
P.C.,, 6/27/97, Germany

W.E.,, 1/26/98
Keep the information coming. Plato & co. have done too much damage

"This is the best reading I have done. I finally can see that
logical thinking wins over our mystical brainwashing. I thank you
for this fine site. You have my full support and if there is
someway that I can help."
J.V.,, 3/9/97

p.c.,, 6/21/00
Excellent information for all aspect of life

H.B.,, 9/24/01, Canada
From conversations I have in my taxi, I have referred many people to this site. For the most part I have no way of knowing if they visit but I refer them
in response to their thirst for something ' outside the box'. Thank you for your efforts. You are
greatly appreciated! Live long and prosper.

F.E.,, 4/13/00
One of the finest books I have read.

S.D.,, 9/25/97, Canada
This inf. is amazing --I just 'ate' up the text.
This site is vital to keep those of us alive who die a little every day at
our mundane jobs....

S.B.,, 10/10/99, Australia
Should only 10% of your readers apply your
114 advantages to their every day life, the world is
definitely going to be a better place.

is truly worth living. Prosperity, health and wealth is here to stay.

L.K.,, 1/14/97
The topics are mind boggling. You can be sure
I will be a frequent visitor.

ronald daniels,, 5/11/00, u s a
Thank Zon for Frank Wallace for without his
discovery humanity
would be doomed. I have been driven to search all my life,
now with
Neo-Tech I have found the answer to the riddle of life. Who
would not want Neo-Tech on the web but the neo cheaters
themselves? Thanks
again Frank.

J.W.,, 10/5/99
I am a candidate for President of the United
States and I searched for this site on the Web in order to
help me pursue my campaign. A school of thought as comprehensive
as Neo-Tech deserves my undivided attention as to its
concepts and principles. Neo-Tech is an awesome
teaching tool and education in and of itself. Keep up the
great work!

"I've only been exposed to the Internet for about 25 hours and I
have little previous computer experience. I think your page is
great. I am already tired of other pages that raise more
questions than they provide information. I also like the globe."
G.S.,, 2/1/97

JI,, 5/6/03
Date : Tue May 6 14:05:13 US/Eastern 2003 Neo-Tech changed life for me, keep
up the good work.

M.M.,, 7/14/98
This site is excellent because it gives people more
views to help one find who they really are.

P.D.,, 6/2/98
I am very impressed with all literature I have read.
Please keep up the great work so we
can snuff out the Parasitical Elites. Thank You !

K.B.,, 2/20/00, Australia
I have been 'inhaling' the text. So much of it makes sense
to me, someone has finally put together the puzzle pieces.

K.D.,, 5/13/02, Belgium
I read 'The Book' (God-Man & Neo-tech)Won-der-ful !!! Magnificent! Undoubtedly the very best book I have read!

P.L.,, 3/7/00
The web is the place where free thinkers thrive.
Neo-Tech Belongs here!

"Well, the information presented here is highly interesting and
not usual which is a definite plus for a change. I'm very
intrigued and thrilled, which haven't happened to me for a long
time. I really appreciate it."
N.K.,, 1/11/97

C F, ,
I find it hard to put the Book down.

E.A.,, 5/25/97, Canada
This web site is needed to help all people
receive a chance at changing their lives. Without
Neo-Tech we are all just empty beings. But with
it, we can bring down all neocheaters and are
masters of our own lives for a change. This
web page has to stay because it will continue to
grow and teach people the truth. It has to stay
for the sake of all human beings who want
something more out of life!

A.M.,, 7/27/98, Canada
The more people we can get this knowledge to, the better.

Thank you for opening a new frontier for me.

b.m.,, 8/16/02, Scotland, UK.
Carry on this good work to bring the truth to the people

The information provided by Dr. Wallace and associates is
priceless, and profitable if acted upon. The web site is one of the most
important sites ever developed and is the sole source of information available
that identifies the tyranny society unwittingly accepts.

K.K.,, 4/19/00
This site is a great find!

F.R.,, 7/19/00, Mexico
Congratulations, you make me understand how I
can be just as
happy and rich as I want.

D.I.,, 2/17/98
'Outcompete' really pushed me over the edge into business
for myself. I'm looking forward to advancing fully integrated honesty
over the web via my record company web page soon to come. I have gone
from being an unhappy mystical life, to a goal oriented happy life. To all those
bash Neo-Tech: you are protecting your investment in your own
are most likely rushing to judgment out of fear...the words
fully integrated honesty are to embraced, not feared. Long live

C.D.,, 8/9/99
Your materials have positively and dramatically
altered my very being. This has corrected the damage our
educational system attempted to corrupt me with,
I can now think, truly think. A marvelous reality awakens.

E.S.,, 4/28/99
I think Neo-Tech is what this mixed up world
needs to survive.

E.S.,, 4/7/98
I love Neo-tech, I love the talk list and I love how I am
using Neo-tech to come out of my mystical shell in my romantic relationships.
I feel like the most potent man on Earth...Infinitely desirable
under self-honesty and pursuing my essence!!! Thank you and eternal
strength to you all.

R.R.,, 7/23/97
Raised with some strict values and loads of guilt. I have
started on my journey out of the darkness .

C.D.,, 3/15/99
Have been a long time reader of the Neo-Tech
literature. What I notice is when I get away from Neo-Tech
for awhile, it's much easier to fall under the spell of
mysticism. I guess I get away because I know that it is
right and natural, and that scares me for some reason. My
brother passed away about a year and one half ago, and I saw
the direct result of a life of mysticism. I must tell you,
that scares me even more! I have rededicated my life to
living the Neo-Tech experience, and the changes mentally and
physically are tremendous. The changes have been slow and
incremental, but consistent. Neo-Tech teaches me that as
long as I am improving, eventually I'll reach my goals. I
owe Dr. Wallace, Mark Hamilton, and everybody associated
with Neo-Tech much gratitude for their identifications. It's
hard to believe that so much has been hidden from so many
for so long!


T.B.,, 4/17/98
Is it me, or are you an awesome dude? I like your
style. I'll hold the stake while you slam the hammer on this
real life vampire that's been sucking the blood of this increasingly
anemic 'civilization'...

"Neo-Tech provides a much needed approach to life. Instead of
people thinking that someone or some government will care for
them, Neo-Tech teaches about being self sufficient. A message
that needs to be taught more often."
D.M.,, 4/1/97

"I accidentally ran into the Internet site for neo-tech. I think
your ideas are great and more people should be informed of what
neo-tech is about. People don't like change. I am really glad to
have run into this web site, and would like to put a link on my
J.B.,, 2/24/97

R E Lory,, 10/12/00
I've finished The Book three
days ago -- my first reading, that is -- and find the NT
to be an excellent refresher and expander of The Book's
Stay the course!

A.G.,, 3/13/99
I have read three of the Neo-Tech books.
They have enlightened my life, love, happiness and I
want to thank you for writing such great books.
Neo-Tech has given me power and I have told my friends
about the great discovery of Neo-Tech.
I am in the last three months of high school,
my knowledge of Neo Tech is a great advantage
over teachers, classmates, parents, and friends. The
power is amazing! I thank you for the Neo Tech books and the
Neo-Tech web.

,, 12/30/00
Love it

L.M.,, 4/19/98
Very interesting and intellectually stimulating site.

Anon.,, 5/21/99
Thought provoking; unique ideas.

"Interesting subject, I need to find out more, I'm extremely
J.T.,, 2/3/97

is Neo-Tech power that I have used for this. My future is so

Jo T.,, 5/17/99
Your information on working the vaginal muscles is very
Insightful and very helpful for many women. Another benefit
of this exercise however not mentioned, is a decrease in
bladder control problems such as leaking.

F.H.,, 4/29/02
Why should something so helpful (Neo-Tech) be taken away from those who want to impact positive change within the world today?

P.G.,, 10/12/99
Wonder of wonders the ideas you have put before me are
mind blowing! I love the fact of using total honesty your
web site has made what Neo-Tech is all about a lot more clear
for me before. I'm definetly going to USE the
principles of Neo-Tech in my life thanks. The world will
turn out to be a better place if people follow Neo-Tech principles.

"A friend suggested I take a look at this site, and I am glad I
did, very interesting but a lot more reading yet to do."
S.C.,, 1/12/97, England

G.B.,, u.s.
Helpful in my everyday life.

G.A.,, 6/8/01
The book contains valuable lessons in life and
true to life
relationship experiences, that can be a valuable tool to
to live a more meaningful and productive life. I appreciate
many true to life writings

J.S.,, 3/5/00
The site is informative.

K.R.,, 4/8/97
The ideas expressed are eye opening and should be made available to
the world in mass doses. The world we live in today is that of lies. We the
people deserve the truth about all Neo-Tech has to offer. The books should be
in every library in the world.


B.A.,, 11/10/00, Canada
I love what you are doing for the world! I
tell people about
it wherever I go. At work in a dental office and also
in a restaurant. I always find myself daydreaming of how the

J.C.,, 3/11/00
At my school: Morrow High School, in Ga. I
tried to get on the Neo-Tech web page. It was intercepted by
the school filter. I thought this was ridiculous. But then,
I could get into a sight called the electric
showing men after being executed by the electric chair.
Which site is more apt to do damage to the teen mind? It
seems they're more focused on keeping the children in our
world supporting the government, rather than keeping them
away from violence, and perverse displays. That's just
another example of the government making choices for you!

C.G.,, 8/26/97
I think Neo-Tech has incredible, untapped potential!
The sky is no longer the limit!

"Best site on the net. I have read a lot of it and hope to read
it all. I spend more time on this site than any other site on the
N.Q.,, 2/10/97

"Wow!! You've put into words the natural chain of events! I
enjoyed this immensely."
J.O.,, 2/18/97

M.K.,, 12/20/98, Brazil
I am very interested in reading more about your approach. At
first it looked to me like a rip-off of Ayn Rand's ideas. But
on a slightly closer examination, it seems that your
approach makes her philosophy practical (that is, applicable
to everyday living) instead of being a theoretical framework
for the endless and useless discussions that are common on
'Objectivist' newsgroups or the grounds for a personality cult.
I think you are doing a terrific job at putting forth an organized
exposition of a rational oriented lifestyle and philosophy. Why
would anyone want to take you off the web? I have to conclude that your
organized approach is scaring the holy bejeezus out of some people.

M.E.,, 9/3/01, México
Neo-tech is a great achievement.

j.c., ., 2/15/01
Neo-Tech is the answer for world happiness,
love , prosperity, and the antcivilization.

W.B.,, 2/4/98
The information
is so mind expanding that it is almost unbelievable. Since becoming
a owner of Neo-Tech literature life has not been the same. Life

F.R.,, 2/20/01
Yes, this is the most powerful, non-political
Medium in man's history! Expand the site and provide links,
forums and

N.U.,, 9/29/97, Singapore
I never came across anything (information) like this before.
I would like to see this site expanded.

B.K.,, 11/11/97
This is a great site. I think I will implement the principles
in my life and show them to my relatives so they can use them too.

"I do believe in the principles you have mentioned. I have always
thought through discipline and effort people may advance
mentally, economically, and emotionally."
D.H.,, 2/1/97

C.F.,, 11/1/99
It is becoming increasingly more obvious that the truth cannot
be found in newsprint nor on television. The cautious yet
open-minded observer must use the many resources on the
internet to sort out the truth for him or herself.
That is why neo-tech must remain on the web.

E.S.,, 10/9/97
I was a sophomore in high-school when I first ordered
'The Neo-Tech Discovery'. I was too caught up in mysticism to integrate
with it except as a philosophical/preach-this -as-the-right-way set of
information. Everyone thought I was a kook! Then I began to apply
it and I got scared. I was trapped still in my mysticism and
I burned all the books 'cleansing' myself. Then at the end of
my senior year, I got rejected from the 'major' Ivy League schools
everyone had always thought I'd get into. Depression hit as the
mysticism-shattering, mind-de-lousing effects of Neo-Tech began
to surface. Yet I still had too much invested in my mysticism
and the anticivilization...I was prepared to enter the University
of Connecticut and experience the 'finer' points of life that
my childhood never offered: girls, sex, alcohol, and drugs. Those
things blurred away the reality that Neo-Tech was asserting within
me...I reached an all-time low in self esteem. I ended up hooked
on pot by the end of my freshman year...people didn't respect me,
my mind was blurred and the promises of college weren't being
delivered.. During the summer, I got involved with AOL and the
Internet. I also received a new Zonpower brochure in the mail
I went to this web site, re-ordered the manuscript and now here
I am: Drug free, alcohol-free, sugar free, caffeine free, self-hate
free, and hard-working towards mysticism free. I am in the process
of separating from this lazy professor-alcoholic/life wasting
institution of the anticivilization to launch myself into the all-effort, zero

"This is a great site with a vast assortment of ideas."
B.W.,, 2/1/97

"I'm very excited about your web page and an very interested in
obtaining more inf. concerning Zonpower/Neo-Tech."
R.G.,, 1/14/97

L.H.,, 8/6/97, South Africa
The only company in the world to save the individual from
perishing under Neocheating governments!

J.M.,, 9/8/98, South Africa
What I like about the Neo-Tech literature is that it makes people
to be aware that the mind and brain is more powerful than anything
else. I believe that after reading the literature one will always
be happy in his or her entire life.

"Neo-Tech has been, the primary source of new knowledge, for me
as I'm sure it is has been for most that have ever read and
understood a Neo-Tech book. My mysticism, is what lead me to
Neo-Tech, and anyone who is mystical will eventually turn to
Neo-Tech. Why? Because mysticism is a 'drug' and in time, you'll
need more of it to make you 'FEEL' better about your life, money,
health, love, and self-esteem problems. When one starts to have
questions about their 'Higher Authorities', power to make their
dreams or desires come true, one starts to look for a more potent
mystical doctrine. I went from being a practicing catholic to
Kahuna, to hypnosis and others, to finally arrive at Neo-Tech.
This is real, it's not automatic, it works from your efforts to
achieve what you desire and not, what some 'God' says is good for
you, or 'God' has his reason for things being this way. Neo-Tech
has been a very positive addition to my life, and will forever
continue be a part of my life. Neo-Tech should always stay in
Cyberspace, because as Neo-tech expands, conscience life does
J.M.,, 2/6/97

M.S.,, 12/2/00
Through this web site, people can finally find
the truth.

are looking for opportunity, to self-actualize and claim their power!

J.D.,, 12/26/98
It is absolutely imperative that Neo-Tech
remain available to productive individuals.

M.M.,, 1/20/97, West Malaysia
I admire all the work you're doing. You've opened up a hidden self
within me and now I'm fueled with desire to produce values and live life as it
was meant to be.

"It's great to know better times will come."
M.H.,, 2/25/97, Germany

P.M.,, 5/10/98
Neo-Tech is a mental lifesaver. Where else can a person
learn the reality of man. Where else can a person learn that false
doctrine is ever increasing throughout this world? Keep teaching
so our kids and grandkids can forever rid themselves of crime
and punishment mentality. TEACH TEACH

dane,, 12/29/00
A real eye opener

"very insightful, the power of truth in knowledge."
J.P.,, 2/1/97

Anon,, 2/24/02
Hello. I just felt the strong need to write to you and tell you what an absolutely WONDERFUL experience I am having reading "The Story"! I must say it is
some of the best reading that I have had the privilege to experience in a very long time. I am not
even half way through it, but I became so excited that I HAD to write! I was sent this story from a man whom I love and respect deeply and very much, and he
will never know how grateful I am that he was gracious enough to share this with me. He said that
it moved him to tears several times (Thats when you KNOW it is good stuff :) I have to say that for me it is wonderful and frustrating at the same time and
I am sure I am going to experience a lot more of these feelings as I continue to read on. I ju
st wanted to say Thank you, in advance, for such an absolutely fascinating and awesome story! Its the Best! Sincerely, Cathy

"Great Web site... I especially find the topic search
capabilities very useful."
S.N.,, 4/21/97

K.S.,, 2/20/98
Neo-Tech just makes good sense.

D.T.,, 12/23/98
Neo-Tech is delivering the advantages of tomorrow's cyberspace
society today. Now, neocheating is easily spotted when dishonesty
people try to manipulate situations unfairly. Thanks for the truth.

M.D.,, 4/18/99
I'm very impressed. I've always thought of the idea of self sacrifice
to the point of unhappiness was very absurd, and I firmly believe
in individual freedom and liberty. I've been interested in the mastery
of life for some time now, empowering people with practical
application techniques and theories is very important, I hail your effort.

P.G.,, 10/12/99
Wonder of wonders the ideas you have put before me are
mind blowing! I love the fact of using total honesty your
web site has made what Neo-Tech is all about a lot more clear
for me before. I'm definetly going to USE the
principles of Neo-Tech in my life thanks. The world will
turn out to be a better place if people follow Neo-Tech principles.

everything. Now I have some form of defense and can start to enjoy my life.

inds up to the infinite possibilities, we can make great strides and positive changes in our world. With the current condition of our society as it is, I

P.O.,, 1/27/97, Ireland
I found this very interesting and will continue to learn.

"I am a 23 year old college student and new to your site.
Neo-Tech totally changed the direction my life was headed. I am
now ready and exited to begin a new life of discovery and
adventure. I will be forever grateful for your information. Thank
L.F.,, 3/29/97

J.S.,, 7/26/99
Anyone who desires success in their life should
make a study of Neo-Tech... The knowledge gained is
empowering and instantly centers one's thinking.

M.R.,, 11/3/99
At the very least, neo-think seems to be a
powerful philosophy for furthering knowledge.

N.R.,, 3/7/99
Down with tyranny!! Let the honest people of the universe keep
their productive labor. Let the leech class vanish.

M.M.,, Canada
Finally, The truth has be laid out for all to see. In exchange for a few
minutes of reading, this article gives everyone the knowledge so sadly missing
in the education systems of the western world. How is it possible that people
could be so misled and repressed from free thinking? What a freeing experience
to allow oneself to be selfish. A Hero. thanks to all involved for sharing
the truth.

Barbara S.,, 2/29/00
I'm sitting here with tears on my face trying
to type. I have just finished reading Chapter 36. It only
took me 8 hours, I could not stop reading...I ignored my
housework and most everything around me except my child.
I believe that Chapter 36 pulled it together neatly. I was
pulled emotionally so many times by the story. The
neo-cheaters, the liars, the manipulators...scary
stuff...reminds me of today's world. Slowly it is changing
but it will take some time and some mindsets will not be
able to handle the changes but they have a choice…become
value creators and integrators or die. How wonderful it
would be to live in a world where the values created are not
torn down or ridiculed.
Every chapter I read had something else of value to add my
life. It was like turning on the light switches.
Thank you for your story...but one it a story
or perhaps a vision of what will be?? I sense some
characters are stronger than others. I feel that they are
actual persons today or have been influences in your life.

"Neo-Tech is really great ."
I.C.,, 6/10/97, Pakistan

S.C.,, 12/30/99
Neo-Tech needs to infiltrate all areas of society; as millions
are now ready to accept the truth about bicameral thinking. The
book defined a lot of reasons for a great emotional discord
that I have experienced without the knowledge of it causes. This work
and these teachings are capable of bringing mankind into the next level
of development and success.

T.T.,, 4/1/02
I am at that point where I can truly see the truth of it, but also able to feel how this threatens the old hierarchy of thought.

alone I this. I feel I have grown with the help of neo-tech
I wish others the same opportunity.

M.H.,, 4/21/00
Getting rid of this site
would be the worst idea I could think of. It has given me
much to think about and much excitement. This web site is
definitely a valuable asset.

G.C.,, 7/6/97
"Most fascinating site I have ever read."

C.D.,, 11/30/97
The POWERS that be have limited the minds of the people across
the globe with its doctrine. Neo-Tech will unlock the
mind and give individuals a new way of thinking -- let Neo-Tech
circulate worldwide.

j.q.,, 1/29/01, n/a
What a powerful book! I am 28 and my brother
is 22 and we both feel
that our lives will be MUCH different than those of our
I could not put this book down, the first time I read it, it
like seeing for the first time! I didn't sleep much that
night, but I also awoke feeling completely rested and
thank you so much!

Adrianne G.,, 5/16/98
I find your column extremely helpful and a necessity for
everyone. Count me as a lifetime supporter.

I am a changed person after reading the neo-tech books...thank
you all for my, as well as everyone else's, brighter outlook.

E.C.,, 2/22/97
I think that this is a very educational site for anyone that wants to
learn how to avoid being cheated.

R.S.,, 5/16/01
First, I would like to thank all the people
that have worked
so hard to bring the Neo-Tech to our world. The information
in the writings has changed my life for better. Don't stop
to get the message of total integrated honesty out to the
world. The betterment of our future depends on the honesty
all individuals.

reach all those helping to increase this type of education and discovery!

R.T.,, 1/28/00
Thus far my reaction is Wow! Such an
interesting and different approach to crucial life issues.

R.J.,, 10/3/97
"Neo-Tech takes the place of the Lone Ranger, everything comes out good and
honest. You can bet on Neo-Tech, a real winner delivering health-wealth
happiness, honesty and new light to the individual. Good bye IRS, FDA,
deceit, deception and all other value destroyers. I can not find the words
to thank Dr. Wallace and Mr. Savage and all others connected to Neo-Tech
enough. reading other positive comments I say ditto, ditto, ditto to all of
them. Nothing short of scraping the IRS will be accepted and a consumption
tax put in place with no other tax of any kind needed. "

A.H.,, 9/12/02
I absolutely love this site, it has changed my outlook more than any other readings.

RH,, 5/4/03
NEO-TECH is one of the most dynamic web sites I've ever had the privilege to

Now I can SEE Reality!

Michelle R.,, 6/29/98

Stephanie G.,, 6/1/98
'Atlas Shrugged' has been instrumental in forming, or should
I say, re-forming my attitudes and thoughts about work and capitalism.
I am interested in seeing her concepts pushed further as in Neo-Tech.

A.R.,, 1/19/97, Singapore
It's a gold mine. The truth of all truths for those who desire the
wealth, prosperity, love and power.

"It's wonderful!"
T.W.,, 12/26/96, P.R.China

r.c.,, 7/27/01
what a great web site ! what a great message ,
at last some truth

"I had never heard of Neo-Tech until I stumbled upon this page
completely by accident today. This is very exciting
information!!! I definitely think this page should REMAIN on the
web. Everyone should have a chance to read this."
J.D.,, 2/5/97

You are a fine writer, very good.

"It's brilliant, magnificent!"
I.S.,, 5/4/97

C.G.,, 3/18/99
Neo-Tech has really changed my life. I am not
in the same place I was years ago, my health has improved
thanks to your writings. Smile, the future is unlimited.

P.B.,, 3/22/97
I used to preach and teach the Bible in the Church of Christ, I find
the values of Neo-Tech worth much more.

B.H.,, 3/13/97
There's nothing else like it! Have enjoyed tremendous gains since I
first experienced Zonpower. It continues to build exponentially! Harm no others
AND Produce values! Stop the Neo-Cheaters in their Tracks!

S.C.,, 8/24/97
"Thank you, Dr. Wallace for changing my life."

S.N.,, 6/30/99
The supreme beings of the Universe have come from crossing the
Neo-Tech Threshold. We have come to that threshold in 1976 and
are well on our way to joining our friends. Keep up the excellent/Objective
work. I am supporting you every step of the way. My ultimate
goal is God-Man of my Universe.

M.,, 6/4/00
I just finished reading the story, and I realized
one thing - there will be no limit for the advancements of
supersociety, life will be a never ending story that gets
better and better. My point is, people should continue the
story, or write their own versions of how they think
humanity will leap into the
CofU. And while doing this, let's try and use Neothink.
Instead of producing fiction, use your own
mind, your greatest asset, to create and predict the future.
No matter if you do this for yourself, or
publish it, as a result I will believe you will become
tremendously motivated, much like the NTP
authors, since you use your own Neothink mind to create a
value. And the more you will find out
about our civilizations ever-improving far future, by
continuing the story, you will become more and
more motivated to eliminate the current problems of our
anti-civilization, and eventually find some
important breakthrough solutions yourself. There's a very
interesting point in the story when Jake
reflects about anticivilization and about what was the
biggest problem that prevented people from
discovering Nature's Quintessential Secret, and finds out
that the change of mentality started with an
emotional change, which then triggered the peoples
motivation. It simply comes down to that.. a
matter of having the positive emotions to start ones
motivational drive in order to make a start in
creating values.. after that one critical starting point,
one will never stop integrating and creating

"Please please please KEEP this site! If it is taken off, it
would be caving into the Neocheater's."
B.H.,, 2/5/97

M.F.,, 7/17/97, Canada
What you're publishing is very powerful. Disseminate your info
discreetly via the Internet, but don't make yourselves become visible
public targets for politicians. Cyberspace is blowing away all forms of
government interference with the world, and I feel that it is only
logical that you use it as a tool and an ally to promote your interests,
and those of mankind as a whole.

A.P.,, 7/14/97, Western Samoa
"It will help to solve some of my problems."

N.E.,, 5/27/97, United Kingdom
This is a fantastic site!

to retool your brain for the future 'THE NEO-TECH FUTURE'

M.C.,, 11/16/98
Keep up the good work! Set the people free
from the shackles of guilt & mysticism,

g.a.,, 4/27/00, queens
Neo-Tech is science, and science moves civilization upward.

Andy,, 2/6/02
The Story is Absolutely brilliant, when can we expect to see the film.

"Definity keep this page on the web, as an owner of Neo-Tech
literature, I enjoy scanning the pages to see what's new. I wish
more people knew about this."
B.S.,, 2/25/97

Neo-Tech gives the little man an avenue to wealth, power and love. I'm
very happy to have this in my world

Since I've been reading your literature it has given me a real up lift in my
life. Thank You

B.T.,, 8/25/97
"EXISTENCE EXISTS... What a profound statement! When one lets that fact sink
in, then out the window goes the God Concept and the Creation Concept which
have been buzzing around in people's heads for centuries. Please don't ever
leave the Internet. I would like to see more comments from readers and
viewers of Neo-Tech with stories of their experiences."

"Very useful site. Thank you."
T.B.,, 1/21/97, Thailand

T.C., OH.US,
I absolutely LOVE NEO-TECH!. It has unclogged my brain, I am now
free of 90% of mysticism.

H.C.,, U S A
Fully integrated honesty and effort is the only way to live
Fearless and grateful to DR Wallace I will forever be.

C.C.,, 4/17/98, New Zealand
The greatest educational medium available today and this
is one of the best means of presenting it.

B.S.,, 6/14/01, AMERICA

R.J.,, 12/31/96
I think that it has invaluable information.

"Neo-Tech must not only remain ON the Web, but Neo-Tech must
eventually BE the Web!"
K.C.,, 2/24/97

S.V.,, 5/13/98, Kazakhstan (the former Soviet Union)
You do a good job! Hopefully, your ideas will spread.

As a seasoned veteran of the Neo-Tech philosophy, I have gone
through all the stages - starting with euphoria, excitement,
a personal psychological strength & self confidence. Only recently
have I realized the virtue of 'action speak louder than ideas
& concepts'. Now the novelty of mere conceptual knowledge seems
naive and immature against the actual experience of embracing
reality -- running my own business - integrating value exchange
and aesthetic-reflection through relationships and the arts --
and above all -- experiencing first hand how the anticivilization
is naturally crumbling in front of my very eyes -- both at a micro
and macro level. Many thanks to Dr. Wallace (and I particularly
admire Mark Hamilton's easy-to-understand writings.

After reading this material, I can only say,
'Remarkable.' Thanks for new hope, after a lifetime of religious slavery.
Free at last, free at last, Thank existence, we're free at last.

S.P.,, 9/9/98, Malaysia
Hi from Malaysia, I think your web site is fantastic,
fabulous. Keep it alive and kicking.

B.S.,, 4/5/97

D.W.,, 10/20/01, Cook
I brought Neo-Tech in 1995, I didn't believe it. After several miserable years, I woke up one day and remembered your e-mail address and have been down
loading since January 2001. Me the Disabled Veteran, Ex-Mailman, and Non-active Master-Mason, have finally found the answer. Finally I have the answer to
really make me happy as an adult. Society will end without Neo-Tech, please continue.

The Story was one of the most touching and enlightening piece of work I've every

JH,, 1/11/00
Psychuous Sex by Frank R. Wallace has to be read to be
believed. First, this is not a sex book -- it's a
libertarian philosophy book. A compendium of history and
attitudes on how to get the most from life. Frank R.
Wallace, like other great thinkers before him (Freud and
even Einstein come to mind) has brilliant, unique insights.
I am 41 years old and have read thousands of books, and this
one is, without exaggeration, the most powerful I have ever
picked up. Wallace is an almost unbelievably charismatic
writer, with ideas which nobody else has seemed to touch
that ring true. It's hard to read it without ending up with
at least some libertarian tendencies.
Two-thirds of the book is material the likes of which you
have simply never seen. This book could be one of the best
of the 20th century (!!!!).

Milly C.,, 6/2/97
Very interesting. I hope you get it out to a lot of people. The more
I read the more I think, and the more I think, the more I realize how wrong I
might be about a lot of things.

R.G.,, 2/14/98, United Kingdom
I loved the article Proof That Religious & Mystical
Doctrines Are Hoaxes. I have experienced the same thing, years of intense
meditation only to 'wake up' to the fact that there is no God
and that I am my only authority.

Maria G.,, 5/5/98
Your work is the finest thing that I have ever read.

R.K,, 8/3/97
Why shouldn't your site stay on the Web? Any site that
offers individuals an opportunity to take control of their lives should

A.B.,, 6/29/97, Russia

M.R.,, 7/5/02
Neo-Tech will absolutely remain on the web. The benefits are far too important to everybody who is fortunate enough to come in contact with it's lesson. From
soap-dodging hippies to happiness- avoiding destitutes, from cop-out-of-life clergy to even the most leeching of parasites, political pip squeak business(non)men, politicians and lawyers; Neo-Tech is the only resort they both have and need to lift them
up out of the sinister Dardanelle's of irrationality. It's not a question of whether Neo-Tech should remain on the web, it's a question of how to double the number which appears on the top right hand corner of the every six months !! Good luck to ye Mark
O Reilly

G.G.,, 2/6/97
I love this site! Finally some real knowledge instead of that boring
mainstream stuff! Great men are they who know that thoughts rule the World!

M.M.,, 9/25/99
Remain on the web, people ought to know the truth.

A.B.,, 3/8/98
My search for stability and direction has led me to
Neo-Tech. A reflecting pause
reveals that you're frank, simple, direct to the point and very
sure of your statements. I like that. I'm very attracted to your
positive, forward
moving 'entropic' nature and I believe we will cause a change
for the better. I'm doing what I can to find my own role in this,
I believe there's nothing else worth doing. Please, do keep pushing
and 'don't ever stop'. Your attention is greatly appreciated,

MF,, 5/13/03
Wow. The world that is growing around us demands a new guideline for a new
morality- and you offer the sanest that I have ever seen.

I.W.,, 4/17/97, Russia
Your site is great! I enjoy it! Neo-Tech is the answer to all my
questions. It's really an aid for my job and life. Thank you so much.

P.A.,, 7/16/98
Great information.

S.H.,, 7/9/98
A vast source of free, EMPOWERING information
does not happen very often

C.F.,, 12/16/01
I would like more people to use Neo-Tech. Acting in the ways of Neo-Tech. The true Neo-Tech people will succeed

P.G.,, 6/22/00
I find Neo-Tech interesting because of the
honesty it

D.W.,, 6/19/99
I greatly enjoyed the article about Aristotle and his
philosophies versus Plato and his philosophies. It seems
that following the ways of Aristotle would have led man
down the path of rapid advancement
by disillusioning men everywhere to mysticism, etc. and by
promoting pure rationality, free-trade capitalism, and other actions
that are dictated by logic rather than belief in some
supernatural power. We have lost much time and wasted many lives by
following the delusions of Plato.

M.H.,, 12/17/97
I consider this site to be one of the most valuable
in existence. The information provides answers to many questions
which arise as we try to cope with the difficulties encountered
while struggling with life. Whether the problems are occupation,
financial, emotional, or love relationships, I find the answers
in your articles. You indeed provide a service to humanity.

M.F.,, 5/4/00
I think this is a tremendous insight. This
story is very simple and straight forward. We often forget
about what makes us truly happy. We get so wrapped up as
adults into our day to day living that we miss the true
reason for living.

K.P.,, 6/23/97
I have been reading and gradually integrating with Neo-Tech concepts
since May 1993. Neo-Tech was THE pivotal point in my life. No longer could I
look to some undefined, even unknowable heaven as my sole point of light to
focus on in the vast darkness; now, I know fully that a.) my life is MY
responsibility alone, b.) only I can decide to enter and prosper from or avoid
and be out competed by the Neo-Tech World, and c.) the Neo-Tech World is worth
holding out for.

A.R.,, 2/8/97
Neo-Tech has penetrated the knowledge boundaries of human existence.
Subjects that benefit the human race. For the benefit of the whole world, this
web site should remain intact for us humans to continue our knowledge growth
and understanding of ourselves, and to stop once and for all the human

"Please keep this site on the web. I have become quite accustomed
to reading Neo-Tech during lunch at work. It re-energizes me and
is very beneficial in this setting as I can immediately apply the
concepts I have just read to actual situations at work."
W.M.,, 2/5/97

Neo-tech to me is a way of life the world should now implement.
I give the utmost respects to its founders. I thank you and your staff for everything.
Neo-tech has opened my mind and the minds of others

D.E.,, 6/13/97
I am in constant pursuit of self-development and financial
improvement. Neo-Tech is very informative and enlightening, refreshing and

"This site is very well put together."
B.N.,, 2/3/97

A.A.,, 4/5/97
Neo-Tech will rule the world with it's legion of business leaders. NO

L.W.,, 9/6/97
Just started reading the Zon/Neo-Tech site today and have not been
able to stop. You've produced an expanded version of Rand's philosophy for the
common man. Stay on the Web and spread the word.
Keep the bastards in their non-productive place!

"I really like the concepts."
D.R.,, 4/22/97

E.A.,, 2/20/00
My perception has drastically changed since
I have been reading. Intellectually neothink has challenged me
in every way I feel and think, now I am finally starting to come
to grips with it. Mysticism had a very strong hold on me to the
point in which it gave me headaches. But now I have to say thank
you for setting me free from this mental prison which I thought
was my own doing.

"I like the thorough indexing."
M.G.,, 6/7/97, South Africa

Rosanna I.,, 12/29/98
All my life I have been catholic. I have been told
pray and god will hear you. I have done it. I
have prayed for years, and cried for years and nothing worked. I
have tried everything. I always thought I didn't have enough faith
or didn't believe enough, so I would try harder and pray night
and day. the more I prayed, the worse things got. until this year
something happened, my mom got a letter in the mail one time to send for
this Neo-Tech book and my mom was curious so she sent for it. she
read it, and told me what it was about. then I read it, and I started
doing what the book said. I now notice that the people who believe
in god or the higher power, are the worst hypocrites, these
people are rude, they put people down, talk about themselves only, and
you would think that they never heard of the word : sharing!!!
and about honesty, they are the worst liars! not only that, but
they are racist too. In the neo-tech book, it says to do
the opposite, be -- be honest, share, and not shut people out. It
seems most religious people are only helpful or kind because
they want to get something out of you. All I am saying is
that since I have been using Neo-Tech, I have all these
friends who come to me which never happened before, and
since I have been using neo-tech I have no reason for
religion. This is because in religion it says if you want
something, pray for it. In Neo-Tech, if you want something
you have to go get it for yourself. That is the reality of
it. so if you have doubts about Neo-Tech I'm living proof
that it works.

"This upside down world needs Neo-Tech and it's fully integrated
K.C.,, 3/3/97

R.G.,, 5/4/00, SOUTH AFRICA
Very enlightening, sensible and motivating.

R.R.,, 2/11/97
I completely love this site! I've been a Neo-Tech reader and user for
about 5 years, and I find that I'm learning so much more on the site. Keep it

S.P.,, 10/9/02
Best site on the internet. The world needs this philosophy.

V.P.,, 1/17/01
I have seen a lot of things in my day, but
this is
Beyond anything I could ever imagine. I want be apart of
this in the
worst way. I think this web site is one that everyone
should know about.

D.M.,, 7/11/99
This is the most fascinating knowledge I have ever
experienced. It truly makes you become 'aware' of your
capabilities in the mind. Once this 'thinking' has been
applied to every area of your life,
you respond and become a 'super-person'!!!

R.A.,, 10/10/98, Canada
Neo-Tech got me out of the mysticism that
I was involved in. Thank you for Neo-Tech, particularly Dr. Wallace, and
for what it HAS done for me these past 5 years.

Anon.,, 6/1/98, Iran
Neo-Tech seems to be the result of extensive thought.

uriel,, 12/12/01, Germany
First I have to say that I'm German! Fortunately I've studied English language for some years. Really nice and helpful site!

R.T.,, 1/28/00
Thus far my reaction is Wow! Such an
interesting and different approach to crucial life issues.

J.S.,, 9/3/98, Australia
Extremely informative material and mentally explosive from
a psychological perspective. It has unplugged all the ugly waters of
mysticism in
my mind.The corrosive elements of mysticism simply dissapears
from one's mind once the literature of Neo-Tech is read.

H.H.,, 3/4/00
What can I say, most of you have described Mark
Hamilton's The Story' spot on.
I liked the analogy of equaling the roller coaster emotional
tide one felt in Braveheart as these value producers from NT
bring us that battle cry of FREEEEEEEEEEDOM,love and away
with the tyranny of the anti-civilization.
Much of the story I felt reflected the lives of individual
value producers from early Neo-Tech. And the early struggles
of Miss Annabelle put on by the neo-cheaters in politics
reflects the early struggles of Dr Wallace as both fought
the anti-civilization corruption and ego-justice dogma.
The Story gave me more satisfaction than Ayn Rand's
Fountainhead. And that's sayin something. Rand's works were
very powerful riveting messages and MH went beyond that.
The significant part for me was the meeting up years later
of the original class and their teachers Miss Annabelle and
Mr. Melbourne. Mind blowing stuff.
And the further integration of these rich and powerful
neo-think minds into curing the aging process, the election
of the NT party, and the added value of Operation 111 leaves
one to ponder, if the early story reflects so much of early
Neo-Tech, how much of the latter story reflects the current
and future prospects of Neo-Tech and the C of U.
How quickly are we as prospective zons going to see that
future come true. I say the momentum is picking up a great
deal, and I guess it's up to each one of us to contribute.
Watch this space.
All I can say is when is the movie coming out, it will
surpass Titanic, Ben Hur, and the Matrix by far.
The exposure and the revenue generated from that will be
more than enough to get FRW elected into office.
And I expect the Neo-Thinking minds will be working on it.
nine out of 10 in my view. Can't wait for the next one.

"A very comprehensive web site. This site will take a lot of
browsing to stay abreast of the changes to come."
W.B.,, 1/29/97

P.C.,, 6/23/97
Don't you dare pull this site off the web. It's great. Keep up the
good work and don't allow the statists and envy peddlers to intimidate you.

J.A.,, 12/2/98
The best book I have ever reed

"Arise everyone and let's do what we have to do. And do it
honestly. The Civilization of the Universe is already here! The
web is here to stay for a long long time. You have my total
Z.Z.,, 5/6/97, Malaysia

"This site has opened my mind to the truth about life."
N.J.,, 4/1/97

R.V.,, 9/13/99
I think that your web site contains a high truth value.

C.B.,, 8/28/97,
There are those among your readers who can discern the sublime
within your 'honesty'.

M.F.,, 1/23/97, Singapore
Absolutely fabulous!

I have read almost the whole Book.. I found myself not being
able to put in down .. I am very enlightened by what I have read.

L.D.,, 1/26/98
The Neo-Tech web site is great!

"I like the thorough indexing."
M.G.,, 6/7/97, South Africa

I am a changed person after reading the neo-tech books...thank
you all for my, as well as everyone else's, brighter outlook.

"Your web site is fabulous and filled with life saving concepts.
I have read the articles 'SILENCE the Ultimate Protector of
Individual Rights' and 'Businessmen versus Neocheaters' by Carl
Watner. Please keep up the good work. Honesty and Justice will
G.B.,, 2/27/97

B.E.,, 6/12/00
Somebody at work told me about this web site
and told me to read
“The Story'. What interested me at first was the concepts
the teacher used to teach her children. I have a 2 year old
I want to help him. I purchased the Book and have found my
and have implemented the mini day schedule with my personal
I find the business techniques especially useful.

R.J.,, 9/8/00
For those who Do not understand Honesty or
NEO-TECH it comes down to this:
Produce value for yourself and others, it will do you the
most GOOD!!! And It will make you happy. signed Godman!!!. Bye Bye

M.G.,, 7/28/98, New Zealand
This is an excellent and extensive resource that I believe is
valuable to individuals around the world. What better way to
introduce people to these values?

I have owned neo-tech since 1996 and have had a better life since. Stay online
so all the world may benefit.

M.A.,, 10/8/97, Australia
"I would definitely like the Neo-Tech site to remain on the Internet as it
is invaluable. Neo-Tech has done wonders for both myself and my partner and
I will continue reading whatever information you make available to the world
over the Internet. I hope I made myself clear in the above comments, if
however you would like more clarification, I would be more than happy to
respond to any questions/queries you may have. Forever a faithful Neo-Tech

"Great site. Keep it up!"
R.L.,, 4/30/97

C.C.,, 6/11/01
I am a great believer in the Neo-Tech
philosophy, and this Site is the most important one on the web. Neo-Tech is the
driving force of any productive society, and without it we are
doomed to nuclear holocaust.

B.R.,, 9/25/98, Canada
I find this information gives the searching soul the
Ability to integrate ones thoughts into a more structured and focused
pattern. I have been given much to think on. I
feel like I am emerging from a dream...

J.R.,, 2/28/99
Neo -Tech forever and ever, in print and on the Net.

"Extremely interesting reading. I want to know more about
E.B.,, 1/30/97

E.B.,, 2/6/00
I found truth

"Neo-Tech is the optimistic opportunist's guide to the world."
M.S.,, 1/27/97

The information contained in Neo-Tech is life changing.

"I was amazed at what I read - I followed a link to read the IRS
Abuse cases, and ended up spending most of the day browsing
through your info. By all means stay online! And I'll be passing
around your Web address..."
T.H.,, 4/8/97

E.n.,, 8/15/02, Zambia
This is a great site and needs expansion.

william,, 9/19/00
Thank you for the knowledge of money, power,
love, health, wealth, happiness, and joy . I know now that
is the reason for
our existence.

N.T.,, 6/27/97
I have prospered by integrating and using this knowledge. I have seen
the predictions of a neothink mind unfold and see the coming of the new age
rapidly approaching.

Thank you Eric Savage, Thank you for selling me
that Magic Words book by Ted Nicholas. I've only read the end of page 6
and already I've become a more understanding and likable person. It's
not fake either, it was in me all along but I didn't
know how to bring it out. Even if I don't gain more value
from the book beyond page 6 It would still be worth full price.

"I received great values and insights."
J.G.,, 2/18/97

"You're giving us a hope, a hope for better living in a better
S.A.,, 5/13/97

"Keep filling the net with your information. It has helped me
discover the REAL ME that everyone told me to not listen to.
Thank you for this site."
W.H.,, 3/14/97

Thank you for opening a new frontier for me.

B,, 4/8/03
I have always felt there had to be something more to life than, what will be
,will be or Gods will, so to speak, NEO-TECH is that something more!! YOUR OWN

Have no fear of loosing. We are the people. Neo-Tech is great!

It is necessary to have a web site like this one to change the mentalities
over the world and show to the people what is wrong in the universal system
of government and tax rules.

"Very interesting."
D.H.,, 5/23/97, South Africa

S.B.,, 1/18/98
The web-site and the literature are wonderful
-- keep up the good work. I embrace Neo-Tech and find it to be
the way to the future. I daily fight with the lawyer-like dishonesties
of the government/anticivilization here in Ohio. I am waging
an ongoing battle, and I am winning -- through knowledge and confidence
I gained from Neo-Tech, combined with my own ability to think
and separate right from wrong. Every move the government quislings
make, they step further into the trap of the Neo-Tech matrix.

ANON,, 2/6/97
One thing I love about this web site is that it is not an
evangelistic web site asking people to follow. Rather, it focuses on everyone's
self-effort. Thanks for doing an excellent job. I sincerely hope that you will
achieve the goal of eradicating mysticism. What a beautiful world that would
be! Excellent work!

"Just want to thank you folks for initiating the most divine
mission available in this day and age. Also, now that a few of us
'out there' know the concepts, Neo-Tech will always be on the web
-- in one form or another -- until irrationality is completely
diffused. Here's to your endeavors!"
M.B.,, 2/20/97

B. S.

Neo-Tech, is the single most amazing book I've EVER read in my life.
Never before has such an explosion of truth smashed through the lies and garbage
thrust upon me by my friends, family, enemies and society in general. This book
is the single most powerful weapon in the war to free the human consciousness
from its shackles of confusion and deception. It has helped me regain a level
of clear-headedness that I thought was only a distant memory from my childhood
and it has shone light on the truths and lies that I've always known were there
but just wasn't able to piece together. I cannot begin to thank the writers of
Neo-Tech enough for literally freeing my mind from years of oppression by mysticism
and selfish value-destroyers. This information should be widely distributed and
available to anyone who is seeking the truth, and there are a lot of disadvantaged
value-producers out there who are still being held captive by a crippled society
with a diseased mentality.


M.F.,, 10/12/02, Almeria, Spain
I fully appreciate your efforts and work, please keep it up. I believe in what you're saying and urge others to read the same, even though some people seem
to be to entrenched with the present mystical society. I will continue to spread the word where I can, mystics have learned that controlling information
available to the masses controls or rather clouds the thought process.

I glanced through the first chapter in THE BOOK by Mark Hamilton
and was totally amazed. I want to learn more!

R. O.,, 8/6/02
I first read the Zonpower Neo tech book about two years ago. Its contents and facts about being productive opened my eyes to a whole new world. I recommend

G.C.,, 10/5/01
Neo-Tech is stupendous. I discovered Neo-Tech in college. It has provided me with wonderful insights into mankind and has significantly increased my ability
to enjoy my life. I am now reading 'Cyberspace' and am anxious to learn how to escape the anticivi

K.M.,, 11/21/99
Neo-Tech is the only way to live!

I cannot believe the negative comments from those poor people
who lack understanding of Neo-Tech, they are the ones who need it most. Once
the Replacement Program sets in, they'll have no choice except to live on
the Civilization Of The Universe or commit suicide. The world will truly
be a better place to live. You negative people must understand that we are
the ones who will help change the world for the better, for you, your children
and grand children. We all will be at our happiest, we'll all be rich, with
superior minds (geniuses) near perfect health lovers of our dreams and so-on.
So come people wake up! the world is up-side-down, and some time during this
century it will rotate back on it's axis. HAPPY DAYS ARE COMMING!!!

"Neo-Tech looks excellent to me."
R.B.,, 4/12/97

Anon,, 11/25/97, Korea
Excellent sites for clear-cut objective views.

P.H.,, 10/29/99, United Kingdom
I was surprised at the amount of information, bloody good

J.H.,, 12/5/02
Frank Wallace has discovered the answer for what I consider to be the most important search in anyone's life; the discovery of self.

D.H.,, 7/31/98
I am very
impressed with Neo-Tech, it has changed my life and the way I
see the world. The truths told are long overdue. Keep up the
good work! And keep spreading the word!

W.E.,, 2/14/98

P.L.,, Finland
Neo-Tech just fucking rocks.

R.W.,, 11/5/99
There can be no higher authority than man.
Neo-Tech has taught me how to think. This is Great reading.
I give THANKS to F. R. Wallace and his Neo-Tech Workers. I
quit smoking, alcohol, eating sugar, white flour, coffee,
chocolate, and a few other Items. Sex Life has never been
this good.

J.H.,, Australia
Neo-Tech is one of the few bright sparks of logic in an irrational cyberspace.

r.t.,, 11/6/00, uk
I should have read Zon properly the first
time, when I first
ordered it three years ago, but NO, I foolishly scan read
Tonight I read the first 100 pages again properly. I can
already feel it.
Thank you. It is not too late.

M.M.,, Canada
Finally, The truth has be laid out for all to see. In exchange for a few
minutes of reading, this article gives everyone the knowledge so sadly missing
in the education systems of the western world. How is it possible that people
could be so misled and repressed from free thinking? What a freeing experience
to allow oneself to be selfish. A Hero. thanks to all involved for sharing
the truth.

L.H.,, 2/6/97
I believe this web site to be one of the most valuable and
informative I have ever explored. It contains vast amounts of knowledge on
virtually every aspect of my life and I continually refer back to it for more
and more insight. The information presented has given my mind the `pegs' to
hang on to when I deal with those around me, who are submerged in mystical
dogma. Being a college student, majoring in business no less, I am more
susceptible to what my peers `teach' me. It is vital that I continue to be
exposed to this literature and especially to this web site.

The best!

E.G.,, 5/21/97
I have greatly benefited from them Neo-Tech, especially in times of
business and financial decisions. It is easy to access and readily obtain the
desired guidance and help through the search engines or the various topic
headings. Keep up the good work and make the world a better and more prosperous
place for everyone.

Compelled by the first page to read more...very resonate to
my beliefs, but with a clarity I have had trouble finding before.

"I haven't completed all nine chapters of your Neo-Tech Treatise,
but the first two chapters have me entirely intrigued."
P.R.,, 12/29/96

T.A.,, 9/1/97
"In a world that seems to be on the verge of self-destruction, Neo-Tech
offers hope. The reason Neo-Tech is so controversial is because most people
cannot admit that their lives have been entrenched in a fallacy. I think
that everyone should have the access to the cutting-edge information that
Neo-Tech makes available. It is up to each individual to choose it or not."

"This web site has a lot of rich information."
M.K.,, 5/11/97, Australia

B.C.,, 12/16/96
Sounds interesting.

R.D.,, 1/1/99, Canada
It is sad to watch former friends at work disintegrating
slowly towards death. I'm learning so much by editing out
layers of personal mysticism in myself.

"Neo-Tech is a well based theory and way of life."
D.D.,, 3/2/97

R.K,, 8/3/97
Why shouldn't your site stay on the Web? Any site that
offers individuals an opportunity to take control of their lives should

A.R.,, 5/18/97
I never thought of our society as an anticivilization until tonight.
To be honest, of all the Web sites I have visited, yours has been the most
interesting an informative.

F.P.,, 10/22/97
"I sure like what you say. It has changed my life. Now I
am happy. Before I was despondent."

"I just started discovering this site through a client - it is
like going on an adventure, thrilled because you know after every
curb, behind every tree or bush, there will be new discoveries to
be made, new insights to be gained. Yet at the same time, it
seems all in a very strange way so familiar, peaceful, even
soothing ! Wondrous !"
H.V.,, 12/22/96, Belgium

An amazing web-site.

J.D.,, 2/14/98
Neo-Tech is our future and the sooner everybody discovers
it the better. I can only hope for the Neo-Tech society comes as
soon as possible.

D.R.,, 6/29/01
I have owned neo-tech since 1996 and have had
a better life
since. Stay online so all the world may benefit.

S.T.,, 11/27/02, Canada
Neo-Tech IS how we should learn to be by creating values and by creating happiness. WE need to learn to become independent & Neo-Tech shows the way.

R.C.,, 7/22/97, U.S.A.
"Neo-Tech should be on the sides of milk cartons across thE globe
as the lost child of mankind's survival-wise ancestors! It should
be added to the keys of all atlas and map makers by their own
conscience, to guide those who support their efforts by purchasing
their product(s)."

D.M.,, 10/10/01, Australia
I love it. Great web site. Great advice. It seems to annoy the really Religious people. It must lock-up their poor brains.

M.B.,, Ireland
This web site is the best thing that could have happen
to me, it opens new doors to my individual awareness. Thanks to be

V.V.,, 2/11/97
I am a Neo-Tech owner and the thoughts behind this system are very
useful. Anyone looking to make changes in their life, this is a great way to

Neo-Tech can give people direction in life and

Michelle,, 5/29/03
Thank goodness I found you. Just when I thought I had exhausted all possible
avenues for sanity, understanding, reason, meaning and happiness. Thank you for
the optimistically positive, exciting truthful challenges of your inspirational
philosophical and forward thinking essential rational truths.

R.H.,, 8/5/97
"Terrific web site!"

W.K.,, 1/29/00
The STORY is filling me with enormous emotions
that are the kind I feel happy about -
I feel I'm not alone any more. And there are thinkers
like me who refuse to mind create reality and who cut
through the illusions to see actual reality. I
hope to meet in person some of you so that I truly never
feel alone again. The STORY fills my being
with happiness, great tears fill my eyes.

M.D.,, 4/18/99
I'm very impressed. I've always thought of the idea of self sacrifice
to the point of unhappiness was very absurd, and I firmly believe
in individual freedom and liberty. I've been interested in the mastery
of life for some time now, empowering people with practical
application techniques and theories is very important, I hail your effort.

J.M.,, 8/5/98
I am a locksmith in business for myself and reading your articles
in your web-site has spark my interest in Global business.

R.B.,, 4/10/98
Excellent information.

J.T.,, 12/5/98
This literature is visionary, thank you.

EH,, 4/15/03
There is no question that Neo-Tech should remain on the web. By remaining on
the web it will no doubt continue to have a positive impact on the world.

"Neo-tech must stay on the web. We are losing to many freedoms,
neo-tech must win."
V.M.,, 2/14/97

"I am amazed at how the success that I've had over the years is
related to the concepts outlined in the site. Concepts like
Objectivism, honesty, and integrity are powerful weapons against
mystics and lazy people."
K.S.,, 4/23/97

D.T.,, //
When I saw the neo-tech web site, I got as
excited as when I
first started reading The Book. I love everything that the
team is trying to do. You people are great! The Book as
forever changed my life. I will
do my best to bring great values to society one day. I don't
if I could have done it without neo-tech.

C.P.,, 9/1/99
I would recommend the readings of Neo-Tech to
anyone who is tired of being drained by our system.

Susan E.,, 2/18/98, Canada
I admire this Neo-Tech quite a lot.
taken me 6 months to find a view that is rational, thoughtful, and fair.

F.T.,, 11/13/97
I cannot begin to explain the help Neo-Tech has brought to my
life. I was forever trapped in the inevitable demise of my existence
with my mystical beliefs. YES! The
world, as we now know it, is doomed without the knowledge contained
on these web pages. This is the greatest vehicle to the resurrection
of mankind. I, for one, owe my life to the valuable information

S.S.,, 9/15/01, UK
Groundbreaking ideas. The best therapy anyone can receive.

J.W.,, 12/17/98
The first time I read through the Neo-Tech discovery
book; I was in such disbelief and denial that I barely read it.
After several months, I read it with a more open mind. This
time I would not let my mystic beliefs get in the way.
And, sure enough I made the integrations
and found the 'real' answers I was looking for. While I have
become God-man in thought; I am still being held back by deep-rooted
habits, behaviors, and just a lack of self-discipline.

J.W.,, 1/16/02
Neo-Tech is the most empowering and self assuring way of thinking and living I have ever come across. Never before have I felt such a high regard for myself
and others around me. After following 'God' and church leaders all my life I am now free from unanswered prayers and the guilt that was brought upon me by them from what would otherwise make me happy. I now live a happy life, free from guilt and mystics.
Discovering Neo-Tech was like being reborn. Its scary at first, you are set free from the 'comforts' of everyday life(laziness, the expectation of things to come to you without effort)and your eyes are reopened into a world where You are in control of
yourself. You make it happen, or You fail. Nobody else is responsible. After all is said and done, it
s an amazing experience.

b.m.,, 8/16/02, Scotland, UK.
Carry on this good work to bring the truth to the people



C.L.,, 1/8/97
Thank you for updating the web site in response to my comments about
homosexuality. As a gay man, I found the previous statement to be inaccurate,
and it is a testimony both to you and to the entire Neo-Tech Publishing Company
that you actually DO believe in fully integrated honesty.

C.M.,, 12/13/01
I love what you men and women are doing keep up the good fight! Live long and prosper

K.A.,, 6/4/97
If the gov't is trying to censor this literature, then it must be

R.D.,, 1/1/99, Canada
On October 9,1990, at age 22 I crawled out of my bedroom
window, into my packed small car and drove with tears
flowing down my face to my first home 35 miles away,
near my good job. Even though I
lost hundreds of fake friends, family, girlfriend; My
'escape from Alcatraz' was one of the best decisions I ever made.
Of course my buying the Neo-Tech Discovery on Dec.,1989 was THE best
decision. By integrating Neo-Tech, intense FEELINGS/EMOTIONS of
wellbeing, euphoria, romantic
love, happiness, and deep sexual desire rise up in my life
daily now! I never
smoke, drink, consume caffeine, alcohol, and SUGAR! Lazy
people where I work go out of their way to avoid me! I outflank and
outproduce them all, even my boss! Neo-Tech actions are like an
invisible, invincible power. Neo-Tech is for you! Ladies and gentlemen,
boys and girls, your problems have found their solution.

C.T.,, 4/30/97
I think there is truth to be found here.

R.B.,, 7/16/02, Mauritius
Many, many & many Thanks Neo-Tech for putting ounces of light in the life & heart of human beings; now, for years to come and forever

J.Z.,, 9/27/00, U.S.A
Neo-Tech is a real eye opener. It has helped
me to release myself from the chains of false guilt and
given me new direction in life.

D.M.,, 2/19/99
yes, yes, the power gained is slow but growing.

R.P.,, 7/4/97
"Zonpower controls all existence! Those humanoids who don't
realize this will go on to live unhappy, pitiful, unfullfilling
lives. Wake up society! Your in deep spell of mysticism which is
currently making life hellish on Earth. Producing genuine values
and love for people is what life is all about. We are not here to
serve some mystical higher power. Neo-Tech is doing a great
service and not only should stay on the web but expand their
sites. Zonpower will win out and we can all leave in a happy

J.P.,, 7/26/99
THE NEO-DISCOVERY and GOD-MAN instills power for
the individual because it makes one less ignorant about the world.
I have greatly benefited from the NEO-TECH literature. Thank
you all for putting this information out there for the wise to explore.

"Keep up the fight against all the neocheaters and value
C.C.,, 3/20/97

C.W.,, 3/30/98
I now see reality.

Finally, writers who have integrated the truth! Thank you for writing
these important works and making them available. I thank myself everyday for
waking up to true consciousness - with the help of Neo-Tech. Count me in as a
permanent member of the univer sal community of value creators.

"This is fascinating literature. It will take me many months to
comprehend all this, but I am very curious."
E.O.,, 3/9/97

T.B.,, 4/9/99
I have read God Man our final evolution three
times and have become more aware of the people and the world
around me after each reading.

M.B.,, 12/30/01
The subject matter is quite interesting and refreshing as it cuts through dogma, mysticism, and superstition. I was entrapped in the text for hours. I will
return to the site for more study.

unprecedented on the web. Thank you for the information.

P.B.,, 7/6/97, Australia
I find it both enjoyable and interesting. I think that this
site should be left open and tell all the neocheaters to make one more
decision to get out in the real world, where the real power is!!

A.M.,, 10/7/97, Netherlands
I find the Neo-Tech material intriguing, and certainly different
from mainstream thought. For this reason alone it is valuable. Is mainstream
thinking so weak that it cannot withstand alternatives?

R.W.,, 10/22/98
Dear Mrs. Goldman, This was my fist time to your web site after
learning from it in a booklet I just received. I found your site
to be laid out very well and quite frankly fascinating. I believe
you are very fair with the negative and positive comment sections.
I believe your site should stay on the web. This is after all
a free country, You have the right, and people have the right
to or not to believe or apply the techniques. This is an individuals
decision and should be kept this way. Like bellybuttons everyone
has their own opinion. Like to see more info on winning back
an ex-girlfriend/lover - comments, winning love and making money.
Hope to receive your most recent Money, Power, Romantic Love
information in my mail box soon. Thanks A million!

The ability to think without the clutter of the anti-civilization
is an asset sorely needed today, it is needed by people like myself who
seek to create new and exciting paradigms to create value in the world

D.W.,, 9/16/97,
"An amazing discovery. Neo-Tech is a better, healthier, more exciting way of

"Thank-you for your very important site."
R.M.,, 2/18/97

Reading NT is like taking a shower after losing a bitter, hard-fought
athletic contest. It is the antidote for weariness and depression, for the aches
and pains of fighting toward success in life against a tide of cheaters and mystics.

A.F.,, 2/5/00
Neo-Tech is the most wonderful thing I have
ever read. Thanks so much Dr. Wallace.

M.W.,, 3/15/00
And to Mark H and his The Story: All I can say
is that I'm 'Speechless in Seattle.' You've outdone yourself
(again!) :-) Thanks so much for such a wonderful story. I
can't seem to get it out of my mind.

Peggy M.,, 7/14/99
I've always known there had to be
a better way to live life, free of guilt and fear. I kept
looking, finally I have found it. I am
learning to think for myself and making my own decisions. I know
I have a long way to go, but now at least I will have the
needed help to get me there quicker.

J.M.,, 3/21/02
The knowledge available in the Neo-Tech concepts have separated me from the herd of non-thinkers. After becoming more of a FREETHINKER, I found myself
looking outside looking in at the freak show that most people's lives have turned into. In order for me
to maintain some resemblance of sanity, I just watch and enjoy the show. Keep up the common-man sense, rational, free thought writings!

j. l. h,, 2/25/03
I think that the Neo-tech discovery should be in every public
library and school for everybody.

E.V.,, 1/6/00
I was surprised to learn that despite my voluntary
rejection of the god concept almost ten years ago, I was
still plagued with mysticism. I understand now why my
ideas, although sound, didn't work because of the lack of intergrated
honesty. Procrastination and other forms of laziness were the
elements which continually beat me. I have accomplished
many things since then,
I am proud to say that it was I, not some fictitious god
which turned my life around. I was a loser
but have worked hard, I decided to stop being a loser and
started to painstakingly eliminate my negative habits.
Neo-Tech helped me focus, it helped me weed out my

L.H.,, 1/16/01
You are doing a great service
to mankind and no amount of name calling or illusion should
allowed to interfere with your purpose. Thank you for
me up' to the truth.

S.S.,, 3/6/00
That's like asking 'What's the Neo-Tech
Discovery all about?'-- removing negatives. In a nutshell,
it's all about love and passion with a little anxiety woven
in. It's the first true Neo-Tech novel.

P.D.,, 7/23/01
Neo-Tech is the anti-thesis of the root cause
slavery- mysticism. Therefore, having Neo-Tech online will
increase everyone's freedom exponentially. Neo-Tech has
tremendous value for me in my personal and business life.

S.F.,, 1/31/98
The Neo-Tech Literature is most intellectually stimulating.
I like the ideas about benevolence toward individual
rights. Long live Neo-Tech!!!!!!!

J.W.,, 12/17/96, Australia
What little I have seen so far is very interesting.
I have limited opportunities to surf, but will be back to see more.

Kitty E.,
This site is giving people a new insight
on life. It gives you an answer to questions no one else would.

"I loved the book on Poker, THANX All with the power of thinking.
People should apply it to their lives in general, not just
T.G.,, 1/10/97

"Thanks again for your awesome information and exalted quest."
K.J.,, 6/6/97

A.B.,, 8/14/01
It would be detrimental to society and the
human race should
Neo-Tech not be available to the public.

"Your web site seems very exciting. I practice objectivism and
understand many of your ideas and statements."
B.C.,, 1/26/97, Canada

P.H.,, 4/27/97, United Kingdom
Thank you for waking me up and causing me to think. How can anyone
handle their problems when they don't even know what they are?

Adrianne G.,, 5/16/98
I find your column extremely helpful and a necessity for
everyone. Count me as a lifetime supporter.

T.R.,, 1/13/00, Canada
I am currently starting a business of my own
and will base all my transactions on Neo Tech advantages.
Looking forward to a world run under the Neo Tech

Anon.,, 3/2/98
I enjoy your site and find it insightful.

W.B.,, 8/22/99
Neo Tech is a sound bases for a not to distant
time in mans history.

,, 12/30/00
Love it

C.D.,, 9/23/97
"Without Neo-Tech we would have been completely devoured by professional
neo-cheating lawyers, religious fanatics, etc. long ago. With Neo-Tech we
are living again and know that life is getting better, fuller, richer daily.
Neo-Tech literally saved our lives from total destruction & enabled us to
see the chaos we were so deeply involved in & showed us a way out. Neo-Tech
is our bible. THANK YOU NEO-TECH!"

E.S.,, 2/7/97
I am grateful this information is made available period, but at no
cost to the viewer, that's nothing short of amazing!

J.T.,, 11/13/00, AUSTRALIA
Having read “The Story', and digested its
message, I have come to a greater understanding of what has
been an obsession of mine since birth, that is the meaning
of our existence and the purpose for which we serve in the
universe. I am only 21 years old, but I feel like I have
aged a lifetime with the new ideas and methods of perception
that have been hinted at and portrayed.

W.B.,, 6/14/99
A wealth of very valuable info.

: M.S.,, 3/29/00,
I don't know about the Darwin evolution part,
but after reading the STORY....all I could do for the next
few minutes was...sit in front of this computer screen and
quietly &
couldn't stop as I reflected on the last thoughts & words
of Miss Annabelle: