
Your Rendezvous with Pax Neo-Tech
13,000 Comments 13,000 Comments

Pure Beauty Rising
C'est Si Bon

Neo-Tech Letter Testimonials!

Feedback Comments From Jan 1997-May 2003

Below, 500 Random Testimonials From 1997-2003
Continue refreshing to see countless more Neo-Tech Testimonials... over 20,000 testimonials!

D.K.,, 12/18/96
The site is quite extensive with additional information I
have been able to connect with my copy of Zonpower.
I will visit again!

B.E.,, 7/20/99
Neo-Tech makes the anticivilization appear as though it were
an ant on the sidewalk. When integrated honesty is entered into
the equation, things really are as a true Neo-Tech person views
them. Enjoy the fight against the anticivilization it is
still quite massive -- but not 4 long though -- it is one
big rock and Neo-Tech is the jackhammer.

D.K.,, 6/14/98
Your thoughts of reality are extremely interesting.
Thank You for your involvement in the progression of humanity.

Neo-tech open my eyes and now I see the truth about this harsh world
and that is priceless knowledge.

L.T.,, 5/16/97
I find this web-site highly informative and of great insight into the
human condition. I would recommend it to anyone interested in advancing their

I found new knowledge and understanding concerning the deeper
and deepest truths as to what is really happening on this planet and how
to change it for the better.

C.S.,, 5/28/99

E.B.,, 5/8/00

"Congratulations on your discoveries--I am excited about learning
more about your concepts and look forward to becoming an
efficient value-producer as opposed to a pawn in the destructive
collective consciousness which permeates our individual psyches."
J.S.,, 4/28/97

This Information has saved me from a lot of grief.

"I've never read anything like it! Its' almost unbelievable, the
differences of the Neo-Tech era is overwhelming..."
C.M.,, 4/3/97, Papua New Guinea

"I completely love this site! I've been a Neo-Tech reader and
user for about 5 years, and I find that I'm learning so much more
on the site. Keep it up!!"
R.R.,, 2/11/97

"I first heard of Neo-Tech through Alan Grant's 'Anarky' comic
(the reading list in back is a great idea). My first impression of
the site was of the incredible amount of information it contained.
My first day on I read through 'Zonpower from Cyberspace' and was
very impressed. A first-class site all around."
G.W.,, 6/30/97

"This web site should continue to expand until all mysticism has
been uprooted and rejected. When the anti-civilization collapses
and we all are Zon, then this site will no longer be needed.
Until that time, this site must continue to grow."
M.W.,, 2/5/97

S.F.,, 8/20/97, Australia
A fascinating site, bringing together in one place a wealth of
facts and opinions that should be disseminated as widely as possible.

Frank Wallace has discovered the answer for what I consider
to be the most important search in anyone's life; the discovery of self.

"Very powerful information that properly applied can lead one to
a positive transformation from traditional living and thinking."
A.P.,, 3/13/97, Puerto Rico

A.A.,, 3/7/03
I don't know how to thank you for what you have done for me. I'm not rich, don't have a job, but for the first time in my life THE FIRST TIME I am happy to

T McNally,, england
Neo tech seems to have a fully comprehensive model for living.

M.F.,, 1/23/97, Singapore
Absolutely fabulous!

s.b.,, 9/23/02, australia
Fantastic, its is the greatest of journeys, I'm amazed how productive I've become, my self-esteem is at level 200.

M.R.,, 12/3/97
Any attempt to remove Neo-Tech from the web would be purely a
criminal act. Honesty speaks for itself. I was just reading about
the Honesty Oath being Law of the Land. Excellent success! It
is good to see NT working in the courts. The IRS is indeed crumbling
-- keep up the great work.

"Fantastic! I have been convinced to order The Neo-Tech
J.N.,, 1/13/97

s.S., .,
It is so wonderful. I now see how much energy I wasted on believing
in after life. I look back on my life and can see all the time I was
unhappy because I believed in mystical ideas. My mind feels clear.
I feel I am grounded in reality and not in fantasy land. The information
in the first book proves to me where my thinking was wrong. It all
makes perfect sense. I never trusted the governments logic but now
I see that they are value robbers and only I can be the value producer.
I am a senior in high schoo l. I feel now I am more prepared for the
world. I feel more motivated to live life to its fullest and be successful.
I am finally getting my act together and try harder in school because
that is the only way to be happy. I hope some day your web sites or
books will be in every home because it will change America into the
world it was meant to be.

K.L.,, canada
I was very pleased with the Neo Tech Protection Kits. These kits have
served me well on several occasions. Here in Canada, the political
system is different than the United States. I quickly realized that
it did not matter what political system was used a gainst me. The protection
Kits are very valuable. Thank you Neo Tech.

I have been reading and studying neo-tech for 5 or 6 years and find
it to be the most validating information on life, living and thinking
tools available for a productive and happy living. VIVA NEO-TECH!

Matt, ,
I want to say that RTR (Road to Riches) is Dr. Wallace's best editing
work. His super high-intensity editing is what elevates the new neo-tech
writings to new heights of integrative power. With every new reading,
more strings in the spider's web are revea led. That's what RTR is,
it's the ultimate spider web to trap all dishonest, destructive, irrational
ideas forever.

M.P., ,
A great web site that provides a stimulating shock to the lazy brain!

K.K.,, U.S.
This site is a great discovery for thinkers and intellectuals. I believe
it should stay online for the benefit and advancement of mankind.


Now, after reading The Story, Neo-Tech has become a lot clearer and
it has blown away the boundaries. Please keep the site on the web,
it's fantastically valuable.

s.b.,, australia
Fantastic, its is the greatest of journeys, I'm amazed how productive
I've become, my self-esteem is at level 200.

The Bible, philosophy , and human history all integrated and plausibly
and rationally explained at last ....Brilliant! Tim

Extremely insightful, many lessons to be learned...from philosophy
to ethics to business, has helped me become a better person.

J.S.,, England
I am enthralled by this discovery.

I am overjoyed to find something in this world like NEO-TECH. It makes
my thoughts gel into ways that make my own thinking clearer and easier
to follow. It puts life in a way that clears my head and sends my random
thoughts in the right direction. THANK Y OU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU !
! ! !

First time in my life someone has said it like it is. I have to say
that it is about time that someone had the gonads to say it out loud.
I am looking forward to leading the life of integrity, honesty and
the right for all to prosper and enjoy this life w e have.

It pulled me out of a depression. May the wise and free find there
way to neo-tech and help dethrone the anti-civilization of the world.

In reading 'The Book' from Mark Hamilton, I finally can make sense
of that which has always bothered me about our society and the unhappiness
that I see in my own life as well as that of my family and friends.
Neo-Tech is the key to existence. Keep up the good work....

Keep sharing Neo Tech with humanity so we can ALL finally wake up from
the nightmare of the Anticivilization.


I read the book three times, it has changed my life for the better.
Please expand the web site, help our minds grow.


I understand and actually feel compassion toward the individuals that
leave such painful 'negative comments' about Neo-Tech. Their lives
have been seriously hurt by others promoting the life destroying philosophies
that are behind every parasitical liveli hood. The horrible destructions
on 9/11/01 would not have occurred in a mystic free civilization (which
tese 'negatives' promote). The contrast between the positive comments
and the negatives reflect the true difference between moral and immoral
people. Thank you NT people. . . you are a breath of fresh air in a
real 'anti-civilization'.

'Without Neo-Tech there is no hope for survival' I am looking
forward to The Civilization of the Universe and Biological Immortality.

A.B.,, 8/5/00
This will be the greatest discovery of

J. H.,, Mexico
Thanks for teaching how to think. I work as a tour guide and
I recommend your website.

"I have read your literature and understand it completely. It has
definitely helped me incredibly!"
J.S.,, 3/4/97

I am interested in meeting other people in Neo-tech, also I'd like
to start teaching my children Neo-tech principles.

"I think Neo Tech could prove to be the Answer for living our
true potentials and our dreams. I am awed by the limitless
possibilities available with Neo Tech. By all means, please
remain on the web for the betterment of mankind!"
S.P.,, 5/24/97, Malaysia

"It is really interesting and there are a lot of topics where one
can take exciting information."
K.V.,, 5/17/97, Iceland


R.B.,, 5/30/97
Neo-Tech is the highest truth anywhere on this planet or any other
planet in Space. Thank you, Thank you and Thank You.

Neo-tech is the only site on the web that can end the cycle
of destruction. I cannot express enough gratitude for what neo-tech has done
for me personally. I acquired neo-tech as a suicidal teenager victim of the
anticivilization and turned my life in the right direction. My thinking has
been spurred in a new color direction and I can now see things that nearly
everyone around me is not even close to knowing. Everyone needs neo-tech
now more than ever.

K.R.,, 5/13/97
This is a revolutionary and very, very important concept.

L.J.,, 7/9/98, South Africa
I like it and I think that the contents contained therein
is really great, keep up the good work.

B.C.,, 8/9/02
I find your work very self-empowering and beautiful, and reading the negative comments page is quite a humorous experience.

More of your knowledge is needed in the world, so people can know what their
obstacles are. Then they will be able to figure out ways to overcome them.


"From the little I have read, I do believe this work is extremely
beneficial to all those who are fortunate enough to encounter
T.D.,, 2/10/97

"It is rare to see anything this informative, here on the Web, or
any place else."
D.C.,, 4/1/97, Canada


I have been an honest and productive individual for the past ten years.
Neo-Tech has been the fuel that drives me. I will always be a Neo-Tech
individual, honest, integrated and powerful.

"I am interested in learning more about Neo-Tech and how I may
apply it to my own life enhancement! I would like to begin my new
journey before wasting any more valuable time. Your philosophy is
realistic and legitimate."
W.H.,, 3/4/97

"I thoroughly enjoy your web site. The combination of topics is
unprecedented on the web. Thank you for the information."
L.E.,, 4/23/97

"Without Neo-Tech, who will demystify people? Seems to me that
the Net is THE WAY to spread Neo-Tech info."
B.L.,, 6/2/97, Canada

M.D.,, 5/4/99, Canada
The information is invaluable and has allowed
me to make real changes in my life. Thank you.

A.M.,, 10/24/98
This is an exciting new frontier of human development, all
That I have read thus far makes sense. I am still reading
and learning every day. Looking forward to the rewards that follow!!!!!!!

"I really enjoy your web-site. I have accessed it several times.
I appreciate the fact that you present both positive and negative
views on Neo-tech. That proves honesty is at work here."
M.O.,, 2/9/97

ted,, 5/18/01
This site offers truths that the Christian
churches have
professed as evil. I commend you on your noble actions to
uncover thousands
of years of proselytizing.

C.W.,, 5/11/97, Singapore
Zonpower confirms and puts into words what we all feel. We are all
helpless puppets caught in this vicious circle with no way out. Zon is the

Karen B.,, 10/5/98
I was having a difficult time with jealousy, your article
was real helpful. I've sent the article to friends and they
agreed that it is helpful.

reading a few of the negative comments but have since
that we were given free will by GOD and therefore are
to the abundance HE has promised.

Avajo G,, 2/3/02
I've only read 3 chapters and already your story has moved me more than any other story I've read. Its a good read and I learn some things as well. You've
always been my favorite Neo-Tech author. Dr. Wallace is ok but I don't always understand his stuff.
Eric Savage is ok too, but it doesn't really move me emotionally like your writings. I don't always mean in a good way. Sometimes you piss me off and
sometimes you sadden me and at times I resent you for making me see through the pretty illusions woven by
'them'. Sometimes I wish I didn't know anything and lived in a state of blissful ignorance. But I love you. you have probably saved my life. I still have a
long way to go on my path to rational thinking but I know that when I finally make the jump I wont
even miss the old ways. That's all I have to say for now my friend.

I am very new to this, however my earnings have doubled in
3 months directly due to neo-tech

C.d.,, Netherlands
Neo Tech/Zonpower is the most incredible find I have done in the last 52
years. I am from the Netherlands and we have a zonrise every morning, which
I feel now is a good omen. (zon=Dutch for sun) Congratulations Frank R. Wallace
and thank you with all res pect for your accomplishments.

C.S.,,Dem. Rep. CONGO
Nothing under the sun will equal or beat Neo-Tech. Please
continue the good work until all human being are wealthy, powerful and
all loving

"This material is shocking but extremely powerful. Finally, the
individual is free and powerful!"
N.S.,, 5/7/97, Malaysia

"Moral standards have declined to such an extent that good honest
basic attitudes are regarded as 'weird' and everyone should be
out to outsmart the other person. Any attempt to set the record
straight should be applauded and this is what I think Neo-Tech
stands for."
K.M., iafrica, 3/25/97, South Africa

"I like viewing your fascinating material through its
hyper-linked web pages Keep up the great work!"
B.K.,, 3/10/97, Canada

"It (Zonpower/Neo-Tech) is certainly different from anything else
I have discovered on the Web. But I _will_ return here again."
J.M.,, 1/7/97

J.C.,, 3/10/97
This site is changing my life.

J.T.,, 7/25/01

I have two of 'The BOOKS' excellent materials to gain romantic love,
wealth & prosperity on this earth!

C.W.,, 6/19/01, Australia
Neo-Tech is the only way to achieve happiness.
It's hard work
but worth it. The alternative is now unthinkable. Been there
done that. From the words of Bruce Lee: 'Take what works and
reject what doesn't' Neo-Tech Works! I cannot imagine my
without the knowledge that I have gained through reading the
Neo-tech literature.. See you at the C of U.

R.S.,, 8/12/01
Neo-Tech/FIH is the only literature that I've found that allows me to identify the exact source of all problems be
they self created through personal dishonesty/mysticism or created
through the efforts of others.

Loretta M.,, 12/3/98
I have enjoyed the Neo-Tech information.
Thank you for being here. I was afraid that the Neo Cheaters
had done away with you all.

M.S.,, 1/27/97
Neo-Tech is the optimistic opportunist's guide to the world.

N.T.,, Canada
words wont express my gratitude to all involved, but thanks
just the same. This backwards-assed human race we call 'civilization' desperately
needs Neo-Tech. This site should definitely remain on the web.

"Mark Hamilton's "2001: The New Code" blew me away!"
B.T.,, 4/29/97

D.C.,, 3/31/97
It has already started to make an enormous impact on my life.

L.A.,, 7/26/02
I truly feel that Neo-Tech is perfect.

P.N.,, Australia
Neo-Tech has given me hope and understanding in this crazy world that we

G.S.,, 9/10/01, Spain
Neo-tech is giving me something I lost long ago: passion for life.

A.K.,, 4/22/97
A most amazing and intriguing site...The subject is one everyone
talks about. The information is needed, there is definitely a need for more
sites like this.

"This is the best information center for garnering new
integrations of Neotech\Neothink."
D.P.,, 3/28/97

Annabel B., yahoo, Belgium
I enjoy reading The Book. It is very intriguing and mind-expanding. In
all, I find there are many positive ideas and it encourages one to lead a
productive life.

I have had the pleasure and fortune of enlightenment through Neo-Tech.
Thanks to Neo-Tech, I see crystal clear through the mystic fog that has been
shrouding us for centuries. Not only would I like to see this sight expand, but
it must expand to conti nue to spread the word of a better, brighter and mystic
free world. Knowledge is power. I only hope that it is not to late to save ourselves
at this crucial juncture in time. It is the best thing that has happened to me,
and definitely the best thing f or the human race. The computer is the beginning
of a universal community (a very powerful tool) that will eventually make the
Neo-Tech way of life known to the masses. Therefore this site must never come
down, but continue to grow as it continues to reach and pull the people out of
the mystic fog that has stifled us for far to long.

D.U.,, 7/1/01
Neo-Tech has helped me comprehend the world.

Jenny W.,, 2/22/98
I definitely want this site to remain on the web. It
offers invaluable information that may not be available through the
marketed Neo-Tech written literatures (for example, Rosa Maria's
articles). Please do expand this site. This site has gone a long
way since I visited it last year--more info, more articles, more
art, and thus more power, than what I saw last year.

I feel that with out this knowledge people will never change, and they will allow
themselves to be blinded by the illusions of the world. I appreciate the time
given to this site and the knowledge I have received and I truly thank all of
the people that contribute to this great thing, called 'Neo-Tech'.

"Please stay on the web!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
R.W.,, 5/29/97

s.s.,, 6/6/00, united kingdom
Super duper information for humans. Brilliant,
thank you

D.H.,, 7/31/98
I am very
impressed with Neo-Tech, it has changed my life and the way I
see the world. The truths told are long overdue. Keep up the
good work! And keep spreading the word!

R.E.,, 2/28/97, Australia
Neo-Tech Discovery has changed my life. Neo-Tech has improved my
memory power immensely, given me a diet which is logical as to why I was
overweight (I'm now many kilos less), lowered my cholesterol and triglyceride
levels and blood pressure and made me much fitter aerobically. These are the
side effects. The main effects are that Neo-Tech has given me a whole new
purpose in life that has led to a new business, a great increase in happiness
and a future of certain success. Thanks to everyone at Neo-Tech, Frank Wallace
and Mark Hamilton in particular, and please keep the best site in cyberspace

,, 3/5/02
'I've never known a man worth his salt who in the long run, deep down in his heart, didn't appreciate the grind, the discipline...I firmly believe that any

wish I would have known about this literature earlier in life.
I would not have had to go thru all the trauma and heartache I've gone thru
thus far.

C.T.,, 1/22/99
This is a unique web site, an intense view of
the human individual. A nice addition for any true seeker.
Please use your many abilities to further push back the dark
unknown and let the known be seen with better clarity.

R.A.,, 3/25/97
This is a wonderful site. I feel that, if adopted, the principles
espoused by Neo-Tech would certainly aid in the construction of a sane

M.W.,, 12/27/00

"I very much enjoy your site."
A.R.,, 4/11/97

Neo-Tech has changed my life for ever by opening my eyes to reality.
Neo-Tech has answered all the questions that religion never could. The value
of honesty throughout all aspects of life is my ultimate goal. I have read 'The
Book' twice now and am hungry for more. I am very interested in learning more
about Dr. Wallaces' brain digitizing programs and how I can utilize them. thank
you so very much!!!

P.M.,, 3/17/98, Australia
I found it to be a life-changing experience.

C.D.,, 10/15/00
I have The Book which is great but I like
reading The Story as it helps to put the
puzzle together.

JOSEP,, 5/3/00
This is going to change my whole life for the
good. See you at the top!

Debbie M.,, 11/23/98
I was recently heartbroken by my boyfriend of 2 years that I
trusted very much. I recognized in myself that I was afraid to
care about anyone. I was searching for fear in relationships
and found your site. I now realize I was blaming my boyfriend
for making me afraid of relationships. With the help of articles
from your site I feel I can now move past this experience and
get on with my life. Perhaps this is not the type of feedback
you expected but nonetheless, positive feedback about your site.

"Neo-Tech is the answer, I am glad that it is on the web. the
site is a good one keep up the good work."
P.C.,, 1/3/97

O.A., ., Nigeria
Honesty is the word. Neo-tech truly has powers beyond your imagination.

"This web site is one of the few on the entire Internet that has
Actual Useful Information. By far, one of the best sites I have
visited. I consider myself lucky to have found this place."
J.C.,, 1/13/97

Dear Mark, I am reading, perhaps, the best book that I have ever read (The Story).
It's in the same category of 'Gone With The Wind', 'Sea Wolf', and another 101
of the World's Best Books. I am surely enjoying 'The Story.' More will be said
upon comple tion.

I know Neo-Tech is spreading like wild fire. I support will
Neo-Tech as long as I LIVE! and you should To!

H. G.,, 6/12/00, Germany
An intelligent system without Christian
lies. A great basis for creative discussion and cross
linking of thoughts in
new ways. As a chemist I need pragmatic and logic
information without the
pain of psalms an churches... keep up your good work.

Something else I realized from “The Story' is that our
current 'civilization' is a pretext for slavery. Not
obvious slavery, but a slow, piecemeal, debilitating slavery
where the 'authorities' keep the forces of production just
high enough to sustain the masses, neither completely
killing the populace nor allowing full blown prosperity.
Man, those neocheaters are incredible bastards.

M.S.,, 3/31/00

"The Web is for the access to information, it's a natural 'home'
for Neo-Tech."
D.B.,, 3/9/97, Canada

G.V.,, 10/23/98
I think that pleasure, happiness and joy are pale reflections
of being itself. Pleasure always takes a direct object: for
instance, ice cream or sex or money. Happiness is the order that one
places these things in so for instance if one accounts money a
greater good thing than say recreational time, in the pursuit of
money one will find happiness. Obviously, happiness doesn't have
any lasting significance though its duration is related to ones
will or need rather than how full your belly or sex drive is.
When the dark side of being human becomes apparent through death,
meaninglessness or despair, pleasure and happiness fade into
oblivion. What can take its rightful place at that time is
joy. Joy is the transcendent portion of being human- of human
awareness where the infinite becomes incarnate. It is poetry. It is
indifferent to pleasure and happiness so seek well the direction of your

A. W.,, 6/25/00
Finally the information is available to set
yourself and
society free...people need to read and make a conscious
effort to act
on what they read...

I.S.,, 6/3/00
Neo-Tech website WARNING to new readers: beware
the fear (and
fear-created rationalizations) that might otherwise impel
to close and lock this door to your mind. Beware the fear
keeps timid, tunnel-vision followers as well as mass
from grasping the powerful concepts revealed in this
Hi, my name is Ivan. Always in search of powerful ideas,
I cannot believe how much I have personally profited from
particular web-site. I can't stop thinking about all the
personal discoveries that empower all those who explore this
courageously. Consider yourself an honest explorer of ideas?
Imagine consciously beginning your journey with a courageous
decision to hold your belief system in question, and to
as honestly as possible, as you explore and integrate this
world of ideas... Keep in mind you need not and, indeed,
not end up a True Believer or Blind Follower of Neo-Tech.
search for powerful ideas to advance your unending personal
More and more honest businessmen and women are profiting and
evolving from the endless stream of new conceptual tools and
techniques that flows to and from this web-site. With
tools in hand, we quickly and easily rise above the
destroyers and manipulators in our lives.
Within Neo-Tech's metaphor matrix, both the innocent
mystical mind and the dishonest, manipulative mind
unavoidable psychological pain. By integrating Neo-Tech's
matrix, the reader experiences an unforgivingly honest
of himself. The most destructive and dishonest readers
almost unbearable psychological pain, the more they
Neo-Tech's metaphor matrix. The dishonest readers
become subconsciously overburdened with more and more guilt
and fear
until they reach the limits of their comfort zone. At this
-to the dishonest reader- its almost as if he must either
Neo-Tech -or reject HIMSELF! HA! Gotcha! With the Neo-Tech
matrix, Neo-Tech brilliantly succeeds in subtly provoking
most destructive readers to prejudge and mislabel Neo-Tech,
they feel justified quitting their journey... and never
Thank you Neo-Tech!

C.V.,, 5/18/98
Almost two years ago, my father introduced me to the Neo-Tech
Matrix, although, at the time my life was fully immersed in mysticism,
and I rejected it whole heartedly. Eventually I cam across the
writings of Ayn Rand, and began to realize the error of my ways,
I have since begun to integrate the Neo-Tech advantages into
my life. I am in complete agreement with Neo-Tech.

R.A.,, 1/17/99, Canada
Neo-Tech should remain
available on the Internet for all who are ready to make a
quantum leap to a non-mystically empowered self. I view
Neo-Tech as being one of the most positive, revolutionary
human discoveries in the 20th century.

M.W.,, 2/4/97
This web site is a MUST! It would be a crime AGAINST humanity to
REMOVE it. I NEED this web site. DO NOT REMOVE IT!

"Neo-Tech is the answer, I am glad that it is on the web. the
site is a good one keep up the good work."
P.C.,, 1/3/97

People have a hard time with Neo Tech
because of their own hypnotic social conditioning. If they only realized
they can get free from self made prisons....and see the world in whichever
they choose to view it they would be
in awe of the raw power within themselves......Neo Tech to me is just showing
us how by going back to that childhood place where our life first began
puts us back in the drivers seat of
our individual lives...Once we return to our natural self and our creative
mind self, we begin to take on positive thought action for the prosperity
and happiness of our individual adventurous expression.

s.l.,, 10/5/02, new zealand
I was freaked out by neo-tech when I first found it 12 years ago - I own three of your manuals. This is a paradigm shift. It changes everything. I will

"I very much enjoy your web site and reading the valuable
J.R.,, 2/24/97

Exciting, wonderful stuff, lets leave this anticivilization
once and for all, and welcome reality and happiness as quickly as possible.
Praise NT

H.M.,, 9/8/00
As there is a great need to learn more about
our evolution your website is quite valuable for many people.

M.D.,, 10/25/02
Neo-tech is absolutely supreme. Super integrated useful knowledge bombs you out of deadliest world. And while you read on, neo-tech softly leads you to the
beautiful riches of the world. Neo-tech will rise the hidden power of able people to the extreme, and will be the key to unlock the door, which opens towards
the meaning of life. Your happiness, wealth, love, and intelligence will be at your control. For the first time you will feel like a king.

L.J.,, 1/14/97

L.S.,, 11/1/98
I received Neo-Tech a little over three days
ago already I am starting to see where I went wrong
all those years ago I practiced mysticism for a very
long time to no great ends). Neo-Tech is helping me
understand how to become a 'value producer' and I have
since denounced all of my ties to the 'mystic lie'.

K.P.,, 12/1/98
I think the web site is fantastic.

H.B.,, 8/25/97, United Kingdom
"The information which NT brings is essential for everyone and I am very
grateful to everyone involved. NT has showed me the freedom, that we are
entitled to it. I realize the advantages Neo-Tech offers. Nowadays I get so
frustrated when I see so many people with their minds so full of mysticism,
such a disease. But I learn to just stand back with the knowledge of the NT
secret myself."

J.K.,, 5/14/98, Australia
Good Site, Excellent Information...

G.H.,, America

E.L.,, 8/31/98
Neo-Tech has changed my way of thinking. Dr. Wallace has
done a great job!

"Interesting, provocative. Intrigued to learn more."
A.A.,, 1/14/97

"This will change the world."
J.R.,, 3/31/97

,, 5/9/00
The NT needs to stay on the web. Just read the
comments section and see the fear that grips people when
they are
confronted with the prospect of being responsible for their
lives. It shouldn't be that way. Cage an animal for too long
and it doesn't want to be free. Freedom however is a
thing, you just have to learn how to deal with it. The more
learn, the better the world will be.

Anon,, 7/8/00
I've just completed the second chapter of the
story, superb!

D.D.,, 2/8/98
I feel the Neo-Tech site is the most informing, reveling and open
material I've ever read. It opens up the absolute truth to what's really
going on behind closed doors. It shows just how much the people
are not in control of anything, mainly their own lives. And how
the government is lying to us all to keep themselves in money
and freedom. The best example I can give is Diplomatic immunity.
That means these special few have the right to break the law
and live above everyone else=D5s, and take advantage of the system.
I feel it is a terrible thing for this to be in place. We are
all supposed to be created equal. Also the fact that the system
works only because these officials have guns, and a license to
kill innocent people just because that person did not obey the

T.Z.,, 5/6/97
I'm absorbing everything I can from your web pages. Thank You.

M.R.,, 3/25/97, Canada
In my search for truth, I have found that Neo-Tech has given me a
feeling that there is hope.

M.H., ., 9/4/02
I now have clear vision. I now fear nothing. I know what is right. I guide my life away from brain rotting mysticism. I can instantly spot neo-cheaters and
mystics in an instant (there is a heck of a lot of them). Most importantly, I live. Thank you for your direction.

I have purchased many Neo tech products, they have opened my
eyes to the truths and realities of the world and all the deceptions and
lies that are out there.

"Keep up the excellent work."
S.S.,, 4/14/97

I think the Neo-Tech concept is delicious for a appetite starved society. I highly
recommend it to people who have no concept in understanding the mystical concepts
the world lives by. I honor Neo-Tech on this web-site.

J.B.,, 2/24/98
I am very appreciative of you for opening my mind in a lot
of areas.

R.B.,, 10/30/97
Fully integrated, fact-based, honest literature is a welcome
relief from the status quo, politically-correct, biased literature
in the straight press.

"A most impressive web-site. The information is really mind
C.S.,, 1/31/97

"I think that Neo-Tech should expand and it will."
K.B.,, 2/6/97, Australia

"I believe this to be TRUTH---HONESTLY!!!!!!!"
A.B.,, 5/5/97

M.L.,, 6/4/98
Reading the negative comments certainly decided me in your

MP, hotmail.comWe need bodies like you to challenge
the despots of the world.. You help to evolve humans.

H.R.,, 6/29/97, Germany
It is quite astonishing, a new world.

C.P.,, 7/28/99
I have found new life, energy, and hope
through this web site.

M.G.,, 1/10/01
I bought the book on just what the small
told me. True, I had major second thoughts about buying it,
I wanted to try it. It is now two months later and I have
through THE STORY (MAKE IT A MOVIE, MAN!!!) and over half
of the rest. When I began reading THE STORY, I was trying to

J.P.,, 7/3/97, England
"I found your site very influencing, aiding me in all my decisions
and allowing me to detect the menace of the neocheaters."

C.H.,, 6/11/00
I have purchased numerous books from Neo-Tech
and these books
have changed my life. Mark Hamilton's Cosmic Business
and Get Rich by 2001, have given me the knowledge to
run profitable businesses and live the life of my dreams. I
will keep
in contact with Neo-Tech so I can keep up with any new
to enhance my life. I think the website is great with the
additions on a regular basis. Keep it up.

M.W.,, 12/17/97
Neo-Tech has been my anchor these last 2 years.
It pulled me out of a long downward spiral of religious guilt
and depression that nearly killed me. I think NT publishing
is accomplishing the greatest feat for mankind for all the
future generations of the entire human race. Frank Wallace and
his family will be recognized for thousands
of generations as heroes and mighty warriors that saved the Planet
Earth from its self-destruction.

ThunderWriter, , 4/10/01
I spent nine months saving $120, another nine
months swallowing the unbelievable, and now thanks to my profound vision, i look
forward to promoting Neo-Tech on my own web. It took me three years to save
enough to buy a computer, but now I can tell the world. Thank you me for
having the courage to finish it and thank heavens I was born in this
time of age to experience our final evolution... it took more
then 2,300 years for one lone man to figure it all out.

"I think this site is just great. Keep up the good work."
A.M.,, 2/4/97

B.C.,, 2/5/97
This is an excellent web site. As a student of Objectivism, this
program of yours seems like the next logical step in the advancement of
knowledge -- the implementation of Ayn Rand's ground-breaking work.

"This is a most interesting web site. I would like to know more
about Zon and Neo-Tech."
Kris G.,, 6/29/97

"Well, this constitutes my first visit to the site but I must say
I'm quite impressed by the content I've seen thus far."
B.C.,, 5/7/97

A.H.,, 1/3/99
It is now clear to see how mysticism has negatively held me back
all these years and I can confidently say that I am on the road
to happiness, finally, as I continue to grow with Neo-Tech
information. It makes so much sense, I just can't wait to
put it all together
and really live life to the fullest!!!

C.S.,, 10/19/98, Australia
would like someone to contact me about the
seminar in Las Vegas in November

M.M.,, 7/14/98
This site is excellent because it gives people more
views to help one find who they really are.

L.L.,, 6/29/01
I must say that this book hit me right where I

Dear Mr. Hamilton,I love your characters in The Story. Ms Annabelle
is wonderful and so are her 12 children. Many have asked you to make this
into a move but I want to ask if there are any neo-tech schools to send our
children to? If this is supposed to be a true story, can I get a copy of
Ms. Annabelle's tapes for my children. I am a 26 year old mother of 2 boys
who's IQ soars. They are 6 and 4 years old and I don't want them corrupted
by society's illusions. If there is no school, can we start one? Ple ase
let me know.

How do I get the Book? I love your concepts and story. Very
informative and powerful! Thank you Debra Ananda

d.w., ., 5/15/00
Thank you very very much!!!

J.Y.,, 3/5/01
I am proud to be a neo-techer. I have found
the love of my life thru neo-tech
standards. My values changed after reading
your literature. I became a real person. I believe many
other people
have examined their own values or lack of, just from knowing
and learning from my example. I don't preach, and I
don't claim to know all that much about 'Neo-Tech'
but I know it is good, and this info should be available for
the rest of the world to examine if they choose to.

A.H.,, 9/29/00
I have just finish reading The Book and have
found it very
enlightening and am anxious to learn more.
When will you be ready to put someone on the election ballot


C.E.,, 5/18/97
It is wonderful to see Neo-Tech on the Web where it can be accessible
to so many people. Keep it up.

Cathy Y.,, 3/11/98
I think it is a very useful reference site that is
helpful to a lot of people.

P.D.,, 11/23/98
An excellent and advanced idea of how and why
the world works. I will spread the word.

illusion created by government and media.

B.I.,, 6/16/02, United Kingdom.
If neo-tech is to be successful in re-educating the world populace for the good of mankind, then the importance of retaining Neo-tech on the web cannot be

L.L.,, 7/30/98
Powerful stuff.

Roland,, 7/19/00
A great inspiration. The changes have been
immense I find that I am currently able to do a whole lot
more with my time as well as spending time developing my new
business venture. It only takes THE STORY to make me feel
young and inspired I believe that I am now taking control
and hope to be FREE soon !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have a dream
and know what I want. Neo Tech brilliant lateral thought

F.S.,, 9/30/98
A vehicle towards greater individual self expression and freedom.

R.V.,, 3/2/97

I already feel empowered by the rational
information provided.

Dorothy S.,
I know something good is, I have a new
outlook on life a new way of thinking I am looking forward to an extraordinary
life, and I am full of life again.

S.W.,, 4/30/97, Australia
I find the entire concept of ZON fascinating and want to know more,
more, more.

B.H.,, 3/24/97
This is truly the only hope our civilization has for eliminating

L.L.,, 4/28/99
The words in Neo-Tech are backed by good reason, facts, and science
(something I've never notice in the Bible). It makes perfect
sense! I no longer care about what others say, because I
know now that there's nothing wrong with me; it's something
wrong with them! They're plagued by the mysticism which I'm
now working to rid myself of, and I've never felt so free! I
can't wait to share this wonderful knowledge with others. Should
this web site stay up? Of course! It may be the next best thing
to ever happen to humanity. Just looking at the comments
reinforced my belief that there's no room in our future for mysticism.
The positive comments show individuals who honestly want to be
happy and make that happiness last forever. And what's more, they
do this through their own work, their own mind, and their own
abilities while never seeking to oppress anyone. On the other hand,
the negative comments are nothing but angry religious dogma
spewed by fanatics who try to force their beliefs onto others with
threats of 'Hell' and God's retribution. How can they pretend that
their religion is just if those who believe are saved and those
who doesn't are damned forever? The words they preach are not
unlike those coming from Hitler or Stalin ('Do as I say or live to
regret it!'). I did not hear any voice of reason in these comments
and as such, why should the fate of this web site (and possibly
the fate of humanity) rest upon such tripe?

M.B.,, 1/16/01
Thinking becomes real! You are getting people
to think.
Be leaders not followers.

"Excellent! I've bookmarked this web site. It's 2am. After a bit
of sleep I will have to spend a lot of time here in order to take
in all the information. It's good to see someone taking on the
tyrannical forces that is our present government. "
P.P.,, 1/7/97

Your way of seeing things and living is so empowering. Finally,
someone who cares about the spirit of the individual and their right
to live how they choose to. Keep up the inspiring and life affirming

As a young child I asked where did god come from? The answer was
he was and always will be. I could not swallow this. After 44 years and a near
failed marriage, a dead end job and with no real idea of why we are here and
the eternal question who are we? I was losing all faith in myself. After reading
Neo-Tech-Godman the picture is getting clearer all the time. Thank-you

I have purchased the Neo-Tech Discovery and it has challenged
me to consider the level of mysticism I have existed under for my entire

l.h.thom,, 12/1/01
As a young child I asked where did god come from? The answer was he was and always will be. I could not swallow this. After 44 years and a near failed
marriage, a dead end job and with no real idea of why we are here and the eternal question who are we? I was losing all faith in myself. After reading Neo-Tech-Godman the picture is getting clearer all the time. Thank-you

A.A.,, 12/5/97
The subject matter is absolutely profound.

S.P.,, 4/15/98, Australia
Thanks to NEO-TECH, dramatic changes for the better are now starting to appear in my life. Excellent web site.

C.S.,, 4/22/99
Neo-Tech is the greatest book written in the last 200 years!

C.W.,, 10/21/98
Technology has reached a point where we can see a brave new
World Weather it is a new Plato or a new nightmare will depend upon
US! information becomes free, speech becomes free, information
becomes free, the Universe opens up to us. I am Magical (beliefs)
yet every friend has a different religion. We all seek the same,
a creator. Someone who knows what is the real deal. Either everyone
has the communication ability or the corrupt control. Like the
people who use recreational drugs, used like the Nazies used the
Jews. Something to focus the attention on while the corrupt take control.

S.A.,, 10/23/97
"I find the web a vast collection of information from
all sources, and an invaluable tool in organizing one's
own identity."

"It was really interesting to read about Neo-Tech. I like it very
much. I would to see some of it in Spanish. Thanks. Keep going!"
T.M.,, 3/19/97, Venezuela

Neo-Tech literature that I've so far read on the internet has been a spectacular
mind-opener. In fact, there are lots of people out there thinking the Neo-Tech
way, wondering why, in spite of their inherent integrity of thought, they
are only doomed to be outcasts in the rotten societies the world over.
The Neo-Tech literature is an invaluable source of strength to help reassure
the rationally thinking individuals that all the devious bulwarks of 'anticivilization'
are bound to collapse. Neothink is a spark to light up the way to a profound
personal growth and happiness.

"What an abundance of truly helpful information! I have only
scratched the surface so far, there is so much! I'm sure I will
be visiting this site often."
M.B.,, 4/19/97

M.M.,, england
Neo-tech is the elixir that mankind has secretly been waiting for,
for life. Everyone who has common sense about them will take on neo-tech.

"really cool...interesting"
R.S.,, 5/13/97, Norway

"I'm surprised by the quantity and quality of information in the
N.M.,, 3/14/97

M.D.,, 10/25/02
Neo-tech is absolutely supreme. Super integrated useful knowledge bombs you out of deadliest world. And while you read on, neo-tech softly leads you to the
beautiful riches of the world. Neo-tech will rise the hidden power of able people to the extreme, and will be the key to unlock the door, which opens towards
the meaning of life. Your happiness, wealth, love, and intelligence will be at your control. For the first time you will feel like a king.

L.N.,, 11/25/02

K.D.,, 9/20/00
I am very impressed with this great web-site.
I wish there
were more sites like it.

M.D.,, 4/15/97
Neo-Tech is invaluable, there is nothing like it on this planet.
Neo-Tech and the Zonpower have changed my life, and should be allowed to change
other's lives as well.

K.K.,, 10/29/98
I read God-Man and the Neo-Tech Discovery. I
knew there was more to life than was being presented
to me by the mystics and neo-cheats.
I am so excited and happy about my discovery of new

B.M., .,
Incredible. I was raised a Mormon and therefore am very comfortable
with the idea that ordinary humans can rise to become Gods. Yet to have this
idea laid out in such a scientific fashion, in simple stories and explanations
without all the 'thou shalt' m entality clouding the experience is something
so new, so fresh and so concrete that I hardly can explain it. I've read
and read again a lot of Neo Tech literature. This is the best.

F.M., ., 3/23/02, GHANA
I really would like the site to remain because it represents the only avenue through which enlightenment and freedom may come to the downtrodden and the

D.C.,, 12/29/98
I think Neo-Tech Publishing should create a
body of work that emphasizes the 'neo-cheating ' that grips
people on a more personal level. The 'neo-cheating' that
happens between family and friends. Everyday stupidities.
Most people understand, even at a very simplistic level,
that politicians, lawyers, media personalities, etc are
dishonest and corrupt, but a lot of people don't seem to
understand the dishonesty and disrespect that happen to them
everyday with family and friends! Most people I know accept
the lies, manipulations and usurpation's from their own
romantic love partners. I know that the neo-tech literature
deals with all this. However, I feel freeing people of these
personal chains would help them break out of the prison that
is the anticivilization! Thank you for your time. My best
to all at Neo-Tech publishing, and value-producers

I Have been a neo-tech customers since 1980, I have gone from
being a disgruntled old man to a highly productive writer also have concurred
the alcohol addition

C.R.,, UK
This is certainly a very honest piece of writing

P.D.,, 12/17/96
Expanding consciousness and acting upon consciousness
are the surest paths to freedom. This site has already stimulated
my quest towards greater freedom and life.

J.W.,, 12/27/98
I have received and read God-Man, it is the only book I have
ever read that has changed my outlook on life so completely.

T. Anpalagan,, 10/8/00
Highly thought-out super writing. More
People should read, so that they could have a chance to
develop a balanced
view of the circumstances that surround them. Even if
is not able to solve their problems, it would have provided
new perspective of life. Thank you
very much for making this available on the web.

M.E.,, 12/16/96
Fascinating. Looks like this information
may hold the key to my success.

I have found reading the books to be a life changing experience.
A very powerful tool for shaping ones future view of life. I know it has
mine. When I look at my life their are two chapters, before Neo Tech and
after Neo Tech.

"I thought Ayn Rand was the only one that ever understood this
and her works were suppressed by the Altruistic Regime. It is
very rewarding to see that someone has taken the next step. Keep
up the effort. Keep up the example."
N.K.,, 2/14/97

"I like this a lot.. and agree with you."
S.S.,, 2/2/97

"I am enjoying reading your sites."
R.M.,, 2/15/97

E.G.,, 4/23/01
Neo-Tech is an eye opener, for years I blamed myself for my short comings never seeing life as I do now. I feel my power growing inside me everyday, some people don't believe that they can achieve anything in this world if only they would take the time to wake up to see what's going on

"Excellent. Not filled with time consuming graphics and an
invaluable bookmark to anyone seeking happiness."
R.S.,, 12/24/96, Australia

"I think this is great stuff. I have never seen anything like it
on the web or anywhere else."
A.T.,, 4/15/97

"I believe that all information should be available on this the
the greatest information source available at the touch of the
J.E.,, 4/15/97


E.B.,, 6
It has been the greatest help I have ever found. I want Everyone
to know about this.

J.S.,, 10/10/99
The more I read Neo-Tech literature, the more
power I find within my self.

"This site is very informative and interesting. I'm extremely
interested in learning more."
J.S.,, 4/1/97

D.R.,, 7/12/98
This site has a mission and it MUST remain!

C.P.,, 9/1/99
I would recommend the readings of Neo-Tech to
anyone who is tired of being drained by our system.

N.S.,, 1/29/97
You have reminded me of how much I appreciated Ayn Rand when I
first discovered her work years ago. Thank you.

D.S.,, 1/18/97, Canada
I find this to be a most interesting and well prepared web site. It
keeps me reading and exploring with interest. There is a lot of truth and value
in what is being written here.

K.M.,, 11/5/01
Neo-Tech obviously represents free thought. I have just recently began to study, but I realized the self-actuating motive that I did not know existed. This
is the intellectual challenge that I longed for.

"Very exciting and totally sensible in an age that often seems
the opposite. I definitely want to see more. Here is to a brave
new world!"
Joyce K.,, 5/22/97


K.C.,, 8/2/97
"The Neo-Tech site is thought-provoking, especially the sections on physics
and the bicameral mind. As an Objectivist, the discussions of rational
egoist ethics and laissez-faire capitalism were familiar ground, but I can
see how they would shock the average collectivist or religionist."

"Your site is very exciting and well put together."
J.H.,, 5/31/97

"Its nice."
A.M.,, 5/15/97, Egypt

M.L.,, 6/17/97
This site is a wondrous abode of the finest
facts that are necessary for living on Earth.
Without this site, I would have spent
much of my life attempting to discover reality.

The more I read the more I want to read.

M.C.,, 3/13/99, United Kingdom
As a follower of the works of Dr Wallace for some two years
now, I am happy to report that the effects of his
concepts are truly amazing. Having been entrenched in mysticism
for most of my 50 years, I too found it difficult, at first,
to accept the reality of what Neo-Tech meant. However, having
made the effort to open my mind, I am now well on my way to
financial security, health and longevity of life.

M.W.,, 11/17/99
This is going to scare the 'hell' out of a lot of people it totally
explains but yet destroys religion. The truth is a very
frightening thing.

Joyce P.,, 9/1/98
I have never read such thought provoking writing as this.

Neo-Tech has allowed me to change my life Neo-Tech started my brain again.

discovery of a life time -- Neo-Tech.

"The best and most valuable information I have ever read. Frank
Wallace and Mark Hamilton and Eric Savage are worthy of a Nobel
prize at least."
J.Q.,, 6/24/97, United Kingdom

C.P.,, 3/13/99
After reading the book on integrated thinking,
I have started my own integrated business.
When I changed my living habits, I began to feel a permanent
happy feeling all over and confidence that nothing could go
wrong. I have a lot of amazing things to tell, I could go on
and on and on. Thanks

I think Neo-Tech is power in its' purest form. The power of
Neo-Tech is so simple yet powerful most people will shun from it. I have
experienced this when friends would ask about my personal views on life.
When I say that Neo-Tech is power, I mean real va lue-producing, life-enhancing
power not a power that fades in and out from day to day, month to month,
or year to year.

K.L.,, 10/23/97
I believe Neo-Tech is an excellent learning tool.

S.A.,, 6/14/98
Neo-Tech has
helped me in many things as I proceed to enhance my life and
the lives of those around me. I have enjoyed the ability to help
those that I love and those who would have tried to destroy what
I wish to accomplish. Neo-Tech has ended a long need for answers
I was unable to fulfill before. My Genuine thanks to Frank Wallace
and the entire Neo-Tech Staff for their unending struggle to free the

The History of Love and Sex was a great read and very informative.

D.D.,, 11/4/01
I have two of 'The BOOKS' excellent materials to gain romantic love, wealth & prosperity on this earth!

"My philosophy was ( I will believe what I want to believe
because the truth is yet to be told). Well, now the truth is
being told. Thanks!!!!!!!!"
M.D.,, 6/3/97

The greatest gift I've ever received in life!

AW,, 5/31/03
The world could have done with this so much earlier its extraordinary I prize
knowledge above everything else now I know more than I could have imagined. The
Zon discovery is worrying for me to look in everyone with so much honesty peace
inner love and forgiveness is by far the most courageous thing I have been asked
to do

A.J.,, 4/18/98

H.P.,, 10/15/02
I believe negative comments about neo-tech are only reiterated from closed minded, mysticism induced individuals, who from years of programming can no longer

F.S.,, 3/21/00
Dear friends, your are doing an amazing job.

"My #1 Web site. You have opened doors which I knew not were
there. Keep up the excellent work. Bravo."
S.B.,, 1/2/96


"This is a fascinating site. I plan on reading as much as I can."
D.S.,, 1/20/97

C.W.,, 7/4/99
Fascinating, I wish it could have been available to me in
the 70's so I could have eliminated a lot of business
and theological mistakes that have held me back from true
wealth. But, it's now off to a new beginning!

S.H.,, 2/10/97
I have found your page to be thought-provoking and needed. As well,
it provides a critical pause to status quo thinking.

T.A.,, 2/29/00
I am in the middle of reading The Story. It's brilliant. I
feel that this story should be made into a movie. In my
opinion, this Story is the perfect introduction to Neo-Tech
for the masses.
By coincidence, I happen to be a twenty-two year old college
student and would be interested in playing the part of Jake.
A long shot, but worth a try.

R.S.,, 10/20/98
I have read the Zonpower/Neo-Tech manual. Before I read it, I
had years earlier made a discovery that things weren't as I had
been lead to believe. This, of course, as with all other periods
of enlightenment does not make one comfortable. Just so I was
not comfortable with my 'enlightenment' as you might suspect. After
reading the Zonpower/Neo-Tech manual, I read the section on freeing
the bicameral mind which is what this did for me. I can easily
see why governments do not like this type of thinking, or this
type of literature. Keep up the good work. I can no longer be
controlled with guilt as I used to be. I no longer have feelings
of guilt and wonder if I am doing the right thing or if I should
consult my 'higher power' as I learned to call it in A.A. Nor
do I worry over insignificant things.

A.D.,, 6/7/97, Australia
It really made me think.
I have taken some remarkable steps and made a lot of mistakes, but I learned a
lot. Now, I travel the world, expand my awareness, and make a good living.

J.W.,, 8/23/97, Indonesia
Neo-Tech is incredible!

CountDracula1984,, 7/17/02
Your article breathes new life into some of Einstein's and other's most important thought experiments.

P.M.,, 5/4/01
Neo-Tech is beyond compare!

I think this is truly amazing and a breakthrough. What is most powerful
about it is that it is based on facts, evidence and truth---not some
guru proclaiming some experience that only he can have. I believe this
information is very liberating to the indiv idual and will do more to
save society in the long run than our current political/religious ideologies.

f.e.,, 4/18/00
I certainly want to see this valuable
information stay on the web. I'm reading “The Story' and about miss Anabelle's
children. I'm fascinated! It seems I've been searching for this all my life. I want to be
involved in any way I can.

R.M.,, 4/20/99
I now realize my way of thinking is not working, and the fault is
that I constantly use self-defeating logic. I find myself not
reaching my goals because I always seem to be
helping 'others' reach their goals -- believing the sacrifice
was worthy, yet knowing in the back of my mind I had been cheated.
The guilt trip was effective as an excuse: Thinking along the
lines of Neo-Tech, I now see the hooey in my old way of thinking.

T.B.,, 2/22/98

Sylvester "Quicksilver" Mukabi,, 1/4/02, Kenya
Have no fear of loosing. We are the people. Neo-Tech is great!

H.D.,, 9/3/97
Neo-Tech is a time bomb

T.W.,, 5/1/98
This site is very informative. I do want this site to expand.

D.Z.,, Canada
I love the site. Thank you for the latest book. I was getting emotionally
out of sorts in my love life. Neo-tech has saved me a lot of heartbreak.
Stay in cyberspace forever.

"Neo-Tech is extremely informative and a pleasure to read."
M.M.,, 6/5/97

V.H.,, 8/12/98, Aruba
This site is THE WAY to get NEO-TECH POWER to the masses.
a) It bypasses Big Government censorship.
b) MILLIONS of people can gain the power FAST.

J.L.,, America
I think everyone should know about Neo-Tech. The world would
be a better place if everyone practiced fully-integrated honesty.

M.R.,, 5/10/97
Ban Neo-Tech? This idea could only come from an unevolved and
ignorant mind. Not only is that NOT possible, but, who in their right mind
would want to after reading this wonderful literature? Only the corrupt and the
unevolved, and for very obvious reasons! Keep up the good work -- mysticism
is finished!!

"Neo-Tech is refreshing."
D.C.,, 4/17/97

D.T.,, 1/17/03, UK
Neo-Tech is everywhere

D.V.,, 1/11/97
Thought provoking. Truly revolutionary. Light years ahead!!!

D.G.,, 2/19/03
The puzzle pieces are snapping together.

G.S.,, 8/12/97, England
"I got the 1990 edition of cosmic Power from my mum recently, she never got
into it because she follows mysticism and all that. But, I'm really into and
have nearly finished. Its amazing, ths site is amazing as well."

K.S.,, 1/27/97, Singapore
The web site is well-arranged, offering a clear view of what is
offered. The color mix is appealing and I look forward to new ideas that will

E.A.,, 6/19/99
I thoroughly embrace your methodology.

Neo-Tech provides the education for citizens to learn how to take care of themselves
and to eliminate the parasitical ruling class of dishonest humanoids.

J.M.,, 1/25/99
Too bad I, and all of mankind for that matter,
didn't find this rich source
of information sooner, like 100 years ago.

,, 7/18/00
The Neo-Tech concepts have completely turned my
world upside down. Never will I see things in the same light, again. It's
like I have a tool I can use to discern what is really
happening in the world today, and might potentially happen to it in
the future. It would be a crime against my own individual self
NOT to use the concepts to further my progression and advance my
benefits. THANK YOU

R.P.,, 7/17/02
I find what is written very profound and backed by a consistent theory.

R.C.,, 2/22/97
This is the most thought-provoking information I have ever

"I think your ideas are revolutionary. Very insightful. I am
interested in learning more."
P.J.,, 5/18/97

F.T., ,

The puzzle pieces are snapping together.

GG,, 4/22/03
It as given me a new sense of hope.

"I believe in what you are saying. I will continue to support
you. I have ordered the consultation package recently offered and
look forward to receiving it."
R.L.,, 1/8/97

: M.S.,, 3/29/00,
I don't know about the Darwin evolution part,
but after reading the STORY....all I could do for the next
few minutes was...sit in front of this computer screen and
quietly &
couldn't stop as I reflected on the last thoughts & words
of Miss Annabelle:

Neo Tech is Perfect!!

F.W.,, 9/4/98
I have found this site to be one of the most interesting on
the internet/world wide web. I would very much like to find out
more about neo-tech.

Pamela M.,, 3/10/98
Since discovering Neo-Tech I feel hope again!

M.W.,, 9/3/97
"Neo-Tech saved or rather is saving my life."

c.e.,, 6/24/02
All humanity is on the line, knowledge is the key to salvation. Keep on telling it like it is, for all our sakes.

T.C.,, 9/10/98
I do believe that this is the most powerful and useful
information available today.

R.F.,, 3/24/00
This is so amazing! The Story is changing my
life as I read it. I can now feel positive about my life and
my children's lives. I am going to teach them everything I
know about the Civilization of the Universe and Neothink, as
did Miss Annabelle with her students. I am going to grab
every teachable moment with them. I have bow found
something to integrate into their lives, something that is
true. 'The Story' is so powerful and so true I have seen it
happen in my life and others around me, it is so exciting
and invigorating to see. I am ready to vote a Neo-Tech
President into office to embrace the Civilization of the
I feel so lucky, because I am a 21 year old mom and my
oldest is 6 and my youngest is 4. I made my way through
high school and I started college this year. What a gift you
have given, and will continue to give! I am behind you 100%!
If you make a movie, I would love to play Miss Annabelle, I
think her Character is so great, and I would love to be a
Miss Annabelle for my children and many other children
because to spread the truth like she did is what I have been
doing, only on a much smaller scale with my daughter and her
friends! Go Neo-Tech!
It is so important for the future of not only my children
but all the children in the world! I would love too see my
children grow up in the Civilization of the Universe, and
myself too!
The truth has finally been set free, and it makes me so
happy! I no longer have to live the anticivilization lie! I
love You Guys!

G.C.,, 3/21/00, New Zealand
Excellent material. Thank you.

All my life I'd been forced to go to
church. Even though I didn't want to believe, I couldn't reject the idea
of God, and Jesus Christ. It was brain-washed into me. Even when I told people
I didn't believe, I prayed every night. I prayed because I was afraid of
what would happen if I didn't. I feared God. I spent most of my life afraid,
even after I left home, and no longer had to go to church. But as the years
have gone by I've found it easier to think for myself. Instead of asking
God to fix my problems. I needed to face them head on, and fix them myself.
As soon as I started thinking this way, my problems seemed to go away. I
started going to sleep at night without a prayer. I started to be happy.
I began to have a vague idea of how to look at life. Neo-tech is helping
me focus what I already felt.

It is just Explosive !!!!Setting almost anyone FREE !!!

Karl,, 10/15/00
I would just like to say that I really enjoy
reading the books you guys publish. It makes sense and it
definitely changed the way I look at things around me. I
always come to this site and learn something new. After
reading Discovery I am enlightened, aware, and more
intelligent than I ever was. Good stuff!!! Keep up the good
work with the books and this well organized, informative web

S.S.,, 3/23/00
I really enjoyed the story and have spent the past 2 days
Reading it at your website, what a beautiful world without
external authorities
to keep us down. I think it would make a great movie,
teaching presented as entertainment. Keep up the good work.

"Looks fascinating."
B.D.,, 5/12/97, Australia

The greatest gift I've ever received in life!

P.B.,, 3/29/03

Neo-tech is absolutely essential information that completely changed my life
and outlook. Thank you !

m.s., ,
It has transformed my life.

M.H.,, 2/25/97, Germany
It's great to know better times will come.

M.L.,, 7/15/97
"I think this web site is very helpful to me - in searching for
information on money and romance."

S.S., co.k, pre-12/8/96, Korea
Impressed at your brilliant insights and plans.

"I think this site is mind boggling! Keep it up Please! I look
forward to reading more."
M.F.,, 5/13/97, Australia

R.A.,, 3/7/99
Neo-Tech is the end to psychological problems,
it should never be stopped.

T.L.,, 3/30/99
The God-Man and Neo-Tech discovery are mind
opening to the most extreme. In my opinion, anyone who
denounces such literature is petrified at the thought of
losing their wicked control over the masses. And for those
who claim that this powerful information is the work of the
devil need to wake up out of that dream state and realize

z.d.,, 6/4/02, the united states of america
This is it. This is the only way that will work.

J.R.,, Canada
Absolutely great thinking model.

R.M.,, 5/6/98
Keep it up. I wish you would get on radio talk shows and share
your information; so we can get the party going and elect a non
political president. Get Mark Hamilton out there sharing his
great views. I'm now reading his new book and it's awesome, more
people need to know about our Neo-Tech Party.

"I find the information extremely compelling. I have found
immediate use for the mini-day structure in my business."
P.F.,, 3/30/97

J.R.,, 3/30/97
I feel the excitement of the `answer is here!'

S.V.,, 10/23/00
NEO TECH must strive to become a 'household

a.s.g. ,, 2/5/02
Very interesting stuff. It empowers the mind

Neo-Tech is a way of life that should be available to all
who wish to learn and move forward.

Paul L. S.J.,,
I love this site! It's really opened my eyes, I was into the metaphysical
new age movement, so I have been away from mainstream religion for a few years
now. Something about it always seemed a little off though. Like there had to
be more to life than 'pretending' all was well. Now I'm starting to feel the
power that is rightfully mine. This all makes perfect sense to me. I finally
know why I'm here and what I have to do. Thank you Neo-Tech.

J.D. Brackett,, 5/15/02, American
I have known about Neo-tech over ten years, it is the greatest discovery that I've witnessed in my lift time,I am with you all the way.


S.V.,, 10/23/00
NEO TECH must strive to become a 'household

"I want to learn the total benefits o Neo-Tech it is very
important for me to succeed in life and I find Neo-Tech hard to
B.T.,, 3/16/97

K.K.,, 4/14/98, Netherlands
Great web Site guys !!

"The Zonpower/Neo-Tech site is growing into the most educational
and exciting of all of the web sites that I browse. With the
arrival of multimedia and interaction to this site, it will be
the enhancement that knocks-out all the rest!"
J.R.,, 12/27/96

T.W.,, 7/8/02
I have known of this web site ever sense it was put up. It presents a great point of view and has helped me throughout the years. It is time for America and

J.T,, 11/20/00, Canada
A lifetime of struggling to understand the
mysticism in this world, Trying to break free and getting
pulled back under the thumbs of the Neo-cheaters. With this
new information, I will and have been determined from the first
day I stopped attending church to make a change. My goal is to
create wonderful values for myself and guide those which whom I
love to self actualization by the examples I set. I would like to
say this is definitely a great thing that has been put

R.C.,, pre-12/8/96
I've been searching all my life it seems for a solution,
before I knew what problem it was that needed an answer.
I browsed the Web one day and Zonpower popped up on my screen,
that was three days ago. Since then, I feel relieved. I feel as if all of my
scattered thoughts concerning my existence has finally blended and
has left me with less doubts.

A.M.,, 2/5/97, Canada
This is the site of sites and should never be removed from the web.

T.B.,, 4/29/01
Neo--Tech is the only thing that makes sense
in this world

M.L.,, 6/17/97
This site is a wondrous abode of the finest
facts that are necessary for living on Earth.
Without this site, I would have spent
much of my life attempting to discover reality.

T.B.,, 4/17/98
Is it me, or are you an awesome dude? I like your
style. I'll hold the stake while you slam the hammer on this
real life vampire that's been sucking the blood of this increasingly
anemic 'civilization'...

"I think people without an open mind should just stay out of this
A.O.,, 2/18/97

J.B.,, 3/18/97
Wonderfully enlightening.

J.W.,, 12/27/98
I have received and read God-Man, it is the only book I have
ever read that has changed my outlook on life so completely.

F.T.,, 9/1/98
Your information altogether creates
such an unbeatable magnetism that hurls the masses straight to
the truth. I must admit that I have agreed, disagreed and agreed
all over again about Neo-Tech. One thing for sure is that anyone
can argue as much as they want about Neo-Tech, but when the application
of this philosophy is executed, you cannot but agree that you
can attract the true joys of life when ACTING objectively! A
true acid test for a person who seems to know everything would

"From the time I was a very young child and first understood the
concept of death, I thought why does it have to be this way? I
have always appreciated greatly, the astounding odds of just
being born, let alone the magical possibilities of living
forever. I can't even begin to express my loving appreciation to
all of you at Neo-Tech Publishing and your courage for getting
the word out. I will forever be loyal to Neo-Tech and its causes.
Thank you, thank you, thank you, for your knowledge has finally
answered many of my life's questions!!"
S.A.,, 3/4/97

J.M.,, 4/28/00
It is about time the people of this country
woke up. Thanks to Neo-Tech they can! Thanks, Dr. Wallace and Mark Hamilton.

L.H., ., 9/4/02
My husband turned me on to Neo-Tech, and it's being really helpful opening my eyes, to be aware of the Neo-cheaters in business and in politics. It enables
me to recognize these Neo-cheaters, and allows me to strategize on how to deal or not deal with the
m at all, thus allowing me to succeed and be happy in the business world. It as also helped me in my relationship, but I still need a lot of work in that
area, because of all the past Neo-cheating bullshit I have been brainwashed with since I was born. Thanks for assisting my growth and success as a person in

V.G.,, 8/26/97
"I think Neo-Tech is great"

A.C.,, 12/18/96
Dear Friends: I really appreciate and recognize that
this company is spearheading the development of the humanity
through this web page. The Neo-Tech books are the most exciting
books I've ever read and they helped me a lot. Thank you to all
those men and women who work for Neo-Tech in order to get a better
world free of mysticism and the parasitical elite class.

The information is mind-blowingly practical, rational, and suited
to the ever-evolving human! You're doing a valuable service.

M.P.,, 1/18/00
Keep this site and expand our knowledge further
onward and outward from here.


C.B., ., 3/21/01
I owe a tremendous debt to the Neo-Tech
writings and to Dr. Wallace
and associates for helping me find my essence... the essence

D.H.,, 2/1/97
I do believe in the principles you have mentioned. I have always
thought through discipline and effort people may advance mentally,
economically, and emotionally.

H.A.,, 3/1/01
I believe that the truth should be told, and
that all mystical
beliefs should finally be put to rest, so the world can
prosper and grow into the civilization of the universe. I
understand most are afraid of the truth because the thought
of being in charge of your own life, and decision making,
opposed to being a puppet for the real life value destroyers
is a lot to take in, but who cares how the truth comes as
long as it comes, right? Finally, I know neo-tech should
remain on the net, because without it how can we possibly
thrive as a true civilization when what we have now only
reinforces anti-civilization. meaning that the blind will
continue to lead the blind further into this
anti-civilization, until that mystical matrix is stripped
away, and the truth can be seen by whole world!

A.A.,, 3/8/99
I am interested in finding out what became of
the great poker author Frank Wallace. His book on poker
really helped me.

L.M.,, 2/7/97
Neo-Tech is unstoppable. It is strange, but as a homosexual, I am
experiencing desires for the opposite sex. I never thought this desire could be
possible. Wow!!! I feel great, moving towards or expressing my biological
nature makes me feel profoundly happy. AH! how good she looks, I can't wait to
experience pleasures together. The more objectively productive I become, I
experience these growing desires to the same degree.

L.L.,, 2/29/00
I think this story is very psychuous! It gave me tingling
sensations throughout my nervous system. It taught me the
fundamentals of common denominators and how they get to the
essence of happiness.

S.B.,, 12/31/96
Wow! I'm an Objectivist, but have recently been having some doubts
about my Objectivism and Objectivism in general. There seems to be a missing
link, something that indicated that Objectivism wasn't quite right, but I
couldn't put my finger on it. The Neo-Tech stuff at least provides a metaphoric
answer to that missing link. This is compelling stuff. A useful tool.

AA,, 4/19/03
It change my view in life now positively. Always looking ahead without
intervention of mysticism. More control of myself set by my own standard.
Definitely, its for everyone who loves life. Sad for others who don’t know
about neo-tech.

K.L.,, 9/12/00, The Republic of The United States of America
It used to be that we had to lie to survive,
now, with Neo-Tech, we have to be
honest to produce.

"Have found Neo-Tech most helpful and motivating. I enjoy being
able to access your web site. It would be sad to see it go.
Regarding the news release on or about February 24, 1997 on the
successful clone of sheep. Very interesting in light of the
material in Neo-Tech. Maybe everlasting life isn't all that far
away after all."
L.M.,, 2/28/97

M.H.,, 12/16/96, Australia
There is an enormous amount of information
contained in this site. Far too much to comprehend at once.
You clearly are trying to get a larger picture across and it
will take some visits to gain a clear understanding.

M Smith,, 5/9/01, AUSTRALIA
Please send me more
information on seeing life and people as they really are
of as they con me into thinking. I am 50 but feel like I am
beginning to see light at the end of the tunnel.

The best information available to help every person on
this earth

R.S.,, 5/20/98, United Kingdom
What an outstanding piece of literature, highly
innovative, and most beneficial. A million thanks!!!!!!! R.Sidhu

D.B.,, 1/13/97, Russia
It's so strange... And is a great thing in the world of bytes and
common problems. I like it.

"I am profoundly glad to have access to the most important
information ever available to the human race."
L.W.,, 1/2/96

J.M.,, 2/14/97
This site is a must. Should NT leave the web? That would be a dark
day in cyberspace! These concepts have propelled me into a new world of
happiness and competence.

D.M.,, 4/15/97
To the day I die (which will be never!) I will be asking
myself why I fell for the mysticism.

"A very cool site."
T.K.,, 2/22/97, Egypt

"Wonderful insight and science. We need it."
M.A.,, 3/18/97

T.P.,, 7/15/98
In practical terms I find your arguments
valid and rational in comparing the users of the world to the
producers of value.

Excellent literature!!!! I have read Neo-Tech and I have used
it and today it makes me a better person. For the last 3 years after having
my first Neo-Tech literature, never before I seen the Cosmic powers that
works for me but also for everyone who have neo-tech knowledge. Neo-Tech
teaches me to be self aware of those people who neo-cheats everyday and
every moment. I can actually see those neo-cheating scheme practiced by
neo-cheaters. Thanks a million Neo-Tech.

R.S.,, 8/28/98
I've always suspected many of the things you've exposed with
Neo-Tech. It's good to have those suspicions reinforced. You've
helped me see why I was always feeling unhappy and oppressed.
A great weight has been lifted from me. I've always been an honest
person. Now I see how my honesty helps me see the 'real' realities.

"I have prospered by integrating and using this knowledge. I have
seen the predictions of a neothink mind unfold and see the coming
of the new age rapidly approaching."
N.T.,, 6/27/97

"It is really interesting and there are a lot of topics where one
can take exciting information."
K.V.,, 5/17/97, Iceland

"I found this site to be very fulfilling and illuminating. This
concept is very refreshing and I would like to know more."
S.G.,, 2/18/97

First, I would like to thank all the people that have worked so
hard to bring the Neo-Tech to our world. The information contained in the writings
has changed my life for better. Don't stop trying to get the message of total
integrated honesty out to the our world. The betterment of our future depends
on the honesty of all individuals.

One of the most liberating things I have ever read . Thank you for putting it
on the web . Please don't take it off.

I.F.,, 1/21/00
I am already beginning to feel my life changing.

K.K.,, 10/27/98
I read both God-Man and The Neo-Tech Discovery
and was elated at the content.
I am now using the web site to further my value
producing capabilities. I absolutely admire the energy and
thought that went into these publications.

L.J.,, 1/14/97

C.J.,, 7/1/02
The Neo-Tech discovery is truly profound. I have studied many thoughts and doctrinal teachings, even peering into mysticism. I have found personally from

Dorothy D.,, 8/18/99
There is so much beauty in your writings. My
life has been changed, I believe more in myself and it makes
me very happy that I learned to care less what anyone else
thinks of me. It is what I think of me that counts.

C.J.,, 8/11/97
I cannot believe that all of this information has escaped
the general(ly anesthesized) Public for all these 2000 years. I know I
am not the only person who has felt deep inside my heart of hearts that
'something' is wrong somewhere. And never before had this been more
evident than in this country in this era of ever-increasing government
intrusion into even an individual's ability to feed themselves. I would
like to extend my personal thanks to the publishers, and also to Frank
Wallace for bringing it all together for all to read. How did Dr.
Wallac come to write such a phenomenal volume as the Neo-Tech
manuscript? Please don't take this information off the may be
the only access some have to it.

R.K,, 8/3/97
"Why shouldn't your site stay on the Web? Any site that offers individuals
an opportunity to take control of their lives should be promoted not

"I would like to thank every one who helped bring out Neo-Tech, In
a metaphorical sense, it has turned me right-side-up in an
up-side-down world. Without it I would be terribly confused about
everything but with it, I have much WORTH IN MY SELF and a very
controlled sense of direction and lots of self-esteem. Thanks! Oh
yah, I'm only 23 years old and I spit on that 'generation X' label
they try and stick on me!"
T.L.,, 6/24/97

W.N.,, 8/18/01
This is wonderful information for anybody who
is ready to jump into consciousness and become aware what is happening around
them. For anyone who is ready for a change
they should read “The Book' for it will change you and the
way you think forever. You will think the way we were meant,
without mysticism and external authorities telling us how to think.
Neo-Tech is not the Devil's work but it undoes the Devil's work and
awakens the most powerful value on earth, Human-Consciousness.

R.R.,, 3/18/00
These ideas are good and certainly many people
may gain wealth from the Story!

K.T.,, 5/13/97
I have received more valuable knowledge from Neo-Tech than my
previous twenty years of schooling. I now have the most incredible
romantic-love relationship with the woman of my dreams. I have left a mystical
profession and now am starting my own business. The web site is the most
valuable web site on the Internet. Thank You Neo-Tech!

"I am very excited about your site, very good information."
D.P.,, 1/31/97

J.R.,, 3/13/97
Everyone needs Neo-Tech -- Best Web site ever!!

D.A.,, 5/14/97
Extremely informative and optimistic prognostication
on world issues and economics!

c.b.,, 4/20/00, franklin
Yes, yes, YES.

Absolutely valuable and inspiring,

"I'm just beginning to discover Neo-Tech."
Y.R.,, 1/31/97, Malaysia

Kristin,, 9/16/02
Keep sharing Neo Tech with humanity so we can ALL finally wake up from the nightmare of the Anticivilization.

Tony C.,, 10/15/97
"I want what Neo-Tech can offer."

D.D.,, 3/20/97
I believe this is the most valued information I have ever read!!

J.O.,, 8/27/97
After having read Zonpower manuscript 4 yrs ago my life went from
drifter to capturing my own essence with the help of
iron grip control. my fears have become exhilarated grasps
of life. I manage many employees through D.T.C. and Neo-Tech.

J.H.,, United Kingdom
I have been reading Neo-Tech literature for years and I could no
way go back to life without it. If only it were taught in schools, the world
would be a beautiful place to live.

"I see Neo-Tech as a way to live better."
G.P.,, 5/5/97

C.Y.,, 3/6/00
Your Story is the most incredible, powerful
thing I've ever read. It truly puts into real perspective
the Neo-Tech principles, disciplines, etc. I'm sharing it
with my 12-year old and am seeing with a visual and mental
clarity how I need to be HIS Miss Annabelle...and to my
other two children as they begin their education beyond
Words of thanks are hardly enough for what you have brought
out for mankind. I simply cannot articulate the explosion of
hope in so many areas of my life going on inside of me now.
I have a whole new outlook on life and I know where I
belong. But I do have one question: How do I help change the
world to bring Neo-Tech to everyone?
Heartfelt thanks and gratitude.

Lena B.,, 3/11/98
I found your web site to be most informative.

T.T.,, 12/6/99
NEO_TECH is the most EXPLOSIVE information to ever BIG BANG the
Human Mind. It CONTAINS expensive psychological SIGNATURES within
it's LITERATURE that deliver 'the goods' in relation to LIFE
itself! ONE read and MYSTICISM slowly washes away into the NOTHINGNESS
from whence it ORIGINATED. NOTHING can now ever STOP N-T. IT
is a WINDOW that projects only positive LIGHT onto a
screen that has INFINITE scope for the better of Man/Womankind
infinite amount of TIME.

Neo-tech is the best thing to happen to this ailing world. I will
welcome the changes with open arms.

P.L.,, 4/16/00, U.S
What I like about THE STORY was the peoples heart and love they had. I can't wait until we see this. I
would love to see more stories like this from Mark.

K.C.,, 8/6/97
Neo-Tech's philosophy succeeds brilliantly in applying
Objectivist principles to daily life and work in the 'Get Rich By 2001'
section. Its focus on wide-scale integration and task structuring to
concentrate on money-making purpose is brilliant.

"Neo-Tech will be my 'guide' back to the singleness of purpose I
once had. Only now, I know I am not alone, a 'voice in the
R.O.,, 6/9/97

"This is nothing short of FANTASTIC. I feel as if I have found a
TREASURE. Thank God it was not 'hidden'."
K.M.,, 5/11/97, Barbados

P.B,, 7/28/97
"Indicative of remarkable creativity. There is much evidence
of a gifted and an informed mind."

The Neo-Tech philosophy is great. There are many people that
I've directed to the website who would not have known of it

L.M.,, 10/25/98
You have a lot of insight toward a unified theory (its my mind
talking here not somebody else's) but unless it can be fully
quantified (symbolically modeled with adequate detail)
in some way, it cannot be experienced in the same way by
very many, and therefore cannot eventually get into human
consciousness (includes subconscious) via genetics and DNA and
cause the necessary sense of global family and future evolution
of life. Take a look at
(watch out for the capital letters)

P.C.,, 12/5/01, Portugal
I like the things you say. They have helped me see reality in a whole new light. As a matter of fact, what I have read so far has been helping me resolve a
current problem I am having.

I bought your Book and I am working
to rid the toxins of my mind (Catholic since birth),thanks for open my eyes!!!!

A.N.,, 12/17/96, Canada
This money making information web page was.

A.H.,, 9/12/02
I absolutely love this site, it has changed my outlook more than any other readings.

Some of the most valuable and unique information on the web

D. H.,, 2/7/01
Neo-tech is an enlightenment of the mind body
and soul. All
you nay sayers are just closed minded, weak individuals who
need to examine your own lives!

D.T.,, 6/9/98
I found your comments well informed and presented in a thoughtful
way that allowed me to take in and evaluate the information.
I was pleased to see a presentation that was relatively free
of bias...and totally free of the kind of preachy, screaming bias.

G.C.,, 7/6/97
Most fascinating site I have ever read.

P.C.,, 10/7/01, Australia
Neo Tech has been an incredible resource in my life.

I'm saying this with full knowledge and a deep, emotional integration:
'Neo-Tech is AWESOME'

"I feel the excitement of the 'answer is here!'"
J.R.,, 3/30/97

A.S.,, 2/14/01, GERMANY
Definitely I want Neo-Tech to remain on the
web; for it's the
only consistent myth-smashing force on the planet today.

D.F.,, 8/12/99
If it weren't for Neo-Tech, Individuals would
still not have an integrated understanding that the evils of
the world stem simply from dishonesty and laziness.

P.D.,, 3/12/00
I haven't finished your
story yet, I'm on chapter 18 and am a new comer to Neo-Tech,
but I am very impressed. If I could wish one thing for the
world, it would be that all the students studying to be
teachers read your story. Before their minds have been
corrupted by the world. I have many friends that home
school their children, and I am so taken by what you have to
say that I am printing up "The Story" to pass around to
them. Home schooling is growing, within all of America, and
it seems to me that those are the children that could be
reached first, right now. I will admit that Neo-Tech is
hard for me. I can't just read it, but have to study it to
understand, with lots of stops to look up words, but "The
Story" has made much of it fall into place for me. A lot
of things in America have gotten out of hand, parents and
teachers have lost there way along with most of "the
people". They have forgotten that we are the united states
of AMERICA and not the UNITED STATES OF america. Your
story not only touched my heart, but my brain. I have
always been an "odd ball" or called "weird" because I think
on my own, I do on my own, and I walk in peace and love.
People try to push me into there mold, but I refuse to go.
Your story showed me that I am on the right path, I have a
long ways to go, but I will get there. Thank you for
reminding me of all the good things to come, as I continue
on my journey.

S.F.,, 1/25/98
Neo-Tech and the 114 concepts that Frank R. Wallace has developed
has changed my life. I am more in control of my life since reading
the materials. I thank personally Frank for changing my life. You are one
of the greatest value-producer of information I will probably ever read.

s.c.,, 3/6/01
Awakening of knowledge is a blessing.

B.M.,, 8/10/97, Ireland
"I am interested a great deal in your material. It seems both radical and
practical - a quality difficult to find."

R.G.,, 2/16/00
This site gives me something to let people see
for them selves without letting my books out of my sight.

Wonderful, priceless values!

J.B.,, 1/29/97

Reading your material is liken to an early morning walk. Or the wonderful feeling
you get when you experience the beauty of freshly turned earth.

Interesting stuff, it helps people to
initiate the process of flushing the disease of mysticism from their ability
to think critically.

Thank you Mark Hamilton. The most wonderful
story I have ever read. Inspirational, almost overwhelming.
This story of what Neo-Tech will do for the human race must
reach everyone. I can feel the genuine love that you have
for each member of this human race. I know a mind could not
produce such a beautiful and powerful story of what we can
be, of where we can go, of where we are going, of what we
will become. No words can explain my appreciation, only my
actions. Every time I read Neo-Tech literature, which is
almost daily now, I become armed with it's power, I thirst
for more, I become more. The value of my life and all human
life increases, to the point that nothing else is more
important than preserving and improving all human life. What
a simple concept, yet impossible task in this upside down
anticivilization. Until now. Thank you Frank Wallace and
Mark Hamilton for starting the Neo-Tech revolution that says
no to death and yes to life. What a simple but wonderful
concept. Citizens of the C of U are out here, and I return
the love and passion for life that you so consistently give.

S.S.,, 10/5/01
That is the most interesting and down to earth information on Love and Romance -- the do's and don'ts in a love affair. Thanks Shirley

N.T.,, 12/2/02, Canada
words wont express my gratitude to all involved, but thanks just the same. This backwards-assed human race we call 'civilization' desperately needs Neo-Tech.

Lawrence,, 8/2/01
Thanks for going through the chaos to bring
peace to us.

A.M.,, 12/5/01, United Kingdom
This knowledge should not be hidden from anybody. I always new there was 'something' missing on my life but I could never quite find it. Neo-Tech has opened
the gates, I feel more at peace than ever before (I just cant get enough).

A.M.,, 10/7/97, Netherlands
"I find the Neo-Tech material intriguing, and certainly different from
mainstream thought. For this reason alone it is valuable. Is mainstream
thinking so weak that it cannot withstand alternatives?"

G.C.,, 6/25/01
The information and ideology gained through
these books are a priceless treasure.

Susan T.,, 5/25/99
This site makes Neo-Tech available to everyone.
Which in the long run will help make this a better world.

"I am very enthusiastic about what you guys are trying to achieve.
I would like to complement you on an excellent Web Site and would
like to see more regular updates on your site. Please do not
hesitate to contact me if I can be of any assistance in Europe in
your efforts to bring about the Prosperity Revolution."
C.W.,, 6/23/97, Monaco

M.L., yahoo Philippines
The articles are really amazing. They threaten the present structural set
up of government and religion.

Have never heard of or read anything so thought provoking.

P.J.,, 12/9/96, Finland
Very Good!

J.J.,, 9/16/99
It taught me to recognize the true evil behind the smiling faces
of the neo-cheaters. The information helped me to realize why
life became stagnate at an early age, with only death to look
forward to. I can clearly see how neo-cheating has destroyed
our health, social lives, finances, and hope. It is the ultimate
crime of all time. At least there is now hope for a better future.
Everyone needs to know the truth, and be aware of the evil that
has been destroying mankind for so many centuries. There are
so many talented people who have never exposed their potential,
because of the retarding effects of mysticism, and external
'authorities'. It's time to awaken the suppressed talent,
and develop a productive world for all to live in.

H. G.,, 6/12/00, Germany
An intelligent system without Christian
lies. A great basis for creative discussion and cross
linking of thoughts in
new ways. As a chemist I need pragmatic and logic
information without the
pain of psalms an churches... keep up your good work.

M.B.,, 1/16/01
Thinking becomes real! You are getting people
to think.
Be leaders not followers.

A.T.,, 10/17/98
I feel like I'm loosening the chains of Dogma that have
been tying me down for most of my adult life.

All the mysticism in the world would not keep us safe. Neo-Tech is
quickly paving the way.

C.C.,, 12/23/96
This is without a doubt the most important web site
on the Internet. The information and knowledge I receive
from this site and the other NEO-TECH books I have read has
changed my life. I now foresee a very bright future. Thank You.

"It is my hope that the whole world eventually gets a chance to
read the wisdom contained within these documents. Transformation
of the entire consciousness structure would result and the world
would irrevocably be uplifted from its dark and dismal plight."
G.P.,, 6/22/97

"I like the fact that I can read quality items on the net."
R.D.,, 1/17/97


ANON,, 2/6/97
One thing I love about this web site is that it is not an
evangelistic web site asking people to follow. Rather, it focuses on everyone's
self-effort. Thanks for doing an excellent job. I sincerely hope that you will
achieve the goal of eradicating mysticism. What a beautiful world that would
be! Excellent work!

D.E.,, 2/7/98
Neo-Tech is just wonderful! I am ecstatic
-- I feel I have found the 'truth', that I have been searching
for all of my life.

J.J.,, 3/8/00
This is truly phenomenal! I am encouraging
others to visit this website.

Please, please, please keep a corner of the web constantly lit by the bright
light of reason and hope – the hope that such a light will eventually illuminate
the entire internet.

M.L.,, 6/16/97
Neo-Tech seems to be the realization and result of ultimate truth
i.e. justice. Leaving Neo-Tech on the web will allow more people to find the
truth instead of spending their entire life in search of it.

Y.S.,, 10/6/02
It helped me to carry on after my parents and son were killed.

B.B.,, 3/13/00
The more I understand NT, especially after
reading The Story, the more I see what is going on.
The deeper I go down the rabbit's hole, more and more I am
beginning to *see* what is going on.
Promote NT Values or Die,

Debbie M.,, 11/23/98
I was recently heartbroken by my boyfriend of 2 years that I
trusted very much. I recognized in myself that I was afraid to
care about anyone. I was searching for fear in relationships
and found your site. I now realize I was blaming my boyfriend
for making me afraid of relationships. With the help of articles
from your site I feel I can now move past this experience and
get on with my life. Perhaps this is not the type of feedback
you expected but nonetheless, positive feedback about your site.

MP,, 4/12/03
We need bodies like you to challenge the despots of the world.. You help to
evolve humans.

As I read the information, I visualize what is happening all over the world at
this time. Everything now makes sense.

R.M.,, 4/20/99
I now realize my way of thinking is not working, and the fault is
that I constantly use self-defeating logic. I find myself not
reaching my goals because I always seem to be
helping 'others' reach their goals -- believing the sacrifice
was worthy, yet knowing in the back of my mind I had been cheated.
The guilt trip was effective as an excuse: Thinking along the
lines of Neo-Tech, I now see the hooey in my old way of thinking.

E.K.,, 12/10/96, Canada
I have to tell you that this Web site is one of the best I
have seen yet. It is very well organised and seems complete in it's
content. It is a site that makes you think.......

"Neo-Tech is the right thing for the people to live as a total
free man. Neo-Tech will pervade over all in the next century."
D.T.,, 6/22/97, Nepal

R.L.,, 10/15/00
I bought the book about 5 years ago, when I
received it I looked at and put it down. I didn't pick it
up till about 3 days ago. I now want to learn more! Now when
I read I understand what
It's saying.

D.V.,, 1/11/97
Thought provoking. Truly revolutionary. Light years ahead!!!

"A definite must for the entire planet. No person should do
without this information."
P.L.,, 3/4/97, Australia

J. C.,,
It might take a while to understand, but only the real seekers will
get the answers their looking for. So try to unlock the secrets.
J. Campos 6/1/02

so amazed.

E.R., ., 3/2/02
I am glad to see such progress has been made. It feels as though the light has come back to all.

C.G.,, 2/10/97
I think you will change humanity. I have been telling all the people

A.L.,, 12/10/00
The Neo Tech info at first is unbelievable, I
in fact bought
the book a few years ago and read as much as possible that I
felt I could comprehend at the time! But to be honest it was
over my head! I could not understand completely the
information as I read it! I at that time, probably 6 or 7 years ago,
could not sit still to fully digest the information so I simply
read it quickly without taking the time to really understand it.
So I thought it too was bull shit. But now that I am older
and wiser I understand every word of it, and it most certainly
is not bull shit!

A.T.,, 4/20/99
With Neo-Tech, people will break the bonds that
restrict their abilities and limit their possibilities. Once
the mystical, clouded, neocheating mentality is washed away,
there will be a clear path toward success and happiness.
People will learn to trust
themselves again and stop relying on external 'GODS'. Keep
on trucking Neo-Tech.... full steam ahead.

J.H.,, 12/24/96
I would like to congratulate NTP on this web site. The information is
invaluable to all the individuals of this world. Please keep diversifying the
message in as many ways as you can. Not everyone marches to the beat of the
same drummer. It is obvious that you understand this. Without the very concepts
that embody Neo-Tech, I would have lost all vision of the future of mankind as
any other than a relentless repetition that would eventually lead to our
destruction. So, keep climbing to the tree-tops and spreading the word

"It is my feeling that there is no other truly honest logical
distillation of life applicable philosophy being espoused."
M.C.,, 5/13/97

P.T.,, 1/4/98
Great site! Keep up your good work!

R.S.,, 10/4/97, Canada
"Beyond all domains of doubt, the IRS is a force-backed authoritarian
organization that has to be dismantled completely to put an end to its
hypocrisy, deceit, wanton criminal intimidation, victimization and
destruction of honest, hardworking and productive individuals. To be sure,
the IRS is a disgrace to American society! It is indeed ironic that the USA,
a country which prides itself on being the most prosperous, scientifically
and technologically advanced in the world and which makes so much fuss about
justice and human rights worldwide, has created the IRS which epitomizes, in
its own backyard, the very antithesis of much cherished American values. "

T.S.,, 11/6/99, Ethiopia
A good thing to keep on the internet.

C.P.,, 10/8/99
We need a Neo-Tech president.

M.P.,, 9/9/97
"Welcome to the new world of peace and harmony!!!!!!"

Beth R.,, 5/12/99
Be assured...there are those out here implementing your words
and following the path you have shown us possible. As you state
yourself, the urge to give in to the daily get-along-games are
strong(watching TV/mind-numbing movies/waste of time 'friends')
and we occasionally slip but thanks to your guiding light, we
always find our way back to the road. Young entrepreneurs, those
like myself who have only fully integrated your words in the
past few years, are only now shedding the final layers of parental
trappings and societal standards to rekindle the fires of their
imaginations and find for the first time what they really want
to do in life! We are now beginning to grow and soon I promise
you(and myself), Mr. Wallace, you will see the fruits of your
efforts... Thanks for the fertilizer--MIRICLE GROW!

J.H.,, 3/18/00
Thank you Neo-Tech for giving me the tools to get rid of
mysticism. Now I take full responsibility for all my
problems. My problems belong to no one
else. Neo-Tech has also opened my eyes to how important
is, it sickens me to see politicians sacrifice our freedom and
go against humanity. I now know that thanks to me, my future
will be better.

P.E.,, 7/19/99, Australia
Keep it up some one must bring back sanity.

Claude W. V.O.,, 4/20/02
If the rest of the world knew the truth that is in these writings there would be no wars or terrorist activities. All of mankind would flourish to its maximum capabilities and the space program would be eons down the road. For the truth stands more powerful than anything that neo-cheaters can muster in their cheating thoughts to develop more power over as many as they can. The truth leaves them powerless! I've had the book, God-Man, for over three years and still read it to absorb the knowledge and put it
into use everyday.

C.D.,, 11/9/01
I have had the pleasure and fortune of enlightenment through Neo-Tech. Thanks to Neo-Tech, I see crystal clear through the mystic fog that has been
shrouding us for centuries. Not only would I like to see this sight expand, but it must expand to continue to spread the word of a better, brighter and
mystic free world. Knowledge is power. I only hope that it is not to late to save ourselves at this crucial juncture in time. It is the best thing that has
happened to me, and dfinitely the best thing for the human race. The computer is the beginning of a universal community (a very powerful tool) that will
eventually make the Neo-Tech way of life known to the masses. Therefore this site must never come down, but continue to grow as it continues to
reach and pull the people out of the mystic fog that has stifled us for far to long.

W.K.,, 8/13/97, Africa
"Please, I and my people would like to see a Swahili publication in order
for the masses of people who don't speak other foreign languages to become
knowledgeable of this valuable information. After all, the more net value
producers in this world means less net value destroyers there would be."

R.H.,, 8/5/97
"Terrific web site!"

Roxane,, 11/10/00
I think the Neo-Tech web site is very
Innovative and all around fascinating.

ThunderWriter, ,
I spent nine months saving $120, another nine months swallowing
the unbelievable, and now thanks to my profound vision, i look forward
to promoting Neo-Tech on my own web. It took me three years to save enough
to buy a computer, but now I can tell the world. Thank you me for having
the courage to finish it and thank heavens I was born in this time of age
to experience our final evolution... it took more then 2,300 years for
one lone man to figure it all out.

Laura J.,, 3/12/98
What an eye opener your materials are. I would like to know
that everyone has access to them.

A.A.,, 5/16/97
Thanks Neo-Tech, for bringing light back into the world.

S.P.,, 9/5/97
"Reading Neo-Tech gives me peace of mind, confidence, and self-esteem."

K.B.,, 3/8/00, Canada
Fascinating material.

"Mysticism is truly useless. Let us all pursue its extinction
immediately! Neo-tech flows through my mind unblocked by
mysticism! I am Zonpower. My children will be Zonpower. My
business is Zonpower. My new international business hyperstructure
will deliver Zonpower into the hands of 100 million individuals.
The end of the irrational/mystical is here! End of Line."
M.C.,, 6/26/97

"Please keep this site on the web. I have become quite accustomed
to reading Neo-Tech during lunch at work. It re-energizes me and
is very beneficial in this setting as I can immediately apply the
concepts I have just read to actual situations at work."
W.M.,, 2/5/97

RP,, 5/23/03
this site is an amazing resource for gaining control and power over your own

": I have just visited this sight for the first time and I was
greeted with a wave of relief that the knowledge is finally being
let out."
J.M.,, 3/8/97

Y.S.,, 2/2/97, Malaysia
This web site is great. Great for me to learn valuable knowledge.

R.P.,, 7/27/98, Canada
Very fascinating . lot of truth and eye-opening values.

A.J. Verolme, planet.n, The Netherlands
Dear Zon, Your website is essential for mankind.

C.P.,, 5/22/02
I purchased my Neo-Tech book about 10 years ago. Read the 1st volume and shelved it. I could not get past the part about religion. Dumb mistake. I started to
read the books again with the extra years of life experience and 'thinking', wow what a differenc
e. I'm learning the tools I need to finally succeed.

H.I.,, 5/11/98
Everybody needs a good dose of this stuff. It basically
tells the individual why the world sucks.

DN,, 4/7/03
All my life I'd been forced to go to church. Even though I didn't want to
believe, I couldn't reject the idea of God, and Jesus Christ. It was
brain-washed into me. Even when I told people I didn't believe, I prayed every
night. I prayed because I was afraid of what would happen if I didn't. I feared
God. I spent most of my life afraid, even after I left home, and no longer had
to go to church. But as the years have gone by I've found it easier to think for
myself. Instead of asking God to fix my problems. I needed to face them head on,
and fix them myself. As soon as I started thinking this way, my problems seemed
to go away. I started going to sleep at night without a prayer. I started to be
happy. I began to have a vague idea of how to look at life. Neo-tech is helping
me focus what I already felt.

"I found it awesome!"
A.T.,, 1/6/97, Mexico

"Thank you for taking the time to create this website. I think it
will open a lot of minds to opportunities in personal growth that
most people aren't exposed to."
N.W.,, 1/20/97

A.M.,, 7/1/97
The truth *and* honesty on your site are refreshing.

"I like the way it was written and I am glad that I was
introduced because I am one who is providing jobs for others. I
am getting punished by taxation instead of incentives to continue
or grow. It really sucks that I always feel like if I screw up in
my accounting ONCE, a person from the parasitic group is going to
come down on me and take all I worked for and give it to a
parasitic group who does not contribute. They don't even
understand what a beneficial individual I am to our society.
R.L.,, 1/29/97

K.D.,, Belgium
I read 'The Book' (God-Man & Neo-tech)Won-der-ful !!! Magnificent!
Undoubtedly the very best book I have read!

B.G.,, 5/18/97
Very impressive! Glad to see someone thinking.

A.A.,, 6/2/97
A fascinating site. It expands your mind and helps form new ways of

"I am very happy to see good self-improvement info. on the Net. I
am looking forward to reading all you have to offer."
O.S.,, 6/27/97, Essex

A.N.,, 3/22/98
I think Neo-Tech is great.

I am an Alaskan Native, have lived on the
streets, recovered
alcoholic & drug addict, and have been a victim of abuse and

"Wonderful site! It is amazing what can be learned here."
A.P.,, 2/14/97, United Kingdom

"Interesting subject, I need to find out more, I'm extremely
J.T.,, 2/3/97

S.P.,, 1/14/00
I think Mark is a man of true, honest vision
and an accomplished writer. His expertly crafted style holds
and projects the true essence of honest love. 'God-Man'
inspires hope in the reader while showing our next
evolution. For the first time in my life I feel that I am
not alone, I am elated. It is of great encouragement and
inspiration to find such a man who is helping bring our next
evolution into fruition!

A.S.,, 8/2/97
"Neo-Tech should definitely stay on the web. I am a completely different and
extremely more productive person for it. This (new) knowledge I've gained is

P.M.,, 7/25/97, Australia
Neo-Tech offers many windows of opprtunities in creativity
and originality, it has worked for me and it should work for anyone
else. I am sick of negativity in people and dead-psyche minds. It is
time these people were healed by Neo-Tech. Finally let's continue to
unplug the sludge of mysticism that has soaked peoples minds for many

R.G.,, 4/2/99
Neo-Tech is Perfect. Absolutely Perfect.

T.B.,, 3/5/00
Neo-Tech represents the most cogent,
logic-based world view I have found. I am profoundly

being peddled and dismiss it without a second thought.

P.M.,, 5/11/97
Thanks for each and every word of wisdom that you've shared with us.

Generation X,, 6/11/00
Did you like the New Civilization as described
in The Story?
Did you like that New Life?
Would you like for The Story to become real in this life?
Would you like to experience happiness as described in The
Would you like to have more friends that understand The
Story the way you do?
Introduce more and more people you know to Neo-Tech.
BUT...first introduce them to The Story.
DO NOT start out with the whole NT concepts at first.
'Get them' with The Story first...
Do it slowly.
Do it carefully.
Results will come with time...
The Story is better understood by people who are uncommon
with NT.
Introduce The Story first...It will work out better this way
for you and them... Trust me...I know...
~~~Generation X~~~

M.C.,, 10/19/98
I'm about half-way through God-Man and would like to be put
in touch with practical applications and contact with others,
including of the opposite sex. If there is a Neo-tech 'dating
service' out there, how is it accessed? Is there any game-plan
in place or recommended for helping to cover and digest all of
this information and, using my own judgment, determine how much
and how to integrate into my lifestyle? Some guidance would be
appreciated, including how best to navigate the web site. I think
it's important to get your information 'out there' and expose
those of us who have been looking to it so that we can process,
evaluate and potentially utilize it. And for those who have not
been looking, perhaps awaken an interest.

Annabel B., yahoo, Belgium
I enjoy reading The Book. It is very intriguing and mind-expanding. In
all, I find there are many positive ideas and it encourages one to lead a
productive life.

"This is the most honest information I have ever seen. It is time
the politicians were be placed where they belong, under us, not
above us. They have been elected to serve us, not us serve them.
Keep up your work. I feel honored to have read and re-read your
J.P.,, 3/18/97

"'Fascinating!!!' as Spock would say. I feel like I found a gold
mine. I look forward to reading more to find out who put all this
wisdom together. I love the vocabulary and perspective on this web
page. I feel like I have rejoined a long lost platoon of warriors.
The enemies you name are the same that I have been fighting."
J.S.,, 6/24/97

P.G.,, 2/25/03
As I read the information, I visualize what is happening all
over the world
at this time. Everything now makes sense.

M. H.,
I accept Neo-Tech. I reject mysticism.
Thank you Neo-Tech. I believe
Neo-Tech showed/opened the door to my Genius. Everyone in
the world should know this: Neo-Tech is the truth.

M.I.,, 2/7/97, United Kingdom
If this site was banned or ceased to exist the future would indeed be

"I would DEFINITELY like the Neo-Tech WWW site to stay AND to
expand. It's the best I come across! Only a fool (or a
neocheater) would want to see this site terminated!!!"
A.D.,, 2/4/97

M.B.,, 4/17/97
This is my first exposure, I find the content interesting. It seems
to encompass the complete width and breath of life.

M.L.,, 11/25/02
After reading the negative and positive comments about your web site, I was struck by the use of profanity and emotional attacks in the negative comments

Ron & B.G.,, 9/5/01
I have just received The Book a couple of
weeks ago and findits contents very amazing. I am beginning to see things
differentlyin this government controlled world.

E.B.,, 5/20/97
I have enjoyed the stimulation of the NEO-TECH influence in my life.
Your web site gave me a shot in the brain when I needed it.

V.G.,, 10/4/00, Australia
The story is very well written and quite

T.P.,, 6/30/98
Am fascinated by Dr. Wallace's manuscripts.

S.S.,, 2/24/00
Hello... When I first discovered this site, I
read the Negative responses first and logged off to never
again come back. But since than, I've received a mailing
asking me if I wanted to order the manuscripts. Then, I went
online and “really' read and this time, actually understood
what the whole purpose of the Neo-Tech was/is. And it got me
very interested. I enjoy this site every day gives
me insights on life that I always had but was afraid to put
into place...into my future! I really appreciate all of your
efforts and hope that this site will grow into an empire of
knowledge so Neo-Thinkers can enjoy this knowledge for
generations! ...I am only 15 years old.

P.A.,, 1/17/99, Australia
At last the “cage of madness' has dissolved in
my mind. I can now truly see the honest light and the
neocheating parasitical sharks that roam our planet. This
Neo-Tech philosophy contains powerful psychological medicine
that can wash away the mental pain caused by a disease
called mysticism. I give mysticism less than 4 years till it
becomes extinct. Thank you Frank Wallace!!

r.s.,, 5/6/02, canada
The more people that know about Neo-Tech, makes the world a better place to live!

R.B.,, 9/30/01, Mauritius
I wish I could enlist myself in your team for the FRW Battle Plan. I would give my life for freedom, business, peace & romantic love.

C.P.,, 9/9/99
I am Christopher Pearce, remember that name because I am gonna
be a prosperous individual because of neo tech. I am 18 years
old, I applied neo tech to my life almost instantly and with
that knowledge, I got off my lazy ass and looked for work.
After looking for work for almost a week I apply for a car wash
place and I run into a business man, dressed in work clothes with
'express detail' on his shirt. He offered me to work with him, we
bonded. He now wants me to work with him and head other companies he
is opening (i.e. Skateboard company, bmx company, and a jet ski
outlet, to fix and sell jet skis). I'm gonna work at his detail
company and by the end of this year (with hard work and saving
up $$$) and I am gonna help him he said ' I've got bigger plans
for you,' either way my life is going into new and exciting areas.
Look for my name one day, because I'm gonna be successful, all
thanks to neo tech by telling me to get out there and be

"Great site. Keep it up!"
R.L.,, 4/30/97

M.W.,, 3/3/98, Canada
Neo-Tech rules!

P.M.,, 2/1/00
I have thoroughly enjoyed the insight and
inspiration that Neo-Tech has bestowed upon me

This is the best sites on the internet.

P.H.,, 6/2/97, Australia
What a brilliant idea the Internet is! It has become the perfect
distributor for worldwide Neo-Tech knowledge. Producers of values may unite
from anywhere to everywhere on our earth. LOVE IT!!!

P.W., ., 11/24/01, Colombia
Reading your site helped me order my mind. Living in Colombia is putting up with neocheaters all the time, your website has given me the much needed
ammunition to start blasting away at people and institutions that regard the countries riches as their own
private pocket money. Thanks,

AW,, 5/31/03
The world could have done with this so much earlier its extraordinary I prize
knowledge above everything else now I know more than I could have imagined. The
Zon discovery is worrying for me to look in everyone with so much honesty peace
inner love and forgiveness is by far the most courageous thing I have been asked
to do

B.A.,, 1/9/97
The stuff I've read already is incredible. The footnote concerning
social security is already happening as we speak. This is great. This is great

R.K.,, 5/4/99, United Kingdom
I can say that your site has encouraged me to
look at the world in fresh and positive ways.

B.J.,, 12/1/01
Thank you NEO-TECH -- I will forever hold my heart to the beat of 'NEO-TECH!' We will smash the NEO-CHEATERS out of existence and once-and-for-all end the

G.G.,, 12/23/00
I can thank you enough for Dr. Wallace and his
Neo-Tech discoveries. Four months ago, Dr. Wallace and his associates
gave me the courage to start my own business, and profits are booming.
More importantly, my happiness has soared to new heights.
Thank you is not enough.

H.J.,, 1/29/03
At the time I originally received a Neo-tech mailer(3-4 yrs ago), I was looking for answers and finally felt I had found them. However, I was surrounded by
mysticism plagued individuals and often got discouraged or regressed back to old unproductive habits. None-the-less, I never forgot what I learned, and I always improved myself in some way shape or form after reading neo-tech material. Recently I realized
I have become stagnant and was no longer moving forward as quickly as I had wanted. So I looked up Neo-tech on the web and found 'The Story'. I think 'The Story' was a great idea and definitely made Neo-tech and Integrated thinking more easily
understandable. I have already sent two teacher friends of mine this story with the intentions of raising aw
areness. Thank You so much.

L.F.,, 3/29/97
I am a 23 year old college student and new to your site. Neo-Tech
totally changed the direction my life was headed. I am now ready and exited to
begin a new life of discovery and adventure. I will be forever grateful for
your information. Thank you.

Awesome, I always knew this deep down in my soul. PRAISE be
yours for bringing this lost knowledge to the light of day!!!

D.K.,, 7/14/98
Unbelievable idea that I do understand. THANK YOU.

R. O.,
I first read the Zonpower Neo tech book about two years ago.
Its contents and facts about being productive opened my eyes to a whole new
world. I recommend everyone should read it, even if it is just to see things
from a different point of view. But Zonpo wer made me see things rationally,
and truthfully.

P.S., TELEPORT.COM, 12/10/01
Should Neo-Tech be on the internet ? Maybe we should ask if the sun should shine tomorrow.

"Who wouldn't want such answers to many of Life's most central
questions? Spreading such a word is both compassionate and
C.N.,, 1/5/97

S.R.,, 1/15/98

B.E.,, 8/29/97
I checked out this so called MIRACLE (Neo-Tech) a friend tells me
about! I have been reading this site now for about 1 month and have somehow been
able to actually be a magnet to women. I will never stop reading this site.
It's to valuable!!

C.P.,, 2/24/98, South Africa
Neo-Tech gave me a fresh burst of energy to pursue my life
long dream.

A.P.,, 3/13/97, Puerto Rico
Very powerful information that properly applied can lead one to a
positive transformation from traditional living and thinking.

L.M.,, Mexico
It's the most valuable information I've ever received.

M.M.,, 3/6/00
With the honesty formula as presented in The Story
the world must become a better place.
without it there will be certain destruction.

R.C.,, 4/28/98
This truly is insightful information
that does shed much needed light on the 'reality' of human life.

M.R.,, 4/29/97

T.B.,, 1/6/99
Neo-tech is powerful and it is growing at a tremendous rate
as we approach the year 2000. I share the concepts of Neo-tech
at every opportunity. Integrated honesty is the only way to live
a rational life. What a eye-opener.

Simon,, 6/23/01, Australia
Neo-Tech opens the pathway to more enriched
thinking, exactly what the
human race could do with at present !

K.C.,, 8/6/97
Neo-Tech's philosophy succeeds brilliantly in applying
Objectivist principles to daily life and work in the 'Get Rich By 2001'
section. Its focus on wide-scale integration and task structuring to
concentrate on money-making purpose is brilliant.

It's been an eye-opening experience. THANKS!

Everybody need your site. The information is of the utmost

B.H.,, 7/22/97
"Your concepts are exciting."

M.E.,, 4/26/00
I came across your Zonpower information quite a
long time ago. I have been drowning in mysticism since that time. Internal
mysticism was the brick that sealed the 'shelter box' within my mind.
I did not want to attempt and then fail living a life of
hardworking happiness. Outside mystics easily manipulated me after my
internal default of mysticism took over. Finally
now, as I write, I am breaking out of that “box' and
learning to move on to increased productivity and fully
integrated honesty (that will be nice). I know it won't happen over night.
Having read your book once fully, and halfway
through the second time, I am enjoying “real' life more,
and understanding the baloney of the mystics in the world
around me. The real question for each and every individual who
understands and accepts Neo-Tech is: Am I going to act upon
the knowledge I have, or just sit on it until I die? I should
have asked myself that question years ago.

"Well organized, interesting, and entertaining."
P.D.,, 1/17/97, Chile

"Intriguing information. I read a few pages this morning and
thought about it throughout the day. I believe everyone knows deep
down that they were born for far more than they're experiencing
and contributing in this lifetime. I plan to continue reading more
- it gets better as I read along."
D.W.,, 6/17/97

J.D.,, 4/28/99
This site is pure blasphemy. Clearly Satan is at the reigns of
this organization. I hope you don't think you'll succeed this
time, Lucifer. It is written in the book of Revelation that
you will try, and FAIL. This is just another prophecy of the
Holy Bible coming true. This site should be removed, censored,
and in all other ways dispensed of.
The Word of Jesus Christ is the only true path
to Righteousness, success, and (spiritual) wealth. The Bible
holds the ultimate value. This 'power' that neo-tech
offers is nothing but an illusion.
It will seem like you have everything you need,
but when Judgement Day comes (and it's not that far away) you
will realize that you sold your soul for a very, very brief period
of happiness, which will only be followed by an eternity in Hell.
You CAN repent. You CAN confess your sins. You
can get back on God's good list. Please: anyone who reads
this that has ever had a fear of God in them, do NOT buy this
literature. It is the worst kind of evil in today's world.
We are only here for a little while. I would like to see each and every one
of you in Heaven. I would much rather live a life of poverty on
earth and serve the Lord than drive a Viper and deny him.
Where I'm going, wealth and success mean nothing.

N.L.,, 9/17/97
"Dear Neo-Tech, I think it is very important for this site to stay on the
web. It is a great source of information for all. Within days of first
reading Neo-Tech, I was able to eliminate many unnecessary things from my
life. And I effortlessly began making an estimated $1000.00 a week. I think
all anyone has to do is read this and open their minds and the possibilities
are endless. I owe a lot to Neo-Tech. I would like to thank Neo-Tech for
making my life so much better and allowing me to do what I only before
dreamed of. I am now live a life of total happiness and am able to get
anything I want in life. Thanks again"

Beth R.,, 11/3/98
Congratulations on 12 years of outcompeting God and Government
following the attack on your writing and research center.
Thanks to all the staff at Neo-tech Publishing for making my
transformation(and millions of others) possible.
Ignorance once dispelled can never return
-- thank you for 'popping' my mystical bubble and
waking me to life before my life slipped away. May the
memory of November 3rd live on forever.

L.P.,, 2/14/00
The information provided by Neo-Tech is
extremely moving. I thank you for providing that which will
certainly move the whole of civilization to new and exciting

A.B.,, 8/16/99
Your info has brought me great levels of
success. Thank you a million times over.

Let people realize the truth about life and everything
that goes with it.

EARL,, 2/6/02
Hello Mr. mark Hamilton, I wish I had , had a teacher like miss Annabel, when I was in the 3rd. grade .I think this article or story about miss Annabel ,
should be required reading in the schools .. , religious , and secular .. my own life has been a dreary one , influenced by the 'church' and 'prudish'
adults .. at 68 years , looking back over my life , I find that I never really knew what true love meant .. many of my generation , equated the physical
'act' as being 'in love' restroom 'graffiti' in the lower grades, were often our guide to sexual pleasure .. being from a very dysfunctional home , where
our parents never showed any 'open affection' before us, hugs , kisses, praise etc. was not a way to encourage us as grown men , to know 'what to do' in ways
of pleasing our wives .. I am just a 'layman' no degrees etc. but I hope with all of my being, that society will keep on 'evolving' so that there will be
'happiness in the male , female relationships ' thanks for opening my mind to other views about life !!!! and where mankind is headed.

S.K,, 8/2/97, India
"I found Neo-Tech most progressive, scientific and educative."

The Book did what you promised. I can finally think for myself. I have also
read everything Ayn Rand has ever written because of neo-tech. Frankly, I
cannot understand why objectivists hate neo-tech so much. I was raised Catholic
and now I am an atheist. When I was a kid I loved Star Wars. Now Star Wars
seems metaphysically retarded to me. I used to love punk rock, and now punk
seems like collectivism! I now have my first 'real job' in a Fortune 500
company and I owe it all to Aristotle, Aquinas, Rand and neo-tech!

"We need Neo-Tech, it is too easy to become stale and vulnerable
in our society of users and abusers. Thanks!"
P.C.,, 4/7/97

L.N.,, 11/25/02

P.M.,, 4/29/99, Australia
Neo-Tech is extremely valuable. It has the
power to break the mystical spell and burst the mystic
bubble with which one is trapped. Upon reading Neo-Tech, the
mind experiences (from my perspective) a mental explosion (a
big bang) with it's medicinal tonic called honesty. At last,
a new dimension of thought is here. This literature opens
all doors that were previously locked in one's mind due to
the contamination of an ugly language called 'mysticism'.
Reality is now more enjoyable that I am free from the cages
and machinery of madness that once padlocked my mind in a
world where authority had all the keys. Neo-Tech is the
ultimate natural medicine.

T.R.,, 7/13/98
The hard cheese of truth is found within the slices of
Neo-Tech bread.

T.G.,, 12/13/97
There is some very valuable Information on this web site.

S.F.,, 1/25/98
Neo-Tech and the 114 concepts that Frank R. Wallace has developed
has changed my life. I am more in control of my life since reading
the materials. I thank personally Frank for changing my life. You are one
of the greatest value-producer of information I will probably ever read.

T.F.,, 2/12/99
Thank you for opening my eyes. We have a lot of work to do.

C.P.,, 11/25/98
It's intellectually challenging.

D.W.,, 10/20/01, Cook
I brought Neo-Tech in 1995, I didn't believe it. After several miserable years, I woke up one day and remembered your e-mail address and have been down
loading since January 2001. Me the Disabled Veteran, Ex-Mailman, and Non-active Master-Mason, have finally found the answer. Finally I have the answer to
really make me happy as an adult. Society will end without Neo-Tech, please continue.

K. A.,,8/22/00, Israel
Looking back, Neo-Tech and the resulting
changes in my life are REALLY the best things that happened to me. I don't know
how to thank you.

F.A.,, 3/14/03
Thru the use of DTC, I was able to rise above an addiction to oxycontin.
One of the most harmful drugs ever released. After three
operations, the world had lost all of its color. The darkness that
my world had become left me on the verge of suicide. I dove back
into Neo-Tech, and managed to become whole again. Thank-you again
and again for giving me the tools I needed to make this world
my own.

E.E.,, 7/11/97
"I completely agree with you on the dishonesty and mystical
thinking crap. I also like your readings on biological immortality
because I think its completely possible, the only thing holding us
back is the religions (mysticism) saying 'its not right we must
die to go to heavens pearly gates'. Screw heavens pearly gates I
want to be immortal and completely free of mysticism to gain
ultimate power and happiness the right way not the neocheat way.
Thank you NEO-TECH you better stay on the web your info really

C.H.,, 9/15/98
This information may for the first time open peoples eyes to
what is 'really' going on in the world around them. Most people
blindly follow the system (government), blindly believing that
it is the best thing for society as a whole. I truly believe in what
has been presented in this web site. I wholeheartedly wish that
everyone would open their closed 'unconscious' minds.

M.B.,, 10/24/98
I received an add from you trying to get me to buy your
course. I sent my order form in on the 21 of this month. in
the add this man goes into a library and finds a book,
which I don't know if this is true or just part of you
selling plan, but I would like to know the name of the book
that he talked about. I have bought your course but it will
take a couple of weeks to get here and
I am really interested in know the answer to this question?

K.K.,, 2/3/97
It drastically changed the way I think about things.
Keep up the brave work.

P.I.,, 3/7/00
I can't wait to come home from work ever
since I started reading 'The Story' from your website until I am done.
I can see through my mind's eye the events unfolding before me,
as if I am there present and observing what is happening,
which touched me emotionally and moved me to tears
as I read every chapter! It's great, unique, prophetic,
and enlightening! Well done! And thank you for
the intangible values you have given us.

RM,, 3/28/00
An attempt to break the chains that bind us.
You have a point of view which should be shared with others
and explored with everyone who enjoys an open mind and a
love of challenge.

K.M.,, 11/5/01
Neo-Tech obviously represents free thought. I have just recently began to study, but I realized the self-actuating motive that I did not know existed. This
is the intellectual challenge that I longed for.

H.H.,, 8/8/97, New Zealand
"The knowledge is unbelievably correct and has certainly created a clear
rational mind for me. It will take time for people to clear their minds from
irrationality to rational thought. But they will be the much richer for it.
I am putting the word of Neo-Tech out for people to have a look at this
information. It would be selfish of me to keep it to myself. All you guys
are legends and I'm indebted for your tireless efforts in producing this
valuable site and literature. Keep up the good work. Your profound Honesty
book received ten days ago is fantastic, and I am now into my second

"Looks like I will be spending a lot of time reading all of this.
J.W.,, 1/29/97

Thank you very, very much for sharing too much vital, unprecedented, threatening,
classified TOP SECRET Information with everybody. I Love you!!!! You stir my
inspiration and understanding of this evil & chaotic world.

continue to study this information and integrate it into my life.

J.O.,, 8/27/97
After having read Zonpower manuscript 4 yrs ago my life went from
drifter to capturing my own essence with the help of
iron grip control. my fears have become exhilarated grasps
of life. I manage many employees through D.T.C. and Neo-Tech.

K.W.,, jackson

T.M.,, 8/22/97
Neo-Tech has been the best thing to come into my life.

R.D.,, 1/1/99, Canada
On October 9,1990, at age 22 I crawled out of my bedroom
window, into my packed small car and drove with tears
flowing down my face to my first home 35 miles away,
near my good job. Even though I
lost hundreds of fake friends, family, girlfriend; My
'escape from Alcatraz' was one of the best decisions I ever made.
Of course my buying the Neo-Tech Discovery on Dec.,1989 was THE best
decision. By integrating Neo-Tech, intense FEELINGS/EMOTIONS of
wellbeing, euphoria, romantic
love, happiness, and deep sexual desire rise up in my life
daily now! I never
smoke, drink, consume caffeine, alcohol, and SUGAR! Lazy
people where I work go out of their way to avoid me! I outflank and
outproduce them all, even my boss! Neo-Tech actions are like an
invisible, invincible power. Neo-Tech is for you! Ladies and gentlemen,
boys and girls, your problems have found their solution.

C.F.,, 3/6/00
The bulletin boards are great.

M.D.,, 9/21/98
A wonderful way to think. The greatest thing since sliced
bread. Thank you so much.

now it's soon to be reality.

"Chapter 7 excited me enough to demand more."
B.K.,, 1/23/97

"This is good. Someone is trying to change the way the world is
going. We need more people to bring positive thoughts and ideas
to the public."
Q.C.,, 1/24/97

R.K.,, 7/14/97
"This site helps people understand the inner workings of one self
and helps them move onto correcting the problem. This is actually
one of the few sites that I feel should stay on-line."

R.P.,, 10/11/97, India
"I just got a net connection today. I found your site through Ayn Rand. Boy
has it freshened me and exited me. Please inform me more of Neo-Tech, what I
can do to spread what you are doing?"

"I think what your doing is fantastic. It's so refreshing to see
the principles of Objectivism being applied with your vigor and
business savvy."
R.L.,, 3/4/97

R.G.,, 2/5/97
The best site on the entire information highway. Let there be

I believe that Neo-Tech have some very revolutionary and honest
ideas and thank goodness that not all of us are pawns and mindless followers
of the main-stream authority. Long live Freedom!

G.W.,, 4/6/97
This New World site must stay on the `net' to help `those who will
inherit the earth' through the Civilization of The Universe, while ostracizing
the pip-squeaks and parasitical elites from the earth.

E.D.,, 10/30/01, US of A
NT is the solution to most of the problem I am aware of with this world and the inhabitants.

J.G.,, 8/25/99
The world needs Neo-Tech more than ever.

W.M.,, 8/21/99
Excellent guidelines for achieving desired goals.

V.W.,, 7/3/00

I love reading 'The Book'. And I love the way that my new
found excitement is changing my life. Live the life your were meant to
live. I think that when everyone is using web tv in their homes, neo-tech
will really take off. All people need is to have the right information
given to them, and they all will make the right choices for their lives.

Should Neo-Tech be on the internet ? Maybe we should ask if the
sun should shine tomorrow.

I have thoroughly enjoyed reading the various drafts of Limitless Riches -- Automatic
Romance!? It is incredible to see how much effort is going into this manuscript.
It is awesome to read the latest draft and find it even more valuable than it
was just a few days or weeks before. I appreciate having such an in-depth look
at the creative process, and I look forward to the final manuscript with great

m.d.,, 8/8/01, canada
Everyone should read this. Too bad most are too
weak and small minded to accept any of it. After reading some of the
negative comments made about this site, I wonder if humanity will
manage to avoid self-destruction.

D.W.,, 2/28/97
The world needs this web site. The Neo-Tech
site now stands in a distinct class all its own.
I would like to congratulate all
contributors of Neo-Tech information and those who share its views on being the
true benefactors to all humankind. My devotion and commitment to being a
competent value producer is adamant and firmly rooted in my own
self-preservation. For the sake of all that is or ever has depicted love,
integrated honesty, and goodness, continue to make available your findings and
publishing. Thank you.

D.C.,, 8/24/99, United Kingdom
Neo-Tech has opened my eyes to the real truth around me.

J.P.,, 1/23/01
I find all this extremely fascinating as it
opens up many
doors, and brings about new questions.

Helga A.,, 7/21/98
It is undoubtedly the most educational material that I have
been exposed to.

T. O.,, 9/6/00, Northern Ireland
I feel like I've learned more in cyberspace in
the last six months than I have in the last thirty years. Thanks to
neo-tech, for the first time in a long time I'm cautiously optimistic
about life and the future.